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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Yes, and then he'd be able to lie to himself that the only reason he didn't win fan favorite was because he wasn't eligible.


And then...when he's been out for a few days, the media tours are over, and he pours over every board, blog post, HG fav poll, and sees his gnarly, putrid self at the bottom of each....there may be one, small infinitesimal inkling that the hatred of him by the viewers ran long and deep.  It may just be a small kernel of truth that plants in his mushy skull, but it will grow and fester.  Much like Julie's 'OVERWHELMING' is bouncing around in that warped gray matter he owns now...and getting larger with each passing day.


That is the only hope I hold now - that his getting the 50K will be tainted as he tries in vain to find one shred of love for him amongst the fans he's desperate to understand why they don't hold him on the high pedestal he is sure is his, and his alone to occupy.

  • Love 2

A while back somebody posted a picture of Christine compared to a witch.  I've looked and can't find it anywhere.  Can somebody help me out here?


Caleb is just really irritating me with his constant lieing.  You may or may not remember him talking about the Red Lobster biscuits being made in either Hopkinsville or Cadiz, Kentucky.  He said to look on the box and right there it will say ______, Kentucky.  So I looked on the box in my pantry.  They're made in Seattle.  He said he used to work the dough or some such nonsense.  And this could be my hearing, but he meant to say they put tons of lard flakes in it, but I swear he said larvae.  


Thanks all!

  • Love 5
He said to look on the box and right there it will say ______, Kentucky.  So I looked on the box in my pantry.  They're made in Seattle.  He said he used to work the dough or some such nonsense.


I'm not going to even attempt to defend Caleb because I know he's the lyingest liar who ever lied, but there might be multiple distribution/production centers, so there is a tiny chance he could be telling the truth.  I know, it's Caleb. But I'm just saying...

  • Love 3

AndreaK1041, my soul sistah!


I honestly can't imagine, and I realize I'm fixated on this point, that Ariana's handlers are going to want her any where NEAR Frankie when he gets out. Unless the 'Ariana haters' are right, and she is a giant ego trip in a tiny body and goes against what they say. This whole summer of Big Brother could fracture the Grande family. Of course, I don't wish that, but it could happen.


Then again, his family has been *coddling* him his entire life and hey, why would they quit now? Well, they might quit now due to Fame. I think Fame trumps Family in the Grande household. I think Ariana will choose Fame and her Career over defending Frankie.


I don't know.....just rambling...


Christine's family may be fractured after this summer as well. If it isn't already.

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I used to work at Red Lobster a few years ago, we would get a mix in a big bag for the biscuits that said special or secret recipe, I forget which and then the cook would prepare it and put it on a rack under what looked like a heating lamp. Things may have changed since but we (Front of the House people) weren't allowed to look at the bag and when we would ask questions the manager would say secret recipe. It was pretty frustrating because we had to know some of the ingredients for other items in the server quiz in case a customer was allergic and had questions about ingredients. Caleb is a lying liar who lies, one of his HOH letters told him to not make up too many stories and he laughed it off.


I think Christine's going to learn some hard truths when she gets home but I don't think her relationship wit her parents would suffer much if it's anything like mine is with my parents. As to her relationship with her husband and her church, that's another story. I imagine if by chance she wins then things will be easier to forgive based on a few things I've seen.

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Frankie believes that they could have designed a better TA meeting if Donny hadn't been part of the team.  He and Derrick alone could have come up with a better mission.


I cannot believe that Derrick can keep a straight face when Frankie comes up with bullshit like this!  The whole concept was Frankie's idea; Donny had no part in it.  As pathetic as that bunch of bad imitations was, at least Donny played his part well, while Frankie was cringe worthy in his.  Even Julie said that it was NOT a play because it had no dialogue, no interaction, and was just a series of imitations.  I hope she felt the same way about the task of setting up an argument between two houseguests, because Zach berating Amber and her NOT participating does NOT an argument make.  But watch, the way production lets these morons get away with just about anything, they'll probably give them the money, and that's gonna piss me off big time!

Edited by parisprincess
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For me, this is now officially the worst season. I can't remember another one as boring and predictable as this one. And this is the first season since BB8 without any big time rigging. I would love to know why production decided to let this horribly boring season play out so predictably.


In terms of boring play, agreed. I would still put Season 8 and 9 below it overall, though. Those were some shitty seasons (and Season 8 was the only one with a worse twist than dual HoHs). 


Although, regarding rigging, wouldn't the way that they changed BotB to be won by a single person just in time to avoid an obvious tank job after allowing tank jobs for the last couple of BotBs count as rigging?

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Nothing major just that her husband is a bit of an attention whore, he's constantly promoting himself. He wants to be famous and I think the money as well as the attention he believes Christine would receive as a winner would help out with damage control. I think one of the reasons she and Caleb went from evict Frankie mode to all of a sudden being in his back pocket after his "shocking" reveal is that they are both counting on the industry connections he supposedly has and that he promised to introduce them to famous people. They don't bother thinking that if he was that good, he wouldn't just be on YT and he wouldn't need the show but clearly these people are not thinkers.

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ETA: slasherboy, Caleb is cray. Legitimately, cray.

Truer words were never spoken.


Maybe Caleb meant that there is a Red Lobster restaurant in Kentucky, and they have biscuits there?

Nice try, but he was specifically talking about the boxed mix you can buy in the grocery.  BTW, yes, there are Red Lobsters in Kentucky and yes, they do have the biscuits but no, this wasn't that.


He did say "larvae" Slasherboy. 

Bless you for reaffirming my sanity (sort of).  What is WRONG with him???


I'm pretty sure that the Red Lobster biscuits aren't made in-house by them. They're too uniform- they're probably made in a factory and then frozen.

We're not talking about the biscuits you get in the restaurant.  We're talking about the ones you buy in the grocery then make at home and they taste like the ones in the restaurant (and they really do).  There is a boxed mix, like a cake mix only with the ingredients for the biscuits they serve in the restaurant.  He said he helped stir all the ingredients together at the factory in Kentucky.


I'm not going to even attempt to defend Caleb because I know he's the lyingest liar who ever lied, but there might be multiple distribution/production centers, so there is a tiny chance he could be telling the truth.  I know, it's Caleb. But I'm just saying...

You could very well be correct, but I live in Tennessee, a couple of hours away from where Caleb lives, and I believe, but don't know for sure, that we would get the product made closest to where we buy the item.  I don't know that for sure and this could still be the situation, so I can't say for sure.


Something I do know for sure ... Caleb is one cray cray ninja-boy.

  • Love 5
You could very well be correct, but I live in Tennessee, a couple of hours away from where Caleb lives, and I believe, but don't know for sure, that we would get the product made closest to where we buy the item.  I don't know that for sure and this could still be the situation, so I can't say for sure.


Yeah...no. In the interim, I googled, "Red Lobster biscuit mix distribution Kentucky" and came up with nada. So we are back to Caleb is just telling another one of his tall tales.

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 3

A while back somebody posted a picture of Christine compared to a witch.  I've looked and can't find it anywhere.  Can somebody help me out here?


Caleb is just really irritating me with his constant lieing.  You may or may not remember him talking about the Red Lobster biscuits being made in either Hopkinsville or Cadiz, Kentucky.  He said to look on the box and right there it will say ______, Kentucky.  So I looked on the box in my pantry.  They're made in Seattle.  He said he used to work the dough or some such nonsense.  And this could be my hearing, but he meant to say they put tons of lard flakes in it, but I swear he said larvae.  


Thanks all!

Shockingly, he's actually telling the truth about the Red Lobster biscuit mix being made in Hopkinsville.  I have no idea if he worked there or not, but that mix is from Continental Mills in Hopkinsville.  They do the Ghirardelli brownie mixes and lots of others.  Continental Mills has multiple locations but is based in Seattle, which must be why it says that on the box. 

  • Love 7

medra, whoever came up with the comparison of Frankie to Richard Simmons is fucking genius. PURE GENIUS,


I will never see him as anything BUT Richard Simmons from this point forward. Thank you for that!


"What is WRONG with him???" Slasherboy, what ISN'T wrong with him??

Edited by housecat
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I used to work at Red Lobster a few years ago, we would get a mix in a big bag for the biscuits that said special or secret recipe, I forget which and then the cook would prepare it and put it on a rack under what looked like a heating lamp. Things may have changed since but we (Front of the House people) weren't allowed to look at the bag and when we would ask questions the manager would say secret recipe. It was pretty frustrating because we had to know some of the ingredients for other items in the server quiz in case a customer was allergic and had questions about ingredients. Caleb is a lying liar who lies, one of his HOH letters told him to not make up too many stories and he laughed it off.


I think Christine's going to learn some hard truths when she gets home but I don't think her relationship wit her parents would suffer much if it's anything like mine is with my parents. As to her relationship with her husband and her church, that's another story. I imagine if by chance she wins then things will be easier to forgive based on a few things I've seen.


this reminds me of the time when my blood sugar was low and I yelled at a manager at Red Lobster for failing to give me biscuits and honey.  Even as I was yelling at her, I knew something was wrong, but for some reason, the only thing I wanted to bring up my blood sugar was cheddar bay biscuits and honey, and she kept telling me that they didn't have any biscuits, which I called bullshit on because I think they were just trying to be cheap by not giving you biscuits until your dinner came out.  Either way, I didn't realize it was such a closely guarded secret, but it makes sense since you can't copyright protect a recipe.


I think christine will hurt for a little while, but it seems like things will get back to normal for her with her husband.  It doesn't sound like he has too many irons in the fire. I think what might happen is that Christine will reach out to Cody and find that he really isn't all that into her, and she isn't the best option in a world full of much more physically attractive women.

At least Richard Simmons' annoying-ness can be considered beneficial. 

Well, with RS it is always hyperactive annoying, but with a very positive message.  Wear short shorts and burn off fat and you can do it!

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I know alot of yous like Nicole, I never did. Her voice alone makes me cringe worse than that awful cat fighting or in heat sound in the dead of night and that is some seriously disturbingly awful sounds! But, she cant help that I suppose, but she is and HAS been a complete waste of houseguest! Now she's practically BEGGING to go. Very sad pathetic player indeed.

  • Love 2


I know alot of yous like Nicole, I never did. Her voice alone makes me cringe worse than that awful cat fighting or in heat sound in the dead of night and that is some seriously disturbingly awful sounds! But, she cant help that I suppose, but she is and HAS been a complete waste of houseguest! Now she's practically BEGGING to go. Very sad pathetic player indeed.

I completely agree she is a pathetic player. I pretty much like her by default, but I would of preferred Hayden to go back in because he would of made things interested.

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Comparing Frankie to Richard Simmons is an insult to RS. I'm no fan of RS but he deserves better. Plus, RS has made it. Frankie has not and never will.

One of the reasons Frankie is still there is because they are all afraid of sister. They are delusional that Frankie will introduce them to her and they will meet all the other A listers around her. They are afraid of her fans and paranoid if they evict Frankie, fans and Ariana will take it out on them. These famewhores are so desperate to be famous they will keep him. And that includes Derrick to a certain degree. Deep down he knows Frankie is a phony but he just doesn't want to take the chance.

I'm would like to see Caleb win just so Frankie and Derrick doesn't.

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I just have to say it. Derrick is playing such an amazing game. He really deserves to win.




No need to duck housecat.  Derrick does deserve to win, he is playing the best game.  He has just made the feeds horribly boring and he is an ass trying to lie to me, a feedwatcher.  Doesn't negate the merit in his game.  I've always wanted him to go solely because otherwise, this group of idiots would have been fantastic on the feeds with their idiocy day in and day out.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 8

Nicole is practically begging to go? I read on Jokers that she was talking to herself (as she's been doing the past few days), and she said she was going to play defeated for now, but wasn't going to give up and was going to talk to Frankie tomorrow. I'm just now getting back on the feeds, so am relying on what I read, so I'll have to watch her for myself. I somehow can't see her laying down and dying though.

I think I have a high tolerance for Nicole though, because I have a high tolerance for accents. I grew up in rural SE Texas filled with the most amazing "hillbilly" accents ever. It was also on the border of Louisiana, with some great accents of their own. To this day I say I don't have an accent, but deep down I know I do. In my first job I went to nationwide training, and my roommate was from Long Island. We were absolutely fascinated by each other's accents. I don't know why, but I always love a strong accent, no matter what it is.

So when I did turn on the feeds a few minutes ago, Frankie and Derrick were talking, and Frankie said he was at peace with America's decision. Hahahahahaha! It is still bugging the hell out of him. Derrick is saying all the right things, as he does, but he's already made up that $5k, so I doubt he cares at all. So Frankie's version of being at peace with it is to continue to bitch about it and Donny and everyone for several minutes. Hell, he's probably still bitching, but I came here to apparently talk about accents.

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Bless you for reaffirming my sanity (sort of).  What is WRONG with him???

You're very welcome, Slasher. The only diagnosis that comes to mind is pathological liar. Anyone that would lie about the smallest things has to have some major, brontosaurus sized skeletons in their closet! Notice the pluralization. ;-)

Once again, Derrick is blowing smoke, and once again, the house guest being smoked is eating it up.  Derrick told Caleb how awesome he (Caleb) is and how Frankie might be a threat to him, and now he's doing the same thing to Frankie, telling Frankie that Caleb is a real threat to Frankie's game.  All the while saying "I haven't won any comps, I haven't done anything, everyone can beat me."  It's not true, and it some moments the other HGs know it, but they all like to have their egos stroked so much that they eat up whatever Derrick says once he sets it up with "You're so amazing."  It's a really smart game, but it's boring because everyone left in the house with any power or opportunity to do anything has too much of an ego to see through him.  He's setting them up to turn on each other, so that he doesn't have to do it.  


clearly these people are not thinkers



Truer words were never spoken.

Maybe Caleb meant that there is a Red Lobster restaurant in Kentucky, and they have biscuits there?



Nice try, but he was specifically talking about the boxed mix you can buy in the grocery.  BTW, yes, there are Red Lobsters in Kentucky and yes, they do have the biscuits but no, this wasn't that.



I thought it was obvious that I was kidding.  


ETA: These drunk fools talking about "fighting to live" is hilarious.  Cody the Dinosaur especially.  Finally, some entertainment on these damn feeds.

Edited by Turtle
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That's one of my biggest problems with Derrick. I feel it's because of him this season has been so incredibly boring. He's too good at telling everyone exactly what they want to hear, in a way tailored to each person to make them believe it. Hell, I find myself believing him in his conversations with Victoria, Cody, Caleb and now Frankie. Which is why Nicole is out this week, and Christine is next.

My other problem with him is the DR lying. And I am far from convinced it's any kind of strategy. Saying you never targeted Donny a week after the skittles meeting is not trying to hide your strategy. It's just pandering to "America" and lying. It's a huge turnoff for me. I don't think it's that hard to explain what you did after the fact, without tipping off the producers as to what your plans might be going forward. Hell, he has four people in this house convinced he wants to be final two with them. While I think he really wants it to be Victoria, I don't even know for sure and that's fine. But there's still all kinds of things he could be telling us about what his real strategy is without endangering that.

Basically, it boils down to the fact that he gives horrible DRs. So once again, he is thwarting my entertainment. Which is all I care about.

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Caleb just said that he knows Frankie is not going to take him to the end.  And Drunk Dinosaur Cody said that he's been tight with Christine only to "help us" - presumably meaning Cody, Caleb, and Derrick, but he pointedly didn't include Frankie in the group of who he's fighting for/ playing with.  And Cody first paused and said "How do I say this nicely?"  So, possibly, Cody really has been just putting up with Christine for gameplay?  And possibly Frankie will end up on the block this week?  Maybe my dream world will become reality!!!


Hilariously, Drunk Dinosaur keeps calling her "Chrizeen."  More beer, Cody!!


ETA: It gets better - Cody says to Caleb "Frankie is not going to cross you."  Caleb replies "Yes he would."    Come on, guys- boot Frankie!!

Edited by Turtle

So once again, he is thwarting my entertainment. Which is all I care about.

Precisely. This is a TV show, they are not there to do anything but entertain! Sure, win the money but DO SOMETHING!!! As dumb as it sounds, the lack of food comps even hurts the show. I want people in flower costumes dry humping, dammit! Or Gina Marie gulping frozen yogurt. That was my favorite part of BB15. This season fell perfectly into place to be as dull as possible. I mean... remember how amazing Devin's HoH was? Everything since then has been painfully predictable.

  • Love 4

At least Richard Simmons' annoying-ness can be considered beneficial.

Comparing Frankie to Richard Simmons is an insult to RS. I'm no fan of RS but he deserves better. Plus, RS has made it. Frankie has not and never will.

I think the meme was just saying how house guests on the show see Frankie...maybe cuz of his clothes and shrieking and flamboyance. But yea other than those mild similarities they are nothing alike. Richard Simmons has made it and been rich and famous for decades and he's super nice and humble in real life. He's very nice, warm, and down to earth (that's my RL impression). Frankie is a phoney and arrogant and off putting.

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They got more booze.  I may have to stay up for a while and see how ridiculous they (basically, Cody, Caleb, and Victoria) get.  But they're still on indoor lockdown - Derrick said he thinks that because they got more booze, it probably means they're not getting the BY for a while.  Wondering what's going on there.  Yellers wouldn't take this long to disperse, I wouldn't think.


Victoria can't pronounce Cabernet Sauvignon.  

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Two things I had almost forgotten! Flip Wilson and Tocantins. I think what Frankie must have meant was this was the first time most of America had seen completely amateurish, untalented, and unfunny drag.


Actually, that wasn't drag.

That wasn't even a boy in a dress.

That was a boy in very very bad makeup.


Who knew Frankie was pegged in 1987:  Cher, Witches of Eastwick:


"I think... no, I am positive... that you are the most unattractive man I have ever met in my entire life. You know, in the short time we've been together, you have demonstrated EVERY loathsome characteristic of the male personality and even discovered a few new ones. You are physically repulsive, intellectually retarded, you're morally reprehensible, vulgar, insensitive, selfish, stupid, you have no taste, a lousy sense of humor and you smell. You're not even interesting enough to make me sick."


...annnd how long was it after this speech she slept with him?  ;-)


ETA: after Frankie was a total ass about not being a Have Not, he went and ate all their HN mushrooms last night, just like he ate the tofu last week.  I can't wait until he is evicted, he's so awful.  The only thing I don't like about it is that he will ruin the jury house, which is currently full of lovely people and will only be made lovelier with Nicole.


HEY PRODUCTION!!!  Once the initial "oh, check out the new Have-Not food thingie" taste sampling is over - why not a penalty nom for non-HNs eating the HN's only food options?  The HNs get a penalty nom if they go into the normal food stock.  Why shouldn't the reverse apply as well?

  • Love 10

This building schools in Africa is the biggest line of bullshit since that guy (Adam?) said he was giving his winnings to charity & ended up being arrested for buying a ton of Oxy with his winnings. Frankie's winnings will probably be spent on glitter. 

ETA: also pink hair dye

Edited by burgerbitz
  • Love 3

Have to say, as boring as this season's been, tonight it's been way more entertaining seeing them give most of the booze to one dude in a dinosaur costume rather than all of them fighting for an equal share of not enough wine and beer to actually get buzzed (re: Amanda and her brilliant "wine pong" idea last year).


As far as the accents, I'm one of the people they don't bother a bit.  One side of my family was born and raised in Brooklyn and the other half is in Michigan, which is probably why I find Nicole's accent endearing.

Hmmm, Cody/Frankie/Victoria/Nicole are talking about the innovative games everyone is playing this season.  Cody/Frankie respect others that have come before, but none of them would have had success this season. Everyone this season is so much more innovative!!!!:)


In particular, they would have kicked Dan to the curb this year.  Hey, Cody and Frankie, have you met Derrick?  Yes? Welp, you've met Dan. 


Also, a few minutes prior, Frankie/Cody shared a moment of each grabassing each other.  Cody is drunk.  Frankie is hopeful.

Edited by pennben
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I wonder who would be more shocked and upset about the revelation on Finale Night that Derek is a cop: Cody or Caleb. I think Caleb would be. Remember what he said to Frankie after finding out he had a famous sister?

Drunken Dinosaur Cody and Frankie are grabbing each other's asses. I suspect this isn't the first time Frankie has taken advantage of an inebriated young lad.

Edited by TimWil
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