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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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24 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Heather and Ryan clearly knew each other. What are the odds they'll make Heather Esme's mother?

Now that's a fantastic gene pool to inherit.  Grandma and Grandpa on Mommy's side are Heather and Ryan.  Great Grandma and Great Grandpa on Daddy's side are Helena and Mikos.  With a side order of crazy from Grandpa Stavros.  "Ace" is sure to turn out to be a well adjusted kid.  

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Have they permanently dropped the plot line of Felicia being Esme's mother? It was put on hold when Felicia lost her son, and they haven't really revisited it.

ETA: for clarity tt was KW who lost her in RL

Edited by Blackie
eta, clarity
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3 minutes ago, Blackie said:

Have they permanently dropped the plot line of Felicia being Esme's mother

Please, yes.   Its' bad enough that Mac inherited the idiot drifter, we don't need any more crazy in that household.  

Seeing as they've recast Heather, and they deliberately put her and Ryan in scenes today it looks like they might be going with her, which is better than Felicia.  It would explain Esme's brand of crazy.  

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2 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

So, Dante visits Heather, supposedly at Darkham,

No. Heather is at Spring Ridge.

I’d never thought I’d say this, but I’m so glad to see Mark back as Nik.

Oh Maaan. It looks like Holly pulled one over on Robert instead of working with him. The dolt.

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29 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

They're showing her at Springridge with Ryan but she's always been at Darkham.  According to my memory and Dr Google: 

The she-villain is still in maximum security Darkham Asylum for the criminally insane. 


Yes, she has. But she’s at Spring Ridge due to her “injuries” and rehab as a result of the accident.

Holly is a MORON.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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So the writers did make Robert act like an idiot and repeated the process with Laura today. Aargh.

4 hours ago, Fellaway said:

"I don't care what he's blinking." Ah, Ava (and MW), I love you. 

This, however, was delicious.

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3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

They're showing her at Springridge with Ryan but she's always been at Darkham.  According to my memory and Dr Google: 

The she-villain is still in maximum security Darkham Asylum for the criminally insane. 


Yes, she's at Darkham normally, but for some reason because of the bus accident, she is being treated at Spring Ridge. Heather specifically mentioned that to Scotty in today's episode. It may not make much sense that she is there because of *that* reason, but there was a specific reference to that.

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2 minutes ago, driver18 said:

Yes, she's at Darkham normally, but for some reason because of the bus accident, she is being treated at Spring Ridge. Heather specifically mentioned that to Scotty in today's episode. It may not make much sense that she is there because of *that* reason, but there was a specific reference to that.

Though I wonder why a mentally deranged killer like Heather is allowed to be at a minimum security prison and walk around so freely and meet visitors alone without the guards closely watching her

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Maybe I'm misremembering, or they'll just change/ignore it, but didn't they make it out to be Ryan had Esme's mother on a pedestal?  Like she was this perfect creature he was obsessed with (hence why we worried it was Felicia)?  That doesn't seem to fit Heather, but given the way this show veers off in different directions, who knows.

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When they were teasing Feliia as Esme's mother, they really did make it like Ryan was obsessed with this perfect woman. He told Esme a number of times that she's like her mother (in a good way).

Why is Victor still threatening to kill Nik?  He's lost Valentn as an ally and surely he can't believe that Spencer would still trust him when Valentin is gone and Nik is dead.

I am thankful for no Carly, Michael or Joss on today's show.

14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I think that’s quite a leap. KG was born in 1957. I know an awful lot of women older than that who haven’t gone grey yet. My mother is 91 and still isn’t completely grey! However, I agree that the darker hair better complements her features.

Like KG, I am "of a certain age" and luckily still me birth hair colour.

Old pictures of KG sometimes have her a brunette and at other times a blonde. I think the brown looks more natural on her.

7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

While Robert's comments to Holly last Monday? Tuesday? were cryptic, I got the sense he was making a plan to help free Holly from Victor.

Him passing out like that was a joke. And Holly barely reacting.

So is Holly gone now? Or is she still around?

I am BEYOND ready for this stupid plot to end.

I would have put money on this being a joint con of Robert and Holly to get her away from Victor.  (But then Victor might just take his revenge on Ethan anyway.)

I cannot believe how clueless these writers have made Robert, Anna and Laura. A far cry from the original WSB stories.

7 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Why hasn't Laura fired Eileen yet?  

I hope that it's because that would give away that they knew that she's working for Victor and they hope to use her to feed false information.

But who can tell with these writers. 🤷‍♀️

5 hours ago, threebluestars said:

So I just discovered it's supposed to be D'Archam Asylum. Why they went Batmanish for it I'll never know. [snip]

According to this page - https://general-hospital.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Locations there are at least 5 psych facilities in Port Charles.

LOL, there is a lot of psychiatric problems in Port Charles.

Although I don't like the steal from batman. Let's keep some things sacred.

On 11/25/2022 at 3:44 PM, mostlylurking said:

  I liked Ethan so I wouldn’t be upset if he comes back. I’d love to see an Ethan/Krissy pairing, now that’s she’s older and it’s no longer creepy.

The only Kristina pairing I've ever liked. I hate that they blew it up for that stupid woman in white.

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I would have been surprised if Holly and Robert had been working together to double-cross Victor. Unless Holly knows where Victor is keeping Ethan, it doesn't solve that problem. And this what early days Holly was as far as I remember. She was a con.

An interesting thing would be if the real necklace was swapped for a fake in the bank, that when Robert came to pick up the necklace he was knowingly picking up a fake.

Ryan is never not creepy. The whole we'll find Esme together, my love, was just yukers. And Heather looked terrified of him. I have to give it to Jon Lidstrom. He didn't say a word, but the way he looked at her was no bueno. That look was full of unspoken threats. I wouldn't be surprised if Heather discovers that he is faking. But no one will believe her because she's Heather.

Laura, super suspicious of Holly. Laura decides to give Holly a lift. Like honestly. Do we have to dumb down the characters every time to move the plot along? It's boring and it sucks.

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On 11/28/2022 at 1:36 AM, 30 Helens said:

UO here, but I like Ethan and will enjoy his brief return. I hope it’s soon, because poor ES is clearly in need of more rest and looks like she’s not enjoying a minute of this. I wish her well.

ITA about Emma Samms. Seems as if working is unpleasant/uncomfortable for her due to the Long COVID, but she needs the paycheck. She clearly appears "off," unwell. It's fortunate for Emma that she's surrounded by vets like TR, GF, and CS to carry the load. Hope to see ES again when she's in better health. Seems like it's going to take science awhile to figure out the Long COVID issue, sadly.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I would have put money on this being a joint con of Robert and Holly to get her away from Victor.  (But then Victor might just take his revenge on Ethan anyway.)

But who can tell with these writers. 🤷‍♀️

My money was on the necklace being bugged ( turnabout for Victor's bugged Necklace for Lucy)

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9 hours ago, driver18 said:

Yes, she's at Darkham normally, but for some reason because of the bus accident, she is being treated at Spring Ridge

I apologize to everyone.  Totally didn't hear her tell Scotty that she was at Springridge for treatment which is beyond stupid since she doesn't seem injured and I'm sure Darkhham would have it's own treatment center for whatever's wrong with her.  Yikes on the plot point there to get in Ryan's orbit.  

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On 11/23/2022 at 11:38 AM, rur said:

Exactly. And thank you. I had been thinking that I might have been the only one who felt that way. There are a lot of us who have actually been through chemo, and we know it's not easy. Even most people who have no experience with chemo know about  some of the side effects. It's a shame that the writers haven't had Willow express some concerns about her treatment.

And I hope you're doing well, @GHScorpiosrule!

The first round of chemo isn't that bad, the results are cumulative; but you don't just go into a room and get hooked up - there is the process of installing a port first.  Chemo is not like a blood transfusion, writers.  And seriously, Willow, your 'baby' was a zygote at the time of diagnosis.  I find it hard to believe that, as a nurse, you'd be willing to take a chance of leaving Michael and the Golden Child w/o a wife and mother.  I was bald for two years and it took another two to return to wearing hair, not a wig.  It was actually quite freeing.

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34 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

you don't just go into a room and get hooked up - there is the process of installing a port first.

That depends on the type of chemo you're getting. I've had it through a port as well as in my arm.

35 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

I find it hard to believe that, as a nurse, you'd be willing to take a chance of leaving Michael and the Golden Child w/o a wife and mother

That is a result of GH's really weird and creepy fetishization of babies and motherhood.

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18 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

Heather and Ryan clearly knew each other. What are the odds they'll make Heather Esme's mother?

That would make Esme Elizabeth's brother's sister, right?  And Elizabeth's husband's sister?  

4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I would have been surprised if Holly and Robert had been working together to double-cross Victor. Unless Holly knows where Victor is keeping Ethan, it doesn't solve that problem. And this what early days Holly was as far as I remember. She was a con.

But, I find it weird that Robert would do tequila shots while working.  That's why I was sure that it was a set up.

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38 minutes ago, Katy M said:

But, I find it weird that Robert would do tequila shots while working.  That's why I was sure that it was a set up.

Easiest explanation is that Robert is an idiot when it comes to Holly. All those warnings he kept throwing at Anna about Valentin, he should change Valentin's name for Holly.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, it's all for the plot. People have to be stupid for it to work, not that it does.

To be fair, making characters dumber than dirt is this show's bread and butter.

I think the only thing that keeps me watching is this message board.

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16 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

To be fair, making characters dumber than dirt is this show's bread and butter.

I think the only thing that keeps me watching is this message board.

Computers and cell phones haven't helped. Soaps relied on the forgotten phone message, the stolen letter, etc so now they have to make the people stupid. Lazy writers don't help either.

And amen to the bolded.

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Olivia doesn’t strike me as the type to order a cooked Turkey instead of making one herself but I guess she doesn’t want to waste her time when she knows it probably won’t make it.

Chase and BL are terrible together. I want to hope that Chase will one day realizes he deserves better than someone as spoiled and selfish as BL but he’s too dumb.

Sam and Dante bore me to tears but their natural chemistry today against Carly and Drew’s is like night and day. Carly and Drew are definitely at the top of my worst couple on the show and there’s more than a few stinkers.

Considering CM is the king of Hallmark movies, you’d think he’d be able to sell sex appeal, flirting and a romantic connection better than whatever this is. LW also seems intent on matching his lame, dorky energy in their scenes together making them a total cringefest. I also don’t understand them “hiding” their relationship when they are still around each other nonstop. I can’t even call it forced angst since it’s changed nothing between them. 

You’d think Kristina would be at Sonny’s with both of her parents there. Sam and Dante’s kids being at the Qs but entirely offscreen was weird as well. I guess only Leo gets to eat with the family since Wiley was MIA too. 

The Brando/Sasha flashbacks felt super random. I have not thought about Brando a single moment since he died and Sasha is barely on the show herself and when she is on, is miserable about some thing or the other. When did all of those happy scenes occur? 

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Why is Sam dressed like a widow? Is Thanksgiving at Sonny's really that grim? He's a good cook, so at  least she'll get a decent meal.

Drew can't go one meeting with Carly without blowing smoke up her ass, can he? And I can't believe it's been only one year. It feels like a decade.

Color me legit shocked Olivia ordered a precooked turkey, taking no chances or not. And I knew it would be a live turkey that would be delivered. Of course, if not for beating a dead horse of a joke that the Q Thanksgiving never works out, there's no way the bird would have been delivered the day off.

If she's already made all the sides, though, I'd have dinner as is. It's not as if anyone will starve.

Of course Carly can't let an opportunity pass to slag Nina. 

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22 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Sam and Dante bore me to tears but their natural chemistry today against Carly and Drew’s is like night and day.

I guess they have chemistry but their constant making out today was too much, also Sam wanting a pepperoni....

24 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Sam and Dante’s kids being at the Qs but entirely offscreen was weird as well.

Rocco is old enough to be with the adults, isn't he older than Leo? I forget the order of ages but was just thinking that Avery and Donna are technically Rocco's aunts 😆. Are Sam's kids there too?  Trying to figure our how many off screen kids there were Rocco, Danny, Scout,  Avery, Donna, Wiley.   The Nanny needs a raise.

I'm glad Michael wore his best turkey plucking clothes for dinner,

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

To be fair, making characters dumber than dirt is this show's bread and butter.

I've always been a fan of the Q Thanksgivings, and I appreciated there being a slightly different twist to the "no turkey" problem this year

But that said, and speaking of both food and dumbness, today's award for context-and-character-blind plot point writing goes to whoever had Olivia call the Metro Court which she partially owns and NOT end up telling the chef to send her a cooked turkey. 

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11 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So, no movement on the Holly running away with the Diamonds? Robert?

Holly and the necklace were hiding out in a cabin in the woods near Canada (as one does!!).  Robert, Mac and Jordan got confirmation and took off there.  Robert had a bullhorn and ordered Holly out.  She called out asking if Laura was ok.  Then she grabbed the briefcase which knocked over the kerosene lamp.  than the cabin blew up and someone (presumably Holly though it was clearly a stunt double) came stumbling out on fire, and fell to the ground.  Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like a woman on fire.  

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LOL that everyone is three feet from the cabin in which Holly is holed up, and Mac hands Robert a bullhorn.

10 minutes ago, Blackie said:
40 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Sam and Dante’s kids being at the Qs but entirely offscreen was weird as well.

Rocco is old enough to be with the adults, isn't he older than Leo? I forget the order of ages but was just thinking that Avery and Donna are technically Rocco's aunts 😆. Are Sam's kids there too?  Trying to figure our how many off screen kids there were Rocco, Danny, Scout,  Avery, Donna, Wiley.   The Nanny needs a raise.

I don't need to see the kids. Most of them can't deliver their lines adequately, so I'd rather they be upstairs, off camera, doing an epic craft project.

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL that everyone is three feet from the cabin in which Holly is holed up, and Mac hands Robert a megaphone.

To which Holly answers with her own voice, asking about Laura. And then Jordan picks up the megaphone and orders her out.  So I guess voices can be heard from the inside of the cabin, but the outside needs the megaphone.!

Also, that was one giant ass explosion, no way does anyone come out of that cabin alive.  And everyone should have jumped on Holly to try to put out teh fire rather than just stand there looking confused.  

What's with all the Qs standing outside, watching the turkey inside?  It's one bird, ya'll can round it up and back in its cage.  

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OMG, I cannot watch Drew and Carly make idiotic googly eyes at each other. This story is so dumb. They are hardly star-crossed lovers. (But I'd love for them both to die.)

Does no one remember "stop, drop, and roll"? Every time I see some character on fire flailing around, that's all I can think. Robert's "HHHOOOOOOOOLLLLLLYYYY" gave me some secondhand embarrassment. It was so bad.

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So it has been a year since Drew came back and there's been zero movement in his story. Well he had a story, then they dropped it. He's been in a holding pattern ever since.

And he and Carly making eyes at each other was just . . . fuck already, I'll make sure I'm not watching.

I hope Chase puts his foot down with BL. Nothing is more off putting than a pushover in a relationship and we have a lot of those. 

Carly is a capital B bitch. Willow will eventually find out Nina is her birth mother. I guess it's too much to ask for Carly to be civil and try to smooth things a teensy bit. Is Nina a dumbass? Yeah. She's a massive idiot who put her nose where it didn't belong. Is Carly worst? Yeah. She's withholding important information and fanning the flames of hate.

Speaking of flames. WTF was that? Are we just immolating women for the holidays now? I haven't been the biggest fan of Holly's return. The writing has been really bad and disjointed and extremely dumb, but what in the ever loving hell was that? And her coming out of there on fire and Robert staring and going oh no before leaning on a pile of BLANKETS. Dodo bird, help her! 

Great, Gladys is about to go and gamble Sasha's money away. Not like we didn't see this coming. On top of losing her son and her husband, Sasha is about to end up in the poor house. And why not? There hasn't been enough misery thrown her way. It seems Gladys, like cousin Mike may have a gambling problem.

While I'm happy that Sam is finally out of the uniform, this wasn't a funeral, although I guess it might've felt like it. I don't mind Sam and Dante together because they're not as offensive as some other couples. Three of them were at the Qs today.

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"Thank you for coming Carly even though you don't want to be anywhere near Ned."  Why does the show insist on treating Carly like a fragile hothouse flower? In the Carly vs Ned insider trading story, Carly is 100% in the wrong. And it's Ned's house.

Wylie asked for Carly to be there, so what Wylie wants, Wylie gets. Shut up, Wylie.

Alexis said last week that she was getting the grandkids on Thanksgiving Eve and that they were all going to the Quartermaine's on Thanksgiving Day. I guess Rocco, Danny and Scout are all upstairs playing video games. But where are Donna and Avery?  Is Wylie's nanny taking care of all the kids on Thanksgiving Day?  I hope Michael pays her well (but I doubt it).

Gladys should be mad at Jordan, not Alexis.

Sasha's story really has become misery porn, and now Gladys is going to gamble away her money. Please make it stop.

That live turkey is why I'm an vegetarian.

3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I think the only thing that keeps me watching is this message board.

It really is for me. When I'm feeling down, I come here for the snark and the smarts.

9 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Laura, super suspicious of Holly. Laura decides to give Holly a lift. Like honestly. Do we have to dumb down the characters every time to move the plot along? It's boring and it sucks.

All of the vets have been made so stupid, I thought that Holly deliberately set herself on fire because if she's in the burn unit at the hospital, Victor can't force her to do anything.

7 hours ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

The first round of chemo isn't that bad, the results are cumulative; but you don't just go into a room and get hooked up - there is the process of installing a port first.  Chemo is not like a blood transfusion, writers.

As @dubbel zout said, it's very individual. I went through two rounds of chemo burning the veins in my hand (very painful) before I demanded a port. (And then kept it for a year after chemo was done just as a safety blanket.) So my first couple of experiences were like Willow's except that there were four separate bags of chemo hanging there. And no one holding my hand.

1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

Sam and Dante bore me to tears but their natural chemistry today against Carly and Drew’s is like night and day. Carly and Drew are definitely at the top of my worst couple on the show and there’s more than a few stinkers.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Drew can't go one meeting with Carly without blowing smoke up her ass, can he? And I can't believe it's been only one year. It feels like a decade..

Of course Carly can't let an opportunity pass to slag Nina.

The way the scenes were shot today, the show really wants us to be rooting for Carly and Drew: star-crossed lovers. But Carly is such a horrible person, I want her to get what's coming to her and it's not a loving relationship with Drew, although he's such a wimp now he deserves the shrew. Carly will never learn because 98% of the characters on the show are constantly excusing and pandering to her.

Shockingly, Sonny giving Nina the earrings was a really nice scene. If he continues like that, I wouldn't mind them staying together for longer.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

As @dubbel zout said, it's very individual. I went through two rounds of chemo burning the veins in my hand (very painful) before I demanded a port. (And then kept it for a year after chemo was done just as a safety blanket.) So my first couple of experiences were like Willow's except that there were four separate bags of chemo hanging there. And no one holding my hand.

Yep. I got the port, right above my left boob. But I have to admit, it was a challenge-had to use the longest needle and even then, sometimes it took two nurses to snap and connect the iv. I had like, six bags, I think? And when I was done with the "poison" cocktail, I continued for a year for the Herceptin. Got the port removed a month after that was completed.

Also, no one to hold my hand. Luckily, I just slept through it, as I was there for five to six hours every three weeks. Got lunch. And met some awesome possum nurses.

Reading about today's show as to Holly-it's so fucking stupid. So her plan was to run and then what? How would that protect Ethan? Then suddenly surrenders?

At this point, if this is Emma's swan song, if they do bring her back, just recast. We have the fire to explain why she looks different. So much retcon bullshit with this return.

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So Alexis justified publishing the letter because Jordan didn't give her an "exclusive" as promised? Was there a timeline attached to that agreement? If Jordan didn't give info to the other (are there any other) media outlets without giving Alexis her promised "exclusive", then how does Alexis think this is the right thing to do? This is where Alexis' inexperience running the paper/web site is showing. 

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4 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

So Alexis justified publishing the letter because Jordan didn't give her an "exclusive" as promised? Was there a timeline attached to that agreement? If Jordan didn't give info to the other (are there any other) media outlets without giving Alexis her promised "exclusive", then how does Alexis think this is the right thing to do? This is where Alexis' inexperience running the paper/web site is showing. 

I didn’t disagree with her there. The readers will quickly lose interest so if the story isn’t done within a certain timeframe, having that exclusive with the police is useless. Jordan was likely BSing about releasing new not known details considering she said today that she wouldn’t give out sensitive information because of how it would affect the investigation. 

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34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

But where are Donna and Avery? 

With Bobbie (Donna) and Ava (Avery)??

34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That live turkey is why I'm an vegetarian.

That live turkey is why I'm a meat-atarian. Yum!!!

35 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I thought that Holly deliberately set herself on fire because if she's in the burn unit at the hospital, Victor can't force her to do anything.

I keep wanting to fan wank it that Robert and Holly are in cahoots and he set up everything from Holly robbing him and taking off, to Mac finding out where she was and them getting there and the cabin exploding so that Holly can go in hiding.  

21 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Was there a timeline attached to that agreement?

A week.  alexis told Jordan she'd give her a week and then she was putting it out there.  

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Jordan's threat to arrest Alexis seemed stupid to me. Under what law was she going to do it?  Alexis received a letter from a person purporting to be the hooker. Alexis' letter, her property.

The only reason she held off was because Jordan promised her an exclusive. When Jordan didn't deliver, all bets are off.

They should have brought Gregory back for the ethics dilemma of Do you let the people of Port Charles know how the serial killer case is progressing, or keep silent?  If I were a resident, I'd want to know.

3 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

With Bobbie (Donna) and Ava (Avery)??

Pretty boring for Donna, all alone with her grandmother. She would have more fun at Sonny's. (But Carly would have forbidden time with Nina.)

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10 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

A week.  alexis told Jordan she'd give her a week and then she was putting it out there.  

Thanks, that at least explains it. I still think that an experienced publisher would have at least called Jordan and said, "Hey, the week is up - do you have info for me? Otherwise, I'll be publishing the letter as we agreed."  After all, since Port Charles seems to have limited resources, it might be wise to not unnecessarily antagonize the police chief, who you'll probably be needing at some point in the future. 

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I like most of Sam’s outfits since she hooked up with Dante but I’ve noticed that she looks very out of place in group settings. All of the other women are mostly casual or at best slightly dressed up but Sam is always in her fanciest dress, heels, hair that looks professionally done, and heavy makeup. She gives off a very ladies who lunch vibe. 

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59 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

I still think that an experienced publisher would have at least called Jordan and said, "Hey, the week is up - do you have info for me? Otherwise, I'll be publishing the letter as we agreed." 

I think Alexis did do that, maybe yesterday? That's why Jordan called her down the the PCPD, because of the phone message.

24 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I was not expecting a live turkey delivered. At least Olivia tried. 

Well, as Mr. French Fluency, Michael, pointed out, Dinde Vivante literally means "live turkey" in French. Why Olivia was giving it an Italian pronunciation when she knew the company was French is beyond me.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I think Alexis did do that, maybe yesterday? That's why Jordan called her down the the PCPD, because of the phone message.

Maybe I missed that. My impression is that Jordan called her down because the piece had already been published, and she is concerned that it will complicate the investigation. (Of course, the PCPD "investigations" aren't as thorough as the one's Andy Griffith did in Mayberry, so...)

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9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, it's all for the plot. People have to be stupid for it to work, not that it does.

More lazy writing.  I should get a job writing this shit.  It obviously isn’t difficult in any way.

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