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Season 19 Spoiler Thread

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There are at least 3 women that are mothers, Michelle, Juelia and Mackenzie.  None of them made his final 4.  I don't know if the ladies still unidentified have offspring, but it will be interesting to see where they all wind up in the pecking order.  Plus, there's a fairly fresh widow.  Have we had a widow/er as a contestant before?

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Emily was a widow.

And there was another lady (during Jake's season?) who kept talking about how her husband had been "tragically" killed (in a plane crash, iirc). As if there's a way to be "delightfully" killed.

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That might have been Stephanie from Jason's season.

ETA: based on looks I would not have picked Whitney for F4, much less F1. Maybe he really was in it for the right reasons?

If Britt is the next B'ette she would be the hottest in the show's entire run. Let's make this happen, people.

Edited by Bugs Meany
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Steve tweeted earlier that another contestant, Juelia Kinney is a widow too.  Her husband committed suicide last year.  No judging here, but a show like this is definitely a very "exposing" place to bring out all your personal info.  Was it Dylan in Andi's season that lost 2 siblings to drugs?  Maybe being on National TV is cathartic. 

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I don't know how I feel about Steve spoiling it so soon (the winner's name was all over Yahoo today). In a way, since I'll watch anyway, I might like it to be more relaxing, knowing the outcome. But it also seems kind of mean to spoil it so publicly for people who don't really want to know until the end, who really -enjoy- the suspense.  But that's RS's schtick and I'm sure he's patting himself on the back over his big "scoop".

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I don't know how I feel about Steve spoiling it so soon (the winner's name was all over Yahoo today). In a way, since I'll watch anyway, I might like it to be more relaxing, knowing the outcome. But it also seems kind of mean to spoil it so publicly for people who don't really want to know until the end, who really -enjoy- the suspense.  But that's RS's schtick and I'm sure he's patting himself on the back over his big "scoop".


RS always spoils early.  I don't keep track so I don't know if this is earlier than usual, though we always know the "winner" before it airs.  He only spoils on his site, others take his information and do what they will.  I have always watched spoiled because, for me, the show would be impossibly boring if I did not have a mission to watch the editing to see them hide F1 and try to lead us to believe it may be F2.  

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Totally agree, Wings....So much of the entertainment value for me is watching the producer shenanigans, manipulations and editing tricks and yet knowing exactly what's actually happening.  I think it's fun, and absolutely hilarious viewing!

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Totally agree, Wings....So much of the entertainment value for me is watching the producer shenanigans, manipulations and editing tricks and yet knowing exactly what's actually happening.  I think it's fun, and absolutely hilarious viewing!


So that's the secret to enjoying this show again?!?  I'll have to try it out.

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I'm not an expert but I don't believe this is any earlier than Steve has normally spoiled the show.  He's certainly had other seasons where he announced the winner within a day or so of it happening.  Whether other outlets borrowing his stuff are publishing earlier than they normally do, I don't know.

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Whitney is the winner. Heard it from the friend of a friend network and not from Reality Steve.



Haven't paid much attention to this because Chris bored me on Andi's season (and I still believe he knew fairly early on he and Andi would never happen and he made a play for The Bachelor which hey, more power to him) but saw a story on US Weekly.com spoiling the names, occupation and ages of the contestants and weirdly I thought Whitney seemed like a good choice just based on her career and age. Turns out I was right apparently.

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Whitney is the winner. Heard it from the friend of a friend network and not from Reality Steve.




Quoting myself, haha. Recently, I realized that I heard from the friend of a friend network that Whitney was the winner around the same day or two that RS posted it; making me wonder if the friend of a friend network really heard it from Whitney directly or if the friend of the friend network actually read it on RS and ran with it. I clarify this because 1) I don't want to act like I know the winner when my info is clearly third or fourth hand and 2) I LOVE when RS gets it wrong, like the Desiree/Brooks/Chris debaucle. That was one of the finest moments in this show's history. So clearly torn here about my sources, but still think she's prob. the winner.

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Well, RS has said he's engaged to Whitney, so I assume that means there was a filmed proposal.  


Here's info on the last 6 girls who he had not released until recently, if anyone cares.  A lot of this info was in the cast pics and bios, but still:


Carly Waddell: 29, Arlington, Tx. Younger sister of Zak Waddell, 4th place finisher on Desiree’s season.


Bo Stanley: 25, Carpinteria, CA. A plus size model who also is a competitive surfer.


Brittany Fetkin: 26, Orlando, FL. Currently in the WWE minor leagues as an announcer going by the name of “Devin Taylor” for NXT.


Kimberly Sherbach: 28, Long Island, NY. Yoga instructor who also acts and sings. No way! They never cast people like that on this show. Amazing.


Reegan Cornwell: 28, Manhattan Beach, CA. She’s a cadaver tissue saleswoman, which we can certainly say is a first on this show. And probably the last. In English, she’s a sports tissue and biologics sales rep at MTF, which of course we all know is the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation. Graduated Pepperdine University (Booooooo) in 2008 with a B.A. in Communication and Media Studies.


Nicole Meacham: 31, Scottsdale, AZ. She’s a real estate agent at Russ Lyon Sotheby’s International Realty. Graduated Arizona St. University in 2005 with a B.S. in Marketing.

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Just found out that Jillian Anderson - who's my mom's insurance agent's daughter - is on. I didn't see how far she made it in any links. Anyone know? Thanks.

Edited by lulee
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Well she's not in the final 4, according to RS.  And I don't recall seeing pics of her on any of the dates that he's put up (but that was only a few).  So I'm guessing she goes home pretty early.  But then, he hasn't put up the ep by ep spoilers yet (which seems unusual, no?) so I don't think we'll know for sure until then.

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To summarize, for the TL; DR crowd, or for those just annoyed by reading RS, here's the highlights of what he says about the first episode:


Remember, next Monday is a 3 HOUR live premiere. They are inviting a ton of former contestants back, Chris Harrison will be in studio basically doing a live viewing party, coming in and out of commercial breaks getting fan reaction and talking to former contestants as they watch the show with the rest of us. Should be exhilarating TV, really.



Yes, definitely sounds thrilling.


Within 3 minutes Chris is already spouting the Bachelor party line:


“Love is a lot like farming…plant a seed, hope it grows, sometimes the weather isn’t on your side, but with luck something beautiful can come from it.” Oh boy. I’m guessing that’s the first of 841 farming/love metaphors we’ll hear this season.


Apparently Cody makes an appearance, for absolutely no logical reason at all:

One final thing they show is Chris being trained on his farm by Cody, which was back in September when Cody moved to Iowa, before moving to Utah to be with Michelle, only to break up 3 months later.



Some memorable limo exits:


Reegan, being a cadaver tissue saleswoman, arrives with a cooler to show Chris she’s brought him something. She opens it up and it’s a heart covered in blood. Well, it’s a fake heart, and the blood looks like the inside of a jelly donut. Fail.





Tara gets out of the limo in a flannel, tank top, cut-off shorts, and cowboy boots. “Obviously I’m not in a cocktail dress, this is me.” Once she’s inside, she realizes this was a horrible gimmick that a producer talked her into doing, and while Amber and Nikki are introducing themselves to Chris, Tara puts on a cocktail dress, sneaks back into the limo, and comes out again in her dress. “You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl.” Dress or shorts and cowboy boots, it didn’t help.



And this all, presumably, before the serious drinking has even begun.  That bodes well.


Amanda calls the limo driver over, sticks her hand out of the window and hands him a note. The limo driver delivers the note to Chris which tells him to “Please turn away from the limo and close your eyes.” He does, Amanda sneaks up behind him, talks to him while he’s facing away and says since he stole America’s heart with his secret admirer notes to Andi last season, she wants him to come find her later and figure out which one she is. And oh yeah, Amanda is a little cuck-koo.


Apparently Chris H. comes out after the first 15 girls and tells Chris S. to go ahead inside and mingle with the girls.  This seems odd to everyone since there are usually at least 25 girls, but he does it anyway.  The other 15 girls arrive by limo about 3 hours later (in real time).  RS doesn't speculate about why they did this, but I guess just to build some "suspense."  ("Are they really only going to have 15 girls this season?!)  Once Chris goes out to greet the last 15, the first 15 (watching from the windows) start getting all jealous and territory-y about how Chris is "theirs" and referring to the last 15 as "the others."  (And, yes RS does make a Ben Linus joke).


As for the rose ceremony, that’s not shown to the media. Here are 16 girls who I know 100% made it past the first night: Britt, Whitney, Kelsey, Megan, Ashley I., Ashley S., Amber, Trina, Nikki, Kaitlyn, Becca, Tandra, Carly, Tracy, Jordan, and Jade. I think Kimberly, Samantha, Brittany and Jillian did as well, but not 100% on them. So that’s 16 definitely sure of, and 4 pretty sure of.



And, finally, RS admits that this is the first Bachelorette season in like 8 seasons where he hasn't had the episode by episode spoilers up by now.  He says he's got everything from the final 6 on down, but is having trouble getting details about the first part of the season, and most likely won't have them all before the premiere on Monday. 

Read more at http://realitysteve.com/2014/12/30/the-bachelor-chris-episode-one-spoilers/#g6fU2PpTp1gUS4HT.99

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Totally hoping they play up the theme this year. We had themes pretty consistently for a while - Prince Lorenzo, Officer and a Gentleman, London Calling, Wings of Love. But recently... Nada. Theme me up now that we've got a farmer, please! One good corny tagline can carry a season full of snark.

The Bachelor-How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm?


I actually went to Iowa on vacation once.   It was much different that I expected.   Nice, really.

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I don't care who leaves each week.  I forgot F4 and had to look them up this morning.  Shows you how much I care about this season.   I will just keep my eye on them.  Jade, Kaitlyn, Becca and Whitney.  


For me this is going to be about who will be the next bachette.   Whitney's voice is terrible and I didn't take a liking to her, at all.  


Britt is the stand out to me, so far.  All is subject to change, of course.  

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Steve put up a new column yesterday and gives some more details on night 1, including the order of the girls during limo arrival.  Plus he reiterates that Whitney has a really annoying speaking voice.  *LOL*


Oh gawd!!!  Like fingernails on a chalkboard!! If this is true I don't think I can watch even though I want to.  Chris is such a cutie :(

Edited by KYBlonde
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But her nose! (Which is probably why shes sounds so nasally).  Does she even have nostrils???

They're there, but I'm not sure how air gets to her lungs. If tissue sales rep can move into living donors, I could spare some of my nose and give it to Whitney.




ETA: That's a vine of Whitney giving Tara a look during the RC. I will not be given a rose due to my failure to embed video. (Mod note--I fixed it for you, lulee.  No worries!)

Edited by Rhondinella
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Plus he reiterates that Whitney has a really annoying speaking voice.  *LOL*

THIS! I knew it was her in her voice overs  because her voice is HORRIBLE and so grating. Plus, they kept showing her during the rose ceremony and I was all like, "Who's that really OLD person?" She looks at least 40, closer to 50. Then there's that VOICE. OMG, Chris, I hope RS is wrong. But from the previews, nope, it's Whitney.


Speaking of previews, they make it look like Chris got busted for sleeping with some of those other "girls." Of course, we all know how misleading previews are.


Most dramatic season yet! *cough*

Edited by saber5055
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Based on the first episode, I'd never have guessed Whitney would even make it to F4, much less F1. So many others seemed prettier, smarter, nicer, etc. Not to mention the voice! I assume we'll see more of what Chris sees as further episodes air....

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Updates from RS, some from Monday morning, some from today.


No, he still doesn't have episode by episode spoilers for all the eps yet.  But he does know some stuff.


First of all, about the business of Chris supposedly taking a virgin to the fantasy suite:


People.com also claimed in a story that Chris took a virgin to the fantasy suites. Well, we know Kaitlyn, Becca, and Whitney were the final three girls who went to Bali for the overnight dates. I can confirm for you that Becca is the one out of those three who is a virgin, so the story is correct. . . . and no, she didn’t lose her virginity that night either.


About episode 6:


I’ve been told that Britt eliminated herself in this episode. Felt there were other girls there that were a better fit for Chris, so she went home on her own. I guess that answers my question of how Britt got a group date rose in South Dakota, then somehow went home the next episode. Not to mention, if you watch that extended preview, there is a few shots of Britt sobbing uncontrollably. At this point, my guess would be that was around the time she exited the show. I don’t know if she did it during her 1-on-1 date with Chris or later on in the episode, but I was told she eliminates herself and I have every reason to believe it’s true. ....Not to mention Britt leaving on her own is a hell of a good set up for her being the next “Bachelorette.”



And Britt was not the only one to leave voluntarily:


In South Dakota, Megan is on the group date, and at some point during that episode, Megan eliminates herself. Megan has a dude back home that she was essentially dating before she left, a musician named Dakota Bradley. You do enough Instagram searching, you’ll see how close these two are.



Woo boy, this should be fun.  Bring on more crazy O-Po (Onion/Pomegranate girl):


Ashley Salter leaves the show in a blaze of glory. I believe it’s before they start traveling to, but I’m pretty sure she does not get eliminated at a rose ceremony. She’s the crazy one this season and apparently goes off on Chris and production about what a farce everything is when she leaves.



And although he doesn't have details on every date in every episode, he claims to know about episode 2.  And, brace yourselves: Chris does take Kimberly back.


6 girls have a pool party that turns into tractor racing in their bikinis in downtown LA. It’s Mackenzie, Tandra, Jade, Ashley I., Tara, and Kimberly. So yes, that means he does take Kimberly back in the beginning of next week’s episode meaning 23 will start the episode and 5 will get eliminated by the end.
-Megan gets the only 1-on-1 date in the episode as she gets a helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon.
-11 girls go zombie paint balling.


In related news, I now desperately want to go zombie paint balling.  Whatever that means.

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In South Dakota, Megan is on the group date, and at some point during that episode, Megan eliminates herself. Megan has a dude back home that she was essentially dating before she left, a musician named Dakota Bradley. You do enough Instagram searching, you’ll see how close these two are.

So going to (South) Dakota reminded her too much of Dakota?

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I don't care who leaves each week.  I forgot F4 and had to look them up this morning.  Shows you how much I care about this season.   I will just keep my eye on them.  Jade, Kaitlyn, Becca and Whitney.  


Now I have to go look up who Jade, Kaitlyn and Becca are. Not a single one of them stood out to me during the first show and Whitney did only because I thought I remembered she was the final pick. I couldn't get over how they edited in such unattractive pictures of her at the rose ceremony.

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Isn't Kaitlyn the one with the really inappropriate comments and jokes?

Yes, but ChrisS had a talking head moment where he said there's a lot more to her than that (or something to that effect). So they were setting up the rationale for her to be around or a while, even if she's a producer pick. He does seem kind of stiff most of the time so maybe she's the way to lighten him up for the audience.

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So Britt eliminates herself basically making Chris settle for Whitney. Man, I feel awful for her. They may be super happy and in love now but watching those sparks between Britt and Chris must not have been easy. In all of my seasons watching this show the only couple that has come close to those sparks so soon were Meredith and Ian. Chris looked like he wanted to end the whole thing right there and walk away with her. 

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So Britt eliminates herself basically making Chris settle for Whitney. Man, I feel awful for her. They may be super happy and in love now but watching those sparks between Britt and Chris must not have been easy. In all of my seasons watching this show the only couple that has come close to those sparks so soon were Meredith and Ian. Chris looked like he wanted to end the whole thing right there and walk away with her. 


I think so, too.  He had the thought that the first impression rose would pan out and she would be the one.  We know she got the group date rose the day before she left.  I have a hunch she was #1 in his heart from their first hug straight out of the limo.  


I have a hunch that though he will profess love and propose it will not work out with Whitney.  Not only based on Britt.  It just will not make it for the long haul. He will find someone in bachelor nation.   AND he will get an opportunity to quit farming. I don't think he wants that for the rest of his life.   

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I think so, too.  He had the thought that the first impression rose would pan out and she would be the one.  We know she got the group date rose the day before she left.  I have a hunch she was #1 in his heart from their first hug straight out of the limo.  


I have a hunch that though he will profess love and propose it will not work out with Whitney.  Not only based on Britt.  It just will not make it for the long haul. He will find someone in bachelor nation.   AND he will get an opportunity to quit farming. I don't think he wants that for the rest of his life.   


Yeah, I truly think she was IT for him and everyone else was in it for the ride just like Graham was IT for DeAnna, Frank was IT for Ali and Ali was IT for Jake but once they all bolted they had to save face and pick someone. The only one who refused to do it and got raked over the coals was Brad in his first run. Bettina was IT for him but her dad was so awful to him that he had no choice but to cut her but he did the honorable thing and chose no one. Chris looked like he didn't want to be anywhere but WITH Britt and that is really hard to fake. And if she DID get that rose on the group date then yeah, he planned to keep her in the running. 


I think he might work with Whitney. They both have similar beliefs and I can see her enjoying the quiet life of the farm. 

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Does he ever say what causes all of the crying that was shown in the previews about something "awful" happening?




If you're referring to Britt crying, here's what RS says:


if you watch that extended preview, there is a few shots of Britt sobbing uncontrollably. At this point, my guess would be that was around the time she exited the show. I don’t know if she did it during her 1-on-1 date with Chris or later on in the episode, but I was told she eliminates herself and I have every reason to believe it’s true.



Note: The English professor in me compels me to say that any grammatical mistakes in the above are from the original source, not me.  In other words [sic].


Like others above he also uses the fact that she got the rose on the date right before this as evidence that she left of her on volition, not because Chris wanted her gone.

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If the other Chris can make it work with Des after watching her boohoo her eyes out over Brooks,  then Whitney has a chance to make it with farmer Chris.  But its going to taka a lot of work over the next few months and since I don't have a clue to what either of them really are feeling, who knows.

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If the other Chris can make it work with Des after watching her boohoo her eyes out over Brooks,  then Whitney has a chance to make it with farmer Chris.  But its going to taka a lot of work over the next few months and since I don't have a clue to what either of them really are feeling, who knows.



Good point.  I don't know how much Chris actually saw until it aired and by then they were solid.  

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