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Sanditon - General Discussion


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Clara...postpartum depression? I hope she and Esther can become friends (or at least polite acquaintances) when all is said and done and Edward is dealt with. Both gals aren't in the best headspace right now, but I do hope they regain some of their season 1 spark back. I would love to see them pull the long con on Edward.

Edward has money troubles of his own, but seems to have enough stashed away to pay off lady denham's servants...

Tom's no better off than he was in season 1. After his behavior in season 1 you'd think Mrs. Parker would be a bit more weary and curious about her husband's dealings.

Okay so boycotting the sugar and the cake/pastries...good for y'all. But wouldn't it have made more of statement to have boycotted the entire party instead? Like y'all know there's totally gonna be sugar products, so why not stand her up entirely???

Carter had a chance to straighten things out with Allison and blew it. Just a selfish pup in the end. My mom and I couldn't help but laugh at how little effort he made to save Allison from drowning. Nice work there, buddy.

Mermaid Man living rent free in my head rn. I literally hear him screaming "Evillll!!!" every time Col. Lennox shows up on screen at this point. 

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I was really expecting Carter to yell, "I can't swim!" but that would have made him more of a reformed liar, and I suppose he had to remain a liar.

[shapeshifter Google-foos some archery terms] 
Is there a technical or physiological reason that could have caused Charlotte to have "chunked" the second arrow that she was shooting on behalf of Mr. Colbourne? Or did she do it on purpose?

So the artist is not gay. I hope he's rich and has zero connection to sugar or slavery.

Charlotte Spencer as Esther is giving some award-worthy performances; this just isn't the right vehicle for her to capture any awards.

I'm really annoyed that the Babington actor cannot even show up for a couple of cameos. 
I mean. Just one little poke in the nose for Edward?
Or heck. Have him kill off Edward, Carter, and Thom so all of the women can live happily ever after.

The camera work and lighting was mostly very additive to the episode–—especially the shots of Charlotte's face at the garden party when we saw her through Colbourne's smitten eyes, and the interior scenes in the little house where Clara and the baby were sent to live. 
However, the editing was a bit off around the scenes with Augusta and the too-tight corset that caused her to swoon/faint. From what we saw, it seemed Charlotte made it too tight, and I thought Mr. Colbourne would be mad about it.
But then they had Charlotte ask Augusta why she had made it so tight herself. Is that even possible?

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I'm an episode ahead due to Passport, so I won't go into the plot details. But overall, I've enjoyed this season far more than last.

There are still elements that stray from Austen in the modernity of the plot points, i.e. things that she would not have written even if period accurate.  But the the over all tone is much more appropriate for an Austen adaptation.

And, I hate to say it as I love to look at Theo James, everyone is better off without Sydney, Charlotte and the Parkers especially, but perhaps Georgiana too.

Edited by RachelKM
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9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Is there a technical or physiological reason that could have caused Charlotte to have "chunked" the second arrow that she was shooting on behalf of Mr. Colbourne? Or did she do it on purpose?

I was wondering about that, too. I don't think she was distracted. It was weird.



However, the editing was a bit off around the scenes with Augusta and the too-tight corset that caused her to swoon/faint. From what we saw, it seemed Charlotte made it too tight, and I thought Mr. Colbourne would be mad about it.

I'm pretty sure we see a servant tightening Augusta's corset.

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Who would have thought Alison would get a clue before Charlotte? Can't Charlotte see right through Lennox's slime? And why doesn't Colbourne just tell Charlotte the truth about Lennox? This is all so very contrived. 

Yeesh, get a load of all the mold in the caretaker's cottage. Terrible place to keep a baby. I guess they didn't know about it back then.

Why would Carter take Alison out on a rowboat in the first place if he can't even swim? That seems counter-intuitive to me.

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14 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

A dead center bullseye and then she misses the target altogehter?  That was just weird.

On purpose, maybe? 🤷‍♀️

Maybe she resented being made a weapon in Colbourne’s feud with Colonel Lennox? Especially with Augusta watching?🤷‍♀️


3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Why would Carter take Alison out on a rowboat in the first place if he can't even swim? That seems counter-intuitive to me.

Captain Carter just isn’t bright enough to be a good liar.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Maybe she resented being made a weapon in Colbourne’s feud with Colonel Lennox? Especially with Augusta watching?🤷‍♀️

It's been a week.  But wasn't it Lennox who put her in the middle by bringing her up in the first place?  Why blame Colbourne?

I guess she could have just gotten pissed off at the both and it came out then. But Lennox instigated that. Even if she believes Colbourne is solely to blame for their feud, he didn't draft her into it. 

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30 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

My favorite part of the episode was Charlotte shutting Lennox down when he tried to mansplain how to shoot an arrow.

I think Colbourne mishandled that situation.  After Charlotte hit the bullseye, rather than putting her on the spot and asking her to shoot for him, he should have just said, "I concede to Miss Heywood, who is the true winner of this competition" and then walked away.

Oh, @treeofdreams! If only you were writing the script! ❤️

  • Love 6

Maybe I'm a dummy but I'm not understanding how the Army situation is unfolding.  Is Col. Lennox completely in charge of deciding where a barracks should be? Don't these things have to be approved by someone way higher up?   And the only reason the Army is in Sanditon is because SleazeBall Edward suggested it?  Again, don't these things have to be approved?  I didn't think the Army could just wander around the country and set up barracks anywhere they like. And Tom is taking the lead on drawing up blueprints for said barracks?  This whole thing doesn't make sense to me.  

Edited by WhatsUpDummy
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10 minutes ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

And the only reason the Army is in Sanditon is because SleazeBall Tom suggested it?

Edward is the one who suggested Sanditon to Lennox, so he could be close to Esther.

As to your other questions, I don't know how those things work.  I did think it was odd that they would come to a place like Sanditon - and especially to possibly build a permanent barracks there.

Edited by treeofdreams
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13 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

Edward is the one who suggested Sanditon to Lennox, so he could be close to Esther.

Maybe Edward promised Lennox a piece of the financial pie he expected to get by marrying the Dunham heir's mother?
This depended upon the baby being a male child, but it seems Lennox likes to gamble if the stakes are in his favor. 

Too bad Esther didn't lie and tell Edward the baby was a girl. 


15 minutes ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Tom is nice and well-meaning. 

Except Tom's apparent gambling addiction seems to negate any of his best intentions.

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1 hour ago, treeofdreams said:

I did think it was odd that they would come to a place like Sanditon - and especially to possibly build a permanent barracks there.

Especially since I believe this is all happening post-Waterloo, so I would think they wouldn't be building new barracks anywhere. They'd be making people leave the army because they had less need once the war was over. They might have kept some troops around because of civil unrest. There was still some fear of a France-like revolution, but that would have been more in the major cities, not in a beach resort. Meanwhile, while the army was demobilizing it seems odd that they'd have let in an officer who couldn't yet pay for his commission or that they'd have anyone around too young to have been in battle. The war was recent enough to have plenty of experienced men who were being kicked out of the army, so there wouldn't have been much reason for new recruits. I don't really get this part of the plot.

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18 hours ago, magdalene said:

Oh, me too.  Edward would not dare if Babbington was here.

Not only would he not have dared, Edward's entire scheme (to make Esther think Babington no longer loved her and abandoned her) wouldn't have gotten off the ground!

17 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Mermaid Man living rent free in my head rn. I literally hear him screaming "Evillll!!!" every time Col. Lennox shows up on screen at this point. 

I'm really disappointed in how obvious the show has made the baddies (Col. Lennox & Carter). Really show?!  No nuance or complexity? Even a blind/deaf person can tell these army dudes are shady.

16 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

[shapeshifter Google-foos some archery terms] 
Is there a technical or physiological reason that could have caused Charlotte to have "chunked" the second arrow that she was shooting on behalf of Mr. Colbourne? Or did she do it on purpose?

So the artist is not gay. I hope he's rich and has zero connection to sugar or slavery.

I think the show gave Lennox a win now, so both Lennox and Colbourne will think Lennox will emerge the victor in their Charlotte battle, but it's pretty obvious Colbourne will "win the war".  [Can Colbourne PLEASE shave though?!  I can't stand his half ass beard/5 o'clock shadow]

As for the bolded, maybe he's bisexual?  If we learned he had a dalliance with a man (or men) in the past, would anyone really be surprised?

6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I'm pretty sure we see a servant tightening Augusta's corset.

Yes, I too saw a servant tightening her corset.

2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Too bad Esther didn't lie and tell Edward the baby was a girl. 

Except the lie would easily be found out.

I really had high hopes for this show based on S2 episode 1, but as each episode passes, I'm more and more disappointed that the storylines are so damn predictable.

Did anyone else think we'd get ANOTHER Sound of Music moment during the dance lesson with Captain Von Trapp, er, Mr. Colbourne stepping in to show the girls how the dance is done? At least this trope was not acted on (thankfully!).

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Maybe I'm a dummy but I'm not understanding how the Army situation is unfolding.  Is Col. Lennox completely in charge of deciding where a barracks should be? Don't these things have to be approved by someone way higher up?

And why is it looking like Col. Lennox has something (or everything) to do with the unpaid bill situation? I am also confused because I would think that the Army should be paying for the mess dinner, etc. (Like, shouldn't his company have to ask for permission and receive approval by someone to use Army funds for throwing a dinner, buying supplies, etc.?)  Am I supposed to think that Col. Lennox is supposed to be paying for this stuff, but he's actually stealing the money or something? Well, that is exactly what I think...but how??

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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8 minutes ago, SonofaBiscuit said:

And why is it looking like Col. Lennox has something (or everything) to do with the unpaid bill situation? I am also confused because I would think that the Army should be paying for the mess dinner, etc. (Like, shouldn't his company have to ask for permission and receive approval by someone to use Army funds for throwing a dinner, buying supplies, etc.?)  Am I supposed to think that Col. Lennox is supposed to be paying for this stuff, but he's actually stealing the money or something? How??

Yes! Is Col Lennox embezzling from the Army?  Maybe I'm really overthinking this whole situation but how much cash does a regiment have on them at any given time? How often do the soldiers get paid?  Who physically pays them?  Is there a treasurer or some equivalent?  The more I think about it, the more questions I have. 

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

maybe he's bisexual?  If we learned he had a dalliance with a man (or men) in the past, would anyone really be surprised?

I would like to see the artist be revealed to be bisexual, but this show doesn't seem quite there yet.


9 minutes ago, SonofaBiscuit said:

And why is it looking like Col. Lennox has something (or everything) to do with the unpaid bill situation? I am also confused because I would think that the Army should be paying for the mess dinner, etc. (Like, shouldn't his company have to ask for permission and receive approval by someone to use Army funds for throwing a dinner, buying supplies, etc.?)  Am I supposed to think that Col. Lennox is supposed to be paying for this stuff, but he's actually stealing the money or something? How??

Maybe Lennox was in charge of money for the billeting of his troops, and he gambled it away?


22 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

I think the show gave Lennox a win now, so both Lennox and Colbourne will think Lennox will emerge the victor in their Charlotte battle, but it's pretty obvious Colbourne will "win the war".

I guess there's no point in me holding out hope for a twisty switcheroo? Like Georgiana hooking up with marrying Colbourne and Charlotte getting together with marrying the artist? Georgiana did seem to think Colbourne was attractive. And so far, Gerogiana and the artist have not locked lips.

Speaking of having not locked lips: I'm guessing since Alison fell in the water before she and Carter did any smooching, the marriage proposal was easily undone (especially since he falsely represented himself). 

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1 hour ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Yes! Is Col Lennox embezzling from the Army?

That has to be it - and he has dragged Tom into his shady dealings.  Great.  I have stopped feeling sorry for Tom because he is so weak-willed and gullible, but I feel bad for his wife and children and sweet Arthur.

If there wasn't such serious consequences for "fallen" women I would say Georgiana should just go off with the beautiful artist and have some fun.  But better wait  and see how flighty  and Lord Byronesque he actually is. Like I said before I don't think he is a bad guy but that still may not make him good husband material. 

Next I am waiting for Alison to get ill and learn to appreciate Fraser ala Sense and Sensibility.

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5 hours ago, magdalene said:

That has to be it - and he has dragged Tom into his shady dealings.  Great.  I have stopped feeling sorry for Tom because he is so weak-willed and gullible, but I feel bad for his wife and children and sweet Arthur.

I am hoping his wife takes matters into her own hands and confronts Lennox herself, as she suggested since her cowardly husband won't.  And then I want her to be the one to take him down once she realizes he is shady and swindling everyone.

Esther did a lovely thing for Clara, but I am mad that she is being tricked into believing her husband is abandoning her by her evil step-brother.

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I still can't shake the feeling the artist is up to something, and now I think he's connected to the whole business Miss Lambe talked about this episode (about the family questioning her "moral character" in a bid to take her fortune away from her). I feel like he's going to claim more than a painting happened in order to help destroy her reputation.

I liked the father's actor a little more this episode, still not overly fond of him. Lennox is already full-on villain to me. Trying to ice Colbourne out at the party, getting territorial with Charlotte, trying to humiliate him, all the angry faces, etc.

I like what they're doing with Clara and Esther's relationship so far. Clara would probably want to go along with Edward's marriage idea even if she doesn't go along with the rest of his scheme, just to keep her reputation and the baby's from being destroyed whether or not he ends up leaving her later once the rest of his plan fails.

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5 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I still can't shake the feeling the artist is up to something, and now I think he's connected to the whole business Miss Lambe talked about this episode (about the family questioning her "moral character" in a bid to take her fortune away from her). I feel like he's going to claim more than a painting happened in order to help destroy her reputation

Oh dear.🙁 You may be right. 😟    
I can imagine the “starving artist” accepting payment to get close to Miss Lambe and tarnish her reputation —especially after we heard Mary admonish Miss Lambe to be sure her behavior was beyond reproach.

Lots of ways this could play out. None of them good. 

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12 hours ago, izabella said:

I am hoping his wife takes matters into her own hands and confronts Lennox herself, as she suggested since her cowardly husband won't.  And then I want her to be the one to take him down once she realizes he is shady and swindling everyone.

Esther did a lovely thing for Clara, but I am mad that she is being tricked into believing her husband is abandoning her by her evil step-brother.

Now that we've got some female bonding happening it's time for Tom's wife to get a gal pal of her own to back her in drawing a hard line at his behavior before he once and for all bankrupts the family. I really want to see her come into her own as her family's protector.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, izabella said:

Esther did a lovely thing for Clara, but I am mad that she is being tricked into believing her husband is abandoning her by her evil step-brother.


12 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I like what they're doing with Clara and Esther's relationship so far. Clara would probably want to go along with Edward's marriage idea even if she doesn't go along with the rest of his scheme, just to keep her reputation and the baby's from being destroyed whether or not he ends up leaving her later once the rest of his plan fails.

I really, really, really hope the show confounds our expectation by having Clara tell Esther how Edward intends to make Esther believe her husband has abandoned her/make her go mad. That would be Clara's way of thanking Esther for showing Clara she can make a true motherly connection with George.

2 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I believe the artist to be genuine. I don't think this show is complicated enuf to have Georgianna reject all other suitors, distain Lockhart, get won over by him, and then discover he's been fooling her.

This is my opinion as well. We already have Col. Lennox and Edward as villains. Show really doesn't need another baddie.

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Clara had little choice but to accept Edward's proposal. No matter how evil and cruel his plans, marriage would immediately elevate her to wife and her son to legitimacy. She owes it to her child to take the offer, and she simply doesn't have the moral fiber to choose living always in obscure poverty over being made a respectable member of society. I hope however that she will be the quiet undoing of all Edward's plans. He might end up being a terrible husband, but she'll still have her position, and if he deserts her Lady Denham can then take her in and protect her as the wronged wife.

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Lennox is already full-on villain to me. Trying to ice Colbourne out at the party, getting territorial with Charlotte, trying to humiliate him, all the angry faces, etc.

This show doesn't really do nuance, does it? It would have been nice to have a little mystery going on with regards to who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, but boy, Lennox showed all his cards this week. So much for that.

The other problem with it is that it makes Charlotte look like an idiot. We can clearly see Lennox is sketchy as hell, why can't she?

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48 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The other problem with it is that it makes Charlotte look like an idiot. We can clearly see Lennox is sketchy as hell, why can't she?

We can see that he's sketchy as hell because 1) we've been told that his regiment has left debts, 2) we've seen him manipulate Tom, and 3) (and this is a big one) Trope experience.  It's the classic triangle bate and switch Jane Austen used herself in Pride & Prejudice and in Sense & Sensibility.  Broody standoffish/reserved hero vs. Charming cad with a history between them that rolls into their separate pursuit of the heroine. 

Charlotte isn't an idiot.  She just doesn't have audience omniscience or the benefit of 200+ years of romance reading and watching.  That said, even Charlotte seems prepared to dig deeper and seek an explanation from Colbourne before giving full credit to Lennox's version of events. 

Edited by RachelKM
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47 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

We can see that he's sketchy as hell because 1) we've been told that his regiment has left debts, 2) we've seen him manipulate Tom, and 3) (and this is a big one) Trope experience.  It's the classic triangle bate and switch Jane Austen used herself in Pride & Prejudice and in Sense & Sensibility.  Broody standoffish/reserved hero vs. Charming cad with a history between them that rolls into their separate pursuit of the heroine. 

So there's no hope for a tricky switcheroo with the bad guys revealing their hearts of gold or anything?

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On 4/10/2022 at 11:34 PM, shapeshifter said:

Is that even possible?

Nope. Not unless she had a servant do it for her. As for the arrow, I thought I saw her test the bowstring and frown a bit. It may have been strung too tightly for her, but she didn’t want to complain. The result was what can happen if you can’t pull the bowstring back far enough. She may have been struggling and it released before she intended. 

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3 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

I think she was skeptical when he warned her about Colbourne, as he wouldn't tell her anything specific.  She didn't like that.

She also was not pleased when Lennox requested that she take a turn. She tried to decline politely and he pushed. I think she chunked (or we might say she "choked") because she was nervous. She didn't care much if she shot well for Lennox; she did care for Colbourne.

I'm starting to wonder if the Widow (Mrs. Sidney) Parker is going to show up and further ruin Charlotte's life. Maybe for a twist Colbourne will be attracted to her or she will pursue him.

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12 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

I'm starting to wonder if the Widow (Mrs. Sidney) Parker is going to show up and further ruin Charlotte's life. Maybe for a twist Colbourne will be attracted to her or she will pursue him.

Why would the widow care about Charlotte, since she “won” and married Sidney. That was her ultimate revenge on Charlotte diverting Sidney’s attention for a while. 

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41 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

I'm starting to wonder if the Widow (Mrs. Sidney) Parker is going to show up and further ruin Charlotte's life. Maybe for a twist Colbourne will be attracted to her or she will pursue him.

She may show up for some other reason.  They have mentioned a few times that she is now part owner of Sanditon.

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4 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

She may show up for some other reason.  They have mentioned a few times that she is now part owner of Sanditon.

So she could (again) be crucial to the economic survival of Sanditon.
This time she should make a deal with Mary that requires Tom not have access to the funds -- although in those days that doesn't seem likely.

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On 4/5/2022 at 4:02 PM, peeayebee said:

Yes, I noticed the scar from the beginning, too. (I keep expecting a character to comment on it, but maybe that's unnecessary.) Still, at first glance there's a similarity betw the two.

Maybe it’s my imagination, but it looks like that scar has been healing and gets more faint with every episode. Wasn’t he fencing in the first episode? Maybe he got it then.

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I've been thinking about how much better the story would have been if Lennox and Colbourne weren't locked into the Wickham/Darcy plot.  Specifically, I'm referring to their past association.  

Lennox as a first-rate deceiver has enough story to develop and Charlotte could peel his layers back by viewing his interactions with the townsfolk.  And, Colbourne has the Edward Rochester mysterious vibe going on with plenty for Charlotte to unravel.  L & C could still be suitors for Charlotte and let the natural animosity develop from that.  Let them have their own backstories without intersecting.

I worry so for Esther.  She has come a long way and hate to see her insecurity succumb to Edward's machinations.  


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3 hours ago, Athena5217 said:

Maybe it’s my imagination, but it looks like that scar has been healing and gets more faint with every episode. Wasn’t he fencing in the first episode? Maybe he got it then.

Wasn’t it revealed, via dialogue, in the first episode, that he received the wound in battle? I thought that was to contrast the experienced soldier with the younger, inexperienced suitor (fool). 

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13 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Why would the widow care about Charlotte, since she “won” and married Sidney. That was her ultimate revenge on Charlotte diverting Sidney’s attention for a while. 

The widow wouldn't care about Charlotte but for Charlotte the presence of the woman Sidney married would be a painful reminder of what she had lost. 

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