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MAFS Couples Cam

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14 hours ago, shok said:

I wish them luck in figuring it all out so that darling Laura can have a good home life.

Exactly.  Figure out how to stay together and be OK, or separate.  Broke my heart a bit when she reached up to her mom's cheek and said something like "It's OK mom"

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Thoughts on the recent episode:

  • No way Jessica hadn't already told her sister she's pregnant, and told all their family, in spite of the sister's difficulty conceiving.  The don't-tell-Greg-and-Deonna stuff was just made up drama, acted not very well.
  • But it was Oscar caliber compared to the Anthony and Ashley potty-mouth stuff.  I do not believe a real parent/teacher conference would have been filmed.  Plus it was stupid to lump in poop-related stuff, with real cuss words.  However I loved that when Ashley was talking about going somewhere and Anthony would have to watch the baby, and then Anthony said 'babysit', Ashley replied "Babysit?  You mean parent."  You tell him!
  • Orange was a good color on Erik...probably the best he's looked.  Plus he looked good on the beach, in the hat, glasses, and t-shirt.
  • Baby Declan looks soooo much like Greg, and may be the cutest baby ever.
  • When Jamie was at her pool/scuba lesson, she mentioned something about "...so that I can breathe out of my nose"...but isn't the whole point that no breathing is supposed to occur thru your nose?  At any rate, it was nice that the scuba ended up making them feel closer.
  • I simply don't understand why Jephte has chosen to make Shawniece agreeing on exactly the number of kids being planned out in advance, the hill he wants to die on.  As he said, he wants his life to be as black and white as possible, but, uh, pretty much all of life falls into the gray area, and he needs to learn how to be comfortable with that.  I wish that Shawniece would explore with Jephte why he wants four, and how he legit sees that being achieved given their current life, and why he is so set on locking it in so far in advance rather than seeing how life unfolds. He said that he wants it as a goal they can work on together, but how about making all the things that need to happen before then as goals to work on together?  Also, she keeps letting him set the tone and basically go on the offensive, with "why won't you agree now to have four?", rather than her seizing it with "why is it so all-consuming crucial to you?" He said it would be a shame if the talk of expanding the family, ended the family..so, duh, dude, don't let it!
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2 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:
  • I simply don't understand why Jephte has chosen to make Shawniece agreeing on exactly the number of kids being planned out in advance, the hill he wants to die on.  As he said, he wants his life to be as black and white as possible, but, uh, pretty much all of life falls into the gray area, and he needs to learn how to be comfortable with that.  I wish that Shawniece would explore with Jephte why he wants four, and how he legit sees that being achieved given their current life, and why he is so set on locking it in so far in advance rather than seeing how life unfolds. He said that he wants it as a goal they can work on together, but how about making all the things that need to happen before then as goals to work on together?  Also, she keeps letting him set the tone and basically go on the offensive, with "why won't you agree now to have four?", rather than her seizing it with "why is it so all-consuming crucial to you?" He said it would be a shame if the talk of expanding the family, ended the family..so, duh, dude, don't let it!

I don't understand it either, and his attitude really bothers me because having a baby affects her body, not his, and despite what he may think will be mostly her responsibility.  Recruiting her for all that at once is probably overwhelming for her, which is why she prefers to have a "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" attitude.  I think part of why she is so upset is because she doesn't feel respected or heard on that.  But I get frustrated with her because she doesn't know how to successfully communicate herself to him.  Of course I have 3 decades on her so I've learned better how to communicate, but even back then I know I would have been able to get my feelings across better than that. 

I don't know what the problem is with her.  He is bad enough but she is not explaining herself well enough to get him to back down and realize he's expecting too much at once.  Also, I commend her honesty with him throughout all this, but she could also just act generally on board with it and then "change her mind" when the time comes if it doesn't feel right.  A lot can happen between now and then and no one can really know how they're going to feel until they get there anyway.  By that time he may even decide that 2 or 3 are enough.  If she's really being honest about not being against having 4 kids in general, then why not just say that and call it a day?  It's not like he's asking her to commit to having 3 more kids in the same pregnancy.  I just don't get either of them, to be honest.

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I don't watch much of Couples Cam but just reading comments about Shawniece and Jepthe makes me think the best thing for her is to 1) not get pregnant again and 2) get a divorce.  Then they can share custody of Laura.  

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't watch much of Couples Cam but just reading comments about Shawniece and Jepthe makes me think the best thing for her is to 1) not get pregnant again and 2) get a divorce.  Then they can share custody of Laura.  

I think MAFS needs to do some service after the sale. Why can't Pastor Cal work with these two to figure out how to either improve their marriage or divorce amicably and co-parent effectively? I'd watch that show.

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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I think MAFS needs to do some service after the sale. Why can't Pastor Cal work with these two to figure out how to either improve their marriage or divorce amicably and co-parent effectively? I'd watch that show.

It was Dr Jessica that convinced them to try again when they split during the pregnancy. They were going to co-parent only until Dr Blondie talked them into doing the Happily Ever After Show to work on their relationship. How well they would have co-parented I have no idea, I suspect it would not have been much calmer than the marriage.

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48 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

How well they would have co-parented I have no idea, I suspect it would not have been much calmer than the marriage.

It would be better than having the child growing up in a tension-filled household though.

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19 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I just don't get either of them, to be honest.

The issue of having 4 kids really is quite simple to discuss, IMO.  They live in a tiny apartment the characteristics of which will remain moot for the purpose of my comment.  QUESTION:  On what financial basis would them having 4 children compute???  They have ONE CHILD and are having financial difficulties, especially in this economy that is quite volatile.  

Housing/clothing/child care (presumably they will need a 2-income home)/food/transportation....on and on and on...the numbers don't "crunch!!"

I think he uses that topic as a smokescreen because he's knows neither of them can "move the ball" on that subject for the reason I outlined.  I think he wants to come and go as he pleases and not have to discuss "issues" ad infinitum with ANYBODY.  I don't think he's "marriage material".

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23 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

The issue of having 4 kids really is quite simple to discuss, IMO.  They live in a tiny apartment the characteristics of which will remain moot for the purpose of my comment.  QUESTION:  On what financial basis would them having 4 children compute???  They have ONE CHILD and are having financial difficulties, especially in this economy that is quite volatile.  

Housing/clothing/child care (presumably they will need a 2-income home)/food/transportation....on and on and on...the numbers don't "crunch!!"

I think he uses that topic as a smokescreen because he's knows neither of them can "move the ball" on that subject for the reason I outlined.  I think he wants to come and go as he pleases and not have to discuss "issues" ad infinitum with ANYBODY.  I don't think he's "marriage material".

I think you're right, he's using that to make it impossible to work on their relationship issues.  He wants to use their lack of resolution on this to get out of working on anything else.  

Wanting 4 kids is ridiculous when they have no place to put them and not enough money to support them.  But he knows that and and that Shawneice will never agree to it.  She'd have to be crazy to agree to it.  But he wants her to disagree with it so he can say they don't want the same things and he's done.  It's deliberate sabotage.

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No comments on this week's Couples Cam? 

  • I still don't believe for a second that Jess hadn't already told her sister that she's pregnant, especially since she had already told the rest of her family.
  • Anthony can't really be so clueless about packing the trunk, to not know to first put in the big stuff (suitcases), and then the smaller (tote bags).  And how is Ashley able to get away from the bar/restaurant for a whole month?
  • Can't decide whether I think the Miles depression thing was filmed real-time during an actual depressive episode, or re-created to sort of be a PSA for mental health awareness.  Either way, it's an important message, so good for them, even though it's far more complex than can just be depicted in some snippets.
  • Jamie O, having been so slender for so long, must really be clueless if she thought she could fit a size L bathing suit.  But good for her for leaning in so wholeheartedly to the body positivity thing.


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23 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:


  • Jamie O, having been so slender for so long, must really be clueless if she thought she could fit a size L bathing suit.  But good for her for leaning in so wholeheartedly to the body positivity thing.


She is half baked "body positivity" thing.  She does it on the show yet complains that she looks nothing like she did when they got married on her podcast.

Her kid is almost 15 months old so it more than baby weight.

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Mopey Miles and his depression. Why in the world would they film that? It may be an important message but not the right place for it. This is supposed to be entertainment TV. 

Anthony and Ashley can really be annoying sometimes. They act childish sometimes. They have a beautiful home and two daughters, lets stop talking about poop and filming Ant drinking Ash's breast milk. 

Shawniece and Jep are doomed to divorce. To answer comments upthread, the building is 2 story, I think they purchased that depressing place they live in and her parents are living in the separate upstairs apartment.  At least that is what I thought they said when first filming Couples Cam. 

Bobby and Danielle- she should be happier than a pig in shit. Nice home, 2 kids, she doesn't have to work. If she has post partem then get a script for some anti depressants. 

Eric and Virgin-who didn't see that coming? They stayed with it as long as they could stand each other for the $$$. I still think Eric is handsome AF. It's the pilot uniform thing that does it for me. 

Beth and Jamie- the most annoying people on the planet. That whole fake pregnancy thing. You look. No, you look. What does it say. I don't know how to read it. Omg stfu. 

Jamie O and Doug- more annoying people. For some reason he gives me the creeps. 

Deonna and Greg, and Jess and whats-his-name and Woody and Amani are so real and all couples adorable. 


Edited by bichonblitz
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I really got use out of the FF button on this episode. I know it is scripted but has become predictable.

Are Shawniece and Jept on every single episode for 60% of the show?  It is the same story line with them!!!

I think this show has run it's course.

Edited by Rightside
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So when Shawniece was talking to Karen, and crying, again, when she started talking about the having-4-kids thing, it became apparent that even though she and Jephte are trying to make it work by reconnecting spending time together, etc., they still haven't resolved the number of kids issue (which includes why Jephte is so set on it and why the default has to be that his view is the one, and where the money will come from to accommodate more kids since they barely have it now and don't have the space needed for any more kids).

And why the hell weren't they wearing harnesses at the rock climbing?  The act of climbing over that ledge at the top seems like an invitation to fall.

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The segments with Bobby and Danielle were very riveting, while the segments with Liz and Jamie were ridiculous, as usual.  I am always amused at these new parents realizing they have created little pooping, crying "monsters" whom they cannot control.  That makes Eric's "boy's night" all the more clever.  

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I hope this show isn't going the way of 90 Day Fiance and what they will do to keep various disgusting popular participants on as many variations of the show as possible.  Go home and stay off of this show, Paige and Haley!

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It was very weird that when Jamie picked the girls up at the airport and was driving, she was alone with no one in the passenger seat, and the four girls were in the back.  It was also weird how Jamie worded it when she was talking about inviting the season 12 girls...she said something like she invited Paige and Brianna and Virginia, and Haley also wanted to come, which sounded like she hadn't actually invited Haley initially.

I tried to sleuth out whether where Eric was in the opening, which he said was Detroit, was actually his house and Virginia was at her apartment.  The trim behind him in the opening, which supposedly would have been Detroit, looked a lot like the trim behind him when he was in his house.

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On 8/27/2021 at 10:33 PM, LuvMyShows said:

 It was also weird how Jamie worded it when she was talking about inviting the season 12 girls...she said something like she invited Paige and Brianna and Virginia, and Haley also wanted to come, which sounded like she hadn't actually invited Haley initially.


During the MAFS regular seasons (not CC), Ashley said if they did something (eat out, take a trip etc) that was shown on TV, the show paid for it.  Things they did off camera, they paid themselves.

I wonder if the show is paying for all this travel that is on the show. Why would they pay their own money to travel for Jamie's party? So I don't think Jamie is inviting these people as the show is likely scripting it.

Also, why would Jessica pay to fly to CA to meet Beth? A cross county ticket would not be cheap.

I think they are trying to make the show less boring so the travel was added.

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OK, I'll try to find something to comment on from the latest Couples Cam.  I may be alone in this, but I enjoy seeing the couples, even when they're doing something contrived, cause usually we still get to see some of their individual and couple personalities come through. 

It was kind of stupid that Karen supposedly did research on where to go for vacation, and then we saw Miles make the final decision based on nothing at all!   But I am officially pissed that Karen doesn't have to do any working out at all to get the body she has! 

I'm not a fan of Steph's shorter hair.

When Vincent was talking to Erik, I don't know why they had so many camera shots of Vincent just sitting there at the table...he looked either bored, sleepy, stoned, or awkward, even though when he spoke, he did seem engaged in the conversation.  When Erik said that maybe Virginia was right that moving into his house was too much, how could either of them think that the marriage would actually grow if they had been living apart from the start, especially since Erik then said something about his trust issues?  Those would only get much worse if they weren't living together.  And given that they have both said, but Virginia in particular, that there are major issues that they've not been facing, living apart would undoubtedly keep those issues being kicked down the road even farther.  On a good note, even though I thought Virginia's hair color was a little too dark, the hair itself was the healthiest we've seen, and her skin looked healthier too.  

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On 9/3/2021 at 7:36 PM, LuvMyShows said:

On a good note, even though I thought Virginia's hair color was a little too dark, the hair itself was the healthiest we've seen, and her skin looked healthier too.  

Those are all hair extensions!! She had a post about getting them.

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Steph and AJ are the cutest couple. They really get each other. I hope they like the Keys, though. It's hot as hell there all the time and after winter season the place pretty much folds up and there is nothing to do. They should get a boat then they will have something to do year round. 

Keith and Kristine were always one of my favorites, too. I hope he really didn't buy that monstrous RV without talking to Kristine about it and this is all manufactured drama for the show. Keith always seemed like a pretty level headed guy.  In a marriage, big ticket items should always be discussed and agreed on. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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If SAFSteph and AJ weren't already my favorite couple, this would have clinched it. It was all in Steph's reaction to AJ's medical news - she immediately swung into 'we can make this work' mode without any hyperbole or making it sound like she was going to great lengths to support him and/or being really put out because of him. It could well have been a reenactment of the actual exchange, but I don't think either of them is a good enough actor to pull off such a totally spot on emotional committment. SAFSteph's demeanor never wavered from placing AJ's medical needs, comfort, and anxiety abatement first before everything. And his quietly wondrous reaction of appreciation for her rang true because he still seems to be a bit in awe of having someone who will, literally, rearrange their life simply to help him. I do agree about Steph's hair - something is wrong there. It wasn't just the cut (I think she could carry off a bob or shag or just about anything fantastically) but her hair looked over-processed to me. - very dry at the ends. L'Oreal, Kenra and others have great moisturizing oils for just that purpose and they are super easy to use.

I had really hoped that Keith had put his momma's boy, me-first attitude behind him, but clearly he has not. He doesn't see the difference between being able to make solo decision because he is a legal adult and including his spouse in the deciion making process because he chose to get and stay married. I think Kristine is wise to put off having kids until the manchild she is married to does a lot more growing up. I think he knew there were several sound financial planning reasons to pass up on an RV at this time and he just figured he'd fall back on that disgusting adage "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission" . And to then try to put the blame on her and tell her she should be the one to sleep on the couch.....hell NO. I wish her well - but I'm starting to think it needs to be without him.

As much as I like WAmani and KMiles, it was absolute torture to watch them have to interact so awkwardly with Jepthe & Shawniece. I recalled an episode (or two?) where there seemed to be a food competition between WAmani and KMiles and wondered why the heck the 3 couples couldn't have gotten together for a BBQ sharing dishes and techniques food fest. Everybody loves food porn! Has something changed in KMiles residence? I could swear their place looked a whole lot different after their decision day.  This time it almost looked like they were back in their MAFS season apartment.  Maybe it was just the furniture arrangement that's confusing me.

Anthony/Ashley & the kids, JAustin & the baby bump were adorable as usual. And regardless of how relaxed (or not) they are in front of a camera, I count them in with  SAFSteph & AJ, WAmani, KMiles & Gregg & Deonna as the real deal.

I really don't know why Jepthe & Shawniece are hanging in there - he lost me a couple of episodes age when he asked her to make a list of why she wanted to wait for another kid because he was pushing for the next of 4 total to get underway. Her list was very well thought out: they needed a bigger living space and health insurance. So what does he do? Tells her he changed his mind, has gotten cold feet about the next kid and totally dismisses the effort she has made! I wanted to smack him for acting like he can just pull her chain anytime he wants to. And I wanted to smack her for not calling him on it. No wonder she has to go full out whenever she gets the chance to speak her mind.

Don't know if I dozed off or if JOtis and Bobby/Danielle were on this time, but I did not care about missing either.

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6 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

If SAFSteph and AJ weren't already my favorite couple, this would have clinched it. It was all in Steph's reaction to AJ's medical news - she immediately swung into 'we can make this work' mode without any hyperbole or making it sound like she was going to great lengths to support him and/or being really put out because of him. It could well have been a reenactment of the actual exchange, but I don't think either of them is a good enough actor to pull off such a totally spot on emotional committment. 

Sorry, but I thought it was fake.  It started with AJ's lame groans when he was picking up those boxes.  And I am no doctor, but as soon as I saw where he said he had the pain, and that it hurt when he picked up the boxes, I said 'hernia'.  He said it had been bothering him for a few years, so I think that Steph would have picked up on it waaay earlier and had him get it checked out.  Also, they were talking about how they had to be out of the apartment, but she was going to be in Key West and he would get a hotel room to recuperate in (and then Steph said she wouldn't leave him to recuperate alone), but then we saw them still in the apartment while he was recuperating.  And the amount of boxes was basically unchanged, which is super doubtful if they were actually going to have been moving out.  I do think it's possible that hernia surgery occurred sometime, but not at that time, in the manner that they portrayed. 

6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Keith and Kristine were always one of my favorites, too. I hope he really didn't buy that monstrous RV without talking to Kristine about it and this is all manufactured drama for the show. Keith always seemed like a pretty level headed guy.  In a marriage, big ticket items should always be discussed and agreed on. 

I was actively trying to figure out the whole time if it was real or manufactured.  From the start, it definitely seemed liked Kristine was acting, when they were in the apt. and he was trying to show her the pics of the RV, and she was dismissive and said she needed to get back to what she was doing.  But when she looked inside the RV, she genuinely seemed unimpressed; and when she got back home from having him show it to her and was talking to the camera, she said some words that included f*ing, and she sounded genuinely pissed.

However...I cannot imagine that he would not only buy it without her OK, but with her expressly saying no to buying it.  That just doesn't seem like their relationship.  TBH, if it were real, I don't know how you recover from that...trust would be completely shot.

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1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

Sorry, but I thought it was fake. 

I agree with you completely.  I agree that AJ may have had the surgery at one point but this was totally acting just to create a better plot for the show.  I think the show realized it was becoming a snore so they are asking the couples to come up with stories to keep viewers watching.

And I think the same is true for Christine and Keith.  If he really bought the RV why did they have to go to some weird empty garage to see it?  It was probably rented by the hour for the show, LOL.

Neither couple is having children so they can't focus on their pregnancies and kids so they have to find something else.  I think Steph and AJ think moving to Key West will create more interesting scenes of them hang gliding and snorkeling, but really that's a snore now too.

I also think the attempt at making us think that Jamie and Doug are having sex problems is not real either.

Miles and his depression?  That would be an easy thing to fake for the show although I don't really think he would be on board with that so I'm giving that the benefit of the doubt as real.

Plus now I'm even wondering about Jephte and Shawniece's child conflict.  It made zero sense and after a few weeks of nothing but the same lame circular argument that went nowhere they're suddenly OK again like nothing is wrong?  Not buying that either.

Then we found out that they both had Covid - wondering why that wasn't worked into the show.  Maybe they didn't want it to be.

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That a spouse would be "in awe" of their spouse putting them first and caring for them in a medical emergency to me is totally bizarre. If after several years of marriage, my spouse expressed such an emotion, I would think they lost their mind. It's seems to be a theme in these shows: someone always has a "medical issue" that gets everyone all alarmed. It's so old now.

I think these people are just throwing stuff at the wall and hoping it sticks so they can stay on television. It's like the producers think the audience is stupid and will buy some of this nonsense. How convenient that these people record themselves and we're supposed to buy that it's a slice of their real life? Nope. A slice of life in terms of Stephanie and Baby Huey was his meltdown tantrum over a shower caddy and his "I don't wanna" tantrum in the hammock, along with many more such events. Landing a significant other does not make your personality go away. If you threw a red faced fit over nonsense like a shower caddy with someone you were in the limerence phase with, I can only imagine what a baby he is now that they're settled in. I mean, can you imagine being Stephanie if this toddler gets the flu? I just can't....

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I usually don't watch this show because I am really not interested in most of the couples, but did tune in, and yes, I fell for the teaser about the couple imploding (Erik and Ginny). But, I guess that comes next week? Anyway, this was the first time I had seen AJ and Steph since their season and I couldn't believe it when they played that same sorry clip about him getting married so he won't have to eat dinner alone again. I thought that was stupid and annoying when they played it to death on his season, but after all this time, that's all they have??? Still not an AJ fan, but if they are happy, good for them.

And, if Keith really did buy that RV without her support, then I hope he plans to live in it. He said he bought it before she absolutely said "no," but he had to know that she wasn't going to like the idea. That's way too much money if they had other debts to manage. Not to mention the costs for insurance, gas, maintenance, etc. 

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And I think the same is true for Christine and Keith.  If he really bought the RV why did they have to go to some weird empty garage to see it?  It was probably rented by the hour for the show, LOL.

He said it was in a garage next to his work and he put it there so he could surprise her with it. Though Kristine did ask him where he planned to park it as it seems that their driveway isn't big enough. Not sure Keith thought about where the RV would live when he bought it. Oops.

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19 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Plus now I'm even wondering about Jephte and Shawniece's child conflict.  It made zero sense and after a few weeks of nothing but the same lame circular argument that went nowhere they're suddenly OK again like nothing is wrong?  Not buying that either.

Then we found out that they both had Covid - wondering why that wasn't worked into the show.  Maybe they didn't want it to be.

Yes, very odd that covid wasn't mentioned at all when they had it.  Side note: who can forget the bizarre-as-f*ck way that Elizabeth's parents 'revealed' the mom's covid diagnosis to her and Jamie.  It was, seriously, probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen on this show.

But unfortunately I don't find it odd at all that J&S would have the circular argument then act like nothing's wrong.  That seems to be a pattern for them, with a disturbingly frequent lack of resolution.

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23 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

He said it was in a garage next to his work and he put it there so he could surprise her with it. Though Kristine did ask him where he planned to park it as it seems that their driveway isn't big enough. Not sure Keith thought about where the RV would live when he bought it. Oops.

There's also the matter of "surprising" your spouse with x-thousands of dollars missing from the checking account. If I were guessing about who wears the financial pants in that family, it wouldn't be Keith, so unless he was squirreling away thousands of dollars (which has its own set of 'wtf' that the wife would likely not be happy about) it just doesn't make sense. Double trouble if you "surprise" your spouse with an expensive item that they don't even want.

I'm not buying that any of this is legit or some small situation like a major purchase gets twisted into a highly fictionalized, dramatic event.

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On 9/12/2021 at 12:07 PM, Elizzikra said:

He said it was in a garage next to his work and he put it there so he could surprise her with it. Though Kristine did ask him where he planned to park it as it seems that their driveway isn't big enough. Not sure Keith thought about where the RV would live when he bought it. Oops.

He didn't have to think about where to park it because it was never his RV in the first place.  Otherwise he would have.  Keith isn't that stupid even though the show is making him act stupid.

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Beth, leave Jamie alone. He's working. Working hard so you don't have to. She's such a child. 

Virgin crying conversation with Erik about why they should divorce. Too private to have a camera in their face. Erik looked like he couldn't wait to be done with the whole thing. He already had his mind made up. 

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On 9/11/2021 at 10:15 PM, LuvMyShows said:


Sorry, but I thought it was fake.  It started with AJ's lame groans when he was picking up those boxes.  And I am no doctor, but as soon as I saw where he said he had the pain, and that it hurt when he picked up the boxes, I said 'hernia'.  He said it had been bothering him for a few years, so I think that Steph would have picked up on it waaay earlier and had him get it checked out.  Also, they were talking about how they had to be out of the apartment, but she was going to be in Key West and he would get a hotel room to recuperate in (and then Steph said she wouldn't leave him to recuperate alone), but then we saw them still in the apartment while he was recuperating.  And the amount of boxes was basically unchanged, which is super doubtful if they were actually going to have been moving out.  I do think it's possible that hernia surgery occurred sometime, but not at that time, in the manner that they portrayed. 

I was actively trying to figure out the whole time if it was real or manufactured.  From the start, it definitely seemed liked Kristine was acting, when they were in the apt. and he was trying to show her the pics of the RV, and she was dismissive and said she needed to get back to what she was doing.  But when she looked inside the RV, she genuinely seemed unimpressed; and when she got back home from having him show it to her and was talking to the camera, she said some words that included f*ing, and she sounded genuinely pissed.


I'll bet 85% of his show is fake and scripted. Including a buying an old RV.

I agree the hernia surgery may have happened but not they way they showed it. 

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Baby Declan with his cousin Titan were soooo cute!  But bad on the MAFS production staff because when they were making it look like a wild west showdown, the name they wrote on the screen was Delcan the Kid, not Declan the Kid.

On 9/16/2021 at 7:19 AM, bichonblitz said:

Virgin crying conversation with Erik about why they should divorce. Too private to have a camera in their face. 

Heartbreaking, but definitely the best thing for both of them.  I don't doubt at all that Erik unknowingly triggered her.  At times, he was definitely controlling, dictatorial, and aggressive (albeit not in a typical in-your-face way).

On 9/16/2021 at 7:19 AM, bichonblitz said:

Beth, leave Jamie alone. He's working. Working hard so you don't have to. She's such a child. 

That whole thing was one of the fakest things they have shown.  Watch Jamie's changing facial hair from the start at the computer screen, to how he looked in the various activities they supposedly did that day.  Definitely not the same day.  

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Aside from the baby stuff which was incredibly cute, most of this show is so fake.  I think Erik and Virginia said yes on decision day because the sex was so good and figured they'd deal with reality later after a few Couples Cam paychecks came in and the bloom was off the rose so to speak.  Unfortunately it looks like reality is going to throw a wrench in their relationship and that's sad.

Virginia alluded to being exploited by authority figures - is that code for having been sexually abused as a child?  If so it explains a lot about her like the drinking, and why Erik both attracts and triggers her at the same time by acting so authoritarian.  I have a lot more sympathy for her now if that's the case.

Bobby is moping around wearing oversized long sleeve shirts on the beach because he now has a Dad bod.  If he thinks he's fat I think he needs a reality check.  He needs to lose 10 pounds at most.  Stop moping around and lay off a few beers.

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It's heartbreaking to see what Eric and Virginia are going through.  I wish them each nothing but the best, separately.

The preview, showing Elizabeth wanting to move, again, is just preposterous.

It was neat seeing AJ and Steph reminisce at the hotel where they originally had their MAFS tryout experience.  I think she looks far better now...her haircut looked almost matronly then.

The preview also continues with the Kristine and Keith RV debacle.  Didn't see enough of it to determine if it could actually be real.

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3 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

It's heartbreaking to see what Eric and Virginia are going through.  I wish them each nothing but the best, separately.

I understand Eric's desire to have kids soon because he's 35.  But that's not that old, and really a man can have kids at any age.  If he really loved Virginia he'd wait for her to be ready.  I don't think he trusts that she'll ever be ready, but I don't know if that's fair.  It's already been talked about that he's controlling and overbearing.  I also think he wants what he wants when he wants it and if a woman isn't willing to bend to his will when he wants something, he doesn't want her.  As much as she loves him and her heart is broken, I think she's better off without him in the long run.

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I understand Eric's desire to have kids soon because he's 35.  But that's not that old, and really a man can have kids at any age. 

A man can have kids at any age, but not everyone wants to be the father of an elementary school kid in his 50's or later. I can see Eric wanting to have kids while he is still "young" and have them out of college, or at least high school, before he retires.

I think some of their split is about kids, but mostly I think they were just an awful match from the start. I think they are fundamentally incompatible and definitely better off going their separate ways.

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10 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

A man can have kids at any age, but not everyone wants to be the father of an elementary school kid in his 50's or later. I can see Eric wanting to have kids while he is still "young" and have them out of college, or at least high school, before he retires.

Well people are living longer and 50 is the new 40.  Everyone acts like 50 is old but IMHO it is NOT.  This present younger generation is getting off to a late start as it is so someone's going to have to compromise about the age they have kids.  My husband's father was 40 when he was born and he didn't die until my husband was in his 50s.  Eric just wants everything his way or no way and it's more important to him than his wife.  That says a lot about his character or lack thereof, IMHO.  Does he think he's just going to meet someone else tomorrow and start having kids right away?  He's assuming a lot there.  He's just an ass.

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18 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Well people are living longer and 50 is the new 40.  Everyone acts like 50 is old but IMHO it is NOT.  This present younger generation is getting off to a late start as it is so someone's going to have to compromise about the age they have kids.  My husband's father was 40 when he was born and he didn't die until my husband was in his 50s.  Eric just wants everything his way or no way and it's more important to him than his wife.  That says a lot about his character or lack thereof, IMHO.  Does he think he's just going to meet someone else tomorrow and start having kids right away?  He's assuming a lot there.  He's just an ass.

I'm 51 so I know how old it is. I could not be having young children at this age. Other people may feel differently. 

I agree that Eric is an ass - I just don't think that his desire to have children sooner rather than later (and I think Virginia isn't really sure she wants them at all) is one of the proof points for that. He wants kids - he's allowed to want that just like Virginia is allowed to want them later or not at all. He could meet someone, date for six or 8 months, get married and be a father 40 weeks later. You never know. But if he knows he wants kids and Virginia isn't sure when, if ever, that's a valid reason to break up, not a character flaw.

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On 10/2/2021 at 12:24 PM, Elizzikra said:

I think some of their split is about kids, but mostly I think they were just an awful match from the start. I think they are fundamentally incompatible and definitely better off going their separate ways.

Yep.  And I think that telling people basically that the split is about kids, is waayyy easier than going into the fact that they have very significant political differences (that impact her immediate family IIRC), and that the marriage has stirred up trauma from her past that she realized is not worked through, to say nothing of the fact that she still wanted to behave like she was single, and he said dickish things to her when he would get angry.

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4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I agree that Eric is an ass - I just don't think that his desire to have children sooner rather than later (and I think Virginia isn't really sure she wants them at all) is one of the proof points for that. He wants kids - he's allowed to want that just like Virginia is allowed to want them later or not at all. He could meet someone, date for six or 8 months, get married and be a father 40 weeks later. You never know. But if he knows he wants kids and Virginia isn't sure when, if ever, that's a valid reason to break up, not a character flaw.

If this was such a deal breaker for him he owed it to her not let this drag on to this extent to end things before it went on too long.  None of this was any secret to him or anyone at home watching the show.  Even we knew about this issue being a deal breaker for him.  But he decided to have his fun first and let her down later.  I just think he's a typical CAD for not manning up and hanging it up sooner, like on decision day.  THAT is his character flaw, not wanting kids.  I never said wanting to have kids was a character flaw.  That's not the issue as I see it.  If he was willing to let things go on several months after decision day with her he should have been prepared to compromise, not just dig his heels in and break her heart.  What an asshole.

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I am pretty sure that they SAID the reason for the break-up was the whole kids thing. But, that doesn't mean it is true. It could be that he honestly thought that the more they stayed in a solid (ha) marriage, she might be ready. It could be that perhaps she continued her drinking to the point where he didn't think she could ever be pregnant safely. Who knows? I am also pretty sure that they agreed to this approach for whatever followers they may have and not to get into the real facts. Remember when Katie and Derek had "their plan" that they were going to announce and then Derek broke his promise by announcing her affair? I loved that! But, as we have all said, this "marriage" was doomed from the start.

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