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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Sutton is so full of crap.  "Back in those days", people didn't talk about depression?  Really?  It seems to me that "those days" we're talking about are the early 1990s, the height of the Oprahfication of the universe and the dawning of the Age of Too Much Information.  Talking openly about your depression or your teen pregnancy or your chronic fatigue syndrome was all the rage "back in those days".  Amanda needs to walk away and pretend she never even met these awful people.  If she's desperate for some familial relationship, maybe she should get Private Eye Telma to find her paternal line.  It should be easy enough, and they may be more welcoming.

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On 6/28/2021 at 7:19 AM, Cupid Stunt said:

Perhaps the “pained expression” comes from having all your body hair waxed off to the point of being slick as a ballroom floor.

It seems as if Kyle has been watching "Oliver!" (1968) on a loop, and has learned to mimick Mark Lester's "sad" and "pained" expressions.  He only has two and repeats them a dozen times each show.

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On 6/28/2021 at 3:05 PM, Waldo13 said:

Mariah and Faith are together at CL so why did Faith need a ride.  Was that so Mariah can pass judgement on Summer?  Mariah knows that Summer is a snowflake and that she cannot be as understanding as Tessa in a committed relationship. 

It was so Mariah would have Summer's full attention when she said "Bye, Snowflake" - best line of the day & I loved it!  Everyone else was so sappy.

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42 minutes ago, deirdra said:

It seems as if Kyle has been watching "Oliver!" (1968) on a loop, and has learned to mimick Mark Lester's "sad" and "pained" expressions.  He only has two and repeats them a dozen times each show.

Oh my......you don't think he's going to break into a rendition of "Where is Love" , do you?  

Considering who all is living at Jack"s house, him singing "Consider yourself at home" would be appropriate .

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On 6/28/2021 at 6:09 PM, boes said:


Or maybe she's flying to Milan Illinois. There, I bet she won't understand a word.


Yes.  Summer in Milan (any Milan) is going to be like Emily in Paris, Y and R style. In other words, about on par with the source material. 

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10 hours ago, boes said:

Oh my......you don't think he's going to break into a rendition of "Where is Love" , do you?  

Considering who all is living at Jack"s house, him singing "Consider yourself at home" would be appropriate .

Then I guess that makes Tara Bill Sikes and  little Hemoglobin is...Bulls Eye? Oh, dear.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Dammit Show! You're making me like Phyllis and hate Jack. This is not the natural order of things.

Don't worry, it's a temporary condition.  I promise it will pass.

I just want Lola to fly back for a brief visit.  She doesn't need to say anything, interact with anyone.  I just want her to point at Kyle and laugh out loud and then leave.

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I was walking to the dining room and saw the tv in the living room and thought Oh, is that the new Chance. Then thought oh I know that bald head. Went for a closer inspection and yep, Caillou is back, for some reason. hahaHA. 

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15 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

I was walking to the dining room and saw the tv in the living room and thought Oh, is that the new Chance. Then thought oh I know that bald head. Went for a closer inspection and yep, Caillou is back, for some reason. hahaHA. 

I simply wasn't paying attention, looked up and saw Sally, thought the show was over and got excited that B&B was on.

Abby and the stalker/Max/ghost has already lost steam.

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Tara how many brownies can a 3 year eat before they go stale?  That was one big box of brownies.  Beside, would’t you think that Mrs Martinez makes better brownies than CL sells.  

Now there’s a man with a great smile. Ben’s smile is almost as good as Billy Miller’s smile.  A man among men with a positive attitude than the usual dour male GC citizens.  

I’m I wrong or does Victor still own NE?  In reality Olive Oyl, as CEO, is just an employee, of NE, and works at the pleasure of Victor and the board. Does Olive realize that merging with Ashland is a feather in her cap but is actually somewhat more beneficial to Victor?  Victor is in a win win situation. Either through purchasing Ashland’s empire himself or with NE merging with Ashland’s empire.  Olive Oyl thinks she’s a wonderful CEO, but her qualifications are lacking. 

Many many years ago, I can’t remember by who, I read an article that is just as prevalent today as it was than. The article said that more than 80% of major companies are mismanaged. The only reason that they are making money is that they couldn’t help to make money.  Meaning major companies make a profit in-spite of being mismanaged. 

As Sally was walking out of the Grand Albatross, after talking to Jack, you actually could see the outline of her butt cheeks. Being my perverted self, I stopped my DVR because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing but you can definitely see the outline of Sally’s butt cheeks made more visible by the dark lines in the pattern of her outfit.  

I hade to laugh when Mariah told Ben to have a good flight back to Iowa City when Iowa City is most likely in driving distance from GC. 

It looks like Olive having dinner with her kids are not important after all.  In GC, work and kids are important until their not. 


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45 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Has there ever been a bigger buttinsky than Phyllis? 

Tara?  She eavesdrops and interrupts every single private conversation in the Abbott house. And she positions herself in the livingroom to observe all comings & goings, as Phyllis does hanging out in the lobby of the Grand Poobah.

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Yeesh, I still don't know how Harrison doesn't weigh 300 lbs., what with all the cookies and ice cream and brownies oh my! Tara and the Abbotts keep stuffing him with. 😒

Hmm, Stitch showing up at the Chancellor mansion unnannounced was interesting. Abby seemed a tad intrigued too. His questions about Chance felt rather pointed to me, as if he already knew the answers.

Ugh, they've already got Stitch drinking the Devon-as-sperm-donor koolaid. Sorry, Show. You can have the Pope, Queen Elizabeth, and Katherine Chancellor's ghost all say it's swell that Devon is willingly handing over his firstborn child to the Abbott/Newman/Chancellors and I'll still be giving it major side-eye. The optics are not great IMO, for historical reasons, and AFAIC the whole thing is utter bovine excrement.

Lol, Stitch asking Abby out on a date. My guy, at least wait until her husband is officially dead. Also, Stitch certainly made sure Abby knew his demonic child Max was no longer much of a factor in his life. All that's left is for Stitch to give Abby a copy of his semen analysis report. 😉

I kept waiting for Tara to offer to fix Kyle a plate. Because as soon as she did I was going to reach into the TV and grab her by the throat.

Wow, Nikki coming with the real talk to Victoria about how Ashland might be playing her. Too bad Vikki pooh-poohs the possibility. Either way, Ashland better hope Nikki isn't the one who figures out what he's really up to. Victor may be a great white shark but Nikki is a megalodon when it comes to protecting her family.

Yep, Stitch is up to something. That look he had after Mariah left the coffeehouse did not seem to confirm that he was returning to Iowa City. Bet he'll be moving into Kyle's newly vacated suite at the Goat Parcheesi. 😏

Just one drink, Jack? Yeah, that's how it always starts. As they used to say back in the day, looks like somebody's got your nose open--again--and her name is Red 2.0. 😻

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Phyllis!  Did you really say that emotionally you "stay in your lane?"  Oh please, do tell.  Was it "staying in your lane" when you drugged Danny, and made him think he'd slept with you?  Or when you changed your son's DNA to match Danny's and made him believe he was Daniel's father? 

At least Daniel got a loving father out of the deal as well as a cool Aunt Gina while all you ended up with was exactly what you hope Tara ends with from Kyle. 

Your certainly swerved out of "your lane emotionally" when you ran head first into Jack's brother Billy and collided with his bits and pieces.  Time and time and time again.

And you literally swerved out of your lane when you ran Paul and Christine down. 

Too bad Jack didn't push her directly into her "lane" right in front of Rex Ruggs. 

As for your DOTTER I don't see anything Tara is doing to her any worse than anything you've done in your first year in Genoa City.

It was satisfying to hear Jack tell her that he wasn't interested in talking to her about Nick.  As for Sally not being good for him, I fail to see how she could ever possibly be worse for him than she was.

Devon was a little bizarre today.  He seemed puzzled by Mariah being suspicious of Stitch showing up and then inviting Abby out to a party when bells were going off that something was up with the guy, and then he sorta challenged Abby saying she was happy. 

I wonder what Stitch is up to?  He made that comment about wanting to tell Chance about all the fun things for dads and sons to do - as if that's some deep mystery to the rest of the world - and then said that Max was basically lost to him.  Is going to kidnap Mariah or Abby or do something desperate to fill his empty life?  Is Show going to use an old character to give that group something to do besides bill and coo and act the fool, and in the process destroy ol' Stitch for good?

If so, at least give the guy a brownie for the road.

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I wonder what Stitch is up to?  He made that comment about wanting to tell Chance about all the fun things for dads and sons to do - as if that's some deep mystery to the rest of the world - and then said that Max was basically lost to him.  Is going to kidnap Mariah or Abby or do something desperate to fill his empty life? 

Aw geez, I hope they're not going to have Stitch kidnap Abby's baby, either before it's born or afterward. No! Don't ruin Stitch! I want him and Abby to have a miracle baby, dagnabbit.

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7 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Aw geez, I hope they're not going to have Stitch kidnap Abby's baby, either before it's born or afterward. No! Don't ruin Stitch! I want him and Abby to have a miracle baby, dagnabbit.

I agree, Joimiaroxeu.  I don't trust TIIC not to go for a cheap thrill and toss Stitch to the wolves.

Mariah's comments seem telling to me.

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32 minutes ago, boes said:

It was satisfying to hear Jack tell her that he wasn't interested in talking to her about Nick. 

It was nice they remembered that Jack has a personality. He hasn't said anything all that interesting in a while.


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I don't know if this has been addressed, and I haven't read through this whole page yet, but someone (too lazy to go back and see who it was, sorry) mentioned on the previous page that it was odd that Summer got a goodbye scene with Billy. Billy and Summer had a scene together a few months back when they were sharing a private jet ride together. Billy actually apologized for his shitty actions when he slept with Summer out of revenge. He seemed to show some real remorse for his heinous behavior. Which is why I think this goodbye scene wasn't as strange as others may have thought. 

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16 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Well, this is about her dotter!

This could be a drinking game.!
Personally, I could use a long break from her dotter. I hope Cryle moves on. He deserves Tara after the way he treated Lola.

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18 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

I was walking to the dining room and saw the tv in the living room and thought Oh, is that the new Chance. Then thought oh I know that bald head. Went for a closer inspection and yep, Caillou is back, for some reason. hahaHA. 


15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ugh, they've already got Stitch drinking the Devon-as-sperm-donor koolaid.

Why Joi, what a COLORFUL turn of phrase!! I can't get that image out of my head!🤣

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1 hour ago, jewel21 said:

I don't know if this has been addressed, and I haven't read through this whole page yet, but someone (too lazy to go back and see who it was, sorry) mentioned on the previous page that it was odd that Summer got a goodbye scene with Billy. Billy and Summer had a scene together a few months back when they were sharing a private jet ride together. Billy actually apologized for his shitty actions when he slept with Summer out of revenge. He seemed to show some real remorse for his heinous behavior. Which is why I think this goodbye scene wasn't as strange as others may have thought. 

Nostrils doesn’t do remorse. When he has to, he fakes remorse.  Revenge was only a guise. Nostrils saw an opportunity, that he probably wanted to do since Summer was 18, and he took it. Nostrils has the will power of Endora trying to stay out of other people’s business. 

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Did today’s show have to start off with a shirtless Nostrils?  Instant nausea 🤢. Than we see Mariah and Tessa and instantly the nausea goes away 🥰

Once again I have to ask; are there different time zones in GC?  At the Abbott house they are ready for bed. At Society, they are getting ready to close but CL is still open for business. That’s another thing confusing because Mariah was there to close up when she saw Ben for the second time. Now Ben is still there with Victor when Nikki shows up. Wouldn’t you think that’s it was well past Victor’s and Nikki’s bedtime?  Olive Oyl comes to Ashland’s room to discuss business like it was a side trip on her way home. 

I like Sally and Jack as friends or maybe more because they are admirable in their own way but make sense together. I prefer Kyle and Tara over Kyle and Summer mostly because Tara is calmer, cooler and collected and her voice is soothing where Summer is a flibbertigibbet and her voice is whiny.  But there is a way not to hear Summer’s voice for a while. Push her lips up against a wall and it would probably take a few hour for Summer to figure out how to get loose 😉

One other thing. Kyle not being the greatest of actors, seems to be elevating his game acting with Tara and at least for me, is much more likable.  Even if it was a daydreaming kissing Tara, Kyle is still a lousy kisser. 

There is one thing they are leaving out about the merger of Ashland and Olive Oyl , in business, is that they can’t unilaterally decide to merge on their own. I’m sure that they would need board approval and I believe Victor is still Chairman.  Now the merging of Ashland and Olive under the covers I’m all for it. Go Olive but technically Ashland is still committing adultery and will be until the divorce is finalized. Even though Ashland is growing on me, I still say that Ashland has cheated on Tara a heck of a lot more than Tara has cheated on Tara. Whose to say that Ashland may be a father somewhere else in the world.  



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20 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Aw geez, I hope they're not going to have Stitch kidnap Abby's baby, either before it's born or afterward. No! Don't ruin Stitch! I want him and Abby to have a miracle baby, dagnabbit.

I think his son-loco escaped and is obsessed with Abby. Stich is hanging around to protect her.


Come-on Kyle. Show some testicular fortitude. You don't have to kill Billy. Just tell Nick or Victor about him revenge screwing his niece. Their precious snowflake Summer. Victoria doesn't know either....and Lily. 

No that might be good

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21 minutes ago, crowsworks said:

Come-on Kyle. Show some testicular fortitude. You don't have to kill Billy. Just tell Nick or Victor about him revenge screwing his niece. Their precious snowflake Summer. Victoria doesn't know either....and Lily. 

No that might be good

Lily knows.  He told her when the two of them were stuck on that plane with Kyle and Summer.  After a few minutes of disapproval Lily was A-okay with it because, as we all know. ButtBiscuit has changed......


He has.

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Oy, Lily. Perfect? On his best day, Billy is a thin wrap of pale skin over a skeletal body. If that's what you consider perfection I feel sad for you. Guess life with Cane really wrecked your standards. 😞

I didn't recall Stitch and Victor being so chummy.

Wait, so it's still the same day? Why is Victor roaming around town so late? That rascal must've gotten off his chain again. 🙄

Ashland hangs around in his hotel suite fully dressed in a suit and tie. Okay.😑

Look at Stitch feeling Victor out about Abby's marriage. Bold move, fella. And did Stitch not ever meet Chance? Chance could come back at any time and kick his a$$ for trying to move on Abby.

Victoria is afraid of being outmaneuvered by daddy again and she's rushing things with Locke against her better judgment. Play-doh in Ashland's hands.

OMG, PUT ON A SHIRT, BILLY! My gag reflex can't take much more of the sight of your concave chest.

Kyle sure did react negatively to Tara's suggestion of warm milk for insomnia. Hey, milk does a body good, ya lactose intolerant twerp.

Sally certainly threw caution to the wind with Jack. I was almost scared for her. Looks like the risk paid off though. Jack just doesn't want to look too easy too soon.

Ashland said he wants to go out with a bang. I see you, playboy. 😉 But if you're looking to get boinked to literal death, Vikki probably isn't the one to bring that kind of energy and stamina.

Oh come on, Stitch is a stalker now? I hate you, MWTs! You can all kick rocks! (Meanwhile, there's hilarious speculation out on the soap interwebs that Stitch did some kind of switcheroo with Devon's IVF sperm deposit and the baby Mariah is carrying was actually his. Because he never got over the child he and Abby lost due to the miscarriage mad Max caused. I gotta admit, part of me wouldn't hate it. Abby is the OG product of sperm bank shenanigans so why not? 😈)

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Why is Victor roaming around town so late? 

OMG! He's one of those reverse vampires we've heard so much about!


Victoria is afraid of being outmaneuvered by daddy again and she's rushing things with Locke against her better judgment. Play-doh in Ashland's hands.

If she were more transparent, Lauren could make a dress out of her.

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Ashland to Victoria: spend the night with me.

victoria: sure, just as soon as you sign the merger papers 

okay so she didn’t say it out loud. But you know she was thinking it. But geez woman, could you possibly sound any more desperate? And do you really think Ashland can’t see right through you?

so stitch is the stalker? 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ashland said he wants to go out with a bang. I see you, playboy. 😉 But if you're looking to get boinked to literal death, Vikki probably isn't the one to bring that kind of energy and stamina.


Ashland actually wants to experience cumming and going at the same time 😜.  


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Regarding all these hard-driving, too notch, cutting edge media companies - they should all be in receivership by next Friday if they think their patrons are salivating to know about some relationship between two middle-aged business executives, or give a rats ass about the inner workings of Newman Twizzler and Buttonhooks Inc., NotaChanceInHell.com or Ashes to Asses Ltd.  These folks find themselves endlessly fascinating.

I guess Lily's next big story will be about the brain tumor she obviously has, because nothing else would even remotely explain her fascination with that half-naked catfish fillet of a ButtBiscuit.  He looked like a visual warning of what you could end up looking like if you overdosed on mayonnaise.

Uh Oh!  Looks like Stitch might be in the mood for a little kidnapping of sorts.  That's what a low carb diet can drive you to.  Get that man an Entemann's, STAT!

Unpopular Opinion ahead.  I like Jack and Sally.  Yeah, I know it will end badly but till then....

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So if all the spec above is on point - and why wouldn't it be because these MWTs cannot write their way out of a paper bag without taking the easiest route and broadcasting it from 10 story lines away - and if Stitch is back to kidnap Miranda and/or the babeeee, then my money's on the reveal that Max gets his mental health issues from Daddy and Stitch has mental health issues too now. Maybe? A random kid/babynapping story from him makes zero sense. Of course nuNewNooChance will have to swoop in and save the day, natch.

But I am SO DISAPPOINTED in you lot! Nobody mentioned the one scene that made me skin crawl nearly off my body whilst simultaneously laughing  - when PeePaw Longball Sack Hanger came into the room and saw Stitch and actually started sparring with him?!? OMG, I nearly snorted an entire sandwich out my nasal passages. That was the singularly most riDICKulous thing I've seen EB do in quite some time, and he's done a lot of really dumb shit over the years. I especially like how he thinks we can't see his PeePawPaunch because he's hiding it underneath a baggier Black T-Shirt Of Virility. No PeePaw, I see you, you old dick dangling fool! What chaps my ass though, is that they go to great pains to hide EBs aging paunch, and it is substantial in some scenes where his shirt inadvertently clings to it, and yet they're going out of their motherfucking way to dress MTS like Humpty Dumpty's wet dream. I mean come the fuck ON wardrobe?!? Stop putting her in sausage casing outfits cinched up with a WIDE ASS BELT positioned directly under her ample bosoms. Jesus H. Christ, you don't need to be Project Runway to know that shit doesn't work for her body type!

Okay, done ranting, carry on...

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Stop putting her in sausage casing outfits cinched up with a WIDE ASS BELT positioned directly under her ample bosoms. Jesus.

This drives me absolutely crazy. MTS is a beautiful, elegant woman but they dress her like a overripe, singles cruise social director.

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Ave y’all seen what they’re doing to Brooke on B&B? And to all of the other women? The men, of course, look very attractive in their suits and sport coats. Blech.

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PeePaw Longball Sack Hanger

I only regret that I have but one like to give for this description. Poor Nikki to have to deal with that nightmare.


Unpopular Opinion ahead.  I like Jack and Sally.  Yeah, I know it will end badly but till then....

Am right there in the UO corner with you. Jack needs to get him some and why not from a little firecrotch like Sally? She's not much different in social climbing ambition than Jill was back in the day, and I think she actually has marketable talent. (Jill was a nail technician but that really wasn't getting her very far in the world.) I think Jack and Sally make a striking couple, plus it'll drive Phyllis batty. Let's go!

When I was channel surfing yesterday I came across an early 80s Charlie's Angels episode where EB was the guest star. He played some kind of Svengali who was using a combination of computers and hypnosis to turn women into Stepford assassins to kill his business rivals. Near the end his character got into a fight with one of the Angels (who was not Farrah or one of the other ones people would commonly recognize. I don't who she was.) It was so funny to see a woman kicking his behind. What really struck me though was how much of that character came to embody Victor Newman.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I only regret that I have but one like to give for this description. Poor Nikki to have to deal with that nightmare.

Am right there in the UO corner with you. Jack needs to get him some and why not from a little firecrotch like Sally? She's not much different in social climbing ambition than Jill was back in the day, and I think she actually has marketable talent. (Jill was a nail technician but that really wasn't getting her very far in the world.) I think Jack and Sally make a striking couple, plus it'll drive Phyllis batty. Let's go!

When I was channel surfing yesterday I came across an early 80s Charlie's Angels episode where EB was the guest star. He played some kind of Svengali who was using a combination of computers and hypnosis to turn women into Stepford assassins to kill his business rivals. Near the end his character got into a fight with one of the Angels (who was not Farrah or one of the other ones people would commonly recognize. I don't who she was.) It was so funny to see a woman kicking his behind. What really struck me though was how much of that character came to embody Victor Newman.

I saw an old Hawaii 5-0 once where he played an international assassin, too hush hush even for the CIA. He was very sinister. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What really struck me though was how much of that character came to embody Victor Newman.

The only character EB seems to play is himself, regardless of the role.

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On 7/2/2021 at 7:32 PM, peacheslatour said:

Like father, like daughter.

Absolutely!  Now that Ashland is contemplating life extending treatment wouldn’t you think that Ashland would hold off the merger?  Olive Oyl wants her cake and eat Ashland also.  

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On 7/1/2021 at 1:11 PM, Gam2 said:

Has there ever been a bigger buttinsky than Phyllis? Maybe Brooke from B&B?

Oh, Katie gives the two of them a run for their money!

I feel bad for Will as a teen: Either Katie is going to be an even bigger helicopter parent than Stephanie or so up other people's ass passing moral judgement that she ignores his needs.

On 7/2/2021 at 3:48 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Oy, Lily. Perfect? On his best day, Billy is a thin wrap of pale skin over a skeletal body. If that's what you consider perfection I feel sad for you. Guess life with Cane really wrecked your standards. 😞

Seriously, who would've thought Lily's romantic life would peak with the guy she married at 18 (17?) who ended up leaving her because of his porn addition for Amber fecking Moore?


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Seriously, who would've thought Lily's romantic life would peak with the guy she married at 18 (17?) who ended up leaving her because of his porn addition for Amber fecking Moore?

I think Lily is easily the most beautiful woman on Show right now. Why do they keep sticking her with utter losers all the time?

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4 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I think Lily is easily the most beautiful woman on Show right now. Why do they keep sticking her with utter losers all the time?

Granted, I haven't watched in a while but pickings were pretty slim. The only man I still unironically enjoy on screen is Jack and he's spoken for.

They've truly wasted so much of her potential.

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Granted, I haven't watched in a while but pickings were pretty slim. The only man I still unironically enjoy on screen is Jack and he's spoken for.

No he is not. He basically told Sally to fuck off. I think he's too old for Lily though. Maybe she could suddenly realize the reason she picks horrible men is because she's been a self denying lesbian all these years and she could have a triangle with Mariah and Tessa. I can't think of a single male character that has any sex appeal at all.

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He basically told Sally to fuck off

Ehhh, no he didn't. He agreed that there wouldn't be any harm in continuing to get together for drinks as friends. I think if he didn't want to have anything to do with her he would not have given an inch. She seemed to see it as an opening, small though it was.

There's a lot going on with Lily bts. Allegedly CK will only agree to certain pairings and at least one of the "acceptable" people is unlikely to allow their character to be paired with Lily. For reasons.


Maybe she could suddenly realize the reason she picks horrible men is because she's been a self denying lesbian all these years

If YR ever went with that narrative I'd probably stop watching. I don't want to see sexual orientation portrayed a switch that gets flipped because of bad luck or disappointment or bitterness whatever. If Lily's bisexual so be it but no to her using women as consolation prizes. AFAIC, YR's been treading close to that line with Mariah and Tessa. IMO that's probably why the show hasn't let them get married despite how long they've been a couple.

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20 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ehhh, no he didn't. He agreed that there wouldn't be any harm in continuing to get together for drinks as friends. I think if he didn't want to have anything to do with her he would not have given an inch. She seemed to see it as opening, small though it was.

There's a lot going on with Lily bts. Allegedly CK will only agree to certain pairings and at least one of the "acceptable" people is unlikely to allow their character to be paired with Lily. For reasons.

If YR ever went with that narrative I'd probably stop watching. I don't want to see sexual orientation portrayed a switch that gets flipped because of bad luck or disappointment or bitterness whatever. If Lily's bisexual so be it but no to her using women as consolation prizes. AFAIC, YR's been treading close to that line with Mariah and Tessa. IMO that's probably why the show hasn't let them get married despite how long they've been a couple.

I didn't mean that at all. I've known gay men who were married to complete shrews and nobody could figure out why. After they finally came out they told me they had been so conditioned to feel ashamed of who they were, they didn't feel entitled to any happiness.  I meant no offense. I'm sorry.

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On 7/2/2021 at 10:41 PM, boes said:

Regarding all these hard-driving, too notch, cutting edge media companies - they should all be in receivership by next Friday if they think their patrons are salivating to know about some relationship between two middle-aged business executives, or give a rats ass about the inner workings of Newman Twizzler and Buttonhooks Inc., NotaChanceInHell.com or Ashes to Asses Ltd.  These folks find themselves endlessly fascinating.

I guess Lily's next big story will be about the brain tumor she obviously has, because nothing else would even remotely explain her fascination with that half-naked catfish fillet of a ButtBiscuit.  He looked like a visual warning of what you could end up looking like if you overdosed on mayonnaise.

Uh Oh!  Looks like Stitch might be in the mood for a little kidnapping of sorts.  That's what a low carb diet can drive you to.  Get that man an Entemann's, STAT!

Unpopular Opinion ahead.  I like Jack and Sally.  Yeah, I know it will end badly but till then....

(Oh, boesy...there needs to be a warning label on your posts.  WARNING:  Do not consume beverages while reading the following.  Primetimer, Inc. is not responsible for damage to devices caused by snort laughing.)

I like Jally, too.  In his romantic pairings, Jack is usually so soapily sappy, and he moves at lightning speed with the grand gestures and declarations of love.  I don't think he's been with anyone since that Carrie woman, and she was just playing him.  He seems different with Sally.  Maybe the whole ordeal with Dina's illness and death, along with his disastrous relationship history, have made him just want to live in the moment.  It's like he knows being with her probably would be a bad idea in the practical sense, but he doesn't seem to care.  Whatever it is, PB is hitting all the right beats, and he really seems at ease and lights up around her in a way I haven't noticed in a long time, maybe since Emily.  I get that Sally isn't everyone's cup of tea, and the writing for her is often as bad as it was at the end of her B&B run, but I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.  

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9 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

(Oh, boesy...there needs to be a warning label on your posts.  WARNING:  Do not consume beverages while reading the following.  Primetimer, Inc. is not responsible for damage to devices caused by snort laughing.)

I like Jally, too.  In his romantic pairings, Jack is usually so soapily sappy, and he moves at lightning speed with the grand gestures and declarations of love.  I don't think he's been with anyone since that Carrie woman, and she was just playing him.  He seems different with Sally.  Maybe the whole ordeal with Dina's illness and death, along with his disastrous relationship history, have made him just want to live in the moment.  It's like he knows being with her probably would be a bad idea in the practical sense, but he doesn't seem to care.  Whatever it is, PB is hitting all the right beats, and he really seems at ease and lights up around her in a way I haven't noticed in a long time, maybe since Emily.  I get that Sally isn't everyone's cup of tea, and the writing for her is often as bad as it was at the end of her B&B run, but I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.  

But why does it have to be her. Bleh.

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