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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I'lll play --

My rose:  Carly being marched out of her own hotel under arrest.

My thorn:  Michael padding the crowd for Drew's campaign event.  He said it was a town hall event meaning people show up who are interested in hearing the candidate and asking questions.  It's very Trumpian to rig something like that.

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My take on Michael sending ELQ's factory workers to the townhall is that it's a very small company thing to do. I have seen that happen. (Iowa - first in the nation. Blah.) But a major corporation? 

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15 hours ago, JMO said:

Molly and TJ.  They tell themselves a story, get it wrong, get upset about it, and decide to blow things up.

What's annoying about this is that if Kristina had said she was a surrogate for her sister, Molly and TJ would be screaming about the invasion of privacy. As we've said before, Kristina can't win with these jerks.

14 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Too bad Danny doesn't know how you put Carly's kid above him.  

Given that he saw Joss and Gio rush in and tell Jason that Carly had been arrested, maybe he'll start wondering who the priority is. Though with these writers, Danny will probably be fine with it, since it's Carly and poor, unattended Donna. (With all of the nannies she has, the girl won't even realize Carly isn't around!)

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Getting caught up….


Perez Hilton. Ugh. Those scenes were cringe and rage inducing. NATALIA is the victim? What in the actual fuck. This show sucks. 

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28 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

What's annoying about this is that if Kristina had said she was a surrogate for her sister, Molly and TJ would be screaming about the invasion of privacy. As we've said before, Kristina can't win with these jerks.

I've been watching GH reviewers go that Kristina should have said something but I am thinking honestly - They were doing this interview because Blaze's mother was chatting up Blaze & Kristina's business to other people. so the last thing that I would want to do, is chat up OTHER PEOPLE'S business that they might not want shared out to everyone. Like. has Molly told everyone why she is needing a surrogate? Has she told people she even HAD a surrogate? like why would you want that out there? 

to me it just seemed Kristina just kept it quiet out of respect. why are they so angry?

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56 minutes ago, Daisy said:

to me it just seemed Kristina just kept it quiet out of respect. why are they so angry?

Because TJ and Molly are holier than thou, completely repressed people and Kristina is a convenient target for them.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

What's annoying about this is that if Kristina had said she was a surrogate for her sister, Molly and TJ would be screaming about the invasion of privacy.

Kristina should have just said she was a surogate and not said any more about it.  what she did say did make her look like she was saying it was hers and that she and Blaze were going to raise it together.  But at the same time Tolly overreacted as always.  

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25 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Kristina should have just said she was a surogate and not said any more about it.  what she did say did make her look like she was saying it was hers and that she and Blaze were going to raise it together.  But at the same time Tolly overreacted as always.  

It was a damned if you do / damned if you don't situation. Saying she was a surrogate but not saying more might have shifted the focus to that, instead of their original discussion, but not saying anything other than that it was a private issue gave the impression that the baby would be her and Blaze's. Telling the world that the baby was Molly and TJ's would have impacted their privacy - maybe they don't want to share that they have a surrogate with anyone other than family and friends, after all. For TJ and Molly to zero in on what was a pretty minor part of the interview shows that they are just looking for things to be upset about. Until the baby is born, they would be smart to play up to Kristina on everything except things that might affect the baby's health, because without a legal agreement, there's some possibility that Kristina could decide to keep the baby. Either way, look for family disruption! 

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43 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Kristina should have just said she was a surogate and not said any more about it. 

Molly and TJ would still have concluded that people would know the baby wasn't Kristina's. They are completely unhinged when it comes to the situation.

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TJ and Molly are idiots; you never go to a legal option before you've tried mediation much less just talking to the other person.

Michael making the ELQ employees go to Drew's rally and bring their friend with them is typical TFGH -- lying and cheating is okay as long as it's for our side. It's how Sonny, Jason and Carly have avoided paying for their actions all these years.

18 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I doubt it. He said he signed a two-year deal for this latest return.

So Frank is willing to waste a character that could rejuvenate the show because SB has agreed to stay for two years. AH is the most interesting male character to come up in a while. Chase and Cody are nice guys who might as well be wallpaper as is Michael, Dex really is a block of wood and while DZ is able to do much, much more, they never give Dante much to do.

They choose to have the show go gentle into that good night.

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17 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

OMG, hard to pick a worst today because it was bad, but I think Molly and TJ win. 

In a 'normal' show, I couldn't agree with you more. But on THIS show?  Nothing and no one is worse than the Corinthi, Snarly and their friends and enablers.  That said there's nothing happening now that I find the least bit palatable, so it's back to the barge for me!

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31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

So Frank is willing to waste a character that could rejuvenate the show because SB has agreed to stay for two years. AH is the most interesting male character to come up in a while.

Until the writers decide Sonny and Jason should suffer actual consequences for their actions, every character is wasted.

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36 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

So Frank is willing to waste a character that could rejuvenate the show because SB has agreed to stay for two years.

His ass never needed to come back in the first place. FV and the show don't understand that this guy does nothing for the ratings or the show in general.

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17 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

It really bugged me that Kristina was introduced as gay, or at least that she didn't ask to correct that. Bi erasure is a thing!

I thought she said she was gay during the interview. Did I miss Perez say it first? The gay label doesn't fit Kristina's life thus far. Even if you put aside the abusive relationship with Kiefer, LA's Kristina had a major crush on Ethan. Then the other actress who played Kristina was in a storyline where she married Connie's long-lost son. Then LA's Kristina went on a few dates with a guy, and she had the unhealthy affair with the female professor Parker who I think was still married at the time. During the cult storyline, she said her sexuality was fluid. As far as I know, Kristina was bi until this Blaze storyline where she is saying she is gay. It doesn't seem right that because closeted Blaze has thought of herself as gay, Kristina now has to be gay too.  The storyline seems very rushed in that it went from an attraction to supposedly two women in love and committed in a matter of months, when they've had basically one real date, have not talked at all about the future and what they both want. For example, Blaze is clearly focused on being a musician and doesn't want to be a parent for the foreseeable future, while Kristina clearly wants to raise her baby and open her youth center.  

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Carly's "doing as well as can be expected"? She begged to be arrested. This is entirely her doing. Also, she's in the PCPD lockup. It's hardly Supermax. 

Diane's defense for Carly is what I would expect it would be. Even Scott could have come up with this. LOL that Diane wants Jason to be in court every day wearing a coat and tie. That's the true burden for him. Ha!

Ugh, Michael. What a stupid little shit. Making sure Willow knows Nina was responsible for getting Carly out of jail is hardly the gift Michael thinks it is. He'll make it all her fault if it doesn't work. He'll never let Nina off the hook.

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Sonny means business! He threw the pcpd coffee maker and has a gun. I hope he shoots himself, Jason ,cates and Carly. 


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Kristina tells Molly that she and Blaze might be better parents for the baby right now.


Okay, okay, wait, so Cates is leveraging Jason; Jason is gonna leverage Anna; Mikey is leveraging Nina so he can get the councilman to leverage the Feds; and Nina will leverage her being leveraged for access to Willow. My head hurts!   

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I had to laugh at Michael's complete ignorance about how to approach Senator McConkey. This is the head of an international conglomerate? It's a miracle ELQ and Aurora are still viable companies.

And while it was immensely satisfying to watch Nina show Michael how it's done, it's enraging she still has to kowtow to that turd.

3 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Kristina tells Molly that she and Blaze might be better parents for the baby right now.


Molly was beyond out of line to talk to Kristina that way—not that she was wrong, but you don't tell the sister carrying your baby that she is a disaster in relationships and can barely take care of herself. However, Kristina's firm belief that because TJ and Molly are fighting means they'll split up is one of the dumbest things they've ever had her think, up there with not believing Sonny is a violent gangster.

It does crack me up that now is when Molly and TJ decide they have to have Kristina sever her parental rights. Way to read the room, you dolts. This is why you should have had legal papers drawn up at the very beginning of the process.

Ugh. I HATE this story so much. Everyone is being so unreasonable, and not in a soapy way.


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So what innocent idiot is going to get shot instead of Cates?  Because lord knows I can't remember the last time the actual person being aimed at actually took the bullet.  Too bad there's not a wedding for it to happen at, as that's the usual setting.

18 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It does crack me up that now is when Molly and TJ decide they have to have Kristina sever her parental rights. Way to read the room, you dolts. This is why you should have had legal papers drawn up at the very beginning of the process.

This story sucks for so many reasons, foremost that if any of these ding dongs communicated most of their issues wouldn't be there.  Also, all this could've been averted if TJ and Molly, in their fucking twenties, could've waited the hot minute it would take to get an anonymous egg donor.

Carly will be on her death bed at the age of 120 and somehow find a way to make it Nina's fault.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh. I HATE this story so much. Everyone is being so unreasonable, and not in a soapy way.

This story is bad but also comedy gold. All it needs is a laugh track. 

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I don't blame Kristina for not signing the papers before Molly's tirade and told her what she really thinks of her. 

Kristina kept the baby private, had she said the truth Molly and TJ would have attack and said she had no right to speak about their personal business.  Molly and TJ just need to attack her for breathing. She goes to a wedding and keeps their privacy? How dare she! 

Keep the baby Kristina! 

Carly has all her men circling to free her from her legit crime.  Nina should tell Michael off and no not help him. 

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Thing is, Allison already told Kristina that she didn’t want to be a mom yet. So it’s a bit presumptuous for Kristina to say they would be better parents. Although anyone would be better than TJ and Molly!

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Hey, how about this?  Sonny, aiming at Jagger, hits Kristina*.  She's comatose.  TJ is his insufferable self, argues with Molly, they break up.   They do a c-section, Kristina retains her parental rights. 

*one more of Sonny's kids, shot because of him.

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If anyone is going to be shot, it should be Sonny. But I’ll settle for TJ. I have no desire to see Kristina in a coma.

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13 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Although anyone would be better than TJ and Molly!

I actually don't think Molly and TJ will be bad parents, especially when grading on the PC curve. The infertility/surrogacy part is what's making them completely unreasonable. Once the baby is here and the legalities are sorted out, I think they'll be fine.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Once the baby is here and the legalities are sorted out, I think they'll be fine.

Will they though?  Once again we're missing all the beats of this story.  We haven't seen Molly question wheter she can give up her career for a couple of months to be a mom.  Kristina is due any minute but have Tolly even gotten a nursery ready yet?  All the little things that you do while pregnant to prepare for the birth isn't happening.  From minute one it's all been about whether or not Kristina will give up the baby once it's born.  Yet no one had the forethought to have her sign legal papers 8 months ago.  Blech.  

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Once the baby is here and the legalities are sorted out, I think they'll be fine.

I'm sure they won't. TJ and Molly don't deal very well with obstacles from the looks of it. The second they put them on screen more frequently, all their flaws as a couple and people have been exposed. 

I don't know if this is how it would have played out the original actresses were still in their roles. The Davis coven was always really close that I have a hard time seeing OG!Kristina and Molly doing this to each other.

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

All the little things that you do while pregnant to prepare for the birth isn't happening.  From minute one it's all been about whether or not Kristina will give up the baby once it's born. 

For whatever reason, the show has decided to focus on how "irresponsible" Kristina is as a surrogate and ignore nearly everything else. The show isn't interested in showing Molly and TJ prepare their apartment for the baby, so that's why we don't see or hear about it. It's all about conflict, and it's badly written conflict. No one is coming off well.

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5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

no one had the forethought to have her sign legal papers 8 months ago. 

Alexis did but both Kristina and Molly Pooh poohed the idea.

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I tried to catch up on the week’s episodes and gave up after fast forwarding through about 75% of Wednesday.  The earlier Luke birthday scenes were seemingly out of the blue but a good reason to see JE and WK together and I thought MW looked terrific in that black off-the-shoulder outfit, but that’s all I’ve got.

The Anna scenes and the (I assume) soon-to-be-overturned idea of having bad things happen to Jason and Carly were rage-inducing enough but after reading how the Kristina/Allison interview scenes were written the show’s reached new levels of bad for me.  Glad I came here before attempting Thursday with more scintillating surrogacy conflict.

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23 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm sure they won't. TJ and Molly don't deal very well with obstacles from the looks of it. The second they put them on screen more frequently, all their flaws as a couple and people have been exposed. 


The characters as written remind me of a now divorced couple I knew for years. They met in HS, stayed together through college, and were married for over 20 years before splitting. It was seeing them in remarriages that it hit me how fundamentally immature they were together. No offense intended to HS sweethearts on the thread as some people do grow together and immature people are well represented in every age group and certainly pair up.  

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Micheal: Ì hate that this is happening.

Carly:  Me too.

Me:  Me three. Because this is the most boring repeat of 30 years of storylines. We all know how this is going to end, Carly and Sonny are going to end up smelling of roses and Jagger is going down.

Donna will survive if Sonny doesn`t yet know that she doesn`t like fresh tomato on her salad. She`s raised by her nanny anyway. And why does Jason need to take care of Michael who is supposedly a grown-ass hot shot businessman.

If I were Kristina, I wouldn;t sign over the baby I`m carrying to those two narcissists either. What Alexis should be doing is getting them into mediation since Molly and TH aren`t smart enough to think of it.

Molly to Cates: We don`t organize our files by suspect.  Really Molly? You can't run a computer search on his name? That's even more incompetent than the PCPD.

Of course it is Nina's fault that Carly is in trouble with the FBI. She's the reason Sonny was in Nixon Falls, not his vendetta against Julian, not his refusal to look into his past.

On 7/26/2024 at 3:00 PM, DanaK said:

Mention of AMC’s Enchantment and Erica Kane!

That was fun. But how does Michael get his reputation as a good businessman when he cancels important business meetings like that.

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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That was fun. But how does Michael get his reputation as a good businessman when he cancels important business meetings like that.

Michael cancelled a meeting with LA KANE? 
Lol moron. 

10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Of course it is Nina's fault that Carly is in trouble with the FBI. She's the reason Sonny was in Nixon Falls, not his vendetta against Julian, not his refusal to look into his past.

I'll say this again. Had Carly just shut up vs shooting her mouth over what AVA told her. the entire year would have been different. but she wanted to have her "Oh look i won." moment. if she listened to ANYONE - she wouldn't have gone to the 5 family meeting.

I'd pay a dollar for someone to tell Carly she isn't as smart as she thinks she is.

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On 7/22/2024 at 9:51 PM, Bringonthedrama said:

Laura isn't stupid. She's under emotional distress because of her granddaughter, and unfortunately trusts that her friend Anna wouldn't lie to her. In other circumstances, I think she would have. 

I love her (and Genie), but Laura is stupid a lot.  How many times has she been utterly SHOCKED when one of her many criminal friends/family members does something awful?  Genie really should trademark her shocked/disappointed face.  Like how can she STILL be so trusting?  Anna’s stupid now too, so there’s that 🙄.

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okay when did Michael make peace with Sonny and meant it so many times 

Why are we ignoring that Carly is in this situation because she threw a temper tantrum. And I am so tired of Carly NOW saying her tantrum did this but Michael is like this is Cates fault. No. It's Carly's fault for doing illegal things. 

I swear Donna is adorable as heck but i swear I wish this kid was never born so tired of hearing "we have to X for Donna. Donna needs X. Donna donna donna." If you cared about Donna you never would do 98% of the things you do.

Carly you didn't try. shut up. like. for god sakes. Jason and Carly are so freaking disgustingly toxic. 

I am so tired of this nonsense. Cates is bad because he wants to take the criminal down? geeze marie. 


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Bus and steamroller wasn't enough, now they are shoving Cates onto the third rail of the subway with Ava. Sorry show, still Team Cates. Having John collude with the medication thing SUCKS, but him wanting to take down a violent mob boss who hurt someone he loved does not make him a villain. In most shows, it would make him a hero. Why is the moral compass of this show so damn twisted? 

Well at least now Jason can spend more time with Jake before he leaves the country. ... ... 🤣 😂 🤣 

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8 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Having John collude with the medication thing SUCKS

DA FUCK? Is Show changing it to JAGGER being the one messing with Mooby's meds????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

disney rage GIF

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No, they had Ava tell him about it (which is totally stupid in and of itself!) and John is now going to use it to his advantage to try to provoke Sonny into something. They also have him totally buying anything Ava tells him, which is infuriating. 

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5 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

No, they had Ava tell him about it (which is totally stupid in and of itself!) and John is now going to use it to his advantage to try to provoke Sonny into something. They also have him totally buying anything Ava tells him, which is infuriating. 



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18 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

John is now going to use it to his advantage to try to provoke Sonny into something.

ahh. which means when it comes out (because it will) John would have known and they'll use that to be "see bad, dirty cop."

why this show does anything legal eagle is beyond me because they never do it right. 

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It may have been fashionable to have a mobster as a lead character in a soap 25 years ago at the height of the Sopranos mania, but the world is different now. It's way past time for this show to portray Sonny as the criminal he is. That would add so much opportunities for the writers to give complexity and depth to the other characters. So many wasted opportunities.

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So much whining today. Everbody, SHUT UP. Also, so much stupid.

If Michael is such a wheeler-dealer, he should be working the phones to get Carly off the hook, or at least get her bail. What a loser.

"You know, in retrospect it was probably a mistake to force [the parental termination issue]." Oh, ya think, Molly? And when Alexis asked Kristina what Molly and TJ fought about and Kristina said her, there was no acknowledgement that maybe that was something Kristina needed to think about.

"What if [Molly and TJ] break up?" What if Port Charles falls into a sinkhole, Kristina? I cannot with anyone in this story.

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i have to say, if i were a DA , and I heard a freaking federal agent list off the sins of a known criminal even if he was my uncle i would look more taken aback about that vs. being all "I don't think you have leeway to ask for this."

Not to mention if Cates talked to Scorpio (where is Robert?) and that's what set up that meeting why is Molly  going all "well you don't have any reason to ask me for anything." like. shut up molly

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29 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

If Michael is such a wheeler-dealer, he should be working the phones to get Carly off the hook, or at least get her bail. What a loser.

If the thirty-something boy wonder is so great why is Mommy asking Jason to take care of him if she goes to prison?  

This show and its continued gaslighting that the bad guys are the victims is just too much.  Gotta love how Sonny acts like Cates hating him is unjustified.  

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I don't know about all 50 states or even NY, but mothers surrendering their biological children usually have a window of time to change their minds, right?* So no matter what Kristina signs now, it's not going to be final. This storyline has been awful from the beginning. 

* Google says the bio mother has 45 days to change her mind if the termination papers aren't signed in front of a judge. So even if Kristina had signed them when Molly pushed them at her, she could still back out. And why doesn't Kristina have an attorney of her own? 

The show was alternating between potentially good and not so much. It now seems to have settled on the not so much. 

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