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90 Day: The Single Life

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I seem to remember Natalie’s mom having some depressing apartment in Cold War public housing and she has the nerve to bitch about that hotel room?  I hope producers are putting her up to it or she can kick rocks.

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I hate all of these people so why did I watch this?  I hate Chantel the most when she's just a party of one but I will not survive watching another night of that screeching trio they've attached to her.  I suppose the producers knew they needed to add something to her segments because she has the flattest, most dry affect and zero personality on her own, but that posse, cast straight out of an over-the-top 1990s rom-com ain't it. 

I've never seen Chantel before the plastic overhaul so it those flashback clips were interesting. 

On 12/26/2023 at 8:34 PM, goofygirl said:

Veronica is acting like a 15 year old with that finger in the mouth thing

Every time I see this in the promo I die a little bit more.  I cannot believe she thinks this is a good look.  But then again, I just saw the scene of her crawling all over whatshisname again from last season in the giant granny panty lingerie on the weekend during one of their Best Of shows (apparently I really will watch anything 90-Day related now.)  Veronica does not do sexy very well.  Or at all. 

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14 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Does Discovery Plus still run certain shows like this and the Caribbean one months before airing on TLC or did that stop after the merge with Max?

Haven't seen it on there so I'm thinking that's all stopped.

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4 hours ago, Cementhead said:

she has the flattest, most dry affect and zero personality

I don’t know if these are digs at Pedro but the repeated declarations that she wants a Big D, she wants a guy hung like a horse, etc. appear to be her attempt at portraying herself as some kind of sexual dynamo which I seriously doubt.  She is dull as dirt.

I’d also like to know the last three books Chantel read.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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12 hours ago, Cementhead said:

But then again, I just saw the scene of her crawling all over whatshisname again from last season in the giant granny panty lingerie

And he was all like hubba hubba and I was like what?

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Natalie’s mom is just like Natalie.  Unrealistic expectations and anger over that.  Tyree?  He’s seen too much porn, thinking it’s all four hour sex everywhere.  He really has no idea.  
Chantal, I’m over her.  She’s looking for a Greek beach boy like she found in Pedro. 

Edited by Meowwww
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Nutalee never is dull.  She's a fruity as a nutcake.  Josh is right behind her however, JOSH HAS A J-O-B.  And makes $$$$.  So he's not a complete moron.

Nutalee on the other hand....  I KNEW that was her Mom coming, what with the American flag and all.  I just can't quite wrap my brain around Nutalee, thinking that Josh is gonna find her AND her Mom an apartment, a job, a car, a daing  NEW bunch of hair extensions, AND A BABY!!! ALL IN A WEEK!!!  She is a total moron. But hilarious.  Her moods swing like a daing cuckoo clock.

My guess that the whole BABY business is coming from Mama.  She wants a grandchild before she's  90.  I get it.  But... Mama, your girl is a complete and total NUT JOB.  YOU KNOW THIS.

Veronica is a cute lady.  I'm not sure WHY she went for this slide into skeeviness.  Is the $$$ THAT GOOD??

And Jamal is a cute guy.  He's also about 15 years younger than Veronica. Even with her finger in her mouth (which looks moronic IMHO), she's a waayyy long ahead of Jamal in the life department.  I actually think Veronica would have much better luck with a guy her own age or a little older.  But what do I know?

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14 hours ago, Cementhead said:

I hate all of these people so why did I watch this?  I hate Chantel the most when she's just a party of one but I will not survive watching another night of that screeching trio they've attached to her.  I suppose the producers knew they needed to add something to her segments because she has the flattest, most dry affect and zero personality on her own, but that posse, cast straight out of an over-the-top 1990s rom-com ain't it. 

I've never seen Chantel before the plastic overhaul so it those flashback clips were interesting. 

Every time I see this in the promo I die a little bit more.  I cannot believe she thinks this is a good look.  But then again, I just saw the scene of her crawling all over whatshisname again from last season in the giant granny panty lingerie on the weekend during one of their Best Of shows (apparently I really will watch anything 90-Day related now.)  Veronica does not do sexy very well.  Or at all. 

OMFG I am so glad I don't watch any of this 90 Day %#@! anymore.... but it seems my TV is still recording.  This morning I decided to just sneak a peak.  I only watched the part with Chantal..... she was unrecognizable to me but I never watched any of the families spin offs but was shocked at how she looked.  She seems to think she is some hot celebrity lol and traveling with her weird entourage no doubt.  If I were a guy I would stay as far away from her as possible.  Glad I didn't watch long enough to see Veronica, if there's anyone I dislike more than Chantal it's her (and of course old Angela ha ha).  Miss you crazy beautiful fun snarkers but I don't miss this show 🩷

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Chantel -- basura, todos basura. " Men want a lady on the streets, and a wh*re in the sheets. ". Something Mother Chantel never taught her.

Veronica -- he's cute & 27 --yawn.

Tyray -- You GO, Teddy Bear !!

Miss Debbie -- Mama llama drama.

Nutalie __ is capable of a loving committed adult relationship for about 2 minutes, or until her beau runs afoul of her religion, her diet restrictions , her demands or her morals. Cue the meltdown. Is she truly that shallow, or is it all for the $$ ??

The only way a man will geeff Nutalie a baby is if there is a kidnapping at the local day care.

Next week -- John from Baawston. 






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16 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Nutalee never is dull.  She's a fruity as a nutcake.  Josh is right behind her however, JOSH HAS A J-O-B.  And makes $$$$.  So he's not a complete moron.

Nutalee on the other hand....  I KNEW that was her Mom coming, what with the American flag and all.  I just can't quite wrap my brain around Nutalee, thinking that Josh is gonna find her AND her Mom an apartment, a job, a car, a daing  NEW bunch of hair extensions, AND A BABY!!! ALL IN A WEEK!!!  She is a total moron. But hilarious.  Her moods swing like a daing cuckoo clock.

My guess that the whole BABY business is coming from Mama.  She wants a grandchild before she's  90.  I get it.  But... Mama, your girl is a complete and total NUT JOB.  YOU KNOW THIS.

Veronica is a cute lady.  I'm not sure WHY she went for this slide into skeeviness.  Is the $$$ THAT GOOD??

And Jamal is a cute guy.  He's also about 15 years younger than Veronica. Even with her finger in her mouth (which looks moronic IMHO), she's a waayyy long ahead of Jamal in the life department.  I actually think Veronica would have much better luck with a guy her own age or a little older.  But what do I know?

Oh no, Veronica is dating Jamal, how tragic is that?  I just lost all respect for him..... I don't have any for her ha ha.  Global warming must be affecting his judgement I think.

Happy New year!!! 


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And Chantel, going to Greece and dating a "European" isn't going to do you a BIT of good, whether your friends with you think it's good idea or NOT.

Your MOTHER will have her say in your relationship, EUROPEAN or NOT.  And guess what?  They will NEVER equal you in her mind.  I actually think you two should be on "Smothered" as opposed to 90 Single Life.


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8 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Next week -- John from Baawston. 

John is my favourite Pillow Talker and I pretty much love him.  I should probably not tune in next week if I want to keep it that way.  I'm sure the producers have drummed up some sort of ridiculous story line that will make him look like an asshole.

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Debbie's mismatched hair clips and froo-froo outfits give off Grey garden vibes. I would decline any "pate" and crackers she offers up.

Tyray giggles like a 12 year old and will shoot his wad in his pants 4 seconds into his 1st kiss.

Chantel is all hoochied-up, ass clappin in the club, cheered on by her wannabe entourage, undeterred by the fact said entourage had to beg dude to come over....she rides off, cooter out, then ends it with a dramatic kiss that he mildly reciprocates before putting his helmet on and getting the hell oughta there. GIRL, you are back!!

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On 1/2/2024 at 11:56 AM, MrBuhBye said:

I’d also like to know the last three books Chantel read

I don't know the titles, but I think the author was some guy named Seuss. 

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On 1/3/2024 at 1:06 PM, J80134 said:

she rides off, cooter out

Cooter on a scooter! 

just came to comment I wasn’t paying attention to the show but glanced up briefly and thought Chantel was at the Greek bar with Kramer. 

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Tim running into a woman he chatted with online at a singles event is soooo staged! 

Poor Tyrae. He needs a sweet girl who thinks ironing your sweatshirt is dressed up.

Debbie's catfish is gonna bite her in the ass, as it should. She can lie and filter photos, but in person she looks even older than 67. 

Fugly Josh just ain't that into Nutalie. Won't even offer for them to stay in his empty apartment for the 2 weeks he's gone. 

Jamal and Veronica are a dud.

Chantel is dying to pop her divorcee cherry...and beggars shall not be choosy 

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On 1/2/2024 at 7:14 AM, Cementhead said:

I hate all of these people so why did I watch this?  I hate Chantel the most when she's just a party of one but I will not survive watching another night of that screeching trio they've attached to her.  I suppose the producers knew they needed to add something to her segments because she has the flattest, most dry affect and zero personality on her own, but that posse, cast straight out of an over-the-top 1990s rom-com ain't it. 

I only watched her on 90 Days in her season but not her family show.  Both families were over the top and not entertaining at all. So, seeing her now is a shock.  She had LOTS of work done and it looks...........fake.

She is way too thirsty and needy for any man to want to hook up to that train wreck.  Both guys she assaulted talked to, looked trapped and looking for an escape from her and her creepy friends.

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12 minutes ago, J80134 said:

Tim running into a woman he chatted with online at a singles event is soooo staged! 

SO staged.  As staged as Sophie and Rob being hit up for a threesome by a woman just hours after Sophie says she is bi.  We see you, TLC.  This franchise is becoming more & more scripted by the day.

14 minutes ago, J80134 said:

Jamal and Veronica are a dud.

BORING.  Stop trying to make Veronica happen, show.  And Jamal isn't nearly as amazing as he thinks he is.  Is this the first time we heard that he lives at home with his mom and has no job?  So much for all those pillow talk episodes where he says bye to Kim and leaves to go home because he "has to get up early." 

17 minutes ago, J80134 said:

Chantel is dying to pop her divorcee cherry...and beggars shall not be choosy 

Chantel and posse are unwatchable.  I cannot handle the screeching.  Dude who is always fanning himself needs to go find a fainting couch and be done with it.  And I thought Veronica trying to act sexy was cringe.  Chantel trying to be sexy is cringe x 100. 

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WIll. not. watch. Chantal.  Automatic FF.

Really don't care about Veronica/Jamal just faking it for the paycheck.

Debbie is mildly entertaining.

Tyray is NOT ready for dating yet, regardless of his

chronological age.

I don't blame Josh for keeping Nutalie at arm's length - he's walking a fine line between getting exposure for his "business" and stringing along Little Miss Desperate. 

Looks like they're cramming in lots of 90-Day rejects this season.  Hopefully that will dilute Chantal's segments.  It seems like she had the most air time this episode, so I got through it pretty quickly (by fast-forwarding her segments).

Also, I'm curious as to why most/all of the segments appeared to be self-filmed?  Seemed extra penny-pinching to me. 

Edited by suzeecat
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Just watching now but immediate thoughts:

Josh is on this show to promote his business and trying to be reasonable with a crazy girl in the process. Not very nice but trying to be honest.

Chantel looks like she just came off of the production line at the Mattell factory. She was a pretty girl, so, like, WTF? And her friends are totally cringe, especially that dude.

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Tyray my guy did you buy that neon flower bouquet at 7-11 or a gas station?  I’m not a wine drinker but was that a super light pour on the Riesling?

Veronica can eat a banana lasciviously and ogle a large zucchini or whatever it was all she wants, sorry you’re not hot.

I was expecting that apartment to be more like $3500.  I get that it is small but it’s Santa Monica.  $2150 for a one bedroom is common in a lot of place and we always hear how crazy SoCal housing is.  

Natalie said she wants to be in the same town as Josh but isn’t his house in AZ and he just has some sort of flop pad in LA?  I remember he wouldn’t even let her see it last season.  It’s probably a studio or he has roommates. Also what kind of modeling agency owner needs to spend two weeks in Columbus, Ohio?  Can’t he scout the models on social media and have the promising ones come out for test shoots?  I have a feeling he offers scammy classes like the one Natalie met him at in Florida to people who have no shot at a modeling career.  

Chantel it’s all so fake.  She acts like Lucy so much I thought she was going to squash the olives with her feet.  At least Crete provides some travel porn.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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13 hours ago, politichick said:

Josh is on this show to promote his business and trying to be reasonable with a crazy girl in the process. Not very nice but trying to be honest.

Chantel looks like she just came off of the production line at the Mattell factory. She was a pretty girl, so, like, WTF? And her friends are totally cringe, especially that dude.

I came to the same conclusion, that Josh is only in it for the visibility for his business.  BUT is this a good choice to be on TV with Nutty?  It's not a good look.

OMG Chantel and her yapping, over-the-top "friends".  Do they realize just how Thirsty this makes Chantel look?  I was embarrassed for her BOTH nights they went out.  Stop looking for male validation to make yourself feel better.  You are beautiful (but back away from the plastic surgery BS) so chill out and find yourself before looking for a man.  Make yourself happy first girl.  Just STOP!

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5 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

OMG Chantel and her yapping, over-the-top "friends".  

They're not friends if you have to pay them to do anything, what they are is professional hangers on & famewhores.

Who the fuck goes on vacation with their fucking hairdresser & "twerking coach", seriously? 

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6 hours ago, Shrek said:

They're not friends if you have to pay them to do anything, what they are is professional hangers on & famewhores.

Who the fuck goes on vacation with their fucking hairdresser & "twerking coach", seriously? 

She is supposedly a nurse and has no nurse friends?

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2 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

She is supposedly a nurse and has no nurse friends?

The scary thing is she went to College a few miles from where I live. I wonder if she works at the closest Hospital.  I think I'd ask for a new nurse if I ran into her

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28 minutes ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

The scary thing is she went to College a few miles from where I live. I wonder if she works at the closest Hospital.  I think I'd ask for a new nurse if I ran into her

I remember on the show she was interviewing to work at a plastic surgeon’s office so maybe she is not at a hospital whew.

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On 1/10/2024 at 9:16 PM, MrBuhBye said:

I remember on the show she was interviewing to work at a plastic surgeon’s office so maybe she is not at a hospital whew.

She is now working at her Dream job as a “nurse injector” at a med spa in Georgia. I guess that means she has unlimited access to Botox and fillers. 

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On 1/2/2024 at 8:49 PM, Meowwww said:

Tyree?  He’s seen too much porn, thinking it’s all four hour sex everywhere.  He really has no idea.


On 1/3/2024 at 12:06 PM, J80134 said:

Tyray giggles like a 12 year old and will shoot his wad in his pants 4 seconds into his 1st kiss.

This guy is a lost cause.  He's this age now and so hopelessly inexperienced and ignorant with crazy ideas about what most sex and even dating is like, it would take forever for even the nicest, most patient woman to explain and correct so much while having to put up with always having to hear/find out about new, weird stuff he thinks and wants that I can't imagine him still being attractive to her at all by the time he finally has a clue and starts to maybe act normal around women.  I think he has good intentions but a lot of misconceptions that will offend and drive away any potential partner until he learns a lot more somehow; maybe some kind of counseling would help this guy.  I don't intend this in any kind of mean or rude way, genuinely want the best for him and hope he eventually has a good relationship, seems a lot to work on though.

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I like Tim on pillow talk, but I don't want to watch him date. I appreciate he wants to get to know a woman, but his pearl clutching at the thought of holding hands too soon is such a turn off.

Undeterred by the mini-golf king rushing her out the door 2 sips into thier drink, Debbie asks for a 2nd date. She is twitterpated when he says....ummm, sure. 

Chantel is jumping through hoops for this homely Greek dude who appears mildly interested in banging her. Pedro really crushed her self esteem.

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11 hours ago, Boxer Woman said:

This guy is a lost cause.  He's this age now and so hopelessly inexperienced and ignorant with crazy ideas about what most sex and even dating is like, it would take forever for even the nicest, most patient woman to explain and correct so much ....

I'm afraid I agree.  I can already hear his giggles when the first woman takes her bra off in his presence and I expect there will also be pointing and the word "boobies!" involved. 

Too much online porn + not enough interaction with the real women of the world = a Tyray.  I suspect we are cultivating entire generations of Tyrays thanks to the internet.  Yay us. 

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On 1/9/2024 at 3:02 PM, Cementhead said:

Chantel and posse are unwatchable.  I cannot handle the screeching.  Dude who is always fanning himself needs to go find a fainting couch and be done with it.  And I thought Veronica trying to act sexy was cringe.  Chantel trying to be sexy is cringe x 100. 

Why is Chantel back? I hated her from the beginning. Her segment is NOISE. Lots and lots of noise and I am not tuning in to watch a bunch of morons screech and act like unsophisticated teenagers. Especially the guy. Jeez. You are not cute by trying  to be so over the top. It makes you look ridiculous. If I had a kinder heart I would feel sorry for him.

On 1/10/2024 at 6:25 AM, MrBuhBye said:

I was expecting that apartment to be more like $3500.  I get that it is small but it’s Santa Monica.  $2150 for a one bedroom is common in a lot of place and we always hear how crazy SoCal housing is.  

I agree. When I heard it was going for $2150 per month I questioned if I got the location right. And wasn't the ocean right there? There is NO WAY this could go for $2150 a month. As a native Californian who lives 45 minutes from the beach, this info is just not accurate.

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12 hours ago, Breedom said:

bunch of morons screech

I was just about to say four ninnies screeching in a van all across Crete.  And sorry Chantel, while the soccer player may be fit he is goofy looking.  

12 hours ago, Breedom said:

There is NO WAY this could go for $2150 a month.

Well they ended up in Long Beach which is not quite as trendy as Santa Monica.  They kept saying one room.  Are they sharing a one bedroom or a studio?

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My cable box is still recording this, this morning I once again snuck a peak before deleting and there was old Debbie, if she's 67 I would be surprised.  I know we all age differently but I think she's a lot older.  


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1 hour ago, endure said:

My cable box is still recording this, this morning I once again snuck a peak before deleting and there was old Debbie, if she's 67 I would be surprised.  I know we all age differently but I think she's a lot older.  


And she had the nerve to put 57 on the dating app lol.  

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I successfully weaned myself off of every iteration of this show this past season.   I'm so proud.  I'm pretty sure the next installment will be 90 Days Every Which Way.  But having seen the commercials, I had to check in here to see what people thought.  Now I'm even gladder I'm no longer involved.  Shouldn't somebody like Chantel take a few minutes and just chill after such an epic failure?  Why would anybody just want to jump back in so quickly?  Most of them, for that matter, should just have a seat.


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14 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What was the waxing lady doing to John?  It looked like she was cleaning his ears? 😳

Yeah apparently it's a thing. 

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2 hours ago, Mswldflwr said:

I successfully weaned myself off of every iteration of this show this past season.   I'm so proud.  I'm pretty sure the next installment will be 90 Days Every Which Way.  But having seen the commercials, I had to check in here to see what people thought.  Now I'm even gladder I'm no longer involved.  Shouldn't somebody like Chantel take a few minutes and just chill after such an epic failure?  Why would anybody just want to jump back in so quickly?  Most of them, for that matter, should just have a seat.


I quit cold turkey maybe a couple of months ago, no regrets, it's freed up time to watch decent programming.  Because my box is still recording, a couple of times I've watched the first few minutes of The Single Life, honestly Chantal is so hard to watch, even if I were watching I would have to fast forward her, and she doesn't look the same (I've only ever watched her in their original season) but her face and body have def changed.  I watched a couple minutes of Debbie, she too is unwatchable!  Maybe next week I can catch a glimpse of Veronica who I dislike even more ha ha.  Kidding, I'm deleting these 90 Day shows from recording.  But I will occasionally check in on the 'couples spoilers' here.  It doesn't appear many are watching this spin off.... not surprising eh!  I do miss the snarking 🤗

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Jamal's "Tim can't be your best friend" stance shows his immaturity. Tim's been in her life for what - at least 17 years? And he co-parented Chloe from pretty much day one.

On 1/2/2024 at 7:14 AM, Cementhead said:

(apparently I really will watch anything 90-Day related now.)  

Me too. It's sad. Although I couldn't stomach the cougar moms show. And I'm not interested in Love In Translation.

Edited by JeanJean
forgot a t
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Did chantels crew punk her with that awful hair and makeup? She looks like a dime store hooker.

Tim bringing sexy back in his motorcycle style skinny jeans and knee high fashion boots. The camo hoodie is just the masculine touch his ensemble needed for a Jamal standoff. 

If a man doesn't stay at your house when he visits, it might be too soon to talk about living together. It is certainly too soon to get up from the table, as John has that brick he shit to contend with.

Ruben the Cuban and his fresh grecian formula dye job are ready to sweat with the oldie. Don't forget the lube and your sexiest baby doll mumu Debbie!

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Chantel's outfit? Was she channeling Ariel from Disney with that pink awful outfit? She is in her 30's and dressing like that, she should be ashamed. 

I don't care for Jamal, he started the nonsense by calling Tim a "b*itch,  I don't like Tim, but Jamal had no right bringing his parenting into this.

Debbie makes my head hurt

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ITA with MFM above. Love your handle and avatar btw. 

Chantel's date looks like Harpo Marx. "We have a fabulous connection"--and both of you can barely spit two words out at a time. I don't know why Chantel didn't just throw him down in the street, she is that desperate. Gurl, get a device, if you know what I mean. Jahn from Bahston can hook you up.

Going on a second(?) date downtown in a 2-piece swimdress (swim fabric, too) was so tacky. I hope they are paying the idiot friends well to do the 4-hour trips and shriek.    

Edited by Tuneful
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