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Ariela and Biniyam: Haile Suspicious!

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14 hours ago, Wollstonecraft said:

he didn't think an animal sacrifice wouldn't affect her?  It may be their culture, but honestly he has to know how unaccustomed she is to THAT. 

He said he wanted it to be a “surprise” and I’m sure it was. I think he might have prepared her for the homecoming on the ride from the hospital but since she ordered him to walk home, he got some revenge by greeting her with the slaughtering ritual. I used to think Bini was a nice guy but I’m coming to believe he has a bit of a cruel streak by springing surprises on her like the horrible apartments and playing butt bongos on his beautiful dance partner. Edited to add: and that nonsense about not bonding with the baby if you didn't have a vaginal delivery. Then he just smiles and shrugs. But I dislike Ari so much, I rather enjoy her discomfort. 

However, I thought the sheep scene was very disturbing. When Lisa and Usman presented his mother with “Barney,” Lisa thought he was going to be a pet although Usman confirmed in a TH that he was slated for the dinner table. But we didn’t have to see it! I can only imagine Angela’s reaction to the scene on PT. 

Edited by magemaud
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17 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

With regard to the circumcision/bris, let me remind everyone: SHE KNEW SHE WAS HAVING A BOY! She had months to prepare for this. I have no patience for morons like Areola. 

Yeah, they bought NOTHING for the baby. Apparently she expects her parents to do provide ALL baby equipment/needs, so  her father might as well do the bris.

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Ariela explained the car seat scene. Instagram is having issues with the embed feature, so you'll have to click the link. It's four slides.


I was looking to see if someone posted screencaps but didn't see any to post instead. She explains that they lived two blocks from the hospital walking, but further driving, that she had to ride because of her c-section, and that they were rear-ended on the way home.

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From what I read the Orthodox Ethiopian baptism is three total immersions in the holy water.    They do it at 3 months or more, but the circumcision is at 7 or 8 days for the religious requirements, but in hospital sounds so much better to me.   At least the hospital has trained people, and who knows the qualifications of who Bini would find for that. 

I think Bini's end game is that he thinks because he was given a visa to the U.S. last time, requiring two congressional offices to request, and it was some special category, that Ari's family will find a way for him to come to the U.S.    That's not happening, especially since he apparently over stayed the last time, and he has zero qualifications to come to the U.S.        Unless playing butt bongos in nightclubs is now a special category. 

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Ari is acting very protective like how Pao was after she had her son. She will probably relax after a few weeks. She isn't someone who handles change well and she threw herself into two major life changing situations at once. I have only heard good things about circumcisions. Health wise it seems to be in the boys best interest.  I wouldn't call circumcision a mutilation if the boys benefit from it. She's overthinking the decision. It's funny how quickly she decided to make Bini and baby walk home because the car was too dangerous,  but really pondered the circumcision. 

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1 hour ago, 2dogmom said:

the longer she waits the worse the circumcision will be.  I think my son had his at 1 day.  he didn't seem traumatized, as I recall.


We do ours on the 8th day, the mohel puts a little wine on some gauze for the baby to suck on to dull the pain and after the menfolk in the crowd whisper the same bad circumcision jokes told at every briss, (that were probably told at Moses' briss), then it's over then we all eat...to this day my 31 year old son has an aversion to Manischewitz wine, lol.

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On 10/24/2020 at 8:53 AM, magemaud said:

I think he might have prepared her for the homecoming on the ride from the hospital but since she ordered him to walk home, he got some revenge by greeting her with the slaughtering ritual. I used to think Bini was a nice guy but I’m coming to believe he has a bit of a cruel streak by springing surprises on her like the horrible apartments and playing butt bongos on his beautiful dance partner. Edited to add: and that nonsense about not bonding with the baby if you didn't have a vaginal delivery. Then he just smiles and shrugs.

I give him some credit.  I may learn later that he has a cruel streak, but these are not examples:

  • Horrible first apartment  (he's ignorant and poor)
  • Slaughtering a sheep
  • Not bonding without a vaginal delivery
  • Playing butt bongos

His Ethopian culture is completely different from America's.  There are a lot of superstitions and old wives' tales EVEN AMERICANS believe and pass on.  If Ariel is upset about the butt bongos, she has to let Bini know.


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5 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

Slaughtering a sheep

I didn't mean that the cultural act of slaughtering the sheep was cruel, I just thought it would have been way better to prepare her for it beforehand. She had an emotional reaction and he downplayed it by telling her she should have been honored by the surprise. 

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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I didn't mean that the cultural act of slaughtering the sheep was cruel, I just thought it would have been way better to prepare her for it beforehand. She had an emotional reaction and he downplayed it by telling her she should have been honored by the surprise. 

Yeah, I think someone who just had surgery should get a heads up before having a sheep slaughtered in front of them.

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4 hours ago, hookedontv said:

I just felt this clip from "Bad Moms" was on topic and funny as hell!  Hope you enjoy...


Haha! I've had many a conversation about this with my friends, who have mainly never seen a circumcised one before. I have seen both due to living in a few different countries.

3 hours ago, magemaud said:

I didn't mean that the cultural act of slaughtering the sheep was cruel, I just thought it would have been way better to prepare her for it beforehand. She had an emotional reaction and he downplayed it by telling her she should have been honored by the surprise. 

if it's normal to him, he may not have realised it isn't for her and is something she would need to be prepared for.

Edited by Takitaki
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she hauled her pregnant ass all the way to Ethiopia.  if she wanted a normal birth, she should have stayed in New Jersey. she could have had her SUV waiting at the hospital entrance with a car seat installed, and a wheelchair to the door....but NOOO...she had to show all of us suburban moms that we are just unenlightened Karens. thank God the hospital was well-equipped, and the pandemic hadn't hit.

the chick is in Ethiopia, and her boyfriend had to walk home along a busy road with no sidewalks holding a newborn wrapped in a blanket.  so there is a slaughtered sheep on her doorstep? was she expecting lasagna and chicken soup?

if you don't want your in-laws running the show, DONT GIVE BIRTH IN THEIR COUNTRY.  

she asked for all of this, and signed up to have a film crew document it. she's the biggest idiot of the entire franchise.

poor Bunyan has another son he won't see.

Edited by 2dogmom
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8 hours ago, 2dogmom said:

she hauled her pregnant ass all the way to Ethiopia.  if she wanted a normal birth, she should have stayed in New Jersey. she could have had her SUV waiting at the hospital entrance with a car seat installed, and a wheelchair to the door....but NOOO...she had to show all of us suburban moms that we are just unenlightened Karens. thank God the hospital was well-equipped, and the pandemic hadn't hit.

the chick is in Ethiopia, and her boyfriend had to walk home along a busy road with no sidewalks holding a newborn wrapped in a blanket.  so there is a slaughtered sheep on her doorstep? was she expecting lasagna and chicken soup?

if you don't want your in-laws running the show, DONT GIVE BIRTH IN THEIR COUNTRY.  

she asked for all of this, and signed up to have a film crew document it. she's the biggest idiot of the entire franchise.

poor Bunyan has another son he won't see.

I agree with most of the above with two exceptions:

1. My understanding is that "Karens" specifically refer to people who are refusing to follow public health guidelines related to COVID, and then having public meltdowns. I wouldn't consider what Ari did in any way trying to show up 'Karens'. Rather, I think she is highly immature, and thought it would be really 'cool' to have her baby in her baby daddy's country. BUT, she didn't think through ANY of it, hence we are where we are with this shit show couple.


2. I see no reason to sympathize with Bini about him probably losing another son because he's as moronic as she is. He too, likely thought it was 'cool' to have a baby momma from America, and clearly his picker is off. Add to that, the fact that he already got an American woman pregnant and lost his kid when the relationship went south, and you have a highly irresponsible moron who still doesn't understand how babies are made, or doesn't care to put on a condom because he's hoping he'll eventually get this baby momma to get him entry into the States where he can see his other kid. Maybe. I'm not sure he's smart enough to put that thought together to be honest.


Her level of 'commitment' to Bini is pretty thin given the first time she sees him in how long, at the airport, she bitches about him cutting his locks, which to me, signaled that she was just into him when he looked like a rasta forest god. Now that he looks 'normal', she's not as attracted to him.

Edited by gingerella
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11 hours ago, gingerella said:

I agree with most of the above with two exceptions:

1. My understanding is that "Karens" specifically refer to people who are refusing to follow public health guidelines related to COVID, and then having public meltdowns. I wouldn't consider what Ari did in any way trying to show up 'Karens'. Rather, I think she is highly immature, and thought it would be really 'cool' to have her baby in her baby daddy's country. BUT, she didn't think through ANY of it, hence we are where we are with this shit show couple.


2. I see no reason to sympathize with Bini about him probably losing another son because he's as moronic as she is. He too, likely thought it was 'cool' to have a baby momma from America, and clearly his picker is off. Add to that, the fact that he already got an American woman pregnant and lost his kid when the relationship went south, and you have a highly irresponsible moron who still doesn't understand how babies are made, or doesn't care to put on a condom because he's hoping he'll eventually get this baby momma to get him entry into the States where he can see his other kid. Maybe. I'm not sure he's smart enough to put that thought together to be honest.


Her level of 'commitment' to Bini is pretty thin given the first time she sees him in how long, at the airport, she bitches about him cutting his locks, which to me, signaled that she was just into him when he looked like a rasta forest god. Now that he looks 'normal', she's not as attracted to him.

A Karen is a white woman who calls the police on a black male bird watcher who asked her to follow the dog-walking rules of the park and makes a false allegation or calls the police to report a black child selling lemonade or cookies at her little outside stand. She's also rude to service people or anyone she considers beneath her. You are referring to what's called a Coronavirus Karen.

As someone on another forum put it, Ari has mentally packed her bags and is ready to go. They won't last but I do think she would travel to Ethiopia a couple of times a year so Bini can see his child.

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On 10/26/2020 at 11:23 PM, magemaud said:

It’s not like Bini has never been to the US or married and had a child with an American before. Surely he must have realized Ari wouldn’t be accustomed to seeing such a ritual. 

Would love to know if this other babymama is watching this and what the story is there....

If Ari considers herself to be Jewish, there is NO WAY that she would not have her baby circumsized. I mean, you learn from day one that that's what you do and if she was even mildly religious, heartless as it may sound, the pain the baby would feel during the procedure is nothing compared to the religious consequences of not doing it. She seems to be one of those who cherry picks what she wants to use from her religion and discard what's not convenient for her. She also has zero regard for the baby's father's religion, culture and practices which is just obnoxious. I mean, how many times did she say "my baby" in this episode alone? How does that make the child's father feel? I would think devastated. She's such a clueless, spoiled person. This season really has some absolutely awful people in it. 

13 hours ago, gingerella said:

I agree with most of the above with two exceptions:

1. My understanding is that "Karens" specifically refer to people who are refusing to follow public health guidelines related to COVID, and then having public meltdowns. I wouldn't consider what Ari did in any way trying to show up 'Karens'. Rather, I think she is highly immature, and thought it would be really 'cool' to have her baby in her baby daddy's country. BUT, she didn't think through ANY of it, hence we are where we are with this shit show couple.

Karens are not corona virus specific. 

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my daughter and her friends have long been referring to entitled white women who wear yoga pants and hang out at Starbucks and drive Range Rovers/Volvos, etc. as Karens for quite some time.  Before the racist ranting women made the term popular, and way before COVID was an issue.

The girls would point at us Moms drinking frappucinos and gossiping at lacrosse games, and call us a group of Karens.  I fit the demographic, but certainly not the attitude that is associated with the term as it has become widely used. 

I think the term Karen has evolved from a mild suburban put down to something else entirely.  

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On 10/27/2020 at 11:45 PM, gingerella said:

Her level of 'commitment' to Bini is pretty thin given the first time she sees him in how long, at the airport, she bitches about him cutting his locks, which to me, signaled that she was just into him when he looked like a rasta forest god. Now that he looks 'normal', she's not as attracted to him.

I forgot about this, but it did bother me. Did these two not FaceTime or Skype at all when she was in America? They clearly don’t have deep conversations with each other so it can’t have been that they were just texting or having audio calls. They should both be thanking their lucky stars for Brittany and Yazan, whose train wreck relationship makes Ariela and Biniyam look somewhat like a functioning adult couple.

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6 hours ago, 2dogmom said:

my daughter and her friends have long been referring to entitled white women who wear yoga pants and hang out at Starbucks and drive Range Rovers/Volvos, etc. as Karens for quite some time.  Before the racist ranting women made the term popular, and way before COVID was an issue.

The girls would point at us Moms drinking frappucinos and gossiping at lacrosse games, and call us a group of Karens.  I fit the demographic, but certainly not the attitude that is associated with the term as it has become widely used. 

I think the term Karen has evolved from a mild suburban put down to something else entirely.  

The term that refers to women who like pumpkin spice, yoga pants, and uggs ( when they were popular) was 'basic' in my neck of the woods. Soccer moms were often lumped into this.  It wasn't really a put down though. My cousin, who is bi-racial, often referred to herself as basic and thought it was hilarious.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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7 hours ago, 2dogmom said:

my daughter and her friends have long been referring to entitled white women who wear yoga pants and hang out at Starbucks and drive Range Rovers/Volvos, etc. as Karens for quite some time.  Before the racist ranting women made the term popular, and way before COVID was an issue.

As someone who used to live in an area of haves and have nots (I was a have not, fyi) this perfectly describes many women from tht community.  Never had to financially support themselves, treated their job like it was a hobby........

(in a small voice:  I drive a Volvo!  It is used, however!)

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2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

The term that refers to women who like pumpkin spice, yoga pants, and uggs ( when they were popular) was 'basic' in my neck of the woods. Soccer moms were often lumped into this.  It wasn't really a put down though. My cousin, who is bi-racial, often referred to herself as basic and thought it was hilarious.

that's how I see it. my original reference to Karen had nothing to do with the racist covid denying trumpers that it has evolved into.  when I called Ariola's friends Karens...I referred to somewhat spoiled Moms, living in a bubble of comfort.  Admittedly, they wouldn't be the right age range....more like Karen Jrs.

I am the pumpkin spice drinking ugg/patagonia wearing,  (have worn them for 30 years) designer handbag carrying, SUV driving white Mom that is either basic or a Karen.  I don't identify at all with what it has tuned into.  I lived through blonde jokes in the early 90s, and rolled with it.  and although I may be white, my kids and husband are not.

the term has been around a couple years....at least amongst the "kids", I know this because I didn't know what she was talking about...and though she was talking about my friend Karen.  

I don't care if ugg boots are out of style, been rocking them since the 80s. nothing is better on a "cold" day in California.  yelling at people in parks/calling police on children/ranting about mask wearing.....NOT ME. that's the 2020 evolution of Karen.

Edited by 2dogmom
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On 10/28/2020 at 10:25 AM, configdotsys said:
On 10/27/2020 at 8:45 PM, gingerella said:

I agree with most of the above with two exceptions:

1. My understanding is that "Karens" specifically refer to people who are refusing to follow public health guidelines related to COVID, and then having public meltdowns. I wouldn't consider what Ari did in any way trying to show up 'Karens'. Rather, I think she is highly immature, and thought it would be really 'cool' to have her baby in her baby daddy's country. BUT, she didn't think through ANY of it, hence we are where we are with this shit show couple.

Karens are not corona virus specific. 

 I agree with ConfigDotSys.

  1. This is the first time I've ever read/heard of an "exclusive" Karen+Corona reference.
  2. Where/When did this idea start?
  3. There were Karen videos before Miss Corona visited us.
  4. Also Karens are not racist-specific.
  5. Karens are "simply" rude, ignorant, entitled bitches who think THEY are the aribters of anything/everything (and must call the cops).


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On 10/26/2020 at 8:23 PM, magemaud said:

It’s not like Bini has never been to the US or married and had a child with an American before.


On 10/26/2020 at 9:18 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I think Bini's end game is that he thinks because he was given a visa to the U.S. last time, requiring two congressional offices to request, and it was some special category, that Ari's family will find a way for him to come to the U.S.    That's not happening, especially since he apparently over stayed the last time, and he has zero qualifications to come to the U.S.

I missed these facts (bolded above).   I try to watch every "true" NEW episode.                                                                       Where can I learn:

  • When?
  • Why?
  • How Long was he here?


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