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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Didn't she choose 5 minutes with a casting agent over  seeing her mom?



Yes she did.  She thought this man was more than just an option for the sake of entertainment!  She wasn't all that attractive either; she had a Jay Leno-ish chin.  He really was a casting director but certainly not a serious meeting. 

Edited by wings707


Donny should go on Bold and the Beautiful with the beard, and then guest on The View and get the beard shaved off.

Did you mean The Talk instead of The View? The Talk is CBS' show and they'd probably want to keep things "all in the family". Plus, Julie hosts The Talk.


Both she and Tim look as if they're frozen in their "rebellious teen" stage. I'm sure dressing and looking alike was important to them in their first years of high school, but they're beyond that, and need to start looking like adults.

That look probably still works for them in Tucson.

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I'm not worried about Frankie treating Donny badly in the JH. For one thing, I'm sure Donny can take care of himself and, outside the context of the house/game, he will not be forced to try to make nice with Frankie if Frankie is being an ass. I'm not saying he would beat Frankie up or anything- he wouldn't need to- but Donny will not be bothered by Frankie making stupid comments or whatever. He has zero fucks to give about what Frankie thinks or does. Apart from that, I don't think Frankie will be Evel Dicking/Amandaing people in JH. He hasn't really done that in the house except to Zach, who he knew was weak in his ability to stand up to Frankie. Frankie talks a ton of shit about people behind their backs, but he is generally civil to their faces. Also, he'll have no social power in the jury over anyone but Zach (who I expect to jump back into Zankie when Frankie shows up and will probably let Frankie control his vote). He won't be the Queen Bee like he was at one time in the house, he won't be part of the dominating alliance, and no one in JH particularly likes him but Zach. I think he'll be on his best behavior because he will want everyone's positive attention and he'll want to try to influence their votes in order to maintain a shred of relevance.



How fucking GLORIOUS is it that Frankie would literally kill to be right beside her now when her music finally goes somewhat mainstream (Macy's fireworks, VMAs, new album)?? I love that he's stuck in a 16 yr. old stage/set with a bunch of idiots. LOL!!

I have thought about this too and I LOVE the fact that the three months Frankie is locked up in the BB house are probably Ariana's 3 hottest months to date, possibly ever. It's going to KILL him when he realizes how much he's missed out on and that it hasn't propelled him to the superstardom that he feels he deserves. I have nothing against Ariana, but I would love it if her career flatlined and for the rest of his life Frankie had to keep hearing about how amazing the summer of '14 was and how much his family wishes he could have been there. Alternatively, I'd love it if the Ariana Machine gears up while he's gone in a way that relegates him to carrying Ari's purse and staying out of the frame in all paparazzi shots and he's reduced to googling himself on his phone to prove that he's a Reality TV Mogul when security won't let him in backstage at one of her shows.

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You know what would have been a great "prize" for Derrick to have won either last week or this week? 24 hours of solitary confinment. It wouldn't be a prize for him but we would all enjoy it. He'd go crazy not being able to control everyone else and perhaps, just perhaps, they could start talking with each other and shake this darn game up.



Yes! They should have had a secret award/punishment that they won't know about until after they decide to win it. Or at least a secret punishment. Kind of like PB and then BOOM solitary for Derrick. 


If Derrick was able to convince Caleb to to put up Frankie at any point (before or after veto) then and only then will I respect Derrick's game play. All the other shit up until now was meaningless because really, everyone just followed everyone. But if Derrick could get Frankie's number 1 follower to turn on him, then I will be impressed. And that only goes for this week. I will not be impressed if it happens later haha

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Interesting tidbit from Julie, re: Donny:



EW: It’s pretty much impossible not to love Donny. Where does he rank among some of the most popular Big Brother players ever?
CHEN: He has by far the highest likeability rating we’ve ever had on this show!  And it doesn’t surprise me one bit. I dare you to find one person out there who doesn’t like him. He is awesome. The real deal.


I think part of the reason why I like Donny was that he was decent and kind to others on the show, but I know that he knows what is going on.  Further, I know that when he gets off camera and talks to his friends, he's going to rip most of these folks to shreds, as he should.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 11

Maybe they could take the beard off on the soap?  It's about the fashion industry?  Maybe they'll do a makeover.


He'll get a Screen Actor's Guild card out of it, won't he?  Ha, Frankie!


I believe they actually get SAG cards before appearing on the show.  (My Aunt & Uncle are BFF's with Shelly's parents, and they have 'hung out' with Shelly at her parents' several times since she was out of BB. I'm not sure if retiree's actually 'hang out' with people...but that's the best way to describe it.) All the HG's are required to be SAG members while on the show, so that's at least one thing he and Frankie have equally while in the house. 

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TheRealT, I agree that Frankie will treat Donny well in the JH. 


And yes, Ariana's career has skyrocketed in the past 3 months and even more so in the past week!  If Frankie has designs on hanging out with his sister, when he gets out, he is in for a rude awakening.  Her people are going to book her until she bleeds and beyond.  She is hot stuff right now.  He will have some feelings about this.  Happy for his sister, for sure, but there will be some sadness at missing this frantic ride and, of course, her PR team putting him outside the loop.  The latter being the biggest deal for him.


As far as the jury house goes.  It doesn't matter who thinks who is running the show.  They both give a speech and tell them what they have done in a bid for the win.  And when it comes down to it, most vote for their favorite person.  I don't care who wins.  Frankie will not be a contender so I give no disclaimer.  I want him out soon.

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Caleb staring off deep in thought, then asks Frankie in the BY, "I wonder when Blake wrote that letter?" Trying to figure out
08/29/14 12:38 PM

What Blake's comment about putting on his "man-pants" meant.

Cringing at all the previous Jamie Kern (BB1) talk....ironically, she made a name for herself after all, as the CEO of the very popular It Cosmetics; Dancing With The Stars and other celebrity folk uses her stuff.




She probably sent them free samples so she could legally say they use this product.  I don't believe they do. 


ETA:  It is her company, that is why she is CEO.  I am the CEO of my couch world.

Edited by wings707
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So, I just watched the tail end of the Jeff/Donny interview. 


Donny had skittles in his pocket in case this was a DE and he survived the first elimination.  He was going to "choose" who he nominated via skittles the way they "chose" him to go up.  


DAMMIT, why can't we have the nice things Donny had planned.  That would have been extraordinary seeing skittles shoved in their faces.

  • Love 15

In picking Have Nots for the week, Caleb asks if everyone has done it twice. Of course, Frankie has only done it once and remained silent. So he chose Nicole and Derrick had already volunteered. 


Frankie, you're such an asshole. Not just because of this, just in general, but I felt it needed to be said again. I mean Caleb is an asshole too, because he said he wasn't going to make Nicole a HN twice in a row, but he did anyway. Because they're all assholes. 


God, I hate this season.

Edited by Callaphera
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Re:  Donny and Frankie in the jury house:  It's ironic that the thing that would make Frankie the most miserable in JH - the lack of cameras - is the one thing that would make it highly entertaining to see.  No cameras + the isolation!  My take is Donny would still have passing conversations with Frankie, but certainly won't bend over backwards. 


I hope Donny has gotten some inkling since being ousted how much the viewers love him:  He deserves to know that the isolated opinions of those twatwaffles is the antithesis of what the audience thinks of him.  Plus, being isolated, I'm sure it was drilled into him, via Frankie, how social media is a factor in their 'fanbase'.  Yeah..how's that workin out for ya, Frankie?


And, knowing Frankie will be reading these boards upon his exit - yes, Frankie, you really do suck.  it's not because you're gay, it's not because I have a problem with all the wonderful work you will undoubtedly be doing to help those poor, illiterate African kids, it's not because I'm a 'hater...I just don't happen to enjoy watching marginally talented fame-whores expecting accolades for doing little more than converting o2 to CO2 (You make the Kardashians look positively industrious!), nor do I enjoy watching 31 year old men clinging to a sibling to achieve notoriety that their lack of talent will never allow for them to achieve themselves.

  • Love 7

I am sick of slop, I am sick of HNs.  Get rid of this shit!  Old news.


Frankie is such an angry boy for being so "up" all the time. 

Re:  Donny and Frankie in the jury house:  It's ironic that the thing that would make Frankie the most miserable in JH - the lack of cameras - is the one thing that would make it highly entertaining to see.  No cameras + the isolation!  My take is Donny would still have passing conversations with Frankie, but certainly won't bend over backwards. 


I hope Donny has gotten some inkling since being ousted how much the viewers love him:  He deserves to know that the isolated opinions of those twatwaffles is the antithesis of what the audience thinks of him.  Plus, being isolated, I'm sure it was drilled into him, via Frankie, how social media is a factor in their 'fanbase'.  Yeah..how's that workin out for ya, Frankie?


And, knowing Frankie will be reading these boards upon his exit - yes, Frankie, you really do suck.  it's not because you're gay, it's not because I have a problem with all the wonderful work you will undoubtedly be doing to help those poor, illiterate African kids, it's not because I'm a 'hater...I just don't happen to enjoy watching marginally talented fame-whores expecting accolades for doing little more than converting o2 to CO2 (You make the Kardashians look positively industrious!), nor do I enjoy watching 31 year old men clinging to a sibling to achieve notoriety that their lack of talent will never allow for them to achieve themselves.



Thundering applause!

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I have come to like Cody all of a sudden.  I was looking for Jeff's chat with Donny but it hasn't been posted yet.  I watched the clips from home.  Cody crying was sweet.  I know they all cried but for some reason he got me.  I loved that his dad was in his car!  Dash cam was better than his phone, clearly. 


I noticed that Frankies family was shot from below with Ariana sitting the highest.  The ceiling is behind them!  Frankie was right. She staged that carefully and there were probably many retakes. Grandma kind of gave that away.  Funny. 

Edited by wings707
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From Joker's:

12:54 PM Caleb picks Nicole as a have not along with Derrick. NT

12:55 PM Nicole crying outside. "Send me home im sick of this crap." NT

12:56 PM Nic talking to herself. "I understand its game but you don't put someone on slop 2 weeks in a row when Fran has done it only once. NT

12:59 PM Frankie saying he wouldn't volunteer cause the HN room is too cold and says "this isn't big best friend, it's big brother" NT

1:00 PM Fra "Shes been in the jury a whole week. She got amazing food, cuddled with Hay, watched movies. I don't give a sh*t. Shut up." NT



I think Nicole needs to suck it up and deal with it, but REALLY Frankie? Nice.


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Christine told Nicole that her being a have not didn't come from Caleb that someone told him to do it. (hinting at Frankie) NT


I find this interesting because from what I read, Caleb was standing there taking a long time to decided and neither site I use for feeds reported that anyone whispered or pullled him away.  Did anyone see?

From Joker's:


I think Nicole needs to suck it up and deal with it, but REALLY Frankie? Nice.



Gee, Frankie - seems someone is feasting on bittercakes since last night.  And if it's not 'Big Best Friend', then why are you always BFF's with whoever is HoH? 


His personality death spiral is going to end up becoming glorious:  He is seriously starting to show cracks if he's getting that catty - and the longer he has to think about Donny's applause and his failed 'showcase', the more his 'creative' little mind is going to forget to keep his assholishness in check.

  • Love 6

Did you mean The Talk instead of The View? The Talk is CBS' show and they'd probably want to keep things "all in the family". Plus, Julie hosts The Talk.


Aaargh, yes, I did. I haven't watched The View for years, so why I came up with that I do not know. 


Cringing at all the previous Jamie Kern (BB1) talk....ironically, she made a name for herself after all, as the CEO of the very popular It Cosmetics; Dancing With The Stars and other celebrity folk uses her stuff.




She always was beautifully made up, and I remember talk about her spending a lot of time on her appearance. 


In picking Have Nots for the week, Caleb asks if everyone has done it twice. Of course, Frankie has only done it once and remained silent. So he chose Nicole and Derrick had already volunteered. 


Frankie, you're such an asshole. Not just because of this, just in general, but I felt it needed to be said again. I mean Caleb is an asshole too, because he said he wasn't going to make Nicole a HN twice in a row, but he did anyway. Because they're all assholes. 


God, I hate this season.




He'll get a Screen Actor's Guild card out of it, won't he?  Ha, Frankie!

Donny would have to pay to join SAG which might be close to $1,000 now. Plus he'd have to pay monthly dues. It wouldn't be worth it for him since he's not an actor and wants to stay in NC.

I say this as a huge fan of Donny. He's not interested in fame like Frankie. Just the fact that Donny's been hired for a TV appearance before Frankie is enough for me!

Has Frankie ever elaborated on his stage career? It's not easy to go from one Broadway show to another, but I have many friends who have four or five Broadway credits. I wonder if Frankie's annoying diva attitude and general lack of talent had anything to do with his demise?

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Nicole is talking about taking all the rewards if the Veto comp is a punishment/reward one. Um, how about you try for Veto instead and try to take yourself off the block? They don't know for sure that it's another DE coming up, but I would love it if Nicole managed to squeak by this week and got one of those asses out during DE. I'd love to see Christine get sent to jury instead.

Cringing at all the previous Jamie Kern (BB1) talk....ironically, she made a name for herself after all, as the CEO of the very popular It Cosmetics;

I saw her on QVC or something last week when just flipping through channels, but didn't realize that was her!  She's still positively mannish-looking.


Frankie says he bets there are 4 hours worth of footage of his family because he said Ariana would constantly be deleting and doing retakes


Funny that it looked like an afterthought to me.  Ariana:, "I've never felt anything quite like this."    Word, girlfriend, word.

Derrick has Nicole's vote, that is for sure.  And I will say, he is being nice to her and the other guys are not.  If I were there, it would count for a lot. 

Funny that it looked like an afterthought to me.  Ariana:, "I've never felt anything quite like this."    Word, girlfriend, word.


No afterthought at all.  It is shot from below, a known flattering angle.  Everyone else looked straight into the camera.  Frankie is right on this one!  Ariana is posed. 

I wonder why Frankie went on Big Brother. I've seen speculation that it as to promote Ariana's CD, but that seems a bit of a stretch since his intention at first was to keep it secret. It seems so odd that someone would think that it was a stepping stone to fame, since no one who has been on the show has ever been famous. Even from Survivor, no one has been famous. I'm not sure of his strategy.

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Cody and Caleb discussing how Donny will not be America's Fav.

"He had a beard, but no personality."

I wonder why Frankie went on Big Brother. I've seen speculation that it as to promote Ariana's CD, but that seems a bit of a stretch since his intention at first was to keep it secret. It seems so odd that someone would think that it was a stepping stone to fame, since no one who has been on the show has ever been famous. Even from Survivor, no one has been famous. I'm not sure of his strategy.


Ariana did not need promotion.  She was already very well known and climbing fast.  I think Frankie is the one in search of fame in the shadow of his younger sister. 

  • Love 2

Cody told Caleb/Derrick that Christine told Cody that Frankie told Christine that Caleb tried to flip the votes to keep Donny. NT


Cody/Caleb agreeing that they should tell Christine that they would use the veto on her and put Victoria up. NT



Come on Nicole, win this veto tomorrow so we can see Christine go.  No way are they serious about booting Victoria.  Or so I gather.  I could be wrong.

It really is hitting Frankie that he is not as popular as he thought.  The "play" being rejected paired with the cheers for Donny is speeding up his downward spiral on a minute to minute basis, it seems.  


If Nicole goes, she will get a big crowd reaction, if Christine goes she will get less.  They won't allow the audience to boo, though some do slip out.  That should make him feel a little better.  What a nasty boy he is. 

  • Love 1


Nicole is talking about taking all the rewards if the Veto comp is a punishment/reward one. Um, how about you try for Veto instead and try to take yourself off the block?

I think she knows she isn't going to win the game. So if the jury stipend is the same as the house stipend, why not get some rewards, go back and hang out with Hayden?

  • Love 2

Cody told Caleb/Derrick that Christine told Cody that Frankie told Christine that Caleb tried to flip the votes to keep Donny. NT


Whenever I check Jokers rather than watch the feeds, it always seems like the updates are like "Person A tells Person B that Persons C and D told Person E that Person B said something mean to Person D so Person D wants Person B gone." They really like playing Telephone this season. The above quote isn't an confusing as some of them have been, but damn. Everyone is telling everyone stuff, but are any of them actually listening?

Cody and Caleb discussing how Donny will not be America's Fav.

"He had a beard, but no personality."


Ariana did not need promotion.  She was already very well known and climbing fast.  I think Frankie is the one in search of fame in the shadow of his younger sister. 


I have to agree that Ariana did not need promotional help from Frankie.  By the time Big Brother started, she had already had a Billboard hit last year, performed for the President and the First Lady at the White House, and appeared on national television shows (American Music Awards, etc.).  Funny note:  One of my friends is a bit older than I (early to mid sixties) and I asked her if she knew Ariana Grande.  She said, "Sure, she's the girl who was one of the singers at that White House performance along with Patti Labelle, Melissa Etheridge, and a few other strong female singers."  I had forgotten that the White House performance had aired on PBS until she reminded me.

  • Love 1

It really is hitting Frankie that he is not as popular as he thought.  The "play" being rejected paired with the cheers for Donny is speeding up his downward spiral on a minute to minute basis, it seems.  


If Nicole goes, she will get a big crowd reaction, if Christine goes she will get less.  They won't allow the audience to boo, though some do slip out.  That should make him feel a little better.  What a nasty boy he is. 


And each day he's isolated from 'feedback' will only allow it to spiral.  He does not have the intestinal fortitude necessary to 'self-sensor' - he could delude himself for a while...until the live show last night, and he got a 'one-two' punch.  His imagination is active enough, the paranoia rampant in the house is growing for each, and he got the first non-production inkling he is NOT America's darling.  He's got to be reviewing every action in the house he's done, coupled with at least knowing Ariana opened the VMA's this week - and THAT didn't help him win his dumbass, pathetic play as a mission...and that mental activity is keeping him from the most remote attempts to be 'darling'.


I love watching a person beat themselves to death with their thoughts when they are a slimeball!

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I wonder why Frankie went on Big Brother. I've seen speculation that it as to promote Ariana's CD, but that seems a bit of a stretch since his intention at first was to keep it secret. It seems so odd that someone would think that it was a stepping stone to fame, since no one who has been on the show has ever been famous. Even from Survivor, no one has been famous. I'm not sure of his strategy.

Frankie did not do this for Ariana. Frankie did this for Frankie. Of course I do not know, but I suspect Crankie thought even reality show exposure was more than what he had previously been getting.

And I expect he's probably right.

But I don't think he took into account the possibility of additional exposure not necessarily being a good thing.

Gracious, no.  While I do find them attractive, I'm way too old for the Tattoo thing. :-)

No such thing. I was 50 before I got my first tattoo. :)

  • Love 5


I wonder why Frankie went on Big Brother. I've seen speculation that it as to promote Ariana's CD, but that seems a bit of a stretch since his intention at first was to keep it secret. It seems so odd that someone would think that it was a stepping stone to fame, since no one who has been on the show has ever been famous. Even from Survivor, no one has been famous. I'm not sure of his strategy.

He wanted to go on Survivor. Survivor rejected him and he's friends with a bunch of Survivors and met Adam from BB13 who told him he should go on Big Brother and introduced him to someone in casting.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I can't relate to the bottom-feeding level of fame these houseguests are after. I'm scared to death a company I apply to will see a picture of me holding a beer on my FB, imagine them seeing me jerk off in the shower or just tons of soundbites of me saying stupid things? They all talk about their Instragram and Twitter followers as if that is where they get all their self esteem.

Anyways, nudes of Cody since everything in the house is so boring http://misterscandal.com/?p=24244

Edited by Morbs
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