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S03.E06: Revelations


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1 hour ago, Bulldog said:

PLEASE don't let that annoying group of college students become recurring characters.

Was the kid who took Nolan's picture driving a nice car? If so, maybe it will be a bit of an after-school-special about not casting stones if you're living in a glass house. 
But more likely Nolan will be a savior for at least one kid and then have to be rescued by a couple more of the classmates.

I hate most undercover plots, and this was no exception. Chen should go get an advanced degree in chemistry and come up with a better cure for oxy addiction. 

Speaking of which, even though it would be really cheesy, I hope Bradford's buddy and wife will thank Bradford for saving his life and his marriage rather than:

53 minutes ago, paigow said:

Bradford will have to join I.A. --- A lot of cops hate him for putting away 2 cops in "two" weeks.


  • Love 1

Do the LA mounted police really wear cowboy hats?  And if so, um, why???  Our city has a mounted police force, and I love seeing them out and about.  But they do not wear cowboy hats. 

Anyone figure out how much time was supposed to have passed between the last two episodes?  West is almost healed, Nolan either got really lucky with just happening to be at the start of a semester, or has had to wait months for classes to start.  Does he have any college under his belt, or is he starting from scratch?  Did I miss a "I dropped out of college with XX credits left to graduate" type of line?  Otherwise, part time college will take him a decade with his schedule.

I agree - keep the classmates out of future plot lines.  But there's chemistry with the teacher.  Once this semester is over, that would be a nice new love interest for Nolan.  (I personally wouldn't have an issue with them dating while he's in her class, but I'm sure that's against the rules, so let's have them wait 'til next semester to start something up.)  I like how Nolan has finally learned to ask for help/guidance, and it seems he's listening.  I really liked Nolan this week. 

How many more weeks 'til Chen's "puppy" (sorry, I have no idea what the character's name is) is kidnapped by this drug gang they just took down?  I mentioned in an earlier thread that it would be really nice for nothing bad to happen to this character, but odds are against it, so I'm just expecting it now. 

Classmate driving the car...  wasn't sure, but for some reason I thought he was a valet.  Otherwise, why would he be pulling up to a fancy hotel with an IA conference going on? 




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52 minutes ago, chaifan said:

 Anyone figure out how much time was supposed to have passed between the last two episodes?  West is almost healed, Nolan either got really lucky with just happening to be at the start of a semester, or has had to wait months for classes to start.  Does he have any college under his belt, or is he starting from scratch?  Did I miss a "I dropped out of college with XX credits left to graduate" type of line?  Otherwise, part time college will take him a decade with his schedule.

He dropped out of college when his ex-wife got pregnant with Henry. If I remember right he was a sophomore. (Wasn't he 20 when Henry was born?) You're right about him having the fastest college acceptance imaginable. Perhaps Lori Laughlin or Felicity Huffman gave him some help getting into USC.

Edited by eel21788
  • LOL 10
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5 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

He dropped out of college when his ex-wife got pregnant with Henry. If I remember right he was a sophomore. (Wasn't he 20 when Henry was born?) You're right about him having the faster college acceptance imaginable. Perhaps Lori Laughlin or Felicity Huffman gave him some help getting into USC.

oooh, that's some good snark!

I think if they did say sophomore earlier they're going to have to retcon that to something like 6 credits short of graduating.  Because even 2 years would take at least 4 for him.   (At the very least - he's taking 1 class this semester.  At that rate it would still take him 10 years.)  But I can't imagine the show taking him right from rookie to TO, even if he had the degree.  I'd have to guess there's a minimal # of years in patrol you'd need before you can become a TO. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, chaifan said:

How many more weeks 'til Chen's "puppy" (sorry, I have no idea what the character's name is) is kidnapped by this drug gang they just took down?  I mentioned in an earlier thread that it would be really nice for nothing bad to happen to this character, but odds are against it, so I'm just expecting it now. 

I agree that it seems like something is going to happen.  Didn't the puppy say that her cousin's place (where she's understood to be staying) was broken into?  I'm guessing something bad will happen there.

Last night really made me wonder about Chen's boundaries or lack thereof and specifically the "puppy" hanging out at her house. While it's awesome how much Chen has helped her, she's putting herself at risk by letting someone whom she doesn't know into her place.  That was a big old WTF for me.  I realize that Chen is a rookie, but that just seems stupid from a personal security standpoint.  

Edited by nittany cougar
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2 hours ago, chaifan said:

Do the LA mounted police really wear cowboy hats?  And if so, um, why???

There is a famous movie from the late 60's starring John Voight and Dustin Hoffman. What was that called again?

52 minutes ago, nittany cougar said:

Last night really made me wonder about Chen's boundaries or lack thereof and specifically the "puppy" hanging out at her house. While it's awesome how much Chen has helped her, she's putting herself at risk by letting someone whom she doesn't know into her place.  That was a big old WTF for me.  I realize that Chen is a rookie, but that just seems stupid from a personal security standpoint. 

Not to mention the potential for accusations of impropriety. A couple more dates and the 'puppy' could accuse Chen of naughty-no-no and since everyone now knows ACAB,  Melissa O'Neil would be immediately assumed to be guilty and would lose her role on the show. I'd mention a couple of hashtags, except I'm afraid to.

Or the 'puppy' might do something quasi-illegal, Chen tries to get her out of trouble, ends up accused of being involved in the crime herself, and once again the stinky-stuff hits the spinny-thing.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, chaifan said:

Anyone figure out how much time was supposed to have passed between the last two episodes?  West is almost healed, Nolan either got really lucky with just happening to be at the start of a semester, or has had to wait months for classes to start. 

This season has entirely taken place during the last 30 days of their rookie-ship probation. Jackson apparently has superhero healing powers.

Agree with others that Nolan will have to spend some lengthy period of time on patrol before getting the opportunity to be a T.O. 

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Was the kid who took Nolan's picture driving a nice car? If so, maybe it will be a bit of an after-school-special about not casting stones if you're living in a glass house. 


2 hours ago, chaifan said:

Classmate driving the car...  wasn't sure, but for some reason I thought he was a valet.  Otherwise, why would he be pulling up to a fancy hotel with an IA conference going on? 

Didn't they say that IA had rented out the entire hotel and that everyone on the property had to be cleared by security to protect the IA officers identities? 

If so, wouldn't that mean that the kid either worked at the hotel or had a relative who was at the convention (likely a parent)?  If the kid HAS to stick around then I really hope his parent(s) are police officers just so he'll be outed as a little snot nosed hypocrite in front of all of his little snot nosed classmates.  I suspect he'd burst into tears if Miss "Defund the Police" tore into him. 

  • Love 5

So...that was a completely ridiculous premise for a plot.  But putting aside the fact that an "undercover cop convention" is totally ludicrous, the rest of the episode was great.  Nyla's class with the opening speech about women in law enforcement full of statistics was great, then when they panned back and you see that the classroom is full of women, and women only....that was an interesting meta moment.  Said a lot with that one shot.

Bradford was right to be pissed about Nyla playing fast and loose with his boot.  He was also right to be pissed at his friend, and right to turn his friend in, especially knowing what had happened to his wife.  But I also understand the officer's wife's point of view--she's the one who gets screwed if her husband loses his job, and she sees that as Bradford's fault.  The guy is stuck between a rock and a hard place there, no doubt.  I'm interested to see if there's any follow-up on this, if we see how Bradford deals with the stress of that.  He mentioned that cops should only socialize with cops, and now he's sort of screwed over two of his brethren, how's that going to work out for him?  He's going to run out of outlets.

I think Nolan's class time is an interesting place to bring out the larger issues and discuss them in a more clinical setting, rather than trying to shoehorn them into a plot.  But it also smacks of too much lecturing exposition.  If this continues, we're going to need the students there to be less of a one-dimensional Greek chorus of accusation and woe and more of a nuanced group.  And there was some crazy good chemistry between Nolan and the professor. 

I liked how the note-taking neighborhood "kid" was pretty much portrayed as being on the spectrum, but West, the community organizer, and the rest of the community took it in stride, and treated him straight, though with a bit more understanding than would ordinarily be afforded a busybody.  Except for Smitty, who was Smitty.

And let us not forget the comedy gold that is Smitty in a community policing role.  Please, please, give us a little more of that, show.  Please....

  • Love 6

Good point.  Everyone seems to be in their own heads right now.  West and Nolan have their own issues, and Bradford who would be the next most likely to catch that was at first only concerned about her "found a puppy" milestone and what that means rather than why she may have acquired that puppy.  And now that she's exhibiting another jump into risky behavior that has career consequences, Bradford is distracted by other issues.  I wonder if the writers are going to go there, or if this is just a "Lets do something interesting with Chen, it's about time in the schedule for that.  Then we'll get a new boyfriend for West so we can continue to show we're progressive, the timing is about right for that too."

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, LadyNebula said:

As soon as LA Mountie showed up, I called that he'd be the new love interest.

I thought the chemistry was really strong. I like them together. And a cop with a cop should be less drama.

4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I liked how the note-taking neighborhood "kid" was pretty much portrayed as being on the spectrum, but West, the community organizer, and the rest of the community took it in stride, and treated him straight, though with a bit more understanding than would ordinarily be afforded a busybody.  Except for Smitty, who was Smitty.

I liked that a lot too. Also because he really was helping his community in his way.

3 hours ago, eel21788 said:

Wouldn't he need to be working towards a Bachelor's degree? 

You can transfer community college credits to universities. I spent two years at one, then transferred all my credits to a university. It was better financially. The only degree I hold is from the university. It could be it was easier for him to get right into a community college, because their schedules can be quite different from universities, and there's less red tape.

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

You can transfer community college credits to universities. I spent two years at one, then transferred all my credits to a university. It was better financially. The only degree I hold is from the university. It could be it was easier for him to get right into a community college, because their schedules can be quite different from universities, and there's less red tape.

However, if he had already done two years of college, he most likely would already be ready to transfer his previous credits to a four-year school.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, chaifan said:

Do the LA mounted police really wear cowboy hats?  And if so, um, why???  Our city has a mounted police force, and I love seeing them out and about.  But they do not wear cowboy hats. 

The hat really threw me, maybe it is an LA thing. The mounted units I'm most familiar with - NYPD and Nassau County on Long Island - always wore helmets while riding.


11 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Nyla's class with the opening speech about women in law enforcement full of statistics was great, then when they panned back and you see that the classroom is full of women, and women only....that was an interesting meta moment. 

Wasn't the sign outside something like "Women in uncover"? I took it as a session geared towards female officers interested in undercover work to give them a look at some of the unique issues they could find themselves facing, so I would expect it to be all women in the audience.


14 hours ago, eel21788 said:

Surely, there has to be a requirement of at least 10,000 patrol hours (5 years full time) before you can train someone else.

When Nolan asked Sgt. Grey (I think) about it, he said he needed 4 years on the job, or 2 years if he had a college degree, which is why Nolan is going back to school. That does seem like a fairly low amount of experience to start training other new officers. And wasn't it just a few episodes ago when Grey told Nolan to forget about becoming a detective because of his reprimand, how every senior officer in the department would know and remember it? If that was such a serious offense, wouldn't that also preclude his becoming a TO?

  • Love 2

That was uhhh... definitely an episode. That "convention" made everyone in my house laugh at how ridiculous it was - especially since it was advertised on the hotel website


15 hours ago, chaifan said:

Anyone figure out how much time was supposed to have passed between the last two episodes?  West is almost healed, Nolan either got really lucky with just happening to be at the start of a semester, or has had to wait months for classes to start.  Does he have any college under his belt, or is he starting from scratch?  Did I miss a "I dropped out of college with XX credits left to graduate" type of line?  Otherwise, part time college will take him a decade with his schedule.

I mean it looks like Nolan is at a community college - so he could be doing a 15 week course, or an 10 week course, or a summer course (and there are usually multiple summer semesters).

At least at the school I went to, I am pretty sure he wouldn't be able to continue with the credits he had - I think I read something in the student handbook once about "you must finish your degree within 10 years of matriculation for credits to count"

10 hours ago, eel21788 said:

Wouldn't he need to be working towards a Bachelor's degree? 

You can transfer the Associates degree credits towards a bachelors

  • Love 2

My only issue with the new love interest is that we never saw Jackson break up with his last boyfriend, the actor, right? When you're squeezing this much time together, you should at least address major life changes like breaking up with a boyfriend and not just have it as an aside. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

My only issue with the new love interest is that we never saw Jackson break up with his last boyfriend, the actor, right?

The breakup between Jackson and his actor bf was shown ––maybe at the end of last season? IIRC, it had to do with one needing to keep the relationship on the DL for career reasons. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, eel21788 said:

However, if he had already done two years of college, he most likely would already be ready to transfer his previous credits to a four-year school.

Oh, I agree that he would transfer his previous credits - which would not include criminal justice classes.  Many CCs have criminal justice programs, and he would probably have been able to get into a CC class more quickly than applying for and getting into a university. Then, in addition to his previous credits, he could transfer these classes.

On the other hand, many universities have a time limit for accepting transfer credits, and his were a long time ago (20 years?) But the show isn't going to show that reality.


Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

The breakup between Jackson and his actor bf was shown ––maybe at the end of last season? IIRC, it had to do with one needing to keep the relationship on the DL for career reasons. 

The last time we saw his actor boyfriend, it was in Episode 17 of last season, where Lucy was third-wheeling their dates. They were still together then and unless they broke up in Episode 18, 19-20 were both part of the Armstrong plot and nothing was mentioned earlier this season, so I think that this was the first we've heard of a breakup. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
Forgot to specify WHICH Episode 17.
  • Useful 4
22 hours ago, eel21788 said:

That's what I was thinking, too. Surely, there has to be a requirement of at least 10,000 patrol hours (5 years full time) before you can train someone else.

I think they retconned that. Lopez and Bishop needing more time in service to get their "taps" was part of season 1 storylines.  This being the third TV season of the probationary year does give us a M.A.S.H. and Korean War like timing anomalies. If the professor did not plant us in 2021, something easily ignored since no COVID protocols are seen, a time skip to Nolan as a new TO and Bradford as a Sergeant would not be out of the question.  What happens with Officers Chen, West and Detectives Harper and Lopez?

Nolan in the night school class was also done by Sergeant Friday in the color Dragnet years.

23 hours ago, chaifan said:

Do the LA mounted police really wear cowboy hats?  And if so, um, why???  Our city has a mounted police force, and I love seeing them out and about.  But they do not wear cowboy hats. 


Yes they do, I believe they are actually part of the "elite" Metro Division and not a station like Mid-Wilshire in the show . Sort of like special unit soldiers and their beards and special hats it does set them apart as if the horse on patrol doesn't. How West could not know they existed seems odd. I can see the first time they operated on his beat.

I can't recall if it was The Closer or Major Crimes where the episode initiated on a mounted unit making an arrest in LA's skid row where that real life unit does a lot of its patrol work.

18 hours ago, paigow said:

What was the deal with crazy hoarding old white guy? Why did the kid refuse to say what happened - he wants to report on everything wrong in the neighborhood.

I was expecting a sexual assaults. In my job I was amazed at the number of people who live in those pack rat conditions, both in poor and million dollar home areas.

Edited by Raja
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Oh, I agree that he would transfer his previous credits - which would not include criminal justice classes.  

For some reason, I thought his original major had been pre-law which might have included criminal justice classes. Then again, I'm not sure where I remember that from, so I could be totally off base.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, eel21788 said:

For some reason, I thought his original major had been pre-law which might have included criminal justice classes. Then again, I'm not sure where I remember that from, so I could be totally off base.

The LAPD Chief will unilaterally invalidate the reprimand and give Nolan a golden ticket... No more college... He will choose community policing 

  • LOL 1
13 hours ago, Moose135 said:

Wasn't the sign outside something like "Women in uncover"? I took it as a session geared towards female officers interested in undercover work to give them a look at some of the unique issues they could find themselves facing, so I would expect it to be all women in the audience.

I would also expect there to be some control officers, supervisors, and tech crew in the class as well, to learn about potential pitfalls and circumstances and issues unique to female officers going undercover to help manage the op behind the scenes and to better protect their agents in the field.  A convention with training classes and seminars rather than just a trade show is where people are supposed to expand their horizons and explore related topics in a risk-free, ungraded, environment that their in-house training might provide.  I think I was being a little extra tetchy in my comment, which brought over something from my real world experience to my TV watching and commenting experience.

  • Love 2
On 2/22/2021 at 9:30 AM, paigow said:

That looks like a community college.. COVID prevents a lot of extras getting hired, but how many classes run with an enrollment < 10 ?????

I took a continuing education course last month, entirely on Zoom, which had an enrollment of 12.  This is University of Victoria.  City landlords are complaining that because the university is using online teaching, few out of town students are actually returning this year and as a result apartments are going unrented. They may have to lower the rents. Shock ! Horror! (One bedrooms here rent for $1200Cdn a month with heat and hydro). DD rents to sports students and has not had that problem since they have more in-person classes. A friend who teaches folklore at Ryerson University has not been in a classroom since June, but is teaching a full load of classes, many with over 40 students.

So the question is not enrollment, but why is the class in person at all.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, femmefan1946 said:

I took a continuing education course last month, entirely on Zoom, which had an enrollment of 12.  This is University of Victoria.  City landlords are complaining that because the university is using online teaching, few out of town students are actually returning this year and as a result apartments are going unrented. They may have to lower the rents. Shock ! Horror! (One bedrooms here rent for $1200Cdn a month with heat and hydro). DD rents to sports students and has not had that problem since they have more in-person classes. A friend who teaches folklore at Ryerson University has not been in a classroom since June, but is teaching a full load of classes, many with over 40 students.

So the question is not enrollment, but why is the class in person at all.

Unless I'm mistaken, they're one of the shows that's ignoring the pandemic entirely. I don't recall seeing any masks this season.

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49 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Unless I'm mistaken, they're one of the shows that's ignoring the pandemic entirely. I don't recall seeing any masks this season.

That was my thought as well. While they didn't call out George Floyd like S.W.A.T. did  the professor time drops that in 2021 Nolan should have taken a different tack. Which means the entire probationary year has been taking place during the Los Angeles real life lockdown period 

  • Love 2
On 2/22/2021 at 11:34 AM, nittany cougar said:

Last night really made me wonder about Chen's boundaries or lack thereof and specifically the "puppy" hanging out at her house. While it's awesome how much Chen has helped her, she's putting herself at risk by letting someone whom she doesn't know into her place.  That was a big old WTF for me.  I realize that Chen is a rookie, but that just seems stupid from a personal security standpoint.  

It's just another example of what an absolute idiot Chen is.  I loathe her character so much.  I find her annoying, immature and looking for some kind of validation from time to time.  She is in NO way shape or form ready for that kind of undercover work.  She got lucky in this episode in the limo - and oh how convenient that she just happens to remember the chemical chart from the academy that she was able to draw it.  I can barely remember something from last week - and suddenly she's channeling Heisenberg.  It was a one shot thing and June/Coco starting heaping all kinds of praise on her (validation) so she now thinks that's what she wants.  You know how I know it isn't a smart move for her?  When she had to explain to her 'puppy' (I don't even care enough about the character to remember her name) why she bailed on her the night before - that she got caught up in some undercover stuff that she said "which was kinda cool".  Undercover work isn't 'cool' you idiot.  It's beyond freakin' dangerous.  She didn't even have any discretion at the seminar when she was peeking in on Nyla's speech.  UGH - I just can't stand her.


On 2/22/2021 at 12:58 AM, shapeshifter said:

Speaking of which, even though it would be really cheesy, I hope Bradford's buddy and wife will thank Bradford for saving his life and his marriage rather than:

On 2/22/2021 at 12:03 AM, paigow said:

Bradford will have to join I.A. --- A lot of cops hate him for putting away 2 cops in "two" weeks.

Bradford did the right thing - as difficult as it was.  I hope we get an update as to whether that cop gets jail time - if not extensive rehab. It wasn't so much the infidelity and him getting high, but Bradford found prescription bottles with other people's names on them in the hotel room.  He was stealing narcotics - that's real bad.  I feel for the wife having 3 kids to support with the threat of losing her husband's pension, but this guy's life was on the line.  Two wrongs don't make a right.  With Bradford knowing, if he had looked the other way and this guy drove high out of his mind and crashed into a school bus we're talking about a whole other level of guilt


On 2/22/2021 at 10:07 AM, chaifan said:

But there's chemistry with the teacher.  Once this semester is over, that would be a nice new love interest for Nolan. 

I noticed that too and would love to see if they expand on that

On 2/21/2021 at 11:28 PM, Bulldog said:

PLEASE don't let that annoying group of college students become recurring characters.

YES!  I mean....NO! (lol!)  What a bunch of insistent, self-righteous little snots.  Nolan owes NO ONE an explanation as to his identity.  But now that they know I can't tell if they're going to tone down or amp up the anti-police rhetoric.  If it's the latter, the writers better have Nolan sticking up for the dept rather than go into apology mode


  • Love 3

If Nolan has to explain himself, then everyone in the class should be told to give their background and say why they are there.
The lad in the limo- as was asked above- his own? his daddy's? working his way through school as a valet?

And Chen, sigh.  She is sweet and good hearted, but daddy issues? She hooked up with Nolan, at least 20 years her senior, in training academy and needed to have it explained why this was not a good idea.

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