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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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50 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Enzo asks if he can have a cow as a pet and not have to milk it. Yes, Enzo you can. You can get a dairy cow and not breed it, then there won't be a milking issue, or you can get a beef cow who doesn't need to be milked. Or else you can get a steer - they will never need to be milked!.

Great; now more than anything else in the world I want to tell Enzo he has to milk a bull - just as soon as I get a full charge on my smartphone, because by God I’m getting video of that.


45 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

OK, BB Chat is saying National Inner Beauty Day won POV. I was wondering, I saw a big POV symbol leaning against the wall by her bed.

BB Chat is chatting out of their ass, then;  Cody won PoV days ago, and chose not to use it.

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36 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

So National Coffee with a Cop Day was talking about Loyal to Nicole and suddenly STARS! I guess Loyal didn't sign a consent form so they can't talk about him (??).

Today is Loyal's birthday. There was a happy birthday message written in Froot Loops on the kitchen table last night. I am just hoping someone does something to upset Christmas today so she will go full Rockstar-mode.

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28 minutes ago, Nashville said:

BB Chat is chatting out of their ass, then;  Cody won PoV days ago, and chose not to use it

OK, I thought he'd won it. Th POV I saw is probably a room decoration.


29 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Great; now more than anything else in the world I want to tell Enzo he has to milk a bull - just as soon as I get a full charge on my smartphone, because by God I’m getting video of that.

Once I saw calf trying to nurse from a ram.

Enzo should try milking a bull when there's cows in the same pasture. That would go over well.

2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Today is Loyal's birthday. There was a happy birthday message written in Froot Loops on the kitchen table last night. I am just hoping someone does something to upset Christmas today so she will go full Rockstar-mode.

That would be cool!

"How could you!!! On my precious baby boy's birthday!!  I just - can't!"

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8 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Nicole has been studying days so much this last week. Going over and over it in the have not room. I will be sooooo happy if BB just doesn't do a days comp this season.

Last night, it sounded like she is just starting to study faces. She was asking Enzo how many face elements are used in a single picture. If there is a face composite challenge, she could be in trouble.

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No way does Cody win veto....I haven't looked above to see. Have tried to avoid. But no way does the 'there isn't a thing...Floridian...it isn't a thing' get all the subtle differences in the photos for veto. Yet he knew from the jump to look at the beer, popcorn and ice cream in those hands for a timeline. Someone fed him that. No way does that idiot figure that out on his own. No way!!

Nope. No way! Tomfoolery.

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This is so weird. I've always looked forward to BB. After a boring day, I look forward to an hour of excitement, suspense, strategy and unexpected twists. But when I tuned in tonight I realized the show is now so pallid and boring compared to what's going on out here. 

It's even weirder that the houseguests don't have a clue about this. It's sort of a worst case scenario, where we get an extra dull season of BB during a completely bonkers news cycle. I'm struggling to keep watching for old time's sake. I have to admit I'm watching tonight's show and watching my phone at the same time. What stands out so far? 

1. I just like Tyler. How did his dad die again? He seems troubled but a good person. 

2. Xmas is pretty and is in fabulous shape, but that tattoo makes me want to claw my eyes out. It's not just that it looks dirty and smeared, but it's such a crime when she has such beautiful, toned arms. I find it really hard to pin down her personality. Troubled like Tyler, but very manipulative and possibly mean. 

3. Cody is... very good looking. That's all I've got. 

4. Enzo and Nicole. Meh. I tune out mentally when they talk, probably because I don't care who wins now. Tyler would be nice I guess, but I don't really care. 

Sister in loo. 😁😁😁



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I am now a casual watcher.  Even though I read every post in this thread and I subscribe to the feeds, (however I don’t watch the feeds anymore). 

The reason I now identify as “casual” is because I now want Cody to win. Yes I can hear your jeers, boos and hisses but let me explain. 

Now mind you, I am not a Cody fan  in fact I hate all things Season 16, especially Nicole.   But here are my reasons :

He put together the best alliances.  Even  if Derrick set him up, it’s All Stars. No one was coming in blind.  They all could have made some phone calls, done some prelim work.  Sold their souls. Whatever. 

He can play comps. He is athletic. He plays hard. 

He’s not as dumb as he seems or even as dumb as Enzo. I decided this tonight watching the baseball game veto. 

Everyone else sucks at these things worse than him. 

That’s about it. 

Edited by Pixiebomb
I may change my mind if he keeps wearing sunglasses in the house.
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14 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Cody is getting the dodo edit. Why is show trying to make their potential winner dumb?

'Cause he dumb. 


9 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Interesting that they didn't show anything about Tyler's alleged meltdown during the veto comp. 

Yeah, I thought that Tyler purposely threw the Veto because he knew Cody would get it and then he's crying in the DR over it? But I mean, if they were willing to give him a good edit in the BLM debacle and pin it all on Bayleigh, I'm not surprised that another of Tyler's temper tantrums are being swept under the rug. Mother Angela probably keeps him in check most of the time.

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46 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Cody is getting the dodo edit. Why is show trying to make their potential winner dumb? Granted, he may be but why isn’t the show protecting him. It’s their usual ammo. I’ve now decided I want Memphis to win. I don’t want Cody, Nicole or Enzo to win. Christmas doesn’t have a shot. 

He is a dodo. Which is why I don't believe, for one second, that he figured out the veto THAT fast. No way, no how. 

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6 hours ago, PaperTree said:

To defend Enzo a little, he is from "The City".  Who knows how far he's wandered into the country.  Bayonne, NJ was once home to a huge Exxon refinery and a big Naval base my uncle worked at.

  Surrounded by NYC and Newark.

Going off topic once again, but this post reminded me about an episode of the Wire when one of the young drug runner kids went to the country.  He ended up calling up one of his friends talking about this weird chirping (I think that is what it was, it has been years since I watched the episode) noise.  His friend said it was a cricket and the kid had no idea what a cricket was because of where he lived.

I never really thought of that, having lived in the suburbs my whole life.  But it has to be strange for people who grew in the city to then go to the country and hear all of these noises they have never heard.  I know when I went to NYC as a kid I had a hard time falling asleep due to the constant city noise.  Not from the aspect of never having heard such noises, but I had never been in a place where it was so loud and constant.

Oddly enough, that is the only city where I have ever had that problem.  I've been to Toronto, Montreal, Boston, L.A., San Antonio just to name a few cities I have been to and none of them bothered me but NYC.

2 hours ago, Melina22 said:


Xmas is pretty and is in fabulous shape, but that tattoo makes me want to claw my eyes out. It's not just that it looks dirty and smeared, but it's such a crime when she has such beautiful, toned arms. I find it really hard to pin down her personality. Troubled like Tyler, but very manipulative and possibly mean.



As much as I hate to admit it, because I do think she's an awful person, I do find Christmas attractive (Pretty much the same way I feel about Bayleigh, I think she's pretty, but I do not like her as a person.).  I do think she (Christmas) has a pretty face.  I am not a fan of her tattoos but that is a me thing, I tend to not like when a woman is covered in tats.  I don't mind a couple here and there, but I am not a fan of full sleeves.   

Edited by BK1978
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1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

Edited 52 minutes ago by Pixiebomb · Reason: I may change my mind if he keeps wearing sunglasses in the house.

Objectively speaking, I don’t disagree with your argument for Cody being probably the most deserving, based on ability to manipulate people + comps. But this ^^ is the part I really agree with, because, yeah. The sunglasses make him look like a pompous douche. Last night on feeds, somebody (Xmas?) said he looked like somebody on the Challenge when he wore them. I don’t remember the name and it meant nothing to me because I don’t watch that show, but it was someone Cody did not want to be compared to, because he made a noise of disgust and immediately whipped off the sunglasses. But soon after, he was wearing them again. He said the lights in the HoH room hurt his eyes. 

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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

Objectively speaking, I don’t disagree with your argument for Cody being probably the most deserving, based on ability to manipulate people + comps. But this ^^ is the part I really agree with, because, yeah. The sunglasses make him look like a pompous douche. Last night on feeds, somebody (Xmas?) said he looked like somebody on the Challenge when he wore them. I don’t remember the name and it meant nothing to me because I don’t watch that show, but it was someone Cody did not want to be compared to, because he made a noise of disgust and immediately whipped off the sunglasses. But soon after, he was wearing them again. He said the lights in the HoH room hurt his eyes. 

Maybe he was talking about his brother Paulie...

  • LOL 9
8 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I want Xmas to win HOH just to freak out Nicole & Cody. Cody will just win Veto anyway but for a few days they can sweat it out. Enzo & Memphis seem like they want to go to the with Cody which is odd to me. They gotta know with all of his Como wins and likability factor he’s probably going to, right? 

Nicole and Enzo are definitely planning to go to the end with Cody. My best guess for why is they individually decided that was the most secure path to F2, guaranteeing at least a $50k prize. Maybe neither think they could do any better than that. Or maybe both think they can beat Cody: Nicole because she could argue that, as a former winner, the odds were stacked against her, so she overcame more. Enzo because everyone likes him and maybe he’s counting on people to be bitter against Cody.

I don’t think Memphis cares who he goes to the end with. I believe he thinks he can beat everyone. Against Cody, he could argue that they played similar games, but his was more stealthy because he stayed out of the spotlight. I don’t think Cody really cares who he ends up next to, either. He thinks he will win because of comp victories and, well, because he’s Cody.

With all these people, ego reigns supreme, and they are definitely the star of the show they see in their minds.

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13 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Nicole and Enzo are definitely planning to go to the end with Cody. My best guess for why is they individually decided that was the most secure path to F2, guaranteeing at least a $50k prize. Maybe neither think they could do any better than that. Or maybe both think they can beat Cody: Nicole because she could argue that, as a former winner, the odds were stacked against her, so she overcame more. Enzo because everyone likes him and maybe he’s counting on people to be bitter against Cody.

I don’t think Memphis cares who he goes to the end with. I believe he thinks he can beat everyone. Against Cody, he could argue that they played similar games, but his was more stealthy because he stayed out of the spotlight. I don’t think Cody really cares who he ends up next to, either. He thinks he will win because of comp victories and, well, because he’s Cody.

With all these people, ego reigns supreme, and they are definitely the star of the show they see in their minds.

It gets worse... Guess who also believes she can win? Xmas was talking to herself a bit earlier. She might throw this weeks HOH to Enzo or Memphis because she believes she's good with everyone except Cody. I am not sure how or why she trusts Enzo again  - I thought she had figured him out (or Nicole for that matter.... )  Enzo and Memphis have also talked about throwing it. So guess who's winning HOH this week. 

Now Xmas might be right in the long run. These is some chatter about getting Memphis out next week but I'm not sure that's real.

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I switch feeds to the kitchen long enough to hear about Memphis’ long and storied work history (Lowe’s: garden center, then electrical; janitorial supervisor at a church; Kohls overnight stocker, lifeguard, Radio Shack clerk, seller of fake Nikes out of a friend’s car) before camera switches back to Nicole. All four cams on Nicole. Sleeping. I need a new hobby.

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Christmas is very excited because “tomorrow is Loyal’s birthday!” I am positive she said the same thing last night. Maybe it was after midnight, so technically correct— or maybe she decided it simply works better for her on eviction night.

Enzo comes out of the HoH bathroom and Tyler jumps up from beside the bed to scare him. That makes me wonder, has anyone ever hid behind furniture to eavesdrop on conversations?  Because that could be fun. Tony from Survivor needs to play this game.

Enzo continues to lie to Tyler about having his back. Tyler still thinks Nicole is undecided and will be tailoring his eviction speech to her. He promises tomorrow will be crazy and he will definitely be staying once Nicole hears the speech. He coaches Enzo to act surprised, and cautions him to keep quiet about his Committee knowledge. They plot a F2 via F3 with Nicole. Tyler is so optimistic and confident, it actually makes me feel bad for him. Maybe Angela will send him a telepathic message to bring him out of his delusions. They share a single mind, right?

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30 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Christmas is very excited because “tomorrow is Loyal’s birthday!” I am positive she said the same thing last night. Maybe it was after midnight, so technically correct— or maybe she decided it simply works better for her on eviction night.

Much like the infamous BB20 "ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY? DIS-GUS-TING!" fight between Rockstar and Brett, it was actually the day before her daughter's birthday? My other favourite piece of trivia from that event is that Rockstar couldn't even be arsed to write a Happy Birthday message on the pin-wall they had in the lounge, she had Rachel do it instead while Rockstar lounged in bed and crowed and talked shit about how they were evicting Brett. Lawlz. Aradia's birthday was like a four day event in the house. 

Because it will always be funny:


Edited by Callaphera
  • LOL 5

Only Cody and Tyler have shown up for Nicole’s post-HaveNot feast. They marvel about how empty the house is. Nicole is fine with it. She says if she went back to Day One and all those people, she would never do it. Too stressful. Cody asks, even if you got double prize money and a guaranteed win? Nope. Triple money? No. She’s proud of her progress and wants to keep it going. She’ll never do this again. 

Also, she’s becoming vegan when she leaves. Tyler got a convert! Pandering for his jury vote, Cody puts in a plug for Angela’s cookbook. 

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Now the feast is beginning. (Earlier was just cooking and snacking.) Everyone showed up, even Gramps. They have a cheer for Last Havenotsgiving, and Xmas interrupts with a cheer for Loyal’s birthday. 

Prior kitchen mishaps: Enzo made grilled cheese by putting cheese between two slices of toast and putting it in a skillet. When told the bread should be buttered, he put a chunk of butter in the pan next to the bread. It did not turn out well. Another time, Kevin ate so much during Havenotsgiving that he passed out. They thought that might put an end to Have nots. 

Someone mentions Xmas’s 5 grand. “Yeah, but I didn’t win it when my ass was on the block!” she snarks. She further clarifies that she didn’t CHOOSE it, it was given to her by random draw. Everyone thinks Da’vonne lost her mind when she saw David’s footage in jury. 

They think that, as an alternate, Keesha came for a quick payday and was happy to leave. They say she was the smartest one there. 

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There is now a No Horsing Around rule because of Xmas’s broken foot.

Upstairs, Nicole is crying and panicking about tomorrow. She’s afraid she will let Cody down. She wishes she could protect him. She feels bad about Tyler. She says Angela and his family are going to hate her.  Cody placates her for awhile, then admonishes her for missing the trash can when she tosses a Kleenex. Now she’s annoyed at him for micromanaging her cleanliness. She gets pissy and leaves.

”What am I supposed to say?” Cody asks the camera. “I never know what to say to her. That was... difficult.”

He monologues about how this is just a game. If he loses, he loses. He’ll get over it, just like he got over it last time. He feels bad for Nicole and her insecurities, and wishes she wouldn’t put so much pressure on herself. It was his choice to win HoH when he didn’t need to. (He feels he would have been safe this week, either way.) He feels good about his 3 Final Two deals, but is a little nervous about the way Memphis is playing all sides— just like him. He doesn’t understand what Tyler was thinking with the vote flip. He thinks his biggest mistake this season was trying to protect too many people. He won this HoH in order to protect Nicole. 

Cody signs off by saying we’ll see tomorrow what excitement the next week will being. (My guess: not much.) Feed cuts to stars, and That’s All, Folks!

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At this point, I think the only thing that could remotely save this season, is if Tyler gets up in his "vote to save me" speech & says some version of the following: "Vote for me to stay. If you vote for me to leave, I guarantee you that Cody will win the show. I have the balls to put him up. He's won the most comps, he has friends all over the jury, he has final 2 deals with most of you in the house, & if he makes the final 2, he will absolutely win. I will make it my mission to evict Cody so that the rest of us have a fighting chance. If you evict me, & he's in the final 2, he's got my vote." Then, if he's evicted, on his way out, he can congratulate Cody on winning Big Brother (way too generously named) All-Stars.

I know that there is absolutely no chance that he will say anything close to that, but if he did, & still got evicted, at least the other players might get a needed wake-up call. It's like we're marching to a Cody confetti celebration, no matter what. I don't see any way that he doesn't win the game at this point. 

I also really, really, really hope that in the future, players use this season as the reason to vote for what's best for their game, & not what the HOH wants. After the veto ceremony, the HOH should be powerless, save for a tie vote. It's ridiculous. 

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Remember when Tyler was having a crisis of morality over having to participate in the dirtier side of Big Brother but that's just not him, dude?

Boy, he sure doesn't give a shit about lying and conniving now, does he. 

Tyler is up there with Derrick as biggest fake ever on this show and that is really saying something.

10 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I want Xmas to win HOH just to freak out Nicole & Cody. 


9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Tyler is so optimistic and confident, it actually makes me feel bad for him. 

I love it! I might actually enjoy tonight's ep lol. I'm only gonna watch the eviction and HOH (if they even show it) though. 

6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Upstairs, Nicole is crying and panicking about tomorrow. She’s afraid she will let Cody down. She wishes she could protect him. She feels bad about Tyler. She says Angela and his family are going to hate her.  Cody placates her for awhile, then admonishes her for missing the trash can when she tosses a Kleenex. Now she’s annoyed at him for micromanaging her cleanliness. She gets pissy and leaves.

”What am I supposed to say?” Cody asks the camera. “I never know what to say to her. That was... difficult.”

He monologues about how this is just a game. If he loses, he loses. He’ll get over it, just like he got over it last time. He feels bad for Nicole and her insecurities, and wishes she wouldn’t put so much pressure on herself. It was his choice to win HoH when he didn’t need to. (He feels he would have been safe this week, either way.) He feels good about his 3 Final Two deals, but is a little nervous about the way Memphis is playing all sides— just like him. He doesn’t understand what Tyler was thinking with the vote flip. He thinks his biggest mistake this season was trying to protect too many people. He won this HoH in order to protect Nicole. 

I hate them both so much.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Much like the infamous BB20 "ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY? DIS-GUS-TING!" fight between Rockstar and Brett, it was actually the day before her daughter's birthday? My other favourite piece of trivia from that event is that Rockstar couldn't even be arsed to write a Happy Birthday message on the pin-wall they had in the lounge, she had Rachel do it instead while Rockstar lounged in bed and crowed and talked shit about how they were evicting Brett. Lawlz. Aradia's birthday was like a four day event in the house. 

Because it will always be funny:


I have this version of the fight bookmarked. I've seen it tons of times, and I still laugh like a banshee when I watch it. (Also, the Bayleigh/Tyler fight they edited too).

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48 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:
10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Tyler is so optimistic and confident, it actually makes me feel bad for him. 

I love it! I might actually enjoy tonight's ep lol. I'm only gonna watch the eviction and HOH (if they even show it) though. 

Pretty sure Tyler was just trying to stir up paranoia with all that talk yesterday. He's been saying all week (to the cameras or to himself) that he knows he's leaving.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently, the wall yeller tried to infiltrate the jury house. I mean, I love a wall yeller, but that seems a bit insane lol. Here's the letter they got from CBS' attorneys.

This is just gross. I mean, I think a lot of us who have been around for multiple seasons *coughallofthemcough* and have "enjoyed" the evolution from banner planes and wasn't there shit thrown over the backyard wall once to wall yellers and sex dolls being floated over the house via drone are used to this shit but this is just taking it to another unneeded level. And then laughing about it on social media that the show keeps contacting you to say "fuck off"? Come on. It's a stupid cheaply produced reality show game and look, I love it as much as anyone and can rattle off random Big Brother facts and trivia like it's my job (no, seriously, how can I get paid for this shit?), but it's not that serious. Yes, this season sucks but, like, so did BB15 and BB19 and BB21. It happens. Move on with your life. Take up cross stitching or embroidery - at least you're stabbing shit with sharp needles. 

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10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Now the feast is beginning. (Earlier was just cooking and snacking.) Everyone showed up, even Gramps. They have a cheer for Last Havenotsgiving, and Xmas interrupts with a cheer for Loyal’s birthday. 


That's interesting because the one time i turn on feeds in the past week was last night for about 10 min and gramps and xmas were talking about how they were FOR SURE not staying up for nicole's have not feast. 

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

So you ... didn't quarantine. Sigh.

Did Defeated say they were doing those things together in person, though?  I’ve had “virtual drinks” with folks several times, and both my girls have each attended at least one virtual costume party.  And social distancing ain’t difficult in a boat - not if each of you has their own boat, anyway.  😉

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