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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Does anyone know what exactly BB's policy is re inappropriate touching because I think Caleb kissing Amber while she is sleeping should have gotten him kicked out of the house immediately. At the very least, she should have the right to request it once she found out about it. That seems like a serious violation and possible liability issues for the show.


I don't watch the feeds, (I just rely on you wonderful folk,) but the thought going through my head is that, if I was Amber's family, I'd be looking into seeing if I could get assault charges filed against Caleb.  California has got to be one of those states with outrageously misinterpretable laws.


So what's the general consensus on Cody? Gay? Straight? Bi? I can't figure it out. Not that it matters, but as long as we're eavesdropping...

I would say straight (although Jocasta doesn't agree). That said, he is extremely comfortable cuddling with anyone who gets in proximity, male or female. I can barely stand to watch him on the feeds these days because he is a walking catalog of physical and verbal tics. He is constantly stroking his cheeks, picking and chewing at his fingernails and shifting his eyes from side to side - at least when he's not fondling his junk. I also know far more than I care to about his abundant pubic hair and hemorrhoids. 

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I think my favorite part is Nicole saying to Cody, "oh my gosh, he just said Beastmode piece of shit". Well, that and Derrick and Cody sprinting upstairs in full panic.



Honestly, watching the two scurry up like panicked gazelles was the funniest part. All you see is Derrick run full speed into frame and Cody tripping on the stairs, while Zach's laughing his ass off. I kind of wish it went on longer, because I can honestly say that's the funniest moment I've seen on the feeds this season, and might be the best prank I've seen. It's super harmless, Zach gets to actually tell the truth (mostly) without Caleb thinking it's serious and it's all in good fun.


More fake fights, please!

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So according to Frankie and Derrick's last talk, the plan is to backdoor Amber.  However, Frankie is going to talk to Caleb and if he objects and fights it they're going to backdoor him instead.  Here's to hoping Caleb throws a fit!

If they go with Plan #2, TPTB better beef up security around the Jury House. The moment Amber gets sent there, Bambi will be trying to break in.

I think the strangest thing about Cody is him saying how he had so much trouble getting hard with girls for a long time, and that he can't stay hard with a condom on. I just don't think it's very healthy that a 23 year old has so much trouble with erections. And him talking about Brittany being so hot and wondering "if she is a good kisser," just seems to me, and maybe because I'm a slut, something a teenager would say. It's just sad if he is gay and can't admit it to himself, so for that reason I hope he is just straight and loves to dress trendy.

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I'm loving this conversation between Zach and Victoria.

Jokers: 07/26/14 07:56 PM


Zach: "Do you think I gained a lot of Instagram followers?"

Vic: "No, and your mother must not be very happy with you." "Do it to guys, but don't do it to girls. Because how would you like if people talked to your mother like that? Be a character, but not with disrespect."
Zach: Is calling someone a fruit loop dingus really so bad?


Zach: "Why am I like this? I don't know why I'm like this!" Zach seems a little guilty about it. But then laughs.

Vic: "Jenn City's gonna come after you. You think that's funny?"
Zach: "Kinda!


Vic: "They say that people who are mean to people have big insecurities."

Zach: "I honestly felt bad for a little bit.

Vic: "How could you not apologize?!"
Zach says he's better with Christine now.

Vic saying she's not talking about BB, she's talking about the outside world?
Zach says he's probably getting drinks thrown in his face at the finale party.
Zach says he justifies it by saying he doesn't care if people don't like him.

Vic: "Think of your mom when you want to do something mean."
Zach talking about how all his mom's friends are watching b/c they sent out an email alert. "You're making me feel so bad! But that's OK - I need to feel bad!"
Vic: "Do you want to disappoint your parents?"
Zach: "No, that's the last thing I want to do."
Vic: "Well that's what you're doing! What do you think your mom's friends are saying about?"
Zach: "He's hilarious!"
Vic: "No."


Vic: "You never know what your last day on his earth is going to be. You don't want to be known for yelling at women." 


Zach saying he knows he's an azzhole.

Vic: "Don't you want to be loved by people?"

Zach: "I'm loved by the people I care about."
Vic says in life, people are the only thing that matter.
Zach says he appreciates this talk.

Edited by TexasChic
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So what's the general consensus on Cody? Gay? Straight? Bi? I can't figure it out. Not that it matters, but as long as we're eavesdropping... 

I could have sworn I heard a conversation with Frankie about this and his opinion was Cody was gay but not out and that he (Frankie) wasn't going to do anything about it either way.   Personally, I have no earthly idea but if pressed I'd put my money on somewhere on the spectrum closer to gay than straight. 


If they go with Plan #2, TPTB better beef up security around the Jury House. The moment Amber gets sent there, Bambi will be trying to break in.

Is this the last week the evicted hg goes home and not to jury?   Or do I have that wrong? 

Edited by Cosmocrush

I'm not a Frankie fan, but damn. Talking about how the viewers wouldn't like it if the house voted out the "poor grieving child" before the "demon" Zach and how no one would watch anymore if that happened. The sad thing is, Frankie and Derrick are pretty much sitting pretty for at least an extra week. I mean I feel for them and all, I've lost close family and I know how much it sucks, but I hate how this is going to impact the game. Someone please grow some balls, grow some sense, and backdoor the "poor grieving child".

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Ok, I have to admit to not knowing something, and its bugging the shit outta me.... what the F is "Jenn City"??

It refers to a  S14 hg named Jenn who was a guitarist from Brooklyn who went (goes?) by the name Jenn-City although that's not her real last name.    Here is a picture.  She was a tatted up floater in the game so I'm guessing that's why Zach used the reference on Christine although I'm not sure Jenn would appreciate it. 


Oops, @TexasChic beat me to it. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Thanks for the help, TexasChic and Cosmocrush.   I was pretty sure it was a reference to a past HG, but was just going on blind assumption until now.

So help me if Christine belches into her mic one more time.


or blows her nose into it... or does that laugh-that-turns-into-a-pig-snort into it....

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

At least Zach is aware of his actions and how people might perceive them. Most people in this house just blame other people and don't look at their own actions and words, and how they can be hurtful. Zach tries hard to be mean, but honestly all I see is him trying too hard. Usually his insults are funny and kind of cute, and he never actually full out insults people. He just says 'oh I hate this person. I just really hate them' and the occasional reason like 'I knew girls like her' or 'she doesn't do anything!'. That's why I appreciate Zach more than others.

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Is this the last week the evicted hg goes home and not to jury?   Or do I have that wrong?

I believe that's correct. If Caleb is evicted pre-Jury and Amber goes into the JH, you just know Caleb is going to drive himself crazy/crazier with nightmares of what Amber and Cody might be doing if they get sequestered in Jury together....

  • Love 3

Thank you, everyone, for the hilarious Zach highlights. Other than Donny (the only person I can in good conscience say I want to win the game), he's the only other one I strongly want to stay. I KNOW I should hate him, find him immature, even borderline misogynistic, an asshole, etc. but I just can't. He's too damn entertaining. And he really does feel like a naughty dog (noted earlier in the thread) - so full of energy, strangely looking to please (the viewers?), while also prone to digging up the flowerbeds and shitting on the carpet.


There was a convo at least a week ago where Zach said he wanted to punch "her" in the face (don't even remember what lucky female that was), and Frankie told him you shouldn't say that. But then Frankie went on to say instead, in his weird British accent, something about how he should instead say "I want to pull out my dick and jizz on your nose." (?!?) This was NOT the exact wording (maybe someone else recalls this), but it was something so strangely sexualized, and imo far more offensive than Zach's original statement.


Now I don't know if I'm trying to excuse Zach's sometimes anti-social behavior, but I wonder if some of the types of comments he makes would be as offensive coming from the mouth of a woman. I sure know I've wanted to hit quite a few people in my days - and have vocalized this on occasion - so is that any more forgivable because of my gender, the "weaker sex"? Are general statements of violence automatically more offensive if they're from male to female than vice versa?


I also had a different reaction to his exchange with Victoria from a couple days ago where Zach asked if they'd go on a date outside of the house. Victoria said only if he'd apologize to her parents for the way he's behaved. Zach came back with "so that's a no, then - haha!" I found that hilarious! Why the hell should he apologize to her parents? I can understand how in some cultures that would be the correct and respectful thing to do, but personally I find it archaic (and misplaced - she didn't say to apologize to HER), and appreciate that Zach has no filter.


I'll definitely miss him if he leaves the house.


*ETA: I was writing as jessied112 posted!

Edited by Dewey Decimate
  • Love 3


Thank you, everyone, for the hilarious Zach highlights. Other than Donny (the only person I can in good conscience say I want to win the game), he's the only other one I strongly want to stay. I KNOW I should hate him, find him immature, even borderline misogynistic, an asshole, etc. but I just can't. He's too damn entertaining. And he really does feel like a naughty dog (noted earlier in the thread) - so full of energy, strangely looking to please (the viewers?), while also prone to digging up the flowerbeds and shitting on the carpet.

That how I feel about him as well. He's like a bad little toddler – you shake your head and can't help but laugh.

Edited by TexasChic
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See, Caleb's crazy ass behavior is why they should target him instead of Amber. I do think they (and by they, I mean Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Zach, or 'Brigade 2.0 - now with more suck!'). can appease Amber and get her to still believe she's in their alliance. Because they can flat out lie to her (and flirt with her, in Cody's case) and she will believe them because their lies will make sense to her.

But Caleb can go from telling them to put Amber up so that he can "save" her, to declaring an all out war against Cody, Frankie, Zach, whomever if she does indeed get booted. I think their reasoning that he'll no longer be distracted by her if she's gone is incredibly flawed. She might be gone, but she sure as hell won't be forgotten by this nutcase. And her being gone, and no longer ignoring him might make him build her up more and more, and the need for revenge will just multiply. If these guys think backdooring her will get Caleb fully back with them, they are sorely mistaken.

Quite frankly, that's all I have going for me right now, entertainment wise. Caleb realizing they're going to backdoor Amber, and going scorched earth on everyone.

I want to still find Zach entertaining, but he isn't. I think he's going for a Dr. Will look, and I loathed that dude. And a cheap knockoff of at least a legitimate player is not appealing to me.

Edited by Katesus7
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It's going to be interesting right from the veto meeting.  Caleb was clear he wants Jocosta to be saved by the veto, and Frankie was just trying to work his charms to get Hayden to agree to that.  But Hayden is not hearing it.  He's adamant that he's using it on Victoria.


I'm not sure there's a good way for Frankie and/or Derrick to smooth that over.  I think Caleb doesn't like Victoria, and he wanted her out last week over Brittany.  He may freak as soon as Victoria comes off.


If this blows up in Frankie's face, so be it.   I still think Derrick  is a step ahead of him and not working at it as hard.   The way he put the bug in Caleb's ear to backdoor Amber and go talk to Frankie was once again masterful.   I can see why Derrick wants to keep Caleb as long as possible.  He can manipulate Beast Mode  Cowboy with a flip of the wrist.


Quick question-  is it an absolute fact that Brittany stole one of Jocasta's life stories?  I don't care if she did, but damn that's weird.  It's really playing with fire because it's so easy to get caught.  On the other hand, I feel like if she did that and didn't caught until she was gone that she really should have been much better at the game.   I would think that would take the skills of someone like Dan.


Ugh.  Anyone other than Donny winning this game will be a crime against humanity.


I hate knowing this, but Derrick was a huge favorite to win this game before, but now with the extra heavy pity factor involved because of his grandfather dying?  Rest of the game is just a formality.  I am in no way trying to make light of the death in his family, but this current HG group isn't 'bloodthirstily cutthroat' enough to convince themselves to want to win the money for their own personal sake, in the face of tragedy for someone else.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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While I generally do agree that the new version of the Brigade looks like they'll easily win this game, once the show mercifully returns to single HoHs (they haven't even said when that is, have they?), there's still a chance that at least one of Derrick and Frankie could be taken out. It won't be for some time, but it's a real possibility. Even the Brigade lost a member relatively early, ya know? Granted, it was the low man on their totem pole, but it was still a member of the true alliance and not just a peripheral member. 

  • Love 1

I agree last year at this time it looked like Helen/Amanda was controlling the game or in BB11 it was Jessie/Natalie. Zach is starting to remind me of a better controlled Russell from BB11. Both were incredibly unpredictable and scary to have in the game. It won't surprise me in a couple of weeks if the house bans together to try to get rid of Zach.

While I generally do agree that the new version of the Brigade looks like they'll easily win this game, once the show mercifully returns to single HoHs (they haven't even said when that is, have they?), there's still a chance that at least one of Derrick and Frankie could be taken out. It won't be for some time, but it's a real possibility. Even the Brigade lost a member relatively early, ya know? Granted, it was the low man on their totem pole, but it was still a member of the true alliance and not just a peripheral member.

Matt the Brigade member finished in 7th place and I don't consider that to be early. It was the Brigade members themselves that decided to get rid of Matt. The main threat the Brigade had was Brenchel and the side alliances that Matt had with Ragan and Lane had with Britney. With this group the only threat I see against them is Donny. Everybody else is convinced that there's one big alliance.
  • Love 1

I'm really starting to feel like we could be having the first real BB gay hookup/showmance.  Check it out:

07/27/14 04:47 AM - HOH room:


Zach: Who wants a back rub?


Frankie: Me!


Zach: I got ya, bro.


Frankie: Do you want one?


Zach: No, I don't need one, bro. I just like giving you one.  It helps me fall asleep.


Frankie: I love you.


Zach: I love you too. I love everything about you.


Frankie: I love everything about you too.


Frankie: Good night Team Zankie.


Zach: God, that's such a cute name.


Frankie: Do you think many people are tweeting Zankie? Do you think Zankie is trending on Twitter?


Zach: After tonight, YES! Zankie is totally trending on Twitter!


Zach: I could just just sleep on you. Oh god, you're just perfect. Too bad I'm not gay, right?


Frankie: I would marry you.


Frankie: I'd absolutely marry you. You'd be having the best sex of your life. It'd be perfect. Just keep thinking about it, OK?


Frankie: Could you imagine if we were just fully hooking up?


Zach: Oh Frankie, you're too much. I love everything about you.


Zach: "I love you. We're a match made in heaven."


Zach and Frankie stop talking and drift off to sleep.


Then again, they're both such attention whores and schemers they could be playing it up for the camera's or trying to play each other.

  • Love 3

I don't understand why they are all so afraid of Caleb and giving him so much power in their own minds. Who cares if he is angry? They all know he is an idiot and easily manipulated. They can't have one eviction that isn't unanimous?

I feel like Zach's feelings for Frankie are genuine, maybe a little exaggerated, just because we haven't seen any hints of them being gameplay in his DR sessions. I think he would definitely be bragging out them.

I don't understand why they are all so afraid of Caleb and giving him so much power in their own minds. Who cares if he is angry? They all know he is an idiot and easily manipulated. They can't have one eviction that isn't unanimous?

I feel like Zach's feelings for Frankie are genuine, maybe a little exaggerated, just because we haven't seen any hints of them being gameplay in his DR sessions. I think he would definitely be bragging out them.

Yeah, but why would production show that? I think they like people speculating, it's better TV.


It's funny, when Zach and Frankie are together talking game alone it does click. They get each other and how they each play. Zach is not an idiot, he knows he's a target and Frankie pretty much tells him that he's against him to the house because not a single person has even suggested that Zach or Frankie play the game together. In a weird way they are the most honest to each other in how they play. It's hard to read if their agreement is genuine or not since Frankie takes every chance to speak against Zach to get him out so who the heck knows. That's just my opinion.


After this week, things should really get interesting because they are all going to be forced to "get blood on their hands". Especially when it's single HOH's. That's when Big Brother actually starts for me. I think Frankie or Derrick are next in danger of being put up on the block above anyone else in this game right now. If it's a double evict next week, I think it's high probability of one of them leaving.


ETA: Obligatory Caleb is a creepy dude.

Edited by kellog010

Just before all the love talk, Zankie also talked last night in bed about the order they plan to get rid of people. After this, they plan to pick off The outsiders, Nicole/Hayden, then Caleb, then Cody. The final four will consist of them, Christine, and Derrick. They also seem to have an understanding that Zach draws fire and Frankie plays gentle listening ear/troubleshooter. They laughed about Christine trying to commiserate with Frankie about how hard it must be to have to sleep with Zach every night.


I think he's going for a Dr. Will look, and I loathed that dude. And a cheap knockoff of at least a legitimate player is not appealing to me.

I am so happy there's someone else out there who didn't like Dr. Will! And I agree that Zach is definitely going for a Dr. Will persona. It's actually quite embarrassing how much he's trying to copy him.


It won't surprise me in a couple of weeks if the house bans together to try to get rid of Zach.

Oh yea, that's totally happening. Frankie has been plating the seeds to evict Zach since week 2. Zach is gonna be the Matt of this Brigade, but he'll probably actually go much earlier than Matt did.


I just read somewhere else that Jocasta is sick AGAIN and she hurt her leg.  There was also mention of a slop penalty (and I don't even know what that means).  Can someone please tell me what's going on this time?

Yea, she was feeling sick again yesterday before Veto. I'm honestly starting to wonder if this is strategy on her part. Also, yea, somehow she got slop for this week during the comp.


Who will be the first to finally nominate Derrick?

Donny. He's the only one with the balls to do it.


Is this the last week the evicted hg goes home and not to jury?   Or do I have that wrong?

It depends. If there a 9 jury members, which there were last season, then yes, this will be the last eviction before jury. But if there are 7 jury members, which it was from seasons 4-14, then there's 2 more evictions after this one.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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