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4 minutes ago, CattyK said:

Or maybe farmer Ralph will prove to have hidden strengths and to be capable of being a supportive partner.  

I do, too.  But I have a feeling that wimpy assed, brooding Colbourne will be the end game.  Fits with the genre.  

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58 minutes ago, CattyK said:

To me, the fact that Colbourne shows up in the trailer for next season doesn’t mean that he will be her love interest.  Or at least I’m hoping not 😬


52 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

I do, too.  But I have a feeling that wimpy assed, brooding Colbourne will be the end game.  Fits with the genre.  

The reason I previously posted that I think Colbourne/Charlotte are Endgame because it stretches the bounds of imagination for Charlotte to fall in love with a THIRD new guy in a THIRD successive season. PBS would really undercut their "heroine" having her be flaky with her feelings, considering each season has so little time to develop those feelings, and make us - the viewers believe she's in love.

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The only other possible option I could see that would work if, being engaged to Ralph, she came to appreciate him as a good, loyal, solid, caring husband-to-be, who doesn't think he is better than she is, and far more suited to her than Colbourne would have been.  If we look back at Colbourne's interactions with her, they were mostly negative, and he really seemed to be red-flag relationship material.  Perhaps when she sees him at the ball it puts the final nail in her desire for him, and she turns thankfully to Ralph as her happily ever after.

I would like to see this, anyway...

Edited by treeofdreams
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55 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

The only other possible option I could see that would work if, being engaged to Ralph, she came to appreciate him as a good, loyal, solid, caring husband-to-be, who doesn't think he is better than she is, and far more suited to her than Colbourne would have been. 

There is a line in Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day that your post reminded me of: "He was a good,solid man.  You would have found him dull, no doubt.  But he smiled whenever he saw me and we could have built a life on that".

Colbourne rarely shows any pleasure in Charlotte's company other than the abrupt kisses.  The moody ones might seem romantic in some way but  that crap gets old really quickly.

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In addition to the above posts, Charlotte really doesn't fit into the Sanditon/Colbourne social circle.  She was first invited to Sanditon as a guest because of her helpfulness at Tom's accident, she was invited back as a companion to Georgiana, and then she was employed by Colbourne as a governess.  She never really fit in there.

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I agree that they won't give Charlotte a third love interest for the final 6 episodes.  And Colbourne is the broody, angsty type that they think women like. Personally I prefer the young Stringer type.

I have the theory that one of the reasons this show was un-canceled unexpectedly was when they saw how big a hit Bridgerton became for Netflix.

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8 hours ago, CattyK said:

Or maybe farmer Ralph will prove to have hidden strengths and to be capable of being a supportive partner.  

That, and then Colbourne can die in an unfortunate accident and his niece and [adopted] daughter will come live with Ralph and Charlotte--perhaps starting a school for "young ladies." 

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4 hours ago, magdalene said:

I have the theory that one of the reasons this show was un-canceled unexpectedly was when they saw how big a hit Bridgerton became for Netflix.

The show was renewed before Bridgerton was released. They just didn't announce it right away.   

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8 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

The only other possible option I could see that would work if, being engaged to Ralph, she came to appreciate him as a good, loyal, solid, caring husband-to-be, who doesn't think he is better than she is, and far more suited to her than Colbourne would have been.  If we look back at Colbourne's interactions with her, they were mostly negative, and he really seemed to be red-flag relationship material.  Perhaps when she sees him at the ball it puts the final nail in her desire for him, and she turns thankfully to Ralph as her happily ever after.

I would like to see this, anyway...

Yes!  Me too.  

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Well, I'll be the minority here and say that I really like Colbourne.  I see him as a lonely, sad man, but his housekeeper/mother figure obviously loves him dearly (like Mr. Darcy), and he has taken on another man's child to raise, not to mention his sister's child.  He's not been very present, true, but he has tried, and now feels reawakened by Charlotte's presence in the house (ala Mr. Rochester, of course).  

Yes, it's a trope, but I don't care. I'm enjoying it, and I'll be highly disappointed if they don't end up together at the end of the series.

Many of us have difficulty expressing our emotions, particularly when we've felt rejected in the past, so it doesn't surprise me that Colbourne had trouble speaking his love to Charlotte.  He's afraid of rejection, he's afraid of being a bad husband, he's just afraid. period.

I really can't wait to see him and Charlotte happy together.

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5 hours ago, SusanwatchingTV said:

Well, I'll be the minority here and say that I really like Colbourne.  I see him as a lonely, sad man, but his housekeeper/mother figure obviously loves him dearly (like Mr. Darcy), and he has taken on another man's child to raise, not to mention his sister's child.  He's not been very present, true, but he has tried, and now feels reawakened by Charlotte's presence in the house (ala Mr. Rochester, of course).  

Yes, it's a trope, but I don't care. I'm enjoying it, and I'll be highly disappointed if they don't end up together at the end of the series.

Many of us have difficulty expressing our emotions, particularly when we've felt rejected in the past, so it doesn't surprise me that Colbourne had trouble speaking his love to Charlotte.  He's afraid of rejection, he's afraid of being a bad husband, he's just afraid. period.

I really can't wait to see him and Charlotte happy together.

Even given all this, when it comes to being afraid of rejection, didn't Charlotte explicitly tell him that his advances were welcomed (or something like that in the library scene when he "reset" their relationship back to employer-employee)?  So Charlotte was already giving him the go ahead to make their relationship romantic, but he didn't take her up on it...

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I just don't find Colbourne attractive.  Not his personality, not the way he treated Charlotte and the girls, and not physically attractive.  I thought as the season went on I might become more attracted to his looks - it has happened with other characters in other series, but...nope.

Now, Ralph, on the other hand...

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On 4/29/2022 at 8:49 AM, SusanwatchingTV said:

Well, I'll be the minority here and say that I really like Colbourne.  I see him as a lonely, sad man, but his housekeeper/mother figure obviously loves him dearly (like Mr. Darcy), and he has taken on another man's child to raise, not to mention his sister's child.  He's not been very present, true, but he has tried, and now feels reawakened by Charlotte's presence in the house (ala Mr. Rochester, of course).  

Yes, it's a trope, but I don't care. I'm enjoying it, and I'll be highly disappointed if they don't end up together at the end of the series.

Many of us have difficulty expressing our emotions, particularly when we've felt rejected in the past, so it doesn't surprise me that Colbourne had trouble speaking his love to Charlotte.  He's afraid of rejection, he's afraid of being a bad husband, he's just afraid. period.

I really can't wait to see him and Charlotte happy together.

I find Colbourne attractive and yes, lonely and sad, and introverted to begin with so he went more into himself after losing his wife. Charlotte indeed brought him out of his shell. As much as he'd be the guy for me, I would love to see the show take a surprising turn and have Ralph prove to be the best mate for Charlotte. Watching her come to that realization would be enjoyable, and he's easy on the eyes, too. The whole "farmer" thing is widely misunderstood as that he's out there every day plowing the fields and has no education. Ralph may be the oldest son and heir to a prosperous property, just not an estate and mansion like Colbourne's. The Bennets of "Pride and Prejudice" were a farm family and Mr. B was a gentleman.

Edited by RedHawk
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6 hours ago, RedHawk said:

I find Colbourne attractive and yes, lonely and sad, and introverted to begin with so he went more into himself after losing his wife. Charlotte indeed brought him out of his shell. As much as he'd be the guy for me, I would love to see the show take a surprising turn and have Ralph prove to the be best mate for Charlotte. Watching her come to that realization would be enjoyable, and he's easy on the eyes, too. The whole "farmer" thing is widely misunderstood as that he's out there every day plowing the fields and has no education. Ralph may be the oldest son and heir to a prosperous property, just not an estate and mansion like Colbourne's. The Bennets of "Pride and Prejudice" were a farm family and Mr. B was a gentleman.

To me the problem with Colbourne was that he refused to stay out of his shell.  I didn’t have a problem with the actor’s  looks or the character til he rejected Charlotte at the end.

I love what you said about the *farmer* stereotype.  We really don’t know anything about Ralph but that one word.  Maybe he was raised by a strong mother and appreciates women as equals, which would set him apart from 99% of the male characters.  Also the actor looks closer to Charlotte in age than Colbourne did.  

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3 minutes ago, CattyK said:
7 hours ago, RedHawk said:


To me the problem with Colbourne was that he refused to stay out of his shell.

One of my problems is the way his character showed in how he treated Charlotte.  At the beginning he coldly rejected her as a governess; later he did of course hire her, but remember the way he ordered her to stay away from Lennox, and shouted "I am your BOSS!"  He seemed to soften at times, but ultimately rejected her as a relationship, only owning the boss/governess connection.

Charlotte is not a meek, submissive person; she stood up to him and told him off about his treatment of the girls, and rejected his authority to tell her what to do about Lennox.  Colbourne will always be aware of his higher social status, and that he has been her boss.  He will always react with anger any time she disagrees with him or confronts him or refuses to follow his orders, and he will fall back on his old patterns.  A person's character does not change overnight.

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I think he was trying to protect her when he pushed her away, and in that last scene SHE is the one who pushes him away because she assumes that he just wants a governess. I'm convinced that he was actually there to say that he wanted her as his wife, but when she was cold he got cold feet.

They both kept trying to protect themselves. He was torn, she was torn.   She pushed him away at the end.


I do think her toying with the farmer is bad.  No matter what, she shouldn't have agreed to marry him so fast.  She clearly isn't thinking about his poor feelings at all.  Either she never loved Colburne at all and was just pretending with him, or she's just pretending now.  That's my only issue. They've made her look either very fickle or very cold hearted and selfish.  

But it's TV, and I know the writers are doing the best they can with what they have to work with here after the ruined first season.



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Finally finished this show.

Why were Esther's physical examinations always in front of an audience? Meh, the doctor was a quack anyway.

Now we find out the artist was a lying dirtbag. Of course.

Buh, buh, buh, busted, Edward! At least Clara spoke up before irreparable damage was done to Esther.

Leo is bold one, taking it upon herself to confront Colonel Lennox like that. Decent of him to do the right thing and lie to her. He's in no position to start having to parent a 9-year old.

Lady Denham better be careful. Edward might decide to start poisoning her food. Or pay someone else to do it.

Was the deck of cards marked? Not smart of Parker to make such a life or death bet when it was gambling which got him into the mess with Colonel Lennox.

Aw, Allison and Fraser finally dropped their shields.

I knew Esther would end up with the baby. Clara probably made the best decision for the child. He'll never remember her.

Charlotte is clueless. Colbourne firing her eliminated the problem of his being too forward with an employee. Now she's just a regular person to him and he could court her properly.

Heh, wee George was side-eyeing the quack doctor like, "Yes, I'm Esther's son and I dare you to tell anyone otherwise. I dare you."

OMG, Colbourne! Stop being such a prideful idiot! You want Charlotte and you know she wants you too.

That was quite a cliffhanger Charlotte dropped at the end. Will Colbourne and the girls be able to stop Charlotte's wedding? Will Georgiana find her mother? Will Edward try to kill or otherwise incapacitate Lady Denham so he can get ahold of her money? Stay tuned for season three...


Am I alone in thinking that Jolly is gay?

I thought it was pretty much a given since he was allowed to escort Georgiana around as her chaperone. Ordinarily I wouldn't think she'd be allowed to appear in public with any adult men she wasn't related or engaged to, for fear of besmirching her virtue.

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13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ordinarily I wouldn't think she'd be allowed to appear in public with any adult men she wasn't related or engaged to, for fear of besmirching her virtue.

The writers pick and choose their societal norms in this show.  The way the ladies dress, the way they act...

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Although there were a few things about S2 I enjoyed, it doesn't compare to S1. I think there was a scramble to come up w/a new love interest & story line for Charlotte when TJ decided not to return & it just didn't work for me. Apparently, the regiment coming to town was part of the original (before it was cancelled) S2, so they had to rewrite to somehow TRY to make it work w/Colbourne.  It would've been MUCH more interesting - IMO - to see Sidney tangle w/Colonel Lennox......   but it was not to be. 😢  Lockhart was also part of the original S2 - wonder how that would've played out with SP? Loved seeing Esther, but w/o Babington, her story missed a lot. The only highlight for me was Alison & Fraser! Yes, their love story was  ridiculously short & unrealistic, but they were so cute together & had so much chemistry - I just sat back & enjoyed it! Not sure I will even bother with S3.


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2 hours ago, 4merBachAddict said:

The only highlight for me was Alison & Fraser!

Count me in as someone who liked this couple too, but I could have sworn the actor spoke with a Scottish accent on the show, so I thought his character was supposed to be Scottish but he told Alison he was an Irish farmer?!?!   😕

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46 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Count me in as someone who liked this couple too, but I could have sworn the actor spoke with a Scottish accent on the show, so I thought his character was supposed to be Scottish but he told Alison he was an Irish farmer?!?!   😕

Yes - I noticed that, too!! And I know the actor IS a Scot!


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On 5/2/2022 at 4:48 AM, Haleth said:

The writers pick and choose their societal norms in this show.  The way the ladies dress, the way they act...

Totally agree! I am completely hand waiving the societal norms that would be present in the time period this show is set, but so much about this show is ridiculous anyway.

I feel like the ending with Charlotte and Colbourne was a repeat of Season 1 ending with Sidney, only because they don't want to marry off the main gal too quickly. So stupid and contrived.

Don't get me started on the situation with Esther. Glad it worked out, but come on. She has her own carriage and a house in town with her husband - why stay in Sanditon and be tormented? She should have left the minute her brother showed up!

This whole show is dumb, but I like this genre and keep watching. I just wish it was better.

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I binged season 1 over the last 2 days, and my question is: is it worth it to keep watching? I started watching it because it was mentioned as a show similar to  Bridgerton, but it's really not. Sanditon is too dark and heavy, so much of it is just about a struggle and the lack of money. It's not fun and really doesn't measure up. And as I read here, most of you are not impressed with the series either. On the other hand, I read it has been renewed for season 3 already. So I guess my question is, does it get  better, is it worth watching season 2 or should I just give it up?

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@Harvey I enjoy Sanditon even with its annoyances, but everything I’ve heard of Bridgerton confirms that show isn’t my style at all.

A lot of Jane Austen’s work does focus on money (and lack thereof), and finding suitable husbands, so I didn’t find that particularly off-putting. YMMV for sure. 

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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

Don't get me started on the situation with Esther. Glad it worked out, but come on. 

I really liked Esther and would have been glad to see more of her, but on the other hand I am glad they sent her home to live happily ever after with Babington rather than writing any more silly plots around her.  With Edward's baby living with her, the writers no doubt could have come up with more unpleasantness.

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4 hours ago, Harvey said:

I binged season 1 over the last 2 days, and my question is: is it worth it to keep watching? I started watching it because it was mentioned as a show similar to  Bridgerton, but it's really not. Sanditon is too dark and heavy, so much of it is just about a struggle and the lack of money. It's not fun and really doesn't measure up. And as I read here, most of you are not impressed with the series either. On the other hand, I read it has been renewed for season 3 already. So I guess my question is, does it get  better, is it worth watching season 2 or should I just give it up?

Since you didn't care for season 1 I doubt you will enjoy  season 2 any better. And some story lines get actually darker in season 2.

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19 minutes ago, magdalene said:

Since you didn't care for season 1 I doubt you will enjoy  season 2 any better.

I have to agree but I am also in the "Bridgerton is far superior" camp. So that is my opinion for what it's worth.  The mustache twirling bad guys were just Snidely Whiplash wannabes.

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1 hour ago, Cetacean said:

I have to agree but I am also in the "Bridgerton is far superior" camp. So that is my opinion for what it's worth.  The mustache twirling bad guys were just Snidely Whiplash wannabes.

I think Bridgerton is a more original show and I enjoy how it subverts the romance genre. 

Sanditon is more conventional - which isn't automatically a bad thing. But when they canceled and unexpectedly revived it they didn't bring back the actors I had enjoyed most about the first season.  So season 2 was always going to be a disappointment for me.

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6 hours ago, magdalene said:

Since you didn't care for season 1 I doubt you will enjoy  season 2 any better. And some story lines get actually darker in season 2.


3 hours ago, magdalene said:

I think Bridgerton is a more original show and I enjoy how it subverts the romance genre. 

Sanditon is more conventional - which isn't automatically a bad thing. But when they canceled and unexpectedly revived it they didn't bring back the actors I had enjoyed most about the first season.  So season 2 was always going to be a disappointment for me.

I think you are right. Thank for the advice 💗

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Sanditon has been a bit of a mish mosh.  They started out season 1 pretending to  be a continuation of Jane Austen's work, but strayed pretty far from what she would have written.  Season 2 was just a normal period drama, without any pretense of Austen's imprint.  Taking such a long break between seasons 1 and 2, and losing some of their main actors, made it more of a mess with a scramble to fill in the story with new actors.

But it was something entertaining to watch on Sunday night, if only to nitpick everything about it.

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16 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

For those wanting more Lady Babington, actor Charlotte Spencer you can see her on Ted Lasso Season 2, episode 9.

She portrayed such a loopy, strange character I almost didn't recognize her.  And what was up with her and the pants obsession?!  Anyhoo, she was still luminously gorgeous on Ted Lasso, just as she is on Sanditon.

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Now I have to go back to see that Ted Lasso episode.

I only recently discovered Sanditon, so watched season one and two all in a row.  Babbington and Esther were definitely my favourite characters and actors.  Babbington, in particular, could have have been a much worse character with a different actor.

I also discovered a group of fans who were desperate to bring back the show and were devastated when Theo James didn’t return.  They used #sidlotte as their hashtag. VERY devoted.

To me, I enjoyed it once I let go of any thoughts that it was anything other than a soap opera.  It felt like they took every Jane Austen trope and stirred them all up in a great pot.  It also made me appreciate anew the writing of Jane Austen.

This season, my favs were Alison and Fraser.  I wish more time had been given to their story.  It was a bit of a rush.

I’m in for season three.  No idea who Georgiana will end up with.  I do love her friendship with Arthur.  Actually, that’s about the only time I really enjoy that character.

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8 hours ago, Tiggertoo said:

I also discovered a group of fans who were desperate to bring back the show and were devastated when Theo James didn’t return.  They used #sidlotte as their hashtag. VERY devoted.

I find this fascinating because I never saw any chemistry between the two of them and it made zero sense to me - Sidney seemed so much older and sophisticated compared to Charlotte. I can understand missing the eye candy that is Theo James, but his character was kind of unlikable, so to me no loss. Only was disappointing that it ended on such a cliffhanger, but after it got renewed, I wasn't upset that TJ didn't return. I don't see much chemistry with this season's love interest for her either, so maybe it's the actress?

It is definitely a Austen/Bronte blender at this point, and quite frankly, many period piece tropes. It is definitely not the same quality of some of the other adaptations that I've watched on PBS, but it's harmless fluff and I don't mind that either.

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On 5/13/2022 at 4:33 PM, Ilovepie said:

I find this fascinating because I never saw any chemistry between the two of them and it made zero sense to me - Sidney seemed so much older and sophisticated compared to Charlotte. I can understand missing the eye candy that is Theo James, but his character was kind of unlikable, so to me no loss. Only was disappointing that it ended on such a cliffhanger, but after it got renewed, I wasn't upset that TJ didn't return. I don't see much chemistry with this season's love interest for her either, so maybe it's the actress?

It is definitely a Austen/Bronte blender at this point, and quite frankly, many period piece tropes. It is definitely not the same quality of some of the other adaptations that I've watched on PBS, but it's harmless fluff and I don't mind that either.

Always SO surprising how people can watch the same thing & see it so differently. I thought the chemistry between Charlotte & Sidney just jumped off the screen. I didn't even like him at first because he was so rude, but I began to see his admiration for Charlotte develop because she gave as good as she got. As they interacted more - helping the injured man, playing with the children, even going after Georgiana -  you could see his character soften in general & especially towards her. And when they were dancing the chemistry was off the charts!! Not saying you're wrong - just funny how people see it so differently. 

But I was not impressed with the the S2 love interest - no chemistry AT ALL! The best part of S2 for me was Alison & Fraser - as rushed & unrealistic as it was. Really enjoyed them! 

Don't care about S3 one way or another.


Edited by 4merBachAddict
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1 hour ago, 4merBachAddict said:

Always SO surprising how people can watch the same thing & see it so differently. I thought the chemistry between Charlotte & Sidney just jumped off the screen. I didn't even like him at first because he was so rude, but I began to see his admiration for Charlotte develop because she gave as good got. As they interacted more - helping the injured man, playing with the children, even going after Georgiana -  you could see his character soften in general & especially towards her. And when they were dancing the chemistry was off the charts!! Not saying you're wrong - just funny how people see it so differently. 

But I was not impressed with the the S2 love interest - no chemistry AT ALL! The best part of S2 for me was Alison & Fraser - as rushed & unrealistic as it was. Really enjoyed them! 


I thought it was just me when it came to the chemistry between Charlotte and Sidney.  And of all the 'ships in S2, I too like Alison & Fraser the most.

Overall, though, when it comes to romantic relationships, this show really needed 3-5 more episodes each season to truly develop the relationship. Oh well, it is what it is...

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12 minutes ago, Kleav said:

It's good that Leo's too young to realize that her eyes are the exact same color as Colonel Lennox's.

Leo was a very precocious child, and so might have noticed the similarity of their eye color--perhaps mentally filing away that information from where it might percolate up in later life.
But yes, I too am glad the writers didn't go there. 

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I wonder if so many of us liked the Alison-Fraser story best because they actually got to know each other (albeit, Alison thinking it was what's-his-name writing the poems, etc.). Friends first, then lovers, as opposed to going from enemies to lovers in Charlotte's case (and even Esther's with Babbington, but that was different -- she pushed him away because she felt unworthy of love).

Some quibbles: If Georgiana's mother is alive, wouldn't she be the heir to the fortune? Yes, I realize G's parents were not married, but that also makes G illegitimate, so how could she be an heir, unless so specified in a will?

Hated in the Garden Party arrow-shooting contest that Charlotte agreed to shoot because Colonel Lennox insisted, but then when Colbourne told her at the carriage to stay away from Lennox, she retorted "you can't tell me what to do!" Why didn't that apply to Lennox? His "I insist" really angered me. It was so demeaning.

Why hasn't Leo's hair grown out/is Colbourne's household giving her access to scissors? Should have cast a girl with long hair and then had her wear a wig.

Also, when Leo went missing (to search out Lennox), why were the adults so much more terrified than when she was missing earlier in the season, merely sitting up in a tree?

Finally, adding my frustration that the Colbourne plots this season were lifted from Sound of Music; loved every scene with Georgiana and Arthur; can't believe that Charlotte got shot down again, and where were the signs that the artist really was after G's money?

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Late to this show but watching season one right now and all the guys fawning over squinty Charlotte are making my eyes roll. The actor that plays Sidney is gorgeous and has such a great screen presence that I’m hoping when the next Jane Austen adaptation comes out he’s the male lead. He would make the perfect Mr. Knightly.  I’m bummed that he won’t be around in the second season, or even the actor that plays Stringer who was also very good. 

Edited by twoods
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On 4/28/2022 at 9:59 PM, norcalgal said:

because it stretches the bounds of imagination for Charlotte to fall in love with a THIRD new guy in a THIRD successive season.

It's not unusual irl, especially if it's based mainly on physical attraction.  

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On 4/28/2022 at 8:58 PM, CattyK said:

I was rooting for Colbourne thru the whole season, but the last time he spoke to her he showed how much of a coward he is emotionally.  He has such a moody/stormy personality and she deserves much better than that.  

Although the colonel was a jerk (seducing a married woman and getting her with a child is no "comforting", no aim to pay debts to shopkeepers, seducing Tom Parker to roll the dice, lying to Charlotte how Colborne took his loved one from him and destroyed her), but evidently he was right in one point: leaving his wife alone in town Colbourne was also guilty (although one can also suspect that the marriage was failed already before for why would the couple otherwise live separately).    

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