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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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On 8/10/2022 at 10:16 PM, ulkis said:

BA's wife makes enough to support them. He goes on GH for a little extra I guess and for the heck of it. I do wonder if he makes enough to offset his commute even which is 7 hours driving.

Interesting. Who's BA's wife? If she's a teacher, there's probably not enough income to support a quasi-Hollywood lifestyle, which is likely why we're stuck with Jar-Jar Binks.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Spencer might want to talk to Michael about life at Pentonville before throwing himself on his sword for his uncle Victor. Michael had Sonny’s ‘protection’ AND Jason right there with him, and he was still raped in prison. 

If you mean Sonny's "protection" with Sonny calling off the deal that Jason made with Anthony Zacharra (who was in prison at the time) before Jason got there, leaving several hours that left Michael vulnerable while Jason was being processed. So yes, Spencer is in heaps of trouble if Sonny goes on some narcissistic power trip. This should how brain washed Jason was: he still followed Sonny after leaving Michael open like that to satisfy his own ego. 

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On 8/11/2022 at 9:18 AM, ouinason said:

I missed a bit, so I have to ask.  Did Dante really want Sam to move into Lulu's house with him?  That's a joke right?  It's LULU's house, as in Dante gave up claim to it in the divorce.  Why would he even be living there?

For Rocco, I guess, but he was insensitive dink asking Sam to move in there.

Anyway, pitting him against Scotty and Serena, two characters the audience actually likes, is not the play here.  And it feels like this would be the moment to reintroduce Serena to the canvas, but they won't, which will only make the viewers resent Cody's presence more.

They seem to make an effort not to cast Serena when she would have been useful for several characters they try to make happen. Meanwhile they've sweated buckets trying to twist things around to make Nelle and Willow freaking Nina's kids.

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2 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

If you mean Sonny's "protection" with Sonny calling off the deal that Jason made with Anthony Zacharra (who was in prison at the time) before Jason got there, leaving several hours that left Michael vulnerable while Jason was being processed. So yes, Spencer is in heaps of trouble if Sonny goes on some narcissistic power trip. 

My eyebrows raised when Sonny talked about his people inside. IIRC, when Sonny was in prison, he sustained several "accidental injuries". None of his  people were on the inside then? 

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I remember all sorts of people barging into Sonny's penthouse despite having a guard on duty at all times. Max couldn't even stop Lila. The most competent person in Sonny's organization was Jason.

Edited by Mirabelle
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This storyline is so stupid. You are gonna shoot up this guy who was in a medically induced coma, an expect him to wake up bright eyed and bushytailed . can't even with these stupid people.

That eyeshadow is very purple. I don't like it on Jordan. 

LOL "my mother was the very beautiful and very wealthy Dominque Stanton." so that's really all you care about, Bearded Wonder. She was pretty and she's rich.  Oh Bearded Wonder. "Scott stole from me because if Dominque was the love of his life - she woulda told him about me." oh shut up.

Britt is awesome. "What if the story isn't true." 

"I see the same thing in his eyes that I see in Serena's eyes. Dominque's eyes"- Scott
"THAT'S IT?! That's all you're going with"- Lisel. (I love you).

Britt thinks her only shot with true love was with Jason. Gag me with a ski pole. 

Right. "I found out that Sonny was my dad after he shot me." and that was when you stopped being cool.

Trina: I am glad that you stood up for your principles. 
Curtis: Portia don't you have to go break your principles?

Bearded Wonder is still going how "Scott spent my inheritance." fool, shut up. this is what bugged me so much with the Austin thing. You're not entitled to it. You are allowed to be pissed off that you weren't included and Ill totally take the soapy rivalry and everything but Dominque had every right to NOT give you her money, and Serena doesn't even have ANY of it. it was her money to spend and she spent it (i mean.. i'm more upset that serena didn't even save a BIT for a rainy day but hey go save those whales, girl). like come on. 

Jordan....you suck. Rory. you're stupid.  Portia, i hope you lose your license. 

back to playing Xenoblade.

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I'm not a lawyer but can the jury be interrupted in deliberations with new evidence? It seems to me that the only person who can make a difference is the DA who can drop the charges, and it doesn't make sense that it would happen on such flimsy evidence.

Is this show trying to get me to hate Cody? This massive chip on his shoulder about Scott is even less attractive than his conning Britt.And while there can be something interesting about an intelligent charming villain, Cody has neither intelligence nor charm.

Scott, if Dominique wanted to leave money to Cody, she could have put it in a trust fund before she died.

Why are they talking about hiding Cody from his father to protect him and no one mentions Obrecht hiding Nathan with her sister for the same reason? If the writers have forgotten the actors shouldn't have.

Portia: "Where was this concern when it was TJ willing to risk his career?"  Nice, Curtis. You care more about Portia than your own nephew.

Now I can hate Jordan as well as Curtis and Portia for abusing Oz by risking his life for a longshot.

OMG wrap this Trina trial up!  (I spent a lot of time in a hospital when I was Trina's age but I never went in my bathing suit and cut-off short.)

On 8/11/2022 at 11:20 AM, Katy M said:

she was Dominique's half sister.

I wonder if they will bring this into the story.

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Every story is the stupidest version it could be.

News flash, Trina: If more evidence is uncovered after the jury comes back with a verdict, Diane can appeal. I know it's cold comfort, but it's something. And anyway, you and Spencer will be making goo-goo eyes at each other in Pentonville, so you have that to look forward to.

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22 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I'm not a lawyer but can the jury be interrupted in deliberations with new evidence? It seems to me that the only person who can make a difference is the DA who can drop the charges, and it doesn't make sense that it would happen on such flimsy evidence.

I don’t think there’s really anything either side could do at this point. Any evidence they obtained now would just be if she’s found guilty and they want to appeal. But I’m not sure that is some bombshell evidence that would even make a difference there since it would at most add some reasonable doubt. 

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26 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Every story is the stupidest version it could be.

News flash, Trina: If more evidence is uncovered after the jury comes back with a verdict, Diane can appeal. I know it's cold comfort, but it's something. And anyway, you and Spencer will be making goo-goo eyes at each other in Pentonville, so you have that to look forward to.

it's like i said. all of these idiots are thinking, whomever injects Bartender Dude with the fast wakeup drug, will do it and he would be all "Omg! you'd never believe what happened! Esme drugged me, because I told her about Curtis and Hatman and how you were looking into the black market cellphone that she bought to do something nefarious! Wait what? you want me to testify for you? SURE!! just get me a wheechair and let's zoom on out of here!!"

What Dianne should have done was ask for a continuance based on the fact that their key witness was in a coma before  the jury went to deliberations. ADA Cow would probably object that because as TJ pointed out it could take months for him to actually wake up an that his cognitive abilities might not be there.  like it's so frustratingly stupid. 

Edited by Daisy
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This story is so incredibly dumb. I'm gonna go ahead and say it, when Portia tries to get Oz out of his coma, I hope he dies. Don't care if Portia goes to jail to keep Trina company. Leave things alone. And Jordan essentially helping her by pulling the elevator alarm. Way to go!

Actions have consequences for everyone not named or Corinthos adjacent. You dummies are neither.

I just can't with Cody and his entitlement. Your mother left you, and left all her money to your half-sister. Your half-sister spent all of it. Nobody gives a flying fuck about you or your list of grievances. Go milk a horse or something.

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How long has Trina's jury been deliberating? I can't believe it would take longer than 1 or maybe 2 days (if that) to come to a conclusion about this ridiculous case. 

(Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, but I have served as executor for several people). Why does Cody (or anyone) assume that just being offspring of someone means that they have an inheritance? This isn't some Victorian novel. Unless someone dies intestate, the distribution of their property is totally up to them. If they don't specify someone (directly or indirectly) to inherit something, the only recourse is to challenge the will. That doesn't mean that someone (Scotty) "stole" your inheritance. If Cody could prove Scott's undue influence AND that he's actually Dominique's son, maybe he'd get somewhere. 

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I'm not a lawyer but can the jury be interrupted in deliberations with new evidence? 

I'm not a lawyer, either, but no.   However, if they get the evidence and then have someone drop the dime on Sonny's jury tampering and then there would be a mistrial and the new evidence can be introduced at the new trial.

9 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

(Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, but I have served as executor for several people). Why does Cody (or anyone) assume that just being offspring of someone means that they have an inheritance? This isn't some Victorian novel. Unless someone dies intestate, the distribution of their property is totally up to them. If they don't specify someone (directly or indirectly) to inherit something, the only recourse is to challenge the will. That doesn't mean that someone (Scotty) "stole" your inheritance. If Cody could prove Scott's undue influence AND that he's actually Dominique's son, maybe he'd get somewhere. 

Also isn't there a time limit?  Dominique has been dead for over 20 years.

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5 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Dominique has been dead for over 20 years.

More like 30 years.  And why now?  Same with Austin.  Why go looking for money, acknowledgement years later? 

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Anybody else miss the entire show because ABCDuh  couldn't wait an hour to report "news"?

I can watch On Demand tomorrow but if they're going to show today's episode on Monday I'll wait. Doesn't sound like I missed much anyway. As per usual.

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8 minutes ago, ciarra said:

More like 30 years.  And why now?  Same with Austin.  Why go looking for money, acknowledgement years later? 

IKR? Most people don't have the kind of estates that generate income for decades (I'm thinking like authors, musicians, or other artists). If you're lucky, there's enough in the estate to pay off outstanding debts and help your beneficiaries out a bit, but when it's gone, it's gone. Maybe you'd get some psychological satisfaction out of "winning" or getting acknowledgement, but just going through the effort would be draining (and expensive) so perhaps not practically worth it. 

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28 minutes ago, ciarra said:

More like 30 years.  And why now?  Same with Austin.  Why go looking for money, acknowledgement years later? 

and the hilarious thing is "if you were the love of her life, you woulda known about me," so pout pout pout. that's assuming that people are brute crystal clear honesty and NO one does. likewhy not just try to get to know Scott + Serena and the see what Dominque was like and then decide to get mad, vs. being upse that you didn't get 1/2 of what you WEREN'T entitled to?

Same with Austin.he comes to town and bursts into the Q's life with a law suit + then gets all pissy that the Q's don't want to get to know him and "only cares about the business." well no crap. because YOUR first play was suing them for shares you thought you were entitled to, you dumbo.

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Honestly, Cody was freaking lucky that he wasn't raised in that family.  Serena was literally raised in hiding for years because of those people, and then kidnapped!  I don't blame her at all for divesting herself of it for a good cause as soon as she was legally able.  it was all such a mess.

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I lost the last 5 minutes due to a storm, can someone fill me in??

I can't with all these ghouls circling around the bartender's room. The guy sold somebody a burner phone, and they are acting like he totally deserves to die if it means baby girl won't spend a few nights in prison! Even after Trina expressed that she did not want him woken up! Please tell me Jordan did not end up joining in the stupidity. I can never like any of these people again. 

And Cody has officially gone from annoying and tedious to offensive and gross.  Poor KT. 

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OMFG, Cody is an incredible asshole.  Even if--IF--Dominique had told Scott she had a son, she left him NOTHING in her will, hence, she didn't want to.  None of that is Scott's fault and Cody acting like a toddler who got a toy taken away from him is ridiculous.  I just...Flames.  Flames on the side of my face...

I cannot one second longer with this stupid trial/wake up the bartender bullshit.  As has been said, even if he wakes up, the jury has already been out.  Are they going to wheel the guy into the courtroom to testify?  And let's not even get into the collusion with waking him up from his coma.  Maybe while they're at it they can check the donor registry and see if anyone needs a kidney...

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33 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

I lost the last 5 minutes due to a storm, can someone fill me in??

Jordan figured out that Portia wants to wake Oz up, so she pulled the alarm in the elevator so Rory ran to help, leaving Portia to go in and inject Oz.  

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

In NYS a spouse can't be disinherited, but I think everyone else is at the discretion of the testator.

How long before Austin and Cody meet and form the we-wuz-robbed club? Gah.

Minor children that the deceased was financially responsible for also can't be disinherited, for obvious reasons.

1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Jordan figured out that Portia wants to wake Oz up, so she pulled the alarm in the elevator so Rory ran to help, leaving Portia to go in and inject Oz.  

  If he dies she should be prosecuted for 1st degree murder.  I know she's not trying to kill him, but this has to be a felony.  

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On 8/11/2022 at 11:18 AM, Kim0820 said:

I didn't think of the name Bell as anything until yesterday, when I realized there was a Katherine Bell.  All I recall is she fell off the parapet?  Had an affair with Nicholas?

On 8/11/2022 at 11:20 AM, Katy M said:

she was Dominique's half sister.

Cody really being Katherine's, not Dominque's, son would make a ton more sense and I am hoping for that reveal. Katherine was a social climber and if it was too late for her to get an abortion, she would have given the kid up in order to be more attractive to rich men. Dominque came off as a kind person and died a slow death. I think she would have tried to get in contact with Cody and set up a trust fund. Katherine was murdered, so she didn't have enough time to get her affairs in order. Since Lynn Herring is married to Wayne Northrop, who played Serena's second kidnapper and great uncle, Rex Stanton, bring him back as the one lying to and manipulating Cody in order to get at Serena's inheritance again. He did it before with Serena's other aunt, Danielle. Since Dominque got her money through a previous marriage, Cody being Katherine's son would be of no use to Rex.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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No, you cannot introduce new evidence once the trial has concluded, and the jury is deliberating. I guess they’re not even trying to get some stuff right. 

Everything about this trial, including the investigation, has been lame. 

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8 hours ago, lala2 said:

No, you cannot introduce new evidence once the trial has concluded, and the jury is deliberating. I guess they’re not even trying to get some stuff right. 

Everything about this trial, including the investigation, has been lame. 

It's almost as ridiculous as Logan's murder trial.

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There is no aspect of this “wake up the bartender” story that isn’t completely ridiculous, and the fact that I watched several episodes in a row doesn’t help my rage.

  • Why was TJ, who just became a doctor and so should have a pretty good memory of his Hippocratic Oath, so eager to throw his entire career away for Trina? Does he even know her?
  • Why are none of these medical “professionals” concerned about the health of the patient? Yes, I know he’s not on contract, but that doesn’t make him day player trash.
  • Why isn’t Portia considering the fact that if she kills him, she’s likely killing Trina’s only chance for an appeal? If he dies, everything he knows dies with him.
  • Why isn’t supposedly level-headed Curtis pointing out this fact, instead of only being concerned about what will happen to Portia if she gets caught?
  • WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK THEY CAN INTRODUCE NEW EVIDENCE DURING JURY DELIBERATIONS? Have none of these writers been to TV court school? (There are so many shows, so many ways to earn a degree.)

Sorry, I know much of this has been covered, but this is bugging the everliving shit out of me and I had to vent.

I will take a seat at the Maxie+Spinelli tiny table, if you’ll have me. That was actually the only time I’ve (kind of) liked Spinelli, so if he has to be around (does he, really?) might as well put them back together. Besides, Maxie and Austin are just zzzzz.

Baby Jason is a bore, Joss is an obnoxious bore, so of course they’re going to get together. I wouldn’t care except for the fact that this love triangle (assuming the show remembers Cam exists) is just going to mean more Joss Time, and nobody needs that.

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17 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Every story is the stupidest version it could be.

News flash, Trina: If more evidence is uncovered after the jury comes back with a verdict, Diane can appeal. I know it's cold comfort, but it's something. And anyway, you and Spencer will be making goo-goo eyes at each other in Pentonville, so you have that to look forward to.

It does seem like they are both headed to Pentonville, right?  I'm not thrilled they're going to imprison Trina for something she didn't do.  But it looks like this is where it's headed.   And with how many times Sonny warned Spencer to keep his mouth shut, I assume that's an anvil dropping and Spencer doesn't keep his mouth shut, likely defending Trina.  Spencer ends up beaten nearly to death.  Redemption.  

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Baby Jason is a bore, Joss is an obnoxious bore, so of course they’re going to get together. I wouldn’t care except for the fact that this love triangle (assuming the show remembers Cam exists) is just going to mean more Joss Time, and nobody needs that.

As much as I want Cam to be free of that anchor named Joss, I'm really afraid of what the writers will do to him to justify Joss breaking up with him because it's absolutely impossible for a teen couple to just decide they wanted to see other people on a soap. One of them will get destroyed, characterization wise, and we know that won't be Joss.

Maybe Cam won't be able to cut it academically at academic powerhouse Port Charles University and will have to transfer to his back up school, Stanford, who will magically still have that full ride scholarship available for him.

Edited by Mirabelle
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1 hour ago, Mirabelle said:

As much as I want Cam to be free of that anchor named Joss, I'm really afraid of what the writers will do to him to justify Joss breaking up with him because it's absolutely impossible for a teen couple to just decide they wanted to see other people on a soap. One of them will get destroyed, characterization wise, and we know that won't be Joss.

Maybe Cam won't be able to cut it academically at academic powerhouse Port Charles University and will have to transfer to his back up school, Stanford, who will magically still have that full ride scholarship available for him.

easy. before Joss wasn't going to talk to him ever in life because he actually hated the mob. All Cam has to do now is say that he gets where Nina was coming from and poof relationship is over.

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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

Minor children that the deceased was financially responsible for also can't be disinherited, for obvious reasons.

Right; I was talking about adults and should have made that clear.

13 minutes ago, Daisy said:

All Cam has to do now is say that he gets where Nina was coming from and poof relationship is over.

LOl. Or Cam will tell Joss he wants to talk about something other than Nina for 5 seconds, and Joss hisses "betraaaaaayal" and they're dunzo. 

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2 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

Maybe Cam won't be able to cut it academically at academic powerhouse Port Charles University and will have to transfer to his back up school, Stanford

And rekindle his relationship with Emma, who, after not getting into PCU, had to settle for her safety school of UC Berkeley.

3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I will take a seat at the Maxie+Spinelli tiny table, if you’ll have me. That was actually the only time I’ve (kind of) liked Spinelli, so if he has to be around (does he, really?)

No, he doesn't!  And therein lies my problem.  Back in the day I didn't mind Maxie and Spinelli, but that ship has sailed because Spinelli has become insufferable.

27 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Cam will tell Joss he wants to talk about something other than Nina for 5 seconds, and Joss hisses "betraaaaaayal" and they're dunzo. 

"Joss, you know I'm dealing with a lot with my mother--can we table the Nina talk?"

"You know, I thought I knew you, but if you can't put aside your mom going crazy to support me, then...it's like you just don't care about me at all."

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9 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

No, he doesn't!  And therein lies my problem.  Back in the day I didn't mind Maxie and Spinelli, but that ship has sailed because Spinelli has become insufferable.

My problem with Spixie, other than my utter hatred for Spinelli's bullshit moral code, (reminder: he knew that Dante, who was Lulu's boyfriend, was going to be killed by Sonny and did nothing and no one called him out on it. Lulu never even knew) was JFP/Guza constantly giving me the message that poor, unattractive Spinelli was the one making shallow Maxie a deeper, when the reverse was true. Maxie dragged Spinelli to Georgie's room to show him that Georgie was more than the stupid nickname he gave her, in order to get her to help him catch whoever killed her and her boyfriend at the time. 

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On 8/10/2022 at 8:16 PM, ulkis said:

BA's wife makes enough to support them. He goes on GH for a little extra I guess and for the heck of it. I do wonder if he makes enough to offset his commute even which is 7 hours driving.

Tangentially related, does RoHo still live in NY? That’s a hell of a commute for a whole lot of nothing. I know the phone call about the rental property was supposed to be “mysterious,” but the scene was really cringe-y.

All I remember from Friday’s episode is that Brook Kerr knocked it out of the park. That’s was material ripe for scenery-chewing and she did not.

Previews have Finn talking about Liz, so assuming her story will advance…via him, of course. 

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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

so eager to throw his entire career away for Trina? Does he even know her?

HIs uncle is in a relationship and living with her mother and they had scenes with all the Ashfords, including Stella and Marshall when they moved in together, so they aren't complete strangers.  

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Sometimes kids who are angry at their parents start dreaming that they are adopted and their real parents would love and treat them better. This is where Cody is not -- if Scott hadn't been such a terrible person, he would have brought Cody to live with them and raised him with money and Cody would have everything he wanted. The only problem: Cody isn't 14, he's in his forties (going by DZ;s age).

When we last saw Sasha, she was almost comatose and about to go before the judge with Martin to find out her fate. That was three episodes ago. We've seen Martin since, with Lucy and Spencer, but no word on what happened to Sasha.

The pacing on this show is terrible.

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It cracked me up that Jordan asked Rory if Oz showed signs of waking up and Rory says no. Thanks for the diagnosis, Dr. Rookie Cop. And I can't take more of this crap. Everyone thinking Oz will come out of his coma with no side effects at all and be able to instantly tell them he sold the burner phone to Esmé is absurd. 

I want Jordan and Portia to go to jail. They suck.

I've also had it with Cody's resentment of Scott, who knew nothing about him until about three hours ago. It's not Scott's fault Dominique didn't tell him about Cody, and it's not Scott's fault there's no more of her money to go to Cody.

Just now, statsgirl said:

The pacing on this show is terrible.

It's the worst. Not only are some stories dropped for way too long, but the ones we do see drag on interminably.

So Scott can drop charges against Cody and the DA won't press charges, but Joss and Cam decline to press charges in the first place against Trina and she's likely on her way to Pentonville? Okay, Show.

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18 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

. Katherine was a social climber and if it was too late for her to get an abortion, she would have given the kid up in order to be more attractive to rich men. Dominque came off as a kind person and died a slow death.

It would make so much more sense to have him be Katherine’s kid if they are hell bent on tying him to someone.  As we’ve said before Dominique WOULD NEVER have not told Scotty about having a kid, especially after they went to such great lengths to have Serena so they could have a child of their own.  Why would they completely change the personality of a character whose been dead for like 20+???  MAKES NO SENSE.

And OK if I were to buy into this huge lie that Dominique kept from the love of her life even at her death bed (which I DON’T.) it doesn’t entitle Cody to a damn thing.  There are plenty of hugely rich people out there that have specifically said their children won’t inherit their billions, they are leaving it all to charity or to whomever the hell they choose.  Just because his mom had money doesn’t mean he has any claim to that money. 

8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Why are none of these medical “professionals” concerned about the health of the patient? Yes, I know he’s not on contract, but that doesn’t make him day player trash.

It’s actually making me feel really badly for him.  First he’s drugged now he might be killed all over selling someone a burner phone which as we’ve pointed out multiple times IS NOT ILLEGAL.  Horrible.

Edited by mostlylurking
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12 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

It’s actually making me feel really badly for him.  First he’s drugged now he might be killed all over selling someone a burner phone which as we’ve pointed out multiple times IS NOT ILLEGAL.  Horrible.

None of them care about his life. Maybe they should've brought in his mother or given him a kid. There is something very dehumanizing about the way they decided to write around this character.

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50 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I've also had it with Cody's resentment of Scott, who knew nothing about him until about three hours ago. It's not Scott's fault Dominique didn't tell him about Cody, and it's not Scott's fault there's no more of her money to go to Cody.

Cody out there acting like Scott should've, upon losing and mourning the love of his life, thought "hmmm, maybe I should see if she has any secret children out there that deserve some of her money."  Shut up, you asshole.  He really is acting like a petulant adolescent. 

52 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It cracked me up that Jordan asked Rory if Oz showed signs of waking up and Rory says no. Thanks for the diagnosis, Dr. Rookie Cop.

I love how he apparently only has time off to coincide with Trina's trial or when she's hanging at the MetroCourt.  Otherwise, he's on the job!  Must be exhausting be PC's only patrolman.

53 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I can't take more of this crap. Everyone thinking Oz will come out of his coma with no side effects at all and be able to instantly tell them he sold the burner phone to Esmé is absurd.

It's gross that Portia is going to revive him and immediately start grilling him.  She should seriously lose her license.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

So Scott can drop charges against Cody and the DA won't press charges, but Joss and Cam decline to press charges in the first place against Trina and she's likely on her way to Pentonville? Okay, Show.

i think from TV Show Law School - some cases even if the individual doesn't press charges, the state can. i can't remember all the cases, but  i suppose revenge porn distribution falls under that prevue. 

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In parts of Canada, Intimate Partner Violence and child abuse are always charged by the police so that the assaulted person doesn't have to be responsible for making the assaulter even angrier.

The stupid thing is that the PCPD didn't keep investigating after Trina was surprised to see a second phone in her bag and Joss and Cameron both insisted that she didn't do it. And even more stupid that the ADA still insists that Trina did it.

1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

It's gross that Portia is going to revive him and immediately start grilling him.  She should seriously lose her license.

Totally.  I assume that we are supposed to be siding with Portia who will do anything to help her daughter but it's taken so long to get to this (pacing!), the audience has had lots of time to think about Oz and make him a sympathetic person.

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15 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The stupid thing is that the PCPD didn't keep investigating after Trina was surprised to see a second phone in her bag and Joss and Cameron both insisted that she didn't do it. And even more stupid that the ADA still insists that Trina did it.

which begs the question- where the eff is Robert? he has the power to tell his office don't bother. why go through this rigermorle?

And- again. if you were gonna have Trina whine for several months about this
A: Joss should have thought that Trina Did it (fracturing that friendship and #savingTrina)
B: not make this a criminal trial but focus on school and have the school split
C: Esme not being the one releasing it. 
D: Joss being the one who actually filmed them, thus freeing Cam when he figured it out

i still find it bonkers that the ADA went straight to "revenge porn" and not "sex tape hijinks"

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Yes, if there is enough evidence to proceed on a case, the prosecutor’s office can do so without the cooperation of the witness, but they can also choose to drop a case. I’m not a prosecutor, but in my experience (I am a DV/family lawyer), they dismiss cases all the time when my clients aren’t interested in pursuing them. 

Call me cynical, but I can’t see any real life prosecutor’s office pursuing this revenge porn case if Josslyn/Cameron weren’t cooperative and were adamant the person accused had not done it. At the very least, I could see the DA asking PCPD to look into it more. 

Edited by lala2
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