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  1. No, SiobhanJW, no idea. I think we'll all (read us AND HGs) be glad when this season is over. To me, it's been over for a week or so already. It's just draaaaaaaaging onnnnn now.
  2. Huh. Just bio'd Betsey Johnson and discovered she filed for bankruptcy last year. She also has a reality show with her daughter on E!, I believe. Julianne looked like she just got up from an all niter. Her dress was stretched out and that hair was horrendous. Like, REALLY bad. She's so....entitled? bitchy, definitely. Ugh.
  3. I'm trying realllllllyyyyy hard not to hear you as I detest Frankie with all of my being. lol
  4. Especially when stuff like this: http://pagesix.com/2014/09/22/even-ariana-grandes-life-coach-cant-work-with-her/ seems to be posted every other day!
  5. That's the Grande (puke!) way! Go on the offense and/or make excuses and NEVER admit defeat. "What? Dear li'l Frankie didn't win? We didn't want him to!!" What disgusting family they are. Gross. ETA: Joker's say Derrick knows one of the Survivor winners. Anyone know who?
  6. Good points, all. Especially how Vic's whining has obviously worked in the past - with her parents. Yup. She's in love with Derrick in the way that a young, immature high school girl is in love with the star of the football team; unattainable but admired. I *think*, anyway.
  7. I don't know. The fact that Victoria waits until the absolute last possible moment to finally make a move.....well, I can't respect that. ETA: I don't expect her to just roll over but this incessant *whining* (let's call it what it is) would drive me nuts if I were Cody or Derrick ETA2: I'm grouchy tonite so take my opinion with a grain of salt (or sugar)
  8. FUCK! My posts are all wonky. I meant to say that YES, I agree, wedding rings are not to be messed with. Was Derrick aware she was doing that?
  9. Sounds like most of the twitteruniverse. lol Altho, I have to admit, the live updates via twitter have been kind've nice. I'm a twitter lurker. ;) I'm a 'picker/tweezer' as it is so can't imagine how bad that would get in a house with no stimulation. My face! LOL
  10. From what I can gather, slasherboy, Victoria is just repeatedly repeating herself about Derrick 'promising' to take her to F2. And she has trouble expressing herself and holding one coherent thought as it is, so I can imagine that gets mighty old. Especially when they can't escape her! lol
  11. News like this makes me so fucking happy. I'm a sick girl, I know.
  12. SQUEE! LOVED that show! THIS. Awww. Tenely is one lucky little girl.
  13. Yup, babysitting is a good analogy. I wish I kept saner hours so I could chat more with you guys during the sun shining.
  14. The most hilarious part is that Cody appears jealous of Victoria monopolizing all Derrick's time these last few days. Damn!, Derrick is goooood.
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