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S22.E32: Head of Household #13, Nominations #13

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I couldn't do it.  I deleted this one after the first 15 minutes.  Cody's whiny sense of entitlement, Nicole's whining about Enzo not playing the game for Cody, Christmas's delusions, Enzo's yo bro'ing... Even just having it on the background was giving me anxiety.  I finally decided that I have free will and I don't want to see this crap.

Seriously, these people are the worst.

  • Love 19

In any other year but the bizzaro world of 2020 would I be stunned to find myself rooting for Christmas to win Veto but I surely am because the LAST and probably ONLY bit of enjoyment to be wrung out of this trainwreck season would be the look on Cody's face as he is sent to the jury Thursday. If there was ever a time for the Almighty to rise out of the tub this is it.

Ugh...75% Enzofest  and 20% filler and 5% competition led to a lot of fast forwarding but....

Guess who got to dust off their SAG card and make a special guest star appearance tonight....The Backyard and Swimming pool! I mean I was shocked when Nicole showed up at it in the filler segment. Gone are the days when it used to play such a big part of the show that comps would be held to unlock the jacuzzi, and people hanging about poolside all day. Chima hurtling her mice pac into it and getting ejected (when people afterward have done far more egriegous things and are allowed to stay-JC anyone?) and even Christmas's famous injury took place there. We barely saw it at all this summer. I wonder why its "star" has faded. It's like all kitchen and all bed room all the time. SInce we are on the subject...they sure put together this awesome 'Have Not Room" and if it got more than 5 minutes of screen time the ENTIRE season I would be amazed. 

  • Love 7

I defy anyone to tell me how this season could be any more annoying. And at the same time sooooo boring we have to see Christmas' talent contest moves from grade school and Cody's nose insecurities. Oh also the most boring generic letter form home evar.

I yo-yo between annoyed and bored and then annoyed THAT I'm bored!! Ugh. It's the worst.

ETA: Also this being on a MONDAY annoys me as well.

And Enzo thankyou for taking the path of least resistance every. damn. time. While you talk about your big moves yo and then don't make them. You're a chump yo.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Oh my god I was ROLLING when they played the dramatic music when Nicole was spraying the sunscreen and then the machine gun sneezes.

It was like when an orchestra tunes up before they play a big show!??!?!?!?! LOL IT WAS SO WEIRD

Enzo was trying to compliment Cody when he laughed and said he couldn't understand how (perfect looking) Cody could be so insecure.  I felt bad for Enzo that he had to explain that.  And Cody, do you really have to ask Enzo what he's insecure about?  That's mean.  It's obvious to everyone.

Cody trying to grind Enzo down on that point reminded me of when supermodels love to tell everyone that they were "awkward" when they were young.  Just shut up and know your place.  LOL.  Enzo wasn't laughing at Cody, he was laughing at the idea of perfect Cody not liking one of his perfect attributes, and honestly, it was nice.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 11
39 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I defy anyone to tell me how this season could be any more annoying. And at the same time sooooo boring we have to see Christmas' talent contest moves from grade school and Cody's nose insecurities. Oh also the most boring generic letter form home evar.

I yo-yo between annoyed and bored and then annoyed THAT I'm bored!! Ugh. It's the worst.

ETA: Also this being on a MONDAY annoys me as well.

And Enzo thankyou for taking the path of least resistance every. damn. time. While you talk about your big moves yo and then don't make them. You're a chump yo.

It could be 3 weeks longer. 

(I hear you. Hope you got at least a bit of a smile before you rolled your eyes. 😁 )

  • LOL 5
1 minute ago, tinkerbell said:

Enzo!! You were supposed to help Cody! Not try to WIN!  Enzo is so disloyal, he's only thinking of himself!

This attitude was bad enough coming from Cody, but when Nicole was spouting it too???  Does she even realize that Cody going home is was her best chance at winning?  Too bad Enzo decided to play for himself a little late in the game.

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Enzo is the biggest coward in BB history.  Every episode, he's talking about making Big Moves and Getting Blood on his (My) Hands. but then he does the wimpiest, easiest move possible, every time.  Putting up Cody and Nicole would have been a MUCH better game move for Enzo (for all the reasons Xmas stated), but he was too scared, so he defaulted to putting up "the ladies" and keeping "his boy" Cody safe yet again.

I think, at this point, I have to root for Christmas to win.  She seems terrible, but she's the underdog here, and any Christmas victory will upset the applecart for the other 3 idiots.

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First episode I've watched in weeks. I made it 20 minutes.

1. WTF was that onesie thing Nicole was wearing during the HOH comp?

2. STFU Nic and Cody about Enzo playing to win. You're both boring, arrogant and entitled. Enzo is a chicken but I'd still rather see him win, even though it ain't happening.

And that's it. Off to watch a Halloween Baking Championship rerun. Wake me up when October's BB ends.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Guess who got to dust off their SAG card and make a special guest star appearance tonight....The Backyard and Swimming pool! I mean I was shocked when Nicole showed up at it in the filler segment. Gone are the days when it used to play such a big part of the show that comps would be held to unlock the jacuzzi, and people hanging about poolside all day. Chima hurtling her mice pac into it and getting ejected (when people afterward have done far more egriegous things and are allowed to stay-JC anyone?) and even Christmas's famous injury took place there. We barely saw it at all this summer. I wonder why its "star" has faded. It's like all kitchen and all bed room all the time. SInce we are on the subject...they sure put together this awesome 'Have Not Room" and if it got more than 5 minutes of screen time the ENTIRE season I would be amazed. 

Two reasons this summer: first, COVID preventions among the crew have led to longer lockdowns for setting up comps and breaking them down. The backyard is usually shut down on Wednesday to set up for the HoH comp. HoH comps are played on Thursday and then broken down. Veto comps are played either Friday or Saturday and then broken down. That typically only gives them part of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to have backyard access. And second: this summer, because we have fuck all else to do, there has been a rash of wall yellers and for a few weeks there, any time they got backyard access, there would be some asshole coming to yell about how "Nicole and Cody have a Final 2!!!1" which would cause another very lengthy lockdown. 

For those that don't know, the lot that the Big Brother house is on is right next to a... drainage ditch? Culvert? and there's now a townhouse complex on the other side so it's not that hard to get near the property and with a bullhorn and without announcing your intent on Twitter, you can yell pretty much anything you want before security is chasing your ass out of there. Whether the HGs can hear you (clearly) is another story. Production plays a loud siren and announces a lockdown the second they know of or hear about a yeller. But it was pretty non-stop during the middle of the game. Wall yellers are the evolution of ye olde banner plane and that one hilarious afternoon in BB18 when a blow up sex doll was flown over the house by drone. Heh. 

Wall yellers also have way less of an impact on the game as people would think. Nine times out of ten, if they can be heard, they can't be heard clearly and the one time they can be heard, it's usually too late to do anything about it. There's at least two or three every season - this season probably went into the double digits because again, boredom, 'Rona, and this cast sucking the life out of the game. 

They also tend not to cast smokers anymore which makes the backyard less of a thing and has let them do more elaborate comp set ups during non-COVID seasons (they used to supply nicotine patches for lockdowns for the smokers which any smoker can tell you... doesn't help). 

  • Useful 10

How Enzo SHOULD have responded to Cody:

Cody: You’re playing for yourself!   
Enzo: And you’re not?? You mean all this time you’ve been playing for ME? Thanks, bro! 

30 minutes ago, Gregg247 said:

Enzo is the biggest coward in BB history.  Every episode, he's talking about making Big Moves and Getting Blood on his (My) Hands. but then he does the wimpiest, easiest move possible, every time.  Putting up Cody and Nicole would have been a MUCH better game move for Enzo (for all the reasons Xmas stated), but he was too scared, so he defaulted to putting up "the ladies" and keeping "his boy" Cody safe yet again.

I would agree, but at this stage of the game, putting up Cody and Nicole would have been much riskier. The only way to get out Cody in that scenario would be if Enzo or Christmas win veto. If Cody wins, he comes off, Christmas goes up, Cody votes out Christmas, and definitely doesn’t take Traitor Enzo to F2. If Nicole wins veto, she also votes out Christmas and definitely doesn’t take Traitor Enzo to F2. This way, Enzo has a (slim) chance to take out Nicole, at least, while retaining the trust of both Cody and Nicole because she volunteered and his deformed nose didn’t get a whiff of the hot seat. Because, at this point, all Enzo can do is win his way to F2 or hope someone will take him. Alienating 2/3 of the possible people who could do that would be unwise. Let’s face it, without a total commitment from all other parties, the time to take out Cody has passed— and Enzo knows it.

  • Useful 3
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I was puzzled by Enzo’s shirt in the nomination ceremony.  I always thought the name of that alliance was the Brogade— a brigade composed of Bro’s.  But the lettering on his shirt was “B R A G <grenade> D E”.  The grenade was circular, and looked like a better stand-in for an “o” than an “a”.  So either the shirt said, “The Bragode”, or the A and the grenade were transposed. 

Who’s the dummy? Enzo (and BB12 allies) or the screenprinter? Or me, for even caring about this? 

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I mentioned when we first saw that shirt that "Bragade" was not how 'Brigade' was spelled/ We would have accepted 'Brogade' as a correct answer but 'Bragade' was right out. What is puzzling is that he wore this earlier in the season and again tonight so obviously nobody got to him on the downlow and said 'Bro, that's NOT how you spell 'Brigade' " and he would have tucked the shirt away for the season. Maybe he thinks it like "Yo brah, iss a bra(h)gade mon" but I think it was simply made like the printer was asked to make. And yes, I've thought of this one too much as well as it bothers me, especially seeing it re-appear tonight.

  • Love 5

All throughout the episode I was so annoyed because I could think of no scenario where Nicole is evicted this week.

Enzo can’t vote, and we all know he wouldn’t do it anyways.

Christmas would evict Cody for a bazillion reasons.

Cody would most likely evict Christmas over Nicole because final two blat blat blat.

RAWR she is going to make the final three and then the final two and then will win and crow for the rest of time that she is the only two time winner and fire will burst forth from my eyes.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

...they sure put together this awesome 'Have Not Room" and if it got more than 5 minutes of screen time the ENTIRE season I would be amazed. 

I checked out of BB after the first season and only began watching it again last year, but I've already noticed the show's habit of massively hyping something and then forgetting about it. Examples include last season's "Camp Director" title (which was used once and never referred to again) and this season's "neighbor" twist (pretty sure Julie spent more time hyping it than Dr. Will spent on-screen -- we got two video clips, a couple of Dr. Will-themed challenges, and the whole thing was then forgotten).

9 hours ago, leocadia said:

This attitude was bad enough coming from Cody, but when Nicole was spouting it too???  Does she even realize that Cody going home is was her best chance at winning?  Too bad Enzo decided to play for himself a little late in the game.

Cody and Nicole literally expected Enzo to lay down so they could get what they wanted, and were visibly angered that he thought of himself before them; meanwhile, they would throw him under the bus without a second thought if it benefited their game. Of the two, I find Cody marginally less annoying because he's at least honest in the DR about what he's doing and why. Nicole, OTOH, has a whiny entitlement I can't get past: she can backstab anyone she wants and they're supposed to accept it as part of the game, but anything that affects her negatively is treated as an unforgivable personal insult.

Assuming the final two is Cody-Nicole, I'd love to see Kaysar stand up at the finale and say "I fucking TOLD you idiots they had a Final Two, and you STILL let them play you."

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I honestly think the nominations at Final 4 are completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter who is up and who isn’t. It’s all about the veto. The real reason for Enzo to put Cody up would be to take away Cody’s “I was never on the block” talking point. Otherwise, everyone’s odds of staying in the house are no different than if the nominations were changed. Christmas has to win the veto to be safe. That would be the case even if she weren’t a nom. 

I’m actually surprised by how terrible Christmas’ read on the house is. Can she not see how close Enzo and Cody are? Also, her whining to Cody about following her around on the board during the HOH was ridiculous. They are not aligned. What else was he supposed to be doing! 

Speaking of ridiculous, Cody and Nicole can STFU with their whining about Enzo “playing for himself.” Finally, he’s doing what he should’ve been doing all summer. Those 2 are completely entitled. 

I don’t even get why Cody was so hell bent on Christmas not winning HOH. He’s obviously looking ahead to next week, but a Christmas HOH would’ve guaranteed him Final 3, IMO. Nicole and Enzo would’ve both cut the other over him. Christmas is the only one who will cut him this week, and she can’t do that as HOH. Now, he’s gone if she wins veto.

Enzo running around pretending like he’s been such a great player is really cringeworthy. Talk about no self-awareness. 

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

All throughout the episode I was so annoyed because I could think of no scenario where Nicole is evicted this week.

Enzo can’t vote, and we all know he wouldn’t do it anyways.

Christmas would evict Cody for a bazillion reasons.

Cody would most likely evict Christmas over Nicole because final two blat blat blat.

RAWR she is going to make the final three and then the final two and then will win and crow for the rest of time that she is the only two time winner and fire will burst forth from my eyes.

Yep...I think Nicole is golden this week. Enzo is the only one who *may* (but probably not) have clipped her, but him winning HOH was best case scenario for her. This is why I thought it would’ve been dumb for Nicole to cut Cody last week. She’s in zero danger this week, whereas she would’ve been in a whole lot of danger if Memphis was still in the house. 

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Ah, yes....  This is the best time of "new style" playing: when half the innermost circle of the giant Bro&Ho popular kid alliance realize that there is an even more inner circle and they're not in it, and then when the other half realize that the outliers aren't going to just roll over and crown the king already and have the actual temerity to try to win themselves.

Nobody got a flattering edit last night.  I think production hates them all.  Cody looked like a petulant tyrant.  Nicole looked like a sycophantic toady.  Enzo looked like a fumbling fool.  And Christmas looked like a pathetic mess.

I can't believe I'm rooting for Enzo and/or Christmas.  OK.  Let me rephrase that.  I'm rooting for anyone who isn't Cody or Nicole.  Moolawn for the win!

  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, Mmazeo said:

Big fan of Cody but if he keeps Nicole over Christmas he doesn’t deserve the win. So far he’s played a perfect game. 

I think Nicole's certain to make the final two because she's burned so many bridges with the jury. Taking her to the end means an almost guaranteed win for Cody or Enzo.

I thought Cody was upset with Enzo because he was under the impression that the two of them would work together in the HOH comp to make sure that Christmas didn't win. After that, whoever wins, wins. Instead, Enzo went off on his own, leaving Cody to try and get Christmas out by himself and leaving open the possibility of Christmas not being boxed in and eliminated. Now, maybe Enzo's main goal wasn't getting Christmas out, but Cody didn't seem to be aware of that going in. I understand why he'd be upset.

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25 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I think Nicole's certain to make the final two because she's burned so many bridges with the jury. Taking her to the end means an almost guaranteed win for Cody or Enzo.

You never can tell with juries.  Every time I think they'll be bitter kittens and vote against someone who burned them, they flip the narrative in their heads and instead of being angry at the person, they give mad respect to the person and vote for them to win instead.  I think it is an ego thing, like "I'm so awesome, and they got me voted out, so they must be much more awesome and I must reward them for that because that is the only way I can justify that awesome me lost!"  Couple that with the inevitable denial response to "Nicole already won this game once, and here she is in the final two when she should have been voted out early on, she deserves the win!" which completely ignores the fact that every single person on that jury is responsible for not voting her out all this time.  I think it is those two pieces of human psychological response that Nicole is counting on to turn the tables on either Enzo or Cody.

Cody will still probably win.  He was crowned the winner in the first week when in the execrable "new" style he took leadership of the giant popular kids alliance that formed immediately.  And that's not going to make me happy, because this new style of play with one giant alliance with outcasts and voting with the house is dull and frustrating as a viewer.

C'mon, Big Brother, shake it up!  Do some actual twists and rule changes that keep the dynamics in the house shifting around to keep it interesting for the viewers.

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Cody will still probably win.  He was crowned the winner in the first week when in the execrable "new" style he took leadership of the giant popular kids alliance that formed immediately.  And that's not going to make me happy, because this new style of play with one giant alliance with outcasts and voting with the house is dull and frustrating as a viewer.

C'mon, Big Brother, shake it up!  Do some actual twists and rule changes that keep the dynamics in the house shifting around to keep it interesting for the viewers.

Part of the problem with this season was casting people who all knew each other and are in contact IRL. The big alliances were mostly set up before the show even began, and other castmembers were either gaslit into going along, or didn't win early challenges and so were voted out.

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1 hour ago, greyflannel said:

I thought Cody was upset with Enzo because he was under the impression that the two of them would work together in the HOH comp to make sure that Christmas didn't win. After that, whoever wins, wins. Instead, Enzo went off on his own, leaving Cody to try and get Christmas out by himself and leaving open the possibility of Christmas not being boxed in and eliminated. Now, maybe Enzo's main goal wasn't getting Christmas out, but Cody didn't seem to be aware of that going in. I understand why he'd be upset.

Pretty sure this is correct. People have an irrational hatred for Cody though it clouds their judgement. I never took his complaints to be about him not being handed the win. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, greyflannel said:

I thought Cody was upset with Enzo because he was under the impression that the two of them would work together in the HOH comp to make sure that Christmas didn't win. After that, whoever wins, wins. Instead, Enzo went off on his own, leaving Cody to try and get Christmas out by himself and leaving open the possibility of Christmas not being boxed in and eliminated. Now, maybe Enzo's main goal wasn't getting Christmas out, but Cody didn't seem to be aware of that going in. I understand why he'd be upset.

1 hour ago, Mmazeo said:

Pretty sure this is correct. People have an irrational hatred for Cody though it clouds their judgement. I never took his complaints to be about him not being handed the win. 

Part of it is the way Nicole and Cody talked about it afterward--as if it was a betrayal that Enzo was "only looking out for himself." I do think Cody was upset because of the strategy; it would've been interesting had Enzo been the one to go second, not Cody. But because Cody showed that he was going to be so aggressive, Enzo knew he didn't have to be.

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2 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

The noms don’t even matter so who cares who he puts up? It’s just who wins the POV that matters. 

Exactly, which is why I made the point above about why nominating Nicole and Christmas was the right call. It’s the safest play, and one that won’t burn any bridges, so why telegraph your wishes if it a) won’t give you an advantage, and b) might come back to bite you? 

But Cody is going to win anyway, so it’s all a moo point. (tm Moolan)

  • LOL 3
13 hours ago, springbarb said:

Part of it is the way Nicole and Cody talked about it afterward--as if it was a betrayal that Enzo was "only looking out for himself." I do think Cody was upset because of the strategy; it would've been interesting had Enzo been the one to go second, not Cody. But because Cody showed that he was going to be so aggressive, Enzo knew he didn't have to be.

Yeah, that was my issue with it. I’m actually fine with Cody winning, and I actually think Nicole is probably the second most deserving. I don’t like Christmas at all, and I think Enzo is a pathetic player, so I’m grudgingly ok with Cody or Nicole winning, even though I’ve hated this season. 

However, I thought they came off horrible for a few reasons: 1) They just sounded entitled and bratty; 2) Unless they knew the game beforehand, I don’t see how Cody and Enzo had time to work out the strategy. Cody seemed to just assume that Enzo would follow him, which goes back to the entitlement issue; and 3) It was absolutely in Enzo’s best interest to win HOH! I think a Cody HOH especially would’ve been disastrous for Enzo, as Nicole/Christmas both may have clipped him. It made perfect sense for him to let Cody/Christmas fight it out and win.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

I think a Cody HOH especially would’ve been disastrous for Enzo, as Nicole/Christmas both may have clipped him. It made perfect sense for him to let Cody/Christmas fight it out and win.

That is actually a really good point. Enzo is very aware that he's not in good with Nicole, despite saving her during the triple. Cody probably would've put up Nicole, but Enzo was right to look after his own safety.

  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, springbarb said:

That is actually a really good point. Enzo is very aware that he's not in good with Nicole, despite saving her during the triple. Cody probably would've put up Nicole, but Enzo was right to look after his own safety.

In order to be the only one who could say that he never went on the block, I could’ve easily seen Cody (had he won) saying that Enzo should go up on the block because Nicole had already been up 2x. Cody has never seemed nearly as interested in harming his own game for Enzo, although he expects it in return. Even his whole “Christmas can’t win HOH and make final 3” was about himself and his own game, not Enzo’s. Now, I have no issue with Cody doing everything he can to best position himself, but I don’t want hear him whining about other players doing the same.

That was the same issue I had with Christmas. She fully admits that she would’ve (rightfully) gone after Cody this week. But then she’s upset that he targeted her during the HOH....huh?!?

All of these people are ridiculous! 

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I'm not surprised the players didn't acknowledge it, but the order in which they picked their squares, and the ones they picked, really did mean that it did fall more to Cody than to Enzo to block in Christmas and/or move defensively.  She picked an edge, he picked one quite close to her, and Enzo picked one kind of near them but in the middle, which meant he had better access to the approximately half-a-board behind him.  I'm too impulsive to think several moves ahead, but I could see that Cody sort of shot himself in the foot by picking one near Christmas from the get-go, meaning that he was, intentionally or not, taking on the responsibility of blocking her.  

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On 10/20/2020 at 5:18 PM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I think Nicole's certain to make the final two because she's burned so many bridges with the jury. Taking her to the end means an almost guaranteed win for Cody or Enzo.

... dunno about that.  Remember, at the very beginning of the season both Nicole and Ian had the House’s biggest targets on their backs as the only two previous winners - this was actually the basis for their F2 agreement, because sitting beside each other was the only way either could escape the Dan Effect on the final vote.

If Nicole does manage to make it to F2, though...?  Then that same vulnerability could become her biggest game strength argument - that she managed to build the relationships necessary to ultimately take her to F2 despite having one of the biggest targets of the season, and carrying it throughout the entire season.

16 hours ago, Nashville said:

... dunno about that.  Remember, at the very beginning of the season both Nicole and Ian had the House’s biggest targets on their backs as the only two previous winners - this was actually the basis for their F2 agreement, because sitting beside each other was the only way either could escape the Dan Effect on the final vote.

If Nicole does manage to make it to F2, though...?  Then that same vulnerability could become her biggest game strength argument - that she managed to build the relationships necessary to ultimately take her to F2 despite having one of the biggest targets of the season, and carrying it throughout the entire season.

Day will vote against Nicole out of anger for her lying to Day's face about David's vote some weeks ago. Her exit interview made it plain that she took it personally.

David will join Day because he wants to be accepted by her. He was obviously hurt and frustrated by Day's insistence (since recanted by her) that he'd lied, and he'll vote her way to ensure he's in her good graces.

Memphis is a sexist pig, and so will vote for the alpha male (Enzo or Cody) over the woman (Nicole) ten times out of ten.

Tyler will know that Nicole was basically carried by Cody and so will vote for Cody (because he did the carrying) or Enzo (because he didn't have anyone carrying him and still made the F2).

Christmas will vote against Nicole because they hate each other.

That's five votes, which is enough to win. Dani MIGHT vote for Nicole in an F2, and Cody will vote for her if Enzo wins the last HoH (if Cody makes the F2, Enzo will vote for him).

Not sure Nicole gets any other votes. Ian and Kevin are semi-wild cards, but if the prevailing sentiment in the jury house is anti-Nicole (and I think it will be), they'll go along with the crowd. Kevin just wants to be accepted, and Ian won't care enough about the outcome to swim against the tide: if everyone's voting for Cody or Enzo to win over Nicole, he'll say "Yeah, whatever. Cody/Enzo it is. May I get the hell out of here now?" This will also apply to Tyler to some degree.


Final tally: 9-0 or 8-1 for Cody over Nicole, or 8-1 or 7-2 for Enzo over Nicole, both dependent on Dani's vote.

3 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Final tally: 9-0 or 8-1 for Cody over Nicole, or 8-1 or 7-2 for Enzo over Nicole, both dependent on Dani's vote.

I'm not sure if Enzo beats Nicole. I think it'd probably be close. Enzo seems to be seen as the buffoon he is by the jury. Although if he won final HOH and took Nicole over Cody then he'd probably get some respect for that. The opposite is also true though, I think, in that if Nicole won final HOH and took Enzo/booted Cody she'd probably get some props for that.

Cody will beat them both though. Unless the jury segments are bullshit and some of them are more pissed at him than they seem.

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