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S16.E14: A Diagnosis

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Just what we need, more residents that no one will know or care anything about.

Didn't really need an overwrought monologue about perimenopause, thanks.

Shouldn't Joey be doing PT with, y'know, a Physical Therapist?

Getting really tired of them acting like it's somehow odd or unreasonable that Link would want to know if he's the father of this baby. He has a right to know, whether Amelia likes it or not.

For a moment there I was hoping the bear attack couple and the other guy were gonna turn out to be a poly triad or something instead of a cliche I'm-not-in-love-with-my-husband-anymore thing. Oh, well, at least hubby doesn't have to get his heart broken. (And she really thought the best place to tell him she's been cheating on him and is leaving him was out in the middle of nowhere? Sounds like a great plan.)

Um...didn't the deaf doctor actually make the diagnosis? He just showed her what the test results said.

What is it with shows making me read text messages lately?

  • Love 16

A) I am not gonna watch Station 19, no matter how many bullshit crossovers they insist on doing. Not. Gonna. Do. It.

B) I really hate when they stretch out the ending voiceover over so many scenes, that when Meredith's voice starts again, I have no idea what the hell she was saying at the beginning.

C) Bummer about Deluca seemingly inheriting his father's illness.

  • Love 12

A Few thoughts. 

That speech about how you are not a terrible person, you're just terribly in love? Screw. you. Screw you and the horse you rode on. You are a terrible person. if you want to be with the Bear mauled person's wife-then have the balls to go to her husband, tell her how much you love her, and ask that they get a divorce, because you want to be with them. You don't sneak around, making a fool of the husband. if that were reversed I can guarantee you you would not be sitting there talking calmly about how it's okay that your wife was sleeping with another man because they were "terribly in love." you would be pissed off, hurt, betrayed, and angry. Go find a rock and kick it.

Amelia. screw you.  I get that it's your baby, and your body and hormones and all of that - but Link has every right to know if he's going to be a father, and you don't get to stand there and be all "well I want to raise the baby with someone who loves me regardless of what the test says." ducky. you go do that. But he still has the right to know if he's going to be a father. and truthfully. I don't even think Link was wrong with what he said. I would rather him be honest (and then break up - that was cool) then lie and say he could be cool with it. and sometimes you know, people need time to process things. it shouldn't be this big insult if someone says "you know, I honestly don't know". I'd rather them want to take the time. There are people who are terrified of adopting for that exact same reason. that doesn't make them scum it makes honest. but then they find out they totally can.  So to be all "We're over. i don't need a test." yeah. but it's not about you any more. Your baby might want to know who his father is. Owen should know if he's going to be a father.  You need to go find a rock and kick it too. 

Andrew. screw you. and I was like on your side for a long time. It doesn't even matter if they are going manic on it. it's not about "credit" you moron. your job is to heal. Meredith had every right to be all "um excuse." before you did what you did.. and honestly for all the people who slept with their bosses i don't even think anyone acted the way that you did right there. just. ugh. (Dr Irish Doctor was right. he should be written up so fast and suspended. or something). 

Schmidt. Screw you. your boyfriend said no. just respect that. good gravy. 

all of you go find a quarry and start kicking until your toes bleed. 

Also. for God Sakes. I'm not going to watch this Station 19. stop making crossovers. just have two hour episodes of Greys. 

Also also. What you are doing with Alex just stop it. STOP IT. 

  • Love 22

Hooray for carina as well... Maggie and Owen were really good this week.. Moreso Maggie as she had more to do... Cormac was a lil too much up into whatever was going on with Meredith... Show needs to do a better job of not always having him just so nearby... Didn't like the guest doctor.. Seems like she was happy to stir the pot even as she knew Deluca and Meredith are together... Didn't like Richard and his woes is me.. Catherine won nonsense... Really didn't like Amelia.. But I generally don't care for Amelia.. Tho it was even worse when reminded of how crummy she was at times with Owen.. And after Maggie did such a solid job of explaining  Link's possible thoughts.. And now she's not telling owen either.  Ugh... Glad Jackson apologized for dipping off into the fog.. While I thought the two of them equally tanked the relationship he was def wrong for that... I mean bears... Jo was solid.. I've enjoyed her and owen and Jackson.. As a little triumvirate of functional working doctors these few weeks I hope they keep it up

  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, Daisy said:

A Few thoughts. 

That speech about how you are not a terrible person, you're just terribly in love? Screw. you. Screw you and the horse you rode on. You are a terrible person. if you want to be with the Bear mauled person's wife-then have the balls to go to her husband, tell her how much you love her, and ask that they get a divorce, because you want to be with them. You don't sneak around, making a fool of the husband. if that were reversed I can guarantee you you would not be sitting there talking calmly about how it's okay that your wife was sleeping with another man because they were "terribly in love." you would be pissed off, hurt, betrayed, and angry. Go find a rock and kick it.

Amelia. screw you.  I get that it's your baby, and your body and hormones and all of that - but Link has every right to know if he's going to be a father, and you don't get to stand there and be all "well I want to raise the baby with someone who loves me regardless of what the test says." ducky. you go do that. But he still has the right to know if he's going to be a father. and truthfully. I don't even think Link was wrong with what he said. I would rather him be honest (and then break up - that was cool) then lie and say he could be cool with it. and sometimes you know, people need time to process things. it shouldn't be this big insult if someone says "you know, I honestly don't know". I'd rather them want to take the time. There are people who are terrified of adopting for that exact same reason. that doesn't make them scum it makes honest. but then they find out they totally can.  So to be all "We're over. i don't need a test." yeah. but it's not about you any more. Your baby might want to know who his father is. Owen should know if he's going to be a father.  You need to go find a rock and kick it too. 

Andrew. screw you. and I was like on your side for a long time. It doesn't even matter if they are going manic on it. it's not about "credit" you moron. your job is to heal. Meredith had every right to be all "um excuse." before you did what you did.. and honestly for all the people who slept with their bosses i don't even think anyone acted the way that you did right there. just. ugh. (Dr Irish Doctor was right. he should be written up so fast and suspended. or something). 

Schmidt. Screw you. your boyfriend said no. just respect that. good gravy. 

all of you go find a quarry and start kicking until your toes bleed. 

Also. for God Sakes. I'm not going to watch this Station 19. stop making crossovers. just have two hour episodes of Greys. 

Also also. What you are doing with Alex just stop it. STOP IT. 

I need a "cheering" reaction.

 serena williams applause GIF


  • LOL 3
  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Getting really tired of them acting like it's somehow odd or unreasonable that Link would want to know if he's the father of this baby. He has a right to know, whether Amelia likes it or not.

Right?! If the writers think I'm on anyone's side but Link's on this, they are mistaken. Amelia is terrible. 

Good riddance to the Meredith/Deloser failed experiment... at least for now. I really don't care about his issues. This will just be used as another vehicle for Krista and Co. to pontificate on the next big social commentary - mental health - and try to milk it for all that it's worth. He needs help, clearly, but Meredith shouldn't have deal with his baggage after all that she's been through. She's a widowed single mother of three young kids, if tptb are insistent on her having a romantic relationship, is it too much to ask that it's someone she doesn't have to babysit? Someone who adds value to her life? 

I laughed out loud when McWidow put Deloser in his place using the one thing that was apparently supposed to be Deloser's most interesting and defining character trait - the ability to speak Italian. 

Didn't watch Station 19. Will never have the desire to watch Station 19. I could've sworn that one of the big wigs at ABC debunked the notion that there would be crossovers every week after uproar over the initial reports last summer, but clearly that was a lie. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 13

Also, DeLuca said today that the rare disease woman had been on the no-meds protocol for three days. They discontinued all the medicines last episode and Helm was in her hospital bed seemingly still too injured to do anything. Now, three days later, she is not only out of the hospital but back to work and easily working the trauma unit of the emergency room? She healed awfully quickly.

  • Useful 2
  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Why not?... I didn't know there was a cap on how much shit you've had to deal with that allows you to just check out on the ppl you care about... 

I still for the life of me don't see what it is Deluca has done to anger so many ppl... As a boyfriend he seemed to do a good job... He stood by her... And he also told her when she was being the worst... So what that he's younger... He's not been shown to be overtly immature or a bad doctor... So color me confused... But if this is the end... Ok they had an ok run... 


I agree with this. i didn't have a problem with him (really until today). to the point people called him DeLoser or whatever. but his tantrum today set me off (but to be fair. i am in a cranky mood today so everything set me off lol)

  • Love 7

I became a huge fan of deaf doctor when she essentially told Meredith to stay in her lane. 

Carina, who I'm normally not a fan of, scored points in my book when she listed off what Andrew had sacrificed for Meredith (taking the fall for the insurance scam, going to jail, etc).  Of course, The Sun would reply that  Andrew is acting manic because he is in love with ME!  Hate.  So. Much. Hate.

Speaking of the insurance scam, NOW Meredith decides to arrange a Pro Bono Surgery day.  Talk about a day late and a dollar short.  I'm surprised she didn't pawn it off on Helm to arrange. 

Not liking Doctor Vaguely European. 

Way to undo all the progress you made with Amelia, show.  As others have pointed out, it is completely reasonable for Linc to want to know whether he is the father of the baby.  And how is she going to explain raising the kid without Linc to everyone else in the hospital (because, lets face it, nothing is private there).  Everyone presumes Linc is the father.  They know he was excited about the impending fatherhood.  They know he's not the kind of guy who would just abandon his kid.  And does she think Owen, admittedly not the sharpest tool in the shed, is not going to notice Linc's sudden lack of involvement and put two and two together. 

Still predict Bailey fosters the kid (whose name escapes me at the moment). 

If we were supposed to feel any sympathy at all for the cheating couple, the show failed miserably. 

I will give props to Sarah Rafferty, whom I could not stand on Suits.  I liked her character.  Too bad her condition couldn't be caught by the annoying sister. 

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of this episode. 

Edited by Bulldog
  • Love 8

Well...a lot certainly happened in the romance department. Two ended relationships, which is more than I thought there'd be. 

First off, Amelia and Link. God, they just couldn't resist reverting Amelia backwards, could they? I was hoping that, with them creating Magical Brain Tumour in season 14 that it would stick. But I guess Amelia can't completely change her personality, no matter how much she HAD grown (through MBT). I was definitely not on Amelia's side. I may have enjoyed her conversation with Maggie, but I didn't enjoy how she ended things with Link. He deserves to be pissed off.

But, it does confirm to me that the baby is his. There's no way they wouldn't completely ruin their relationship for it to still be Owen's. No, it makes sense for Amelia to ruin things, only to have the baby actually be Link's, and they have to deal with the fallout of Amelia's horrible behaviour toward him.

Meredith/Deluca...well, either they're going with the bipolar story (which would be interesting, as I do love personal stories like this) or it's a totally fakeout and he's just throwing a tantrum. Not that I completely blamed him for some of his frustration at Meredith, but he totally overreacted. It seems like they're over, and I'd like to think that it's for good. Deluca can hook up with his enabling new doctor friend Lauren, who...really did solve the case and absolutely enabled his manic behaviour. Not that she knew exactly what was going on with him, but she was happily pushing him to keep working the case.

That being said, I still enjoy Lauren Riley. 

Not happy with the cheating couple storyline. No, show. Don't excuse their cheating; yes, those two are still both shitty people. The poor husband who died, at least he never had to find out. But still, it sucks. But it seems like the wife is definitely not staying with her lover NOW. 

Jo/Alex is ending badly, I just know it. I know they don't have a whole lot of options, but....c'mon, don't make Alex into an asshole by leaving her. Have it make some sense.

Bailey's scene with the foster kid were good. I can kind of see where this may be going (fostering/adopting route) and I...actually would like it. 

The Schmitt/Nico stuff? LOL, who cares? Alex Landi is a piss poor actor so of course I don't give a shit about his coming out storyline. Didn't he freak the fuck out way back when Schmitt told him that he wasn't out to people yet? If so, then he's a big hypocrite. 

New interns. Groan. But I nearly forgot about the one intern who DID get lines. He was the guy who told Catherine about Richard being in his office with his "wife" at Pac North, and I liked him. Right, he can stay. All the other interns can go. We have too many interns and now this is the second batch of interns after Deluca's class and he STILL hasn't progressed in his career. Like, at all. He hasn't even gotten close to picking a specialty. 

  • Love 9

No matter how hard they're trying to make Station 19 'happen', it's not going to happen with me.  I don't care about next week on Station 19, I'm not going to watch.

Yeah, it was a disappointing episode.

Linc should know if he's the father.  Owen should know if he's the father.

I love when Mer gets all indignant about not being told something when she breaks the rules so often. 

Jo - go to Iowa.  Yeah, I know that TPTB don't know what to do with Alex so that would be too simple.

  • Love 7

Geez how poorly is station 19 doing?

Wow pullback the throttle that Deluca plot came out of nowhere

still no answer word from Alex...I read somewhere that they were going to try to be sensitive to Jo since she’s been through so much and let this unravel over several episodes...Because several episodes of silence is sensitive

Amelia sucks, Catherine sucks 



  • Love 2

So Carina came to the US to keep an eye on her brother in case he developed bipolar disorder like their father. Interesting.

Deluca should not have blown up at Meredith in the hall like that. But:

  • he was in a manic state;
  • Bailey should not have taken away his case and given it to Meredith who is in a relationship with him;
  • Meredith should not have taken the case from him, and especially not until she had spoken to him and explained'
  • it wasn't Deluca who ordered the steroids, it was the diagnostic genius they called in.


  • This wasn't even a surgical case. Why is Meredith, a general surgeon, in charge?

I think that McWidower is a Gary Stu. And also a jerk. Mind you own business. Meredith Grey doesn't need you to save her.

I've never liked Maggie as much as today when she tried to help Amelia deal with everything.  Jackson gets points too for finally apologizing for his actions.

It's a sad day when it takes Owen to make Linc think about how Amelia is feeling.

Amelia should find out who the father of her baby is after he's born because it's only fair to baby and father but she should raise him with her sisters, as Meredith is raising her kids. Owen has moved on to Teddy, And Linc, can go and wallow in his feelings.

I really don't care about the angst of Glasses and Nico's relationship. As Glasses pointed out, Nico is pretty much of a hypocrite rejecting Glasses because he was just coming out when he hadn't come out to his own parents yet. Wonder if that's why he doesn't want Glasses to move in with him.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, UNOSEZ said:

Forgot to add… To everyone upset about the way its going with Alex so far… ( as we don’t actually know what the final plan is) what would you have the writers write?… Doesn’t seem like Camilla is leaving so not a ton of options

I realize the writers were in a difficult position but since they had Alex in Iowa helping his mom, I would say mom needs long-term care so Alex and Jo decide to do long distance which takes its toll and they split by the end of the season. Abrupt, but nobody would have to be ghosted or destroyed. I don't know what the final plan is but it's feeling like they are heading down a path that seems ... personal.  

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Forgot to add… To everyone upset about the way its going with Alex so far… ( as we don’t actually know what the final plan is) what would you have the writers write?… Doesn’t seem like Camilla is leaving so not a ton of options

Easy! Just give him a new awesome job in a different state he wants to take. After Catherine hijacked Pac North it would make even more sense for Alex to want a job away from the Seattle doctor mess. Then he and Jo can fight (off-screen or via phone) about whether Jo wants to leave too. I think it would make neither of them a complete asshole for wanting to go/stay. Well, maybe Jo would look a little worse for not going, but I don't think it would do too much damage to her character. And frankly, the top priority in that situation should be to give Alex a half-decent exit. He's an OG and that's the least they should have done. Instead they are cooking up some bullshit that will lead to God knows what kind of stupid resolution.

EDIT: also what Evie said right above me. Really there were several ways to handle this better than what they went for. But they're sacrificing reason for drama as always.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
  • Love 11

So is this consulting diagnostician from UCSF doing anything while she's here besides standing in the hallway waiting for the patient to exhibit a million different symptoms?

I kind of rolled my eyes when Amelia told Maggie that they left her alone to wallow because it's not the same thing. There's a baby to think of (and as Maggie pointedly said when she came in, she thought the baby might need some food even if Amelia didn't want any). Unfortunately, when you're pregnant you can't just wallow. You can wallow, but you still have to think about the baby's health.

Apparently what made Amelia/Linc good was Linc because I'm back to not liking Amelia after a brief respite. Linc has a right to know if the baby is his. The baby has a right to know who his/her father is. If Amelia is too chicken shit to look at the test results, fine. But that doesn't mean that Linc should be left dangling on the side of a cliff until she decides to actually look at the test results herself. She needs to stop being so selfish. She doesn't live in a vacuum. Other humans are involved.

Ugh, more Schmitt drama. GREAT.

  • Love 11

I blame Amelia for  holding the information hostage… She’s mad at link for doing kinda the same thing she was doing… Maggie told her she was spiraling… And wouldn’t stop doing worst case scenarios until her mind landed somewhere else… She also at least gave her a bit of the reason why Link is freaking out… And what does Amelia do… Apparently what her Selfish Sheppard DNA is hardwired to do… Whatever the hell she wants and damn everyone else.. Derek was a jerk.. Most of the sisters we’ve seen are jerks.. Maybe its genetic. Until he knows for sure he can’t have solid footing.. Its not ideal for her I get it and the thought that she may be alone is scary… But its just a thought…

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Amelia should find out who the father of her baby is after he's born because it's only fair to baby and father but she should raise him with her sisters, as Meredith is raising her kids. Owen has moved on to Teddy, And Linc, can go and wallow in his feelings.

I'm sorry are you saying that Amelia should raise the child alone( so to speak) because that wouldn't make any sense.. At the very least both men would be over the moon to co-parenting a biological child... Also Link hasn't said for sure that if its owen it's over... Right now he doesn't know how he feels.. Either way it was never about if he'd not care about the baby more about what it would mean for their relationship 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Amelia should find out who the father of her baby is after he's born because it's only fair to baby and father but she should raise him with her sisters, as Meredith is raising her kids. Owen has moved on to Teddy, And Linc, can go and wallow in his feelings.



5 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I'm sorry are you saying that Amelia should raise the child alone( so to speak) because that wouldn't make any sense.. At the very least both men would be over the moon to co-parenting a biological child... Also Link hasn't said for sure that if its owen it's over... Right now he doesn't know how he feels.. Either way it was never about if he'd not care about the baby more about what it would mean for their relationship 

Not Amelia’s choice about raising the baby with her sisters.   The baby’s father gets a say and the baby is entitled to have the father in its life.  

  • Love 17
5 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I'm sorry are you saying that Amelia should raise the child alone( so to speak) because that wouldn't make any sense.. At the very least both men would be over the moon to co-parenting a biological child... Also Link hasn't said for sure that if its owen it's over... Right now he doesn't know how he feels.. Either way it was never about if he'd not care about the baby more about what it would mean for their relationship 

Yeah, this isn't "woman empowerment" it makes Amelia look like a down right moron. Also, so the big reveal now on DeLuca's sister is she was making sure her brother wasn't going bi-polar, which now seems like he is. Because she saw their father do that? What about their mom in this entire process? She knew it happened too? Oh, and of course Deluca's sister can sense other bi-sexual woman at a bar who seem depressed. Because they have special "bi radar". Just like all gay men have to have hot passionate sex in secret at work.  Plus, the more they try to give excuses why Alex is gone. The more they make it not only come off glaring, but also throwing Alex under the bus for dumb reasons. We got it writers, you are mad someone went: "I just want to be off the show." Writers; "How dare you bite the hand that feeds you, you will never work in this town again!"

  • Love 5

So to recap... 

UGH,  AMELIA... SCHMITT.. NICO... RICHARD... MCWIDOW( seriously son speaks Italian too?) DR. RILEY.. THE ANNOYING SISTER ( not so much this epi but the entire arc she was just... Blegh) 

MEH,  MEREDITH... BAILEY... DR. PEREZ( the intern from Pac-North) HELM... DELUCA( this was tough.. He told off Meredith.. But did it really publicly also talked pretty disrespectful to bailey.. Stuck to his guns for his patient.. But was reckless.. Also had more of a beard.. So mixed bag) 


Edited by UNOSEZ
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, readster said:

Plus, the more they try to give excuses why Alex is gone. The more they make it not only come off glaring, but also throwing Alex under the bus for dumb reasons. We got it writers, you are mad someone went: "I just want to be off the show." Writers; "How dare you bite the hand that feeds you, you will never work in this town again!"

Just like Izzie.

Fuck you, show, for ruining Amelia and Link, fuck you!

  • Love 12

I generally don't have strong feelings about the characters or storylines on this show. I NEVER get really angry about the show, and any minor annoyance I do have quickly fades after the hour is over. But the episode last night pissed me off basically every five minutes, and I'm still pissed.

If Carina is in the US specifically for bipolar-brother-detection-and-monitoring-duties, then why the hell was Meredith the one, by herself, having any conversation with Andrew about his behavior and its implications? She was all lurky-lurky in the beginning of the episode, but disappeared and basically abdicated all responsibility to intervene on her brother to Meredith. 

Hated the diagnostician saying a single word to Meredith about her personal relationship with Andrew. If the dude has literally not slept in days, Meredith isn't stepping in because she's worried his exhaustion means he won't be able to get it up for her in a couple hours; she's stepping in because it's an abuse of power to run the man completely ragged and not let him SLEEP for several days, which is insanely unhealthy for him. Not to mention the potential liability for the hospital, having a doctor who hasn't taken any break in, like, 72 hours having primary responsibility of care for an incredibly ill, possibly dying, patient. Plus, diagnostician was only there to work on that ONE CASE, so she could have literally traded shifts with Andrew to monitor the patient, so they both could get adequate sleep while not compromising the patient's care. At this point, Andrew was really just running tests and reporting back the results to her. What she was doing to him was inexcusable.

McWidow was right that Andrew should be written up for how he basically screamed at Meredith in front of a large audience of staff. It won't happen, but it really, really should.

With the bear attack storyline, I'm pretty sure this wasn't the reaction the writers were going for, but I was literally happy to see the wife was so devastated when her husband died. Good, you deserve to be in agonizing emotional pain, as you are a garbage person who couldn't muster up enough humanity and courage to go see your husband ONCE after the man STEPPED IN FRONT OF A BEAR FOR YOU. He died alone, and she'll rightfully carry that guilt for the rest of her life.

I just genuinely could not understand her actions and motivations the entire show. Like, okay, fine, you're in love with someone else. But at some point you did love your husband and must still have some level of care for him, if before the bear attack you were having such a hard time telling him you were leaving. I did not understand how that teeny bit of care for him didn't spark a need to see him and make sure he was alright. So many things on this show stretch the bounds of plausibility, but in this particular case I just couldn't get my brain to make the leap. Awful.

I am SO MAD about how this ending is looking for Alex. He deserves better. WE deserve better. At this point I'm hoping Alex had an accident in Iowa and he's in a coma in intensive care and his family is just so incredibly wracked with guilt that they are unable to let anyone in Seattle know what's up. I can't think of any other storyline that would work here and not leave the character as irredeemable. Alex has done a lot of shitty things over the years, and they change his character with every storyline, but he just would NOT ghost his beloved wife, and, even if somehow he would do that, he WOULD NOT, never in a million years, ghost Meredith.

Hate Nico for his hypocrisy. And since Schmitt's uncle died and he spent time with the uncle's partner, and then met the long-married, loving dancing couple, I've been thinking Schmitt has been evaluating how deep things genuinely are with Nico. I think he loves him in the way you always love your first serious boy/girlfriend, but I think he's also realizing that there's not much "there" there with Nico, that it really doesn't go beyond the physical and the giddy 'love' feelings of a first serious relationship. Before the season ends, I predict a breakup, with Nico heading off to whatever out-of-state program he was talking about leaving for earlier in the season. Even with how annoying Schmitt has been over the past seasons, he still deserves better.

Man, this freakin' show.

Edited by dvr devotee
  • Love 9
8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Amelia should find out who the father of her baby is after he's born because it's only fair to baby and father but she should raise him with her sisters, as Meredith is raising her kids. Owen has moved on to Teddy, And Linc, can go and wallow in his feelings.

Thing is, she doesn't just get to unilaterally decide she's raising the baby with her sisters and that's the end of it for Link (or Owen, if it turns out to be his). He'd have every right to demand shared custody, and to take her to court if need be, and so far there's nothing in his story to suggest a judge would have any reason to rule against him. I'm guessing he'd have the right to ask a court to force a paternity test as well, especially since he knows there's a 50/50 chance it's his. And why is he not getting angry and telling her, "I have the right to know"? I don't buy that he'd be so passive in letting her get away with this.

Also, too many people know that it could be Owen's. How does she think that's not going to get out?

Also, also...are any of her "sisters" going to point these things out to her? Or are they just going to enable her selfishness?


  • Love 5
1 minute ago, ams1001 said:

And why is he not getting angry and telling her, "I have the right to know"? I don't buy that he'd be so passive in letting her get away with this.

Essentially, to just stretch this drama out until Amelia goes into labor.

That's what makes this whole storyline frustrating. It's not related to the characters at all; it was created for dramatic plot reasons, not for character reasons. They wanted Amelink drama, and that's what they're giving. But it goes against the growth that Amelia has had, and it's just a complete rehash of season 13 Amelia (back when Caterina was also pregnant). 

I've been watching Krista butcher character after character this year, not just on Grey's but also on Station 19 (she butchered several relationships just to get her crossover couples). And on this show, she just doesn't seem to get it at all. She continues to write for HER fantasies, but not for what makes sense for the characters and for the audience's enjoyment. 

Everyone is just plain miserable on this show, and it's not fun to watch. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

Also, also...are any of her "sisters" going to point these things out to her? Or are they just going to enable her selfishness?



Why should they? One is the Sun, so this is second hat and Maggie did say Link would feel that way - but Amelia shut her down. And Maggie i think will probably be team Amelia on this (which will make me mad at her for one of the few people who actually likes Maggie)

Honestly. i am so incensed for Link. and truthfully, to me they are missing a totally good storyline that that they DO fight over custody/paternity etc. we've never had that for a baby (before birth) just Sophia (and a small extent Zola). (if we had to have it at all, and we didn't). 

I am livid what they are doing to Alex. He would never do that in a zillion years. 

Edited by Daisy
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I guess I am the only one bucking the trend here, but I am actually HAPPY with Amelia. SHE deserves someone that LOVES HER, without any other strings attached.  And yes, Link has every right to know if he is the father of the baby.  And so does Owen if Link is not (do a smell a lawsuit paternity test here?)  Amelia deserves someone to say to her "regardless of the outcome, I love you and I'm here for you"  not an "If the baby isn't mine, I might night want to hang around" reaction.  Yes, Amelia and Owen are complicated... but heck - who isn't on the show???  

Deluca - yeah - I can see why he's pissed.  I mean, when you are in a relationship, and your GF thinks you need sleep or you are on the verge of mental illness... oh yeah, she should always go running to your boss to put your job in jeopardy.  Sorry, Mer...  just can't stand behind your decision on that one. 

Hopefully we are done with the deaf doctor.  I found her annoying.

Richard needs to come through the other side of this with Catherine stronger.  Yeah, I can understand depressed Richard right now.... Hopefully they don't drag that storyline out for a while.

Get onto it with what is happening to Karev.  As a wife, Jo would have every right to be stinkin mad!!!  She, she needed time, but Alex knew where she was.  Karev just ghosted his wife.  Somehow, way down the road, I see Jo with Link or Deluca.

McWidow hasn't won me over.

Oh and Bailey and the kids....   Bailey has her own teenage son!!  Somehow, I just can't see Bailey and Ben fostering all these children, when, let's face it....   It seems like no one is ever home, unless you stay home to have a pity cry your eyes out, I'm depressed and wanna be alone time.




Edited by DenverDogLover
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It seems like the Amelia/baby/Linc story is the link between Bailey's story and Meredith's. We're expecting Bailey to adopt the teen boy even though he doesn't share any DNA with either Bailey or Ben while in Amelia's case the male parent is only involved if DNA is shared. With Meredith and Deluca, it's a question of having respect for your partner, which Linc and Amelia also struggle with.

5 hours ago, izabella said:

Fuck you, show, for ruining Amelia and Link, fuck you!

x 100,000. The only relationship on the show that I enjoyed, and they've ruined it forever.

5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Apparently what made Amelia/Linc good was Linc because I'm back to not liking Amelia after a brief respite. Linc has a right to know if the baby is his. The baby has a right to know who his/her father is.

That's what I said above, that Amelia should do a paternity test after the baby is born (because it's safer for the baby then) for both that baby and the sperm donor to know. But beyond that, she's a single mother.  Owen is happy with Teddy. And after having talked out Amelia out of having an abortion, Linc is only there for them if the baby has his DNA.

Nice fairytale:  Parents who are separated can equally co-parent.

Reality:  Even when both parents are in the same house, there is a primary caregiver and a secondary caregiver, especially for an infant. Equal co-parenting by separated parents is a judicial myth.

I was working at a family clinic a few years ago when separated parents brought their 10 year old son because he was having emotional problems. Dad was an accountant and the parental schedule was that their son would stay with dad on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and with mom on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sundays alternated equally between the two homes. It was an absolutely equitable arrangement for the parents but the kid was going crazy with the instability of moving between the two places. The psychologist's recommendation was to pick a primary home and let the other parent have lots of access.

Amelia's baby needs a primary home for his own wellbeing. Somewhere familiar so that he's not always trying to get accustomed to a new place to sleep, somewhere comforting if he's feeling sick.

Of course Owen is going to want to be involved if the baby is his son, but he's already looking after a toddler and a baby. But I doubt that he's going to insist that this infant live with him and Teddy and the kids rather than with Amelia.

Is Linc's a better place for the baby to live than Casa Grey, with Meredith and Maggie who can help Amelia and three cousins to play with? And if Amelia decides to breast feed, which is better for the baby, how is that going to work out if he lives with Linc?

5 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I'm sorry are you saying that Amelia should raise the child alone( so to speak) because that wouldn't make any sense.. At the very least both men would be over the moon to co-parenting a biological child... Also Link hasn't said for sure that if its owen it's over... Right now he doesn't know how he feels.. Either way it was never about if he'd not care about the baby more about what it would mean for their relationship 

There's the contrast to Bailey and whether she's going to adopt this teen boy. No biological link but someone who is worth parenting and caring for. It's the same with Owen and his adopted child (whose name I forget. Leo?), No biological link but he loves and wants to care for him all the same.

Amelia asked Linc days ago (in Grey's time) to think about what he's going to do if the baby's biodad is Owen and it still took Owen to make Linc consider Amelia and what she is going through. That states pretty clearly that what is important in Linc's mind is whether this is his DNA and not any feelings he has for Amelia.

Amelia herself isn't enough for him to stick around nor is the chance to raise a child, something he had thought he would never do.  As Amelia said, the relationship that she thought they had is gone. That's even harder on Amelia that it would be on other people because she's had so little unconditional love in her life It's sweet of Maggie to try to repair their relationship but I hope the baby is Linc's and Amelia still wants to stay single.

5 hours ago, readster said:

Also, so the big reveal now on DeLuca's sister is she was making sure her brother wasn't going bi-polar, which now seems like he is. Because she saw their father do that? What about their mom in this entire process? She knew it happened too?

Carina is a doctor; the mother isn't. A doctor knows what to look for and she also has access to observe Deluca in the workplace which the mother doesn't. Also there can be a lot of denial in parents that their child is sick even when shown otherwise and Mama Deluca may be like that. (But true that others can be super observant,)

Did you want another Deluca relative on the show?

  • Love 1

The more I see of McWidower, the more I dislike him. He really does make snap judgements about people (funny when it's about Cristina off the screen, not so much when it's with people on the show). And the actor is kind of a black hole in terms of being interesting. About the level of Levi or Nico.

As far as I know, the DNA test hasn't been done  yet. Maggie said that Amelia hadn't picked up the results because she was protecting Amelia.

2 hours ago, izabella said:

Maggie tried pointing out a few things, but then Amelia told her to stop giving her Link’s perfectly understandable and rational perspective.

Amelia listened to everything Maggie had to say until she had finished giving Linc's position. Then she said "Now do me."

Something I learned years ago is that if you want someone to move beyond a position that they are hanging on to, let them know that you understand why they are hanging on so tightly to it. Most people will to consider another position if you let them know that you understand theirs.

3 minutes ago, DenverDogLover said:

Deluca - yeah - I can see why he's pissed.  I mean, when you are in a relationship, and your GF thinks you need sleep or you are on the verge of mental illness... oh yeah, she should always go running to your boss to put your job in jeopardy.  Sorry, Mer...  just can't stand behind your decision on that one.

Bailey also blew this. Meredith went to her saying that Deluca might be in a manic state and instead of sending him to be assessed by a psychiatrist, someone who know what they might be doing, she pulls Deluca off the case and puts Meredith in charge, a person who has no idea what she's doing because it's not a surgical case.

And them Meredith pulls Diagnostic Doctor off it apparently without talking to her and getting her take on the case.

Bad management by both Bailey and Meredith,

  • Love 4

Didn’t amelia want a FWB relationship with link before baby? Wasn’t she literally about to proposition carina when carina mentioned her being pregnant? It’s not like either of them were entertaining serious thoughts of the other before she was pregnant and then they tried to build something when she was pregnant. 

Amelia has all the power and she’s abusing it imo. She’s holding valuable information hostage till she gets the response she wants and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But Amelia has always been like this, she’s always been incredibly selfish when it comes to the men in her life and while before it was blamed on her tumor, there’s nothing to hide behind here. Not everything is a fairytale And sometimes you have to deal with the choices in front of you. 

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

Didn’t amelia want a FWB relationship with link before baby? Wasn’t she literally about to proposition carina when carina mentioned her being pregnant? It’s not like either of them were entertaining serious thoughts of the other before she was pregnant and then they tried to build something when she was pregnant. 

Amelia has all the power and she’s abusing it imo. She’s holding valuable information hostage till she gets the response she wants and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But Amelia has always been like this, she’s always been incredibly selfish when it comes to the men in her life and while before it was blamed on her tumor, there’s nothing to hide behind here. Not everything is a fairytale And sometimes you have to deal with the choices in front of you. 

Yes - I got the impression that her and Link were in a Non-commital relationship,  But Amelia got pregnant and I thought that Link and Amelia were falling in love with each other.  Baby or not.  But, now I get the impression, for Link - it was only for the baby.  Which - hey- people fall out of love all the time.  But, Amelia also has the right to say "it's over".

Amelia is still processing everything, I think.  And yes, the father of the baby has every right to know...   I am just glad that Amelia has put herself first and is protecting her emotions and her heart. Sooner or later, we'll know who the father is. 

I kinda get the impression from Link that he is forcing her to do it now.  So he knows how quickly he can run away if their is no involvement.  However, Amelia, no matter what - is left with all the responsibility, and the pregnancy....   And she needs time to grieve the loss of a relationship to Link and to grasp the weight of everything else...   which is some times nearly impossible when your hormones and emotions are all over the board.

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I can see how Amelia is struggling. Because between Linc and Owen all she is hearing is that her only value to them is the contents of her uterus.

Linc didn't move past FWB because he loves Amelia. It's because he thought she's pregnant with his kid. And if it's not, that means he never meant any words of love or support that said to her previously. It's okay for Linc to not want to raise another guy's kid. It's not okay to say you love someone and want to make it work with them, when you don't mean it. You don't say I love you, you say let's work out the co-parenting. Amelia didn't hide the paternity issue once she found out. She's been honest every step of the way. 

As for the baby being Owen's, that is probably a big nightmare for Amelia. They broke up over kids. If Owen starts sniffing around again because now there's a baby Amelia will know that Owen never meant any love from before. He is only interested in her as a baby breeder/mother. Amelia is pregnant so now she's of value to him when she wasn't before. And that is leaving aside the mess of Teddy and two other kids.

If I'm Amelia I'd be hinding under the covers too.

Edited by anna0852
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1 hour ago, anna0852 said:

If I'm Amelia I'd be hinding under the covers too.

Also, let's not forget, on top of the hormones, the emotions, the realization that Link doesn't love her, her attachment to Owen, the fear that it is his baby, the anxiety of what will happen if it is.....

Amelia has to also relive all the emotions and fear of giving birth to basically a brain dead child on "Private Practice" 

Edited by DenverDogLover
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1 hour ago, Fireball said:

And I get that the actress playing Jo isn't ready to leave, but I hate what the writers are doing to Alex's character. 

Here's the thing about actors and acting: you don't always get the choice whether or not you want to stay on a show. Sarah Drew and Jessica Capshaw didn't have a choice when they got fired. Not that I'm advocating for Camilla to lose her job, but the way that Alex and Jo's story has been set up the past few seasons, it's not far out there to think Jo would relocate for her husband. 

But instead of honoring story, tptb would sooner ruin Alex's 15+ seasons of character evolution out of spite. At the very least Jo can go and visit Alex in Iowa (off screen, of course) and then we hear via her info dumps that they are struggling with long-distance marriage or something. They don't have to have Alex ignore his wife and Meredith. That's extremely OOC. Plus, they could have Alex interacting with Meredith via text, like they do Cristina, to give us insight into what is going on with him. Instead, the writers are choosing to erase him altogether and make him out to be the bad guy. I don't care what they pull out of their behinds, I'm Team Alex!

Also, Deloser was not the one to diagnose Suzanne. Dr. Riley did. It was her idea to take the patient off all meds to find the root cause, it was her who concluded what it actually was when Deloser received that last text with test results. He didn't know what it was, she explained it to him! Yet he's getting all the credit. *eye roll* 

Edited by funnygirl
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46 minutes ago, DenverDogLover said:

And she needs time to grieve the loss of a relationship to Link and to grasp the weight of everything else...   which is some times nearly impossible when your hormones and emotions are all over the board.

Their relationship changed the second she told him she was pregnant.. The loss of the FWB and the birth of something else..  With a child being at the center of it... Blaming link for some trepidation.. Trepidation she's also causing by not doing what needs to be done.. Its hypocritical because before the child the calculus for this relationship was different anyway... Its like she's punishing him because he might have an "out"... She  doesnt get to make any informed decision because the baby is already growing, but Link he can.. And because hes asked for all the info.. She's mad and hurt.. But if the baby is what moved the relationship from a 5 to a 8...  Isn't it possible it could move it back... Or it could move to a 10... Until Link hears the words.. And sits with the results.. Set in stone.. He could I guess say all the pretty words.. But as they say words are wind... 

Of course all of this seems rational but they've never written Amelia rational.. She's selfish always has been always will be.. But they like to backtrack and give us a reason... Cuz her daddy died... Her sisters are mean... She's an addict... She's got a tumor... Now its hormones and emotions... 

Don't see why her emotions to hold all this stuff hostage ( and to dump him)  are ok but his emotional response to possibly being a dad.  Then having it yanked... Then just forced to wait and make a decision and because he's hesitated he gets dumped.. Aren't also respected... 

Hope the show continues to examine both POV's and then get to some conclusion 

  • Love 5

Let me guess . . . the bear mauling took place on Station 19, right? Is Station 19 bleeding over into Grey's time slot every week? Is that the reason why my DVR keeps starting about a minute into Meredith's opening monologue now? Goddammit. I do not watch Station 19 and I do not care about Station 19. All ABC is doing is ruining Grey's Anatomy by turning into Station 19: Part II.


I still for the life of me don't see what it is Deluca has done to anger so many ppl... As a boyfriend he seemed to do a good job... He stood by her... And he also told her when she was being the worst... So what that he's younger... He's not been shown to be overtly immature or a bad doctor... 

Until now. I, too, have liked DeLuca up 'til now. I've never had a problem with him, but dammit, the show just can't have me liking a character, so he had to go and throw a childish temper tantrum for . . . reasons. I get that his father was bipolar but geez, he's been up for three days straight, you think it might be that instead? This is all so contrived and pointless. 


Not liking Doctor Vaguely European. 

I don't get it. I don't find Richard Flood attractive at all. I don't get how he keeps playing these romantic love interest types. Do casting directors just think his Irish accent is sexy? Maybe it is, but his looks? Not so much. He's not ugly or anything but he's no McDreamy either. He's not even McSteamy. He's McBlah.


Way to undo all the progress you made with Amelia, show. 

I know, right? This show has a penchant for making every single character unlikable at some point.

And I totally agree they are ruining the integrity of Alex's character with this mystery disappearance. The only way to fix this is if he's lying dead in a ditch somewhere along with his mother and neither had any ID on them, or they haven't been discovered yet. Is this some weird payback for Justin Chambers leaving mid-season? I know Shonda Rhimes has a vengeance streak a mile wide.

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While I don't really watch station 19 anymore ( at least not religiously)  abs def not before I watch my DVR Grey's.. It hasn't been hard for me to keep up with what's going on.. And it hasn't really affected how I watch Grey's... But I am a pretty chill viewer.. That's prob why I haven't ripped my hair out over this Alex storyline... Partly because I know whatever the writers had planned or did shoot had to be redone because the actor left.. And  partly because I was never really all that interested in Alex.. He was a jerk.. Then he wasn't... Then he was but he was cool with Meredith... Him and Jo always seemed blegh... And I used to think it was her.. But lately she's been fine on her own.. Also he nearly killed Deluca and spent about as much time in Jail as Deluca did for jumping in the grenade for Meredith.. I'll hold out hope that all TPTB are working hard to come up with a farewell that honors Justin's work all these years and still works with the storylines going fwd.. Who knows how many Stories he was gonna be a part of that have to be re-worked.. and that's changes for a very big cast.. Some of who have other things going on.. So I'll wait

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46 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get it. I don't find Richard Flood attractive at all. I don't get how he keeps playing these romantic love interest types. Do casting directors just think his Irish accent is sexy? Maybe it is, but his looks? Not so much. He's not ugly or anything but he's no McDreamy either. He's not even McSteamy. He's McBlah.

I don't think he's attractive either.

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Don't see why her emotions to hold all this stuff hostage ( and to dump him)  are ok but his emotional response to possibly being a dad.  Then having it yanked... Then just forced to wait and make a decision and because he's hesitated he gets dumped.. Aren't also respected... 

Hope the show continues to examine both POV's and then get to some conclusion 

His emotions are ok.  Her emotions are ok.  It's the "I don't know if I want to be with you if it's not mine" indication that bothers me.  And for that, that is why I am glad that Amelia said it's over.

If she wasn't trying to be truthful - she could have held all the information hostage and never told Linc anything at all.  And Amelia did tell Linc.....  But now it seems uncomfortable that that he's hovering over her to get the test.  For now, it is a baby inside of her body.  Not that I am saying it gives her a right to withhold information, but I also don't think it is right that there is someone else telling her, demanding her, to get it done asap.  But, to Linc's defense, I can understand why he would want to know asap.  And this is only Grey's Anatomy timeframe land...   do we even know if it's been days, weeks, months since this all came to light? Amelia needed a good cry session and realize that she has support, the support of her sisters, no matter what...   and now she can progress forward.

Guess the storyline is, it is a good thing that she didn't get the test done ASAP and get the results....   Imagine if it was Linc's and continuing an intimate relationship with a man who only wants a relationship with you because you had his child. 

And I totally agree that I hope the show continues to examine both POV and that we have a healthy conclusion for all involved. 


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