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S02.E02: Grounded

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Episode description:

Ben forms a cautious alliance with an isolated college student from Flight 828, whose callings either uncovered a violent crime or helped him commit one. As Saanvi strives to further her research into the Death Date, Grace makes a startling discovery about her pregnancy, and Olive meets a kindred spirit.


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We can't talk to these people...they can't find out about the baby...let's discuss it in the middle of the sidewalk!!!

Gee, shady lab tech guy, can you be a little more obvious? And creepy?

Gah, this show is frustrating.

The word "calling" is starting to make me twitch.

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This episode worked for me, but that might just be a perfect storm of what else was going on here. I was at a "busy work" stage of a project where I could be occupied but didn't have to pay too much attention, but there was enough going on in the episode that I was nicely distracted from stressful stuff.

But, yeah:

1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

The word "calling" is starting to make me twitch.


Still, the COTW was L&O quality WRT a decent red herring, and Olive's rationale for joining a cult was believable. 

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On this week's episode of "The Callings make passengers think they are going to die"...

I like the college kid, and how he got his old photos back.  I sort of like seeing Ben and Michaela help ordinary people, but the fact that the Callings are messing with their lives annoy me. 

At this point, Ben and Michaela should just have a meeting with all the passengers and just announce, "Hello everyone.  We're hearing and seeing weird things too.  IT'S NORMAL.  Don't try to kill yourself because you're not seeing visions of yourself dying, it's other random people!  If the Callings come calling, just follow them, and everything will turn out alright.  Just kidding - everything will only turn out alright if you call me or Michaela first because only we have the police resources and deductive skills to figure out what the Callings REALLY mean."

I'm pretty sure Michaela's new partner was on "Charmed" as a police officer who didn't realize her girlfriend was a witch and had magical powers.  Now she has a brand new role in the dark yet again.

And now marketing a new paternity test - Callings!  No needles necessary.  

Hopefully, Grace is a bit more understanding now that she gets to experience the Callings too.  Do the Callings think a fetus will be able to help?  Shouldn't Ben be worried about how many mutations his sperm cells have?

Michaela's "That doesn't make any sense" about Grace having Callings hit a bit close to home.  As the characters acknowledge, they say that a lot.  That's because the Callings and the mythology of the show are completely arbitrary with no in-world rules.  Because of that, it's hard to take the show seriously but I can see a point where the show becomes a completely nonsensical mess.

Oh woe is me, everyone in my family is tortured by visions and I don't get them!  I'm glad Olive's reason for her outburst made more sense, and she was just afraid of losing everyone in her family.  But still, I found it a bit hard to feel for her, and I'm not sure joining a cult with people who have no idea what they're talking about is going to help.

Zeke is just so stupid.  Now, instead of being possibly helpful, he gets to be restrained and drugged in some prison.  

The Major is still annoying as hell.  Saanvi better clue in next week.  She was really subtle with that creepy lab tech guy.  

Was this Jared's case?  Why didn't he go to interview the roommate?  That obviously explains the fingerprints.  And why were Michaela able to do the interview?  It's still the same thing.  She just takes whatever case she feels like taking.  So much for the change at the police station.

I kinda want Michaela on a case where the police captain is in danger, and Michaela eventually finds her but decides she might not be able to help because there won't be a paper trail.  

Edited by Camera One
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1 hour ago, Camera One said:

I kinda want Michaela on a case where the police captain is in danger, and Michaela eventually finds her but decides she might not be able to help because there won't be a paper trail.  

Now that you mention it, that is sooo going to happen, but Michaela will save her, and then the captain will be Michaela's bff and legal guardian angel to 828ers.

Edited by shapeshifter
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The fact that Jared is Michaela's ex who has his own recently crumbled marriage because he tried to reunite with Michaela should be reason enough for the district attorney to take Jared's account with a grain of salt. The fact that Michaela's account of events has gone from "I don't remember" to "it was an accident" should be reason for the DA to slow their roll. The victim keeps trying to visit the defendant. She gets up in court to proclaim that it was an accident and his innocence. Then Zeke refuses counsel and doesn't even have standby counsel appointed. This case is a dog. Have they had Zeke examined by a psychiatrist or psychologist? Even ignoring the 828 shit, maybe Zeke is confessing because he feels guilty that his girlfriend got hurt. This case is so full of holes that the holes have ceased being holes. There's more empty space than connective material. It's like going to the ruins of the Library of Alexandria and trying to get an interlibrary loan. There's no there there.

Jared is very bad at investigating things. They found TJ's fingerprints all over his own stuff in the dead girl's room. Jared missed that there was a second key card, that the fingerprints were on TJ's own belongings, and some of those items had dates that were at least 5 years old (a concert ticket stub with a date made it into the dead girl's TJ collage). How is he this bad at being observant? But then again, he keeps missing that Michaela hates him now and truly believes the shooting was accident.

The reason for Olive's outburst makes sense. Feeling like she needs someone to vent to is also understandable. Hanging with some 828 cult makes no sense.

Hey new police captain, if you truly looked through Michaela's records, you'd know that there is usually an 828er, besides Michaela, involved in the case. Even if the new captain is not inclined to believe in the supernatural, there's a whole bunch of unexplainable 828 shit that is actually known by the general public. Furthermore, there are all sorts of cults and groups that worship the 828ers. It's entirely possible that the people who might believe the 828ers had some divine purpose would tell Michaela things they'd never tell other police officers.

Edited by HunterHunted
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17 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I'm pretty close to being done with this show.

I was going to pick it back up after leaving mid S1 but after hearing that Ben is the daddy. I’m glad I left and I’m not returning. I cannot stand Grace and Ben as a couple. ✌️ 

Edited by Simba122504
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1 hour ago, mertensia said:

The murder mystery was actually coherent and believable. 

Coherent and believable -- words that generally don't apply to this show.  :)

Could the callings be any more vague ?  Telling Grace to 'stop' --  I'm more inclined to think that the callings were telling her that she should stop drinking alcohol.  Or to Stop in the name of love, maybe.

Ben needs to start a new service -- we'll call it 23 and Ben.
Because "Sure seems that way" sounds really definitive when it comes to paternity.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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3 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

I was going to pick it back up after leaving mid S1 but after hearing that Ben is the daddy. I’m glad I left and I’m not returning. I cannot Grace and Ben as a couple. ✌️ 

Yeah, I decided to bow out before this season started. Looks like I made the right decision! 

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10 hours ago, ams1001 said:

The word "calling" is starting to make me twitch.

I have hated that word from the get-go, but I haven't thought of one that would be better.

7 hours ago, Camera One said:

I kinda want Michaela on a case where the police captain is in danger, and Michaela eventually finds her but decides she might not be able to help because there won't be a paper trail.  


38 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I still think Ben needs a library lady's glasses chain.  He just stuck one of his glasses temples in the front of his shirt,   I am surprised his glasses didn't fall on the floor and break.

Vance should have chosen a building to work out of that didn't stick out like a sore thumb.

I do that with my glasses, but only at home, and only briefly. Because I actually need them to see.

Yeah, the building literally sticks out, doesn't it? Plus a travel agency? There are probably still travel agencies, but still...

Olive gets on my nerves, and now we're adding cult crap to that. I hate cult stuff.

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9 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I'm pretty close to being done with this show.

Yeah, I'm through.  If I'm that interested, I'll just read these comments--which is about as close as I want to get to actual watching anymore.   What a trainwreck this has become (and the writers had months to come up with better storylines before the return of the season!)

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2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:
12 hours ago, ams1001 said:

The word "calling" is starting to make me twitch.

I have hated that word from the get-go, but I haven't thought of one that would be better

—no doubt so said the writers in the writers’ room

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And is it normal police procedure to arrest somebody because of fingerprints in a room, not even knowing if it's the murder scene?  It's a dorm room, occupied by tons of people.  Maybe he knew a former resident.  I know it turned out to be his old room, just pointing out that it seems a bit lame to me, but I'm not a cop.

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35 minutes ago, jabRI said:

And is it normal police procedure to arrest somebody because of fingerprints in a room, not even knowing if it's the murder scene?  It's a dorm room, occupied by tons of people.  Maybe he knew a former resident.  I know it turned out to be his old room, just pointing out that it seems a bit lame to me, but I'm not a cop.

I don’t know about real life police work today, but L&O and other shows have often shown police detectives arresting people first and checking alibis later. I think even as recently as The Closer this was done. But Cagney and Lacey don’t generally arrest without evidence —which the fingerprints were, so…

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The thing that bugged me about the fingerprints was that they arrested the kid based solely on his fingerprints being in the room.  Yet, his prints would have only been on his old belongings that were discarded years ago when he went missing.  Wouldn't any detective worth their salt have asked "Why aren't his fingerprints on any of the furniture? the door? anything that looked remotely new?"

19 hours ago, ams1001 said:

The word "calling" is starting to make me twitch

I'm so glad I'm not alone.

12 hours ago, mertensia said:

Poor Olive. No wonder she wandered off, though giving her real name to this cult (another bad idea) was a really bad idea.

Your comment made me think of an old SNL sketch for Bad Idea Jeans.   Yeah, I've got nothing show related to add.

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20 hours ago, meggonzo said:

I don't remember the backstory on the Major.

Me neither. So far all I know is she's bad and out to get the 828ers. 

18 hours ago, Camera One said:

Zeke is just so stupid.  Now, instead of being possibly helpful, he gets to be restrained and drugged in some prison.  

I don't really get why he pleaded guilty. Surely if he didn't want to plead guilty he would have gotten released on bail until his trial, and had at least a few months of freedom (more if he was found not guilty or if he stretched the trial out until his death date). And since he thinks he's going to die, he can borrow the money for bail and not worry about paying it back.

I also don't get how there is such a strong case against him when Micheala keeps insisting it was an accident. I think if a cop gets shot, and testifies that it was an accident they would go easy on the person?

I know Jared says otherwise, but when two cops testimonies contradict each other, that is the definition of reasonable doubt. Jared and Micheala are both pretty biased here. Why is he assumed 100% correct and she assumed crazy? 

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I haven't watched the episode yet but I came to read the comments anyway. I don't care. This show is beyond ridiculous. I stumbled upon itwhen they reaired the premiere a couple of weeks ago. Since then, I binge-watched season 1 and read all the episode threads here. Thanks for keeping me entertained! 

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The Callingquakes are getting to be bit much.

Michaela is so good she solved the case in 2 hours.  No, that's not suspicious at all. #eyeroll

And now the plane in the calling is on fire, and Zeke can communicate with Michaela.  FFS !
Maybe next week the plane in the calling will be invisible like Wonder Woman's jet.

I guess the Major is visually impaired -- she prints SO BIG in her notebook !!

The dark lightning -- which apparently causes all of the time jumps -- gets ignored for another episode.

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5 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

The dark lightning -- which apparently causes all of the time jumps -- gets ignored for another episode.

If they time jump to 06/02/2024 they'll all be dead and we'd be able to move on.

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4 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I know Jared says otherwise, but when two cops testimonies contradict each other, that is the definition of reasonable doubt. Jared and Micheala are both pretty biased here. Why is he assumed 100% correct and she assumed crazy? 

I agree it makes no sense.  The police captain considered Jared's word to be reliable, while discounting Michaela's assertions since Michaela was romantically linked to Zeke.  But Jared would have motive for twisting the truth too.  Maybe they don't trust that Michaela actually remembered accurately with her injuries?  Regardless, it's just frustrating to watch.

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Was unimpressed with the first episode, but thought this one was far more interesting.  Cal is really emphasizing that Michaela doesn't have long to live (along with Zeke), which intrigues me that they have something in store for her that will be different than for the others.  So, I'm in until the end.

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So in this episode, we continue the theme of "Jarred is petty and actually a pretty crappy detective" a theme we so often end up with. The case with the college kid was actually pretty good, it made sense and I liked how it ended, but Jarred's case was so ridiculously flimsy, especially when you think about what a half assed investigation this must have been. I mean, he didnt notice that the kids prints were only on her artwork? Of stuff that has been thrown away, like, oh I dont know, stuff from a kid who was until recently missing presumed dead? No one asked her roommate about the fingerprints or her art project where they found the prints? This seems like he could have been  cleared in about a five minute investigation or basic logic, but I guess since Jarred decided he had his man, no other evidence or facts should be even looked into! 

Olives outburst was actually rather understandable, and I can get why she is looking for meaning, but joining this cult thing, under her real name, is less understandable. Come on Olive, at least use a fake name when you join your local cult! I totally thought that she was jealous of the callings, so when Cal told her that he wouldn't bother talking to her because she "wouldn't understand" I almost laughed at how dickish it seemed! Even if it wasnt on purpose, I was like "well damn Cal why not give her a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?" 

Zeke is being an idiot. If he feels so guilty, he should be out in the world trying to make it up to Micheala or helping the passengers, not sitting around in jail despite how shoddy the case is. Micheala, the actual victim, says it was an accident, and the only other guy around, quite honestly, has every reason to lie or have a rather selective memory about the event, you would think this would warrant more of an actual investigation. 

What the passengers really need is a damn Group Text. "Guys, I got a weird voice in my head, it keeps whispering "cranberries" what the hell does it mean?" "Seen any zombies lately?" 

Even if that lab tech guy isnt a part of the conspiracy, he is still pretty creepy. Take it down several notches guy. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

What the passengers really need is a damn Group Text. "Guys, I got a weird voice in my head, it keeps whispering "cranberries" what the hell does it mean?" "Seen any zombies lately?" 

that's the formula, if people would just communicate there wouldn't be an issue 

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7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

What the passengers really need is a damn Group Text. "Guys, I got a weird voice in my head, it keeps whispering "cranberries" what the hell does it mean?" "Seen any zombies lately?" 

The above is my favorite comment for this episode so far--Group Texting--brilliant!  Olive going to the cult conference--reminds me somewhat of young Paige Jennings from “The Americans” joining the church group. I too am tired of hearing the phrase “the callings” in every other sentence.  Do we even KNOW what the callings really are??  Sounds like “Lost” to me.  Only two episodes and it is wearing me down.  

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7 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

I really wish they would use voice instead of callings. 

I really wish they would explain who's in charge of the callings -- I'm going with space aliens.

I just hope the producers don't drag that mystery out for 6 or 7 seasons like The Blacklist.

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On 1/14/2020 at 4:12 AM, HunterHunted said:

The fact that Jared is Michaela's ex who has his own recently crumbled marriage because he tried to reunite with Michaela should be reason enough for the district attorney to take Jared's account with a grain of salt. The fact that Michaela's account of events has gone from "I don't remember" to "it was an accident" should be reason for the DA to slow their roll. The victim keeps trying to visit the defendant. She gets up in court to proclaim that it was an accident and his innocence. Then Zeke refuses counsel and doesn't even have standby counsel appointed. This case is a dog. Have they had Zeke by a psychiatrist or psychologist? Even ignoring the 828 shit, maybe Zeke is confessing because he feels guilty that his girlfriend got hurt. This case is so full of holes that the holes have ceased being holes. There's more empty space than connective material. It's like going to the ruins of the Library of Alexandria and trying to get an interlibrary loan. There's no there there.

Jared is very bad at investigating things. They found TJ's fingerprints all over his own stuff in the dead girl's room. Jared missed that there was a second key card, that the fingerprints were on TJ's own belongings, and some of those items had dates that were at least 5 years old (a concert ticket stub with a date made it into the dead girl's TJ collage). How is he this bad at being observant? But then again, he keeps missing that Michaela hates him now and truly believes the shooting was accident.


Hey new police captain, if you truly looked through Michaela's records, you'd know that there is usually an 828er, besides Michaela, involved in the case. Even if the new captain is not inclined to believe in the supernatural, there's a whole bunch of unexplainable 828 shit that is actually known by the general public. Furthermore, there are all sorts of cults and groups that worship the 828ers. It's entirely possible that the people who might believe the 828ers had some divine purpose would tell Michaela things they'd never tell other police officers.

The detectives on this show really suck.  

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I prefer Danny around I think Olive could use him around since he's an outsider too. I also do wonder if they still should get a paternity test, they're basing the paternity on a calling? Seems flaky.

Zeke is just dumb and that entire triangle with Michela and Jared is just annoying. Way too many triangles on this show.

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On 1/15/2020 at 8:28 PM, tennisgurl said:

What the passengers really need is a damn Group Text. "Guys, I got a weird voice in my head, it keeps whispering "cranberries" what the hell does it mean?" "Seen any zombies lately?"

On 1/15/2020 at 9:40 PM, jabRI said:

that's the formula, if people would just communicate there wouldn't be an issue 


On 1/16/2020 at 3:56 AM, alvajon said:

The above is my favorite comment for this episode so far--Group Texting--brilliant!  

I didn't think of a group text, but Facebook groups. That could have been Olive's sole contribution (probably the most useful contribution) to the 828ers. "Instead of weirdly running all over the tri-state area, you know could set up a Facebook group. They have closed/private groups and secret groups. The general public can't see what you guys post on those. I can help you set it up."

Olive "828 Webmistress" Stone

On 1/15/2020 at 8:28 PM, tennisgurl said:

Even if that lab tech guy isnt a part of the conspiracy, he is still pretty creepy. Take it down several notches guy. 

With no conspiracy or 828 mystery, he's still an over the top creeper. I wish someone random in the hospital would tell him to back TF off.

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On 1/13/2020 at 10:05 PM, Camera One said:

Oh woe is me, everyone in my family is tortured by visions and I don't get them!  I'm glad Olive's reason for her outburst made more sense, and she was just afraid of losing everyone in her family.  But still, I found it a bit hard to feel for her, and I'm not sure joining a cult with people who have no idea what they're talking about is going to help.

I haven’t watched the entire episode yet, but I was shocked that Olive was pissed because Grace had a calling and she was left out. But, when she explained that by death day, everyone in her family will be dead. I cut her some slack after that. I WAS, however, amused by Saanvi. Boy, was she pissed at Ben. She was cold. There was plenty of side-eye at Ben. That woman has a face I could look at all day.

Now who REALLY pissed  me off was the soccer mom after she told Grace, "I hope you lose this baby!". Wait, what? Oh no, you did not just say that. That comment alone, not even with her pissy attitude, deserves a punch in the mouth. That's a horrible thing to say to an expectant mother.  The show is working hard to make Grace a sympathetic character, but I don't want to like her.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it Olive who figured out some piece of the puzzle?  Why do they shut her out? She seems smart and wants to help. Don't invent some unnecessary drama for her. She's having a feeling of early abandonment. The family should be more understanding with HER.  How about talking and explaining and not just saying, "You wouldn't understand".

Edited by Jacks-Son
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It's basically miscommunication.  The family thinks they're helping Olive by letting her study for her SAT's and they don't want to bother her.  She wants to help and offers to, but she isn't persistent or straight forward enough for her family to know she really wants to be involved.

If she's scared that they'd all die and leave her alone, then why would the cult make her feel better about that?  The message that everything will be alright and A-Ok?   Except Olive knows from her family that the truth about the "miracle" of 825 is is not as kumbayah as the cult leader claims it to be.  

So to be, it is unnecessary drama and the cult stuff feels forced.

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On 1/14/2020 at 1:57 PM, Clanstarling said:

I have hated that word from the get-go, but I haven't thought of one that would be better.






To me, if I was to use the word calling, I'd be talking about having a vocation. Like Mother Teresa or someone. Are they really suggesting that  Michaela and Ben are Mother Teresa like?? 

 They are using "calling," as a noun in the wrong context. How would it even come about?

"I have a noise/vision in my head, like an otherworldly being is talking or putting an idea directly into my mind, how can I describe it????"


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12 hours ago, Camera One said:

So to be, it is unnecessary drama and the cult stuff feels forced.

The Cult itself, is the usual crap that builds up around a supposedly "Supernatural event" or a "Miracle".  I can understand that.  It's just people grasping for some significance in their lives.  The shit that bothers me is the Brother who acts like a prophet with a suitcase full of tired old platitudes.  That's the shit that I can't stand.  Fake charlatans on the wrong side of the genius/insanity line.  Hawking mellow vibes and smooth grooves, ya feel me?  Get that crap out of here; and I'm as disappointed as the rest of you that the writers are putting a lost child (Olive) in that situation where the slightest thing wrong can steer a young, vulnerable girl down the wrong path.  Remember how Grace got picked up by Danny at a Spousal Survival Group Therapy.  Grace had told the audience some thing about wanting to be seen or heard and when she was alone Danny sidled up and tried his, "I see you" schmooze.  Lurkers hang out at places like that, looking for lost souls and I don't want the storyline to go down that dark path with Olive.

Where's @ottoDbusdriver with the "Manifest" timeline calendar?  Has Grace mentioned how far along she is?  I can't imagine Grace got busy with Ben right upon his return, since she was still seeing Danny, so what's the timeframe here?  Usually, it's 6 weeks before pregnancy is even a thought, so for what should be a fetus, by now.  A fetus with a calling, or it's Grace who has the callings because she had Ben's swimmers, impregnating her.  Oh Saanvi, please explain to us how Grace can possibly have callings?  Her working theory is that the callings are passed genetically, which would mean a fetus with a "calling".  Who knows?  Piper in OG "Charmed" was impervious to harm from demons while pregnant with Wyatt, so there is precedent, just not for a fetus.

@dini said,

"They are using "calling," as a noun in the wrong context. How would it even come about?

"I have a noise/vision in my head, like an otherworldly being is talking or putting an idea directly into my mind, how can I describe it????" calling or someone else calling.

I think it's called "Callings" because the voices in their head are calling out to the individual.  Grace heard her own voice, unfortunately I don't recall exactly if the others heard their own voice.  I just know the callings were sort of broadcast voices calling out to do......something, bleh!


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1 hour ago, Jacks-Son said:

Where's @ottoDbusdriver with the "Manifest" timeline calendar?  Has Grace mentioned how far along she is?  I can't imagine Grace got busy with Ben right upon his return, since she was still seeing Danny, so what's the timeframe here?  Usually, it's 6 weeks before pregnancy is even a thought, so for what should be a fetus, by now.  A fetus with a calling, or it's Grace who has the callings because she had Ben's swimmers, impregnating her.  Oh Saanvi, please explain to us how Grace can possible have callings?  Her working theory is that the callings are passed genetically, which would mean a fetus with a "calling".  Who knows?  Piper in OG "Charmed" was impervious to harm from demons while pregnant with Wyatt, so there is precedent, just not for a fetus.



Thanks for the reminder @Jacks-Son, It's been a little tougher to track how much time has progressed in Season 2 so far.

We know that Flight 828 returned on Nov. 5, 2018, and Ben/Grace hooked up at the end of Episode 2 of Season 1 (a whopping 4-5 days after they returned).  And we know that the events of the S1 finale occurred Dec. 13/14/15 so Grace would have been about 4 weeks pregnant (she was throwing up in the Season 1 finale).

After Michaela wakes up in the hospital, we cut to '2 months later' with Ben searching for 828ers.  That puts us around mid to late Feb. 2019, and this is confirmed by the Vasik's $89,000 check that was dated Feb. 19.  That check was probably cut the previous day, so that means that S02.E01 probably ends on Feb. 20.  That would make Grace approx. 3 months pregnant. 

I guess this also means that there were no callings heard in the previous 2 months by Ben, Cal or Michaela (at least no callings more important than 'save the passengers').

This episode covers about 2 days, and picks up immediately from the end of the previous episode so that would put us about Feb. 22 by the end of this episode.

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3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

We know that Flight 828 returned on Nov. 5, 2018, and Ben/Grace hooked up at the end of Episode 2 of Season 1 (a whopping 4-5 days after they returned).  And we know that the events of the S1 finale occurred Dec. 13/14/15 so Grace would have been about 4 weeks pregnant (she was throwing up in the Season 1 finale).

After Michaela wakes up in the hospital, we cut to '2 months later' with Ben searching for 828ers.  That puts us around mid to late Feb. 2019, and this is confirmed by the Vasik's $89,000 check that was dated Feb. 19.  That check was probably cut the previous day, so that means that S02.E01 probably ends on Feb. 20.  That would make Grace approx. 3 months pregnant. 

As meticulous as always, excellent!   Thank you, @ottoDbusdriver.  So, now we have the possibility that with the exchange of blood and other genetic material over the course of 3 months (shouldn't she be showing by now?  She didn't seem to be showing, or perhaps I didn't pay enough attention to her baby bump?). it is possible to transfer "Callings" scientifically? Is it THAT what the Major is interested in? Clearly, her organization did not manufacture the event that caused the disappearance of flight 828, otherwise they are way beyond needing the Stone's to figure this out. So, what is the Major after?  Cal?  Hardly, the kid walks everywhere unattended, and kids go missing every day.  It's heinous, but I can see the Major kidnapping Cal (BTW, ATTENTION:  All Stone Family Members!!!!  There is a madwoman on the loose who is interested in the youngest of you.  GUARD HIM WITH YOUR LIFE!!!).  So, they want to find out if Cal is the "Holy Grail"?  What if the Major now turns her attention to that Stone fetus?  Is Grace, not the most likable character, soon to be the focus of a Hunt for the Stone Fetus <shudder> and a major plot thread? I hope they continue to try to solve the mystery rather than make this all about Grace and her baby.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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48 minutes ago, Jacks-Son said:

As meticulous as always, excellent!   Thank you, @ottoDbusdriver.  So, now we have the possibility that with the exchange of blood and other genetic material over the course of 3 months (shouldn't she be showing by now?  She didn't seem to be showing, or perhaps I didn't pay enough attention to her baby bump?). it is possible to transfer "Callings" scientifically? Is it THAT what the Major is interested in? Clearly, her organization did not manufacture the event that caused the disappearance of flight 828, otherwise they are way beyond needing the Stone's to figure this out. So, what is the Major after?  Cal?  Hardly, the kid walks everywhere unattended, and kids go missing every day.  It's heinous, but I can see the Major kidnapping Cal (BTW, ATTENTION:  All Stone Family Members!!!!  There is a madwoman on the loose who is interested in the youngest of you.  GUARD HIM WITH YOUR LIFE!!!).  So, they want to find out if Cal is the "Holy Grail"?  What if the Major now turns her attention to that Stone fetus?  Is Grace, not the most likable character, soon to be the focus of a Hunt for the Stone Fetus <shudder> and a major plot thread? I hope they continue to try to solve the mystery rather than make this all about Grace and her baby.

3 months is a little early to show for most, I think. I'm very small and didn't start showing at that point - at least in any way that people who didn't see me unclothed would notice.

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Okay, I can understand that there are differences for everybody.  In, fact, I just found an interesting web article that may inform many expectant mothers of when you show. (Grandfather to 13 grandkids, so I've seen a thing or two).

Today's Parent: When will I start showing?  Please excuse my tangent, @Clanstarling, I'm just wondering, how this apparently, too small to show, fetus is capable of being a "receptacle" for a calling. Or if there was some symbiotic transfer of energy between child and mother. I'm beginning to suspect, this show is starting to paint itself into a corner a la "Lost"!

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1 hour ago, Jacks-Son said:

Okay, I can understand that there are differences for everybody.  In, fact, I just found an interesting web article that may inform many expectant mothers of when you show. (Grandfather to 13 grandkids, so I've seen a thing or two).

Today's Parent: When will I start showing?  Please excuse my tangent, @Clanstarling, I'm just wondering, how this apparently, too small to show, fetus is capable of being a "receptacle" for a calling. Or if there was some symbiotic transfer of energy between child and mother. I'm beginning to suspect, this show is starting to paint itself into a corner a la "Lost"!

13? Wow, I bet you have seen a thing or two. 🙂

I lean toward whatever is causing the callings is giving them to Grace because the fetus is incapable of acting on the callings. Given the emphasis on the marker the 828s are showing, I think Ben's transferred the marker to the fetus, and the (whatever) senses the marker, and she gets the call because it's in her body and capable of responding.

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40 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

13? Wow, I bet you have seen a thing or two. 🙂

I lean toward whatever is causing the callings is giving them to Grace because the fetus is incapable of acting on the callings. Given the emphasis on the marker the 828s are showing, I think Ben's transferred the marker to the fetus, and the (whatever) senses the marker, and she gets the call because it's in her body and capable of responding.

Yeah, 8 girls, & 5 boys. 💓I'm blessed.

As good an explanation as I've heard yet. NOT Fetus, Grace conduit to genetic marker in the fetus UPS delivery via Ben.  So, Higher Being is suspiciously involved?  Cannot be government experiment, unless they found a time altering device that transferred the plane OR held the plane in suspended animation by PUSHING THE BUTTON.  Where are the sights filled with conspiracy theories? This show needs "Losties" to put forth the effort to blow up this show.  Get some "XFiles", "Fringe" stuff going on in here. 

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19 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

Now who REALLY pissed  me off was the soccer mom after she told Grace, "I hope you lose this baby!". . .That's a horrible thing to say to an expectant mother. 

I know the writing on this show is never going to win any awards, but that line should have been cut or changed. Just like this is not the kind of show to show Criminal Minds type of gratuitous violence, that line is more Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised after the Lourdes treatment. 

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5 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

Damn, I was going to to DM you, but I completely agree with you. There's already a lot of violence towards pregnancy whether you're pro-choice or not, but that kind of vehemence is too much on screen.

It didn't even occur to me that the invective hurled at Grace was anti-pregnancy in general or anything on that front because they met at a prenatal yoga class, but, now that you mention it, this is another reason the writers should not have used that line.


Edited by shapeshifter
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