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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Apropos of nothing that I saw, Frankie decided to enlighten the other HGs about glory holes. Probably this is what he thinks is exciting and edgy. I only found out about them oh -- something like 40 years ago.

ETA I want him out because he is so gratuitously gross

This, in a nutshell, is - to me - one of Frankie's most irritating character aspects. Conversations such as these are par for the course in the high school/college years, when you're still in the learning stages.

Mid-20s? Still some, but not so much.

For someone over 30? No class. By this point in your life, you should have found more important things in life to focus on than all the different ways you can get your rocks off. Speaks to lack of maturity and arrested emotional development, IMHO.

Not to say I haven't known people well into their 40s and 50s who are the same way. That's hardly a ringing endorsement, though.

ETA: That, and the fact Frankie goes on about this stuff like he invented it, or is the Grand Poobah Oracle Fount of All Wisdom Regarding Bodily Fluid Emissions. Give us a break, Peter Pan. People had been doing this shit for years before you discovered your little thingy could stand up on its own.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 15

Cannot believe Nicole is helping Derrick study.  What is it with these needy women?  We might have had a different game if Hayden had come back. Ugh!


I see it as the "acceptance" stage of the grief of leaving.  Even Zach and Devin went through it when everyone expected them to blow multiple gaskets and make the house hellish.  I'm not sure Frankie would ever get there, but I'd sure love a chance to find out soon!

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Derrick/Victoria:  Ah, Derrick - you created the beast...and now, you must feed it.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I don't feel so bad for him.  I figure it's the one monkey-wrench that's been thrown into his game:  He has to spend so much time with the care and feeding of this sheep that he could be missing on important care and feeding of Cody/Caleb.  If those two decide to actually deviate from Derrick's plan, and he's not there to keep them 'in line'...well, hey.  Maybe he can actually earn the $500K he's pretty much has a cake walk getting to up to this point.


Frankie:  Hmmm, a 'super talented media mogul' with a sibling whose star is on the rise can't register so much as a blip within the mainstream he so desperately craves to swim in.  Maybe, just maybe, it's conversations like 'glory holes' and 'lesbians are that way because of choice' that demonstrate how desperately out of touch he is with pretty much everything, and agents, managers, talent folks, etc., recognize he doesn't have a good grasp of the industry he so desperately wants to be a part of.  I suspect he knows that he might think he can come off as 'edgy and hip', but, to people scouting talent, he comes off as a desperate, marginally talented 'wannabe' with nothing marketable to the general public other than the taste of semi-digested food and a touch of bile as they throw up in their mouths a little at the sight of him.

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Caught just a few lines of a conversation between Christine and Caleb. I guess Caleb was telling her some of his thoughts about possibly BD'ing Frankie but deciding to keep the target on Nicole. One of his comments to Christine was something along the lines of, when a girl gets power, you don't know what in the world she's going to do. Christine is just giggling and saying OK, etc. That boy is so dumb it still shocks me sometimes.

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From Jokers:


Caleb: I don't get tweets. What do you tweet about?

Frankie: You could tweet anything, like, I tweeted "Zach, it's finally time for you and Julie Chen to meet!" It could be something clever and funny. You could tweet "The Bomb Squad is literally blowing up this game." Or you can tweet "Looks like I finally found my Beast Mode again, @JulieChen." You can "at" Julie Chen. I tweeted her last week.

Caleb: How do you spell Julie? J-U-L-I-E? Looks like I found my Beast Mode again, Julie. She'll definitely have a question for me after that tweet.

Frankie: If you want to tweet me, it's at FrankieJGrande. That's F-R-A-N-K-I-E, the letter J, and then G-R-A-N-D-E.

Caleb: Okay, you can tell me all of that tomorrow.



Oh Frankie, you never stop do you

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I listened to Rob C.'s podcast with Rachel and Brendon, and Brendon said about Caleb that he's a great competitor, but not a good gamer.


Not unlike himself and his wife. Did he talk at all about the fact they neither of them is a good gamer but are good competitors?


Why does that make you feel sad for Derrick? Wasn't part of his game to make her emotionally dependent on him?  Playing someone emotionally/then living with an emotional person seems fair.


Amen! Derrick got exactly what he wanted out of Victoria. He's done everything he can to make sure she would become completely dependent on him, going as far as to berate her and guilt her into feeling bad for finding out the truth about him. It's gross. You made your bed, Derrick, now lie in it.


I dunno~  All of the jury members were unimpressive, (game-wise), the first go-round.  I saw nothing to make me think any of them going back in the house would make much of a difference.  


I completely agree. Same goes for everyone that was evicted pre-jury too, some of whom still don't seem to see what's actually happening. It's sort of hilarious how stupid every HG this season has been.

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The best part is that CBS doesn't even send them all out! That Julie one wasn't tweeted I don't think. They also edit their blogs. Every week they talk about how they did shout outs to other people's families, and then CBS deletes those parts without them knowing.

They did publish Frankie's me! Me! Me! Novel length blog, but who knows if that was also edited.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Wait?  CBS actually sends out tweets for the house guests?  I did not know this.  Interesting.  I know that Frankie's family has been updating his with obnoxious tweets all summer long, but I didn't know that CBS would tweet for them as well.  


I am amused and not surprised that Caleb has no idea what twitter or tweeting is.  And I am surprised his tweet wouldn't be to his MAIN WOMAN AMBER sitting at home watching BEAST MODE COWBOY in the BIG BROTHER HOUSE.  

Sure Victoria is annoying, but I am not sure he minds her annoying, but dependent and loyal nature.  I also am not sure he minds getting Nicole in on helping him with poor lil' Victoria.  I am sure the idea of Nicole leaving the house thinking what a nice guy Derrick was being to Victoria is something he isn't minding at all.  

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edited to correct my age from 46 to 44.  I got confused, because this season feels like it has aged me by at least two years.


I'm right there with you!  HOLLA!


It's sad when you can't wait for the show to end (which is taking forever) so you can watch these nincompoops get slapped in the face with reality.  I've never seen such a large group of delusional people in one setting, and seeing their belief that they're the most popular cast ever being crushed will be like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one.  Poor Caleb, all of those red carpets that he's envisioning himself walking down......poof!  Poor Frankie, finding out that most of the attention he's going to get will be negative and not adoration for his entertainment....poof!  Poor Christine, finding out that everyone back home is disgusted with her behavior and that she's not going to be spending time with Cody and his family....poof!  I could go on, but you get the picture.     

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I agree that Derrick is fine with Victoria and Nichole in his corner.  They are not only jury votes but they could have an influence over others voting.  He is secure right now knowing that Frankie is the biggest target in their alliance, what ever they are calling it now (gawd).   Should Frankie win HOH, he would put Caleb up with Victoria, most likely. 


My guess is Victoria will be voted out in DE because of the chicken shit strategy that prevails.

It's just so disheartening when I run through different possible scenarios in the coming weeks and I realize there really is just no way Derrick isn't gonna get to F3. And that honestly he's basically guaranteed F2. It's just so boring. There won't even be any excitement when The Detonators (-Zach,+Caleb) turn on each other. They're just gonna quietly accept their fate as they dumbly buy all of Derrick's bullshit like everyone else that's been evicted did.

Ratings took a nosedive from season high on Thursday 7.50 to Sunday at 5.91

You should've seen the smile on my face as I read this!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Usually, the Final week is so boring and then they have the recap show with the Final 3 discussing the season over dinner. Now, it's gonna be super boring because it most likely going to be the Bomb Squad members. BORING!! There was so much promise this season but a majority alliance took over and ran with it. They all talked big moves but nothing was ever done. Bring on, Survivor!!

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I'm so scared that next season they'll give all the HGs this season, in addition to last season and BB12 which they got this year, and everyone will think a huge alliance with every man is the way to go. Scary! They better do All Stars next season. We need to cleanse the last 2 seasons from our minds.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Ratings took a nosedive from season high on Thursday 7.50 to Sunday at 5.91

This brings me great Joy!! And I was reading that Thursdays numbers aren't accurate because of Football, and it carrying over into BBs timeslot in some areas. So Thursdays numbers could be inflated.

I don't know if they could turn this season around. But hopefully some big changes for next season.

Bring Zach back to terrorize the houseguests like Rachael did or give Nicole something to switch the noms for this week. I feel that they would of gotten a huge push if Frankie ended up on the block this week. Losing their 2 biggest fan favorites in a row DID not help. And now Nicole leaving again on Thursday the one everyone had hope in switching things up. Not looking good ratings wise at all.

I just can't wait until the ones in the house get out and see how much they are hated and how much everyone loves Zach and Donny. Jokes on them.

Sorry can you tell how fed up I am!! Haha

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Fucking hell!! LMAO!! Perfect description! (and this comes from a huge Disney fan - not wanting to sully any Disney character with the likes of Frankie) Still high-larious! Thanks.

No problem. Too bad they don't let Zuck-Me-Hard come to any of the CBS-sponsored BB events - she and Frankie could get together and compare notes. And anal bleachings.

I see it as the "acceptance" stage of the grief of leaving. Even Zach and Devin went through it when everyone expected them to blow multiple gaskets and make the house hellish. I'm not sure Frankie would ever get there, but I'd sure love a chance to find out soon!

Yes. Nicole has pretty much accepted her upcoming departure on Thursday but what puzzles me is why is she suddenly a fan of Derrick. Has she truly become another minion of his? What happened to her (and Hayden) wanting BOTH Cody and Derrick out of the game? Why did she tell Derrick that she (and Hayden) were/are against Cody? Now he knows that if he drags Cody to the final two neither Hayden or Nicole (and probably Jocasta) will vote for Cody to win.

My God! Derrick just weasels information out of people so easily! (Well, now that I think about it, Nicole was just dying to tell him who her target was.) It's part of his charm, I guess.

Let me add... I think the ratings may have dropped because it was a holiday weekend.

Edited by tinderbox
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Yes. Nicole has pretty much accepted her upcoming departure on Thursday but what puzzles me is why is she suddenly a fan of Derrick. Has she truly become another minion of his? What happened to her (and Hayden) wanting BOTH Cody and Derrick out of the game? Why did she tell Derrick that she (and Hayden) were/are against Cody? Now he knows that if he drags Cody to the final two neither Hayden or Nicole (and probably Jocasta) will vote for Cody to win.

My God! Derrick just weasels information out of people so easily! (Well, now that I think about it, Nicole was just dying to tell him who her target was.) It's part of his charm, I guess.

Let me add... I think the ratings may have dropped because it was a holiday weekend.

I'm sure if she won that HOH when she got in she would of put them both on the block. Since both Hayden and her knew that they were Manipulators and running the game and if she wanted to get far she needed to cut the head off the snake . But I think over the last 2 weeks especially since she can't win anything to save her life and he is the only one besides Victoria that hasn't treated her like crap. She figured why not vote for him since she thinks he isn't an ass like the rest of them. Hayden even said in his comments in the Jury house was that they are both Manipulators and playing a great game. He was just pissed obviously that he got hosed. But I think he would vote for Derrick if he was in the F2 cuz he knows that he had played a great game. Possibly even more now after Nicole gets to the jury house and says that they were all horrible to her except Derrick and Victoria. Edited by SiobhanJW
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Yes. Nicole has pretty much accepted her upcoming departure on Thursday but what puzzles me is why is she suddenly a fan of Derrick. Has she truly become another minion of his? What happened to her (and Hayden) wanting BOTH Cody and Derrick out of the game? Why did she tell Derrick that she (and Hayden) were/are against Cody? Now he knows that if he drags Cody to the final two neither Hayden or Nicole (and probably Jocasta) will vote for Cody to win.My God! Derrick just weasels information out of people so easily! (Well, now that I think about it, Nicole was just dying to tell him who her target was.) It's part of his charm, I guess.Let me add... I think the ratings may have dropped because it was a holiday weekend.

Simple difference in perspective. Nicole and Hayden wanted Derrick and Cody out when D&C were the biggest threat to H&N's game - to everyone's game, for that matter. Nicole's game, however, is all but over; Thursday's vote is a mere formality. With that change in circumstances, I think Nicole's view of Derrick has transitioned from that of a competitor who must be eliminated, to a favorite she wants to help win. Remember, Nicole doesn't know how instrumental Derrick was in dismantling Operation BD Frankie; from her perspective, she thinks Derrick has gone out of his way to help her.

I feel compelled to reiterate a statement I made a while back. Derrick is a consummate politician, in the sense a politician is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way you actually look forward to the trip.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 9

I don't really have any rooting interest in this game anymore, although I guess you can say I'm rooting for Derrick to win the money.  I think he's playing the best game, and for the most part I think he's a decent guy.


I'm just rooting for ridiculous scenarios.  For instance, my dream scenario for this week is for Victoria (HAH!) to win HOH, and to listen to Nicole and nominate Cody/Christine.  I want Christine to win veto, and then for Victoria to put up Caleb.  Derrick and Christine vote to keep Cody, and Caleb gets knocked out BY A WOMAN!   That would be awesome.


What will actually happen is that Frankie will win HOH, nominate Victoria/Christine, Caleb will win POV and not use it, and Christine gets knocked out.  As much as I hate Christine, that's going to be boring as hell. 

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I just can't wait until the ones in the house get out and see how much they are hated

I can't get worked up  about these guys. Hate takes too much energy. Hate implies that I care one way or the other.   For me, all I have for them is supreme indifference.  As Frankie has claimed, if you don't love him, hate him.  But indifference......ah, that would wound so deeply! A week after these guys get out of the house, all they'll be hearing are crickets. And that's the sweetest revenge we'll have.

  • Love 3

I can't get worked up about these guys. Hate takes too much energy. Hate implies that I care one way or the other. For me, all I have for them is supreme indifference. As Frankie has claimed, if you don't love him, hate him. But indifference......ah, that would wound so deeply! A week after these guys get out of the house, all they'll be hearing are crickets. And that's the sweetest revenge we'll have.

I feel the same way. We will see Derrick on The Talk, Donny on B&B and after one week it will be over. We will have moved on. Caleb and Frankie will be a memory. Thank god.

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I don't really have any rooting interest in this game anymore, although I guess you can say I'm rooting for Derrick to win the money.  I think he's playing the best game, and for the most part I think he's a decent guy.


I'm just rooting for ridiculous scenarios.  For instance, my dream scenario for this week is for Victoria (HAH!) to win HOH, and to listen to Nicole and nominate Cody/Christine.  I want Christine to win veto, and then for Victoria to put up Caleb.  Derrick and Christine vote to keep Cody, and Caleb gets knocked out BY A WOMAN!   That would be awesome.


What will actually happen is that Frankie will win HOH, nominate Victoria/Christine, Caleb will win POV and not use it, and Christine gets knocked out.  As much as I hate Christine, that's going to be boring as hell. 



Love the fantasy of Victoria winning HOH!  That is the only good, fun, exciting thing that can possibly get us interested.  That said, she would nominate Derricks choice and he would say Christine and _____.  Christine would go, so the results would be the same.  I don't think there is a way this could go that would in the least bit interesting.  

When HGs are set loose, they get advice from the show therapist, previous HGs, friends and family.  The advice is to avoid social media because there will be a lot of haters.  They become a thing of the past very quickly and I don't remember ever seeing the winner on any prominent talk shows, not even The Talk. 


Frankie will not heed this advice though!  He will become aware of the hate and turn that into love at being the most hated HG.   We will be robbed yet again. 

Nyah, wings707.  Even the most pathetic performer needs an audience.  If we offer only indifference, not showing up for the performance, all that will be left for him is to crawl back to the foetid swamp from which he slimed and sink back into the dark waters. Or, in the way of swamps, he'll be eaten by something bigger and badder and end up as shit sinking into the mucky ooze.  Actually, that happens a lot in entertainment. People like Frankie, too stupid and self-involved to ever be a real player, end up fueling the bottom feeders.  You only have to look as far as last season's Andy to see how quickly it happens, even though Andy wasn't in entertainment.

Edited by Skycatcher
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Speaking of Caleb's lies... this post is GOLD! lol it literally documents all of his lies..it is staggering!




Wowza...that sure is entertaining!  I am under the firm belief that some people come on the show to try and lie as much as possible as part of a strategy...and that sure seems to be Caleb.  What a shit show though.....damn.  


They become a thing of the past very quickly and I don't remember ever seeing the winner on any prominent talk shows, not even The Talk.


Rachel went on The Talk. 



It's sad when you can't wait for the show to end (which is taking forever) so you can watch these nincompoops get slapped in the face with reality.


We say this every year but the truth is we never get the satisfaction. They don't follow these people home and record their reactions to watching the show or reading internet posts about themselves. They go back to being insulated by the very people who made them the delusional egomaniacs they are. 


That's why some perverse part of me would almost like to see Frankie make it to F2 with Derrick and win the whole thing, because it would mean the very thing Derrick benefited from all season long would end up being his downfall - the stupidity of the jury. Most of them have walked out of that house thinking Frankie and Christine were running the house for some odd reason, and Derrick might have a tough time convincing them he was really the one running the show. 


I just don't really get what Frankie's plan is. To make it to the final five and then win every competition? For that matter, what does Christine think her end game is? Does she think Cody will take her to F2? Surely she knows she can't beat the four guys in her alliance in every competition, especially that grueling first part of the final HoH. Neither Frankie nor Christine seems to have really thought out this whole final five deal they have.

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What gets me crazy is how Cody and Caleb are ok with being in their own F2 spot.  How they wouldn't mind getting beat by a boy but not a girl.  Hilarious!


Not getting out Frankie this week is a major mistake.  It is the perfect time but Caleb doesn't want to ruin his chance a music career.  [head hits desk, walks away]

Slasherboy. My humble apologies for using the all inclusive pronoun "we" when talking about Christine's perceived beauty if she had a make over.  :-)

Your humble apology is humbly accepted. I normally wouldn't give a hoot, but when it comes to Christine, I just need my feelings to be accurate. It would be kind of interesting to actually see her made-over though. All's well!

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We say this every year but the truth is we never get the satisfaction. They don't follow these people home and record their reactions to watching the show or reading internet posts about themselves. They go back to being insulated by the very people who made them the delusional egomaniacs they are.



Yep.  We never hear a word.  Googling does not turn up much either.   We may know more about Frankie and only because he will put it out there for all to find. And that would be him rejoicing in the fact he was the most hated HG.  He will work that one!  America was just not ready for him. 

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Feed update:

They are taking HOH pictures.

Cody just woke up.

It's hot outside.


The feeds are F2-level boring, as they've been for at least a week. Literally the only suspense every week is whether the designated target will win BOB/Veto, then whether Derrick will change his mind about whom to send home. Every. Single. Week. Literally. Even when the Bomb Detonators start cannibalizing it won't be interesting. They've pretty much all accepted that Derrick is going to win, so they've largely made their peace with it psychologically. I think Vic will get upset and cry if she's cut before F2, but no one will care and that won't make for interesting feeds. I'm really looking forward to seeing Frankie go out, but I don't think it will be that exciting. He'll try to maintain his "dignity" and go out being cool with the bros. This is seriously the worst season ever. I'm pissed that I wasted money on the feeds, which have been boring all season and are now basically unwatchable just when they should be most exciting.

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We say this every year but the truth is we never get the satisfaction. They don't follow these people home and record their reactions to watching the show or reading internet posts about themselves. They go back to being insulated by the very people who made them the delusional egomaniacs they are.

That's why it was so great to get a small taste of Frankie's realization that he's hated after the play mission got shot down. He literally went on for hours about how he couldn't believe America didn't love him, he didn't give a fuck whether America loved him or not, and how being hated was just part of being a superstar. It was delicious.


I vote for CBS condensing the rest of the season into a week with daily evictions, then using the money they save to do a follow-up  show filming the hamsters reading about themselves online and being forced to answer questions people send in. They could offer to continue the weekly stipend for anyone who agrees to participate. Frankie would sign up for sure and would be the most fun to watch.

Edited by TheRealT
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Or they should give the final vote to America and instead of jury house, have them  "face up to your worst behavior (captured on tape), in front of a live studio audience."  They do it in the UK when they're evicted, don't they?  I don't see any reason why they shouldn't have to publicly account for their public behavior before they scuttle back under the rocks they crawled out from under.


The nice houseguests can enjoy their finest moments and maybe some of the slams they got from people they thought were friends.

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