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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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I read where Kaysar cried because he was missing his son so much.   In BB speak, does this mean that Kaysar will be the one to go home (meaning if J/K win veto J will come off)?  Who would have to go up to keep J/K both safe?  Anybody? 

For the record I do believe that Kaysar was missing him and that that was not a plan.  

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12 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I didn't watch his season so not sure if that is serious or sarcastic lol. It's been known that Kaycee/Tyler/Christmas/Josh were in an alliance going into this season. 

Ovi had very bad reads last season. Well, he got a bit better once he was evicted but, well, you know, that's not saying much. 

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When this season was starting I said I wanted to see how Nicole F. played the game without having an option for a showmance.  In fact, I was curious to see how everyone played without the showmance option on the table this time. 

I've seen enough of Nicole F.'s game.  She is hopeless, ridiculous and childish, and she has already won in the past anyway -- and she won not only by getting the money, but won by gaining a fiance too.  She has been very lucky already, but these people need to get her out of the house and stop trying to align with her, before she cries and whines her way to final 2.

I've never liked Dani, and I hate it whenever she says "It's so stupid" or "It's so annoying," because her voice makes her sound like a 14-year-old mean girl, but now that she is encouraging and justifying Nicole's every thought and feeling, and kind of egging her on to be upset by what Bay said when Dani herself has joked about Nicole's showmances, she really needs to go too.

Is Kevin even still there?  I pretty much forgot all about him.  lol

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 16
11 hours ago, mooses said:

Oh, and Rachel is totally a Nicole, too - she's taken it to the level of Nicole harming Adora Borealis or something. I'm not surprised they both still have beef based on The Amazing Race.

Nicole could never aspire to be the amazingness that is Rachel Reilly Villegas’s daily existence. 

11 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok that picture is kind of sad. Tyler barely seems to have any sense of self besides being part of "Tangela." I was shocked when he said that since he moved in with her he hasn't been back to Ohio to visit his mother.

I’m telling you, there’s something weird about those two, even aside from the obvious money grab. They just seem so completely enmeshed. And...they’re just both so boring, and neither seems very bright. What do they even talk about? I kind of feel like underneath all the proclamations of deep and abiding love and jewelry and vegan cooking there’s just a whole lot of nothing. Then again, that might just be their business model.

7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

As great as the amusement would be, this is our little piece of sane paradise and the last thing we need is Nicole Franzel activating her army of fans (they all have big blonde messy buns and speak in nasally whines and the pumpkin spice latte smell announces their arrival before you even see them) to come here and tell us that we're sooo meeean and sooo weee-yurd, holy craaa-yuuup. On the other hand, they probably can't spell big, complicated words like "wreck" or "cat" so we can probably scare them off that way. 


Big Meech, starting the trend. I hope she's getting royalties for this.

I have a feeling that regardless of what specific Internet forums she stumbles into, Nicole is going to have quite the rude awakening when she emerges from this game. And Meech is somewhere feeling very, very smug and validated. 

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I'm torn because Janelle winning the veto is better in every way but I really wanted Kaysar to be able to make jury this time. Poor man, 4 tries and he can't get there lol.

I just can't see Kaysar staying if Janelle wins veto. The DR would have to put in a lot of work to make that happen and Production just doesn't care about Kaysar so they won't bother.

Still, prayer circle for a Janelle veto. We need her there. Where's that Janelle candle?!

On the other side, if Janelle leaves it will be much easier for me to stop caring all together.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I have this pet theory that Dani in her real life probably eats her share of grab-and-go foods and sugar. She said Dom isn't vegan. She just likes to make people feel crappy about things, and in the BB house what better way to make people feel crappy than to criticize their eating habits? 

As for Tyler, he's tending to his brand by plugging Angela's vegan recipe book.

She hardly eats in the house and yesterday even said she’s going to starve because there’s no quick grab &go items in the house to eat. 

I don’t like bayleigh but I’ll be a fan if she can go off on Nicole. 

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I like Day, but she is sooooooooooooooo sloppy as a player. 

And I think Kevin's a good guy outside the house, but this season, he has been such a toxic personality.

It's funny how they're all so bad that they're making BAYLEIGH look good and even SHE knows it. You can tell that she's looking at the house and realizing, "It wouldn't make any sense for me to make a scene here, because these people have already cornered the market. It wouldn't go over well." 

  • LOL 13
4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I like Day, but she is sooooooooooooooo sloppy as a player. 

And I think Kevin's a good guy outside the house, but this season, he has been such a toxic personality.

It's funny how they're all so bad that they're making BAYLEIGH look good and even SHE knows it. You can tell that she's looking at the house and realizing, "It wouldn't make any sense for me to make a scene here, because these people have already cornered the market. It wouldn't go over well." 

I'm starting to think Kevin was the reason his side of the house in season 11 was so toxic I always thought it was Gnatalie.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I’m telling you, there’s something weird about those two, even aside from the obvious money grab. They just seem so completely enmeshed. And...they’re just both so boring, and neither seems very bright. What do they even talk about? I kind of feel like underneath all the proclamations of deep and abiding love and jewelry and vegan cooking there’s just a whole lot of nothing. Then again, that might just be their business model.

One thing that's creepy about Tyler is that people will ask him HIS opinion on something and he'll say what Angela thinks. "Angela doesn't like twitter ..." "Angela wants ..."  That sort of thing is actually a red flag in relationships. Not saying Angela is abusive but a red flag is when one partner loses all sense of self and independence. 

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I think it was clear in BB20 that Tyler found Angela to be way out of his league and he was stunned that she was interested in him. So I think a lot of it follows from that basic start to their relationship. If you put someone on a pedestal from the start, you get stuff like this.

That isn't to say that they're not legitimately happy, of course. Just that he has had her on a pedestal from the get go. Dude stopped even playing BB in a season he was dominating because he was SO into her and SO shocked that she was into him. 

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don’t see any chance anyone but Janelle or Kaysar uses it and now they have much less of a chance of winning. I have no doubt Tyler, Cody, or Memphis will win. A man has won every hoh/veto so far lol. But yea thank goodness there’s no chance of Ratcole winning!

Yeah, that's a fair point. Come on, that Minneapolis real estate competition we've been rooting for!

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Did anyone see that Tyler's Instagram posted a discount code for their jewelry to celebrate his HOH win? I hate Modern Big Brother.

It also doesn't help that even Tyler's job revolves around Angela. The way he talks about her reminds me of high school school when everything revolves around your significant other. I do forget that he was only 23 when they first played - I'm sure this his first "adult" relationship. Maybe he hasn't learned that codependency isn't necessarily a sign of a strong, happy relationship. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm torn because Janelle winning the veto is better in every way but I really wanted Kaysar to be able to make jury this time. Poor man, 4 tries and he can't get there lol.

Janelle and Kaysar have both said they have no interest in sitting in the jury house, and if they have to go they’d rather go pre-jury.  Since neither has a chance at this point, I kind of hope for their sakes that they get their wish. Even though it would probably remove my last chance of enjoying this season.

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20 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

There's at least a THEORETICAL chance that Memphis or Bay could use it. It's better than, say, Nicole F. and Christmas being the players.

I don't think either will use it, but I can see both of them throwing it so they don't have to be in the position to piss off Janelle in case she stays or piss of them the other side of the house. Now that I said that one of those two will win it.

3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Janelle and Kaysar have both said they have no interest in sitting in the jury house, and if they have to go they’d rather go pre-jury.  Since neither has a chance at this point, I kind of hope for their sakes that they get their wish. Even though it would probably remove my last chance of enjoying this season.

It seems like everyone in this cast minus Ian doesn't want to go to jury which is refreshing. 

  • Love 3

How long until Bayleigh/Da'Vonne/Kevin/Ian (and Memphis, who isn't really a part of an alliance) realize they screwed up because they have zero ability to affect who stays and who goes? It happens every season - everyone goes along with "the House" each eviction, and then are shocked that "the House" isn't actually controlling decisions, a Majority Alliance is.

Obviously, they can still get far, like Nicole/Cliff, and try to competition it out. But, so many HGs are basically running circles around them already.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, mooses said:

How long until Bayleigh/Da'Vonne/Kevin/Ian (and Memphis, who isn't really a part of an alliance) realize they screwed up because they have zero ability to affect who stays and who goes? It happens every season - everyone goes along with "the House" each eviction, and then are shocked that "the House" isn't actually controlling decisions, a Majority Alliance is.

Obviously, they can still get far, like Nicole/Cliff, and try to competition it out. But, so many HGs are basically running circles around them already.

I think Kevin already realizes that he screwed up the only thing he could have done differently is not trashing Janelle/Kaysar.

The most baffling is Ian. I have no idea how he thinks he can competition his way out against Tyler, Cody and Dani. Even if he is on the block with Nicole she is pretty good with competitions as well. Even if he does go on a streak and Dani is in the game she will try to get him out. She was talking to Nicole about how they'll have to get rid of Tyler and Memphis soon because they are competition threats and Enzo is turning into one as well.

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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

Memphis is weirdly pushing for Janelle to leave over Kaysar. Didn't he say she was one of his closest allies in his interview? Does he not realize that he doesn't have any allies? This whole Big Alliance is going to cut him quick.

If the question involves Memphis and "does he not realize?" the answer is always, "No, no he does not."

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

How long until Bayleigh/Da'Vonne/Kevin/Ian (and Memphis, who isn't really a part of an alliance) realize they screwed up because they have zero ability to affect who stays and who goes? 


1 minute ago, mooses said:

Memphis is weirdly pushing for Janelle to leave over Kaysar. Didn't he say she was one of his closest allies in his interview? Does he not realize that he doesn't have any allies? This whole Big Alliance is going to cut him quick.

Bayleigh thinks she is in a F4 with Tyler and__ ( I’m not sure who; I assume Da’vonne is one of the other two), according to a conversation she had with Tyler last night.  Memphis thinks he is in a F2 with Cody that will outlast any larger alliance they are in. Of course, I’ve also seen Cody talk F2 with Tyler. And with Nicole. Who has also talked F2 with Ian.

I have no idea which of these pairings/alliances are “real” and which are just stringing people along. I’m not sure the participants do either, even the ones who are knowingly in multiple F2 deals.  The whole multiple alliance strategy of promising everything to everyone has gotten out of hand, and It’s making my head hurt.


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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

Now that Janelle is half out the door, Bay is scary and she's so intimidating and being so toxic / negative, we'll have to get her out!!! Day is sketchy, we can't trust her! Yup, targets locked and loaded for once Janelle and Kaysar is not available. Like clockwork. 

And, of course, the evictions are set up to be in the exact order of how much I like the person/don’t want them out.  If that trend continues, Dani is certain to win, with Nicole as runner up.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

If the question involves Memphis and "does he not realize?" the answer is always, "No, no he does not."

And this is all compounded by the fact that Memphis doesn't really give a shit anyway.

Man, this season sucks. I haven't fired up the feeds in two days, and it sounds like I'm really not missing anything.

I can't stand to watch Dani at all. Can't stand her, and the sound of her voice grates.

Edited by vb68
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If it's a punishment veto that helps Janelle and Kaysar. Janelle won that on All-stars and Kaysar shaved his head. 

I am pretty disappointed in Dani's behavior when it comes to race in this house. I don't remember her having this behavior on her two previous seasons. Does anyone else remember? 

I am looking forward to the Tyler vs Dani showdown. If Tyler leaves I probably will check out because he is much a better player than Dani and Cody. I can see him backstabbing both which will make some good tv and feeds. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I have no idea which of these pairings/alliances are “real” and which are just stringing people along. I’m not sure the participants do either, even the ones who are knowingly in multiple F2 deals.  The whole multiple alliance strategy of promising everything to everyone has gotten out of hand, and It’s making my head hurt.

I think a lot of this lies in the pre-game issue. It's just impossible to know who worked on what strategy. For example, it seems like David/Tyler are mostly working on the BB2 Danielle/Jason strategy. Nobody knows they're working together because why would they? It's easy to hide your relationship when it was made out of the House. Similar to Tyler/Christmas, except I think they actually speak more in there - plus, they were put in an alliance together within the House, so their connection can be outed since it happened within the game.

3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She isn’t playing but still. She also gave Cody the ‘you better take all the punishments’ speech too. Neither of them were into it lol.

At least with Tyler, I can hope she's just trying to get him to shave his awful, awful hair.

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12 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

So Bay made Nicole cry?

Any woman breathing makes Nicole cry. Because that breath? MAY just take attention away from her.

10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

 she was more calling Franzel out for trying to push the whole David/Da'Vonne showmance ("Flirtmance! I said 'flirtmance'," Franzel defended herself while crying)

... is giving handies under the sheets considered flirting? I just want to know where the kids stand on this kind of thing, because in my day that was the kind of thing that happened sometime after the flirting.

5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:


Why don't you take punishments? Jesus.

Don't be silly. That would require Dani to think of someone other than herself.

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

I think a lot of this lies in the pre-game issue. It's just impossible to know who worked on what strategy. For example, it seems like David/Tyler are mostly working on the BB2 Danielle/Jason strategy. Nobody knows they're working together because why would they? It's easy to hide your relationship when it was made out of the House. Similar to Tyler/Christmas, except I think they actually speak more in there - plus, they were put in an alliance together within the House, so their connection can be outed since it happened within the game.

At least with Tyler, I can hope she's just trying to get him to shave his awful, awful hair.

I thought Tyler/Christmas was a result of the pregame alliance of Tyler/Kaycee/Josh/Christmas. I was really happy Josh and Kaycee weren't in the cast, but now I wish they were because I think it would have taken the target off of Janelle/Kaysar.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I thought Tyler/Christmas was a result of the pregame alliance of Tyler/Kaycee/Josh/Christmas. I was really happy Josh and Kaycee weren't in the cast, but now I wish they were because I think it would have taken the target off of Janelle/Kaysar.

On one hand, I agree with you. On the other, I remember having to watch Josh and I'm not sure I'd want to make that trade. This season is bad enough.

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I thought Tyler/Christmas was a result of the pregame alliance of Tyler/Kaycee/Josh/Christmas. I was really happy Josh and Kaycee weren't in the cast, but now I wish they were because I think it would have taken the target off of Janelle/Kaysar.

Yeah, it seems like they're the result of that. What I meant was that they're both pre-game alliances, but the David/Tyler connection seems impossible for others to know because it seemed to happen pre-game, and they're not connected in the House at all. On the other hand, Tyler/Christmas made a pre-game alliance, but also are actually in the same alliance that was formed within the House. So, a connection between them can be outed because they actually have one that was made within the game - even though others have no way of knowing they had a deal before that.

Really, Tyler's playing with his pre-game alliances well. He and David barely ever talk. He and Christmas talk a little more, but they have an excuse since they're in The Big Alliance together. He's hiding it a lot better than, say, Daniele/Nicole F./Cody (and maybe Bayleigh/Da'Vonne? I'm not sure if they pre-game allianced, but it seems like they at least had a connection beforehand).

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2

Kevin is bitching about Janelle again... thinks that she feels like she's above her... that to her Kevin is no better than the person who would do her nails.... 

Bayleigh is trying to talk some sense into him. 

thankfully they changed to janelle and kaysar

Janelle now complaining about Kevin "go back to sleep and mop"  "All he does is complain"


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1 minute ago, Dmarie019 said:

Kevin is bitching about Janelle again... thinks that she feels like she's above her... that to her Kevin is no better than the person who would do her nails.... 

Bayleigh is trying to talk some sense into him. 

thankfully they changed to janelle and kaysar

Look, we all have our insecurities. I get that. But this is some high school bullshit and Kevin should really be past it by now.

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