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Saying she sleeps with men so they buy her drinks makes her a whore. You have stated this several times. Can you provide any proof that in order to drink at $7.00 glass of wine, Heather has sex with a stranger? Being a party girl (and we don't even know that) means going out and drinking. It doesn't mean trading sex for cocktails. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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10 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Saying she sleeps with men so they buy her drinks makes her a whore. You have stated this several times. Can you provide any proof that in order to drink at $7.00 glass of wine, Heather has sex with a stranger? Being a party girl (and we don't even know that) means going out and drinking. It doesn't mean trading sex for cocktails. 

Being a partygirl means going out, drinking and sleeping around.  And sleeping with whoever was buying the drinks that night.  You can tell that's Heather from her dead-inside personality alone.  The only time she's come alive is when she's loaded.  Plus, girls who have an occasional glass of wine aren't getting arrested for showing their boobs.

And that's far more evidence than people are presenting about Nick - they're calling him gay because he doesn't want to have sex with a fat girl.

Edited by Jack Sampson
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6 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

I'm speculating that Sonia will be taking a producer driven obedience lesson with one of Nick's pups.

We get to see more of Sonia's bugged eye discomfort while even more dogs jump on her.

Nick watches the lesson from afar with a blank look, lack of affect on his face.

Sonia gets no positive feedback for her efforts while Nick showers kisses, belly rubs, and hugs to his doggie after the lesson.

oh awkward....but youre prob right. again, we dont know the editing...he may be thoroughly annoyed that he has to deal with a person who is afriad of his dogs, Im a huge dog lover and as unfair as it is, I often lose patience and dont understand people who are terrified of my little boston terrier. I was afraid of dogs when I was younger and I cannot imagine how uncomfortable it is for her. Ie, Im terribly terribly allergic to cats (anaphylactic reaction type allergic). You would think these things are considered....

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1 hour ago, nlkm9 said:

oh awkward....but youre prob right. again, we dont know the editing...he may be thoroughly annoyed that he has to deal with a person who is afriad of his dogs, Im a huge dog lover and as unfair as it is, I often lose patience and dont understand people who are terrified of my little boston terrier. I was afraid of dogs when I was younger and I cannot imagine how uncomfortable it is for her. Ie, Im terribly terribly allergic to cats (anaphylactic reaction type allergic). You would think these things are considered....

I think people are reading to much into this he's only known her a week your not suppose to be in love with her already he's stated many times in his interviews between scenes that he finds her beautiful and he's beginning to like her more than a friend I think if they work on their communication they will be fine I'm sure their is a comprise to be had when it comes to dogs like not having them sleep with them or something let's let the show play out for a couple of weeks then we can tell I mean you could be right but I'm just not sure yet 

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4 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

And that's far more evidence than people are presenting about Nick - they're calling him gay because he doesn't want to have sex with a fat girl.

I personally think there's more evidence of Nick being gay just based on the circumstantial things that surround him, like managing a gay-friendly bar on the gay side of town, re-purposing old junk into a trendy coffee table and generally being a good designer,  and vague references to a male "partner" of which type we don't know, being "metro", etc., etc., etc.  Does all that make him gay, though?  Probably not.  I think Sonia has the most stunning bone structure and prettiest smile of any female contestant on this show.  She is nowhere near being "fat". 

BTW, last season I resisted the urge to constantly make reference to what I felt was Neil's unattractiveness because I felt it would be shallow of me to do so because there were other things to appreciate about him which would make me not want to make such references.  On top of that I kind of feel like the board would have come down hard on me for it and I would have been asked to stop because it was offending too many people.  I am not sure why that isn't happening here.  As a woman who even at my thinnest was never rail thin and who now struggles with my weight and feelings of attractiveness because of it, I have to say that I am starting to feel offended by this and would like to ask you to just stop.

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Speaking as one of 2 female moderators of Married at First Sight, and someone who has struggled with her own weight for a long time - we've been asked repeatedly by the site's owner to not be the Nice Police - which means if people want to make comments about the contestants' weight, that's ok. People talking about how someone on the show is too fat or too thin is not a comment on ME - it's a comment on the contestants. If it becomes incessant, we step in, but to be clear, talking about the contestants' weights is no different than talking about their mental status, how good they are at relationships, whether they're jerks, whether they are attractive or not, etc. Just because it's shallow (which to be clear, all of the commentary on their attractiveness, weight, etc IS) doesn't mean it's against the rules. 


That said, if we all decide to Ignore people who post in a way we don't like, they'll soon be talking to themselves, and then perhaps, they'll find something new to talk about. Hence our suggestions to Ignore each other if you don't like what you're hearing.


If there's any more back and forth sniping, or any more engaging in addition to reporting, there will be timeouts all around. 

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The mod note is not meant to provoke discussion of whether or not you agree with it.


Many of you are picking and choosing what you find offensive. Consider that. None of these ladies are fat, nor are they prostitutes. None of these men are gay, nor are they autistic. Find something new to talk about.

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So the above linked article says Heather flashed her boobs while on a boat 13 years ago. Nothing was mentioned about trading sex for drinks. I really dislike the Mardi Gras traditions about tossing beads to girls who flash, but I assume Heather  learned something. It appears that Derek is a heavy pot smoker now, that would be an issue for me. 

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The article says she was drunk at Lake Havasu and flashed her boobs and gave a fake name to police...but in my 20's I did some incredibly foolish and reckless things while drinking in college and I would hope to not be judged by them well over a decade later......then again, I would never go on a TV show because i wouldnt want to have that kind of scrutiny in my life.....and yes the pot would be a huge issue for me.

Did you read the comments in that article? LOL all these girls are like "Oh I would marry Derek in a second" She is too judgemental...sheesh....I worry for the future of our world reading some of this stuff:)

Edited by nlkm9
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married-at-first-sight-spoilers-do-derek-and-heather stay together - really! they think that is a spoiler.  yeah what at re the odds they resolve all problems and make it work. sheesh If I had half a mind (braindead) I would know they were broken. 

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How many times do we need to ask you guys to MOVE ON? Discuss something other than whether they're fat, slutty, autistic or gay. If there's one more comment related to this, we'll be locking this thread.

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I saw the twitter thing go down with Nick and Sonia. They both posted comments about Felicia. Apparently Nick was at home depot picking up DIY stuff. The check out lady was named Felicia. It was definitely a crazy coincidence. I did check out his twitter feed a bit more and he and her are holding things pretty close to the vest. But I have good thoughts this could be working out.

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Anyone know when the Unfiltered was filmed?  If it was filmed toward the end of the "social experiment", it sure seems like Nick/Sonia and Tom/Lilly are still together.  They really seem like they've been together for a while .

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1 hour ago, zurretsky said:

I'm glad Heather and Derek divorced

because Derek's life would be miserable with that cold witch. 

I haven't seen anything about this being true. Where did you get your info from?

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3 hours ago, zurretsky said:

I'm glad Heather and Derek divorced because Derek's life would be miserable with that cold witch.

Nick needs to either nail her or divorce her because he isn't being fair to her!

and I think Heather would be miserable with a dude who whines and fights with her all the time, and seems to have a dependency on marijuana. it is almost funny how he went off on her about the surfer dude, he is so pissed she does not want to have sex with him. She is not the most charming person, but if he fights like this when they barely know each other, imagine a few years in. Shes no "spring chicken" anyway, right Derek? Bet you would have had something nicer to say if she fooled around with you. UGh.

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never saw Jamie's season but real tired of her open mouth gaping. And her 'omg you married a stranger!" She said that last season too. Um, so did you you loser. And they are no longer strangers.

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At the end of the episode we see Lily crying and Tom kneeling by her, trying to be supportive. Lily says something like she doesn't want him to have to take care of her as if she is ill. Anyone else catch that?  I already deleted it from my DVR.

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2 hours ago, Lola16 said:

At the end of the episode we see Lily crying and Tom kneeling by her, trying to be supportive. Lily says something like she doesn't want him to have to take care of her as if she is ill. Anyone else catch that?  I already deleted it from my DVR.

I was reading an article over on The Knot, and it says in the sneak preview that Lily needs surgery, so yes, I think you're right.

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3 hours ago, Lola16 said:

At the end of the episode we see Lily crying and Tom kneeling by her, trying to be supportive. Lily says something like she doesn't want him to have to take care of her as if she is ill. Anyone else catch that?  I already deleted it from my DVR.

Oh I assumed she had lost her job and was worried about Tom would take it but illness makes sense since their relationship is so new.

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Our worst fears will be realized in next week's episode...couples therapy for Nick and Sonia.

The tease has Nick in a nightmare.. in tantric therapy, sitting spread eagle,straddling each other, with their privates open and pointed at each other as he is forced to look into her eyes.

Channeling Nick, my fingers flew to cover my eyes while the image of Munch's "The Scream" popped in my head.

With no doggies to protect his man area from Sonia will this exercise draw him into her sacral chakra?

Will Nick be bugged eyed, nervously quivering as he lets Sonia search deep into his eyes, the windows to his soul?

How does Sonia's shoes feel, Nick?

We will see...

Edited by humbleopinion
more nonsense
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You know it really does not take much effort to train this out of dogs, just an appropriate cookie now and then.  I know some people love it, but if they want people to love their dogs (and try and steal them like my friends do with my dogs) it is worth the effort. Heck I don't let my dogs in the dining room, ever, so they won't beg when I have people over to dinner. That way you don't have to crate them. Way harder keeping them out of the bedroom when, you know. They have to see in case you are in danger. My ex didn't like it at first, but hey, it is a dog, who are they going to tell? He got used to it.

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4 hours ago, atomic said:

Yuckkkkk!!! It's hard to believe Sonia ever gets comfortable with this...


She won't. I really can't see their "marriage" surviving for various reasons, the dogs only being one.

Have you seen the video clip for the next episode showing the dog in a crate next to the bed at bedtime? Nick of course is more intrigued with the dog than Sonia.  It looks humiliating for Sonia. And honestly I can't imagine even a dog lover putting up with this type of behavior. I almost feel like the producers are scripting this behavior because would any man behave so ridiculously? Even if Nick is not interested in Sonia, there are a million ways to stall the relationship besides something so off putting.

Edited by Enero
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You know, I love dogs but that video just turned my stomach.  If anyone remembers the story I told on the board last season about the guy I met on a dating site who tongue kissed with his dog and how I got a really creepy vibe from it, I remember someone on the board saying, "Dude, you just KNOW he is having sex with that dog!!!"  Well I REALLY don't want to say that about Nick, but you KNOW my mind went there.  I really just think he's trying to stir the shit, or he's seriously F-ed up and trying to hurt Sonia.  I doubt most dog lovers would be able to stomach that behavior and he knows that.  I didn't want to think he was an asshole, really!!!

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2 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

 .... I really just think he's trying to stir the shit, or he's seriously F-ed up and trying to hurt Sonia. ....


9 minutes ago, SaucyMommy said:

Nick's online presence and show presence do not seem to match at all.

Run Sonia run

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Hi Mom-

How's Jim?

Getting his veneers whitened again?

Tell him, they are blinding passing airplanes with the light reflection off his chompers.

Enough already with the bleaching.

You saw the film of Doggie licking my mouth and face?

It's not disgusting because I kept my lips closed the whole time.

Yes, that was the same tongue that Doggie uses to lick his Frank and Beans.

Mean internet people have been saying that I love my dogs more than my wife.

Well... I guess the video clip does prove them correct. 

Gotta go now.

Sonia and I have to practice this tantric sex exercise we learned.

No, my penis is still relaxed and uninterested in the sessions.

I don't know why, Sonia is  probably doing something wrong.

Love you.


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15 hours ago, atomic said:

Yuckkkkk!!! It's hard to believe Sonia ever gets comfortable with this...

Why did he mention Sonia under the hashtags? Is he trying to shove it in her face that he'll make out with his dog but not her? There is no way in hell, unless she had hypnotherapy, that she can go from "afraid of dogs" to "it's fine if my husband lets them lick all over his face and in his mouth". If my boyfriend did this I'd seriously consider breaking up. How can you kiss a man if you don't know whether or not his dogs tongue has been in his mouth.

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There's just no way the questionnaires can cover the bizarre situations these people bring with them.  Even when they are honest the posers put them with people who are not a "fit" or with people who are lying on their questionnaires. 

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Actually I wouldn't date anybody who makes out with his dog and yes the tongue did go into his mouth. So I wouldn't breakup with my boyfriend after this because I wouldn't have that boyfriend to begin with. I wonder if he thinks this is cute or something. I don't know why Sonia hasn't left already. There are plenty of signs that he does not care about her at all. He's worse than Derek at this point and I really liked Nick at first. I'd take Derek before Nick without even a second to think about it.

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I couldn't even finish watching it. That's just nasty. Where did they dredge up these gross ass dudes? Tom of Clan Filthy Feet and Nick the Dog Kisser? I'd take Derek the weedhead (if he is) over these two any day. 

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