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S15.E20: Carry On (Series Finale)


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I know that COVID hurt some of their plans for a bigger grander finale, with more guest stars and better locations and stuff, but come ON they had to have had something better than this. I am glad that Seam and Dean found that heaven waited for them and they can finally rest and not try no more and all that, but this seemed completely unneeded. I was alright with Sam and Dean driving off into the sunset, with us imagining what happens to them next, but now we know what happens to them next, and its...pretty lame. This wasn't one of the all time awful finales or anything, it doesn't retroactively kill the show the way that the worst series finales can, but a show that has lasted this long and been so much to so many people deserved better. Dean just died of a nail fighting some vampires who watched The Purge too many times? Sam gets really bad old makeup and has a kid with some random women in the background (not Eileen I guess?) then dies? We never even get to see Cas and Dean reunite? Even for an episode with obvious constraints, this seemed so tacked on and lacking in emotion and importance. 

And yes, I am salty that Dean got to experience his new life sans destiny for all of a week before he died, why do you ask? Am I disappointed? Yes. Am I surprised? Sadly, no. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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The Dean Winchester that I knew could barely sit still between hunts.  He needed to be doing, he needed purpose.  Now he's happy in Heaven, idle, no purpose, just eternal sunshine and unlimited beer?   I'm sorry, that's not the character I came to know.   I'm glad it's over, if only so Dean and Jensen don't get screwed over anymore by Badd.  

One thing, Wayward Son made me smile when Dean said "I love this song".  

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3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I'm clearly in the minority, but I really liked it.  I feel they kind of gave us what they always said would happen.  Dean always said he wanted to go down swinging and that he wanted Sam to die of a heart attack at an old age.  I don't know if Sam had a heart attack, but whatever he died of, probably embodies the spirit.

That dog was perfection.

Yes, it would have been nice to have more returnees.  Especially John and Mary, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it.  Especially since I've been whining the entire season.  I think it was a high note to go out on.  And, I like that it's over over. Because thinking of them hunting until they're old men just kind of made me sad.

Yea, I love that Sam seems to have retired, but smartly made little Dean get a tattoo! He lived a long happy life which was always always always what Dean wanted most. But you could also tell he missed Dean terribly the rest of his life. The end with Dean realizing he was there....that smile. 

  • Love 10
21 minutes ago, roctavia said:

Like a few others have said, it didn’t destroy the whole series for me like some series finales have.... but it was definitely disappointing in a lot of ways.

I think that's where I am. I didn't hate it. It didn't ruin the series for me. I'll still watch the episodes on TNT. However, it was a disappointment as far as finales

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, trudysmom said:

The Dean Winchester that I knew could barely sit still between hunts.  He needed to be doing, he needed purpose.  Now he's happy in Heaven, idle, no purpose, just eternal sunshine and unlimited beer?   I'm sorry, that's not the character I came to know.   I'm glad it's over, if only so Dean and Jensen don't get screwed over anymore by Badd.  

One thing, Wayward Son made me smile when Dean said "I love this song".  

Like the song says, "there will be peace when you are done."  I think Dean earned the peace and calm he got to enjoy in Heaven.

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I can see why Jared loved it and Jensen... didn't. 

Dean got his tongue bath from Cas, and Sam got his from Dean. He was wrong about half of it, but at this point, meh.

Why did Sam age 40 or 50 years, but his son looked fifteen at his deathbed? 

They both took their licks in the vamp fight, and the vamp didnt really kill Dean, as in overpowering him, so there's that. (If the spike wasn't there, they both walk away)

I think the thing that touched me most apart from Jensen's acting in the death scene, was that Miracle's food and water dishes were at the foot of Dean's bed.


Edited by gonzosgirrl
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I liked it, but I’ve liked the show all along which it seems is not the case for most people. I liked the Vampire Diaries ending, and well, that’s exactly what we got here!

I didn’t see Dean’s death coming. I probably should have. He got to have a dog and a whole box of pies. It couldn’t last. I’m mad that Sam didn’t say I love you back. Or that we didn’t get another Bitch/Jerk.

I wanted to see Sam with Eileen. Even if they couldn’t get her because of COVID, they could have photoshopped a picture of them together for old Sammy’s bedside. Or even shown Little Kid Dean signing to the generic mom on the porch. And no matter how normal he wanted to be, I don’t believe Sam would dress his kid in overalls with the kid’s named embroidered on them. Come on. 

It ended with the brothers happily together forever. That’s exactly how it should be in my opinion.

I started watching this show in Season 2. I have enjoyed it so much. Back then we were always so worried it was going to get cancelled! And here we are over a decade later. What a run!

  • Love 15

I will really need to think on this finale more and how I feel about it, but just thinking about the end of the show is so bittersweet. I have been watching this show on and off since it premiered. I mean, I was in high school when I started watching this show, we've been through a lot together. I remember my mom asking me not to watch it in the living room because she thought it was too violent and watching the first season DVDs in my college dorm with my roommates, and how I would sporadically get annoyed with the show and quit for awhile, but I would always end up coming back because I was still just that invested, no matter how much stupid crap went down. It was my first real experience with fandom, it was the first show that I owned multiple sets of seasons on DVD. Its so just weird to know that there wont be another season, there has been another season for almost as long as I have been regularly watching television, so even if I dont really know how I feel about this finale, and as much as this show really did need to end, I am still sad to see it go, but I am glad that it was here. It gave me Dean Winchester, one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, along with a ton of other characters that I came to love, a lot of my favorite episodes of television, and for better or worse, it was always memorable. I dont think it has sunk in yet that its really over. Its made me laugh, its made me cry, its make me scream, in fear or frustration, its made me cuss, and I just dont know when I will find another show like it that can have its impact.

The ending with Jared and Jensen and the crew saying goodbye was a really nice touch, after fifteen years, this really is more than just a TV show. 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 19

I get the idea that after all the fighting these two have done, all the huge battles they've waged against the worst of the worst, that going out with something mundane would be seen as something poetic, but in that case, I would have rather they picked cancer, or even COVID-19. Not some rando vampire in a rando barn and a rusty old nail in the middle of nowhere, a few days after they took down GOD and replaced him with their own kid.

That all just made no sense to me. I think we all kind of accepted Dean to fall in battle, but like that? And then to TELL us about all the people in Heaven, but to show us JUST Bobby? Seriously, did they run out of money? They couldn't put a trenchcoat on an extra?

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I have to admit to tearing up. The end of an era after all. That’s why I was all snot and tears. It’s meant so much to me. The only show I’ve ever invested in and literally fallen in love with a fictional man.   Nostalgia does it to me every time, I guess.

Dean dying and Sam carrying on was pretty much a given.  I don’t have too many complaints I guess except.... Dean’s death should’ve been EPIC! Not some lame monster fight that impales him on a spike. Any other episode Sam would pulled him off, called to someone for a spell and tallyho back in business.

I think I know why Jensen wasn’t keen.


  • Love 18
Just now, tennisgurl said:

I will really need to think on this finale more and how I feel about it, but just thinking about the end of the show it so bittersweet. I have been watching this show on and off since it premiered. I mean, I was in high school when I started watching this show, we've been through a lot together. I remember my mom asking me not to watch it in the living room because she thought it was too violent and watching the first season DVDs in my college dorm with my roommates, and how I would sporadically get annoyed with the show and quit for awhile, but I would always end up coming back because I was still just that invested, no matter how much stupid crap went down. It was my first real experience with fandom, it was the first show that I owned multiple sets of seasons on DVD. Its so just weird to know that there wont be another season, there has been another season for almost as long as I have been regularly watching television, so even if I dont really know how I feel about this finale, and as much as this show really did need to end, I am still sad to see it go, but I am glad that it was here. It gave me Dean Winchester, one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, along with a ton of other characters that I came to love, a lot of my favorite episodes of television, and for better or worse, it was always memorable. I dont think it has sunk in yet that its really over. 

The ending with Jared and Jensen and the crew saying goodbye was a really nice touch, after fifteen years, this really is more than just a TV show. 

I love hearing everyone's memories!

I started with Episode one. I was pregnant with my daughter when it premiered! So their technically twins. And the house we lived in at the time was haunted, as well, ironically. It was an interesting time...

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, jmonique said:

I get the idea that after all the fighting these two have done, all the huge battles they've waged against the worst of the worst, that going out with something mundane would be seen as something poetic, but in that case, I would have rather they picked cancer, or even COVID-19. Not some rando vampire in a rando barn and a rusty old nail in the middle of nowhere, a few days after they took down GOD and replaced him with their own kid.

That all just made no sense to me. I think we all kind of accepted Dean to fall in battle, but like that? And then to TELL us about all the people in Heaven, but to show us JUST Bobby? Seriously, did they run out of money? They couldn't put a trenchcoat on an extra?

I really don’t think it’s about money. It’s about COVID. They’ve told us they would have done it differently if not for that. I’m comfortable saying that if that hadn’t happened, we would have seen a lot more guests. Will have to see what comes out in the media and at cons to verify that. 

  • Love 6
Just now, Binns said:

I really don’t think it’s about money. It’s about COVID. They’ve told us they would have done it differently if not for that. I’m comfortable saying that if that hadn’t happened, we would have seen a lot more guests. Will have to see what comes out in the media and at cons to verify that. 

But what I don't get is they already HAD Misha up there. They had brought people up, had them quarantine, etc. 

But this is what we got.

  • Love 3
38 minutes ago, jmonique said:


It's like the writers wrote the season thinking there'd be 19 episodes, they got done with last week's, presented it to the network and the CW was like: "Great! Can't wait to see what you have left for the finale?"

Writers: "Uh, this is the finale."

CW: "You better come up with something for the 20th episode, guys."

Hi Monique!

It did feel like they came up with half an episode. They would have done better to have Dean's death be a brief denouement to last week's episode.

I didn't hate it, but I feel let down, whereas last week felt like it meant something.

Sam's wig was the worse wig that ever did wig, though.

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18 minutes ago, roctavia said:

Like a few others have said, it didn’t destroy the whole series for me like some series finales have.... but it was definitely disappointing in a lot of ways.

Yes, this is how I feel right now. It doesn't totally ruin everything for me, but this is not what I wanted for the final episode. Very disappointing.

Right now my sadness at the show ending and my disappointment about the episode are all mixed together -- I can't separate them out to figure out what to say about the episode.

I am so sad that Dean never got a chance to grow old and have a family of his own. Also it makes me sad that in the episode it is like the only person affected by Dean's death is Sam. Dean touched so many lives and was loved by so many; I know the production team was operating under constraints but there should have been a way to show this.


  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, jmonique said:

But what I don't get is they already HAD Misha up there. They had brought people up, had them quarantine, etc. 

But this is what we got.

It started out with just Sam and Dean, I like that it ended with just Sam and Dean (and Bobby).  Bobby's the only character besides S&D to appear in every season, so I feel like he was the logical expositional choice (barring John which was never going to happen).  If they had had Cas, they would have had to have Jack.  And nobody (and by nobody I mean me) wanted that.

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I haven't watched it and now I'm not going to. I was never really sure if it was true about the writers loving Sam and hating Dean, but this episode proves it once and for all. Sam gets a long happy life with a family. Dean gets overpowered by a nail. I can't imagine anything more boring than sitting around doing nothing for eternity. Dean should at least have been given an important job to do in the afterlife. He should have been allowed to be relevant, rather than as someone else said, shelved like an old forgotten toy. And Cas absolutely should have been there, too. 

There's also the fact that Dean Winchester has already died seventy-billion times, so I find it hard to believe that he would just stay in heaven and loaf around forever. The real Dean Winchester would have gone on a mission to save Cas from the empty, and then he'd return to earth and continue hunting. Or maybe he'd find some other way to save people and hunt things somewhere else, but the guy is a hero, and he would stay one forever. He definitely deserved better. Sure, let the guy rest and have fun for a bit, but there's no way he'd be happy and content to do that forever. 

 I've only seen the final season up to the last break. Not sure if I'll ever finish it. Don't know if I even want to rewatch early episodes. Bad endings don't have to ruin everything that came before, but they can. But if I can fix the storyline in my head I probably will. 

  • Love 9

I really do think they were hampered by Covid restrictions, but they should have better adapted the writing to that.

What I wish they'd addressed is when Jack-god brought back the rest of the people he wiped out during his hissy fit, whether he brought back Donna, Eileen, and Jody Mills (i.e. all the people from Sam and Dean's reality who he'd taken out). 

I'm glad Jack (with an assist from Castiel) made Heaven more heavenly. I don't see why they had to kill Dean so soon. It's not like the episode was chock full o' plot.

Like many have said, I'm not angry, but I'm disappointed.

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23 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

I wanted to see Sam with Eileen. Even if they couldn’t get her because of COVID, they could have photoshopped a picture of them together for old Sammy’s bedside.

All the needed to do to show us it was Eileen was have Sam sign something when he looks back during catch. Not even a line of dialogue needed.

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And so ends the last original WB Network program.

Jared Padelecki is a better actor than people give him credit for. Sam holding a dying Dean, his reaction to the call, the shutting down of the bunker.  (Yeah, the shutting down of the bunker really hurt my heart.)  And him being alone in the Impala.  And him dying in bed with his son by his side. 

It did frustrate me that we didn't see Cas in Heaven.  I mean, it's implied that Jack saved Cas from The Nothing, but I wish he could have been there.  That, and Dean Winchester getting killed by a stupid spike!

I think Neil Gaiman wrote, "If you let a story go on long enough, it will inevitably end in death."  Yeah, this was a sad finale, but it was a beautiful sadness. 

Yes, this was flawed, but it's not flawed enough for me hate the series as the whole, unlike Game of Thrones which I will not revisit.  The difference between the two finales is that with GoT it seemed the whole last season was antagonizing the fans for "liking certain characters we weren't supposed to" along with being slipshod in production and story.  With Supernatural, I think they were hampered with what happened with the Coronavirus along with the network splitting season 15 in half.  So,  I'll be taking Supernatural over GoT any day.

Edited by bmoore4026
  • Love 12

I hate that Dean died young,  but I think the way it happened is realistic. He knew he was mortally wounded. If Sam pulled him off and tried to get to help, he'd have died anyway. Like @Katy M said, they both know the time for deals and spells has passed.  I'm okay with that part.  Somehow I wouldn't have been if the vamp stabbed or bit him. Can't explain it.

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, Cindy McLennan said:

What I wish they'd addressed is when Jack-god brought back the rest of the people he wiped out during his hissy fit, whether he brought back Donna, Eileen, and Jody Mills (i.e. all the people from Sam and Dean's reality who he'd taken out). 

We know he brought back Donna, because Donna's the one that told the cop to call Dean, I mean Agent Bon Jovi.

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I'm going to say it could have been worse. Of course they ended with the song that usually began the season finale. I mentioned in a post way back when that that's the way it should be done. But my God, Jensen, what an actor you are! You've created the most memorable character I can even imagine. You gave us a death scene that moved me to tears. Dean got his peace when you were he was done. Dire Straits' "Brothers in Arms" really did me in. A dear friend of mine, Will, loved that song and sang it while playing a guitar. He died too soon, so double whammy for me. The hunt/death was mundane, but I've read fanfic that depicted that kind of mundane death for one of the brothers, so sometimes shit happens. I would have preferred "Butch & Sundance" - a scene where they're surrounded, but don't know it, and go out to kill the monsters. But for that, Speight would have to be the director, since he's the one who rips off pays homage to other films. I expected Sam to die honorably and Dean be left alone - his worst fear - so all in all, I have to admit that this set better with me. I suspect we would have seen several of Dean's friends/family in Heaven, but you know, Covid. 😞 It certainly wasn't a finale for the ages, but we knew we wouldn't get that from Badd, so I guess I'll take Dean sitting in his Baby, driving down Heaven's highways - peace when he was done.

  • Love 15

I never thought the episode would have the ability to ruin anything because we were well past the point of Sam and Dean having character arcs or motivations that were going to get them anywhere in a meaningful way.


So yeah, we'll always have the first five seasons and the great moments under Gamble and Carver (Dabb has done fuck all I want to rewatch).


But damn, I wish that episode hadn't been so hollow. It's just a mish-mash of the most mundane "emotional" greatest hits pieces, that completely ignores what the characters are really about in favor of getting those tears out of the usual audience. Just like Dabb has almost always did.


And COVID didn't change anything as far as I'm concerned. As a finale, I would have gladly taken an episode with just Sam and Dean talking for a full hour. Meaningful fucking conversations about what they were going to do now, so we get a final glimpse into these characters we used to love.


Instead, and predictably, it's probably one of, if not the episode episode in the entire show with the lowest amount of lines. Because why bother creating when you can just rehash the same shit over and over again ?

Edited by BoxManLocke
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, KSenniaV said:

I haven't watched it and now I'm not going to. I was never really sure if it was true about the writers loving Sam and hating Dean, but this episode proves it once and for all. Sam gets a long happy life with a family. Dean gets overpowered by a nail. I can't imagine anything more boring than sitting around doing nothing for eternity. Dean should at least have been given an important job to do in the afterlife. He should have been allowed to be relevant, rather than as someone else said, shelved like an old forgotten toy. And Cas absolutely should have been there, too. 

There's also the fact that Dean Winchester has already died seventy-billion times, so I find it hard to believe that he would just stay in heaven and loaf around forever. The real Dean Winchester would have gone on a mission to save Cas from the empty, and then he'd return to earth and continue hunting. Or maybe he'd find some other way to save people and hunt things somewhere else, but the guy is a hero, and he would stay one forever. He definitely deserved better. Sure, let the guy rest and have fun for a bit, but there's no way he'd be happy and content to do that forever. 

 I've only seen the final season up to the last break. Not sure if I'll ever finish it. Don't know if I even want to rewatch early episodes. Bad endings don't have to ruin everything that came before, but they can. But if I can fix the storyline in my head I probably will. 

It was pretty much said that Cas was out of the empty by the time Dean got to Heaven.

Dean didn't loaf around for eternity. He had a beer with Bobby, took Baby for a spin, and met up with Sam on a bridge. Bobby outright said time works differently there. We don't know what they'll do for eternity. We do know it's happy. In other words, a lot of the assumptions you're bringing in your post weren't shown in the episode and some of them were ruled out by the episode.


1 minute ago, Pondlass1 said:

The Winchesters are going to be awful bored in monotonous heaven. Especially Dean. So ........

We don't know enough to know what it will be like, imo.

Just now, Katy M said:

We know he brought back Donna, because Donna's the one that told the cop to call Dean, I mean Agent Bon Jovi.

I forget the wording, but when I heard the line, I felt like she could have said that anytime (including before her death).

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1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I hate that Dean died young,  but I think the way it happened is realistic. He knew he was mortally wounded. If Sam pulled him off and tried to get to help, he'd have died anyway. Like @Katy M said, they both know the time for deals and spells has passed.  I'm okay with that part.  Somehow I wouldn't have been if the vamp stabbed or bit him. Can't explain it.

I really just wish we could have seen them living life a bit more before he had to die... I know people hate a montage, and they tried to show us some fun stuff with pie festival, and maybe it was years of "ordinary" living before he died... but it didn't feel like it. So if they had been able to show time passing and a bunch of glimpses of hunts or something, it would have helped me know that Dean got to live a little.

I do agree with the death itself being okay. If he had died saving Sam, it would have had it's own issues... or if they had been taking on some really big bad, it wouldn't have made sense since they've already taken care of the big players.... So a sort of crazy random two inches to the left and he would have been fine death is fitting on it's own.

  • Love 12
Just now, Cindy McLennan said:

I forget the wording, but when I heard the line, I felt like she could have said that anytime (including before her death).

I don't think that would make a lot of sense.  "Hey, person I know, if you ever have a bunch of bodies with no hearts, or any other weird deaths, give Agent Bon Jovi a call."

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I've been trying to write something for a half hour, but I just can't yet.

All I can say for now is that Dean's death scene was everything in this one for me.

Still doesn't think enough of himself.

Heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking.

But the "Don't leave me." and "Tell me it's ok..." were the end of me.


The three saddest words of the ep.

  • Love 8
Just now, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't know why Sam wouldn't have them at Dean's pyre though. Yes, Covid, but no explanation is just wrong.

When Sam died in AHBL, Dean sent Bobby away.  When Dean died in NRFTW Sam sent Bobby away.  I don't think Sam even told anybody when Dean died at the end of Survival of the Fittest.  I think a solo funeral was in character.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Katy M said:

I don't think that would make a lot of sense.  "Hey, person I know, if you ever have a bunch of bodies with no hearts, or any other weird deaths, give Agent Bon Jovi a call."

I'm pretty sure it was along the lines of, "My friend Donna Hanscom said if I ever got in a jam to call Agent Bon Jovi." I'll have to watch again, or find a transcript. I just remember it was ambiguous, because it ticked me off.

It also ticked me off that the writers don't know Dean well enough to know he wouldn't have left his bed a mess like that. The man had a domestic streak a mile wide.

No one on this show can cook scrambled eggs, btw. They were tight little curds in this episode, and in the episode where AU-Charlie was singing the praises of her GF's eggs.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I hate that Dean died young,  but I think the way it happened is realistic. He knew he was mortally wounded. If Sam pulled him off and tried to get to help, he'd have died anyway. Like @Katy M said, they both know the time for deals and spells has passed.  I'm okay with that part.  Somehow I wouldn't have been if the vamp stabbed or bit him. Can't explain it.

Probably because Dean didn't die at all from incompetence, just pure bad luck. 

On one hand, Dean Winchester, with everything he's accomplished and all the people he's saved and all the big bads he's killed, sure as hell didn't deserve to get impaled by a spike as his final death. On the other hand, there's a terrible poetry and unexpected groundedness to it. Reminded us that he was and always had been human, which renders everything he made of his mortal human life all the more remarkable for it. The manner of his permanent death doesn't diminish him or his legacy, so I feel like I'll gradually be more at peace with it over time. He still deserved at least a good decade of freedom on Earth before that happened, though. With Miracle by his side.

Edited by BabySpinach
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6 minutes ago, Katy M said:

When Sam died in AHBL, Dean sent Bobby away.  When Dean died in NRFTW Sam sent Bobby away.  I don't think Sam even told anybody when Dean died at the end of Survival of the Fittest.  I think a solo funeral was in character.

Yeah, maybe.  But so much has happened since then, I guess it just hurts me that Dean Winchester died and nobody seemed to know or care.  Guess that's what the initials in the table were for.

Son of a bitch.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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3 minutes ago, BabySpinach said:

Probably because Dean didn't die at all from incompetence, just pure bad luck. 

On one hand, Dean Winchester, with everything he's accomplished and all the people he's saved and all the big bads he's killed, sure as hell didn't deserve to get impaled by a spike as his final death. On the other hand, there's a terrible poetry and unexpected groundedness to it. Reminded us that he was and always had been human, which renders what everything he made of his mortal human life all the more remarkable for it. The manner of his permanent death doesn't diminish him or his legacy, so I feel like I'll gradually be more at peace with it over time. He still deserved at least a good decade of freedom on Earth before that happened, though. With Miracle by his side.

Yes. And it was on his terms. By stopping Sam from futile scrambling trying to save him, he was able to say the things he wanted to say. 

  • Love 10
19 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

The Winchesters are going to be awful bored in monotonous heaven. Especially Dean. So ........

I mean, they were making a point of saying it wasn’t monotonous heaven anymore. Things to do, people to see, places to go. And time moves differently. Dean certainly seemed content to me, just missing Sam to make it perfect. I was fine with that. He earned it.

At the end of the day I was going to be easy to satisfy if the boys ended up together. 

20 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I'm going to say it could have been worse. Of course they ended with the song that usually began the season finale. I mentioned in a post way back when that that's the way it should be done. But my God, Jensen, what an actor you are! You've created the most memorable character I can even imagine. You gave us a death scene that moved me to tears. Dean got his peace when you were he was done. Dire Straits' "Brothers in Arms" really did me in. A dear friend of mine, Will, loved that song and sang it while playing a guitar. He died too soon, so double whammy for me. The hunt/death was mundane, but I've read fanfic that depicted that kind of mundane death for one of the brothers, so sometimes shit happens. I would have preferred "Butch & Sundance" - a scene where they're surrounded, but don't know it, and go out to kill the monsters. But for that, Speight would have to be the director, since he's the one who rips off pays homage to other films. I expected Sam to die honorably and Dean be left alone - his worst fear - so all in all, I have to admit that this set better with me. I suspect we would have seen several of Dean's friends/family in Heaven, but you know, Covid. 😞 It certainly wasn't a finale for the ages, but we knew we wouldn't get that from Badd, so I guess I'll take Dean sitting in his Baby, driving down Heaven's highways - peace when he was done.

Oh! I forgot about Brothers in Arms! One of my favorite songs. Used very well in West Wing too. I liked it here. If we couldn’t get Brother, this was good. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Bergamot said:

I am so sad that Dean never got a chance to grow old and have a family of his own. Also it makes me sad that in the episode it is like the only person affected by Dean's death is Sam. Dean touched so many lives and was loved by so many; I know the production team was operating under constraints but there should have been a way to show this.

1 hour ago, Katy M said:

When Sam died in AHBL, Dean sent Bobby away.  When Dean died in NRFTW Sam sent Bobby away.  I don't think Sam even told anybody when Dean died at the end of Survival of the Fittest.  I think a solo funeral was in character.

I understand Covid, and yes, Sam could have wanted to mourn alone.  But the the first two times mentioned above, neither surviving Winchester accepted the death, and so didn't want the finality of a funeral, and the third time there was no body, since Dean wasn't actually dead.  In fact, neither one ever got a hunter's funeral, no matter how many times (or how) they died.  

Even Mary got a full hunter's send off, and I would think Donna and Jody at least, plus Garth and the WS, should have been there.  Or did Sam even tell anyone this time?  They could have had a long shot of the pyre with doubles for them surrounding Sam.  At the very least, I would have liked some mention--maybe a VO phone conversation with Jody saying something like, "yeah, I'm OK.  No, I don't want company.  Thanks."

The other thing that struck me as particularly odd was that, in Sam's crowded mantlepiece with all those pictures, there was no wedding picture, no picture at all of a wife, even with his son.  Maybe his "happily ever after" wasn't all that happy, and they were divorced?  (Otherwise, I would wonder that Sam wouldn't want to spend eternity with her rather than Dean.)  

Like many of the posters above, I didn't like the ep, but didn't hate it.  As a matter of fact, when they killed off Dean even before the halfway point, I came here to read spoilers to see if I should even bother with watching the rest--I honestly didn't want to watch just Sam for the rest of the ep.  But it was OK with all the Covid restrictions--otherwise, I'd assume he'd get a big welcome in heaven by all the friends they'd lost in the last 15 years, so just Bobby was fine with me (though, having seen his current hair in the retrospective just before, I was sort of distracted by his haircolor and especially eyebrows in the actual ep.  Not nearly as much as Sam's hair, though.  (Of course, he should have been bald, which I guess would have gotten more screams from his fans.)  

So people don't stay at the age they died in heaven, but can choose whatever age they want?   Sam definitely wasn't his final age, but Bobby was.  (And his wife wasn't with him?)  

Oh, and Miracle is definitely the Cutest Dog Ever.  


Edited by ahrtee
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