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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I have to wonder if it isn't because attached women are safe.He can flirt and touch all he wants but knows they'll never expect follow-through. Seems like a perfect situation for a closeted guy, to me.  Or even someone who just wants to appear to be a player but isn't all that interested in committing to action.


This is exactly what I think it is.

  • Love 2


I'm in this Team America alliance, and while I can't tell you who the others are I can tell you that more than one person still in this house full of people who deny they are working with me, are in fact working with me."


I'm really not sure what good that would do, because they AREN'T working with Donny. TAFY has never done anything that has effected the game.

So I don't think people will buy Donny's bluff that he has allies.

But its ok. Because screwing around with another woman - figuratively, for now - is gonna put food in his kid's mouth.

As long as food is put in the kid's mouth, that's all the mantra he needs to live by. I can just see Derrick trying to rationalize it to his daughter years down the line; "Treating your mom like shit and threatening to destroy our family, by doing stuff with another woman I shouldn't have been doing? Not proud of it, child, but I did it to win, to put food in your mouth. Don't ever forget that."

And that's why I really, really want Derrick to see the inside of the jury house. Or not make the F2

I'm in this Team America alliance, and while I can't tell you who the others are I can tell you that more than one person still in this house full of people who deny they are working with me, are in fact working with me."

If Donny did that upon leaving, that would be all kinds of awesome. The paranoia would be so funny.

Edited by LGGirl

I'm really not sure what good that would do, because they AREN'T working with Donny. TAFY has never done anything that has effected the game.

So I don't think people will buy Donny's bluff that he has allies.

I disagree I think TAFY has done several things that have effected the game. No way Derrick and Frankie would be working together if it wasn't for TA, they would of already gone after eachother. And I think Derrick prolly would of taken him

out already. Zach granted had a sucky game plan, but them using him didn't help him at all. I think they have protected Donny in a way from being evicted but now they are jusifiying it to themselves that it's time.

  • Love 1

I asked this very question in the show Miscellany thread because I didn't know if it was appropriate for this one, but now that it's being discussed, I'll go one further: What if Donny named names? "I have been working with Derrick and Frankie in a secret Team America alliance, we've earned $15,000 each by completing tasks designed to play pranks and cause dissension among our fellow houseguests."


He would obviously forfeit the money, but wouldn't it also wreck Derrick and Frankie's games? Nothing gets these people to turn on each other faster than who has money. Even better if he could do it in the live show where they couldn't edit it out. I just wonder what would happen. I picture a giant, Big Brother-like voice, like a judge on Law & Order: "The houseguests will disregard any mention of Team America!"


It would be one of those "If I can't win the game, I'm making sure you don't either" moves that I don't think Donny would contemplate, but interesting to consider.

  • Love 1

I asked this very question in the show Miscellany thread because I didn't know if it was appropriate for this one, but now that it's being discussed, I'll go one further: What if Donny named names? "I have been working with Derrick and Frankie in a secret Team America alliance, we've earned $15,000 each by completing tasks designed to play pranks and cause dissension among our fellow houseguests."


He would obviously forfeit the money, but wouldn't it also wreck Derrick and Frankie's games? Nothing gets these people to turn on each other faster than who has money. Even better if he could do it in the live show where they couldn't edit it out. I just wonder what would happen. I picture a giant, Big Brother-like voice, like a judge on Law & Order: "The houseguests will disregard any mention of Team America!"


It would be one of those "If I can't win the game, I'm making sure you don't either" moves that I don't think Donny would contemplate, but interesting to consider.


But would it ruin anyone's game at this point?  He might just end up looking like a bad sport, and if I were Derrick and Frankie thats how I would sell it.  Donny is sour grapes because he lost, and our tasks were generally meaningless and only effected the game to protect the rest of you still here.  Of course, Derrick is only trying to put food in his daughters mouth, so anyone who got upset with him could be ready for that defense.  I mean, how dare anyone deprive Derrick of putting a little more food in his daughters mouth, just over some silly pranks that only resulted in other houseguests getting evicted.  I mean, since they are all still in the game, if I were Derrick/Frankie, I would argue that everyone still in the house somehow benefitted from Team America, so they should really be thinking Team America for helping their game.

Edited by RealityGal
I asked this very question in the show Miscellany thread because I didn't know if it was appropriate for this one, but now that it's being discussed, I'll go one further: What if Donny named names? "I have been working with Derrick and Frankie in a secret Team America alliance, we've earned $15,000 each by completing tasks designed to play pranks and cause dissension among our fellow houseguests."


Alternatively, if Frankie named names -- it would be in the Living Room, with all the good camera angles, where he would come clean to the house about the reason why he's been acting so weird is that he feels so guilty is because he's been part of Team America making cash for tasks. Yay !!!!


Do all of these clowns forget that Caleb won $5000 in a POV comp ?

  • Love 3

Some of the things we have seen on the feeds regarding Derrick and Victoria:

1.  He was lying face down on a bed and she laid on top of him.

2.  She was lying sideways on a bed in shorts and he patted her leg next to her butt several times.

3.  She called to him to bring her brush to her in the shower.

4.  She seems to always need to be in the same room with him.

5.  Yesterday she put on a tube dress that left nothing to the imagination and made sure she spent a lot of time in his line of vision.

6.  He was teaching her to shoot pool yesterday and that was interestingly close.  Afterward he stood behind her with his arm hanging down in front of her with his mouth/face on her head.


Basically there is a lot of sexual innuendo going on between both of them and it's getting more frequent.  I feel sorry for his wife.  I hope he has a price to pay when he gets home.  This is not game play in my opinion.  He doesn't need to go to this extent to keep her as his goat.  Just saying......

  • Love 3

Is the current plan to get Donny out or to get Nicole out? I can't keep up with these people!!!

From what I can tell, Frankie tried very hard to get Nicole out, but wasn't quite able to swing it. The last I read he said to Derrick "At least we tried" (to keep Donny). They seemed to be worried about how they will be viewed for voting out one of TAFY.

Edited by TexasChic

I rewound my DVR three times to clarify what I thought I heard on TVGN when Cody seemed to be saying, "Gay Shopping Buddy".  I couldn't believe my ears and thought he let it slip that he is, in fact, gay.  Sure enough... That's exactly what he said.  It seemed Christine was taken aback a little bit by the comment, too.  Huh???  Could it be?


Re:  Victoria/Derrick  He certainly is stepping up his "relationship" with her.  True...the recent sexual innuendos are front and center but I can't figure out why.  She's been his loyal servant, biggest fan, and protector, and he knows it, so why the sudden change in how he acts toward her?  I refuse to think it's anything but a game move BUT I need help with exactly how his sudden intimacy gets him further in the game.


edited to add:


If I were Derrick's wife and I saw that ^^^^ video, it would bother the hell out of me.  Whoa.....


That said, now that I think about it, doesn't Victoria resemble Jana a little bit???  They're both Jewish, with dark hair and dark eyes.  Hmmmm...

Edited by tinderbox

Seems to me that the one that should be untouchable is all over him. He's reciprocating, but I didn't see him starting it. If she acted like I think a married woman should, he'd probably be acting very different too.


This is mostly true, and I agree... but he hasn't exactly really tried to stop it, either.  At least from what I've gathered from updates here and what I've seen on the shows in recent past.

I rewound my DVR three times to clarify what I thought I heard on TVGN when Cody seemed to be saying, "Gay Shopping Buddy".  I couldn't believe my ears and thought he let it slip that he is, in fact, gay.  Sure enough... That's exactly what he said.  It seemed Christine was taken aback a little bit by the comment, too.  Huh???  Could it be?

What was the context of the comment?

I think in part Derrick recognizes that Victoria has a major crush, in part he's attracted to her on some level, in part he's encouraging her feelings to help his game, and in part these folks must get really lonely and bored, and start craving human contact.  They have spent two months with only a few people, no books, no TV, no internet (!!), no music, nothing.  They just have each other, and they have to fill 24 hours a day.  I can understand how, even with the constant cameras, relationships get a little weird.  

  • Love 8
From what I can tell, Frankie tried very hard to get Nicole out, but wasn't quite able to swing it. The last I read he said to Derrick "At least we tried" (to keep Donny). They seemed to be worried about how they will be viewed for voting out one of TAFY.

He can't really have tried very hard though. There are still nearly two full days until the vote, and why couldn't he get Christine on board by saying he's heard Nicole would "come after" her all vengeance-like, whereas Donny would be after Derrick/Cody or Caleb/Cody, since they are the ones who put him up. I mean, I know Christine wouldn't want to lose her scratching post, but surely even someone as profoundly stupid as she is must know she's got no chance against Cody.

  • Love 2

Another thing to add to the "Cody prefers attached women" thinking;


About a month & a half ago, he was telling all of (I think) Brittany/Christine/Jocasta/Nicole/Zach (and maybe Victoria) this story about how he hooked up with a chick while at some sort of conference for his job in Atlanta, who went to Florida St - they think it ended up being a real good friend of Zach's - but she was in a relationship at the time.  And they kept contact afterwards too.


I don't know.  I am and can be an asshole, but don't really see the upside of bragging about 'slaying' a girl who was in a relationship to a bunch of women; two of whom are married.  Fail to see how that would help make him more attractive to them, or why he would think it could - although Christine must have taken note of it, considering.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I think that's at least part of it. I've heard her give him a hard time for not looking at her when she walks in the room. Of course, part of that is paranoia, but she does seem very needy and clingy.


ETA: Sorry, this was in reference to Derrick being overly affectionate with Victoria.

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 1

Some of the things we have seen on the feeds regarding Derrick and Victoria:

1.  He was lying face down on a bed and she laid on top of him.

2.  She was lying sideways on a bed in shorts and he patted her leg next to her butt several times.

3.  She called to him to bring her brush to her in the shower.

4.  She seems to always need to be in the same room with him.

5.  Yesterday she put on a tube dress that left nothing to the imagination and made sure she spent a lot of time in his line of vision.

6.  He was teaching her to shoot pool yesterday and that was interestingly close.  Afterward he stood behind her with his arm hanging down in front of her with his mouth/face on her head.


Basically there is a lot of sexual innuendo going on between both of them and it's getting more frequent.  I feel sorry for his wife.  I hope he has a price to pay when he gets home.  This is not game play in my opinion.  He doesn't need to go to this extent to keep her as his goat.  Just saying......



Derrick taking Victoria to Final 2 is sort of like marrying for money: you will earn every penny of it.

He certainly has his work cut out for him, Victoria is very needy and much more high maintenance [attention-wise] than Derrick ever imagined she would be.


I think the person that truly needs to be worried is his wife.  Victoria does seem a little needy, and I get vague whiffs of "Single White Female/Fatal Attraction" from her.  She doesn't just like Derrick on a superficial "looks" level that she could throw off after the show, it seems to go deeper than that.  It also doesn't seem like she is playing him, it just seems like she is really attached to him.  And IMO.....high level of attachment + used to getting what she wants = potential for disaster.  

  • Love 3

Last year the HGs were obsessed with finding out who America chose and Elissa got nailed to the wall for mentioning it.  This season no one cares or has even wondered.  TA means nothing.  They are pranksters and not very good ones, at that.  I see no value in Donny exposing it.




From this it is clear that we will not see any booing.  That is disappointing and I am ashamed that I was excited about it.  I am a mature, loving and kind adult who does not like to see people hurt or embarassed.   All bets are off for me in this game, apparently!  


Frankie saying, well, we tried about saving Donnny tells us production wants him to stay in.  Too little, too late people!!   They could have done so much more. 

I think in part Derrick recognizes that Victoria has a major crush, in part he's attracted to her on some level, in part he's encouraging her feelings to help his game, and in part these folks must get really lonely and bored, and start craving human contact.  They have spent two months with only a few people, no books, no TV, no internet (!!), no music, nothing.  They just have each other, and they have to fill 24 hours a day.  I can understand how, even with the constant cameras, relationships get a little weird.

This is just how I feel. Very easy for viewers to look too deep into every little thing.

I've really enjoyed their friendship.

  • Love 1

I don't think Victoria will make it to F2.  She and Derrick are being more open and it will come to the attention of the others when Donny and Nichole are gone.  They will be seen as an alliance.  Frankie will pick up on this.  She is the easiest vote out when they have to turn on each other.  The no blood on hands always prevails.

  • Love 2

As much I've been bagging on the extra-marital stuff going on, I do admit that the strength of will must be absolutely incredible to not let things affect you, in that whole "cut off from the whole world" situation.


I know the chance at $500K is a hella big reason, but if I were married or in a very serious relationship, I would not go on a show like this and would be unhappy if my SO did; even as unfair to them it would be.


How can you expect to be in that kind of environment - or even worse, in the JH since there's not constant cameras/mics - for nearly 3 months and not stray, even if just mentally?  Its just not possible.  I don't like the C/C & D/V happenings, but considering the circumstances, I'm not sure I'd be strong enough to not at least think about what it would be like with a woman/women other than my SO - at least once - in that type of situation. 


And as juvenile and disturbing as this sounds, (speaking for me personally) the Jack Shack would most likely get a few visits over the course of that time.

  • Love 5

I read on another site that Victoria tells Derrick she is concerned about knocking other HGs and wonders what they show on the feeds. She doesn't get it that the feeds are not an edited show. She undressed completely in the FR for weeks until she realized there were cameras in there.

How could she not know cameras were everywhere?

Is she just making up things to be distraught about so Derrick can comfort her?

Edited by Stinamaia

Wow, that video. I had no idea that Victoria and Derrick were just as bad as Christine and Cody. How did that not get blown up like Christine and Cody did?  I mean, they've even got meaningful glances between them, whereas Cody touches but barely makes eye contact with Christine.  I think they might actually have something going on. There were at least three instances in that video alone where I thought he was going to kiss her.

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 3

That's true. Can she get the votes, though? Again, she could probably beat Christine. I literally have no idea what would happen if Caleb and Victoria were the final two.


This would probably be my fave F2 ever. Caleb would undoubtedly win though. He's a man after all.


I honestly don't think she could beat anyone In the house. She hasn't been playing this game at all and has been living in a lala land.


This sentence could literally apply 100% to Cody and he'll beat everyone left (not including Donny) except Derrick. It could even apply to Caleb mostly, and he too would beat at least all the women. Hell, Frankie applies to the second part and he'd still beat most of them. I mean, sure, they all have penises though, so of course they'd deserve it.


Tue 1:09 AM BBT Derr and Frank in FR-telling Frank convo w/ Nicole. Derr saying Frank getting to much resistant on Donny. They said at least we tried. Victoria interrupts. Derr puts her over his shoulder and said let's go woman. Now he's telling Vic convo w/ Nicole

Who thinks that DIDN'T make Victoria's week? :D


Who thinks it didn't make Derrick's?


That said, now that I think about it, doesn't Victoria resemble Jana a little bit???  They're both Jewish, with dark hair and dark eyes.  Hmmmm...


They look very similar. When they showed a pic of her in Derrick's HOH room I was stunned by how much Victoria looks like her.


How could she not know cameras were everywhere?


There are so many people every season who do not get that there are cameras everywhere and that they are always being seen. Victoria is in no way the first and she won't be the last.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Cody's tweets are being posted:


#Hitmen all day! taking down the house one week at a time!


(random family shout out)


Something asking people to hashtag #CodyCalzone during episodes.


Oh, honey, you have no clue what is happening whatsoever.  I can't believe he (a) remembers the name Hitmen and (b) that he would think it was a hashtag anyone would understand.

How could she not know cameras were everywhere?


I heard Caleb the other day still believing his theory that if the fish tank lights are on, it means the live feeds aren't. Because "they wouldn't show 'em a dark fish tank" was his reasoning. He brought up this hilarious theory a few weeks ago in a conversation with Donny, I think, and told Derrick the other day about it. I mean, there is SOME logic to his theory, because the fish tank is lit 95% of the time when it blocks the feeds, but there are those few times a season we get a dark tank. Still. Victoria not getting it doesn't surprise me. 


Sometimes I wish they were all confused about how the live feeds work, just because they're all so careful this year about appearing certain ways or whatnot. At this point, don't the HGs stop caring and just kinda let it all hang out? I don't remember last season's bunch being that worried about how they appeared on the live feeds, although that's a loaded comparison. 

  • Love 3

I don't think Victoria will make it to F2.  She and Derrick are being more open and it will come to the attention of the others when Donny and Nichole are gone.  They will be seen as an alliance.  Frankie will pick up on this.  She is the easiest vote out when they have to turn on each other.  The no blood on hands always prevails.

Had it occurred to anyone else this may be why Derrick seems to be turning up the volume on the Mutual Attraction Show - setting the foundation to make it easier to get rid of Victoria on down the road? First Rule of BB Showmances = Break 'em up - and between Derrick and Vic, who do you think the remaining HGs will want to keep?

  • Love 1

Wow, that video. I had no idea that Victoria and Derrick were just as bad as Christine and Cody. How did that not get blown up like Christine and Cody did?  I mean, they've even got meaningful glances between them, whereas Cody touches but barely makes eye contact with Christine.  I think they might actually have something going on. There were at least three instances in that video alone where I thought he was going to kiss her.


I was surprized, too.  What I found particularly intimate was Derrick moving his leg over to touch hers when they were lying on a bed. It was subtle but struck me as more intimate than some of the other clips. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5


Sometimes I wish they were all confused about how the live feeds work, just because they're all so careful this year about appearing certain ways or whatnot. At this point, don't the HGs stop caring and just kinda let it all hang out? I don't remember last season's bunch being that worried about how they appeared on the live feeds, although that's a loaded comparison.

James Rhine use to say on the live feeds during All-Stars that he would tell Maggie who told the Friendship that part of HOH privileges meant that their were no live feeds in the HOH Room. Which is why the Friendship would have all their bashing sessions in the HOH room and Maggie said such negative things about her employer at the time. It amazes me that people don't research these things before hand.

True. I also wonder how it would be with a whole house of people who have never seen the show.


Kinda late responding to this, but I would LOVE to watch this.  Seeing how alike or differently these total show virgins would play the game would be intriguing.  I'm all for it!



Speaking of the WC, I noticed a couple of weeks ago on BBAD that when Caleb went in, the camera zoomed in and lingered on the "VACANT" sign on the door. I'd like to think that was silent commentary on his mental prowess.


If Caleb was in the WC, why did it say "VACANT"?  Wouldn't it be "OCCUPIED"?


Just a few comments and observations and maybe a question or two:


What was Zingbot's "zing" regarding Cody and Christine?


Speaking of Christine, may I just say that I DETEST HER!!  She looks dirty (although her hair appears to always be clean) and her cackling drives me nuts.  I think her relationship with Cody has been pretty much covered, but if I were Tim, I'd be so hurt and furious with her showing total disrespect for me on national television that I don't think I could recover from it.  Probably more hurt than angry.


And who taught her to peel a potato?  I was enthralled watching her butcher that poor spud last night.  Thank goodness Cody stepped in to save it.  She wasn't much on cutting them up either.  


How did Frankie leave a message on the dining room table?  They don't have access to pen and paper.  Did he carve it with a butter knife?


And speaking of Frankie, I can't believe I sat there and watched him take a bath last night.  An entire bath.  Oh, when he said that DR had hinted to him to keep Donny, they got the loud speaker, "Houseguests, please don't talk about your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests."  So they got that instead of fish.


Watching Victoria and Derrick together is truly sickening.  I'm not a prude by any means, but I feel so bad for Derrick's wife.  If I was sitting at home with our baby watching this, I would be mortified, horrified and fit to be tied.  He'd better take home that half-a-mil.


Last night he was laying on the bed fiddling with that stick thingy and he was using it to play with her hair.  It seemed very intimate to me ... definitely something between a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife (all that includes same gender relationships, BTW).  She said "That feels good." Watching her watching him is awkward.  Victoria is SO in love with Derrick, it's ridiculous.  And he's just eating it all up.  She's going to be devastated when this game is over and she goes back to her parents and he returns (maybe, maybe not) to his wife.  I think it's going to be very difficult for her. Her stroking his leg was just ... poor Jana.


I've been thinking about the early seasons.  I may be wrong, but didn't they actually have to wash their clothes in a bucket then hang them out to dry?  Didn't they have a garden and have to raise their own vegetables?  Didn't they also raise chickens for eggs, thus Chicken George?  I recall they had nothing to do for entertainment until America voted on some luxury items they could get, such as a treadmill or maybe a grill.  I just remember they had NOTHING to do.  Also, when they were evicted, it seems their family was there waiting for them.  I also seem to remember production putting a bunch of clothes and accessories in the house and the houseguests were let loose to put on and keep as many as they could put on.


I could have invented that entire last paragraph, but I don't think so.  And the first winner had a leg missing, right?


Ok, this is long enough.  I doubt anybody actually read it all, but I haven't been able to catch up for a few days.


Team Donny!!!

  • Love 3

Had it occurred to anyone else this may be why Derrick seems to be turning up the volume on the Mutual Attraction Show - setting the foundation to make it easier to get rid of Victoria on down the road? First Rule of BB Showmances = Break 'em up - and between Derrick and Vic, who do you think the remaining HGs will want to keep?


No, not at all.   He can get rid of her anytime he wants, he has control and knows it.  If anything he wants the attention off of him and that would only served to bring him into sharper focus. 

If Caleb was in the WC, why did it say "VACANT"?  Wouldn't it be "OCCUPIED"?

None of them bother with turning that sign over.


What was Zingbot's "zing" regarding Cody and Christine?

The only one we know for sure is the one that aired, which was along the lines of 'Cody, you haven't made any enemies, except Christine's husband.' Apparently there was another one, too, but I never heard what it was and it wasn't aired.

I've been thinking about the early seasons.  I may be wrong, but didn't they actually have to wash their clothes in a bucket then hang them out to dry?  Didn't they have a garden and have to raise their own vegetables?  Didn't they also raise chickens for eggs, thus Chicken George?  I recall they had nothing to do for entertainment until America voted on some luxury items they could get, such as a treadmill or maybe a grill.  I just remember they had NOTHING to do.  Also, when they were evicted, it seems their family was there waiting for them.  I also seem to remember production putting a bunch of clothes and accessories in the house and the houseguests were let loose to put on and keep as many as they could put on.


I could have invented that entire last paragraph, but I don't think so.  And the first winner had a leg missing, right?

You are correct on all of this.

You know all of this Victoria/Derrick convo makes me respect Dan Gheesling even more for the way he handled Danielle in his 2d season.   She was clearly attached to him, and he used that attachment, but it never got remotely sexual or touchy-feely.  At least as far as I recall. 

Edited by Thalia
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