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Anyone else read about Season 3 not airing? Supposedly the network already has a backup plan -- a show called "Seven Year Switch". It makes me wonder if, once again, all three couples ended up divorcing. It'd definitely kill the "brand", and possibly destroy any buzz around the S1 couples.

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Anyone else read about Season 3 not airing? Supposedly the network already has a backup plan -- a show called "Seven Year Switch". It makes me wonder if, once again, all three couples ended up divorcing. It'd definitely kill the "brand", and possibly destroy any buzz around the S1 couples.

But the 7 Switch show already aired...

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But the 7 Switch show already aired...


Looking closer, it might be a "Seven Year Switch"-esque show. This is the article I saw, and there are a few other site reporting it. Unsure if it's totally accurate, since they mention being called off "despite applications" -- when this forum has reported that couples were already selected and filmed. 

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I went to the official site to see if there were any clues, there are none but I did notice that they haven't even tried casting for season 4 so maybe season 3 will be the last since it has already been filmed, depending on the outcomes they may bury it.


I did laugh that they have removed all of the season 2 episodes yet still have all of season 1 up.

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For those who still care (from a private MAFS board)




OK guys, here's some of the BEST information about MAFS 3 you will read ANYWHERE. This information comes DIRECTLY from one of the participants (David) mothers. I will copy and paste her entire message to me!!
"The show is done filming and will air in Nov. They filmed me a lot also because I was the only parent for both of them in Atlanta. I have a lot more respect for actors now, filming is exhausting work. I had to walk into a restaurant and we must of done that one scene 15 times to get all the angles right. We'd start filming early and not finish until past midnight, plus my son still had to work at his job.I'm glad it's over and Ashley, my son David's wife is sweet. I don't know how it ends because my son and his wife have to stay apart until it airs, kind of like the bachelor. If they break secrecy then they don't get paid and they would be out $100K. I got 3 Checks from the producers today in the mail, the movie industry pays well and they pay for everything. My son was tricked to be on the show. He was on Tinder and met this girl. When they met in person, she confessed that she was really a producer and asked him to be on the show David refused until they told him how much they would pay him. It was fun but exhausting. My son really wanted to be married and settle down, but I have a feeling Ashley did it for the money because she was unemployed. We're having a preview party here with all the people that were on the show. I think you'll like the show, some parts are funny. Hope you're all doing great. Hugs.



So basically, MAFS is as real as the Jerry Springer Show? 100K? Holly shit. Me thinks alot of Season 2 was staged. Where is the conclusion about the Ryan/Jessica Restraining Order? Both probably got paid extra to play along...

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So far there has been no official announcement that the series has been renewed for Season 3, though, so even if they did film it there is no official word yet.  And if it were going to be shown in November, I would think that would have been announced by now given that it's almost October already.  I am not finding it on any website as scheduled for a comeback in November.

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Too bad they didn't get rid of Cilona.


Can we add Logan to that as well, Dr Pepper is the only expert I would like to see return as she is the only one that showed any remorse at the train wreck that was created last season.


I am going to miss snarking Cirlona's online post as he has cracked the poops about online negativity (read we hurt his feelings) so will not be commenting.


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From another blog:

"I know one of the men that filmed season 3 in Atlanta.....this person has/had warrants out for his arrest by former employers. He has a DUI and a judgement against him for unpaid attorney's fees.He's been terminated by nearly every employer he's ever had. He stole $2700 from his football club...he's a complete sociopath."

It goes on and on.

I figure it might be an ex wife or somebody with an axe to grind saying all this, and former employers don't issue arrest warrants, but it sounds like the "experts" have hit it out of the park again.

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Can we add Logan to that as well, Dr Pepper is the only expert I would like to see return as she is the only one that showed any remorse at the train wreck that was created last season.


I am going to miss snarking Cirlona's online post as he has cracked the poops about online negativity (read we hurt his feelings) so will not be commenting.



I wonder if he will on the baby board where all his devoted worshippers hang out?

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No after the crap storm of last year he cracked the poops about online negativity deleted a heap of posts that he had made and said he won't have time anymore to interact with his fans. It was obvious a few times that he responded over there about something we posted here. His final rant was all about how nobody but his loyal fans had the mental depth to look beyond the surface and understand that the participants were actually excellent matches and their own selfishness was what caused the matches not to work not Ryan D's temper, Seans anxiety or Ryan R missing his mommy. If he does participate it won't be public he will do it privately with his most loyal.

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Can we add Logan to that as well, Dr Pepper is the only expert I would like to see return as she is the only one that showed any remorse at the train wreck that was created last season.

I am going to miss snarking Cirlona's online post as he has cracked the poops about online negativity (read we hurt his feelings) so will not be commenting.

I agree with you about Dr. Logan, she is really twisted. Totally incompetent on every level.

It's funny yesterday I saw an episode of "Botched" (it's about botched plastic surgeries) and one of the patients was a professor of human sexuality Made me think of Dr. Logan, she, too, seemed to be a wanna-be porn star. It's all about having great boobs you know. And after getting her boob job fixed, she invited the production crew in to film her boudoir photo shoot. So there she was in ridiculous lingerie squirming around on a satin bed. it was porn, plain and simple. The woman is a pervert, and she teaches college students about human sexuality.

What's Dr Logan's day job?

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His final rant was all about how nobody but his loyal fans had the mental depth to look beyond the surface and understand that the participants were actually excellent matches and their own selfishness was what caused the matches not to work not Ryan D's temper, Seans anxiety or Ryan R missing his mommy. 


This is the funniest thing I've read in several days.

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I may be trainwreck-watching with you, CindyBee. How much worse could this be than last season? (Nobody answer that question!) Plus I look forward to snarking on the clueless "experts" and typing quotations marks around that word every time I use it.

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His final rant was all about how nobody but his loyal fans had the mental depth to look beyond the surface and understand that the participants were actually excellent matches and their own selfishness was what caused the matches not to work not Ryan D's temper, Seans anxiety or Ryan R missing his mommy. If he does participate it won't be public he will do it privately with his most loyal.



It would have worked if the women would have just not had any needs of their own and let these horrible men walk all over them.  Sadly, there are some people who think this is the proper role of a wife in a marriage and Dr. C seems to be one of them.


The guy still thinks Jamie is sincere.

Edited by qtpye
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I like this part: 

Despite the fledgling nature of their relationship, Sam McDonald and Jack Finn-Kelcey already agree on many things. And one issue resoundingly so. ‘We are both incredibly glad we didn’t do it,’ says Sam.


They also say that if there had been cameras recording their every move and conversation, they would not have had the talks that are getting them closer.

Wish we could see the UK and Oz versions of this show in the USA. Seems like it would be a cheap way of giving us some more episodes!

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I'm already wanting spoilers! After tonight's premiere, I'm a little more hopeful about these couples.

I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. Reading the comments on the people article, David is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I know the comment section is not the most reliable place to get the truth but this follows along with the blog post



The guy David Norton is a certified psycho. He has a history of pill addiction, stealing money from both his employer and facilities he has been a part of. He is known as a "pathological liar and con man" in the Atlanta area. Please stay clear of this person, hopefully reality shows will do better background checks in the future.


I know of at least five people that have been burned by him, including myself. His attorney took him to court for theft of services and I've heard that a former employer put a warrant out for his arrest. He even owes the best man from his wedding $1200. He's a sociopath.


Inside scoop, David and Ashley are already divorced. David was only on this show for the money. Seriously people, don't waste your time with this show.

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Want to learn more about the show? Dr. Pepper will be in DC this Saturday for a ladies only brunch at Rosa Mexicano. She'll be speaking on miscommunications in relationships but will be hosting a q&a session at the end. Come out, bring your friends! Tickets are buy one, get one free! Register  here: https://lifereimagined.cvent.com/mimosas


Tempting, very tempting. What's even more tempting, given the fact that this restaurant is in a corner location with enormous windows, is taking a sign to hold up. The possibilities are endless: "Dr. Pepper, you're too good for that show!" "Free Dr. P from Dr. C!" etc., etc., etc. Unfortunately, I'm going to be busy that day - I have to wash my hair. ;-)

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Well either David is doing his best to mislead or he and Ashley are still together. He's calling her "my princess" and "my girl" and saying she's taken #Bae. https://twitter.com/david_mafs


Ashley hasn't tweeted much yet, but she responded to Dr. C's tweet with three hearts, so it doesn't seem like she's too disappointed.


I'm starting to think there's some crazy person out there targeting random MAFS cast with made up stuff. Not that Sean wasn't a creep, but I never bought half the stuff that was being said about him.

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I wouldn't spend much time buying in to what the cast Tweets - unless of course you remember Davina from mid season last year when she liked or favorited every negative tweet about Sean. Even Jessica and Duchebag were being flirty on Twitter in the beginning - when we all knew they split up. Same with Sean and Davina. They can't give away the farm online. I would go more by what leaks about them by friends and family :) 

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I do think you can get some hints from their SM. There's keeping up the suspense and then there's whatever David's doing. Would be ridiculous to go that overboard if it turns out later that they split on bad terms. Of course it's possible, but I'm keeping an open mind for the time being.


On the other hand, Sam and Neil's tweets make me think they split up. They could just be pros at the suspense keeping, but I'm not feeling very optimistic right now. Tres and Vanessa seem lovey dovey though, so perhaps we'll get at least one success story out of this.

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Remember when the Ashley Madison scandal broke, and it turned out that this "find a married person for an affair" website turned out to be something like 90% men?


I'm betting that MAFS has the opposite problem: that it's 90% women who sign up and they have a real hard time finding men willing to go through with an actual marriage to a total stranger. If they're going to have a show at all, they're going to end up with some very iffy men - and that's what we've been seeing.


If this season is another disaster where it clearly isn't working - especially when it's obvious they simply cannot find enough men to participate - then they should change the format to "Engaged at First Sight" where the experts match couples but then, at the end of six weeks, the couple can decide to actually marry or not.


Maybe not quite as suspenseful, but they could probably find more men willing to try it. And quite possibly there's be less carnage when it's over.

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Welp, looks like things are over before they started: a twitter account has been set up to bash one of the contestants (David).  lol I haven't watched the show yet but the possible drama will make me tune in...






-He is divorced with Ashley (who is his match?)

-He embezzled money from his previous employer

-Possible criminal record?


Here we go again. This might be anyone, an angry ex, the season 2 girls, who knows if this is ture?

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I don't give this show much credit, but even they would have found any criminal records. Takes 10 minutes online. Whether or not they decided to overlook it is another matter.


I generally disbelieve all Internet rumors as a matter of course. Even after Jessica and Davina confirmed some of what we'd heard, it was still filtered through their eyes. Sean and Ryan (and Cilona) had their own versions, so meh.

Edited by lordonia
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Jessica was SO over the top with Ryan last season. As was Jacklyn with Basement Ryan. Remember? Producers may have gotten wise to us sneaking and creeping and told them to "keep up appearances"


Not really. I never believed Jessica and Ryan were still together. Jaclyn and Ryan R. yes, but that was half wishful thinking, because I didn't want to believe they'd all split up. Their SM wasn't conclusive either way. It's obvious they were all told to keep up appearances last season already and Davina got a lot of heat from the experts for stepping out of line. Not everyone's going overboard with the tweeting so far this season though, so I don't see how that's a requirement.


I'm gonna just wait and see. Sean was supposedly just after fame, yet 7 months later I still haven't seen any proof of that. He also was supposedly lying about his promotion and got in trouble at work for that and all his coworkers hated him, yet he posts things like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/85bpdhlVt8/?taken-by=silverfoxrn


Sorry, but not listening to anonymous rumours without any proof anymore.

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If am taking that info with a huge grain of salt as David has been front and centre with Vanessa for the media promotions for the show. I would think that they would try to hide him after all the heat they got for selecting raging Ryan last season they do not need to promote an even worse douche.

Having said that there is something off about David, with his constant lament of he is awesome, adores his partners, just wants to marry but woman dump him for no reason my spider senses are tingling.

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I never believed the Rumors about Sean last season. I just thought it was a really really really bad match. They couldn't stand each other, had nothing  in common, and weren't really even attracted to each other. To put the cherry on the divorce sundae (well, annullment since it wasn't consummated?) they just weren't willing to meet in the middle. Each wanted the other to give give give so they could get their way, and each had really good reasons not to give in (her job, apartment, life really, and ditto for him. Both were doing so well in their own fields/neighborhoods, so why shouldn' t the other one move?)


This David thing...I'm sure "some" of it is true, but how much? I would think with a criminal background, they would've nixed him with a swiftness.


That, and if he has all these "creditors" after him? He's screwed. He's got a hundred grand now (well, 70, 80 grand). How much will be left after lawyer's fees, etc.?

hey, maybe THAT'S why he agreed to this travesty? To pay off the creditors/lawyers.

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To put the cherry on the divorce sundae (well, annullment since it wasn't consummated?)


The experts said a few times that annulment wasn't an option. My guess is, because they sign a ton of contracts, they can't claim they were misled or didn't know what they were getting themselves into, so nobody would grant them an annulment.

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