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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Caleb doesn't have to poop because all the food gets stored in his enlarged heart.


Here's a link to a page on Reddit with a list of Caleb's "Achievements."  Hilarious! 



OK, I pretty much had one of the most shit days/nights ever after messing with jalapenos, which set my hands ablaze for 9 hours and counting, but these two posts have given me life! What a delusional nutbag. I don't understand the restraint the houseguests have with him. This type of outright lying would provoke me. 

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LMAO!  I just broke down and read the list.  I think I would laugh at most everything except West Point, but I would call him on every....single....thing but in a way that would encourage him to continue.  Has he really ever been in the army, because that list would cause me to question everything he ever said.

I have one to add to the list. Caleb just said the police pulled him over in the parking lot of a Taco Bell just to compliment him on his bad ass truck. Apparently, they asked him how much he paid for it and he said that he lied (what?!) and told them he did it all himself. I took that to mean he created the vehicle himself out of thin air.


ETA: Forgot to mention he said Taco Bell is the ONLY fast food he eats. He has standards y'all!

Edited by Marie80
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I have one to add to the list. Caleb just said the police pulled him over in the parking lot of a Taco Bell just to compliment him on his bad ass truck. Apparently, they asked him how much he paid for it and he said that he lied (what?!) and told them he did it all himself. I took that to mean he created the vehicle himself out of thin air.


ETA: Forgot to mention he said Taco Bell is the ONLY fast food he eats. He has standards y'all!


So Christie gets out of tickets because she is so hot, and the cops are pulling Caleb over just to ask him about his bad ass truck.  What in the world is going on with the cops these days??

Haven't looked at that list yet, but is "worst joke teller ever" on there?   Oh wait, nvm.  Its a list of lies, not things he actually is/does.

I'm sure he was "this close" to being on Seinfeld, but then he just decided he didn't want to be on that show, or they decided that he was so funny he would outshine the rest of the cast to they decided not to use him.

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How disappointing to wake up to this news. I guess Christine will just tell Nicole that they can rally the votes to get Zach out so she won't use the veto. I feel bad for Nicole since she at least showed some fight with her plan to BD Frankie. After all of this, I hope that as soon as Cody and Derrick talk to her about voting to keep Zach, she'll understand where she really stands within the house and that she, Hayden, and Donny can pull out wins during DE. I'll root for anyone to win upcoming HOHs other than the detonaters.

I see Derrick is working his magic. I don't like what he's doing, and I think he is making the wrong decision not to break up Zach and Frankie, but I have to admire his technique. Best was, "I might have to out you (Nic) and Hay up for BOB just so it won't look like we are working together. It's weird to me how they all (esp. Derrick & Christine) are so worked up about Donny and think he has some sort of special influence on others etc.

Oh well, I usually don't like the people who get to the end because they are usually the nastiest people. Derrick has been given a way to further his game, but I guess because it's a girl who has done it, he can't trust her or go along with it. Nicole can be dumped at anytime. Frankie and Zach will be much more difficult to eliminate.

Edited by Stinamaia
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Yeah, with Derrick apparently flipping back to the Detonators and Christine winning POV, it's Jocasta leaving for sure. While I agree she's useless in this game, I just don't care. I want the power people down a member. I want the people who haven't felt the heat to feel the heat. I want to see splinters in alliances. Jocasta leaving does absolutely nothing for my entertainment.


This. Sigh. This season refuses to be entertaining.


We'll see this week just how good Derrick is. If he can actually convince Hayden/Nicole that they need to keep Zach and get rid of Jocasta, then I'll have to begrudgingly accept that he is 100% the best player there. However, if he can't, he is probably (hopefully) a bit fucked because Donny/Hayden/Nicole will know they're on the outs for sure and I think they're probably better competitors than Derrick.


This week could still maybe be interesting. If Nicole/Hayden realize that Derrick/Cody/Zach/Frankie/Christine are together (which I mean damn they really should now) then there's a great chance that a Detonator could go in DE if anyone but them wins HOH. Or maybe Derrick will finally lose some power and Zach will actually get voted out.


Is there any chance Nicole will put up Donny? I hope not.


I mean there's definitely a chance it could happen. It's gonna depend of Derrick, like everything has this entire season. If Hayden/Nicole are dumb and continue to let Derrick control the game and if Derrick decides he wants to take a shot at Donny now, then it might happen. But I'm holding out hope that this week will fuck Derrick with Donny/Hayden/Nicole.

Edited by peachmangosteen


So Christie gets out of tickets because she is so hot, and the cops are pulling Caleb over just to ask him about his bad ass truck.  What in the world is going on with the cops these days??


What the hell is in those donuts and can I get several dozen to drop off at the local police station?

Edited by Scout Finch
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I would have loved to see Frankie go. But it's pretty clear he's Grodner's pet this year and she wants him to win. He is being treated like a pampered princess and pretty sure he made a deal with the show to be treated as such. Too bad Grodner doesn't realize how unpopular Frankie is with the BB fans. The more she pushes him on the fans, the more he is hated. I guess all they want at the end is Ariana Grande's brother for the publicity.

Frankie and his edit is more and more reminding me Boogie's bitch, Frank. They are both just as nasty.

The best thing for Derdick's game is to get rid of Frankie. But the good little soldier he is will do as he is told. Can't wait until Frankie is the one to evict him.

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I gather from reading updates from last night that the order of events was:

1. Diary Room tells Derrick that if he gets rid of Frankie, then he doesn't get Team America $$ anymore. I think this is very important to Derrick as he is clearly there for $$ and not screwing around. Derrick couldn't give a fuck about making big moves because the status quo leans heavily in his favor.

2. This causes Derrick to further evaluate their numbers and decide they need Zach and that the Detonators are actually sitting pretty. He also mentioned to Frankie how it's important to keep Zach to use as the puppet in TAFY missions. Not sure if DR planted that seed.

3. Derrick wants Zach to stay, ergo, Zach will stay.

Nicole still wants Zach out and she hasn't gotten to plead her case with her allies much. She did talk to Derrick who tried to convince her Zach is after Victoria. That should have been a huge red flag for Nicole. We will see today what her and Hayden talk about.

Jocasta will go. It absolutely helps Derrick's game for her to be evicted first because she's a certain vote for Donny going forward and he can get a clearer shot at Donny. I wouldn't be surprised if Jocasta and Donny are out the door Thursday night. And I wouldn't be unhappy about it.

Frankie is annoying a lot of the time but he's undeniably entertaining. I don't think he's hated by the viewers the way that Frank and Boogie were.

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Jocasta will go. It absolutely helps Derrick's game for her to be evicted first because she's a certain vote for Donny going forward and he can get a clearer shot at Donny. I wouldn't be surprised if Jocasta and Donny are out the door Thursday night. And I wouldn't be unhappy about it.

Frankie is annoying a lot of the time but he's undeniably entertaining. I don't think he's hated by the viewers the way that Frank and Boogie were.

I wouldn't say I hate Frankie, but he is incredibly distasteful to me and Zach is even more distasteful.

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Grodner crafted the show so Evel Dick would win and now she is sticking her heavy hand in to make sure Frankie goes to the end. The DR sessions are totally scripted and the show is partially manipulated and I call bullshit on all of this.


The problem is that production thinks the audience is stupid. All you have to do is look at that bouncing Chenbot to realize the show is fake. And by the way, Julie looks awful with that long hair. 


I don't like Frankie at all. He is all "shtik" and a little bit of a poseur. Donny is the only genuine person with integrity who I admire on this show.

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Frankie is ranked 14 out of 16 in the Joker's HG poll. Caleb and Christine are lower. I'd say most fans think he's more than distasteful and annoying.

Donny, Zack and Nicole are the top three. Zack is rated high, he will be a goner cuz we like him. < sarcasm >.


I'm curious about the feeling of most fans who are casual or regular watchers of the broadcast show only.  In my opinion, the view of those people is often radically different from the view of those who monitor the feeds.  I'll bet the producers are far more concerned about how most CBS watchers feel and Frankie may not rank so low among them.

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My husband only watches the show and he finds Frankie insufferable. "Too much" is how he describes him. Zach is his favorite, so OTT personalities are not generally a turn off, Frankie is just obnoxious.

He's from Michigan, so he was originally cheering for Nicole, but I think her personality turned him off. Oh he likes Cody too for his random asides that get put on the show. Cody's edit is actually pretty decent. I mean, he's a coward on the show, but there's only so much editing can do.

I agree, networker. Frankie probably isn't one of the least favorite HGs among the general viewership. I don't think he'll win America's Favorite, though-I'm guessing Donny or Zach have a better shot at that. However I think Frankie is more likely to end up on an All-Stars edition than Donny.

The only outright casting misfire this season, in my opinion, has been Jacosta. I notice there is nowhere near the criticism this season for Robyn Kass (casting) and Grodner that there had been in previous seasons.

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I gather from reading updates from last night that the order of events was:

1. Diary Room tells Derrick that if he gets rid of Frankie, then he doesn't get Team America $$ anymore. I think this is very important to Derrick as he is clearly there for $$ and not screwing around. Derrick couldn't give a fuck about making big moves because the status quo leans heavily in his favor.


Doesn't this also apply to Donny?  I realize he turned down last week's TA mission, but Derrick did reluctantly go along with that.  Donny was the first picked for TA, so if the Diary Room feels that strongly that TA remain intact, that should also include Donny.  


My husband thinks Frankie is hilarious and I can't stand him.  He can't stand Zach and I like him.  Obviously reading on here does impact my view of Frankie, but even on the show I can't stand him anymore.  Zach, Nicole and Donny are the only three I really like.  I can tolerate Cody, but I'm tired of seeing both Cody and Derrick just skate by week after week.  If these hamsters don't figure out soon that Derrick and Frankie are running the house, then they deserve where the chips may fall.


Agree that Jocasta needs to leave ASAP.  It doesn't matter if she's a vote for Donny.  He won't make the final two at this point.  I just wish we knew if the two eliminated this week will be going to jury.  

I meant to say Donny was the first on TA after Joey was eliminated.  

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I'm curious about the feeling of most fans who are casual or regular watchers of the broadcast show only.  In my opinion, the view of those people is often radically different from the view of those who monitor the feeds.  I'll bet the producers are far more concerned about how most CBS watchers feel and Frankie may not rank so low among them.

I think that with some exceptions (Dick being the most notable) the show-only audience on a whole is usually pretty similar to the feeds audience actually. At least in my experience it has been.


@LGGirl, please educate your daughters about how terrible Caleb is!

The best time to get rid of Frankie is in a DE because Production can't save him then, but I don't know if these HGs recognize that he is Production's horse. I bet Derrick does. Ugh, fucking TA ruined this season. Frankie would've been targeted way earlier if he hadn't been TA with Derrick. I'm pissed we're never gonna get Derrick vs. Frankie.

I think Donny is done with all this shit, so I wish he'd just tell everyone he was in TA in an effort to fuck over Frankie/Derrick. Oh right, I forgot, they changed the rules of TA for the 100th time to protect Frankie, so Donny would be fucked too. I say he should do it anyway!

ETA: It's almost 1 pm BBT, they need to force these assholes to wake up and entertain me! They need to start issuing punishments for disregarding the wake-up calls.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Gotta give Nicole props for this thought:  She's thinking of telling Christine that if she uses the veto that she will put up Donny but instead put up Frankie.  Sometimes I wish these folks wouldn't think out loud and just do it.  Because if Production really wants Frankie to stay, then they will influence Christine.



Loved Big Brother putting Frankie on blast.


From Jokers:

Frankie leaves WC without washing his hands. BB voice: "Did you wash your hands?" Jo & Chris laugh. Frankie says he didn't touch his dick, but turns around and washes his hands anyway.

Edited by duskyliterati
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Nicole pretty much immediately decided not to do that though, because she doesn't want to get blood on her hands. Idiot. I am gonna laugh so hard at Nicole when Jocasta gets evicted.

Hayden keeps reassuring her Zach will go. Does he honestly believe this? I thought he was smarter than that. Maybe he's BSing her, but that seems dumb, too. Although he's the one that told her Zach is gonna come after her and then said he'd use veto to save Zach. Hayden is SO sketchy and, sadly, he's an idiot.

There is like zero chance Derrick won't win this game. Sigh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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While I would love for Nicole to pull the bait and switch, I'm fine with her being to afraid to pull that move. That's a 'dickish' move very few people could get away with in this game without putting a target on themselves. Especially since the perception in the house is that she and Christine are BFFs. This would draw a huge line in the sand and make her a big target. I know she has to think that Jacosta leaving is a possibility, which sucks for her game, but I can't really hate on her for believing Derrick and Cody, or Hayden believing in them, for that matter. They're very believable. And those two don't get to see what I see on the feeds.

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I am extremely pissed off (though not surpised) that TPTB are pulling this crap.  And for no good reason; it doesn't even jibe with what fan polls are indicating.  The Jokers poll was mentioned above.  Here is one from OnlineBigBrother:


BB16 Favourite 3 House guests after 5th eviction
Donny  23.36%
Nicole  17.93%
Hayden  14.44%
Derrick  13.67%
Zach  9.96%
Cody  6.96%
Frankie  5.38%
Caleb  2.19%
Dawg  1.75%
Jocasta  1.71%
Christine  1.4%
Victoria  1.23%


Three of the top four favourites in both polls:  Donny, Nicole, Hayden, who also happen to be my favourites (given what we have to work with).  Frankie, not even in the top six.  My only hope is that production will continue to pull strings for Frankie and screw Derrick out of the win in the end.


And no idea who Dawg is.

Edited by Newbietunes
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I don't actually like anyone, which I have to say makes the show/feeds much easier to watch. But it also keeps me form being invested in any real way and that makes me sad.

I feel like I need to just give up on anything interesting or entertaining happening. I mean it hasn't happen for the first 6 weeks, why would it now?

And I can't even look forward to when Detonators have to turn on each other because Derrick will probably convince everyone that it's what the house wants and they'll all just accept being voted out.

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Honestly Nicole is fucked if she doesn't convince Christine to use the veto so her being fucked if she does is inconsequential really. And at this point, these people need to start taking some risks because none of them have a chance to win. I guess they don't see it though. They're all very, deeply dumb.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The thing is they have to live with each other 24/7 and we don't. If Nicole pulled that Frankie backdoor then Zach would probably go on a rampage and do everything he could to embarrass her on Thursday night. She's already spoken about how much she hates the live show and is terrified at the thought of being the focus of attention. She simply doesn't have the courage to pull this off. I'm glad her HoH will be "wasted" on Jocasta. She whines way too much.

Edited by TimWil

Yea, they're all just weak, passive players. Combine that with the two terrible twists and it's no wonder this is the most boring season. BB12 was more entertaining than this mess.


ETA: One of the photobooth fan pics is of a teenage looking Bieber look-a-like and Frankie licked the picture. He is disgusting and embarrassing.


ETAA: I hope Nicole or Hayden go second in DE. At least I'll get a laugh outta that. But it's totally gonna be Donny because this season refuses to give me anything I want.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Christine is very much like Caleb in one way. Caleb latches onto his "phrases", like at the end of the day, don't bite the hand that feeds you, etc., and he repeats them constantly. Christine is no better. You could replace her with a recording of "That's sooo funny!" and "It's sooo weird!" and "That's sooo scary!" and it would be like she was still there! Sure, if she were gone, Cody would miss his scalp massages, but we'd be free of her laugh every 2.4 seconds on the feeds.

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I'm rooting for Nicole, Hayden and Donny, and rooting against the Detonators, so I'm basing everything I want to see happening in the house simply on that, nothing more. At the end of the day (hee), I'll forget about all of these people by October. I'd like to be excited about DE on Thursday, but quite frankly, nothing will ever beat Jeff's clown shoe eviction.

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Does anyone know if Victoria and Hayden really did hook up?

I don't think they did, but I'm not 100% sure. I think Christine just makes up lies to Nicole to get her to do what she wants her to do. Earlier, she told Nicole that Zach told her and Frankie that Hayden was his #1 target and I don't recall him ever saying that either. But, again, I can't be 100% sure as I may have missed something.


Bottom line, Christine sucks. Her husband announced yesterday that he's taking a break from Twitter. I guess he finally got tired of being made a fool of, but he's still insisting that Christine's overt flirting with Cody is just part of her game strategy. Okayyyy.


Forgot to add Christine's husband looks like a male version of her, or should I say male-r version.

Edited by Marie80
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It finally happened.  This season's spell over me was broken last night.  Got up today, played around outside, cleaned my house and finished a book.  Didn't think once about it until now to check in here to see if anything was happening.  And, nope. Didn't even watch the episode tonight.


I know I will keep tabs (for the updates, but more for the entertainment provided by all of you), but unless something exciting happens in the DE (and my standards for exciting have been reduced to anything other than the most predictable thing happening), I'm not sure how much of the feeds I'll watch going forward. 


On the one hand, I want to be sucked back into the feeds again; on the other, for my health and sanity, I hope Derrick continues to dominate the game and earns his seemingly well-deserved (up to this point) victory.


Cheers for now.


Apparently Derrick is back to wanting Zach out now. Yay!


And of course, just when I thought I was out.....


Part of me though, without looking, assumes that Derrick is just assuaging whoever he was talking to at the moment, so I very much assume that he's keeping Zach..... you know whats coming.....at the end of the day.

Edited by pennben
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And that he had two friends who wore condoms and got their one night stands pregnant. In the same month. Which was also two months ago. Oh, Caleb.

So I feel an actual emotion of sadness about Zach going home, which means he should really just go home for my own mental health. I'm a damn scientist. Get it together.

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Oooffff...I've been trolling twitter, and I think what has happened is that Christine told Cody the she (Christine) and Frankie know about The Three Amigos (a/k/a Cody, Derrick and Zach's final three deal).  If this is true, well, I believe that Derrick could blow the whole thing out of the water and turn on Zach, cause ain't nobody go out quicker than somebody that figured out Derrick's game.


Can someone else confirm?


P.S.  I hate myself for relapsing. 

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If/when Donny does get evicted, I console myself with the thought that it's incredibly likely he will win the $25,000 prize that America votes on.


    You're assuming that America actually gets to vote for the 25k prize. Is there anyone who doesn't think that BB14 Frank got America's Prize because it was Grodner's Choice?


    Although he probably will win, because the actual pet, Frankie, doesn't have the "he's unemployed!" sob fact that BB14 Frank did.

Oooffff...I've been trolling twitter, and I think what has happened is that Christine told Cody the she (Christine) and Frankie know about The Three Amigos (a/k/a Cody, Derrick and Zach's final three deal).  If this is true, well, I believe that Derrick could blow the whole thing out of the water and turn on Zach, cause ain't nobody go out quicker than somebody that figured out Derrick's game.


Can someone else confirm?


P.S.  I hate myself for relapsing. 


I haven't watched the feeds (or shows) or checked updates for about a week and a half now, so I can't confirm.


Honestly can't say I've felt like I'm missing out.  Unless Derrick is given the boot before the F5, this game will remain utterly predictable and boring. 


And as untruthfully stupid as he is, Caleb is an actual 'highlight' for viewers/update followers because he provides embarrassingly easy mocking material.

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For me, Caleb is the whole show right now.  I think Donny is a lovely person and I would be very happy if he won, but he doesn't rivet me with his bird calls.  Whenever Caleb is on the screen, I am waiting for something to come out of his mouth that pleases me.  Tonight, he said that he's not worried about what happens on Double Eviction night because he's planning on winning HoH.  He's SO serious!  I was holding my breath for him to finish that off with an "it's that simple", but I guess he's changing things up or forgot to add it like he usually does to his powerful statements of power. 


The few minutes I saw of Zack tonight he was gross, saying something about how great it would be if BB called him and the others he was talking to into the storage room and told them they had 15 minutes with the naked women (and men for Frankie) waiting inside for them to have sex with.  Sometimes his immaturity is disgusting, and I'm just so very, very tired of his nipples. 

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