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S06.E09: Are You the Mole?

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Random, but rewatching, I paid more attention to the clips they used in Annalise's little montage at the end as she was leaving, that transitioned into the funeral, and I thought the clip selection was interesting. It was mostly big important moments: lying to Wes about Rebecca on the stairs, Wes shooting her, the fire at her house, holding premature Christopher outside the elevator, her stillborn baby, her mugshot when she was arrested for Wes' murder... The only seemingly "random" clips were dancing with Eve, kissing Bonnie and her mother doing her hair.

Not speculating about anything, just kind of loved that, as someone that has always loved her dynamics with Bonnie and Eve the most, and her mother too; it was nice seeing those two dynamics seemingly being highlighted, since not all the characters appeared.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Did Asher ever get any real repercussions from murdering Sinclaire?  Any chance his murder is due to this? 

I laughed when Michala was arrested.  You know it's pretty bad when you are told you are being arrested for murder, but, you don't know which one! lol 

It's been a pleasure for Laurel and Wes to be gone.  Wes was likely my least favorite character ever on this show. Also, reference his death....wasn't there a huge examination of his body at one point?  There was speculation that it wasn't really him, but, they confirmed that it was, right? 

Nope, not a single repercussion for murdering Sinclair. They made it look like she was killed at the Hapstall mansion and that was it.

Wes was drugged and choked by Dominic, then severely burned in the house fire so he would have had smoke inhalation on top of everything. We saw the body, Annalise allegedly saw the body, Nate saw the body. We then saw them do an autopsy and remove organs. All of this was, before the body was whisked away by  the other DA and supposedly cremated.  To retcon and make it so Wes lived is a huge ask. I know Wes fans will be happy, but it make zero sense. 

9 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

They rushed it. Writers of today have a unique problem with writing plot driven by characters vs characters driven by plot both can turn out terribly you have terrible writers at the helm but usually it is better to have characters doing things because of their own convictions and not cause the plot demands it you get inconsistent consistences(which is the writing for htgawm in a nutshell for the last 3 years) or "plot holes" that way. Which is what Asher being the mole is. A massive plot hole. Season 2 was season 2, it was 4 seasons ago no character is the same as they were in the that season including Asher, which is why I stand by him being the mole is out of character or at the very least character regression. I have no problem admitting my bias however I will try to objective when I say this:  I don't think Wes deserved what he got cos he killed Sam I would've preferred that they left him alone, just as I don't think Asher deserved what he got because of Sinclair(she's not Sam but she's no saint, to my memory she was actually a huge bitch even to Annalise at one point so why care that she's dead? Because Asher was the one that killed her?) I get caring because it's a human life but not many people have that same energy for Sam. And shouldn't as he was awful. Again I'm biased toward Wes & Asher alike so I know some people won't agree but that's okay with me.

That the biggest problem with this season, and truth be told this show. They spent forever on the Wes, Annalise thing, Wes and the Mahoney’s, Wes and the rushed love affair. I was happy when Wes died not only because opened up room to talk about the other K5, but it was unexpected. I like a show bold enough to say, there are no hold barred on who will live or die. Only then they turned around and went Laurel and the Castillo’s crazy on us. We needed more time spent on the background of the rest of the K5. 
So it’s the last season and we finally get background on Micheala, and oh yeah Connor wrote a nice essay so that why he got picked. We get another whiplash love with Frank suddenly wanting to be with Bonnie 5 mins after Laurel left. 
I’ll  admit I wasn’t a Wes fan, but I’ve never Seen Harry Potter so my only reference for Allie was a bit part in Sherlock Holmes. Wes annoyed me because the whole Captain Save a hoe routine with Rebecca made zero sense. I actually came to like Asher. For a while it appeared he had actually grown from the spoiled brat dude bro he started as. I liked the loyalty he showed to the K5, and what I saw as a sincere effort to grow and mature when he was with Micheala. I was hoping Masher would be endgame

Thing is everything happening could have been made more plausible with more time to build up to it. To have it all shoved into 9 episodes  is a bit much. I

8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I literally yelled out, "Motherf*cking Wes!"

What's with Gabriel's new haircut? Hope that's for another role Rome Flynn has.

Annalise wins one case before the SC and now she's "famed Supreme Court attorney." Right.

Heh, Bonnie is so over Frank. He says he'll die loving her? Five seasons too late, buddy.

So Robert will be left hanging as a meaningless point device? This enrages me even more than Wes (possibly) being alive. Grrr!

I wonder if we’ll be seeing more of Robert on the back 6?

8 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

I had the same two thoughts on the Annalise funeral as others here - either it's a fantasy sequence, Annalise imagining it as she leaves her old life behind; or way in the future and dear god that better not be Wes but his offspring instead.  Or I suppose it could be her imagining it as she lay dying for real somewhere.  As others have pointed out we don't know what happened when she stopped the car.

Lastly - April! Really?!  That's way too long.  And most of it will miss sweeps - I think only the last couple eps will hit May sweeps.

They have nothing to lose with HTGAWM. They want Greys and Station 19 together for crossover eps and A Million Little Pieces is the networks current money maker. Basically HTGAWM got pushed for A Million little Pieces. Once that goes on hiatus, we get to wrap up HTGAWM.

7 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Don't put words in my mouth.  It's not the 'shrooms specifically: he's gotten high almost every single episode of this season when there was no previous indication he ever used drugs.  He obviously can't cope with anything in his life, and he's turning to drugs to numb it.  It's addict behavior, I've seen it too many times, and it's especially dangerous for someone who's HIV+.

He made pot brownies what, 1-2 eps? Hardly addictive behavior and certainly not something that would interfere with HIV meds. 

What bugs the most is Nate and Asher trying to blame Annalise for everything. Nate annoyed me when he said Annalise started cheating before Sam killed Lila, as if infidelity was just as bad as murder. 
Asher trying to justify selling out Annalise, and the K4 by trying to blame his father’s suicide on her was crazy. Nobody made your father frame and innocent man, or your mama co-sign whatever embezzlement Judge Millstone did. Annalise kept Asher safe, and covered up his murder of Sinclair. The K 5 all embraced him when his family kicked him to the curb. Asher owed them dust. Turning on the people who only want him when they were threatened with jail is stupid. 

Edited by Milaxx
  • Love 6

I have no sympathy for Asher. He went out as the same spineless, entitled, PoS, white-man who put himself above others that he was when the show first started. Is this the show’s commentary on trusting white men.

I literally hate Nate and Bootleg Wes and would love the series to end with them getting Ashered.

I assume that Wes will be revealed to be Christopher. If that is not the case, Wes and presumably Laurel and Annalise pulled the ultimate and cruelest con.

Speaking of Laurel, I didn’t miss her one bit. Will we ever get a resolution to the question of whether she killed her mother, or was this revealed during one of the MANY FF worthy moments of this season.

I hate seeing a show I used to love limp so miserably to the finish line of its inevitable demise.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

I really loved the way they ended the season for Season 4. That felt like a nice close....None of the plot points really interest me as it seems all about blame...

I will try a rewatch during the hiatus to see how it all stands.

Is that when they brought Christopher home and then Frank saw Gabriel registering for Middleton?

April?! What the hell?

It's nice to see Wes, but I'm tired of people coming back from the dead. Who was the body in the burned house, if he disappeared? 

I don't blame Bonnie for being iffy over Franks' declarations of love. He was all over Laurel just five minutes ago, and now Bonnie is "the one"? Super convenient. 

Tegan helped Laurel. I thought she hated her. 

I've been sick of them blaming Annalise for everything - Nate murdered a man, and he's blaming her?? 

I've just been reading the thread, and I hadn't thought of a grown-up Christopher. That would make more sense. 

Why did that girl say she would say "hi" to Gabriel? Didn't Michaela dump him?

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, Milaxx said:

I’m probably gonna make a bigger post in the speculation w/o spoilers thread, but did anybody else find it odd the way Asher ran off after Oliver hit him in the head? It felt too much like when Annalise found Rebecca’s body and then yelled “Who let her go!”

I was surprised that a head wound stopped bleeding that quickly, with as much blood as they showed on the floor. When we first saw him with blood on his shirt, I thought it was from that. Then they actually showed him dying. Ugh. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Milaxx said:

He made pot brownies what, 1-2 eps? Hardly addictive behavior and certainly not something that would interfere with HIV meds.

It's been more than that, he has absolutely exhibited addictive behavior this season, and it could certainly interfere with his health: if he's high, he is much likelier to forget to take his meds, which need to be taken around the same time each day to ensure maximum efficacy, and that could lead to the HIV in his body building up a resistance to medication and catalyzing a decline in his overall health.  I don't expect the show to acknowledge any of that in between all the murdering and accusing and confessing and so forth, but the changes in Oliver have been very striking to me this season.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Oh, my god, Nate coming at Annalise like he did last night! I was sitting here like, "Back. The fuck. Up." I was legit scared for her for a time there. 

Before things got really ugly, was I the only one thinking they were gonna totally start making out with each other?  Because there has been some recent mentions of her unfinished feelings for Nate from someone, can't recall who, and a lot of scenes between the two of them with unspoken words, I thought for sure she was going to sleep with him one last time before her carriage turned into a pumpkin and she magically became Justine. 

  • Love 2

Oh wow. Lots to unpack here.

It never occurred to me that Alfie could be playing a grownup version of Christopher, not Wes, but I prefer that. Through all my ups and downs with this show, I appreciate that they've never brought characters back from the dead. It gives everything much bigger stakes when you know that shit is permanent.

I thought it might be some kind of fantasy sequence, as there is something about it that felt not quite real, not quite grounded in the reality we know this show to exist in. Either way, I don't think Wes actually survived (although I'll admit it would make sense if Laurel found out and ran off to be with him).

Fuck, poor Asher. I didn't always like him (the lack of fallout from Sinclair has always bugged me, and I'm furious that he was the informant), but he's been here since day one, and it's tough to lose a legacy character like that. I had also been hoping for an Asher/Michaela endgame.

So, who did it? Frank and Bonnie maybe--he told Bonnie he'd flipped and she killed him and called Frank to help cover it up? Or maybe he and Gabriel had one last fight over Michaela. Or maybe Annalise stopped outside the apartment for one reason or another, he confessed to her, and she did it? Something definitely happened before she got on the plane.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and all his carpenter friends. Shut the fuck up, Nate. Oh, so because you and Annalise got together before Sam and Lila did, all of this is her fault? What? Then it's also your fault--it takes two to tango, you big dumb idiot!

Also, it was subtle, but I did like the misdirect of the show making us think this all happened after graduation. Michaela and Connor are the only ones left, and they'll probably still be in jail when the ceremony happens. None of the K5 are going to graduate. For some reason that makes me sad.

  • Love 8

There was definitely a line by Michaela (I believe) about how she was definitely going to graduate, and it implied that going to graduation was how she and everyone would graduate.  However, that's not really how it works: Connor and Michaela (and Asher, RIP) have already graduated by virtue of passing all their classes and fulfilling their requirements.  They can just go to the registrar's office and pick up their diplomas or have the diplomas mailed to them.  The show made it seem like you have to walk (i.e. go to the ceremony, walk across the stage, be handed your diploma, etc.) to graduate, but that's not true.  If Michaela's set on walking, that's fine, but she's already technically graduated.  I fault the writers, not Michaela as a character, for that implication, though.

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, Anela said:

Tegan helped Laurel. I thought she hated her. 

My guess from piecing together bits and pieces is that Tegan was the lawyer who helped get Laurel back when she was kidnapped. Now Tegan feels guilty for the things she did as legal counsel for Jorge and when Laurel asked her to help get away, she did it.

  • Useful 1
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3 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

If Michaela's set on watlking, that's fine, but she's already technically graduated.

She did say, while in custody, that she's a lawyer. And Asher told his family that he's a lawyer now. So I think the show is acknowledging that they've graduated. But I agree they also made it seem like the ceremony was key, probably to create confusion about the timeline.

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, Anela said:

I was surprised that a head wound stopped bleeding that quickly, with as much blood as they showed on the floor. When we first saw him with blood on his shirt, I thought it was from that. Then they actually showed him dying. Ugh. 

Head lacerations can be like because the blood vessels are closer to the surface so they bleed heavier and look worse than what are.

17 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

It's been more than that, he has absolutely exhibited addictive behavior this season, and it could certainly interfere with his health: if he's high, he is much likelier to forget to take his meds, which need to be taken around the same time each day to ensure maximum efficacy, and that could lead to the HIV in his body building up a resistance to medication and catalyzing a decline in his overall health.  I don't expect the show to acknowledge any of that in between all the murdering and accusing and confessing and so forth, but the changes in Oliver have been very striking to me this season.

It has not been more than that. Let’s recap:

6x1 - Annalise at rehab. Oliver completely sober. They look up Micheal’s father. 
6x2 - Oliver completely sober. Helps Michaela search for her birth father. Tries to help Connor with his case. (Hector). Vivian is in town. Takes a sip of whiskey( ?) from a bottle they are all passing around. 
6x3  - Michaela’s client that tried to rob a cash checking place. Oliver is sober. Helps Frank track down the cab the woman Frank thinks is Laurel took from the bank. Goes to Bonnie to get help for Conner after he get Hector & his mother detained by ICE in Maryland.  Vivian leaves town, give Gabe Sam’s therapy tapes. Frank gets caught by Xavier. 
6x4 - Oliver makes pot cookies. First time he’s high all season. The flirt infernos guy. Connor & Oliver have a 3 way.
6x5 - Frank in the hospital after being tortured by Xavier’s goons. Micheala finds Solomon Vick. Asher’s sister Chloe comes begging for him to help with their mother. Cora and Tegan meet to go over divorce. Oliver is sober. Confesses that he helped Frank search for Laurel.  
6x6 - Solomon comes to town. Oliver babysits Frank. Oliver is sober. Chloe Danes with Connor. K4 & Annalise file restraining order against Xavier. Everyone destroys their phones.   
6x7 - Gabe does restorative justice case. Annalise dates Robert. Oliver installs camera in the K4 house. Oliver still sober. K4 talk bout Connor’s sexual history.  
6x8 - Snow White final. Tegan files lawsuit for Nate. Oliver still sober. Reads K4 their application essays. Gets them puppies.  
6x9 - Oliver gets ‘shrooms.

so Oliver has been high a grand total of twice.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 3
53 minutes ago, Milaxx said:

Head lacerations can be like because the blood vessels are closer to the surface so they bleed heavier and look worse than what are.

It has not been more than that. Let’s recap:

6x1 - Annalise at rehab. Oliver completely sober. They look up Micheal’s father. 
6x2 - Oliver completely sober. Helps Michaela search for her birth father. Tries to help Connor with his case. (Hector). Vivian is in town. Takes a sip of whiskey( ?) from a bottle they are all passing around. 
6x3  - Michaela’s client that tried to rob a cash checking place. Oliver is sober. Helps Frank track down the cab the woman Frank thinks is Laurel took from the bank. Goes to Bonnie to get help for Conner after he get Hector & his mother detained by ICE in Maryland.  Vivian leaves town, give Gabe Sam’s therapy tapes. Frank gets caught by Xavier. 
6x4 - Oliver makes pot cookies. First time he’s high all season. The flirt infernos guy. Connor & Oliver have a 3 way.
6x5 - Frank in the hospital after being tortured by Xavier’s goons. Micheala finds Solomon Vick. Asher’s sister Chloe comes begging for him to help with their mother. Cora and Tegan meet to go over divorce. Oliver is sober. Confesses that he helped Frank search for Laurel.  
6x6 - Solomon comes to town. Oliver babysits Frank. Oliver is sober. Chloe Danes with Connor. K4 & Annalise file restraining order against Xavier. Everyone destroys their phones.   
6x7 - Gabe does restorative justice case. Annalise dates Robert. Oliver installs camera in the K4 house. Oliver still sober. K4 talk bout Connor’s sexual history.  
6x8 - Snow White final. Tegan files lawsuit for Nate. Oliver still sober. Reads K4 their application essays. Gets them puppies.  
6x9 - Oliver gets ‘shrooms.

so Oliver has been high a grand total of twice.

Yes, I have actually seen every episode of this show, and I stand by what I've written for all the previously stated reasons.

On 11/22/2019 at 9:05 PM, Annber03 said:

Oh, my god, Nate coming at Annalise like he did last night! I was sitting here like, "Back. The fuck. Up." I was legit scared for her for a time there. 

I really was hoping that Annalise would whack Nate in the head with that fire poker. Did Nate forget that he was cheating on his ailing wife with Annalise? Ugh? Shut. up. Nate.

  • Love 8

Haven't read through the whole thread yet, so if this has been mentioned already, I apologize.

I think Wes has been in witness protecting this whole time and Annalise knew.  I think Wes is the one that got Laurel and Christoper out and they've been with him this whole time.  I think Annalise is going to find Wes/Laurel, which is why she has a new identity.  I think the funeral is in the future and not in current time.  Whoevere is speaking at the funeral says something like, "and now were going to hear from someone who's known Annalise a long time" and Wes walks up.  Wes didn't know Annalise a long time.  He knew her two years before he "died".  But if she's living with him and Laurel in current/future time and she dies 15-20 years from now of natural causes/old age, than that would explain the 'knowning for a long time' comment.  

Now for the questions:  How did the FBI so quickly arrest Connor and Mikayla for Asher's murder.  It didn't seem like that much time had passed between Asher taking off, going to Bonnie's, then being dead in his hallway to the FBI showing up a the house.  They had already found Asher's body and had enough evidence to point the finger in that short amount of time?

Also is it possible that no one killed Asher, that he succombed to the original crack to the head from Oscar? That was a boatload of blood pouring out of his head and then he just got up and ran around town.  Possibly the injury caught up with him.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Also is it possible that no one killed Asher, that he succombed to the original crack to the head from Oscar? That was a boatload of blood pouring out of his head and then he just got up and ran around town.  Possibly the injury caught up with him.  

This is my thinking as well.  At first, I dismissed it because we saw someone swinging a fire poker and blood splatter, but now I’m wondering if those scenes were misdirects and an additional murder actually occurs. 

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, possibilities said:

She did say, while in custody, that she's a lawyer. And Asher told his family that he's a lawyer now. So I think the show is acknowledging that they've graduated. But I agree they also made it seem like the ceremony was key, probably to create confusion about the timeline.

Yeah I'm realizing now that just because they didn't walk doesn't mean they didn't earn their degrees.

However, just having your JD doesn't make you a lawyer. They haven't taken a bar exam yet. They are licensed to practice absolutely nowhere. They also mentioned that none of them have jobs lined up, and taking a bar exam is a waste of time if you're not guaranteed to be working in that jurisdiction. So even if everything shakes out okay legally for Michaela and Connor, the only members of the K5 left, their actual post-law school prospects are bleak.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Yes, I have actually seen every episode of this show, and I stand by what I've written for all the previously stated reasons.

Could you point to a specific episode or scene?  I rewatched just to make sure and other than the pot cookies and the shrooms I did not see any other instances of Oliver being high.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Fable said:

This is my thinking as well.  At first, I dismissed it because we saw someone swinging a fire poker and blood splatter, but now I’m wondering if those scenes were misdirects and an additional murder actually occurs. 

I think that's what happened too. Remember last episode Oliver told the detectives 'I'm the Murderer!"

Begs the question then..who got the brunt end of the poker?

  • Love 4
On 11/21/2019 at 11:32 PM, Milaxx said:

I’m not even mad that Asher is dead. How can he be the mole and *still* blame Annalise? Yeah she leaked the business about his dad, but his dad was the person who framed an innocent guy! He wasn’t an innocent person who AK set up. And, after that AK still helps you raggedy self cover up Sinclair for you. Asher, you’re an idiot and deserve to die!

THIS! Asher has always been the weakest link. Thank god he wasn’t there when Sam was killed or they would have gone down a long time ago. Don’t really care who killed him. 

I like the idea that Alfie is playing a grown up Christopher. 

Haven't missed Laurel at all this season. Didn’t need the cameo either. 

Glad Christopher is okay. 

Annalise should have left those idiots a long time ago. 

  • Love 1
On 11/22/2019 at 6:50 PM, Milaxx said:

What bugs the most is Nate and Asher trying to blame Annalise for everything. Nate annoyed me when he said Annalise started cheating before Sam killed Lila, as if infidelity was just as bad as murder. 
Asher trying to justify selling out Annalise, and the K4 by trying to blame his father’s suicide on her was crazy. Nobody made your father frame and innocent man, or your mama co-sign whatever embezzlement Judge Millstone did. Annalise kept Asher safe, and covered up his murder of Sinclair. The K 5 all embraced him when his family kicked him to the curb. Asher owed them dust. Turning on the people who only want him when they were threatened with jail is stupid. 

Thank you!  Asher's diatribe made no sense.  Annalise is loyal to all of them, including Asher.  Nate's reaction made even less sense.  Or maybe I haven't paid close attention.  I thought Annalise and Frank were protecting Bonnie and Nate from learning what they really did, which was murder the wrong guy.  And now they are the bad guys?

Nate said to someone that we went away for a week so he wouldn't do something stupid (like beat someone to death).  But then he confronts Annalise and looks exactly like he is going to beat on her.  He is a serious nutcase.  And yes it is sad that his "pops" died the way he did but the guy was also an old man.  Nate didn't need to attack Miller the way he did.  Bonnie didn't need to finish him off.  These people have serious murderous tendencies.  

  • Love 6

I was thinking that someone connected to Sinclair could have killed Asher, but now from reading here, I think it makes more sense that he died from the wound that Oliver gave him.  Meaning that someone else is killed and I can only hope that it is Nate.  But it is probably Gabriel.

I don't think that the funeral is in the future.  I think it is a cover for Annalise's disappearance.  But cannot explain Wes being there.

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, bannana said:

I thought Annalise and Frank were protecting Bonnie and Nate from learning what they really did, which was murder the wrong guy.  And now they are the bad guys?

Yup, I rewatched the season 5 earlier this week and the first 9 eps of season 6 yesterday. Last season Bonnie was suicidal at the thought that she killed Miller and Nate was guilt tripping as well. Now suddenly everything is AK’s fault.

  • Love 5

My theory is that everyone blames Annalise for the ish they do, because they can't bring themselves to face the terrible things they've done. It's easier to just blame Annalise. Which is hilarious, because every time one of these people gets into trouble, they run to Annalise for help. And she always helps them, even to her own detriment.

  • Love 13

Asher went to Bonnie's house (he was all bloody at her front door). Why would the police suspect Connor and Michaela (and not also arrest Oliver), when Bonnie saw him after they did? My guess is that it's because he was informing on them, so if anything happens to Asher, the first guess of law enforcement is that it was the people who he was informing on who harmed him, either in revenge or to shut him up (also, it's these same people who are already suspected of murder in the Sam case-- they would arrest Connor and Michaela on any excuse they could think of, even if there wasn't a dead body).

But if it's not Asher whose death they are being accused of, what if it's Gabriel's new girlfriend? Maybe she was an informant, too. I'm reaching, but this show is nothing if not convoluted.

The thing is, Connor totally flipped out when he saw the photo of the dead person. So, that to me points more to Asher than Gabe's girlfriend.

But really, it could be anyone.

Part of me worried that Annalise was being kidnapped, that her escape plan might have been messed with, or a scam. I hope she's safe. I do really wonder what she was doing when she told the driver to stop the car.

We don't know where Frank is.

  • Love 5

Umm, fucking what?!? So many what the fucks I cant even count them! Wes is somehow alive!?! Did he and Annalise fake his death and she is running off to join Laurel, Wes, and the baby somewhere? Is Asher really dead?! Seriously, what is happening?! 

I didnt guess Asher as the mole, and I hate that its him, and that he is apparently dead. Poor Asher, I do think he thought he was doing the right thing by becoming the mole and that it was the best way to protect both of his families, but of course now he ends up dead, he always ends up being the one that gets screwed over. I can guess that his whole "Its Annalises fault!" rant is because he feels guilt for betraying her and for everything else, and that he is projecting, as people so often do with Annalise. Feeling guilty for something you did? Its totes Annalises fault because...her psychic powers made you do it! Of course its this show, so I am holding out hope that he might still be alive. As for who killed him, I am guessing he was going back on the deal and one of his awful relatives killed him, or maybe it was even Bonnie. If it wasnt just guilt, his rant against Annalise made no sense at all, he has been loyal to her for ages now. 

Poor Connor and Michaela, cant even go to graduation without shit going down. So why are just they being charged for Ashers possible murder, and not Oliver? I guess this would explain Connors meltdown, I continue to be concerned about his mental health, which always seems to be on the verge of going on a downward spiral. I originally thought that Oliver confessing to the murder was him trying to protect Connor, but now I wonder if he thinks that Asher died of his injuries, or if there really was a murder that he committed? Oliver has been increasingly willing to go dark side, maybe he really did kill someone? 

Nate can just shove it, he has been bugging me all season, and now he hardly even seems to care that he murdered an innocent man, and has fully jumped on the "Annalise did it all" bandwagon. I can only assume that, like Asher, he was trying to deal with his guilt by putting everything on Annalise, or else that whole rant made absolutely no sense at all. 

So I guess if Annalise did fake her death, her name was also cleared of everything, if she gets this nice funeral. I also didnt see anyone else besides Wes there that we knew, did they all miss it to have a "congrats on faking your death" party? Are they all in jail? 

I have so many questions! 

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, katycat74 said:

I think that's what happened too. Remember last episode Oliver told the detectives 'I'm the Murderer!"

Begs the question then..who got the brunt end of the poker?

I would not be surprised if they made it out to be a delayed reaction to the head wound. I mean they did that with Laurel’s placenta abruption. Make it like it was more serious than expected and he passed out, or for whatever reason he and Gab have yet another fight, Asher gets a punch to the head, falls back and hits his head and dies.

11 hours ago, possibilities said:

Asher went to Bonnie's house (he was all bloody at her front door). Why would the police suspect Connor and Michaela (and not also arrest Oliver), when Bonnie saw him after they did? My guess is that it's because he was informing on them, so if anything happens to Asher, the first guess of law enforcement is that it was the people who he was informing on who harmed him, either in revenge or to shut him up (also, it's these same people who are already suspected of murder in the Sam case-- they would arrest Connor and Michaela on any excuse they could think of, even if there wasn't a dead body).

But if it's not Asher whose death they are being accused of, what if it's Gabriel's new girlfriend? Maybe she was an informant, too. I'm reaching, but this show is nothing if not convoluted.

The thing is, Connor totally flipped out when he saw the photo of the dead person. So, that to me points more to Asher than Gabe's girlfriend.

But really, it could be anyone.

Part of me worried that Annalise was being kidnapped, that her escape plan might have been messed with, or a scam. I hope she's safe. I do really wonder what she was doing when she told the driver to stop the car.

We don't know where Frank is.

I’d hate for it to turn out that Oliver is the mole, but of all the things to make Connor have that reaction to a photo, a picture of Oliver snitching would definitely be the thing to send him over the edge. That’s the beauty of when a show runner kills off a major character army on. It tells the viewer that no one is sacred. Part of me believes Coliver are endgame, another part of me wonders if Pete isn’t will to throw balls to the wall since the show is ending and have Oliver be the mole after all. It would be Connor’s worse nightmare come true. He’s been afraid of ruining Oliver all along and we’ve seen Oliver slowly breaking bad since he quit his job and messed up Connor’s Stanford acceptance. 

However, I think the reason they arrested Connor and Micheala is because they don’t know where Annalise is and most of the evidence, even if it’s circumstantial, point to the K5 as part of Sam and Rebecca’s murders. Since Connor & Micheala are the only surviving members, they get arrested. I also think that Gabe and possibly his mother are still giving them information as well as Nate and his constant quest to get justice for his pops. I mean, how many times has he been shown going to FBI, pointing fingers at Tegan? So my guess is the little tidbits from Nate, Gabe and Vivian, coupled with the real information they have may all be adding to them proving their case.

As for the Wes/Future Christopher flashforward, I’m not sure if it’s real or baby Christopher all grown up.  I’m just not crazy about it being Wes. That would mean, he was choked, drugged, suffered smoke inhalation, severe burns and an autopsy.  That a lot to swallow, even for this show. I’d much rather I’d be a dream of AK’s from wherever she is starting her life over.

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On 11/24/2019 at 11:56 AM, Milaxx said:

Could you point to a specific episode or scene?  I rewatched just to make sure and other than the pot cookies and the shrooms I did not see any other instances of Oliver being high.

Wasn't there an episode this season in which Oliver was AWOL from work so he could do some daydrinking?

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2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Wasn't there an episode this season in which Oliver was AWOL from work so he could do some daydrinking?

It’s around the 2.40 mark. That’s the pot cookie episode. Other than a sip from the same brown liquor bottle the K4 and Chloe have swigged off this season, Oli hasn’t been drinking any more than anyone else.

btw - the amount of back wash in that bottle by this point? Ew!

Edited by Milaxx
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I really liked that episode. This season has needed a jolt and this was it.

Asher's betrayal did sting a little and I hated him blaming Annalise but it still worked enough for me. Intrigued to see who killed him in the end.

I think the guy is an older Christophe as well but having Wes back is also something the show could. The Laurel appearance, I assume more will be happening in the latter half of the season.

Tegan helping Laurel escape I didn't expect either. Annalise seemed to be having doubts about leaving but still did.

Nate and Gabriel need to both go. Both are terrible characters. 

Oliver has been acting out a lot this season. And of course Connor and Michaela would be arrested.

Did Frank or Bonnie have something to do with Asher's body ending up at Gabriel? 

April is gonna be a hell of a wait, 8/10

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Some thoughts:

  • This season's antagonists -- including the Governor or Xavier (played by Gerardo Celasco, who looks like a handsome Latino Michael Sheen) -- have barely made  appearances, and this has made for pretty week conflict IMO.
  • ABC needs to spin Tegan off onto her own show -- I'd watch the hell out of Amirah Vann's Tegan.
  • Say what you will about Walmart Wes, but Rome Flynn is a total biscuit.  I could watch an entire series of Gabriel and Frank playing shirtless basketball.


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On 11/25/2019 at 8:14 PM, Milaxx said:

It’s around the 2.40 mark. That’s the pot cookie episode. Other than a sip from the same brown liquor bottle the K4 and Chloe have swigged off this season, Oli hasn’t been drinking any more than anyone else.

btw - the amount of back wash in that bottle by this point? Ew!

I am not going to do a season rewatch, so I believe you if it was really only two episodes. But I also felt like they were setting up an Oliver as an addict thing all season. Every memory I have of him this season is of him being high or talking about being high.

Maybe I'm just forgetting other interesting things he did.

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1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

I am not going to do a season rewatch, so I believe you if it was really only two episodes. But I also felt like they were setting up an Oliver as an addict thing all season. Every memory I have of him this season is of him being high or talking about being high.

Maybe I'm just forgetting other interesting things he did.

I never got the impression that they were setting it up for us to see a progression to the dark side for Oliver. Things like standing up to Frank, telling Connor he’s done being afraid all the time, having the 3 way, suggesting they get Frank to kill /torture someone when a few seasons back he was upset at the thought of hurting Simon, etc... I just never saw it as a progression to drug addiction. One because it’s pot brownies and we live in a day and age where marijuana dispensaries are on darn near every street corner. Two, I always saw them as isolated incidents. In the back of my mind I wondered if it was the show trying to lay ground work for Oliver to be the mole or the murderer.

Maybe it’s because I will rewatch shows I like over and over. I’ve probably seen this season a million times already. Either way, we’ll know come April 2020.

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The possibility that Asher died from the hit Oliver gave him and the firepoker swinging is from another murder isn't completely out of the realm of possibility with this show, but the fact that a bloody fire poker was on the ground right beside Asher's dying body in the empty hallway, with no other body around is hard to explain if it wasn't used to kill him. That being said, you can't see the side wall to be able to see if there's blood on it like the close up showed the splatter going, so I don't know.

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I just watched this episode and I don't think that Wes is alive. The way the funeral is shot feels like the future to me. I don't even trust the picture they have of Annalise. I feel like that is in the future, is real and Wes is Christopher and those scenes will be threaded through the final episodes and revealed in the final episode. They'll use the other five to explain where Annalise is and tie up her story.

In terms of Asher, I understand his reasoning and after being distant from the group for so long and losing his family, I could see him falling for the FBI sting to save his mother. I do think he regretted it, but I understand why he did it. Now as for his death I think that's up in the air. Peter Nowalk did an interview with EW right before this aired and he was asked if we will find out who was murdered, he responded "You are going to find out *one* murder victim in this episode." The close cuts of the firepoker tells me that it was someone else who got killed in the same manner. Asher could very well be alive. Why would the FBI tell the kids the truth? If they think it's Asher, let them think that so they can continue to incriminate themselves. Hell, we see it worked with Oliver who is confessing to killing Asher when Asher could easily be alive or if the addition hits we saw were from him, was killed by someone else. I feel almost certain somebody else was killed with a fireplace poker since Nowalk was so specific about us only learning about *one* murder, implying there could be more. The only reason I could see Asher being alive is because I'm not sure they would have Oliver as a murderer.

I was absolutely devastated to see Laurel and to know she'll likely be heavily featured in the final episodes. It was so refreshing to see her leave. I never bought her relationship with Frank, I feel she dragged Wes down so much I was happy when he died and her family was unbearable. It just seems a reality she will be featured in the future storyline with Wes/Christopher and Annalise's funeral. 

In the back 6 I'm mostly excited to see where Tegan goes now that she has some blood on her hands with helping Laurel escape and I also am curious how Annalise will stay relevant in these final episodes. I feel like her escape has to work otherwise everybody would be in jail the final episodes, but I can't imagine where she'd be or how they'd tie her in. I do wish they had more episodes though. Usually the 15 episode orders work, but they've given themselves so much to tie up that I can't see how they will do it in just 6 episodes. Perhaps they could've cut some filler and done this sooner and help back 8 or 9 episodes. I understand that episode 9 is typically their murder episode, but it would've served them better to hold more episodes. Especially witht he large break. I feel it's going to be messy trying to tie everything up in such limited time.

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On 1/2/2020 at 2:42 PM, stuckin60s said:

I cant understand the love for WES

he ruined so many people on this show.  The actors parts all seem to admire him so.  they understand who and what Frank is, but really:  WES

I guess he needed some attention and begged to be brought back.  but of course we are talking about him and thats what the networks want.

Are we talking about Wes or Alfred Enoch? Alfred wouldn’t need to beg to be brought back. Pete Nowalk brings back actors in flashback, cameos and flash forwards all the time.  

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