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Predator and Prey: Assault, harassment, and other aggressions in the entertainment industry

Message added by OtterMommy

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44 minutes ago, MsTree said:

Anal rape. Two different subjects, I know. But it just showed me how far some bitterness can go in order seek revenge.

Wait, what? I was asking about what abuse didn’t occur when a bloody nose is described as a broken nose. 

Personally, I am always hesitant to call an abuse victim a liar over the details because of the wide reaching effects of abuse. Memory and truth are not always black and white in traumatic situations. I have a very specific traumatic memory (not physical abuse) that I know is not completely accurate but I have no clue exactly how it is wrong. 

44 minutes ago, MsTree said:

I mean, let's face it...Amber & Johnny hate one another. And I'll go out on a limb saying that they're equal offenders. However, when one person feels they've been abused more than the other, they feel it's their responsibility to prove it, as well as their point. Whether it's witnesses, pictures, or simply exaggerating different scenarios...they feel justified in doing so.  

Doesn’t this apply to Johnny more than Amber? By all accounts she moved on. If they were equal offenders he is lying more than she is and he is the one using the courts to prove that he is the bigger victim.  Even if she is exaggerating the abuse she suffered than he is completely denying the abuse he inflicted.  Her only options were to defend herself or to settle and effectively say that he wasn’t abusive which would have been a lie. 

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23 hours ago, Hiyo said:

The word "cancel" is like the word "woke", something that has been co-opted in a certain way by certain people for silly culture wars as a distraction from tackling real issues.

It's so generic that it's essentially meaningless now.  I also think it's used like producers put illuminati symbols in movies: it draws out a certain segment of the population and gets more attention (views, clicks, etc.) than it otherwise would have.

In Langella's case, I'm guessing he thinks "crying woke" will draw out culture warriors to defend him.  Without that veneer, it's just him being an asshole. And people don't generally like to defend assholes.

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2 hours ago, SusanM said:

I had no real opinion on either of them before this latest conflict blew up but Depp himself is the one who's convinced me that they are't actually equal offenders at all.

I’ve said the same. Initially, I didn’t know anything about this whole thing and then I came to think perhaps they are 2 toxic people that both abused each other. But now that I have more info (against my own will lol) it is just so abundantly clear that he abused her and that she is clearly a DV victim at his hands. 

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3 hours ago, SusanM said:

We wouldn't be discussing this right now though if Depp wasn't pushing this lawsuit.  At the end of the day he's the one who is still offending against her by dragging her name through the mud and hoping enough of it sticks so that he gets a pat on the back from the official court and from the court of public opinion.  He could have chosen to be the bigger person and just moved on...but he didn't.  I had no real opinion on either of them before this latest conflict blew up but Depp himself is the one who's convinced me that they are't actually equal offenders at all.

Well said, I completely agree. It sickens me that the throngs who show up for court each day, like it's a play, cheer him and boo her. 😣😣😣😣😣 He's no hero.

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1 hour ago, Prairie Rose said:

Well said, I completely agree. It sickens me that the throngs who show up for court each day, like it's a play, cheer him and boo her. 😣😣😣😣😣 He's no hero.

I'll bet the rules would change for most if not all of them if it were one of them or their  loved ones who'd been treated the way Mr. Depp admits he treated Miss Heard! 

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57 minutes ago, Notabug said:

This reminds me of the old, and hopefully discarded, notion that it wasn't rape unless the woman had physical injuries.  If her blouse wasn't torn, if she wasn't bruised and bleeding; she must've consented.  If she didn't resist 'hard enough', so he didn't know that she really meant it when she said 'no'.  If he was a real rapist, he would've hurt her. That rape is any less of a crime if the victim doesn't have severe physical injuries.  Rape is rape.  Assault is assault.

Just because we assume that Depp could've hit her hard enough to break her nose, doesn't give him a pass if he hit her with slightly less force, or more likely, that she ducked or got a hand up or otherwise deflected the blow from landing full force. Or, that he was so drunk or high his aim was impaired.

Or if she was drinking, or if she was out late alone, or if she had sex with many partners before the rape, or if she was a sex worker, or if she was ok with some sexual activity but wanted to stop there, etc etc . None of this matters and it’s depressing to see people still victim blaming this way.

Edited by Cinnabon
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30 minutes ago, CynicalGirl said:

I just have a very hard time believing that this was a total grift on Amber's part from the beginning. What exactly was her motive? Was she hoping to expose a beloved leading man as an abuser to further her own career and do a total money grab? That makes absolutely NO sense at all.

What makes sense to me is a man in a mid-life crisis with jealousy and major addiction issues taking it out on his young beautiful wife. He may not even remember what happened, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. People ask, why did she make all those tapes and take pictures? I think she did it to show him what he did in black-out mode. Prove to him what he didn't remember. He might have been the man of her dreams when he was sober. Problem was, he was rarely sober.

I think if his behavior was SLIGHTLY more tolerable, Amber could have had a good thing going by "putting up" with his blackouts and maybe even being slapped around when he was drunk. She could have been his arm candy at awards shows, lived in a fancy mansion, gotten a lot of acting gigs with his connections.

But instead she bolted from the marriage in less than two years. That makes me think that his behavior was NOT tolerable, even by Hollywood standards.

You can practically see the substance abuse in his face. So bloated, skin ruined. Amber still looks very good -- I have no doubt she was probably a mean drunk on occasion as well (drinkers tend to run together), but she doesn't look wrecked from drugs. He does.

I also think that this might be his sick way of holding on to her. Suing her, so he can have some contact with her. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I think if his behavior was SLIGHTLY more tolerable, Amber could have had a good thing going by "putting up" with his blackouts and maybe even being slapped around when he was drunk. She could have been his arm candy at awards shows, lived in a fancy mansion, gotten a lot of acting gigs with his connections.

But instead she bolted from the marriage in less than two years. That makes me think that his behavior was NOT tolerable, even by Hollywood standards.

You can practically see the substance abuse in his face. So bloated, skin ruined. Amber still looks very good -- I have no doubt she was probably a mean drunk on occasion as well (drinkers tend to run together), but she doesn't look wrecked from drugs. He does.

I also think that this might be his sick way of holding on to her. Suing her, so he can have some contact with her. 

Exactly! If she was a respectable gold digger, she would've hung in there, maybe popped out a kid for an eighteen year payout, but she didn't. She gave up the lifestyle, the penthouses for herself and hangers-on, why? Again, this makes absolutely NO sense and totally defies the gold digger/grifter handbook.

I agree he wants to hold on to her, and destroy her. It's sick. If he thinks this rehabilitates his image, well, not in my eyes. But I realize I may be in the minority.

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11 hours ago, Blergh said:

I'll bet the rules would change for most if not all of them if it were one of them or their  loved ones who'd been treated the way Mr. Depp admits he treated Miss Heard! 

Counterpoint: all the women who "defended" Chris Brown by saying that he could beat them like he beat Rihanna because he was attractive and made "good" music.


I'm not saying you're wrong in all cases.  I'm just saying I wouldn't necessarily make the same bet.

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14 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Anal rape? Earlier you said a bloody nose from being punched in the nose.

Trying to make a point re: exaggeration, I apparently used a poor example. I never used the word punch, but simply indicated that a bloody nose (not from a punch, but from flying objects) was reported as a broken nose. To me, one doesn't equal the other.

When Dani asked me what abuse didn't happen, I thought she meant what was reported to police that actually didn't happen. 

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8 hours ago, CynicalGirl said:

Exactly! If she was a respectable gold digger, she would've hung in there, maybe popped out a kid for an eighteen year payout, but she didn't. She gave up the lifestyle, the penthouses for herself and hangers-on, why? Again, this makes absolutely NO sense and totally defies the gold digger/grifter handbook.

Depending on who you believe, she started dating Elon Musk some time between while she was with Depp to no later than a month after the divorce filing. So taking a shot at the richest man in the world does seem like a page out of the grifter handbook.

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1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

Depending on who you believe, she started dating Elon Musk some time between while she was with Depp to no later than a month after the divorce filing. So taking a shot at the richest man in the world does seem like a page out of the grifter handbook.

Except for the fact that it's well documented that Elon cares about Elon first.  He is going to protect his wealth.  He made his first wife, the mother of his first 6 children, sign a post-nuptial agreement.  This op-ed is an interesting read about being the partner to a man like Elon Musk. 


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This article both brings me joy and makes me weep.  How are there still supporters of this man in 2022?


Some highlights--

The producer adds, “If this film doesn’t get released in France, it’s a crime.”

Similarly to its financing, “The Palace” has also been tough to cast. Several actors declined roles, fearing that working with Polanski would tarnish their careers, though “nobody said it in those terms,” says Barbareschi, who underlines that he’s pleased with the cast that he has.

“Every film has its karma. In the end we have the best cast I could have hoped for,” he says. Though “some defections haven’t been easy for Roman,” especially by actors in smaller roles.

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1 minute ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

This article both brings me joy and makes me weep.  How are there still supporters of this man in 2022?


Some highlights--

The producer adds, “If this film doesn’t get released in France, it’s a crime.”

Similarly to its financing, “The Palace” has also been tough to cast. Several actors declined roles, fearing that working with Polanski would tarnish their careers, though “nobody said it in those terms,” says Barbareschi, who underlines that he’s pleased with the cast that he has.

“Every film has its karma. In the end we have the best cast I could have hoped for,” he says. Though “some defections haven’t been easy for Roman,” especially by actors in smaller roles.

NOW people are worried working with this monster will tarnish their careers?? NOW this piece of shit is finally reaping a little of what he sowed?!! What in hell took so long? This thing (I refuse to call him a "man") is nearly 90 , his crime is half as old, and it took this point in time for his career to finally not be so smooth? 

FFS, I'm embarrassed over things I've posted in the past, and yet too many people are able to sleep soundly knowing they voluntarily chose to work with an unrepentant child rapist! 

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

This article both brings me joy and makes me weep.  How are there still supporters of this man in 2022?


Some highlights--

The producer adds, “If this film doesn’t get released in France, it’s a crime.”

Similarly to its financing, “The Palace” has also been tough to cast. Several actors declined roles, fearing that working with Polanski would tarnish their careers, though “nobody said it in those terms,” says Barbareschi, who underlines that he’s pleased with the cast that he has.

“Every film has its karma. In the end we have the best cast I could have hoped for,” he says. Though “some defections haven’t been easy for Roman,” especially by actors in smaller roles.

Between Johnny Depp and Elon Musk, Amber Heard has really lousy taste in men. 

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7 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Depending on who you believe, she started dating Elon Musk some time between while she was with Depp to no later than a month after the divorce filing. So taking a shot at the richest man in the world does seem like a page out of the grifter handbook.

Point taken. But I think she knew him beforehand, and he was the one who pursued the relationship. If I just split from my millionaire husband, and a billionaire friend offered a shoulder and a place to stay, I might take them up on it too. Elon said in an interview that Amber was the one who ended the relationship, and he was brokenhearted. I don't see where there was any grift involved, I think he did donate $1M to charity on her behalf but I don't think she walked away with tons of cash or anything. 

And, she went on to have a child as a single woman, instead of getting pregnant by Depp or Musk which would have guaranteed a large paycheck for 18+ years.

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1 hour ago, BlackberryJam said:

I am so fucking sick of Roman Polanski apologists. He raped a 13 year old. He can fall in a hole and die. 

I remember when he won an Oscar in 2003 even though he wasn't there the audience gave him a standing ovation.  It sickened me.  First they voted to give him the Oscar and then they cheer him on.  I lost respect for any actor I saw applauding.

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7 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

I remember when he won an Oscar in 2003 even though he wasn't there the audience gave him a standing ovation.  It sickened me.  First they voted to give him the Oscar and then they cheer him on.  I lost respect for any actor I saw applauding.

So many signed the petition for his release too. Wonder what percentage feel good about that decision. 


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On 5/22/2022 at 2:58 PM, Notabug said:

This reminds me of the old, and hopefully discarded, notion that it wasn't rape unless the woman had physical injuries.  If her blouse wasn't torn, if she wasn't bruised and bleeding; she must've consented.  If she didn't resist 'hard enough', so he didn't know that she really meant it when she said 'no'.  If he was a real rapist, he would've hurt her. That rape is any less of a crime if the victim doesn't have severe physical injuries.  Rape is rape.  Assault is assault.

I sure hope that we as a society are past that stereotype. Sometimes a violation can be very quiet. Sometimes a woman is so frozen in fear that she can't make a sound. Sometimes the guy will whisper and smile. He knows exactly what he's doing. 

@Notabug, your post gets a million likes from me because you are absolutely on point. Thank you. 👏💖

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7 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

“Every film has its karma. In the end we have the best cast I could have hoped for,” he says. Though “some defections haven’t been easy for Roman,” especially by actors in smaller roles.

Throw Up Stephen Colbert GIF by MOODMAN

1 hour ago, bluegirl147 said:

I remember when he won an Oscar in 2003 even though he wasn't there the audience gave him a standing ovation.  It sickened me.  First they voted to give him the Oscar and then they cheer him on.  I lost respect for any actor I saw applauding.

sick puke GIF

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2 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Polanski can get mauled by bears, then partially devoured by fire ants, then fall into a hole filed with broken glass and sharp rocks,  then bake in the sun for several hours, and then die.

Yes, I've thought about this way too much, and no, I don't care, what anyone thinks. I hate that piece of shit.

I appreciate that you've given this a lot of thought, but, if you'll forgive me, I have one small suggestion to change the order of this process:


Polanski can get mauled by bears, then fall into a hole filed with broken glass and sharp rocks, then bake in the sun while being devoured by fire ants,  and then die.

Your methodology would be good, too!  I just think this way gives the fire ants more time to do their best work.

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Depp's severed finger story has flaws

What I found most interesting in this article was a little highlight on the kinds of people who are attending this trial supporting Depp:


The trial has drawn increasing public attention over its length. People camped out overnight and squabbled over places in line as they sought to get one of the 100 seats in the courtroom allocated to the public. During a morning break, one woman professed her love for Depp and asked when he was going to acknowledge that he was the father of the baby she was holding in her arms.


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1 hour ago, izabella said:

I appreciate that you've given this a lot of thought, but, if you'll forgive me, I have one small suggestion to change the order of this process:

Your methodology would be good, too!  I just think this way gives the fire ants more time to do their best work.

Can we add in dysentery somewhere with that? Because I think that would be fitting. 

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14 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

What I cannot wrap my head around is these enormous throngs of women who are completely denying reality because -- what?  Johnny's hot?  He WAS a good actor at one point?  What?  I don't get it.  It will never stop blowing my mind.

It truly blows my mind. Sadly, if this were happening when he was at his peak, I would expect this kind of cult following because people are forking stupid! but he's a gross, bloated, washed up has been. 

Oooooh, maybe it's because these women who'd been fangirling for him for years think they finally have a chance? 

I give up on humanity. 

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20 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

What I cannot wrap my head around is these enormous throngs of women who are completely denying reality because -- what?  Johnny's hot?  He WAS a good actor at one point?  What?  I don't get it.  It will never stop blowing my mind.

I honestly can't even concieve of the idea that there is a level of certainty around the reality of this situation to even know what reality is being denied by those supporting Depp based on what I've seen of the trial.

So here is where I stand on this thing.  

I think this trial is a dumpster fire.  Heards lawyers are being run in circles.  I would not be surprised if Heard sued them when this was over because they suck so hard.  They are doing some pretty seriously stupid crap that makes no sense in terms of this case. Heard was a terrible witness and almost all witnesses on her side were terrible and they put some stuff in trying to get the counter suit substantiated that really, really did not help them.  Her expert witnesses are clowns too, evidenced by today's witnesses.  

The net result of that for me is basically this.

I think the Depp/Heard relationship was abusive in both directions.  Mainly because I think it would be difficult to be in a relationship with an addict who is actively using and it not to be abusive at some level and in at least one direction.  But from what I've seen in the trial, I would say that I think that Heard is exagerating the situation and flat out lying about a lot of it and manufacturing evidence for her own reasons, money or career or etc.  And to be totally transparent here, I am more convinced that the physical violence accusations against Heard towards Depp are true than the reverse.  I'm thinking that the emotional abuse likely goes both ways pretty evenly.

She was trying to make a better story instead of telling an authentic story and now that is coming back to bite her in the ass because she doesn't have the truth on her side even if there is a kernel of it.  And Depp has better lawyers. 

Having been on a jury for a sexual assault case, Heard's testimony just rang totally false to me.  Maybe there is some reaction to trauma that is driving that but the lawyers certainly didn't manage to find anyone to testify to convey that very well.

But if you put all that aside.  I'll telll you what I think is going on here.  Its not masses having a crush on Depp.

Its the memes.  All the memes are cutting in Depp's favor based on how the lawyers, witnesses, Depp, and Heard are behaving in court.  This is no longer a case about domestic abuse and defamation.  Its turned into a farce.

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All over social media, the people I see defending Johnny (and attacking Amber) are women.  I don't really see men commenting on this case online.  I've actually seen some men post in favour of Amber.  So, yes, I do think crushes are a huge factor in this ordeal.

Imagine Johnny being ugly or 20-30 years older.  Imagine Frank Langella being in Johnny's place in this trial.  Would these deranged fans come out with signs?  LOL.  I really don't think so.

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8 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

All over social media, the people I see defending Johnny (and attacking Amber) are women.  I don't really see men commenting on this case online.  I've actually seen some men post in favour of Amber.  So, yes, I do think crushes are a huge factor in this ordeal.

Then you should watch a few of the channels that make up lawtube.  Almost all men.  All lawyers.  Pretty unanimous that this is not going well for Amber and that she is lying.

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48 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

All over social media, the people I see defending Johnny (and attacking Amber) are women.  I don't really see men commenting on this case online.  I've actually seen some men post in favour of Amber.  So, yes, I do think crushes are a huge factor in this ordeal.

Imagine Johnny being ugly or 20-30 years older.  Imagine Frank Langella being in Johnny's place in this trial.  Would these deranged fans come out with signs?  LOL.  I really don't think so.

Interesting, I've mostly just read about the case on here. One of the most attractive men I've ever seen in my life turned out to be a serial predator. I questioned my own judgement not being to tell right away that he was messed up. I try very hard to be a fair person and not judge a book by its cover, but I see other people cut those they find attractive a lot of slack (men towards women as well). Men I spoke with also said they would have never guessed the guy would be a rapist either. 

I  agree there wouldn't be tons of supporters if Johnny weren't a pretty boy, but nutty as it is, even the Charles Mansons of the world still have fan girls. 

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Did anyone see Ellen Barkin’s testimony in Depp trial?  I think it was in a deposition video.  I read she described her observation of Depp’s violence.  Is that right?  I’m a big Barkin fan.  Surprisingly, I’ve never seen Heard in anything that I’m aware of and I’ve never seen any of the Pirate movies. I’ve seen Depp in one movie long ago….Finding NeverLand.  I will not ever watch him in anything….too. disturbing.  

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31 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Did anyone see Ellen Barkin’s testimony in Depp trial?  I think it was in a deposition video.  I read she described her observation of Depp’s violence.  Is that right?  I’m a big Barkin fan.  Surprisingly, I’ve never seen Heard in anything that I’m aware of and I’ve never seen any of the Pirate movies. I’ve seen Depp in one movie long ago….Finding NeverLand.  I will not ever watch him in anything….too. disturbing.  

I made the mistake of reading the comments. The blatant misogyny and ignorance is exhausting. 

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2 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

But from what I've seen in the trial, I would say that I think that Heard is exagerating the situation and flat out lying about a lot of it and manufacturing evidence for her own reasons, money or career or etc. 

I just find it very interesting that she keeps getting called a liar, called out for lying because people feel she's lying.  Johnny has also lied, changed his story, and there's evidence/communication which contradicts his current story when he's not having massive memory gaps about what took place.

And yet, he's not getting called out on it to the same extent. 

Of course, I do think more evidence was entered in the UK trial and the rules are different in terms of what can be entered. 

2 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

But if you put all that aside.  I'll telll you what I think is going on here.  Its not masses having a crush on Depp.

Its the memes.  All the memes are cutting in Depp's favor based on how the lawyers, witnesses, Depp, and Heard are behaving in court. 

I agree it's a farce (although I'd say that Depp's side is treating it like a joke and his supporters are following suit.)  But this idolatry and #justiceforjohnny started long before this court trial. It has been around since he filed the first lawsuit in the UK which he lost.

Johnny might be lazy and not what he used to be but that's the beauty of fame.  He probably is still a charismatic figure.  And there are a ton of people who still are imprinted by their first impression of him whether it was on 21 Jump Street, Edward Scissors Hands, Pirates of the Caribbean or whatever project where they decided this guy had something special and a part of him belonged to them. Attacking him is personal to supporters.

And others are just getting on it because they think it's the "cool" thing to do.  They probably don't even care who is right or wrong.  It's a trend they must get on without even thinking.

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7 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

All the memes are cutting in Depp's favor based on how the lawyers, witnesses, Depp, and Heard are behaving in court

The memes are cutting in his favor because Depp allegedly hired a troll farm to post on social media in his favor.   The trial could being going completely against him, his lawyers could be a dumpster fire and they still would be posting favorable memes.   Thankfully, its trial by jury not trial by meme.

14 hours ago, SusanM said:

During a morning break, one woman professed her love for Depp and asked when he was going to acknowledge that he was the father of the baby she was holding in her arms.

And then there's this.   Again, the case could be circling the drain for Jonny (and it is, because they haven't proven the elements of his case) and people would still believe he is the father of their child, depsite never having actually met the man.   

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5 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I just find it very interesting that she keeps getting called a liar, called out for lying because people feel she's lying.  Johnny has also lied, changed his story, and there's evidence/communication which contradicts his current story when he's not having massive memory gaps about what took place.

And yet, he's not getting called out on it to the same extent. 

Of course, I do think more evidence was entered in the UK trial and the rules are different in terms of what can be entered. 

But isn't this mostly a result of the bad lawering.  

Do you think Heard's lawyers have done a competant job of bringing evidence of Depp lying to light without it getting impeached? Do you think they were better or equal to Depp's lawyers on that front?  I think they have not, so I don't find it strange that people are not holding onto some narrative not presented in the trial based on memories of stuff that is faded with time if they ever knew it at all.

i'd actually be very open to hearing what this evidence, contradictory information from/against Depp is because it keeps getting referenced but no one explains it.  Did I miss something?

At the same time Heard has been clearly shown to be contradicting herself and lying.  From the pledge/donate thing where it appears she actually perjured herself in the UK.  To the before and after (photoshop) photos/video of the time, etc.  Depp's lawyers have pretty well undercut all of they claims as lacking evidence.  

Support for Depp doesn't have to be some sad 40 year old fan girl crushing.  It could be, .... watching the trial.

5 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I agree it's a farce (although I'd say that Depp's side is treating it like a joke and his supporters are following suit.)  But this idolatry and #justiceforjohnny started long before this court trial. It has been around since he filed the first lawsuit in the UK which he lost.

22 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

And then there's this.   Again, the case could be circling the drain for Jonny (and it is, because they haven't proven the elements of his case) 

Well this I agree with.  Depp's team is not even attempting to win the suit they brought.  They are trying to rehabilitate Depp's reputation in the court of public opinion and take down Heard in the process.  They know she can't pay $50 mil.  They are playing to the cameras not the jury.  They are trying to make it entertainment with the audience rooting for their client.

If they lose, I don't think they'll care because they are winning where they want to win.  Heard is in the unenviable position of not being able to hire a team of lawyers to be able to counter act that (or keep cameras out of the courtroom) which is probably part of the reason it seems like her defense is all over the place and disorganized.

And its sad that a case where abuse is at the base of it and should have a measure of sobriety and seriousness has been turned into a farce.  But that is what happened.

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15 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Well this I agree with.  Depp's team is not even attempting to win the suit they brought.  They are trying to rehabilitate Depp's reputation in the court of public opinion and take down Heard in the process.  They know she can't pay $50 mil.  They are playing to the cameras not the jury.  They are trying to make it entertainment with the audience rooting for their client.

If they lose, I don't think they'll care because they are winning where they want to win.  Heard is in the unenviable position of not being able to hire a team of lawyers to be able to counter act that (or keep cameras out of the courtroom) which is probably seems like her defense is all over the place and disorganized.

And its sad that a case where abuse is at the base of it has been turned into a farce.  But that is what happened.

I gave you the sad emoji because this is 100% true. 

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1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

Depp's team is not even attempting to win the suit they brought.  They are trying to rehabilitate Depp's reputation in the court of public opinion and take down Heard in the process.  They know she can't pay $50 mil.  They are playing to the cameras not the jury.  They are trying to make it entertainment with the audience rooting for their client.

If they lose, I don't think they'll care because they are winning where they want to win.  Heard is in the unenviable position of not being able to hire a team of lawyers to be able to counter act that (or keep cameras out of the courtroom) which is probably part of the reason it seems like her defense is all over the place and disorganized.

And its sad that a case where abuse is at the base of it and should have a measure of sobriety and seriousness has been turned into a farce.  But that is what happened.

And all of this is a huge reason why Johnny Depp has made himself look absolutely terrible.

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9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

All over social media, the people I see defending Johnny (and attacking Amber) are women.  I don't really see men commenting on this case online.  I've actually seen some men post in favour of Amber.  So, yes, I do think crushes are a huge factor in this ordeal.

Imagine Johnny being ugly or 20-30 years older.  Imagine Frank Langella being in Johnny's place in this trial.  Would these deranged fans come out with signs?  LOL.  I really don't think so.

Prosecutors usually say that in rape/sexual assault cases, they prefer a jury full of men, because women are MORE likely to be extremely judgmental about the rape victim, especially if the victim is very pretty and not overtly meek. Amber is very pretty (beautiful, actually) and she doesn't present as an overtly meek, ladylike person. It's not a surprise that women are so judgmental about her. 

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3 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

i'd actually be very open to hearing what this evidence, contradictory information from/against Depp is because it keeps getting referenced but no one explains it.  Did I miss something?

Depp testified that his drug and alcohol use has always been under control. That’s a massive lie. In the comments of the video of Ellen Barkin’s testimony there were people asking why her lawyers are harping on how bad his abuse issues are when everyone admits it. They completely ignore that he lied. Her lawyers also just showed evidence that Depp was lying about how the tip of his finger was cut off. 

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I haven't been paying attention to the trial itself, because ugh, but on IG I heard that Kate Moss is testifying?  All the fashionistas are losing their minds.  I admit I love her too.  Is she really going to?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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40 minutes ago, Dani said:

Depp testified that his drug and alcohol use has always been under control. That’s a massive lie. In the comments of the video of Ellen Barkin’s testimony there were people asking why her lawyers are harping on how bad his abuse issues are when everyone admits it. They completely ignore that he lied. Her lawyers also just showed evidence that Depp was lying about how the tip of his finger was cut off. 

Anyone who believes his drug and alcohol use was under control is delusional. People don't go through withdrawals and detox if things are under control. They also don't hire a doctor and nurses to the tune of $100k a month to help them get sober and/or maintain sobriety.

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