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S06.E18: Something To Sing About

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If I were Kristen, I'd be happy NOT to have Josh at home -- ever -- for any reason.  The little girl is still young enough to be largely oblivious, but poor little boy.  He looked to be already escaping into books to get away from the tension.  What's most annoying about Josh and his super fab, hard to understand (what?), and totally consuming job and career is that it's all about ... Boost!  


And, yeah, it was the assistant who pronounced Rafe Ralph and, of course, Carole just had to let drop that she had dated him.  Whatever that means.  Seriously annoying. 


Mario's charms escape me.  Those two definitely deserve each other.  She's a revolting person. 


Harry and the food -- Could it be that the man has been going hungry?  That was so extreme.  

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Have to admit, as much as I hate Sonja's intern storyline -- and I really do despise it -- the scene with her interviewing that girl gave me a giggle.  Seriously tho, given how strict labor & immigration laws are, it's not especially funny or cute or adorable.  Slavery ain't hilarious, Andy Cohen.  Neither is working & NOT getting paid for it.  It's sleazy, scummy & vile, AND it's against the law, Andy Cohen, you fuckin' butthead.  Man, Andy's sense of humor sure is fucked up, ain't it?


First we had George's misogynist crap & now jokes about a woman running some scam to get free labor by possibly faking out legitimate college internship programs.  Yeah, this is really hysterical.  I'm sure the parents of these kids, who are spending thousand of dollars on the kids' college educations, are just thrilled to know the kids are wasting their money on college credits -- for washing out Sonja's one night stand naughties.  Lovely.

Btw, Heather runs an actual, legitimate business -- not the delusional party nonsense bullshit Sonja keep babbling about in her blogs.  Does Heather ever talk about interns?  No, cuz she must have staff who are paid.  Seems like Carole hired herself an actual assistant -- not an intern.  What is with this intern bullshit anyway?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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 I'm sure the parents of these kids, who are spending thousand of dollars on the kids' college educations, are just thrilled to know the kids are wasting their money on college credits -- for washing out Sonja's one night stand naughties.  Lovely.

Btw, Heather runs an actual, legitimate business -- not the delusional party nonsense bullshit Sonja keep babbling about in her blogs.  Does Heather ever talk about interns?  No, cuz she must have staff who are paid.  Seems like Carole hired herself an actual assistant -- not an intern.  What is with this intern bullshit anyway?

Right. There's some real shady business going on here with Sonja. We've seen a few - Pickles, and others with less memorable names, so they're real (I guess), but they're definitely not college students on an internship. Schools, esp. in NYC like Columbia and NYU, have pretty strict requirements for college credit. If Sonja was a real businessperson running a legitimate business, then maybe there could be an intern taking on and running an aspect of it - like social media. And even then, they have to show work and write papers and get it all looked at (and graded?) by faculty. Of course none of this is happening. If these kids are really working for her, they are not college kids on an internship. They are either paid assistants, or unpaid "working" in exchange for free room and board. Or Bravo plants. Sonja's a liar who uses these kids to further project her fake delusions of grandeur.

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Poor Carole. She googled and came up with some serious disease I must have instead of asthma. What makes Carole so angry and vindictive? What is she missing in her life to cause her to put so much venom in her writing? How does she even come up with this sh--? Alternate diseases that one only hears about on Lifetime TV? The big shot journalist with a 20-year career Googles for information? Carole has a wild imagination. Did she call or "google" the Kennedy family when she needed stories for her own memoir? Would she call this "research" a new definition of "journalism." It seems like "journalism" as defined by Carole today is as simple as googling....

Aviva is such a crazy asshole. Last time I checked, Carole's resume said journalist not Wikipedia. When Carole starts introducing herself as Carole Radziwell, Wikipedia or Encyclopedia fucking Britannica, I'll get on her for having to do research. But in this day and age journalists are still allowed and encouraged to research things. In fact, Aviva is the only bitch dumb enough to state that she speaks and understands everything. If that is so, her ignorant ass shouldn't have been surprised that the howives were talking shit about Aviva the all knowing.

The ratings break my heart because the show is so much better than it was during Jill's final season.

Edited by HunterHunted
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So WTF was Kristen cooking up for dinner anyway?  It looked horrible.  Overly cut up, burnt potatoes?  Yuck.  As a housewife, she seems pretty awful.  Their place always looks like a cluttered dump.  And believe me, that apartment ain't a dump.  If it's in one of those high rises in Tribeca, it's gotta be 7 thou or more a month.  My guess is Josh the Dickhead married her as a trophy wife & now he's stuck with this annoying, whiny chick, who constantly makes extremely annoying O faces, can't cook to save her ass, keeps a really sloppy household & cries on a dime.  Oy.  OK, so she's stuck with a husband who's an asshole, but he didn't get such a good deal with her either.  Well, at least she's prettyyyyy.


So why is it, just before they show any scene with the Moaner at home, they flash on the street sign of Park Ave & 82nd Street?  I don't get this.  It's misleading as hell.  Moaner does NOT live on Park Avenue (where apartments are some of the oldest & most expensive in the city & can be quite stunning, with tons of charming, lovely details).  You can tell in 2 seconds, from looking at her ho-hum, charmless apartment with the low ceilings & boxy rooms, this ain't Park Avenue.  Not by a long shot, Moaner. She lives in one of those soulless, unimpressive buildings along Third Avenue -- yup, the ones that all look like college dorms.  What's with this bullshit, producers?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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ScoobieDoobs - I've read that a lot of reality shows use fake homes or building fronts to deliberately mislead viewers/fans....I guess for privacy and/or stalking reasons. I think the Osbournes was one of the first reality shows, and so many fans "visited" their house like it was a tourist attraction, so the practice of using fake fronts was born. I know Sonja's townhouse is real, but if Ramona's building isn't, she's not the only one.

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Yeah, that's Andy's fat dog.  I hate seeing it because he's going into potato on sticks territory.  I don't care about seeing fat people, but it's so easy to keep weight off a dog there's no excuse for it (barring medical conditions, obviously).  

I hate seeing that as well.....weight control for animals is equally as important as it is for people.

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I agree with the posters who suggested that Kristen have her own set schedule.  Cook or order in some food at a set time. Eat with the kids, and keep Josh's warm.  Take care of the kids and relax until Josh comes home.  Heaven knows I did just that for many years.  Tell him "hi honey, dinner's in the oven....it's serve yourself," and continue what she was doing.  She's got to quit letting him push her buttons.  He loves it.  Ugh!


I'm thinking that Ramona and Sonja are ticked at Lu because she might do some shady stuff off camera....sort of like Gretchen from the OC, and comes off prim and proper for the cameras.  They may be frustrated like Tamra was.

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Mostly a lurker here and loving your comments. Still laughing about the sequined sack of Russet potatoes (with earrings).

I think Heather and Josh could be brother and sister--neither one is attractive and their noses are so similar. Sadly. Josh couldn't even use the word "therapist"; he is going to see a "mediator." There is no hope for him and Kristen. 


Sonja is a whore who is delusional enough to think she is a lady. Harry looked like a wild beast ravenously chomping on those chicken wings. Revolting!


As a former college English teacher, I cringe at LuAnn's grammar. Last night she threw out another of her "for Jacque and I" locutions when it should have been "me." But so many people think "I" is classier than "me." It's not. Depends whether you need a subject or an object pronoun. But I digress. That's alls I know.


Mario sure as hell wasn't thinking of the Moaner when he was singing. He looked like he had a bellyache. Moaner needs heavy medication. Her immaturity is astounding. An induced coma would be welcome. Run, Avery, run!


Carole annoys me no end. She is a faux hippie who thinks she is an adorable waif. I can't stop staring at her fugly mouth and terrible overbite. Not too late for Invisilign, kiddo. And when she was throwing out all those celebrity names, she pronounced Ralph Fiennes as "Ralph." She mentioned she had an affair with him (???), so you'd think she'd know he pronounces his name "Rafe." 


As for Aviva: buhbyeeeeee!

My mother taught English in college and high school, and I had proper skills drummed into me from a young age, so listening to LuAnn drives me nuts at times...she makes grammatical errors that should have been corrected in elementary school....or Jr. high at the latest, IMO...and while my grammar is not always perfect, I am at least aware of what is correct.

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From Carole's blog (I love her blogs!)


Hmmm....It wouldn't let me paste it.

Anyway, she talks about how they had a blast at a local bar, danced, met interesting people, rode horses to breathtaking views. They had some fun on this trip.  Come on Bravo, you could've done better on this vacation than you did!


And as for Aviva's blog...she is one nasty piece of work. Just nasty!

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Everything about Ramona's behaviour around Mario shrieked to me of a woman who is Trying Far Too Hard To Keep Her Man. It was sad. And because Mario's checked out emotionally, Ramona will drink more, behave worse and alienate Mario even further. A vicious cycle invovling two vicious people.


Kristen and Josh deserve one another - they are both ghastly.


As for Sonja, I'm sure she'd be fun to hang out with for a lunch or shopping, but she's someone whose company would wear very thin after a while. All that sexualised talk and her incesssant need for every man to find her irresistible is pathetic in a woman her age.  I thought in this episode she looked as if she'd had her lips plumped up, and when they were in the Park I'm sure I heard Harry say something like "your lips look nice". Although knowing those two, who knows which lips he was talking about? (Oy-oy-oy ...)


Did anyone else notice that when Luann got out of the car when she arrived at Birdland her legs looked absolutely spectacular?  I'm 4ft 11in and would kill for legs like hers.

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Why does Kristen constantly make a face like she's smelled something awful? I really noticed it in the scene during their dinner while she was sitting there while Josh was talking. And speaking of Josh... he's no prize either, to be honest. How hard would it be to shoot off a text of "hey babe, running late. Be home in an hour"? I live and work in NYC. There are plenty of execs that I've been with on conference calls who can whip out their phone to text, and they do. He just really hates her (it's hard not to dislike her--she's so whiney and really seems unstable). They both seem like they never wanted kids, so why did they have them?



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I agree with the posters who suggested that Kristen have her own set schedule.  Cook or order in some food at a set time. Eat with the kids, and keep Josh's warm.  Take care of the kids and relax until Josh comes home.  Heaven knows I did just that for many years.  Tell him "hi honey, dinner's in the oven....it's serve yourself," and continue what she was doing.  She's got to quit letting him push her buttons.  He loves it.  Ugh!



Again, as others have mentioned, it sounds like that *is* what normally happens on weeknights.  This was just a "special" night where she agreed to cook, and he agreed to be home at a certain time.  I highly doubt she sits around and waits for him to eat every single night. 

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You got to love Luann calling the Moaner a cow! 


We need more of that.


I would love the opportunity to someday say, as Luann did, "He plays for LIZA, you cow!"


And, actually, Ramona did look the part as she gracelessly stomped through the Birdland crowd, bumping into someone in her path. She looked like a cow out in the field, aimlessly bumping into another cow in the herd.


She has the weirdest walk. Is it no hip action? Just shifting her weight from one hoof to the other? 

Edited by jennylauren123
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Even if there was no way that Josh could get a message to Kristen while the meeting was going on, at the very least he could have called or sent a text as soon as his meeting/call finished.  Being in NYC, he must have some kind of commute home.  If he called at 6:15 to say that he wasn't going to be home until almost 7:00, she could have adjusted her plans somewhat to account for the delay.  Not knowing if he's going to walk in the door at 6:01 or 10:01, it's hard to have a hot meal waiting on the table (which is what he was complaining he wanted in an earlier episode).


Of couse, that suggestion presumes that Josh cares at all about being considerate, and I haven't seen a whole lot of evidence that he does.


Another thing that's been rattling around my brain is trying to figure out Sonja's dating "timeline" (for lack of a better word).  On the one hand, she's apparently having sleepovers with practically random guys and throwing herself at every man she runs across.  On the other hand, she's acting like she's in a born again super serious relationship with Harry -- are we supposed to think that a proposal is coming in the next episode?  Then in her blog she mentions having broken up with Brian after a three-year relationship -- does that mean it just happened (as in, now in 2014) or was she saying that at the time this was filming (last summer, right?), she and Brian had just broken up.  I'm so confused by her.   

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Even if there was no way that Josh could get a message to Kristen while the meeting was going on, at the very least he could have called or sent a text as soon as his meeting/call finished.  Being in NYC, he must have some kind of commute home.  If he called at 6:15 to say that he wasn't going to be home until almost 7:00, she could have adjusted her plans somewhat to account for the delay.  Not knowing if he's going to walk in the door at 6:01 or 10:01, it's hard to have a hot meal waiting on the table (which is what he was complaining he wanted in an earlier episode).


Of couse, that suggestion presumes that Josh cares at all about being considerate, and I haven't seen a whole lot of evidence that he does.


Another thing that's been rattling around my brain is trying to figure out Sonja's dating "timeline" (for lack of a better word).  On the one hand, she's apparently having sleepovers with practically random guys and throwing herself at every man she runs across.  On the other hand, she's acting like she's in a born again super serious relationship with Harry -- are we supposed to think that a proposal is coming in the next episode?  Then in her blog she mentions having broken up with Brian after a three-year relationship -- does that mean it just happened (as in, now in 2014) or was she saying that at the time this was filming (last summer, right?), she and Brian had just broken up.  I'm so confused by her.   

That's because she is full of shit. The whole thing is a persona. She couldn't possibly be really like that. If so, she is bat shit crazy and she needs mental health treatment.

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When both parties in a marriage make it sound like going to a therapist is like going to court for a ruling on who is at fault, your marriage is in serious, serious trouble.


I am not going to get caught up in the details of their argument. I feel the fight was the symptom of their much larger issues. To quote Bethanny: it is not about what it was about. Josh doesn't respect or honor his wife, Kristen. To him, she seems like barely an afterthought in his life. Kristen is immature, a nag and suffers from chronic dog with a boneitis. However, I feel like Kristen would actually listen to a therapist and put in the effort. Josh? Not so much. However, I hope he does. I just think the douche is strong in that one.


I want to smack the shit out of Josh every time he goes on about Kristen not knowing anything about the business world. The thing is that I don't think he would have married her if she was on "his level" professionally. He strikes me as that bitch!  He doesn't want someone on his level. He wanted & married arm candy. He would have never married a Heather type because he couldn't stand the challenge or competition. I feel like he has read and is now living by the rules set by those dating guru jackholes that require that you put down women in order to keep them. Why else complain both when dinner isn't and is on the table? I have no idea what Kristen saw in him? He damn sure ain't good looking. He isn't rich. Comfortable maybe, but not rich. He doesn't seem charming either so must've been love.


Ramona contains to be the worst. Mario is an asshole for cheating on her but I don't for a minute feel sorry for Ramona. She has taken too much joy in other's people misery and has been running roughshod over everyone's feelings. The fates finally caught up with her ass.


Wasn't nobody really thinking about Aviva until Ramona brought her simple ass up at dinner. Also, they only talked about her for a hot minute so STFU Sonja. Shit like that only serves to gas her head up and incite her special brand of crazy. Aviva has been looking like shit lately. I really want to know where she is getting her Old Spinster Schoolmarm on the Prairie dresses so I can avoid shopping there. Plus, Sonja made light of her illness to. When Sonja wanted to stay in bed and not go glamping she make the joke to tell the girls she had asthma. 


Sonja was really gross and disgusting at the plastic surgeon's office with her sexual exploits. So inappropriate. That doctor was unprofessional and extremely rude, but most of all she was money grubbing.  Many years ago I was looking into getting one and only one cosmetic procedure done. I did a lot of research and interviewed a lot of patients and doctor's. One of the key pieces of advise I got was from one patient was that if you go for a consult and the doctor, unsolicited, starts randomly pointing out other procedures you need and should have - RUN. Run hard, run deep, and run far, but the operative word is RUN!!! Such a doctor is only thinking about lining their pockets and not their patients. 


Nobody was a great singer at Birdland. However, I have to give it to Heather. It wasn't her voice I was impressed. She exuded confidence, looked comfortable on stage (danced a little bit, moved around), was engaging and most importantly seemed to have a really good time. Dare I say she had stage presence. Get it girl!


I didn't understand Mario with his closed eyes. Did he think his ass was channeling Andrea Bocelli? Still I give him props for getting up there and not completely stinking up the place.


Harry with that chicken wing looked like a starved chicken hawk that hadn't had a meal in months. That needs to be a gif in my life.

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I found the scene of Mario prepping for singing at the club very interesting. He's clearly focused on trying to learn the lyrics and Ramona keeps pestering him, then he snaps at her and not only does she not apologize but she continues to pester him. She wanted him to do this singing thing and yet she's really needling him and trying to make him nervous.

A lot has been made about Mario cheating, but I have always thought that it's likely Ramona cheats too. I think they both like the appearance of having a perfect marriage (primarily for the faux religious jewelry business), but it is secretly an open marriage. The way they both acted in this scene confirmed to me they are over each other and it is totally for appearances.

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Sonja was pathetic fawning all over Harry. How is Harry "all that?" He looks like any other 50something guy - average at best.

Kristen/Josh are both losers. He's a douche & as others have said, her whining is off the charts. He lives to make her whine- which is the hallmark of douchinesss.

Aviva is not only nasty, but the worst fashion sense across all housewives franchises. I hated that dress when she was talking to Sonja.

Sonja had her lips done & they look awful.

"Effortless" is the last word I would ever use to describe Ramona. I think deep down she knows he wasn't singing to her. He didn't look at her ONCE- not during practice nor at Birdland. That was cringe worthy.

LuAnn calling Ramona a cow made my night.

Edited by jnymph
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Then in her blog she mentions having broken up with Brian after a three-year relationship -- does that mean it just happened (as in, now in 2014) or was she saying that at the time this was filming (last summer, right?), she and Brian had just broken up.  I'm so confused by her.



If it's the latter, at least it would make a *wee* bit more sense.  That article I linked yesterday was from Oct 2012 and in it she stated that she and Brian had just broken up.  If this season began filming sometime in spring/summer 2013, then they would have broken up 5-6 months prior.  Again, not what I (or most normal) people would consider having "just" broken up....  but it makes more sense than a nearly 2-year gap!

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Too much Mario singing.  We had to watch him sing in the apartment and then watch him sing the same song again at the club.  He's not that great and the song was soooo slow.  Please.  I found this episode to be boring enough.


I'll say it again.  Kristen is laaaazy and a whiner.  Yeah, Josh is a jerk but cooking dinner shouldn't be a big deal for a mostly stay at home parent with a live in nanny - it isn't like she's not cooking now because of filming the show; it seems it's always been this way.  I can understand Josh not texting her during his conference call.  Especially if he was at the center of the conversation.  I also think he had no desire to text her and then have to receive whiney replies back while he's doing business.  She doesn't let anything go.  They're equally guilty in their screwed up relationship.

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If it's the latter, at least it would make a *wee* bit more sense.  That article I linked yesterday was from Oct 2012 and in it she stated that she and Brian had just broken up.  If this season began filming sometime in spring/summer 2013, then they would have broken up 5-6 months prior.  Again, not what I (or most normal) people would consider having "just" broken up....  but it makes more sense than a nearly 2-year gap!

Yes, I think you're right.


Sonja needs to decide if she's a "different guy in every port" kind of gal or if she and Harry are true soulmates because I don't think she can have it both ways.  I suspect (based on no facts whatsoever...just my own thoughts) that she and Harry dated when they were younger, but it either wasn't exclusive or he started cheating on her.  He took someone else out on New Year's Eve (wasn't that what she said...?), which is a pretty good sign that you're not Girlfriend #1 in someone's eyes.  She decided to make him jealous by giving him the cold shoulder and either that's what he wanted all along (treat her so badly that she dumps him, sparing him the trouble) or he didn't really care because he clearly had other things going on with other people.  So, that plan backfired on her.  Fast forward to the present and they're basically each other's booty call....each seeing other people, but coming back together on occasion.  I guess she thinks having all these different men in her life makes her seem very desirable (and I guess, in the case of Harry specifically, she can feel like she ultimately "won" Harry over Aviva and LuAnn), but I think she just looks desperate and, not to seem terribly old fashioned, loose.


I think she must be lots of fun as a friend, just don't let her near your boyfriend...or brother...or father....or nephew...or landscaper....or handyman....or....you get the picture.

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Josh has someone in his corner:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/brandi-glanville-defends-kristen-taekmans-husband/#comment-1107527


What an ally!!!!  I think Josh and Kristen probably have played up their marital woes.  Since Kristen has begun filming have we ever seen her having fun?  Every scene she is complaining, whining or slamming someone.  It might have been nice to see her and Josh having fun.  Even when the two of them went to Ramona's party the first thing she did was start bitching at Ramona about not going to Heather's party.

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If it's the latter, at least it would make a *wee* bit more sense. That article I linked yesterday was from Oct 2012 and in it she stated that she and Brian had just broken up. If this season began filming sometime in spring/summer 2013, then they would have broken up 5-6 months prior. Again, not what I (or most normal) people would consider having "just" broken up.... but it makes more sense than a nearly 2-year gap!

I may be giving Sonya too much credit, but I wonder if she blogged the breaking up with Brian thing to preempt any attention and or sympathy going to Luann next week when she appears to break up with Jacques? It's just strange to me how much Sonya is going after Luann this season. I haven't seen anything from Luann that could have triggered this kind of response from Sonya.

Edited by Booger666
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Since Kristen has begun filming have we ever seen her having fun?


Yes, she seemed to have a great time hanging out with Heather prior to Ramona throwing a glass at her and many times before the Berkshires trip. She seemed to have a bunch of fun hanging with the ladies in the Berkshires. She has had fun hanging out with with Luann, Carol, and Sonja together and separately. She had fun with the ladies at the races. Wasn't she in that hula hooping scene with Luann? I'd say all in all, she has had more fun than most of the housewives this season.

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I found the scene of Mario prepping for singing at the club very interesting. He's clearly focused on trying to learn the lyrics and Ramona keeps pestering him, then he snaps at her and not only does she not apologize but she continues to pester him. She wanted him to do this singing thing and yet she's really needling him and trying to make him nervous.

A lot has been made about Mario cheating, but I have always thought that it's likely Ramona cheats too. I think they both like the appearance of having a perfect marriage (primarily for the faux religious jewelry business), but it is secretly an open marriage. The way they both acted in this scene confirmed to me they are over each other and it is totally for appearances.

I don't think Ramona is a sexual person; she is very vulnerable to flattery (hi Aviva!) but I think things stop right there.  She's always come across as a stupid snotty prig.  She just chooses to have zero self-control, and thus runs roughshod over the needs and feelings of even those she purports to love. 


She is not over him.  She is desperate to keep her farce of a marriage AND her farce of her self-defined "strong woman" identity, where she's truly independent.  She is not.  She's attached herself like a tick to both Mario and Avery, which is completely unhealthy both for marriage and for being a fair parent who doesn't attempt to manipulate her child through drama. 


Re Sonja and her 'breakup' (...were they really dating?  Ask him, not her) with Brian: she references it in her most current Bravo blog with "I've broken up with my boyfriend of three years, Brian."  Again: a liar through and through.  She does everything possible to dissemble and give exactly the wrong impression of things. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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<<And, yeah, it was the assistant who pronounced Rafe Ralph and, of course, Carole just had to let drop that she had dated him.  Whatever that means.  Seriously annoying.

Mario's charms escape me.  Those two definitely deserve each other.  She's a revolting person.

Harry and the food -- Could it be that the man has been going hungry?  That was so extreme.>>


My mistake. I thought Carole was reading the names out and the asst. was putting them on the books. I can't go back to check because the instant the program is over I hit DELETE. Still shuddering from Harry's animal attack on the poor little chicken wings.


Every time I look at Sonja I wonder how many STDs she's had and shared. 


Where will these women be in a couple of years?

Divorces: Mario and Moaner, Kristen and Josh, George and Cody (if they ever do get married, which I doubt).

Out of their current housing: Sonja, Kristen, and Josh. Maybe Moaner, unless she gets decent alimony from The Crooner. 

Still delusional about being a somebody: Aviva, George, Sonja--oh, hell--all of them.


My husband asks me why I bother to watch the HoShows. "Alls I can say" is, I'm hoping for the worst for these narcissists. Looks like I'm getting it, too. 

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LuAnn to Ramona: "You cow. Shut your face." Welp. Truer advice has never been given.


As for Sonja's comment about only hearing Mario singing in the shower, it doesn't have to mean that she, Ramona, and Mario have engaged in a threesome. If Sonja's at Ramona's home either in the city or in the Hamptons for a weekend, she's likely heard him just by being in the house in the morning. 


I thought Heather's little serenade to Jonathan was cute and exciting. But then again, I like Heather and adore her relationship with her husband.


Lastly, I don't even know where to begin with Kristen and Josh (all I know is that I've been giving thumbs up like crazy to the folks who think that Josh is a dick of epic proportions). The two are simply not hearing each other. I'm willing to bet that they're at a point in their marriage/relationship where they feel they've put in all those years so they aren't ready to separate, divorce, consciously uncouple, whatever. They need to get it together however they choose to do so. The tension is just too uncomfortable.

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Ok here's the piece of Josh and Kristen that can't be talked about that I can't forget. It's very likely that Kristen is supporting them right now with the Bravo money. And for all of their talk about Kristen the mommy and Josh the master of the universe, it sounds like Kristen was modeling really steadily in NY and LA and it was Josh's career that wasn't gelling. Soooooo is Josh actually successful? This water thing doesn't sound too impressive an idea to me (wrong time, market is too saturated) and I've NEVER heard of the brand he's promoting. Were the abrupt moves to LA and then back to NY really the mind of an entrepreneur (shut the fuckity, fuck up Heather) or was it a series of failed business that left him scrambling for work? Is part of the tension that Josh wants Kristen to be a SAHM, but one that brings in a substantial paycheck too. Got to admit that would bug me too.

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As for Sonja, I'm sure she'd be fun to hang out with for a lunch or shopping, but she's someone whose company would wear very thin after a while. All that sexualised talk and her incesssant need for every man to find her irresistible is pathetic in a woman her age. 

Pathetic at any age IMO.

Btw, Heather runs an actual, legitimate business -- not the delusional party nonsense bullshit Sonja keep babbling about in her blogs.  Does Heather ever talk about interns?  No, cuz she must have staff who are paid.  

AND, interning with Heather would be an actual INTERNSHIP where one might learn things for the real world!!

And, actually, Ramona did look the part as she gracelessly stomped through the Birdland crowd, bumping into someone in her path. She looked like a cow out in the field, aimlessly bumping into another cow in the herd.


She has the weirdest walk. Is it no hip action? Just shifting her weight from one hoof to the other? 

Please refer back to her runway "walk" - I DIED!!!

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Kristen should realize by now that Josh has no "set" daily schedule (or respect for others time) and that with two small children she should start setting the schedule herself. Dinner will be on the table nightly between 6:15 and 6:30 be it homemade, take out or heat & eat. Eating time for herself and the children will not be pushed back for Josh. Warm leftovers will be left warming in the oven on low or cold items in the fridge if he arrives home after say 7:00. His head would probably explode if she took control and did this.

I kind of agree. If Josh started coming home at 7 or 7:30 and left-overs were in the fridge and the kids were in bed and Kristen was watching TV or having a glass of wine with a girl friend and simply refused to engage with Josh no matter how many times he pulled his master of the universe BS with her and just told him "that's fine. I understand that's your schedule. THIS is my schedule and it's just as important as yours so go fix your self some dinner" and then went back to whatever she was doing Josh would be besides himself. The truth is he likes making Kristen wait because it makes him feel important to make people wait on him. The best thing she can do is to stop waiting.

Yes! Yes and yes! My husband has an awful work schedule and I spent the first years of our marriage waiting at the door like a puppy. I was so resentful and unhappy until I realized I could leave or live my life. Since then I eat when I want, do what I want and if he's home in time great if not...oh well. Even my 13 year old daughter knows to not plan around daddy because we never know when he will be home.

Edited to add my husband is a physician not a serial killer!

Edited by nc socialworker
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Ah Lu, you've earned a special place in my heart for calling the Moaner a cow.  Here's to Lu finding more greasy pirates.  Good luck to ya on that, hun -- I'm so glad ya finally tossed off the smug, homely Frenchie.  Slutty Lu is much more fun -- and gotta be better than Sonja's tired act.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Yes, she seemed to have a great time hanging out with Heather prior to Ramona throwing a glass at her and many times before the Berkshires trip. She seemed to have a bunch of fun hanging with the ladies in the Berkshires. She has had fun hanging out with with Luann, Carol, and Sonja together and separately. She had fun with the ladies at the races. Wasn't she in that hula hooping scene with Luann? I'd say all in all, she has had more fun than most of the housewives this season.

How about with her husband?  I tend to think most of Kristen's fun involves gossiping or criticizing someone or doing poor exaggerated imitations of an encounter with either Sonja or Ramona or Aviva.  I'll give her Elvis and Brandi.

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How about with her husband?  I tend to think most of Kristen's fun involves gossiping or criticizing someone or doing poor exaggerated imitations of an encounter with either Sonja or Ramona or Aviva.  I'll give her Elvis and Brandi.


I don't think anyone has fun with Kristen's husband.

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I kind of agree. If Josh started coming home at 7 or 7:30 and left-overs were in the fridge and the kids were in bed and Kristen was watching TV or having a glass of wine with a girl friend and simply refused to engage with Josh no matter how many times he pulled his master of the universe BS with her and just told him "that's fine. I understand that's your schedule. THIS is my schedule and it's just as important as yours so go fix your self some dinner" and then went back to whatever she was doing Josh would be besides himself. The truth is he likes making Kristen wait because it makes him feel important to make people wait on him. The best thing she can do is to stop waiting.


Ah, Fozzybear you said this so beautifully.   If Kristen did this, I can just about guarantee that douche Josh will find her more interesting and actually want to occasionally come home on time.

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Josh is such a douche bag. If I was Kristen I would leave this SOB. 


What exactly does Sonja do that requires her to have interns????


Ramona talking about Luann needing auto tune was funny at first but when she kept making jabs at Luann it was mean. 


I muted Mario singing. 

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I would love the opportunity to someday say, as Luann did, "He plays for LIZA, you cow!"


And, actually, Ramona did look the part as she gracelessly stomped through the Birdland crowd, bumping into someone in her path. She looked like a cow out in the field, aimlessly bumping into another cow in the herd.


She has the weirdest walk. Is it no hip action? Just shifting her weight from one hoof to the other? 

Yeah, I've noticed her walk....very odd

I would love the opportunity to someday say, as Luann did, "He plays for LIZA, you cow!"


And, actually, Ramona did look the part as she gracelessly stomped through the Birdland crowd, bumping into someone in her path. She looked like a cow out in the field, aimlessly bumping into another cow in the herd.


She has the weirdest walk. Is it no hip action? Just shifting her weight from one hoof to the other? 

Yeah, I've noticed her walk....very odd

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I kind of agree with this. I don't think that Kristen is trying to change him into a different person, I think she is trying to get him to be the man he pretended to be when they first got together. I have no basis for this belief other than the fact that the guy seems to know how to charm enough people to run a successful business.

I think that Kristen wants the Josh she agreed to marry. I think that Josh figured that he won when he and Kristen married, and then it was just about checking her off his list of accomplishments.


I can see this. Just pure speculation, we have no idea what either of them were like when they got together. But I could see him becoming more more of an ass as his ego grew from being the successful one in the family. When she was still modeling, he might have felt more on an even playing field or even intimated by her beauty and success. As the roles changed, he may have as well. I just can't say without a doubt that Kristen married the ass we are seeing today. 

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If Kristen left josh she would probably just end up with another asshole just like him. His cocky attitude is probably what attracted her in the first place. WTF does Kristen need a live in nanny for?? I would be embarrassed if I were a stay at home mom with a live in nanny.


ETA: People rarely change much in personality in adulthood. If anything they usually mellow not intensify.

Edited by psychnurse
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I did not get the impression Kristin had a full-time, live-in nanny.  It sounds like she pays the nanny to stay overnight sometimes.  I am not positive about that, though. But even if she did have one, I don't think there is anything to be embarrassed about. 


Very important question here -- do we know why Sonja calls Pickles "Pickles"?



Because she likes/eats pickles I think.

Edited by Duke2801
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Thanks!  I thought it was cuz she thought she looked like a pickle.  Hey, with Sonja ya never know what's goin' on in her head.

Legitimate college internships are always supervised by a professor & you must write a journal.  Wonder what Pickles' prof thinks of her boss calling her Pickles.  Just a wonderful life-learning experience & college credits well-earned, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I've noticed that Kristen and Josh's crib is pretty antiseptic looking. It doesn't look homey, or lived in, or very comfortable. The only color I can remember is the bright yellow clock on the wall, which seemed kind of strange. And there is a zebra rug, I think. Anyway, it's odd to see a home that contains two small children have this look. It looks like temporary housing. They're living there while getting another property move-in ready, or something.


I was also a little curious about the mystery of what to do with the salad. Wash it and dry it? I've never had a salad spinner, so I just give the leaves a nice bath and pat dry with paper towels. No big thing. How can she have kids and not know the slightest thing about food? How can she be 37 or 38, whatever, and not know how to prepare a simple salad? What have they been eating all these years? To me, cooking is a basic life skill. 

Edited by jennylauren123
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Is that even a normal reaction?  Perhaps times have changed since I went away to college (which was in 1983) and there were no tears as I couldn't get out of the house fast enough and my mother couldn't push me out fast enough.

No kidding. My parents were like, "See you at Thanksgiving. Don't do anything stupid." 

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