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S34.E16: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Cash


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Team USA did what they could to catch up, but it just wasn’t enough. Congratulations to Team UK, they deserved the win. Not happy about Jordan winning, but very happy for the rest especially CT who is one of my favorite Challengers ever. Dee was also awesome and I’m glad she proved everyone wrong.

I felt so bad for Leroy. He deserved to make it to the final four. I actually like Cara and Paulie, but they focused too much on politicking, eliminating Jordan and Tori, etc instead of actually competing. I think Cara needs to take a break.

Zach said that Cara and Paulie made the team weaker. It’s somewhat true, but let’s not forget who started the whole throwing in someone from your own team into elimination. Laurel and Johnny would’ve been running the game instead of Cara and Paulie if things had gone their way. The elimination of Wes, who is probably the best swimmer, is where the downfall started for Team USA. They could’ve easily won this season had they not started throwing in their own players especially their strongest.

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For the most part I am happy. Team US got exactly what they deserved with how dirty the team has been this entire season. Paulie gets to lose....Cara gets to lose....I get to sit back and laugh....

I did find it a bit weird that Team US broke multiple rules but only ended up with a 10min penalty.....where did that even come in? Would they have been disqualified if they had gotten to the boat first? And Team UK gets double the punishment with the 10min wait and then losing all of their ground by only getting a 5min jump start after everything was leveled back out. Sure they won....but they could've easily lost.

While part of the game is staying out of eliminations....the fact that Rogan had to whine everytime his name was brought up and CT was never even thought to be put up....they had pretty darn easy compared to Jordan. Kind of funny that only 2/8 people in the final faced elimination during the entire season and they were kind of the strongest in the end. Let this serve as a lesson to Team US. 

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1 minute ago, angelamh66 said:

The editing had me worried for a bit because it was making Paulie look like the comeback kid or something. Glad that didn’t turn out to be true. Felt bad for Leroy but the only way him winning would have been tolerable for me is if the US final four did not include Cara and Paulie. 

Hopefully Leroy learns from this. Siding with P/C wasnt smart.

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Yes! Team UK won. Though, I'm a little disappointed Tori wasn't top 4. I wonder how it would have played out if Team US got the final boat first, I would like to know how much in time they were behind Team UK.

Edit: I just remembered they've done this before where day 1 time doesn't continue on day 2. I don't like that.

Edited by falltime
Remembered things
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This counts as a crap finale, right?

Let us review: Paulie manages to not die, and he has enough gas on the second day to make a play for the final. Cara Maria also qualifies for that. So does Natalie; that I didn't mind, but from the reactions from the folks on Facebook, you'd have thought she was a serial eater of puppies. Leroy loses what little shot he had, and the frustration is clawing at him. Without Johnny's butt to live in, Leroy was forced to play the game. He was the MVP of the US team . ..  and he's left on the shore, probably choking back the tears. And I can't bring myself to snark on him because he's mostly decent. Well, at least compared to the other knuckleheads. Zach talking shit about anyone pisses me off in general.

The UK only gets to lose one person . . . and it's someone that won in the Proving Ground twice. I can't cry for Tori, but I get her frustration . .  .especially when she probably played a better game than anyone on the UK save for her fiance. Jordan talking shit wore on me, but he deserves that right. There's probably fewer differences between him and Paulie that he'd admit, but at least he knows how to train and where his limits lie. Paulie? He's a clown. He's always gonna be a clown. Fuck him.

Oh, and CT get his third title and what I'm guessing is $250,000. You know what makes me mad? Not only did he not sweat too hard about his status in the game, but I've been that heavy all of my life, and he looks so much better than me. When he was complaining about the nine-piece puzzle, I was thinking he had nine-piece McNuggets before departing.

With Zach and Paulie coming up short, the other curse of Johnny Bananas is still in play. I wrote about that here; basically, nobody that has defeated him in an elimination post-Rivals III has won a season. I know that we're long past the point of caring about him, but I find it humorous and horrifying that his curse has rubbed off on others.

Next week? I'll have to DVR the Reunion. The Survivor finale will be on, and that might be an bigger shitshow than the Reunion, even with the sniping, posturing, and that damn hat Jordan is wearing.

Edited by Lantern7
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Yeah the UK team should have had way more than a 5 minute lead.

Team US got a 10 minute penalty (probably should have been more) and then they finished stage 1 well behind the UK.

But for state 2, they only had to give a 5-minute penalty?  

If they imposed the real penalty of like 15-minutes or more, over a 6-mile run, the US would have no chance and there wouldn't be any suspense that they could fake with editing.

So the producers probably said as long as the UK team doesn't fall down or capsize on the kayaks, they should win it but for those overhead shots of the kayaks, make it seem closers.

Puzzles just was about luck.  Some people are real good at them but people react differently to sleep deprivation and physical exhaustion.  It's not about fitness either, just randomness.

Paulie congratulated everyone while Cara sulked in a corner while the UK team was popping the champagne.

Why is she so miserable?

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Glad the UK Team won.  Well, glad CT won.  He seemed to get the shaft from his friends (USA) right from the get-go.  He played a decent game without getting dirty.

Since there were 12 players left wouldn't it have thrown a wrench into everything if they made the puzzle losers a 3rd team racing for the finale?

Tori was right, TJ is a badass!

It seems like forever ago that Johnny & Laurel were even on the show!

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, lilabennet said:

^^She's an only child.  Needs constant attention.  All of her pity parties scream, "Look at me!  Look at me!"  This is the reason why I have disliked her since she threw a tantrum on her very first season after being thrown into Exile.

I'm so tired of this only child thing. Being a only child, in itself, means nothing. It's like people giving a pass to shitty behavior because someone is young.

She is too wrapped up in this show. It validates her life at this point. She needs to live a real life for a while. Get out of the spotlight. 

  • Love 14
7 hours ago, scrb said:

Yeah the UK team should have had way more than a 5 minute lead.

Team US got a 10 minute penalty (probably should have been more) and then they finished stage 1 well behind the UK.

But for state 2, they only had to give a 5-minute penalty?  

Last week TJ said: "the team that wins stage 1 will get an advantage at the next stage." which is the five minute head start.

Team US's 10 minute penalty had no impact because they had already lost stage 1.   

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That was a boring finale, just like most finals. Last season the final was great. This one just wasn’t visually that interesting. The only drama was the puzzles. 

I’m very happy UK won, although I would have preferred Tori over Rogan and Dee. She deserved a win more than both of them. I was sweating when Dee and Rogan finished their puzzles so quickly and it looked like Jordan might be purged. I know some people hate him but I respect him as a competitor and he deserved a win more than anyone this season. This is his 3rd win in a row, tying a record. And he is now the all-time male prize leader. 

CT’s dad bod held up in the final, though there didn’t seem to be any sprinting. I’d say he’ll be coming back for a while now, knowing he can still win. 

Cara and Paulie’s demise was so sweet! At least Paulie lost with grace. 

  • Love 10

I'm happy that CT and Dee won and didn't mind Jordan winning because he worked for it during the season.  Rogan on the other hand gets a bit old eyeroll from me.  I was really hoping he'd get purged in that last bit...

I'm glad that a puzzle was included in the final leg and everyone had to do it.  It was a great reminder to them that not everything is about having strength and endurance; you need to be able to think through shit as well.  And I can't with any of their "It's not fair that I lost on a puzzle" whining.  

9 hours ago, lilabennet said:

^^She's an only child.  Needs constant attention.  All of her pity parties scream, "Look at me!  Look at me!"  This is the reason why I have disliked her since she threw a tantrum on her very first season after being thrown into Exile.

Cara sitting on the floor of a luxury yacht while bawling in a corner by herself was one of the funniest things I've seen this season.  It legit made me laugh out loud.  

Ninja is so annoying.  Yet, I love that she annoys the fuck out of all of them (especially people like Zach) and doesn't give a shit.  She's definitely someone that was picked on a lot as a kid and is now relatively confident enough to not care.  I appreciate that.

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18 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

I'm happy that CT and Dee won and didn't mind Jordan winning because he worked for it during the season.  Rogan on the other hand gets a bit old eyeroll from me.  I was really hoping he'd get purged in that last bit...

I'm glad that a puzzle was included in the final leg and everyone had to do it.  It was a great reminder to them that not everything is about having strength and endurance; you need to be able to think through shit as well.  And I can't with any of their "It's not fair that I lost on a puzzle" whining.  

Cara sitting on the floor of a luxury yacht while bawling in a corner by herself was one of the funniest things I've seen this season.  It legit made me laugh out loud.  

Ninja is so annoying.  Yet, I love that she annoys the fuck out of all of them (especially people like Zach) and doesn't give a shit.  She's definitely someone that was picked on a lot as a kid and is now relatively confident enough to not care.  I appreciate that.

Agree, I was hoping Rogan would fail at the puzzle and it would be CT/Tori/Jordan/Dee in the final. I know not everyone likes Jordan and Tori but I'm happy Jordan won, which essentially means Tori wins since they are engaged. They both worked hard this season. I still can't believe Rogan didn't go into a single elimination round this season. 

I also laughed at Cara crying in the corner. At least Paulie managed to congratulate everyone. He gave Jordan what looked like a legit hug. 

  • Love 5
On 12/11/2019 at 11:13 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Hopefully Leroy learns from this. Siding with P/C wasnt smart.

I'm sure he'll just become even more of a Johnny sycophant than he already was lol.

20 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Ninja is so annoying.  Yet, I love that she annoys the fuck out of all of them (especially people like Zach) and doesn't give a shit.  She's definitely someone that was picked on a lot as a kid and is now relatively confident enough to not care.  I appreciate that.

I hate Ninja but I cheered when she was the second person to finish the puzzle because I love that she annoys Zach so much. I also hate Zach so it pleases me that she gets under his skin so much plus his hate for her is so funny and I hate her too so I enjoy him digging at her. I want another rivals with them as partners so bad!

Even though I mostly hate Leroy at this point because of his Johnny worship, I felt really bad for him when he lost at the puzzle. He really carried the US team at the end and it's a shame he got nothing for it. But they lost anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter.

I didn't love seeing Jordan win but I was glad Dee proved everyone wrong (I still don't like her that much but still) and that Paulie and Cara lost.

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So glad CT pulled out a win. He stopped cooperating with P & C at just the right time.

Zack was a sorry loser. But he remains easy on the eye so I will continue to watch.

Congrats to Rogan. It must smart a little to come in first but not win any more of the prize money as the rest of the team. I was not happy with his treatment of Dee, but I do think she is an "easy lay up" in the game of love, she shows too much of her cards too soon.

Ashley is full of herself. Happy she didn't win.

Pauly really did look yellow as he entered that snake area. Surprised he was able to come back. Giggled with joy as Kara wailed like a spoil sport on a beautiful yacht as Team UK celebrated above her. She needs to lay off the fillers botox and this show for awhile and practice gratitude and humility.

Was sorry Tori didn't make the final. She is proving herself to be  a great competitor. Good luck to her and Jordan, hope they really make it to the alter.

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That was a lackluster final.  It felt so rushed and really was not all that enjoyable to watch.

I read the spoilers so I knew who won prior to the start of the season.  I wish Survivor spoilers were this good. 


With Sandra being on the next season of Survivor I am sure they will be.

I sucks to see Leroy put in all of that work and still get nothing for it.  I have said it before, Johnny worship aside, Leroy comes across as one of the only regulars on this show that I would hang out with.

I am happy that Tori and Jordan did not get half a million.  I find Tori to be highly annoying.

I guess I am happy that Team UK won...I mean I like CT and neither Dee (Plus I think Dee is cute so there is that factor as well and I am a sucker for a girl with an Australian accent.) or Rogan annoy me.  Paulie, Cara, and Zach all suck so it was fantastic to see them lose (Yes I am finally willing to admit that Cara sucks.  It took me years because I will always remember the underdog Cara.).  I might be in the extreme minority but I actually do not mind Ninja.  Sure she can be annoying, but I would rather her be around over the vast majority of the cast.

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Random thoughts:

I reaaaaaaaaaaaaally wish that Jordan was likable, because he always puts in a hella impressive performance. As he is, I find it impossible to root for him.

I think that both Ninja and Cara perform far better as individuals than with a partner or on a team. Cara gets all whiny and co-dependent, and it seems like Ninja starts slacking big-time when the spotlight isn't on her.

I'm glad that Pauile wasn't a sore loser and gave Jordan (what looked like) a genuine hug.

Zach is a brat. 

I felt so badly for Leroy, but I had to roll my eyes when he said that he couldn't believe he lost his spot because of  swimming and a puzzle. Uh...dude...those are always two HUGE factors in every single Challenge season. Maybe he should work extra hard on those during off-time.

I agree with those who said that the final itself was boring to watch.  Go back and forth four times, yadda yadda. I want to see beautiful landscapes, dammit! 

I'm glad that CT and Dee won. Rogan is a turd, and I've already stated my feelings on Jordan.

Until next season!

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To me Natalie can fuck right off.  Her obnoxious noises when she finished the puzzle first were teeth grating as was her crowing at the boat and in her interview.

Uh, you barely did anything the day before.  Of course you were fresher.  I cannot think of what she could ever do to win me over.  She seems to be pretty glued to Cara and Paul so that is strike one, two and three.

Ashley lost.  Womp womp.

Edited by mojoween
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If I'd started watching this season instead of last season, I'd have stopped watching this show at one season. Completely agree with everyone who said the final last season was epic and ... well ... challenging. This was just ... cheesy. It looked like basic cable. Last season did not.

The snake pit was so amateur hour. I know they meant it to have that fear/gross-out factor, but the show's still owned by Viacom, they're not putting poisonous snakes in there. Just "scary-looking snakes that look like they could be poisonous." Would've liked to see that snake casting call.

But the snakes were indicative of the whole thing -- something they wanted to look grand that in reality was so ... small. Too claustrophobic and repetitive. And the fact that you could time out on a puzzle? Heck no, screw that. You Mensa candidates stay and complete that until you snap and start beating each other with puzzle pieces or TJ comes out, a la Phil Koeghan on Amazing Race in the middle of the night two days later, and eliminates both teams for being complete morons.

And this show is so poorly edited, I can't get the sense about whether all the complaining about Dee was legitimate, or just an editing trick. She looked pretty darn competent in this final, especially on the swim. So what was that "she doesn't train, she doesn't try" footage about? Meh.

I would hate Rogan, had Survivor not set my bar on hate this season. He was like a punter on a Super Bowl-winning team. Like, technically you get a ring, and technically you played a role, but ... did you really?

And Paulie is the Buffalo Bills of Challenge finalists, at least from what I've seen (chokes in the big game).

Overall, I thought the team format was terrible and confusing, and I think contributed to the overall "meh" feeling this year.

That being said ... see you guys next season.

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On 12/18/2019 at 7:44 AM, Eolivet said:

And the fact that you could time out on a puzzle? Heck no, screw that. You Mensa candidates stay and complete that until you snap and start beating each other with puzzle pieces or TJ comes out, a la Phil Koeghan on Amazing Race in the middle of the night two days later, and eliminates both teams for being complete morons.

I thought the puzzle time out during the gurney carrying challenge was fine - but give them at least a half hour, especially if the teams are so far apart and you're trying to "fake" an equalizer. 

Timing out on the puzzle before the swim? Uh uh, you stay and complete that challenge until Teej comes out and tells you that you are the dummiest dummies who ever dummied for not figuring out that Slot A goes into Hole B. A Phil Keogan guest appearance in this case would also be fine. 

And its been 20+ years, but it's still TOO SOON for a Bills joke.

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