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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I somewhat feel like a HG myself - in that I don't know who to believe or whatnot.  They always go on about "I don't know who to trust" or lie and say "I trust you" to some people.


Lying is such an art form in this game.  The only real "somewhat truthful" game-talk vibe I get is Derrick/Cody.  But agree with the 'wtf?" about Cody saying Devin has his back.  Um, what?   And now that he's said that, Derrick has that on him. 


I don't fault people for their views on Brittany and her "poor me" routine.  But at the same time, its a game play move.  Sympathy votes [single mom of 3/getting divorced/quit job] and being an attractive female, she can use those wiles to advance her game.   Not to be sexist, but women generally have a disadvantage on the physical side of the HOH/BOTB/POV comps, so they have to use other means to stay safe and try to stay in the game as long as possible.   Does it get old hearing her keep repeating the same things over and over, to mostly the same people?  Yeah, a bit.  But its all game-play.



Can't wait to see the tidbit shown of Cody's DR session after Devin confessed his crush for Brittany.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36


From what I've seen Nicole is predisposed to hate any woman who is arguably prettier than she is. She's also expressed hate for Brittney and Victoria.



She's talking game with Brittany right now in the hammock, and they are getting along fine.  They seem like they might work together.  Amber did nominate Nicole this week, so I can understand some hard feelings from that.  But I haven't seen Nicole say anything overtly mean (and definitely nothing racial) directly to Amber.

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God help me, I read that and my first thought was, "What, Frankie's wearing a kilt?"

OMG haha! I'm pretty sure Zach has already seen Frankie's "Shenanigans" wink wink. Wasn't Frankie talking about how they were sleeping naked or something in the same room together. I dunno. Maybe I made that up. Haha

Edited by SiobhanJW

I sort of get where Frankie is coming from, in the sense that once he convinced Devin to put Zach up, he sort of has to get him out. At the same time, the whole thing is just so stupid. It's like making moves for the sake of making moves. Just dumb game play.


As I've said before, this is my first real season of watching and paying real attention to BB; but for the 2nd week and 15 of 16 HGs still in the house... this seems like some crazy intense game play for this early in the game.  But that could easily just be me and my own view on this whole thing.

Logically, it IS too early for this much game play and I believe that more or less historically this is a bit early for game play like this (there are usually one or two people who play too hard right out of gate but they're typically gotten rid of right away - not this many people playing this hard). That said, there HAVE been a few seasons with this much game play this soon before. Just last season, for instance, saw the Moving Company crumble just as quickly as the Bomb Squad. Even then, though, the Moving Company broke in a logical fashion - a rogue member went with the rest of the house to turn on his alliance. Here, we have multiple breaches in the same alliance. In two weeks!!! It's ludicrously early.

It's real early for this to be this crazy... but the BB producers gotta be loving this.  Drama = entertainment.


I'd love to know Brittany's inner thoughts after today - maybe we'll see some in near future DRs about it... but she has to be wondering about Derrick/Cody, even if Zach didn't mention their names in his nom blowup, because those 3 are together alot, when she hangs out with them, or even just Cody/Zach.  So she has to be thinking that if Zach was in this Squad, then were they too??  And Hayden/Nicole could spill the beans at any time.   And after trusting them both, to learn they were in an alliance that was ok with her being on the original block noms for the first two weeks....


(I think this because I'm always up way later than I should be and those 3 or 4 are always up to 4-5-6-7a BBT - which is 2 hours behind my time zone, ugh)

Ugh, reading about Devin talking about his "crush" on Brit is pitiful. He's mimicking Caleb's behavior regarding Amber (talking to everyone else about it and mooning over her), not realizing that Caleb looks like a tool to everyone else. I don't believe it's real, I think it's for attention and another story line/more TV time and possibly to either gain more loyalty from Brit if she believes she now has a protector in Devin or help combat the comments about him treating women poorly. This guy must thrive on drama and can't stop trying to be the center of attention.


Amber did nominate Nicole this week, so I can understand some hard feelings from that.

And I think that Amber following Nic and Hayden around saying she had nothing to do with the plan to throw the comp really pissed off Hayden and Nic.

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I think Frankie is straddling a very fine line right now so he can be prepared to jump in the direction the wind blows. He and Zach had a talk again and hashed stuff out. He told Zach he has to speak out against him in the house. He also told him he has to keep close to Caleb who may win HOH again next week. Frankie and Derrick spoke and said if they keep Zach it can't be an unanimous vote, so it doesn't look like they are against the alliance. Donny told Derrick and Frankie that they should vote for Zach because Team America shouldn't be scared of anybody (Devin/Caleb). It's so insane in that house, I don't know where true alliances are. Zach seems to have snapped out of his funk and is finally trying to rally the votes on his own. By Thursday, this vote is going to swing like a pendulum dozens of times.


ETA: Christine told Cody that Frankie wants Zach out and to not trust him at all. Everyone is throwing everyone under the bus. Devin has Brittany in his room, his crush is so ridiculous it's painful to watch.

Edited by kellog010

Last night, Frankie was telling Jo, Amber, and Pao that the guys are sitting out there basically trying to figure out who hates women less (btwn Zach and Devin). The group Frankie was referring to was Cody, Hayden, Zach, and Derrick. The guys were actually just out there trying to give Zach advice on apologizing for the personal stuff he said during his diatribe. Victoria joins the room and Frankie starts again saying that the guys were saying that Devin is worse to women than Zach so they're OK. He said that they're saying that they can get certain women to vote for Zach like Nic, who just flirts with all the guys,etc. He told them that the guy part of him was appalled but the girl part of him was really appalled. He's telling them we should all vote out Zach and the girls have to stick together and that he should be considered one of the girls. The women weren't sold on an all-girl alliance but seemed to believe Frankie.


I so hope that this gets out. Maybe one of them will tell Nic and Christine and if they know Hayden was part of the group, they can talk to him about it.  But Frankie has been really lucky so far and I don't know if this group of girls will relay the conversation to the others who may not totally buy it. 


Edited: realized I had duplicated info from a previous post

Edited by NeelyO

I sort of get where Frankie is coming from, in the sense that once he convinced Devin to put Zach up, he sort of has to get him out. At the same time, the whole thing is just so stupid. It's like making moves for the sake of making moves. Just dumb game play.


This gets to one of my pet peeves: so called "fans of the game" (within the game,) who seem convinced that the only way to win is to "make big moves."  [And note, I hate this even more on Survivor, but it's endemic here as well.]  Seriously, more often than not the winners are the folk that let their allies make big moves, (and then get eliminated.)


I (epiphany this morning,) now believe that the producers, while asking the TH questions, liberally ask about, "Who do you think is making the big moves in the game?"  Using the power of suggestion to get their monkeys to make moves that are not optimal for their game, yet provide ample footage for airplay.  [And when I say epiphany, I mean that they must repeat a paraphrase of that question continuously, not that production would ask leading questions in general - I've been aboard that basic fact since day one.]

And I think that Amber following Nic and Hayden around saying she had nothing to do with the plan to throw the comp really pissed off Hayden and Nic.

Well, yeah! From their viewpoint, Amber has three possible explanations for putting them up as her HOH noms:

1. Positive - Amber put them up for strategic reasons; I.e., their gameplay threatened hers.

2. Negative - Amber put them up because of fear - someone threatened her game if she DIDN'T put them up.

3. Neutral - Amber didn't care who went up, so she let someone else (individual or alliance) pick.

Which of these is most palatable to the nominees? #1 - at least it gives the nominees props for their gameplay.

Which of these has Amber been arguing? #2 (the Devilin made her do it) and #3 (she didn't care about HOH after she got her letter from home, so she let Devlin and/or Caleb choose for her).

Why *wouldn't* Hayden and Nicole be ticked off?

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He told them that the guy part of him was appalled but the girl part of him was really appalled. He's telling them we should all vote out Zach and the girls have to stick together and that he should be considered one of the girls. The women weren't sold on an all-girl alliance but seemed to believe Frankie.



I saw that too, and Frankie is really working my last nerve with that crap.   I think he loves being the invisible root of all the drama.   But he's playing too hard too soon, and on that score, he's starting to remind me some of Ronnie, if anybody remembers him. Frankie's just more subtle and has a more outgoing personality.  


I do wish I could tell him that JOEY was their first choice. That might make him rethink matters.

LOL! That's exactly what I was thinking. If Derrick knew Joey was actually the first memeber of TA he would probably rethink this whole thing.


Nicole's hatred of Amber reminds me of Aaryn's hatred of Candice.


I wouldn't go that far. But Nicole and Christine had always hated Amber. They actually spend a lot of their time together shit talking all the other girls. They're like a tame version of Britney/Monet. It's the reason why I can't fully get on board with Nicole and part of why I mostly hate Christine.


I see that Frankie is now trying to go with his original plan which was to get all the girls on his side. I really don't think it's gonna work. Too many people already know not to trust Frankie and most of the women are actually much closer to other guys than him. I'm so glad this week resulted in Frankie's game starting to deteriorate.


TA should be very interesting since I think that without it Donny and Derrick never would've wanted to be aligned with Frankie for real. I hope the TA tasks are not particularly game related so that they will see that they don't actually have to be aligned with him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I hope they vote Zach out, and I used to like him, but now he's just impossible to root for if he is going to be so erratic and wussy.  He campaigned to be put on the block and now he is campaigning to stay.


I wonder if the producers are pissed that Christine is never naked like she had promised in her pre-show interview.  I'm certainly thankful.

Edited by Morbs

Unfortunately, I think Frankie could pull together an all girl alliance. The girls were drinking what Frankie was pouring. They are really are so easily lead and I can see Frankie as their leader.

What was really interesting was how Frankie just stealthily infiltrated the guys' conversation, putting his arms around Zack and then ending up on the hammock with Cody. It was like the guys never noticed him.

I think the girl that will spill the beans of what Frankie said will be Amber to Devin and Cody. Since Devin can't keep his mouth shut, there will be a house meeting and this might get interesting.

I still don't get why Frankie would want to get rid of Zack. Zack was wrapped around Frankie's finger. Frankie's actions appear to be more on a personal level. Maybe Zack was getting to him more on a personal level. Frankie was having feelings for him? IDK. Frankie's game is he appears to personally care about everyone, yet really doesn't. It's all an act to get trust. He will cut any player. He is cutthroat. His first nomination of Victoria showed his hand. They were such great buds, but she's on the block with no apologies.

I remember Ronnie the Rat. Frankie is so much better than him. I do think Frankie thinks he's playing Andy's game. We will see how far he gets. I think Hayden or Derrick will piece things together soon. What will Derrick do since Frankie is on TA?

Edited by LGGirl
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What was really interesting was how Frankie just stealthily infiltrated the guys' conversation, putting his arms around Zack and then ending up on the hammock with Cody. It was like the guys never noticed him.

Yep, I noticed that too and then he immediately went into the girls' huddle to spill the tea.  He's starting to become my least favorite player and I can't wait until he gets outed.

Soooo...  If all a viewer ever did was watch the broadcast shows, they would be left with the impression that Frankie and Zach are honeymooners, what with all the cuddling, spooning, princess carrying, and dry humping.  But now y'all are saying that Frankie is actively working behind the scenes to get rid of Zach at the earliest opportunity. 


I really don't know if I admire or despise Frankie for whoring himself out to keep Zach confident that he's staying in the house.  If Frankie were a woman playing these sort of cock-teasing games, she'd be vilified.  It will be interesting to see if Zach leaves this week what the fallout of Frankie's leading him on will have on the house.


On another note, weren't those the the most mechanical of "caresses" that Frankie was giving out to Zach during Sunday's broadcast show?  I mean, that's how I pet my labrador retriever when he's annoying me with his demands for attention when I just want to go to sleep.

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I still don't get why Frankie would want to get rid of Zack. Zack was wrapped around Frankie's finger. Frankie's actions appear to be more on a personal level. Maybe Zack was getting to him more on a personal level. Frankie was having feelings for him? IDK. Frankie's game is he appears to personally care about everyone, yet really doesn't. It's all an act to get trust. He will cut any player. He is cutthroat. His first nomination of Victoria showed his hand. They were such great buds, but she's on the block with no apologies.



It really is interesting when  you consider that three of the earliest targets (Joey, Victoria, and Zach) were arguably closest to Frankie than anybody else in the House.  And I do think all three of them would had been loyal to him.  It really makes me question his strategy.  I would avoid being his BFF, that's for sure.


I'm not sure if he's personally uneasy around Zach or not, but from what I've seen him tell people, he really, really wants to keep both Caleb  and Devin around and happy.  He does not want to get on the wrong side of either.   I'm guessing he wants them around because he thinks they are bigger targets than him, and if they leave, there's no one to shield him.  I don't think he fully realizes that he is  starting to expose himself quite nicely on his own. 

Edited by vb68
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Donny and Cody have been talking pretty honestly with each other this 'morning'; and Donny doesn't seem all that protective of Frankie because of the TA like Derrick, nor does he seem to equate him being on TA as Frankie being honest and trustworthy.   And Donny has rightly pointed out a few times that Devin, Caleb, Amber and Frankie are together; and that Derrick is in the 'keep the numbers' camp.  

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I've been trying to figure out what Frankie's deal is with Zach. The entire thing is puzzling to me because both their actions towards each other are equally puzzling. Frankie is going scorched earth to get rid of this kid, while on the other side this kid is ready to fall on a sword for him. Both situations are so extreme I'm not sure how it got there. Frankie's single minded focus of getting rid of Zach is ruining his entire game, he won't back down and I don't know if this is some convoluted strategy or deeply personal. It's going to lead to his downfall which is going to be ironic if Zach scathes by and because of his actions Frankie is back doored a few weeks later. I guess we really won't know until Thursday where most of these people's loyalties are. It's actually quite amazing that with even watching the live feeds I'm just as clueless as to what is going on as if I'd just watched the live televised shows.

I'm not watching the feeds, but I do watch BBAD most of the time (don't judge - I'm an insomniac) and keep up with this thread, and I have to think something happened between Frankie and Zach that we haven't seen.  Frankie is just way too turned around on the guy for this to be random, unless he's just one of those people who abuses (emotionally) anyone who loves them.


Has there been any indication yet of what TA's first assignment is?



So I heard that Devin spilled the beans to Brittany about his new crush on her.


Did he order her to like him back?  I don't think it's a crush at all; I think it's a conquest, because she doesn't bend to his will, and says so in front of everyone.  The only crush is to his ego, and he has to let her know who's boss.  I hope we get to see her reaction.

Edited by LADreamr

So I heard that Devin spilled the beans to Brittany about his new crush on her. Why must the fun stuff happen when I'm asleep? Any details about what happened? I wonder if it was as awkward as the Caleb/Amber "I like you" conversation

Your post made me go look for this and it was disappointing. Boring conversation and then he told her that he actually liked her and she said something like oh that's sweet and I'm flattered but then my audio went out and when it came back on, they were just talking normally and then it went to fish. Came back and she was talking about her family and it was so boring, I turned it off.


A much more interesting conversation earlier in the night was Nic and Christine telling Brittany what Devin had been saying. Christine said Devin asked her if she should tell Brittany and Christine said she just said "No" and then "I think you should give it at least a month" Christine and Nic were laughing so hard about it that it was amusing.


Well, yeah! From their viewpoint, Amber has three possible explanations for putting them up as her HOH noms:


Oh, I agree, Nashville. I think Nic has good reason to dislike Amber --- putting Nic up and then not taking responsibility for it and then following Nic around claiming that she didn't haven't anything to do with Pao throwing the competition, which of course Nic and Hayden know is a lie.

Edited by NeelyO

I remember Ronnie the Rat. Frankie is so much better than him. I do think Frankie thinks he's playing Andy's game. We will see how far he gets. I think Hayden or Derrick will piece things together soon. What will Derrick do since Frankie is on TA?


Honestly most of these people are already completely wise to Frankie's game. Donny, Derrick, Cody are for sure. I believe Victoria is as well. It's just a matter of if anybody thinks he's a big enough threat to get rid of now/soon. And also whether or not Derrick lets TA ruin his own game TBH.


If Frankie were a woman playing these sort of cock-teasing games, she'd be vilified.  


Yet if Zach was a woman, Frankie would probably be looked at as a great player and win the game. Sigh.


Donny and Cody have been talking pretty honestly with each other this 'morning'; and Donny doesn't seem all that protective of Frankie because of the TA like Derrick, nor does he seem to equate him being on TA as Frankie being honest and trustworthy.   And Donny has rightly pointed out a few times that Devin, Caleb, Amber and Frankie are together; and that Derrick is in the 'keep the numbers' camp.  


Donny has shit on lock, man! He really seems to have so many things figured out. It's too bad no one will take him seriously. This always seems to happen: the person who has the most handle on the situation is the one person everyone dismisses. It reminds me of Candice last year. Well, before Howard ruined her game.


 I think Nic has good reason to dislike Amber --- putting Nic up and then not taking responsibility for it and then following Nic around claiming that she didn't haven't anything to do with Pao throwing the competition, which of course Nic and Hayden know is a lie.


The thing is though, Nicole has hated Amber since way before that happened. I blame Christine!


I'm suspicious enough to think the DR has turned Frankie against Zach so it will be extra dramatic when his new alliance's first mission will be to save Zach.


Maybe. Although, I feel like when they announced TA they made it seem like the tasks wouldn't be game related in that way. But maybe that was wishful thinking. The thing is though, for this week, the vote for the first TA task won't even begin until tomorrow after the show at the earliest, so that doesn't give much time for America to vote for who they want evicted/saved the very next day. There's really no way that that will be the first TA task.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Hey y'all. I'm a new feed subscriber and have a question for our veterans. Is it always the case that of the four cameras, they keep two cameras on only two scenes/rooms? For example, there may be a close up and a full room view of the beehive, along with a close up and wide shot on the yard. Do they ever actually use the quad view to truly have 4 views? This is really aggravating me. Why bother with 4 shots but really only give us two?


It's true. There hasn't been more than two options for the feeds in what seems like years. And it IS very annoying, especially early in the game, where there's so many different clusters of people.

OK, I don't have access to the feeds during the day this year, so does anyone have any clue about what the votes might be? I agree with others that there is a LOT more doublespeak this season. I honestly have no clue about who is really with anyone else. Hell, I thought Zach and Frankie were the strongest pairing; I was certainly wrong about that. I think they key people his week are Christine, Hayden, and Brittany. I would think Amber, Frankie, Jacosta and Caleb are solid votes for Zach to go. Derrick and Cody certainly want Zach to stay. Victoria is a complete enigma to me, Nicole will do what Christine and/or Hayden want, Donny might listen to Derrick, and I realize I'm just making all of this up because I have no clue!

Edited by Katesus7

It's true. There hasn't been more than two options for the feeds in what seems like years. And it IS very annoying, especially early in the game, where there's so many different clusters of people.

OK, I don't have access to the feeds during the day this year, so does anyone have any clue about what the votes might be? I agree with others that there is a LOT more doublespeak this season. I honestly have no clue about who is really with anyone else. Hell, I thought Zach and Frankie were the strongest pairing; I was certainly wrong about that. I think they key people his week are Christine, Hayden, and Brittany. I would think Amber, Frankie, Jacosta and Caleb are solid votes for Zach to go. Derrick and Cody certainly want Zach to stay. Victoria is a complete enigma to me, Nicole will do what Christine and/or Hayden want, Donny might listen to Derrick, and I realize I'm just making all of this up because I have no clue!


I haven't been able to watch LFs from 3am-8:30p BBT today, but reading through updates and going by late last night... I'm thinking the voting is breaking down this way (as of right now):


Keeping Zach - Cody/Derrick/Brittany/Christine/Hayden/Nicole

Keeping Paola - Devin/Caleb/Amber/Frankie

Undecided - Donny*/Victoria/Jocasta**


* - the reason I say Donny is undecided because he knows the smart game move is to keep Zach, but seems to have personal loyalty to Paola

** - true floater, never know what she's thinking game-wise... but always shares bed with Paola, so might feel some personal loyalty to her in that way

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Holy sheet, the revolving lies door is going absolutely nuts right now.  Non-stop.


Caleb is sure that Derrick on their side in getting Zach out.  How can he not see that D & Cody are tight too?? 


This game is just fun - its wrong on so many levels to enjoy it - but still just fun.  I wonder how these people would react if they could go back and watch all the LF action from Day 1 throught to the end; after it was all over. 

Actually, that's wrong.  Chrstine, Hayden, and Nicole are keeping Paola, not Zach.  I never heard them say otherwise.


Ok.  But super dumb, if true. 


Just awhile ago Cody/Zach/Christine/Nicole/Victoria/Brittany were all talking [whispering] in the Rock room about keeping Zach.  But everyone says something different to everyone else, so who really knows.



Actually, that's wrong.  Chrstine, Hayden, and Nicole are keeping Paola, not Zach.  I never heard them say otherwise.



If that's true, they have me fooled.  I thought all three were pretty firmly on team Zach.  Just about an hour ago I saw them work Victoria with Zach and Cody.   I haven't seen anything myself to suggest they are really for Pao.  


Derrick was working Caleb like a champ, just putting enough doubt in his mind. 

Edited by vb68

If that's true, they have me fooled.  I thought all three were pretty firmly on team Zach.  Just about an hour ago I saw them work Victoria with Zach and Cody.   I haven't seen anything myself to suggest they are really for Pao.  


Derrick was working Caleb like a champ, just putting enough doubt in his mind. 

I really think Zach has the votes to stay, especially if Caleb really does end up buying what Derrick's selling.  He'll then convince Amber - and she'll work Jocasta - to sway too.


Derrick is like a total evil mastermind at just completely working everyone in this game.  And he's way better at it, than Frankie; IMHO.  Even Victoria knows Frankie is a bad liar.  Victoria!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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What changed them?  Because a few hours ago, they were for Zach going.  Why would anyone wanna keep him?


I think Hayden/Nicole want Paola out after the whole previous Noms/BOTB stuff, and them being strong-armed into making sure the other noms stayed up and if Paola could be bribed into throwing a comp now, she's likely to do it again.


Why people want to keep Zach is not because they necessarily like him or trust him [outside of Cody/Derrick, maybe Brittany a bit too], its about the game at large.  He's a threat to the 'power' that is the C/D/A/F foursome, at least in terms of HOH and POV comps.  Paola isn't, especially in the physical comps [which the majority of HOH and POVs are].  She's just a pawn to that 4-pack, pure and simple.  That is the reason they would keep him instead of Paola.


I think Zach looks good right too, especially as Caleb looks like he gets back on board, as long as Frankie doesn't find a way to blow it up....again.  I wish Devin would tell both Caleb and Zach that it was Frankie that pushed Zach's nomination. Oh, I would love to see the fallout from that.

Edited by vb68

I think Zach looks good right too, especially as Caleb looks like he gets back on board, as long as Frankie doesn't find a way to blow it up....again.  I wish Devin would tell both Caleb and Zach that it was Frankie that pushed Zach's nomination. Oh, I would love to see the fallout from that.

Well, after he finds out the alliance is going against what he wants, you know he's gonna either call another meeting or blow up.  Shaping up to be some more epic viewing.



Keeping Zach - Cody/Derrick/Brittany/Christine/Hayden/Nicole

Keeping Paola - Devin/Caleb/Amber/Frankie

Undecided - Donny*/Victoria/Jocasta*

Whichever way it goes appears to be under the control of TA. They had a convo this evening dividing up their votes in various scenarios. They agreed the most important thing was to have plausible deniability with a 7-5 or 8-4 vote (regardless of who is voted out, although the all seemed to be pro Zach). As far as game savvy goes, America picked well. 


Hahaha.  Now Devin is blasting on the Squad.  Telling Donny.


This after learning about the Alliance turning on his decision and him telling Frankie he was out, and going solo.



ETA:  Way too many hotheads in this game.  Ones who have no filter immediately after they get set off.


- - - - - - - - - -


At the big risk of sounding like a horrible human being... OMG on this, maybe all of them, Jocasta's sermon.  I bet most of those people are thinking "What the hell was I thinking about wanting to be a part of this!?"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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