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S35.E16: It's The End Of The World As We Know It

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My Tivo shows no more Challenge after this 7/15 airing.  Not even a reunion on 7/22 though that may be because of the pandemic, assuming they were uninterested in doing some huge Zoom reunion.

So 90-minute episode instead of doing a Final over two 60-minute episodes as they've done in the past implies it's not as extended a Final as they've had, like two stages with people having to stay up between the stages.

From what I understand, this week's episode is the finale, and we'll be getting at least one episode dedicated to the Reunion. Of course, it will be virtual . . . I wonder how that would play out. Watching idjits shriek at each other doesn't seem as intense without an audience and if they're miles away from each other.

Best guess for a prediction: someone relatively unremarkable wins the $1M. If it were Johnny or Cory, there would have been two episodes. Maybe someone like Fessy or Kaycee?

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11 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Watching idjits shriek at each other doesn't seem as intense without an audience and if they're miles away from each other.

I was thinking that, too. Drag Race did a virtual reunion that was awesome and imo better than the live ones but that season was pretty much drama free and I think that's why it worked. 

6 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Maybe Kyle wins? Wouldn’t that be hilarious. 

I want Kyle to win so bad just for the hilarity lol.

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7 minutes ago, mojoween said:

So gross.

Guess we’re never going to see Melissa again huh.

Ugh, I didn’t need to see John win again. And yeah. I think Melissa is done. I assumed when TJ  said “you’ve seen this show before, right?” he meant “quitters don’t get to come back.”

Did I hear Fessy say John is 45 years old, or am I misremembering? I hope he said it. Lol

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On 7/14/2020 at 2:47 AM, ImpinAintEasy said:

I can’t remember the last time they had a single episode finale. Maybe Vendettas?

Well they've never had 90-minute episodes so I guess they figured they can fit it enough into a 90 minute episode.

I'm glad Jenny won. I love Jenny and I've been rooting for her the entire season. I'm glad to see her take home the top prize.

I always liked the climate-brutal finals, the ones where you have to climb mountains and shit in the snow. I just wish there were more checkpoints, more math, more puzzles and so on.

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Ugh, I didn’t need to see John win again. And yeah. I think Melissa is done. I assumed when TJ  said “you’ve seen this show before, right?” he meant “quitters don’t get to come back.”

Did I hear Fessy say John is 45 years old, or am I misremembering? I hope he said it. Lol

I'm guessing that Melissa wouldn't wanna come back. Now that she knows what's like... she might not want to come back.

I probably would have made the same calculation. She loses nothing if she quits and she's most likely not gonna win so her decision was understandable.

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*sigh* Well, that sucked.

I said that BMP and/or MTV would have gone with a two-episode finale if Johnny had won. Someone pointed out that COVID-19 and the subsequent quarantine might have shortened it to ninety minutes, along with the Dee bullshit (STILL with the PSA bumper?!?) Also, Melissa competed in all but one mission while pregnant, and one mistake might have killed the show for good. But the lead/lede is that Johnny won his seventh title. He got $500K mostly through luck, and that finally puts him ahead of Ashley in terms of all-time prize money. And he finally broke his string of going home with nothing.

Fuck Johnny.

This isn't about me doubling down in the face of certain defeat. He's still an asshole, and I firmly believe BMP gave him a decent edit this season by turning the dial down on any asshole behavior. I don't think it was skill that gave him the title. It was a combination of Nelson being stupid enough to believe in Cory, Cory failing at math yet again, and Cory pitting him against Rogan, giving Johnny a somewhat comfy night at the Compound (whatever) compared to Kyle and Fessy. And you just know that he's going to come back whenever the series returns, and he's gonna crow and crow about how great he is. I don't need that. No one needs that.

Oh, and Jenny won $500K as well. She becomes the first person to win a title after going to the first elimination since Evelyn & Paula in Rivals. Given that her competition was mainly Kaycee, I say Jenny earned her win. And of course she wore a sports bra to bed. When the cameras shut down, she probably crawled inside her lips to keep warmer.

"I gotta win for my daughter." Yeah, Cory, because kids-as-motivation ALWAYS worked for Tony. Idiot. I knew he was fucked when they got to the math. Apparently, a one-minute headstart wasn't enough (which is another problem that needs discussing later). He could've had twenty minutes on everyone else, and he'd still fail.

I'm also thinking we only got ninety minutes of finale because the editors had to cut out a lot of footage of TJ ripping into Melissa. I know that she didn't know she was pregnant at that time, but if she wants to come back, I say she'd better get an invite. Seriously, though, I think the show would have been put down without mercy if she had one accident. Even if she had gone to a hospital and nothing bad happened, BMP would've been chin-deep in the shit.

Everyone else? Whatever. I'm not caring about Bayleigh quitting one way or the other. Fessy seemed like a nice guy, so we're probably never going to see him again. Once again, nobody from outside the BMP "family" has ever won a title and the money that comes with it. And like Survivor, it's going to be a long time before there's a new season. Even if Mark Long gets his "OG" edition up an running, things would have to be "safe" for a long period before that gets filmed. But unlike Winners at War and the somewhat happy ending of spazzy Tony getting his second title, The Challenge goes away on a sour note. Of course, given that we;'ll be having a two-part Reunion, things will probably get so much worse.

Fuck you, Johnny. Fuck you.

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They had to light fires and did the tribunal by lighted torches? Hey, I always wondered what cold weather Survivor would be like.

I agree this went by too fast. What I wonder is if the blizzard made it impossible to do some planned challenges on day two, if it would've been too dangerous to stop and they just had to get them up to the top of the mountain as fast as possible before, as Kyle said, they all died.

Had this gone on longer, it would've been close to what the War of the Worlds final was, to me: epic scale, brutal challenges and a war of attrition. Day two was sadly anticlimactic.

However, I found this an overall better season than War of the Worlds (my first season, so I'm a relative newbie) because of the relative lack of hook-up drama. Dee getting booted from the edit was the best thing that could've happened, because it forced the show to focus on non-romantic bonds, and discover a more emotional core. Whatever Total Madness was in the latter half, it wasn't (that) trashy.

And the '90s soundtrack! Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Chumbawumba (!), 10,000 Maniacs and Filter. Can we have a '90s soundtrack every year? It fit so well.

I also think the bunker played a huge part in how good the season was. People bond when they go through psychological trauma and a beach house ain't it. Brutal challenges, more settled veterans, more newbies not looking to hook up, and throwing them into an atmosphere of deprivation created a stronger product, for me.

It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine). See you all on the other side of the pandemic.

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I wonder if Bayleigh would have quit had she not gotten hurt. Why I say that is, when TJ announced that she Fessy, and Kyle were going to have to spend the night outside she looked absolutely furious.  

It sucks to see Johnny get another win, but I was happy for Jenny and the fact that she beat everyone not just Kaycee is very impressive.  I was good with either Jenny or Kaycee winning.  I would have rather have had any of the guys win over Johnny.

I really bought into the Corey hype, I honestly thought this was the season he was going to pull out the win.  I guess not.

I was still very uncomfortable watching Melissa, yes I know nobody knew at the time but still.

I laughed when Bayleigh said she wanted the money to pay for a wedding reception.  I thought her and Chris were always bragging about how much money they had.  

  • Love 8

Ugh now that Johnny has won again and broken his own curse, could this be the last time he comes on the show, please?

After all that shit the guys gave Aneesa for not wanting to run a final with her it came down to no one being paired up. It was just everyone on their own. I was hoping for more to happen at least on the second day. I wonder if the oncoming blizzard is what made production put Fessy and Kyle in the house?

Melissa and Bayleigh giving up was disappointing. After all that they just leave?? I'm disappointed in Fessy dropping the lead twice. Dude!

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Fessy just gassed out even though he was first out of the checkpoint with the locks.  You could attribute it to his mass but Jenny beat all the guys and she’s big.

Yeah the math just finished Cory and Kaycee.

The elimination wasn’t much.  I don’t think they were going to make them do anything grueling.  But why even bother eliminating at that point?  Maybe not enough room in the hut?

They should have disclosed that first ones up would be in tribunal so others might have pushed harder in the first leg, though several of them were thinking they couldn’t compete against the leaders.

Despite the hype I don’t think this was the toughest Final.  Other Finals required them to swim, eat, solve much tougher puzzles, run long distances in heat and humidity.

They should have timed it cumulatively, that is they add the times of both legs and add them up.

Instead Cory and Jenny only got a minute head start.   Even though Corey spent a long time on the math, if he had like a 5 minute advantage over Bananas from the first leg, that might have saved him.


On the first leg, some were carrying their skis and nobody really tried to figure out the X country technique.  But if you aren’t careful, the skis could cause injury since they’re like levers to twist or pull your legs apart.  

Hated seeing Bananas win but he was fitter than some of the younger guys and he made sure to get the math right and he performed in the elimination.

That means in the next season there will be plenty willing to join his alliance, when in reality, other challengers should be looking to take out the biggest threat to win.


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31 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Ugh now that Johnny has won again and broken his own curse, could this be the last time he comes on the show, please?

After all that shit the guys gave Aneesa for not wanting to run a final with her it came down to no one being paired up. It was just everyone on their own. I was hoping for more to happen at least on the second day. I wonder if the oncoming blizzard is what made production put Fessy and Kyle in the house?

Melissa and Bayleigh giving up was disappointing. After all that they just leave?? I'm disappointed in Fessy dropping the lead twice. Dude!

I didn't care about the Aneesa thing then or now. She was never going to win this. I don't care about the why she was booted. At least she didn't have to do all that climbing for nothing.

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8 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Seriously, though, I think the show would have been put down without mercy if she had one accident.

I would be shocked if they didn't do a pregnancy test before filming began but Melissa was too early for it to register. I don't really cast any blame that way. I mean, I would find it rather offensive if the female cast had to take weekly pregnancy tests just in case, which would appear to be the other option.

Yes, Bayleigh. You totally tore your MCL. That's why you could still navigate a damn mountain. And ropes. You maybe tweaked something, but given all you were able to do, nothing was torn. 

As @Eolivet mentioned, the music stood out to me. Whoever was picking songs this season had some great choices. I still snicker every time I think about Bear and "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)".

I was delighted to see Jenny beat everyone to the top. Good for her. Once we got rid of Melissa and Bayleigh, I figured I could live with anyone else winning. I'm not thrilled that it was Bananas, but I half expected that, so *shrug*. 

Overall, kind of a boring final. Actually, I'm going to agree again with @Eolivet that the overall season was a stronger product than War of the Worlds to me, but War of the Worlds had the superior final.

  • Love 8

If the spoiler rumors are correct, they reshot a section that Kyle won originally and Bananas won the second time.  Also the plan was for 1 winner UNTIL Johnny came in second and they pulled Jenny aside and asked if (told her she had to most likely) she would split the prize money to have 2 winners just to give Johnny a win. 

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34 minutes ago, simplyme said:

I would be shocked if they didn't do a pregnancy test before filming began but Melissa was too early for it to register. I don't really cast any blame that way. I mean, I would find it rather offensive if the female cast had to take weekly pregnancy tests just in case, which would appear to be the other option.

Yes, Bayleigh. You totally tore your MCL. That's why you could still navigate a damn mountain. And ropes. You maybe tweaked something, but given all you were able to do, nothing was torn. 

As @Eolivet mentioned, the music stood out to me. Whoever was picking songs this season had some great choices. I still snicker every time I think about Bear and "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)".

I was delighted to see Jenny beat everyone to the top. Good for her. Once we got rid of Melissa and Bayleigh, I figured I could live with anyone else winning. I'm not thrilled that it was Bananas, but I half expected that, so *shrug*. 

Overall, kind of a boring final. Actually, I'm going to agree again with @Eolivet that the overall season was a stronger product than War of the Worlds to me, but War of the Worlds had the superior final.

I agree that it was a boring final. That’s why I wanted there to be more checkpoints. Maybe pairing them up at some point would been more drama.

i just saw this morning a video of Johnny and Jenny saying that there were checkpoints that were not shown.

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6 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

If the spoiler rumors are correct, they reshot a section that Kyle won originally and Bananas won the second time.  Also the plan was for 1 winner UNTIL Johnny came in second and they pulled Jenny aside and asked if (told her she had to most likely) she would split the prize money to have 2 winners just to give Johnny a win. 

Unlikely given that they all clearly knew they were only competing against their own gender from the start of the final. That's why Jenny and Cory split the tribunal decisions the way they did.

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59 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

I agree that it was a boring final. That’s why I wanted there to be more checkpoints. Maybe pairing them up at some point would been more drama.

i just saw this morning a video of Johnny and Jenny saying that there were checkpoints that were not shown.

It's unfortunate there were other checkpoints that weren't shown, because it was fairly anticlimactic. It felt like they put in so much filler in the first hour that the final itself lasted 45 minutes, tops... 

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What a shitty final lol. There were some funny moments, mostly from Kyle/Bayleigh/Melissa, but the challenge itself was just so dreadfully dull. I wish they had just made it 2 hours and shown all the checkpoints. That would have really helped. 

Once Jenny beat everyone I was really wishing this had been a true winner takes all and she would have gotten a million and Johnny would have gotten nothing. That would have been so fun!

12 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Well they've never had 90-minute episodes so I guess they figured they can fit it enough into a 90 minute episode. 

This isn't the first season they've had 90 minute eps, is it? 

11 hours ago, Eolivet said:

And the '90s soundtrack! Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Chumbawumba (!), 10,000 Maniacs and Filter. Can we have a '90s soundtrack every year? It fit so well.

The soundtrack really was fantastic. It was almost good enough to make the finale not completely pointless lol.

10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I laughed when Bayleigh said she wanted the money to pay for a wedding reception.  I thought her and Chris were always bragging about how much money they had.  

Same. I thought Swaggy made more money than anyone ever so what's the problem?

1 hour ago, simplyme said:

Yes, Bayleigh. You totally tore your MCL. That's why you could still navigate a damn mountain. And ropes. You maybe tweaked something, but given all you were able to do, nothing was torn. 

I was laughing so hard at that. She barely seemed like she was even in pain yet she's trying to say she tore her MCL. OK lol.

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3 hours ago, simplyme said:

I would be shocked if they didn't do a pregnancy test before filming began but Melissa was too early for it to register. I don't really cast any blame that way. I mean, I would find it rather offensive if the female cast had to take weekly pregnancy tests just in case, which would appear to be the other option.

I’d think one test prior to departure would suffice . . . but that also seems like a horrible idea, even if it seems sound.

2 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

If the spoiler rumors are correct, they reshot a section that Kyle won originally and Bananas won the second time.  Also the plan was for 1 winner UNTIL Johnny came in second and they pulled Jenny aside and asked if (told her she had to most likely) she would split the prize money to have 2 winners just to give Johnny a win. 

At this point, I wouldn’t be shocked. And if Jenny did have the choice, I would be profoundly disappointed in her. It’s Johnny, Jenny. He’s more deserving of going home with nada than Sarah and Hunter. And he probably wouldn’t be as butthurt, since his hustles are secured.

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:


i just saw this morning a video of Johnny and Jenny saying that there were checkpoints that were not shown.

Not surprised by this, either. I’m guessing that there were supposed to be two episodes covering the final mission, but MTV was too burnt out on COVID and Dee (as well as the opening PSA I refer to as “Dee’s Claimers”) and elected to wrap everything up in ninety minutes.

2 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I learned something last night. I learned that Corey has a pregnant girlfriend. I mean, it never came up in all his other talking heads.

. . . and the mother will be the one to help with the homework. Cory is dumb. Not Josh dumb, of course, but dumb enough.

At least the soundtrack rocked.

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Just finished watching the finale and haven’t read this thread yet.  

 As far as I’m concerned Jenny should have won the entire million dollar purse.  SHE finished first.....well before Bananas.  If production wanted a “winner take all” season, they should have gone all the way with it.  I was disappointed that 75% of the winner hoopla shown at the end of the episode focused on Bananas who, in essence, finished second.  Let me add:  I’m not a Jenny or Bananas fan.

Edited by tinderbox
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7 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

Just finished watching the finale and haven’t read this thread yet.  

 As far as I’m concerned Jenny should have won the entire million dollar purse.  SHE finished first.....well before Bananas.  If production wanted a “winner take all” season, they should have gone all the way with it.  I was disappointed that 75% of the winner hoopla shown at the end of the episode focused on Bananas who, in essence, finished second.  Let me add:  I’m not a Jenny or Bananas fan.

I was hoping it was gonna be one-winner-takes-all. Since they introduced the concept on Vendettas and we've gotten some version of that since, the female vs female and male vs male competition just seem boring to me now.

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I usually find that finals are the worst episodes of the season, and this was no different. It sucks that they edited out some checkpoints. Because this final felt lacking(no puzzle/eating/carnival game). 

I like that there are male and female winners. I even prefer for the second and third place finishers to receive prize money too. 

It was cool to see Jenny finish first. Johnny winning wasn’t surprising. I’ll never be a fan of his, but he doesn’t infuriate me.

Cory just will never be smart enough to win a final where math/puzzles are featured.

Fessy seemingly losing his lead on the physical climb and not on  the math portion has to hurt for him. 

Kyle is a goof, but he is capable of winning one day. Just stay out of the Cara/Paulie nonsense  


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This was one Final, unless they cut out a lot of things, where it made sense to have one Final because either a male or female could win.

It was about stamina and CV fitness.

The biggest and strongest guy finished well back.

I guess they filmed in the winter time and the peak must have been close to the Czech Republic.

Better when they run in warmer weather because they could have swimming sections and so forth.

After the first leg, they all went one by one towards the hut or compound and nobody tried to outrun each other, because there was really no room to do so.  There must have been a slope that they could have taken since TJ rode his vehicle up.  Might have been better to make them race up the slope instead of go one by one on that rope.

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If it ever comes to winner takes all. then take gender competitions off the table. Make everyone compete each week and only the winner decides two people to go in to compete for elimination boy/boy, girl/boy or girl/girl. After all, to be the winner that takes all the prize, implies you are the best challenger in the house. 

Edited by GonnahearmeRoar
4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wow this blows my mind! I could have sworn they’d been 90 minutes since WotW or whatever it was called. I remember thinking the episodes were far too long for awhile now lol.

This isn't the first season they've had 90 minute eps, is it? 

Oops the quotation came out wrong.

S34 war of the worlds 2 had the majority of the episode be 90 minutes. The last few episode went down to 60 minutes.

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41 minutes ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

The problem with winner take all is that it leads to people quitting during the final. I’d prefer $425,000 for 1st place/$50,000 for 2nd/$25,000 for 3rd. You have to finish to win any money. 

So, $500,000 split between three top guys and $500,000 split between the gals. I don’t like the winner takes all concept either. Assuming the prize will be a $1,000,000 coming off a very popular season, spread out the money a little. 

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21 hours ago, mojoween said:

So gross.

Guess we’re never going to see Melissa again huh.


21 hours ago, Michichick said:

Ugh, I didn’t need to see John win again. And yeah. I think Melissa is done. I assumed when TJ  said “you’ve seen this show before, right?” he meant “quitters don’t get to come back.”

Thanks for posting those clarifying tweets, falltime. Everyone knows Melissa was pregnant, right? And that she quit after finding out? I think she’ll have no problem coming back to the show if that’s what she chooses to do.

Given that both Bayleigh and Melissa ultimately quit because of medical problems, I’m not sure how important the redistribution of prize money would be in discouraging quits. I don’t think there’s an amount of money that would (or should) have made either lady continue. I wouldn’t mind seeing some money for second place though, even if it’s something like 50k as opposed to 450 or 500 for first. It’s so much more brutal now that for most challenges almost everyone walks away with nothing after two months of hell as opposed to 6 or so people getting money. 

9 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

If the spoiler rumors are correct, they reshot a section that Kyle won originally and Bananas won the second time.  Also the plan was for 1 winner UNTIL Johnny came in second and they pulled Jenny aside and asked if (told her she had to most likely) she would split the prize money to have 2 winners just to give Johnny a win. 

It seems like this has been pretty debunked, and it never made much sense to begin with. They pulled Jenny over and asked if she could just donate 500k to Johnny and everyone was cool with that? That’s...pretty ridiculous. And among other things, there were numerous instances last night of the cast referring to winning 500k, not one million, when talking to one another. Cory and Jenny each took responsibility for picking the person to go into elimination whom they specifically were competing against because It WASN’T a gender neutral final. As for Kyle, the rumor was that he threw a huge fit and threatened never to come on a challenge again and whoever came up with this whole story speculated that they blackmailed him by threatening to reveal that he was cheating on his girlfriend. What we’re actually shown was a tired but content Kyle seeming genuinely happy for Johnny and Jenny. Kyle was also promoting the show on his social media saying he was grateful to be a part of it. And it seems that we ARE going to hear about the cheating at the reunion, based on the preview, so they’re not covering it for him. Finally, TJ dropped by Johnny’s insta live last night and basically said it was all bs and seemed exasperated. It seems pretty clear to me that all those rumors came from someone who just hates Johnny and was sour that he won. I’m not saying I blame that person, mind you. But these were all so far fetched to begin with, and some people across the internet are still aggressively clinging to them even after seeing the episode which doesn’t jibe at all with the rumors. It’s silly at this point, IMO.

18 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Ugh now that Johnny has won again and broken his own curse, could this be the last time he comes on the show, please?

He suggested on his live last night that he may in fact be done. He didn’t really commit either way, and said “never say never,” but the general sentiment was that he thought he was done. It’s posted on his IGTV for anyone who’s interested, and features appearances by Jenny and TJ. He also was on the No Quitters podcast and said this season is the first time in his life that he experienced what he believes was a true clinical depression, due to the bunker conditions. He said they all semi-joked about how to kill themselves enough that production had to keep coming in to make sure they weren’t serious. However, even considering how much this one seems to have taken out of him, he gets such a good deal in terms of how much they pay him to just show up. It has to be hard to walk away from. 

The bunker seems like it was absolute hell on these people, and I feel bad for appreciating the genuine friendship and camaraderie that seems to have come as a result—but I do. It reminds me of the old days of the challenges, when mostly everyone got along and had fun together with only a few exceptions instead of everyone being pretty cutthroat and looking to start fights to gain attention and followers. 

Congrats to Johnny and Jenny. 

Wonder how Sarah is feeling about the outcome.

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Jillibean said:


Thanks for posting those clarifying tweets, falltime. Everyone knows Melissa was pregnant, right? And that she quit after finding out? I think she’ll have no problem coming back to the show if that’s what she chooses to do.


I knew she was pregnant. Had no idea that she found out about it during the final.

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