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S24.E04: Week 4 - Cleveland, Ohio

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7 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Here's Natasha's website if anybody doubts she's a TV pro and just there for the exposure. 


At least she haS an actual job unlike most of these ladies.  I don’t think she’s the one for Peter, I just find her amusing. 

Peter is a complete idiot if she keeps Victoria.  She thinks her sob story is going to keep her there which it probably will. 

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I mean, this is pretty consistent with Peters general taste in women (Hannah B) but could this guy be any easier to manipulate? I didnt think we could get a contestant that has worst judgement than Hannah B but...

Edited by tennisgurl
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Alayah should have come back just to turn Peter down.instead she gets the group rose for a group date she wasn’t even on. This is going to REALLY put them over the edge!

And Alayah read the internet and got all of the dirt on Victoria F!

Edited by JenE4
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Lol at Aleyha spilling the beans on Victoria F’s date with Peter.  

And double lol at Peter being afraid a bunch of the women would walk out.   Did the doofus really think they would be fine with her coming back?

Edited by DEL901
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1 minute ago, JenE4 said:

After the way she handled the champagne debacle, who would have guessed that Kelsey would take the news re Alayah returning with grace and maturity. I’m not buying it.

Clearly she heard about “the return” the night before and had plenty of time to plan her response.  

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MORE freakin' sob stories from Kelsie?  She makes other Debbie Downer types look like optimists.

She needs to tell Hannah Teeth what mascara she uses, because she didn't get a single smear.  Gee, I wonder why?

Edited by EllenB
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“Hmmmm all of this reminds me of some other situation...where everyone told a main person on this show that the person they were super into is awful...and that person says everyone is ganging up on them...what could it be....”-Peter, who has totally blocked out his whole Bachelorette season.

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1 minute ago, SallyAlbright said:

He's a terrible, terrible Bachelor. I want them all to walk out. 

forget Bachelor.  As a man in general.  No spine.  No independent thoughts.

I'd be like Peter, you have no spine, and for that reason I'm out.

Oh sorry, wrong show.

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On 1/27/2020 at 10:04 PM, Kendra143 said:

I actually feel sorry for Peter with this bunch of catty women. Cut your losses Peter and send them all home!! This is the worst bunch of women ever.  He’s in way over his head and deserves better. 

This group of ladies is one of the worst in Bachelor history.  Right up there with Ben Flapjack's and Chris Soules'.   

Edited by Adeejay
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16 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:
18 minutes ago, SallyAlbright said:

He's a terrible, terrible Bachelor. I want them all to walk out. 

forget Bachelor.  As a man in general.  No spine.  No independent thoughts.

I'd be like Peter, you have no spine, and for that reason I'm out.

Oh sorry, wrong show.

He's making me respect Arie.  

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7 minutes ago, meatball77 said:

Peter should have just told the women that if they don't respect his decision they are welcome to leave.  Makes his decision easier.

He can't stand the thought of someone not liking him or not approving of him.

He is still a boy.

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Like, I  literally cannot stand to listen to this butchering of the English language. These are literally like the most vapid girls in like the whole entire world. I am outta here before my brain literally shrinks. Let's cheers to that!

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13 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

Chase Rice is also a former Survivor contestant.

This alone makes me side-eye his protestations about being upset that the producers put him on Vic F's date.  He knew she was going on the show, he's been on reality tv, did he really think that wasn't going to happen?  I'm sure he was thrilled that he got exposure beyond being the bland musical guest on the date.  I also question Peter's supposed ignorance about the set up.  TPTB had to tell him to pick Vic F so he must have known something was up.

I was right there with the girls on the reaction to Cleveland, but it was awesome seeing Cedar Point get some love!  So many memories of fun times at that park.  I wonder if they actually closed the park for the day or if they filmed on a September/October weekday when the park is only open on weekends. I would kill for no-wait access to the rides for a day!

So much drama from these women!  Whether she meant it or not, they all should have responded like Chelsea. They are 100% in the right, but bitching about others is usually the kiss of death.  

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28 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

Chase Rice is also a former Survivor contestant.

Holy shit!  Didn't know that.

I've actually watched his season, but unless a contestant is very memorable, I have no recollection of them, and that includes Chase…. 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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51 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

This group of ladies is one of the worst in Bachelor history.  Right up there with Ben's and Chris'.   

Someone on Twitter said the casts get more unlikeable when they skew younger. Most of them, apart from maybe 5, are 25 and under. This is why they need to cast women 27+, but they won't because older women are less likely to be insecure and cry at the drop of a hat. Then again, Victoria P. and Kelsey are 27 and 28, so maybe not.

Between Hannah B, Hannah Ann, and Alayah, Peter just likes bland white brunette women who create drama.

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Victoria F is a total drip who provides nothing but whiny type of drama. I don’t understand his attraction to her.. if it’s just looks she’s got a great body but the face of a horse. If he didn’t have many other attractive women to choose from I would get the appeal more. Her comments to Alayah regarding her Chase Rice date “it was very personal to me”. Give me a break... Pretty sure she was a groupie who had a one night stand so stop trying to elevate your importance by pretending you had a relationship with a celeb. This confrontation has more to do with her fear that her non-relationship will be exposed to Peter than her personal indignation over having her date discussed with the other women. 

Victoria P - obviously and blatantly lied. Peter, no matter how much she makes you feel bad by crying about how you don’t trust her, you need to just come right out and admit that you don’t trust her.. for good reason.

Alayah is obnoxious but guess what ladies.. you all are. The ganging up is simply deflection from your own obnoxious qualities. 

Shiann, he’s just not that into you.

I can’t form more of an opinion on Kelsey because her nose is too distracting. 

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Horrible non-entertaining show, with horrible people who act like children. I did something I've never done before, I stopped watching and deleted it. I mean Peter is acting like a 4 year old girl. The rest of them are just stupid and whiny and the voices. I just can't with this. ENOUGH. 

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I couldn’t tell if the women were underwhelmed by the Cleveland announcement or just had no idea where that was. I wouldn’t rule that out for some of these women.

Peter is such a bad actor. Everything is such an exaggerated “Whaaaaa...?” during the drama. They need to powder him up better, too. He’s always so shiny.

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