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S11.E07: The Honeymoon is Over

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Conspiracy Theory! Ok, so since Henry's frenemy Trichelle has done the reality show circuit, maybe someone from production leaked that Christina was being a Bridezilla before the wedding. Maybe it got back to ole Henry, and he was turned off before she even walked down the isle? He is one of the most boring reality show contestants I have ever witnessed in my life. And Christina is uber confident for someone with such a pronounced underbite... but good for her! 

Also forgot to add that Bennett and Amelia are what the show was probably trying to go for with Neil and Sam. Only Sam was slightly unbalanced mentally. 

Edited by Cammi
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Olivia’s throw down to Brett “Have you seen my finances?” went into an entirely different tack than expected....

Did not anticipate Ollie being in the red....did you?
When Brett revealed she has a sizable debt that she chooses to carry month to month the conversation got ugly because her debt was not his info to reveal.
Olivia asking Brett to help her with a budget as her way to compliment him on how he manages HIS finances.
She does not want him to judge how she uses HER money....back off Jack....

Olivia’s rental house in the fashionable district of NO filled with antiques that her parents gave her sums up how completely different Brett feels about lifestyle.

Brett researched where he could buy the most house with a yard In NO that he could afford. Not in a section of town that Olivia would consider fashionable.

Decor and furnishings are for his comfort not a showcase.

Olivia wants to continue the high life and Brett knowing that in a marriage that HER debt is now HiS debt he will put an absolute KIBOSH on all spending except the essentials. Olivia said as much. The party’s over for Miss Olivia...no more money for Lil Wayne...

Her crying ended the uncomfortable conversation with Brett, ever the gentleman, getting up to get her a tissue as she smeared tears and snot all over her hands.
In the previews, Brett talks out of shop about her private finances and that’s a big breach of confidence...Bad move...


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2 hours ago, ShowFan said:

Most certainly not. The job is not at all fabulous..it’s grueling and highly uncomfortable. And the occasional free trips are still massively exhausting. 

My comment was total sarcasm, and a reference back to ChristinA bragging earlier about how fabulous it is to grab a first class seat when dead heading. It was part of her travel shaming Henry, and she said she doesn’t like to travel any other way now. 

Edited by Cancun
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Here are my, I believe, UO's about this episode: 

Woody and Amani:  I really am glad that Woody and Amani had that conversation and that Pastor Cal was there.  I am an old and I feel some type of way when I sense that a man is trying to tell a woman what to do.  I'm glad that Pastor Cal asked Woody, "what if Amani develops alopecia?"  Because that changed the conversation and I realized that Woody was NOT talking about hair but about something deeper.  It made sense because, even though Woody and Amani are married, they don't know each other, they don't know each other's boundaries, each other's quirks.  I do feel that if you're in a relationship with someone, not just dating them, that if you make a drastic change to your appearance, it should be talked out with your partner.  I mean if Woody came back with some ugly neck tattoo, Amani would be right to be pissed.  If you want to do what you want to do, 100%, then don't get married.

Olivia and Brett:  I actually see both of their points.  Brett owns a house and doesn't have a lot of money, so he puts all of his money into the house.  Olivia rents and therefore is able to travel and enjoy expensive things, even though she has issues with budgeting.  Brett comes from the belief that if you rent you're throwing your money away...(I don't believe that but...that's his thought) and threw shade on Olivia because she does rent.  Both of their points are valid but they act like they're at an impasse.

ChristinA and Henry:  I'm glad Pastor Cal got Henry to finally open his mouth about his feelings for Christina.  He's angry with her but not showing it, which really bothers me.  I think about Iris and Keith.  One of the reasons I think Iris felt blindsided was because Keith never said a bad thing about Iris, which made Iris (and me) think that everything was okay.  So I'm glad Henry finally said what he felt about his wife.

Bennett and Amelia:  Another good conversation.  Bennett does have to think about what he'll do if Amelia gets a job in another city, or another state, across the country.  Bennett has a life in NOLA and he has to think about maybe giving that up.  This is something women have had to deal with for years.  I worked with a woman who moved around because of her husband's job and she was FULL or resentment because of it, so Bennett needs to think about it.  

Miles an Karen:  The only way this is going to work is if Karen puts down the suitcases and probably talks to someone, a therapist, counselor, any neutral party.  

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When it comes to finances, I’m Team Brett. He lives within his means; apparently Olivia does not, despite a high income. (I also noticed Bennett saying he doesn’t have a “mature relationship with money,” which is a slight red flag; he would need to cultivate a mature relationship with money in order for us to work. Money management is important to me.)

Karen was very scarred by her ex having a kid outside the relationship & she’s just waiting for Miles to announce that he got somebody pregnant. I think that accounts for the bulk of her “He seems nice, but ...” attitude; the rest of it is that she’s not that into Miles. I think if Miles were a “masculine man” by whatever definition of masculinity she has, she’d be more engaged - but she’d still be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Miles is like a puppy Karen teases with a ball and then walks away with ball leaving the puppy hanging.....

She’s distrustful of Too Good To Be True Guy Miles that she sets little traps and hoops for him to jump through..if he balks then she sees that as insincerity to the process...
She and Miles win the Shoe Game....the second bedroom can be a walk in shoe showcase.....

I love Amani’s Mardi Gras Tree and the MG bunting decorating her apartment. I hope she brings it All over to The Gotham Loft.....Put some pizazz in that bland box.

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Bennett and Amelia... they are both quirky but I don't think it's a good match. While she appears to be highly creative, fun loving  and intelligent, she must also be a very high achiever to have gotten through med school. He seems to be boyishly happy with living in a shed, cavorting with his theater group and writing (whatever it is that he writes). I find it hard to believe that at some point she won't snap and tell him to grow up. Also, I wish she would brush her hair. 

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39 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

ChristinA and Henry:  I'm glad Pastor Cal got Henry to finally open his mouth about his feelings for Christina.  He's angry with her but not showing it, which really bothers me.  So I'm glad Henry finally said what he felt about his wife.

Henry is mad because XtinA is impatient with him?

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10 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Henry is mad because XtinA is impatient with him?

I think he’s mad because she’s impatient and pretty rude in general. She snaps at production, I bet $5 she snaps at restaurant staff and anyone else she perceived as beneath her, and most of her comments about the free and temporary housing she’s being put up in were negative, which is particularly rich given that she apparently either doesn’t live anywhere or lives somewhere she doesn’t want her husband to see (and apparently lied to him about where she lives). She just doesn’t strike me as nice, at all. Henry has his faults but he doesn’t strike me as mean.

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4 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

She just doesn’t strike me as nice, at all. Henry has his faults but he doesn’t strike me as mean.

So Henry Finally gets to express his pent up anger about  her rudeness and diva-ness. He leaves the room....I feel for him...this must be torturous.

Geez, he needs to emote more...his tics betray his uncomfortableness as much as Olivia’s reddening chest exposes her true feelings...

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Olivia’s throw down to Brett “Have you seen my finances?” went into an entirely different tack than expected....

Did not anticipate Ollie being in the red....did you?
When Brett revealed she has a sizable debt that she chooses to carry month to month the conversation got ugly because her debt was not his info to reveal.
Olivia asking Brett to help her with a budget as her way to compliment him on how he manages HIS finances.
She does not want him to judge how she uses HER money....back off Jack....

Olivia’s rental house in the fashionable district of NO filled with antiques that her parents gave her sums up how completely different Brett feels about lifestyle.

Brett researched where he could buy the most house with a yard In NO that he could afford. Not in a section of town that Olivia would consider fashionable.

Decor and furnishings are for his comfort not a showcase.

Olivia wants to continue the high life and Brett knowing that in a marriage that HER debt is now HiS debt he will put an absolute KIBOSH on all spending except the essentials. Olivia said as much. The party’s over for Miss Olivia...no more money for Lil Wayne...

Her crying ended the uncomfortable conversation with Brett, ever the gentleman, getting up to get her a tissue as she smeared tears and snot all over her hands.
In the previews, Brett talks out of shop about her private finances and that’s a big breach of confidence...Bad move...


People talk about love language but not enough attention is given to financial language.

Brett is a guy that likes to keep his life simple and in control. He works a forty hour low stress job that lets him go home, play with his cat, work out, and tinker with his hobbies. His field can pay very well but perhaps he does not want the stress that a higher salary would bring. He does not mind his current pay and everything will be alright as long as he is diligent with his finances.

Olivia reminds me of a lot of people with high pressure and high end jobs. She works very hard and enjoys helping other people. She probably does not get a lot of time off and feels that she more than deserves treating herself well. This means living life to the fullest.

She wants a man to go out with her and party. Unlike Amelia, she also wants that man to at least split the bill. She is not interested in supporting a homebody that makes half her salary. 
They are doomed.


31 minutes ago, potatochips said:

Bennett and Amelia... they are both quirky but I don't think it's a good match. While she appears to be highly creative, fun loving  and intelligent, she must also be a very high achiever to have gotten through med school. He seems to be boyishly happy with living in a shed, cavorting with his theater group and writing (whatever it is that he writes). I find it hard to believe that at some point she won't snap and tell him to grow up. Also, I wish she would brush her hair. 

The thing is when you are highly attracted to someone then you put up a lot of blinders to their faults. Amelia is over the moon with Bennett. In some ways he is her dream man.

Being a house husband or wife is difficult/tedious and gets no respect in this society. A doctor’s spouse has to be extremely independent. If Bennett takes on this role with vigor, there should be no issues.

However, if Bennett totally ignores the kids, lets the house fall apart, and Amelia finds out that he spent thousands of dollars for fancy music equipment, then there might be problems down the road when the bloom wears off the rose.

Similarly, I don’t think Miles’ depression would be an issue if Karen was highly attracted to him. She would happily agree to work things out together.

Dereck was highly attracted to Katie and was accepting of her diabetes, even though a lot of us thought it was unfair to put him in that position. He even put her on his health insurance...not that she appreciated it.

Edited by qtpye
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7 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Brett is not interested in spending the money he is putting aside for his retirement to attend a Saints game for expensive dinners. His wife is in debt over all that entertainment. Definitely I wouldn't be impressed either. I think she could've been a lot more gracious about his home that he was in the process of buying meaning paying his mortgage every month. If she was interested in him, which she's not they could live there with a small mortgage and find a way to do more things.  Olivia doesn't wanna share her money with a Stranger which I get. She was looking to be matched with a man who had the same or more money and then she wouldn't have to share.

If you've got a lot of debt, you can't afford to do all these expensive things. Just gets you more in debt. You're either a saver or a spender and it just doesn't make a good match. 

And I thought Olivia said in her pre-marriage talk that she was ok with a man making less.  She lied.

And her snooty show of dislike for his place was not attractive in the least.


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Last night’s episode was first that didn’t feel like time was going backwards...looked up and it was 9:45pm with Cal’s visit to The Obamas still to come.

Anyone else pleasantly surprised in the same fashion?

Next week is the house warming party with friends and Fam.....Henny needs to make an effort to invite ChristinA.

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3 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Last night’s episode was first that didn’t feel like time was going backwards...looked up and it was 9:45pm with Cal’s visit to The Obamas still to come.

Anyone else pleasantly surprised in the same fashion?

Next week is the house warming party with friends and Fam.....Henny needs to make an effort to invite ChristinA.

No, this is the best cast this show has ever had. The sad part will be that they are such a fun city but will have to stay in due to quarantine.


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13 hours ago, gladitsover said:

Karen has no sense of fun. She needs to lighten up. Miles is being playful, trying to joke and flirt and she just takes it as immature, instead of fun. She should live with Henry or Brett for a day, and  then I think she would appreciate Miles. 

Or she might find her soulmate. Neither has a personality. 

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Different times people worried about Amelia's school loans which I felt there would be none since her mother was a surgeon. 

I wouldn't assume that. Mom may still be paying off her own loans. I have an acquaintance who is a surgeon and she is barely getting by; evidently she is an excellent doctor but a lousy businessperson. She takes a lot of Medicaid patients, which is fantastic, but they don't pay well. And she financed her own education so she has massive loans. Her kids may grow up to go to med school themselves but she won't be able to pay for it.

I'm not a fan of Bennett or Amelia but I did like Amelia's Mini Cooper. 


You're either a saver or a spender and it just doesn't make a good match. 

My husband is a self-described (and proud!) cheapskate. He earns a great salary. I earn an ok salary and I'm a spender. We get along great but it's mostly because I realized I'm not as responsible with money as I'd like to be and he motivates me to be more responsible and save. At the same time, I motivate him to sometimes splurge a little on himself and not feel guilty about it. We also maintain separate bank accounts so we have some amount of discretionary money that we don't have to answer for. We are looking at retiring early as a result of his efforts. I think opposites like us can work really effectively together but there has to be a lot of open discussion and mutual respect. And, maybe most importantly, we knew these things about each other before we got married and we are comfortable with it - and even grateful for it.

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13 hours ago, gladitsover said:

I think Olivia is upset that the show matched her with someone that was not what she asked for. That seems to be the common theme in all the seasons. How hard is it to find a guy who wants to go to Saints games, or out to dinner, or travel. Most normal people want to do that. 

Haven't read through all the comments yet but Brett would be more than happy to go to Saints games, dinner, or travel with Olivia ON HER DIME.  He's made it clear that he's forgoing what he sees as extravagances to save for retirement.

Olivia, although apparently earning a high wage, is in debt. So perhaps she should take a page from Brett's book and learn to live within her means.

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13 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Henry is not attracted to ChristinA, period.

Cal pushing for "moves" again - shut up Cal.

The problem with this show has always been chemistry is either there or it's not.

With these two, it's just not.

Henry may not be attracted to women. Hell, Henry may not be attracted to humans.

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On 8/27/2020 at 7:21 AM, qtpye said:

No, this is the best cast this show has ever had. The sad part will be that they are such a fun city but will have to stay in due to quarantine.


MAFS Quarantine Party will be at Wamani's poolside patio with the Woodster at the grill and Amani being the gracious hostess....

Ben will come dressed like it is a costume party, but alas, it is not...no matter,  they love Ben just as he is...

Amelia will be stuck at the hospital.

Olivia will be late because she works so much...especially during the Coronavirus

Brett will be in the corner drinking the beer he brought to the party.

Miles will be sous chef to Woody's grill master..

Karen will be sitting and eating...and eating..

Henny Penny will be sipping scotch facing the wall.

Christi-NA will be bitching that her chicken wasn't cooked to her specifications....to do it again....


Edited by humbleopinion
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13 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Wait, is Christina homeless?

I was confused about that, too. She mentioned all her stuff was in California. Does she sleep in  her car? Couch surf? At the airport? Could this be  the "lie" that Henry says in all the previews?

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10 hours ago, VagabondDays said:

Yaaaassss!  When they were looking out the window and she said, “do you want to go swimming right now?” and Miles was initially so shocked and then after clarifying if she really said that said, “yeah let’s do it!” only to have her yet again say, “I’m not doing that...”  I mean, I was over it FOR Miles at that point.  Shut up, Karen!  Stop being a wet, tired rat.  It’s neither cute, nor funny.  This is why her old ass will be alone forever, unless a young, semi-desperate chubb like Miles indulges her.  Yes, I said ALL of that.

That was so wrong of Karen to do that to Miles.  Just shows how awful she is.  She doesn't deserve Miles. 

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10 hours ago, qtpye said:

Amelia is so accomplished. She is a doctor, can sing, Homecoming Queen, Vice President of the student council, and she can parallel park. 

She is the best!  I would have loved to see a pic of Homecoming Queen Amelia!

Can anyone parallel park like she did? That was so smooth.

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2 minutes ago, OnTime said:

She is the best!  I would have loved to see a pic of Homecoming Queen Amelia!

Can anyone parallel park like she did? That was so smooth.

It's a tiny car - much easier. But ok - yes - good job on the parallel parking. I suck at it.

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36 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

He's made it clear that he's forgoing what he sees as extravagances to save for retirement.

And it's not like Brett doesn't spend money. He was actively dating right up until he was cast on the show, which costs money; he has hobbies (his tools, gaming), which cost money, and he has a pet, which costs money. I'm sure he can afford to go out to eat sometimes (i.e. dating), but it sounds like Olivia gets takeout or eats out for almost every meal. 

Budgets have needs and wants. You allocate for your needs first (and I would and do include saving for retirement as a need) and then you divide up what's left among your wants. The way I see it, Brett and Olivia have two problems. One, that they have different approaches to money. Olivia seems to spend whatever on whatever and by her own admission, doesn't budget, which has caused her to rack up debt despite her high income. Brett has a more modest income but manages his money well and lives within his means. Two, they spend their discretionary income (which is likely very different-sized, given what we know about how much each of them makes) on different things. IMO it's less about who makes what and more about their different approaches to money.

Olivia quite literally can't have it both ways with Brett. She can't say "my money is my money and I'm not paying for you to do stuff with me, but I want you to do the same stuff I do." It's just math. Maybe he won't always make less (apparently he's studying for some kind of certification that will advance his career), but right now he does. I had an ex that made a lot more than I did and he would never have said "I want to go to this expensive restaurant that just opened but I know you can't afford it, so I'm going to eat there and I'll meet you at the mid-priced bar afterward," because what is the point of us being together if he was going to do that? He just ... took me to the restaurant.

If they were going to really make it, I could see lots of ways for them to budget effectively - they almost certainly have enough between them for all their needs and most of their wants, and Brett owns a home, which helps a lot. But I don't see it for them.

11 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Can anyone parallel park like she did? That was so smooth.

Yep. I'm an excellent parallel parker. I liked that Amelia could do it - I know a lot of people who basically learned for the driver's test and never really did it again. My best friend and I once switched places in her car because she was trying to parallel park and kept fucking up, so I just did it.


Edited by Empress1
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Brett doesn’t need to be a butthole and chastise her for her spending....
He is convinced he has to be calculating and thrifty to be able to afford a secure retirement...nothing wrong with that...
He doesn’t see value in traveling and nice hotels..

I don't think he was being an ass. He said if she wants to do those things go for it. He just said its not how he plans to spend his money. Besides I really think she is a hustler not looking for a husband but looking for a sugar daddy.

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I typed this post so fast because I cannot wait to dive into the snark this week!

Loved Bennett's house. 

Olivia is awful. I saw nothing wrong with Brett's house. Some people have a comfortable house and don't mind having some clutter. Olivia's house was not something out of a magazine either. The faces she was making were so embarrassing. Sounds like she spends money as she earns it and Brett is a tightwad. Nothing wrong with either of those things as long as you're okay with it and neither of these people are okay with how the other handles money. I view that as completely unfixable. As a side note: If Brett is working on getting IT certifications now, he's a low level support person and probably does make very little money. But, if he has a government job and gets the certs, he has a nice path forward. He seems too obsessed with saving every penny to me but perspective is everything: my husband retired at the end of 2013 and was thrilled to be able to chill. He died two years later suddenly. So much for enjoying things. Two years after he retired, I was diagnosed with cancer, which I'm still dealing with. So depriving yourself of at least some splurging may backfire. You have to find a balance and I don't see either of these two having any balance at all. They've dug in on how they will live their life and don't care much about what the other thinks.

Amani and Woody giggling about not using protection. Unbelievable that these people are adults. Still not buying Woody as the settle down and stay at home type. Everything will be okay with him until Amani wants to do something he doesn't agree with and he'll throw out the "But what I'm not not attracted to...." whatever it is she wants to do. I could understand his feelings about Amani coming home with a bald head and thought that was a foolish, extreme example, but if she hits the salon and says, "I'd like to try something new," and gets a different style cut, she should not have to have a "mother may I" conversation with Woody about it or worry that if she does that he might not be attracted to her (as he himself said). I think he's shallow fine as long as everything is his way.  

Christina complaining about everything as soon as they walked into the apartment wasn't very surprising. I can see why Henry would be turned off by that. Part of her complaining may be the frustration of the situation she's in with Henry so I can give her that. Still, he's clearly not interested in her. I would guess that part of her ego is thinking that she is so far above this guy that how dare he not fall for her. They are both wishy washy in conversation and that drives me nuts. "Why haven't you made a move? Are you not interested in this relationship?" is a pretty straightforward, simple question that Christina could ask him and get an answer out of him. Instead we have the "How's it going to you?" "It's going well." "Okay."

Henry's kitchen was very weird. What was up with Christina saying her stuff was all in her car when she told Henry she lived in NO? That was strange. But again, the normal thing to say is "Wait, you told me you lived here, what's up with that."  But once again, the question was not asked. 

I'm just so sick of Karen and her "I'm afraid to get hurt" attitude. Then why go on the show and waste everyone's time? I don't think that's all of it. I think Miles is not her type and will never be her type. The totally messy apartment (way beyond clutter there), the importance of having 9 million pairs of shoes, the X-Box playing... she's going to view this even more as him being a big kid. 

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Olivia asking Brett to help her with a budget as her way to compliment him on how he manages HIS finances.
She does not want him to judge how she uses HER money....back off Jack....

I think you're mistaken the help she was looking for is more money to spend on the here and now. Secondly finances are typically pooled together so it becomes our money not his or hers exclusively.

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Man, I would have to make it clear to this show. Do not put me with someone who he keeps acquiring debt and doesn't budget. Olivia is new Danielle of Bobby/Danielle fame.

I agree with others who does not like Karen's way of "joking". It's just comes off more like just fucking with him and not playful.

The cutting the hair thing I got from the beginning. There always this my body my choice thing in the world when it comes to women. Which I understand and respect. But, while in a relationship, we as a team could or should at least try to discuss changes even if ultimately it's your decision. The hair is a micro version of something like an abortion. But, it's the same only in that it's a partner deciding to what to do themselves both minor and major. Talk! Communicate!

Thank you pastor call for getting that happy wife/happy life bullshit out of here. You and your spouse are partners. Teammates. Neither person will win every argument. Neither persons wants and desires are more important than the others. I'm not folding on every disagreement or decision because happy wife/happy life.

Fuck outta here with that.

Cal also did nothing wrong by bringing up the real issues Bennett and Amelia will face. They just keep going around talking about rainbows and being giggly all the time. That's great but they can't and won't be agreeable about everything. And with limited time in this experiment, you got to talk about more than the surface level.

Edited by Racj82
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17 minutes ago, configdotsys said:


I'm just so sick of Karen and her "I'm afraid to get hurt" attitude. Then why go on the show and waste everyone's time? I don't think that's all of it. I think Miles is not her type and will never be her type. The totally messy apartment (way beyond clutter there), the importance of having 9 million pairs of shoes, the X-Box playing... she's going to view this even more as him being a big kid. 

A lot of people, both Men and Women of all ages live in clutter. Grown adults play video games all the time. Some people make a living off of it. Videos games are also often way more designed for adults with these days with real stories. And women on this show constantly have mountains of shoes. None of that equals immaturity. This is directed at Karen, not you. Because  I believe she thinks all of this reads as kid like.

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I think he’s mad because she’s impatient and pretty rude in general. She snaps at production, I bet $5 she snaps at restaurant staff and anyone else she perceived as beneath her, and most of her comments about the free and temporary housing she’s being put up in were negative, which is particularly rich given that she apparently either doesn’t live anywhere or lives somewhere she doesn’t want her husband to see (and apparently lied to him about where she lives). She just doesn’t strike me as nice, at all. Henry has his faults but he doesn’t strike me as mean.

Its odd a woman who doesn't really live anywhere can be selected to marry a stranger. Henry was taken aback when she revealed she just kinds of hops around and lives out of a suitcase. I've always wondered what kind of vetting they do on applicants. I also question Henry's and Christina's motives for doing this show. I don't get the impression or heard either one say I'm looking forward to having a permanent mate, have kids plan for the future. She did seem genuinely hurt by Henry's comments. I don't know what he means by going to fast. If they went slower they'd go back in time. As soon as the talked about intimacy and sex his facial tick went off like a Geiger counter. I'm still questioning if he's had a sex life....

I'd say this marriage and Brett and Olivia's marriage is doomed. The other three have a good chance.

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Henry is getting a weird edit & I think he & ChristinA have talked more than we know, & he knows things about her he doesn't like. Previews say he's concerned about a "pattern of dishonesty", & with her previous living arrangements being unclear I'm curious as to what he will have to say. This could've started early (like even at the wedding when she told him where she was supposedly living), but we don't know what he's picking up on yet. Whether from nerves or something particular, I feel badly for him when they zoom in on his tics - shithead editors as usual.

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Olivia's house was not something out of a magazine either. The faces she was making were so embarrassing. Sounds like she spends money as she earns it and Brett is a tightwad.

I don't think living with in your means, investing in a house and saving some money makes one a tightwad. A tightwad to me is someone who has scads of money but scrimps and frugal s like they are destitute. Best seat in the house to watch the Saints is in front of a giant TV set. I don't recall they even talked about children. If children aren't the joy and happiness of a marriage you might as well stay single.

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I can't believe that the producers would pick someone with as flat a personality as Henry to be on this show. There's no way he was charming, warm and witty in the interviews. ChristinA is a downer, but Henry does not have what it takes to be half of any relationship.


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Oh, Lawd. These people!

In terms of the Brett vs. Olivia Finance Debate, I'm absolutely Team Brett. His financial practicality makes him a lot more attractive than he seemed before. And honestly, I didn't think his place looked too bad. He could have reined in the comment about Olivia's pink bathroom, but on the whole he is making a much better showing than pissy Olivia up to this point.

I don't have a crush on Brett, but I'm crushing hard on his cat. What a love bug. I'm in love!

Watching Henry twitch on the couch while Pastor Cal asked him if he found Christina attractive was pretty painful to behold. "She's obviously attractive!" Pastor Cal said, as Christina smugly nodded her double chins. I agree with those posters who've said that Christina has no interest in Henry but can't stand being with a man who isn't drooling all over her like her previous (married) boyfriends did. You know, the ones who couldn't send her flowers because she has no fixed address other than her car.

I want to know what high school Amelia went to where she was voted Homecoming Queen. It makes me wonder if she's changed a lot since high school or just went someplace really progressive and accepting. There was no way in hell a person who wore elastic-waist pants like Amelia was going to be elected Homecoming Queen at my bitchy high school, unless there was a bucket of pig blood waiting at the end of it. Good for you, Amelia!

Edited by TheMediumBopper
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Its very odd that a person like Karen so afraid of being hurt again would then say well why don't I just have strangers pick out a stranger husband for me? Its true Miles may turn out to be a jerk but he may turn out to be the real deal. In the mean time she shouldn't just wait for the other shoe to drop. A person willing to marry someone sight unseen should be willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Any relationship can be ruined by bringing in the baggage from the last relationship. It can even be self fulfilling prophesy.

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Watching Henry twitch on the couch while Pastor Cal repeatedly asked him if he found Christina attractive was pretty painful to watch. "She's obviously attractive!" Pastor Cal said, as Christina smugly nodded her double chins. I agree with those posters who've said that Christina has no interest in Henry but can't stand being with a man who isn't drooling all over her like her previous (married) boyfriends did. You know, the ones who couldn't send her flowers because she has no fixed address other than her car.

Its hard to imagine during the many interviews a candidate goes through to be on this show they didn't notice his constant facial twitch and wonder if there isn't something wrong with him? I don't believe he's autistic as some have suggested. This may come down to first impressions he may have really desired a more petite woman who is shorter than him. I wonder if he'll be the first person to say I'm done and is really done? Still if he has these issues with her wouldn't it make sense to discuss them before Pastor Cal arrives at your door? BTW is the other counselor besides Dr Pepper out the door? Haven't seen her once this season. 

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16 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Its hard to imagine during the many interviews a candidate goes through to be on this show they didn't notice his constant facial twitch and wonder if there isn't something wrong with him? I don't believe he's autistic as some have suggested. This may come down to first impressions he may have really desired a more petite woman who is shorter than him. I wonder if he'll be the first person to say I'm done and is really done? Still if he has these issues with her wouldn't it make sense to discuss them before Pastor Cal arrives at your door? BTW is the other counselor besides Dr Pepper out the door? Haven't seen her once this season. 

Yeah, I've never thought he's autistic either. Not for a minute. I think he is awkward and may have some social anxiety that he masks with an almost lifeless calmness. Sometimes I shake and twitch a little when I'm put on the spot but am otherwise neurologically normal. The 'experts' are such notoriously bad matchmakers that there's no rhyme or reason to the choices they make. When Pastor Cal was saying that Henry needed a diva like Christina to balance out his 'quiet side,' I was cringing over here. That's a dynamic that almost never works except in the movies.

Edited by TheMediumBopper
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Olivia quite literally can't have it both ways with Brett. She can't say "my money is my money and I'm not paying for you to do stuff with me, but I want you to do the same stuff I do." It's just math. Maybe he won't always make less (apparently he's studying for some kind of certification that will advance his career), but right now he does. I had an ex that made a lot more than I did and he would never have said "I want to go to this expensive restaurant that just opened but I know you can't afford it, so I'm going to eat there and I'll meet you at the mid-priced bar afterward," because what is the point of us being together if he was going to do that? He just ... took me to the restaurant.

I think its worse than that...I get the impression Olivia can't afford her lifestyle anymore and is looking for a second income stream more than a husband, kids and the mini-van in the drive way.

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The "experts" picked some pretty awful women this time. ChristinA and Olivia both need to wipe the smug off their faces, as they are no bargains!  I liked Olivia more at the beginning, but she is clearly not right for this show, and certainly not for Brett. At least she admitted to be independent and stuck in her ways. And, now she doesn't even like Brett's cat! I took the budget thing as that she did ask him to help her set up a good budget. I think he just interprets HAVING a budget with FOLLOWING a budget, which she might not be so willing to do.

I just can't stand ChristinA and I agree that she is impatient, rude, and, for some reason, feels entitled to be worshipped by all men. I don't get the homeless thing at all and wondered if maybe her lease was over when she was selected so she packed up her car? I was sure they did home visits earlier this season. And, yes, if she is a flight attendant, she needs to live in a hub city. Is NOLA any airline's base? I can't believe that the show recruited her????? ETA: I like Henry and was glad he used the "friend" label. That took her down a bit.

I am sure Amelia and Bennett will be fine. I just hope she cleans up a lot before she goes to work at the hospital. They just look dirty and smelly. But, as happy as can be, so I am hopeful for them.

Woody and Amani will be fine. I still am not crazy about him, but they seem happy -I think. She always says she is, but with her whiny baby voice, seems to be unsure, so I don't get them, but they will be OK.

I feel so bad for Miles that he is being punished for  Karen's past relationships. He doesn't deserve that and is really trying to be as patient as she is demanding. I am so glad that Pastor Cal told them both that he needs to be able to get what he needs, too, and not just wait around for her. She is another one who should not have been selected for this show - she is not emotionally ready. And, as gorgeous as she is, no matter what she says, she is NOT happy with who she is. She is miserable and her being an emotional mess sucks the joy out of the room. I was glad to see the scene next week where she is sitting on Miles' lap and his friends dare her to kiss Miles on this lips. LOL - that tiny peck is still more than either Olivia or ChristinA will get this whole show. 

It will be really interesting to see the shows once the quarantine starts. Anyone know when that will be"?

ETA: I do NOT like Bennett's sister. She seems to have a very unhealthy relationship or obsession with her brother and has tried to sabotage this relationship the last time they were together when she told Amelia about how Bennet felt about having kids. Now she is telling him he shouldn't be a grown up and move to be with his wife and she doesn't want him to leave. The family dynamics are so strange, but Bennett seems to be able to know what he wants. His sister needs to lighten up, because he will follow his heart.


Edited by Retired at last
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1 minute ago, TheMediumBopper said:

 When Pastor Cal was saying that Henry needed a diva like Christina to balance out his 'quiet side,' I was cringing over here. That's a dynamic that almost never works except in the movies.

They say opposites attract and they probably do but doesn't mean they get or stay married. For instance Amelia and Bennett share a lot of core values and outlook. Then they have their own areas of difference and hobbies that make them unique but they can always come back to what they share in common. I don't see a landing ground of things held in common between the two of them. She's traveled the world and hasn't settled down he's clearly a homebody. I'd say this is a match making calamity not really either of their faults...

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9 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

I think its worse than that...I get the impression Olivia can't afford her lifestyle anymore and is looking for a second income stream more than a husband, kids and the mini-van in the drive way.

Well, she said she didn’t want kids. Not all married people want the picket fence lifestyle.

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57 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Man, I would have to make it clear to this show. Do not put me with someone who he keeps acquiring debt and doesn't budget. Olivia is new Danielle of Bobby/Danielle fame.

I'm not putting Olivia anywhere near Danielle when it comes to debt. 

She hasn't said an amount, so at this time Danielle remains the $15,000 in credit card debt queen.

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7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

 A lot of guys are actually very into a woman's hairstyle and it is just courtesy not to one day show up with a completely new one without telling them about your plans first. 

Amani wore a couple of different hairstyles in their first week and a half of marriage. Woody kept going back to what if Amani came home bald. He wasn't  arguing that Amani should consult with him before every trip to her stylist. Just that he'd like to know when she's about to make a drastic, long-lasting or permanent change. 

4 hours ago, qtpye said:

Unlike Amelia, she also wants that man to at least split the bill. She is not interested in supporting a homebody that makes half her salary. They are doomed.

They both need to get over themselves. If they move into Brett's house and Olivia contributes to living expenses, Brett's housing expenses will decrease. Then, he will have more disposable income to pay his share on those vacations, football games, and nights out on the town. 

4 hours ago, Mercolleen said:

Also, I just finished the first Spellman Files book. 

Good catch. 

1 hour ago, Porkchop said:

I can't believe that the producers would pick someone with as flat a personality as Henry to be on this show. There's no way he was charming, warm and witty in the interviews. 

Oddly enough Henry is my favorite of the guys. And, he's not any less warm, witty, or charming than Christina or Karen.

Edited by RaeSpellman
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1 minute ago, RaeSpellman said:

And, [Henry’s] not any less warm, witty, or charming than Christina or Karen.

Totally agree, although I do think Karen is warm with people she actually likes. Christina doesn’t come across as warm at all, but I can see glimpses of warmth in Karen - just not when she’s with Miles.

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3 minutes ago, RaeSpellman said:

Amani wore several different hairstyles in their first week and a half of marriage. Woody kept going back to bald. He wasn't  arguing that Amani should consult with him before every trip to her stylist. Just that he'd like to know when she's about to make a drastic, long-lasting or permanent change. 

They both need to get over themselves. If they move into Brett's house and Olivia contributes to living expenses, Brett housing budget will decrease. Then, he will have more disposable income to pay his share on those vacations, football games, and nights out on the town. 

Good catch. 

Oddly enough Henry is my favorite of the guys. And, he's not any less warm, witty, or charming than Christina or Karen.

I think he's my favorite, too. I don't even know why, but something about him makes me laugh. I just feel for the guy.

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