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What online threats did Ryan make?


Sorry, I meant alleged threats in that it might not have been but she took it as one, am I on the right track?  Then again, if she knew it wasn't and took out the restraining order anyway because it looked like it could be one, I would say it was done out of spite to get him back.  Have to go out now, will respond to more later.


Jaimie's latest tweet:

Jamie N. Otis

1h1 hour ago

Jamie N. Otis ‏@jamienotis

I strongly encourage abused to stay away & abuser to get help. Both need counseling, albeit for different reasons.


WTF? now Jamie is claiming Ryan was VIOLENT with Jessica? Violent means physical abuse right? Abuse can be emotional, psychological or physical but violence is always physical right? What does Jamie know about this situation with Jessica and Ryan? This pot does not need to be stirred.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 3

I don't think Jamie really know much about what happened in S2. If I were a showrunner and faked the whole second season, I would tell as few people about it as possible. However, I do think that she has blinders on about the SM that has come out and really believes the principles in the show would have told her about it.

  • Love 1

The order of protection came before he posted any of the stuff on Instagram

Thursday -the insider came out and said Jess was threatened at the reunion and the producers offered her protection if she did not file an order of protection. She then filed an order of protection on Thursday I am assuming in response to the info becoming public.

Friday - Ryan is served with the Order of protection

Saturday - The second meme is uploaded to the fake instagram and Ryan suspects it is Jess that has done it. So the insiders information had already been out 2 days before the meme was made. Ryan then uploads the Order of Protection to show everybody (I am still puzzled why he made it public)


Easiest way for Ryan to shut his friends behaviour down was close the account down even temporarily, it is not the first time his friends have down this to Jess and each time he leaves it go.

  • Love 7

Thank you for the timeline crazychicken! Do you know when the reunion was filmed in relation to the timeline of events you posted?

It was about 5 weeks ago that they all went to LA there are pics on instagram from the media rounds they did at the same time.


Here is the tweet the suggests Davina walked away from the reunion dated May 9 so close to then





What do Jason & Courtney mean by

"A lie gets halfway around the world b4 the truth has a chance to get its pants on @ryandenino #MarriedAtFirstSight pic.twitter.com/g670mrugFG

— Jason Carrion (@Kr0ss) June 14, 2015"

Edited by Vicky8675309

A lie gets halfway around the world b4 the truth has a chance to get its pants on

That's probably one of the best quotes to come out of this circus. It means that the time people spend posting on various boards, Twitter, Facebook, etc., speculating to the point that the truth is lost somewhere in the dust. Oftentimes, the less said the better. These kids are learning that the hard way.

  • Love 2

This is going to be such a train wreck, and I'm not going to be able to watch until a few days later due to family stuff.  I'm already trying to figure out how to pitch this show to my mom, who wouldn't watch The Amazing Race because "there's too much tension."


I will be very surprised if there are no lawsuits coming out of this. Someone is going to sue someone else. I imagine the producers and network execs already have had several screaming matches.


If he weren't being such a bozo in defending all of his actions, I'd almost feel sorry for Dr. C. Almost.


Pitch it as couples who fell in love on a dating show.  The edit won't show the shit storm.  We can read between the lines, she can't.  I say watch it! 

  • Love 1

I already felt dumb for watching S2. Now I feel kind of dirty, too. I do wonder how much impact the real world will have on the show. I think the FYI audience is pretty clued in, although I really haven't paid much attention to SM on this show for most of the season. I think the A&E audience is a lot less inclined to keep up with the online reality, especially considering Storage Wars is still on. I bet the ratings for MAFS are horrible, though. I frequently spent more mental effort on my laundry than the show.

  • Love 1

Interesting that FYI is replaying the entire series today.  I've been watching it, sort of halfheartedy, In light of the current rumors and goings on, and if it was ALL A LIE and such, they did a very good job with editing it to make it seem less forced.  Particularly the later shows.  This is only my opinion. Yes, I am a trusting soul.


I don't know why I care so much that the rumors are false, other than to say it is so easy to trash someone on SM and hide your true identity. and be able to get away with it. 


I have no spoilers...other than to say FYI has not yet pulled the show.

  • Love 1

The disconnect between the experts' blather and what the viewers were watching was spectacular. 



This times 100, at least. Can't wait for the fallout for them. They have zero credibility now.


At least all this mess should prove that the show isn't exactly "fake." I mean, if it was really fake, wouldn't somebody have come up with a better script than this??? Sure, trainwrecks sell, but this is way worse than your average trainwreck because the show actually CAUSED the wreck with their utterly careless and incompetent methods of putting these couples together.


I'm still stocking up on popcorn, though, and looking forward to reading here about the fallout.

  • Love 1

It was about 5 weeks ago that they all went to LA

Here is the tweet the suggests Davina walked away from the reunion dated May 9 so close to then


I tweeted Kevin at the time of the tweet that Davina must have been ganged up at the reunion and he replied:

@KevinFrazier: @tigerskye @davinakullar @Ms_Castro actually the ladies came by @etnow for a visit. #easyNostradamus

It was about 5 weeks ago that they all went to LA there are pics on instagram from the media rounds they did at the same time.

Here is the tweet the suggests Davina walked away from the reunion dated May 9 so close to then


What does Kevin Frazier mean, the truth has always been out there, the madness is coming and to Dr Logan yep it really got that out of hand?

This is going to be such a train wreck, and I'm not going to be able to watch until a few days later due to family stuff.  I'm already trying to figure out how to pitch this show to my mom, who wouldn't watch The Amazing Race because "there's too much tension."



This made me laugh aloud.  


Assure your mother the way the show is put together with all the repetition, she's more likely to yawn.

That's probably one of the best quotes to come out of this circus. It means that the time people spend posting on various boards, Twitter, Facebook, etc., speculating to the point that the truth is lost somewhere in the dust. Oftentimes, the less said the better. These kids are learning that the hard way.


That quote and something like it has been floating around for a long long time.  I first heard it, "A lie travels halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its boots."    There is a site called quote investigator that does a great job of giving attribution to quotes.  The origins of this one are murky.  This is the first time I've heard it with "pants," but it does seem a good updating but we need something that isn't quite as sex specific.  ;)  http://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/07/13/truth/


I think the reply below makes more sense, because he had it in capital letters, "The First 48".



Why on earth would he post it? What is" The First 48"?

The First 48 is a realty cop show on A&E (very good show) that goes on the premise that if the murderer is not caught in the first two days, the chance of catching them drops drastically.

I didn't get this directly from Instagram, but from an article that quoted it. http://starcasm.net/archives/318896


“Unfortunately this isn’t something I’d wish on anyone. To hear and read about the forum on Thursday to come home and find this on Friday. To see the IG on Sat and see the location was enough. They say first 48 for a reason. This is another fact here’s the order of protection- which had me in awe and when I read it was disgusted. Bash me all you want, say whatever it is about me just remember this board don’t break for nada. Why I posted this will be thoroughly explained when the times right. #CheckMate”


So, if this is correct,  it wasn't "The First 48."  Clearly RyanD is speaking obliquely and we can all take guesses at what he means, but it's not at all clear to me.


Here's what Urban Dictionary says about first 48

 used when describing, grimey or sketchy events or areas. refrencing the reality show "FIrst 48" where detectives take you through the first 48 hours of a homicide investigation. Most homicides on the show are in ghettos or projects in large inner cities.

yo! did you see that alley way? thats some first 48 shit right there!


Maybe he's just talking about the mystery and solving it etc.  

Edited by Stinamaia

I didn't get this directly from Instagram, but from an article that quoted it. http://starcasm.net/archives/318896


“Unfortunately this isn’t something I’d wish on anyone. To hear and read about the forum on Thursday to come home and find this on Friday. To see the IG on Sat and see the location was enough. They say first 48 for a reason. This is another fact here’s the order of protection- which had me in awe and when I read it was disgusted. Bash me all you want, say whatever it is about me just remember this board don’t break for nada. Why I posted this will be thoroughly explained when the times right. #CheckMate”


So, if this is correct,  it wasn't "The First 48."  Clearly RyanD is speaking obliquely and we can all take guesses at what he means, but it's not at all clear to me.


Here's what Urban Dictionary says about first 48




Maybe he's just talking about the mystery and solving it etc.  

I took it to mean that he was referencing any woman that will sleep with you within the first 48 is crazy and to stay away.  I also have heard the term "first 48" to refer to woman who are 'easy'.  And that "easy" woman are unstable. 


Now, you can have your opinion on whether that it true or not or whether it is a double standard, but that is what I have heard guys say about women that have sex with a guy shortly after meeting them.  Easy=unstable.


I definitely didn't see it as any kind of threat of murder or referencing that detective show.  Why would he threaten her on SM when he just got served an Order of Protection?  He's not that stupid.

  • Love 3

This makes sense to me.  


I didn't see it as a threat, but I'm sort of inured to threats.


A woman I know who got an explicit death threat, laughed a bit bitterly, and said, "He'd have to show a lot more initiative than he ever has before."    I thought that was great.  For clarification, this wasn't a domestic violence situation, but in another context all together.

  • Love 1

This made me laugh aloud.

Assure your mother the way the show is put together with all the repetition, she's more likely to yawn.

That quote and something like it has been floating around for a long long time. I first heard it, "A lie travels halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its boots." There is a site called quote investigator that does a great job of giving attribution to quotes. The origins of this one are murky. This is the first time I've heard it with "pants," but it does seem a good updating but we need something that isn't quite as sex specific. ;) http://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/07/13/truth/

I believe it is attributed to Winston Churchill


I agree with others that it was a reference to the cop show but not a threat, rather a reference to the fact that it took him 48 hours to figure out (whether or not it's true) that she was behind the fake instagram because that fits the timeline and makes more sense than 48 hours as slut shaming because they slept together on th first night. Not that his friends haven't been slut shamming her but none of them have used that terminology and even a internet search doesn't list that as slang for an easy woman so even if some people have used it it's hardly as well known as the cop show reference to that being a critical time period for solving crimes.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 6

I totally believe that he created that fake IG account himself just to make Jess out to be a crazy person. That's why he's posting all this on IG for everyone to see. It's his way of making a case against Jess before the reunion airs and she lets everything out in the open. Why on earth would Jessica do anything to provoke him right after getting a restraining order? Makes no sense. What makes sense is him getting pissed about the restraining order and taking revenge by making her out to be unstable.

  • Love 5

I don't think we'll probably ever know for sure exactly what he meant by 'the first 48'.  But I'm pretty sure he's an idiot for posting it at all, whatever he meant.


I also wonder if that IG account was fake, MsPH. I can't see how anyone would think that wouldn't just make you look worse either way, but he probably isn't thinking straight right now. Whatever he's done or said, I'm sure he's genuinely upset about the things being said about him online.

  • Love 2

I think the spoilers about the couples from the "inside source" seem to have a least a basis in fact. It all rings really true.


Re: Ryan D

First of all, I think it is very plausible he uses cocaine. I think it's funny the way some reacted to that rumor - you don't have to look like a strung-out junkie from Intervention to regularly use (and abuse) drugs. Especially a drug like coke. Based on his personality, I would not be surprised at all if it is true. Now, whether or not he was a casual user or a complete addict, that's a different story. That could easily be exaggerated. Same with the dealing rumor - he could have sold to a friend or something, which was blown up into an accusation of "dealing" - not saying they are that different, but the implication or tone of each is pretty different.


Second, I think either "first 48" translation makes sense. Regardless of whether or not he meant it as a threat, it was pretty stupid to go on social media when you were just served papers demanding you stay away from another person and bash that person in any way.


Third, I feel like the fake IG account could have come from anyone at all! New York is huge, people watch this show, and I don't think it has to be her. Or, alternatively, it could even be someone like a friend at work who thought it would be funny to do something to "get back at" this guy.


Fourth, I feel like it is very obvious this guy was not a good fit for this show and it proves to me that there were some serious issues in the way they vetted this season's cast. From his very questionable attitude toward women, to his obvious anger problem, it just seems like they HAD to have seen some of the bad sides of his personality and yet they still cast him! I could see the "traditionalist" vs "career woman" couple being interesting, but that's not really what his attitude problem toward women was - he genuinely seems to see women as sluts and people to use.


In regards to Sean and Davina - I think they probably were a bad match which brought out bad sides to both of them. I probably wouldn't like Davina IRL because of her super analytical way of breaking down every thought, and I wouldn't be able to stand Sean's personality. But I feel like she definitely got a worse edit. For instance, the crying on the sled? Well, yeah, it seemed like a little abrupt and weird, but then again, we have no idea what was edited out of the conversations and events of the day leading up to the event and maybe she really did have a sort of "breakdown" type moment. I'm surprised all of these people don't have more of those, honestly, because even if they are good people in this to really have an interesting experience, they are pushed out of their comfort zone in a lot of ways. I don't think it makes her a bad or crazy person. He seemed to me to be the type of person who just says or does whatever makes a situation more comfortable for them in that moment without any consistency. Like, whenever Davina did confront him about her feelings of disconnect between the two of them, he was SO quick to be overly understanding and apologetic to just calm her down and move on, rather than actual deal with any of it. Same with the whole moving deal. It also was a huge side-eye moment for me that he had just been in a relationship and expecting a child and then immediately went on this show - sort of strange, to me. I think all the evidence online of his bowling league is pretty hilarious too, since people had been questioning him from day one.

  • Love 2

The damage is already done. The fact that his comment could be interpreted as a threat is a HUGE deal, especially since he was handed an order of protection. He should delete all his SM until further notice. Like literally shut the fuck up and tell your friends to shut the fuck up


He can't shut up. He is a contest with himself to do something stupid and there is probably something stupider than posting the RO yet to come. He has no brains.

  • Love 4

I feel really bad for Ryan D and I personally think Jess is doing all this to further her celebrity status. On June 9th on her facebook page she says Everyone meet Fred the fish and she was so excited for the new episode with the decisions. If all this nonsense came out at the reunion, she wouldn't have to wait until now to get a restraining order - she would have gotten one after he supposedly threatened her.


Ryan definitely has a temper but she knows how to push his buttons. They were never going to be a good match because neither is truly what the other wanted. All this SM crap is another way she wouldn't have to actually communicate with Ryan or the experts or anyone else and she can come off as some shrinking violet who has been so abused. And now she has this great narrative and all these people in her corner and her fifteen minutes will last a little longer.


I rewatched the whole season to see if I missed something that everyone sees in Ryan and I just don't. She purposefully tried to make him look bad when they were filming. The tattoo comment came off camera yet she brought it to the table and made him look like a shmuck. When she finally asks him whats wrong and he says he doesn't owe her anything and then he decides to talk to her she cuts him off and tells him he doesn't let her speak. He never got the chance to air his greivance about the money that again she shared with all of us. I thought he did a good job of not making Jess look like the problem. He paced around the apartment like a caged animal clearly looking for something anything from her and she just gave him the cold shoulder. And she may have cooked for him but it was never shown but he did cook for her.


Jess cries really pretty and is such an easy person to believe as the victim. Ryan goes off half cocked defending himself and instead of getting sympathy he looks more like an a hole. I think there is a deep sadness in Ryan's eyes and for me I think he did this experiment to recreate his grandparents that he misses so much. It is very obvious to me that I watched a different show than 95% of the other viewers. And truth be told I like my version better because the other one if true is just such a gross violation of trust.



  • Love 2

I feel really bad for Ryan D and I personally think Jess is doing all this to further her celebrity status. On June 9th on her facebook page she says Everyone meet Fred the fish and she was so excited for the new episode with the decisions. If all this nonsense came out at the reunion, she wouldn't have to wait until now to get a restraining order - she would have gotten one after he supposedly threatened her.


Ryan definitely has a temper but she knows how to push his buttons. They were never going to be a good match because neither is truly what the other wanted. All this SM crap is another way she wouldn't have to actually communicate with Ryan or the experts or anyone else and she can come off as some shrinking violet who has been so abused. And now she has this great narrative and all these people in her corner and her fifteen minutes will last a little longer.


I rewatched the whole season to see if I missed something that everyone sees in Ryan and I just don't. She purposefully tried to make him look bad when they were filming. The tattoo comment came off camera yet she brought it to the table and made him look like a shmuck. When she finally asks him whats wrong and he says he doesn't owe her anything and then he decides to talk to her she cuts him off and tells him he doesn't let her speak. He never got the chance to air his greivance about the money that again she shared with all of us. I thought he did a good job of not making Jess look like the problem. He paced around the apartment like a caged animal clearly looking for something anything from her and she just gave him the cold shoulder. And she may have cooked for him but it was never shown but he did cook for her.


Jess cries really pretty and is such an easy person to believe as the victim. Ryan goes off half cocked defending himself and instead of getting sympathy he looks more like an a hole. I think there is a deep sadness in Ryan's eyes and for me I think he did this experiment to recreate his grandparents that he misses so much. It is very obvious to me that I watched a different show than 95% of the other viewers. And truth be told I like my version better because the other one if true is just such a gross violation of trust.


I rewatched the whole season to see if I missed something that everyone sees in Ryan and I just don't. She purposefully tried to make him look bad when they were filming.


- I don't think she's perfect by any means...but you do understand that everything is edited for TV, right? So the producers and editors pick and choose what moments to put together in order to tell a story. Yes, she had the conversation in front of cameras, but she had nothing to do with what was shown at the end of the day.


Every single thing we know about these people's interactions comes from carefully chosen and edited information that has been packaged to tell us a certain story.

  • Love 4


Our process is legitimate and rigorous with psych evaluations, background checks, questionnaires, interviews, and a multitude of assessments of different varieties. I feel terribly that any of you have been led to think otherwise.


I don't think Dr. Logan realizes that statements like this actually do her and the other "experts" no favors.  If the audience thinks they were rushed by production to compromise their selection standards, we might actually feel they had less responsibility in picking these crap candidates for the show.  If we think that the experts actually thought they checked these guys out enough and were happy with them as choices, it makes them look like idiots given what's been going on.  This is why she and Dr. C. really need to STFU now.

I think that was posted before the picture of the restraining order showed up.


Yeah, NOW how would she defend choosing Ryan and even Jessica in light of their recent behavior?  I think they need to work on adding a test for emotional intelligence to their list of "instruments".  I realize that there is disagreement over the value of these tests in the field, but something would have been better than nothing, IMO.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2

I rewatched the whole season to see if I missed something that everyone sees in Ryan and I just don't. She purposefully tried to make him look bad when they were filming.


- I don't think she's perfect by any means...but you do understand that everything is edited for TV, right? So the producers and editors pick and choose what moments to put together in order to tell a story. Yes, she had the conversation in front of cameras, but she had nothing to do with what was shown at the end of the day.


Every single thing we know about these people's interactions comes from carefully chosen and edited information that has been packaged to tell us a certain story.

I agree with you about the editing. I know they take the best footage for the most drama. However she and Ryan would be the only ones that knew what transpired between the 2 of them when they were NOT filming. That is my point. She made him look bad about things we didn't see and he would have no proof about what really happened. My husband and I don't always see eye to eye but I would never embarrass him or make him look like a douche in public. I would want people to like and respect him. Having people believe I married an a hole doesn't make me look like a winner. It just makes us a very unlikeable couple. With no winner.

I agree with you about the editing. I know they take the best footage for the most drama. However she and Ryan would be the only ones that knew what transpired between the 2 of them when they were NOT filming. That is my point. She made him look bad about things we didn't see and he would have no proof about what really happened. My husband and I don't always see eye to eye but I would never embarrass him or make him look like a douche in public. I would want people to like and respect him. Having people believe I married an a hole doesn't make me look like a winner. It just makes us a very unlikeable couple. With no winner.


I can see your point, but every single thing is public because it is all up for being filmed. Are they not supposed to talk about serious issues because they could be aired? And when she brought up the tattoo/piercing thing in the restaurant - well, if I were dating someone like Ryan who has huge anger issues, I would want to have a serious conversation in a public place where he may be less likely to completely lose it.

  • Love 9

I rewatched the whole season to see if I missed something that everyone sees in Ryan and I just don't. She purposefully tried to make him look bad when they were filming.


- I don't think she's perfect by any means...but you do understand that everything is edited for TV, right? So the producers and editors pick and choose what moments to put together in order to tell a story. Yes, she had the conversation in front of cameras, but she had nothing to do with what was shown at the end of the day.


Every single thing we know about these people's interactions comes from carefully chosen and edited information that has been packaged to tell us a certain story.


Exactly, and as I pointed out a couple of times on here during the season in regards to Ryan and editing: it goes both ways. There may have been things we didn't see that were a lot worse. We don't know that editing made him look worse than he is...in fact it may have made him not look as bad as he really is. 


I thought what we saw was bad enough, but I suspected during the season that we didn't see all his bad behavior.

  • Love 3

I totally believe that he created that fake IG account himself just to make Jess out to be a crazy person. That's why he's posting all this on IG for everyone to see. It's his way of making a case against Jess before the reunion airs and she lets everything out in the open. Why on earth would Jessica do anything to provoke him right after getting a restraining order? Makes no sense. What makes sense is him getting pissed about the restraining order and taking revenge by making her out to be unstable.

I don't think he is that smart. 


He posted the PO to get out in front of it.  I'm sure he believed that Jessica would find some way to leak it or make it public (which I believe as well) and he decided that it was in his best interest to be the one to make it public with his comment  about the truth will eventually come out.  I don't think we will hear anymore from him about the PO because I believe there is some truth to what has been leaked about him so far. 


I just think that he believes by getting out in front of it he can lessen the damage.


The experts acknowledged that Ryan R had a temper before they matched him with Jessica. The experts also knew that Jessica was an emotional person. IMO the only reason they were matched was to create drama. As many people on the forum have come to realize and thanks to the LAX post, none of the men seemed to want to get married. IMO the experts came across pretending that there was some long drawn out vetting process when in reality they put together 6 attractive people. If you've seen their application for the show appearance plays a large role.

Let's take Ryan R., he didn't as much as think about the prospect of children until 4-5 years later when he felt more established. If so why would he be ready for marriage? He just seemed like a good candidate for TV because of the situation with his niece. It just seems this was not a genuine process. I wonder if the producers are actually happy about the latest drama? I wonder if they encourage them to be active on social media because it's caused so much drama and interest.

Edited by smiley221

Man! What is going on!?

We've gone from stupid mindless tv cotton candy to deadly serious life and death?

My main focus has always been on the experts. If any of them is legit, the Jessica/Ryan fiasco HAS to be upsetting. Season 3 is a given. If the show continues to Season 4, the current experts should be a no-go. If they are ethical.

The money and fame must be enticing. But...no..Walk away, please.

Ok. I do believe the three women entered this show in good faith, with open heart and agenda.

However, I also believe the men were poseurs. None of them wanted marriage.

If Jessica made a mistake, it was to say Yes, at the 6 week mark. Other than that, she trusted the experts. Its sad!

Reality shows are edited and manipulated. But, if half of what we saw of RyanD was accurate, he has a dangerous, hair-trigger, anger problem.

Jessica needs to split; RyanD needs to stay mute.

And Ryan's friends aiming to shame Jess for sexing Ryan? They were MARRIED! MARRIED. And he acquiesced. It's 2015. Men and women are equal, including their choices to have sex

Season One people need to shut up.......SHUT UP.....you cant take sides....you DONT KNOW!


Other than the insider-info asserting that Jess called RyanD a drug dealer, we never witnessed Jess making that accusation. My opinion re the Reunion finale is that Jess accused her husband, again, of stealing their wedding money, because he lied about about his job and financials.

Doesnt the show check employment/financial stuff like that?! God.

I work for a well-known hospital. Approximately six years ago (I think) overtures were made for a reality show to film various day-to-day ops. I was called down and asked to participate. (I'm tall and blonde. I think that's what anybody cared about.) I refused to participate and gave my reasons....not the least of which was patient confidentiality, and my solemn professional oath to do no harm.

Some of us care.

  • Love 11

I am just curious if someone can answer this for me.. as to why the experts are on that particular board which appears to be for mom's of new babies?   I'm seriously inquiring if someone knows or has an idea about it. . It seems as tho it's their biggest outlet to discuss the show...were they originally drawn to that board

My guess? They googled themselves, found a discussion and joined it. The partipants on the baby forum were welcoming and sympathetic, so the Experts stayed to manipulate and to massage their own egos.

Cilona found ptv during Season 1, but split when some of us questioned him and the show's methods.

He's quite sensitive when it comes to sensibilities and doubts, imo.

  • Love 3

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