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S10.E17: Home Sweet Home

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38 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Did they all just stand within arms' length of a suicide bomber and not get any shrapnel injuries at all?


Ya gotta suspend disbelief, but damn, that was stupid.  No one (except Daryl) even had blood/guts on them.  Maggie should have been covered in guts, let alone shrapnel.

I found the episode good, could've been better.

What did that weird guy say to Maggie?

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6 minutes ago, madmax said:

Ya gotta suspend disbelief, but damn, that was stupid.  No one (except Daryl) even had blood/guts on them.  Maggie should have been covered in guts, let alone shrapnel.

I found the episode good, could've been better.

What did that weird guy say to Maggie?

According to the closed captioning he said "Pope put a mark on you."  Maybe he brought the Popemobile, because that would be fun. A little drag race between him and Daryl in a future episode may be coming our way.

I'm glad the show is back, and I think Lauren looked fantastic; her acting and accent have improved, too. I like Elijah; I think Cole is gonna wear thin in short order. Maggie's reaction to seeing Negan was pitch-perfect imo; I know that's not going to be a universal opinion. Love having Daryl and Kelly teaming up this time around, too. So while I could have done without so much skulking/tracking/running around the woods, I'm just so happy to have a new episode and lead-in to new storylines that I'm giving that a pass due to the new reality of filming during covid.

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29 minutes ago, oakville said:

I am happy that the show is back. I am confused by the group that attacked Maggie & her new friends. Why were they chasing her ?

Apparently someone named Pope put a mark on her according to the camo guy before he blew himself up. Honestly, without cc on I wouldn't have had a clue to what he said. Kind of a crucial bit of information to give to someone who has such poor diction.

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I know it's Maggie and all, but just once I'd like to see these people upon hearing that another group is being chased/tormented/extorted/what have you by a niche group of crazies go "You know what? Best of luck to you but we're going to take a pass on this. Alexandria and each of the surrounding communities has been burned down/overrun/walls knocked in oh, three or four times now. We're tired." As it is, this is apparently yet another group in a mostly depopulated world where there's strength in numbers that nevertheless apparently has nothing better to do than hunt people in the woods.

I'd say this is very much a "Look, we threw something new together in the time of covid. Beggars can't be choosers" kind of return except for the reality that it really isn't any goofier than a usual return. Exploding tree/blanket person for everyone with nary a drop on any of them.

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1 minute ago, nodorothyparker said:

another group in a mostly depopulated world where there's strength in numbers that nevertheless apparently has nothing better to do than hunt people in the woods.

Yeah, I mentioned that in the Live. You'd think people who are left would have other things to occupy their time - like maybe survival and their homes and kids and food -  than making a career out of being really, really Evil.

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7 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Yeah, I mentioned that in the Live. You'd think people who are left would have other things to occupy their time - like maybe survival and their homes and kids and food -  than making a career out of being really, really Evil.

It does feel like North America has been thinned out enough that groups don't have to fight for resources any more.  They benefit immensely more by banning together than fighting each other.

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I enjoyed this episode. There are way to many commercials but, other than that it thought this was a solid episode.

We got some really nice character moments with Maggie, Daryl, Kelly and Elijah.  We got some old fashioned walker killing action. 

I loved little Hershey, he looks just like Glenn, broke my heart to see him with the hat.

I had a good laugh over CDB once again bringing destruction everywhere they go. Reapers targeted Maggie for some reason. Maggie/Daryl find some of her people and poof they all die. No doubt Alexandria is next on "The Reapers" list.


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13 hours ago, Starchild said:

Emotional to see little Herschel wearing Glenn's baseball cap. (I think?)

That smile when she saw Hershel, uuuuhhhhhhhh somebody hose me down 🥵 

Being a Maggie-centric episode it was always going to be a win win for me, but I actually liked that episode regardless.   
As has been mentioned, we had the usual problem of a few bits of silliness spoiling what could have been really good, just a bit more thought put into it could have made all the difference.

After all those years of experience they’re still putting themselves needlessly in danger, the shipping container struggle? Please.

Apart from the ridiculous hand grenade nonsense , I actually thought the hunting scenes were good, the background music to it was good as was the music all round. 

Did anyone notice whether they took the rifle with them to Alex or is that going to be quietly forgotten about?

All in all a good start, I can’t wait for the Negan special 😧 😰 😭

Edited by OoohMaggie
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Snooze fest. This show should have had it's curtain call a while ago. I don't care about Kelly or Connie and now the new guys with Maggie. Just don't. Showrunners really ruined TWD with their desire to drag their cash cow out as long as they could. They should have been wrapping things up after the Negan war. And what has always bugged me is why none of the characters discuss a plan to eradicate all the walkers and start a clean up/build back effort. On a large scale and not just Alexandria. 

Little shitkicker, or whatever she's called, was a few years older than little Hersh. Be interesting to see the 2 in a scene together. To see if they seem a few years apart in age or not. 

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1 hour ago, Lamima said:

Snooze fest. This show should have had it's curtain call a while ago. I don't care about Kelly or Connie and now the new guys with Maggie. Just don't. Showrunners really ruined TWD with their desire to drag their cash cow out as long as they could. They should have been wrapping things up after the Negan war. And what has always bugged me is why none of the characters discuss a plan to eradicate all the walkers and start a clean up/build back effort. On a large scale and not just Alexandria. 

Yes to all. I couldn't even concentrate and had to bail early. Of course 4 minutes of show and 4 minutes of commercials does kind of break the flow. When all the redshirts got bumped off pronto, and Maggie was standing there, screaming at... some Really Evil guy was Evilly smirking, "Why are you doing this to us??" I thought I was watching some old B-melodrama.  The Man in the Iron Mask? Really? For me, it wasn't even a fun hate-watch. We didn't even get the Storm Troopers. Or did we? I forget.

2 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Being a Maggie-centric episode it was always going to be a win win for me

I'm glad you had a pleasant focal point! 😄

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2 hours ago, Lamima said:

Snooze fest.

It really was. I usually watch it before hand and then watch it live to comment on the live stream here. But I really couldn't bring myself to watch it again, so I watched something else and followed along on the stream. The only interesting part was with the guy in the woods, and that was just ok. 

31 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

We didn't even get the Storm Troopers. Or did we? I forget.

Nope. Maybe in the "previously on the Walking Dead." 

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While they're still doing some monumentally stupid things... like @OoohMaggie noted about the shipping container struggle... I've still missed these people.  

Well, some of these people.  The people we had time to get attached to.  Pretty much anyone post-Jerry is just "yeah, whoever" to me.  

I liked the episode, I liked hearing Maggie talk about people from the past, and damn did casting and costuming do their job with making Hershel a total mini-Glenn.  Which totally got to me, because I'm a sap.  

It would have been the best moment of the series if Maggie, upon seeing Negan, had just unleashed her knife again right between his eyes. That could have been the end of that.  


3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I had a good laugh over CDB once again bringing destruction everywhere they go.


I look forward to the moment when little Hershel looks around and says, "You people are the plague."  

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I didn't find the episode too horrible.  I thought it had some pretty good moments.  

I really wanted the person behind the mask to be long-lost Heath.  

Also, with a 5-year time jump, I realized RJ, Judith, and Herschel would be have been the perfect basis for TWD: The World Beyond, with characters that TWD viewers would have had a vested interest in and attachment to instead of that unwatchable mess they served up.  

Since this show has jumped so far over the shark and pretty much out of the entire fucking ocean the past few seasons, I also found myself almost hoping that next season (the final season), the writers would go out via the technique used on St. Elsewhere or Dallas...take the last 5 minutes of the last episode of the series and have Rick awakening from his coma after several years and surrounded by Lori, Carl, and Shane.  The other former cast members could be incorporated as background characters (perhaps Michonne as a doctor, Andrea as a nurse, Dale as a respiratory therapist, Carol as a physical therapist, etc).   Just go all out with the absurdity and make everything that happened a prolonged dream state or figments of Rick's imagination.  We the viewers have been in an extended state of bewilderment for the past few seasons.  Might as well wrap the show up in a similar fashion.    

Yeah, hokey and cheesy, but what the hell...this show derailed a long time ago so why not at least wrap it up by bringing back former characters in other ways to bring it full circle.  

Apparently I get very creative when my allergies flare up and I'm full of Benadryl 😄


Edited by Persnickety1
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Not a bad way to start a new batch of episodes, its biggest crime was just being on the dull side. Its great seeing Maggie again and little Hershel is all kinds of adorable in his Glenn hat, but nothing else introduced was all that special. We get more new random characters who are pretty much like the other random characters we always get, the Reapers are another variation of "creepy people kill people in the woods because they're evil" villains, it just felt very run of the mill for this show. At this point, why are people even bothering killing random communities? Don't they have better things to do, like eat? Sleep? Its been so long you have to wonder how these people are even still around so many years into the ZA, just stomping around the woods living in their own crap. Its more of what the show has struggled with for awhile now, just repeating story beats over and over again. I really want this show to really focus on something different, like more wide scale community building or dealing with more practical issues, even trying to fully eradicate Walkers from the area or work to try and get in touch with any other communities. Especially because, thanks to The World Beyond, we know that there is a major civilization out west that is still holding onto something close to a pre ZA society, who they could maybe get in touch with. They seem to be heading into something different in the other plot with Eugene and everyone with him, but I guess we have to wait awhile to check in with them. 

Like I said, it is nice seeing Maggie again and I am actually interested in seeing more of her response to Negan being around. Its a hard sell trying to explain why the guy who horribly murdered her husband and father of her child is now allowed to wander around free, even if they justify it for pragmatic reasons. "Yeah this guy butchered our people, including the love of your life, ran a murderous cult, and generally made our lives pretty miserable for ages with his god awful speeches about pissing and dicks, but we have decided to let him wander around free because the writers really love him I MEAN because he helped us with these other idiots..." 

That sure was the cleanest suicide bomber in television history. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

I didn't find the episode too horrible.  I thought it had some pretty good moments.  

I really wanted the person behind the mask to be long-lost Heath.  

Also, with a 5-year time jump, I realized RJ, Judith, and Herschel would be have been the perfect basis for TWD: The World Beyond, with characters that TWD viewers would have had a vested interest in and attachment to instead of that unwatchable mess they served up.  

Since this show has jumped so far over the shark and pretty much out of the entire fucking ocean the past few seasons, I also found myself almost hoping that next season (the final season), the writers would go out via the technique used on St. Elsewhere or Dallas...take the last 5 minutes of the last episode of the series and have Rick awakening from his coma after several years and surrounded by Lori, Carl, and Shane.  The other former cast members could be incorporated as background characters (perhaps Michonne as a doctor, Andrea as a nurse, Dale as a respiratory therapist, Carol as a physical therapist, etc).   Just go all out with the absurdity and make everything that happened a prolonged dream state or figments of Rick's imagination.  We the viewers have been in an extended state of bewilderment for the past few seasons.  Might as well wrap the show up in a similar fashion.    

Yeah, hokey and cheesy, but what the hell...this show derailed a long time ago so why not at least wrap it up by bringing back former characters in other ways to bring it full circle.  

Apparently I get very creative when my allergies flare up and I'm full of Benadryl 😄


I hope they go out with total loss, everyone dead or a walker. Goners.

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8 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

After all those years of experience they’re still putting themselves needlessly in danger, the shipping container struggle? Please.

That scene immediately threw me back to our 2nd original group (post Green farm): clearing the way into the prison and then later all of the gang holding the barn door closed against a hella bunch of walkers during a tornado. I miss the old gang.

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What I want to know is when all these people stopped behaving like normal human beings. Maggie shows up with some guy in a Ninja face mask and not one person goes "Hey buddy, what's up with the Ninja face mask?" Nobody even bats an eye, they just say "Hi nice to meet you" like it's a normal thing. 

That's my overall problem with the past four seasons, the show has turned into such a cartoon. Alpha and Beta were the most cartoonish villains the show ever had, and that's saying a lot after the Junk Yard people. Now Maggie's bestie is some kind of masked Ninja. 

All that said, I do prefer these smaller episodes with a small group of people and basic survival. The show has gotten way too bloated with numerous communities and countless, nameless red shirts and tertiary characters. I like it better when they pare it down to focus on a small group out in the wilderness. It's more reminiscent of classic WD pre-Alexandria.

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1 hour ago, maystone said:

That scene immediately threw me back to our 2nd original group (post Green farm): clearing the way into the prison and then later all of the gang holding the barn door closed against a hella bunch of walkers during a tornado

Those eps were edge-of-your-seat stuff, as was Rick hiding under the bed from the Claimers, Se03 opener, Rick and Carl with the nighttime walkers pushing the fence down,  the Gov capturing Hershel and Michonne, and lots more. But those were a long time ago. Now it's hard to stifle a yawn at the same old stuff with "Let us present a new and even more ridiculous, outlandish 'group' of cartoon characters".

31 minutes ago, Superclam said:

OMG I loved that show!

As did I and I binge-watched it. Something different anyway. I looked up these "Reapers" and it seems TWD may have also stolen the name or maybe the idea also from "Supernatural".

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5 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Since this show has jumped so far over the shark and pretty much out of the entire fucking ocean the past few seasons, I also found myself almost hoping that next season (the final season), the writers would go out via the technique used on St. Elsewhere or Dallas...take the last 5 minutes of the last episode of the series and have Rick awakening from his coma after several years and surrounded by Lori, Carl, and Shane.  The other former cast members could be incorporated as background characters (perhaps Michonne as a doctor, Andrea as a nurse, Dale as a respiratory therapist, Carol as a physical therapist, etc).   Just go all out with the absurdity and make everything that happened a prolonged dream state or figments of Rick's imagination.  We the viewers have been in an extended state of bewilderment for the past few seasons.  Might as well wrap the show up in a similar fashion.

I didn't know I wanted this, but now I so do.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Maggie shows up with some guy in a Ninja face mask and not one person goes "Hey buddy, what's up with the Ninja face mask?" Nobody even bats an eye, they just say "Hi nice to meet you" like it's a normal thing. 

Yeah. Aside from wondering what the hell is up with that, no one even says, "How do you breathe in there?" There are no nose or mouth holes in it that I noticed. What is that mask, anyway? Where did it come from - some medieval museum as an instrument of torture? What the hell is it? Why would anyone find this and think, "Oh, this is cool!" and chose to wear it?

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7 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I also found myself almost hoping that next season (the final season), the writers would go out via the technique used on St. Elsewhere or Dallas...take the last 5 minutes of the last episode of the series and have Rick awakening from his coma after several years and surrounded by Lori, Carl, and Shane.  The other former cast members could be incorporated as background characters (perhaps Michonne as a doctor, Andrea as a nurse, Dale as a respiratory therapist, Carol as a physical therapist, etc). 

I love this!  But it sounds more Wizard of Oz to me.  "And you were there, and you were there, and you were there".


2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

That's my overall problem with the past four seasons, the show has turned into such a cartoon. Alpha and Beta were the most cartoonish villains the show ever had, and that's saying a lot after the Junk Yard people. Now Maggie's bestie is some kind of masked Ninja. 

That crossed my mind while watching also.  Even Maggie with her bow and arrow get up, it all looks so... comic book-y.  But it is based on a comic book, so I guess that's to be expected.  

Overall, something just felt off about this episode.  Like they were restricted because of Covid or something.  A lot of running around in the woods.  Seemed pretty dull, but there were some good moments.  I'm not expecting much from the Reapers, because when this show has gone off track from the comics, it hasn't been its finest moments.

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So the mask looked like it was supposed to be iron/metal.  No.  Just no.  Not being able to breathe, hard to see out of, and super heavy.  Iron masks were a form of sick punishment (Man in the Iron Mask)...  They really are letting too many comic book elements that don't work in the real world into the stories and that continues to bring the show down.  

Maggie was fine-I'm not really a fan of hers.  

The one girl who was a red shirt was really a bad actress and her dying scene, sorry to say, was laughable.

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Even Maggie with her bow and arrow get up, it all looks so... comic book-y.  But it is based on a comic book, so I guess that's to be expected.  

I mean, that would be more of a fair point if the show had leaned into the comic book feel since its earliest seasons, but that's not the case. They made an effort to elevate the material into something more realistic once upon a time. But yeah, these past few seasons have really had more of a comic book feel to them, and that's probably a deliberate choice. Even the new opening credit sequence has more of a comic book look to it with the animation and all.

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I absolutely understand why Carol had a discussion with Maggie about Negan.  Explaining to Maggie why Nagen is running loose.   Carol wanted to keep everything calm and cool, it should have ended there.  The no decision has been made on Negan part, I have a real problem with that.

It's ridiculous that Daryl keeps acting like there's really any decision to still be made where Negan's concerned. They chose to keep him around for years after Rick's unilateral decision to let him live, years after Rick was no longer around to enforce it. It's not even like Negan was truly on lockdown anymore when Carol opened the door and pointed him at Alpha. He was already on some half-assed work release program doing all their menial chores that had him half in, half out as far as Alexandria was concerned. Every person who had a clear shot at him but didn't take it went along with that. That he was allowed back inside the gates after he did the dirty job none of them could or would do instead of telling him to hit the road after the deed was done pretty much settles the matter. Like him or more probably not, he's with them now.  

Speaking of which, Maggie gets to be as mad as she wants about it. That's certainly her prerogative. But she too had a clean shot at him once upon a time and instead listened to him blubber and "poor me" and then decided to let him live. While I don't doubt that at the time she probably expected him to stay in that cell until he died, the rest of Alexandria was under no obligation to accommodate her. She was gone with no real suggestion of a return date. All she can do now is decide to accept it or not.

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6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Somebody needs to have a serious talk with Maggie, saying: "You bailed on us, you don't get to come back and order people around.  If you want back in, get back in at the back of the line.   If you can't handle that, hit the road."

This is true, but I kind of don't blame her for bailing when she had to live every day with the knowledge that Ricky and his second-in-command, Michonne, were playing watchdogs to make sure no one harmed Negan after he murdered Glenn, who was also with and behind Rick since the very beginning and saved Rick's life. That would certainly be a thorn in my side. Maggie had every opportunity to bump off Rape-Boy, but well - he's Bobby K's fantasy alter ego and all that.

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Carol really should have demanded to see Maggie's library card just to make sure that Maggie didn't just wonder off to join some other series, and when that failed, she decided to come back.


4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

If Negan wasn't let loose on Alpha, Maggie might not have anyone to come back to.

This is true. Not a single one of our other intrepid warriors could come anywhere near to getting rid of that grimy little potato. They managed to kill a whole bunch of Termites, decimate a zillion walkers, and murder a slew of Negan's henchmen, but some subsistance level, raggedy, homeless nomads wearing silly masks? No way! Negan is our hero!

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On 3/1/2021 at 7:07 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

No doubt Alexandria is next on "The Reapers" list.

Now, whatever made you think that (lol!)  The obvious just smacks us across the head

The Governor.  The Saviors.  The Whisperers.  Now The Reapers.  Is this what the ZA (or whatever post-apocalypse condition) is going to be? A group of people giving themselves a group name and go around bullying and attacking people for all types of nefarious reasons other than - I don't know...…..just plain surviving?

18 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I so wanted the person under the mask to be Glenn's identical cousin.


On 3/2/2021 at 6:27 PM, seacliffsal said:

So the mask looked like it was supposed to be iron/metal.  No.  Just no.  Not being able to breathe, hard to see out of, and super heavy.  Iron masks were a form of sick punishment (Man in the Iron Mask)

Did I miss something here?  Was there a reason why he's wearing a mask?  I was expecting the Hunchback with warts and found a rather nice looking young man.

18 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

If Negan wasn't let loose on Alpha, Maggie might not have anyone to come back to

This makes me wonder if there's going to be a Negan Redemption Part II with him against this 'Pope' person.  Destroy the one who destroyed the community of the woman whose husband's head you bashed to chop meat with your barbed wire baseball bat.

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2 hours ago, ctlady said:

Did I miss something here?  Was there a reason why he's wearing a mask?  I was expecting the Hunchback with warts and found a rather nice looking young man.

I hope they explore the character this season because I found it interesting. I was expecting a messed up face but, there was nothing wrong. However, he did freeze up (at least that's how I saw it). We also had Maggie thanking Kelly for helping Elijah. I'm thinking he might wear the mask as a defense, way to hide his fear or from his fears...like a kid with a security blanket.

I really don't know but, he's one of the only new characters I am interested in.

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I have not had any interest in any new characters since way back when we got the last gang - Osso Bucco boy, Angry woman, Deaf woman, everyone who has a quirky "schtick" etc. I never even bothered to learn their names. Same with the fake EVIL Whisperer doctor, who, for reasons known only to him, decided he rather live in a field eating beetles and raw squirrels with a "Leader" and henchman who killed anyone who just asked a question, or whatever, than live in civilized surroundings with normal people.

11 hours ago, ctlady said:

The Governor.  The Saviors.  The Whisperers.  Now The Reapers.  Is this what the ZA (or whatever post-apocalypse condition) is going to be? A group of people giving themselves a group name and go around bullying and attacking people for all types of nefarious reasons other than - I don't know...…..just plain surviving?

You forgot the Garbage Pail Kids who spent THEIR time practicing musical marches and doing schlocky HGTV crafting instead of trying to find a decent place to settle down to the grim task of survival. This is comic book stuff. It works just fine in comics where anything (the Princess, anyone?) goes. If TPTB wanted to replicate comic books, this really should have been an animated series. Seeing real, 3-D humans acting like comic book characters is disconcerting and kind of ridiculous. For the first few seasons we had quite gripping stories of actual people and their struggle to survive and I really enjoyed it. I gave up comics at around the age of 13 and have no desire watch them in live-action.

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2 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

You forgot the Garbage Pail Kids who spent THEIR time practicing musical marches and doing schlocky HGTV crafting instead of trying to find a decent place to settle down to the grim task of survival. This is comic book stuff. It works just fine in comics where anything (the Princess, anyone?) goes. If TPTB wanted to replicate comic books, this really should have been an animated series. Seeing real, 3-D humans acting like comic book characters is disconcerting and kind of ridiculous. For the first few seasons we had quite gripping stories of actual people and their struggle to survive and I really enjoyed it. I gave up comics at around the age of 13 and have no desire watch them in live-action.

The serie is more annoying than the comic books is for a simple reason. 

They are milking it. 

I finished to read the books a long time ago and it has an ending.    For example,  the whisperers should have been done in a season or less so you don't have time to realise the sillyness of the thing.  Same for Negan and his friends, it was way too long.   But they just drag the hole thing to the point of having the viewers to quit or die of boredom.

If they don't go forward fast enough this season with the stormtroopers and/or the people Michonne saw, I won't be able to keep up.  They always do the same.  They bring something interesting to finish a season like the helicopter, a librarian with twins, a new group or else and the next season they forget about it while filling with things no one cares about.  I am so done with that 💩

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poof! they were gone.😢

Dammit. I'm old...this put the song from Hee Haw into my head and now it's stuck there (in my defense, we lived in Germany when Hee Haw was on and we literally had only one channel of American TV)

Where oh where are you tonight

Why did you leave me here all alone?

I searched the world over and I thought I found true love

But you met another and poof! you was gone 🙂


Sheesh, kid wears an iron mask without complaint all the time, while people in our current world spaz about a light cloth one for a few minutes! 


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16 hours ago, heisenberg said:

For example,  the whisperers should have been done in a season or less so you don't have time to realise the sillyness of the thing.

They needed the extended time to big up old Golden Balls, to ultimately make him the hero figure they had always planned for. Rick’s throat slice could and should have ended it, Maggie should have ended it. Unfortunately, like Daryl, death would have hit them hard where it hurts most  💰

16 hours ago, heisenberg said:

If they don't go forward fast enough this season with the stormtroopers and/or the people Michonne saw, I won't be able to keep up.  They always do the same.  They bring something interesting to finish a season like the helicopter, a librarian with twins, a new group or else and the next season they forget about it while filling with things no one cares about.

In this regard, the good thing is that the show will soon be coming to an end, so they can’t afford to dilly dally, they have to get things done within a restricted timeframe. There should be no teases or what ifs to annoy people. Obviously I’m talking about what most sensible people would do, but as we all know.......................................

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