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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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13 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

As much as I am fond of FH, you're right. I don't see any way her character can be resolved and Anna is rapidly moving past her expiration date.

The only way to redeem Anna at this point, I think, is that Alex didn't die when she went in the water all those years ago. Anna was switched not too long after and Anna is in some cell sonewhere, dun dun dun. Alex had her brain remapped with Anna's memories, but the thing is that Alex is NOT Anna so in her DNA, she'll have a relationship with a man like Valentine, while Anna wouldn't. She doesn't truly know the inner workings of the PCPD and how a commissioner works, so we're getting, uhm, this. She would have the feels for a mob lackey like Jason. 

And Emma spent a lot more time with Anna when she was younger. She knew Anna. But, now, so much time has passed. Now, she's in her rebellious phase. Anna seeming different doesn't mean she's not grandma, but rather that OH MY GOD! SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ME!! UGH!!

As for her blood condition... well, there's a big bad working at the hospital who covers that up, but that's a whole other head canon story, lol.

Anyway, that's my personal Anna head canon to make sense of what we're seeing on screen, cuz, otherwise... yeah, I dunno, I just can't. 

Edited by driver18
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9 minutes ago, driver18 said:

As for her blood condition... well, there's a big bad working at the hospital who covers that up, but that's a whole other head canon story, lol.

I will accept someone messing with Anna's treatment to explain her unexplainable behavior. The show loves doing this, and at least has a chronic disorder already and it wouldn't be a retcon.

They could also have her be soul-sick and decide to quit law enforcement altogether—with all that's happened, that's not so farfetched—but then there's the problem of what she'd do instead. The writing has been awful for Anna for so long.

1 minute ago, ciarra said:

I get that Lois is invested in Gio's wellbeing and happiness, but why is Sonny?  He's handing Gio his "school trip" money like he's psychically aware on some level that the kid is his relative.

Uncle Sonny is a family friend. I don't think it goes deeper than that right now.

Edited by dubbel zout
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The only thing two things I care to comment on today:

It's nice to see the trend continues of KSt wearing clothes that look good on her, as opposed to the blanket/curtains/trash bag-resembling clothing that the Show had on the Maxie character for a few years.

Alexis, it's Chase and Dante's fault that Danny ran off to confront Cyrus about his mother's death. NuLucas gets to mention Elizabeth and Lucky but yet, no sign of them at the hospital. Alexis remembering Sam through rose-colored glasses is disappointing but understandable, and I really liked the Alexis-NuLucas mourning/bonding hug.

Again, no Elizabeth or Lucky in previews. 


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Someone should drop Brennan is a vat of acid.

I swear, this Carlys worship is abominable. Joss will be great in any situation. She's so awesome. Serve, Joss. Protect, Joss. STFU, dude. Looking forward to you getting the Carly treatment when she finally finds out what you're up to with her kid and she goes into full barracuda mode.

I'm assuming that Drew will validate Jason's alibi, especially with Willow standing there. We know how much he wants to be her hero so that she can continue worshipping him and degrading herself.

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I guess we're supposed to think that a DA who rightly calls Anna out and wants to treat criminals like criminals is a villain. Nope.

I had to smile when Brad saved himself by selling Portia out. I'm sure it will come back to bite him, though.

It's like they're turning Kai into Spencer 2.0, what with him gazing at Trina like she's the Dalai Lama who is opening new worlds to him. The whole "the way you speak about art makes me love art and realize you are the most fascinating woman in the world" crap is so unbelievable and boring. 

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I expected Drew to deny Jason's alibi but maybe having Willow there is force him to pretend to be noble and get Jason off the hook.

Nice of Alexis being willing to take on the tour of telling everyone about Sam's death. Thinking of them more than they thought of her

8 hours ago, Artsda said:

Brennan framing Jason will make Joss fold. 

Nope. She's protecting herself. As soon as Brennan said Jason would never be convicted, she folded. Like no one has ever been convicted of murder if a body wasn't found.

1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

It's nice to see the trend continues of KSt wearing clothes that look good on her, as opposed to the blanket/curtains/trash bag-resembling clothing that the Show had on the Maxie character for a few years.

KSt has lost a lot of weight in the past few months so now she is allowed to look attractive. Genie is now the only one being punished for not being a size 2. It's a sexist show.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Someone should drop Brennan is a vat of acid.

I swear, this Carlys worship is abominable. Joss will be great in any situation. She's so awesome. Serve, Joss. Protect, Joss. STFU, dude. Looking forward to you getting the Carly treatment when she finally finds out what you're up to with her kid and she goes into full barracuda mode.

So very much looking forward to that. This Brennan is almost as bad as Cyrus for sleaze.

I still have no idea why the WSB would want to recruit Joss. Surely they can do much better. Even Dex was better.

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So many questions after today . . . 

In what world does a grown powerful strong loves with her whole heart woman go to a man's place of business to discuss what has basically been a high school level flirtation?

In what world do visitors at a security agency even get past the front door without some form of security --  like even a "visitor" badge? 

How did Carly get out of Brennan's office without running into Joss?

How did Carly get to the PCPD so quickly? Does Brennan's office have a wormhole? 

Where, except in Port Charles, does a DA have the executive power to remove a police commissioner from an investigation? (without even a conference, even though everything that's been said about weepy Anna's Jasonlove is true)

What investigative agency that brings a person in to corroborate an alibi would conduct the questioning in a public space, with the accused standing there, after providing the questionee with all the information necessary to tailor a story? 

Edited by rur
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17 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

As another poster noted awhile back, I think we're headed for CarSon Chapter 156. There really aren't any other age-appropriate pairings left for her now, other than Martin, and he's clearly not her type. Plus, when the connection between Noted Bigot Natalia and Jenz Sidwell comes out, Sonny won't have any options either, other than going back to Nina.

That might’ve been me. The new Brennan is so low energy, he killed every ounce of spark the character had with LW. CarSon 156 could’ve been the plan all along, and CM’s charm threw it out of kilter.

I watched during the BTG’s commercials and I’m starting to think the “Joss could be a fantastic spy” was a Brennan ploy to blackmail Jason into becoming one. It would make more sense and could be a good exit story for SB when he gets done.

But who am I to try and make sene of this craziness.

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Carly, you're always interrupting. 

10 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm assuming that Drew will validate Jason's alibi, especially with Willow standing there. We know how much he wants to be her hero so that she can continue worshipping him and degrading herself.

I'm all for watching Drew choke on giving Jason the alibi. I doubt Willow would think well of Drew if he lied about Jason. She still likes him, I think.

1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

I had to smile when Brad saved himself by selling Portia out. I'm sure it will come back to bite him, though.

It's Brad, so unfortunately, yes. Ugh, I don't need to see Curtis and Portia get on their high horses with him. At least Brad's info on Portia is solid and professionally damning.

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17 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm assuming that Drew will validate Jason's alibi, especially with Willow standing there. We know how much he wants to be her hero so that she can continue worshipping him and degrading herself.

Exactly what I thought.   At first, I expected he would like, but since Willow is with him, he'll be all about playing the hero.   But I'm actually hoping he DOES lie so when the truth comes out Willow (maybe at the same time she learns he was screwing her mother) she'll see him for the scum he is.  

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16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

So very much looking forward to that. This Brennan is almost as bad as Cyrus for sleaze.

I think this is the Brennan that the writer's intended him to be when he first appeared in Port Charles.   But for some reason (Carly I assume), they changed course and put all the sleaze on Cates.   If Charles Measure had stayed in the role, I bet Brennan would still be the charming charmer that charms.   Since he left and they had to recast, the writers put Brennan back on track with his underhanded "charm." 

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23 minutes ago, sas616 said:

 But I'm actually hoping he DOES lie so when the truth comes out Willow (maybe at the same time she learns he was screwing her mother) she'll see him for the scum he is. 

Willow is so starry-eyed toward Drew that I think it will take more than lying about Jason to get her to finally see what a user and manipulator he is. 

12 minutes ago, sas616 said:

the writers put Brennan back on track with his underhanded "charm." 

I'm enjoying the moral dilemma he's put Joss in, but it's so temporary—we know Drew will probably confirm Jason's alibi. She won't have to confess anything. Once again, anyone coming up against Jason has to be stupid so he can always triumph.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Willow is so starry-eyed toward Drew that I think it will take more than lying about Jason to get her to finally see what a user and manipulator he is. 

Yup. Even a few weeks ago, she was whining to Drew or someone how it was so unfair that a cold blooded killer like Jason was able to walk around free. When the last time they shared scenes, she had pilfered drugs to treat his gunshot wound when Jaysus first shows up again last year.

This NOT!Brennan is so unbelievable as the head of the WSB. And his machinations to recruit mini Cujo makes no sense to me.

What did make sense, and was written much better, was the “test” given to Anna Donnelly as she had applied , I think, to become an agent like her dad, Sean did. Remember that murder mystery at that castle in Ireland, I think it was?

Compare that, to whatever MiniCujo is doing, makes her look like playing dress up. MiniCujo, that is.

Then there’s the Cujo, acting all insecure over NOT!Brennan’s intentions. 🤢🤢🤢🤢

The Good? The new ADA ripping Anna a new one. Then they had to undo all that by having Anna tell her Jason had an alibi.

Well, I’m headed to da ✈️, so “see” y’all in two weeks!

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When Brennan was listing the reasons that Joss would be a good spy, her natural charm, her strategic mind, I was 🤮

Yes, when Kristina fell out of the window, Joss sprang into action. Because SHE'S THE LIFEGUARD.  She may want justice but she's also impulsive, judgemental and always thinks that she knows better than everyone else.

Joss is really stupid if she thinks that Brennan is on the side of justice when he's just set up Jason to take the fall for her. (Again, even if there is no body found, people have been convicted of murder.)  The only way I could get behind this story is if it takes Joss off the show to go do spy stuff. Send her to Barcelona like Jake

Drew lived up to my expectation of him and lied about being with Jason. Are they going to kill him now? Because given everything that he's done on the show, when Willow finds out that he's lied.

Ouch than anvil of Tracy saying to Gio: "You're not a Quartermaine. But if you were, you'd be a better addition than Drew."

Carly to Willow: "Wake up! You're having an affair with a man that doesn't exist."  

ADA: "You expect me to take the word of a career criminal over a US congressman?" Carly: "Have you seen the people in Congress?"  Don't make me like Carly, show.

Chase finally took my advice to ask Finn for a sperm donation. Brook Lynn's refusal is weak sauce. Why would a child be

Trina and Kai have artistically placed paint on their blindingly white coveralls but there are no drops of paint on the floor. At least Kai is getting art therapy now.

We need another expression for "begs the question" because doesn't mean what the characters on this show want it to mean.

Have a good trip @GHScorpiosRule!

Edited by statsgirl
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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Chase finally took my advice to ask Finn for a sperm donation.

Any baby he raises is a baby of his own. I know, genes. But given that Finn is an addict, do they really want that possibility baked in? 

Tracy stripping Drew of the Quartermaine name is excellently petty. I heartily approve.

6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Drew lived up to my expectation of him and lied about being with Jason. Are they going to kill him now? Because given everything that he's done on the show, when Willow finds out that he's lied.

Carly will do it with no hesitation.

Edited by dubbel zout
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30 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Trina and Kai have artistically placed paint on their blindingly white coveralls but there are no drops of paint on the floor. At least Kai is getting art therapy now.

And not with a serial killer!!

31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Joss is really stupid if she thinks that Brennan is on the side of justice when he's just set up Jason to take the fall for her. (Again, even if there is no body found, people have been convicted of murder.)  The only way I could get behind this story is if it takes Joss off the show to go do spy stuff. Send her to Barcelona like Jake

Joss has a turnip for a brain. But she's allegedly smart, so . . . 

I think Drew is going to end up dead and that might be the best thing to happen to poor Scout. At least she'll be back with her brothers and a father who really cares about her.

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I had to laugh at Brennan trying to recruit Joss. Everything he says about covert life is total anathema to her! She can't keep her mouth shut. She does need credit for her work. She found Cyrus because he pointed her to him. That won't happen on other cases; Joss will be expected to figure things out on her own. He has no idea if she can do that. Why is he pushing her so hard to join up?

Joss is an idiot not to think things over more carefully. Brennan not letting her do that should be a huge red flag, but she's too inexperienced to know that.

It's so gross to watch Drew love-bomb Willow and she's completely fooled by it.

LOL that the only way Kai and Trina can kiss is when she falls off the ladder and they're on the same level for a change.

I really hope it won't take Anna to long to start suspecting that the WSB/Brennan might have something to do with Cyrus's death. The fact that the cabin was spotless except for Jason's DNA, and that Jason said the hit was professional (hee), should immediately ring a few bells. But Anna has to be stupid for this to continue. Ugh.

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I had to laugh at Brennan trying to recruit Joss. Everything he says about covert life is total anathema to her! She can't keep her mouth shut. She does need credit for her work. She found Cyrus because he pointed her to him. That won't happen on other cases; Joss will be expected to figure things out on her own. He has no idea if she can do that. Why is he pushing her so hard to join up?

Maybe this is an overly-complicated scheme to get Jason over a barrel? I don't know. I think that's the direction I would go in if I were told to write the rest of this story and could do what I wanted.

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Maybe when she finds out everything he has done, including all his manipulation of her, Willow will kill Drew in a moment of rage (ala teen Laura and her older lover, um, was it David?). Anyway, this will lead to Willow's total breakdown and her finally coming to terms with all her cult brainwashing and she can emerge anew.

I think Kai suffered a TBI in that football injury if he thinks Trina's artwork was good. 🤭 

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14 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


Joss is an idiot not to think things over more carefully. Brennan not letting her do that should be a huge red flag, but she's too inexperienced to know that.

These writers . . . The FBI, the CIA, and the Secret Service want their agents to have a college degree, but the WSB doesn't*? Apparently Joss has never watched any crime shows on TV. Otherwise, she might realize that something is amiss. There was no discussion of  training (which we know Anna and Valentin had) or even compensation, just some flag waving and "don't tell anyone about our super-secret plan." It would have at least made a little more sense if Brennan had offered her a position as an intern. 


*Yeah, I know -- Frisco probably didn't, but he did have some real-world experience, both from capers with Robert and as a cop. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Tracy stripping Drew of the Quartermaine name is excellently petty. I heartily approve.

Did I miss something, why were Lois, Ned, Olivia and Gio getting their panties in a bunch because Drew going back to being a Cain versus a Q would suddenly make Scout feel less than?  Ned and BLQ were going by Ashton before they decided to switch over and they weren't less than.  Michael, Wylie and Amelia are   Corinthos, yet still Qs by blood.   Danny is a Morgan, and yet still Qs by blood  .  Just like all kids have two bio sides, one who's name they use and one who they don't.  My kids have my husband's last name but it doesn't make them less Perkie!!

Edited by Perkie
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27 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Donna was probably staying at Sonny's when Drew slept over. I don't think Carly is wrong to keep her sexcapades away from her young daughter.

I agree with keeping sexcapades away, but is Carly supposed to remain celibate?

I don't see the Drew relationship any different than the one with Brennan.  Other than they're both weasels. 


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54 minutes ago, rur said:

There was no discussion of  training (which we know Anna and Valentin had) or even compensation, just some flag waving and "don't tell anyone about our super-secret plan."

Joss did say something about not having any experience and Brennan said they could train her. They want her to remain a student, too. But other than the athleticism, nothing else really applied.

While I agree most of this story is bull, I do like they at least are doing something a bit different with Joss. It's too bad the implementation is painful to watch. 

54 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Did I miss something, why were Lois, Ned, Olivia and Gio getting their panties in a bunch because Drew going back to being a Cain versus a Q would suddenly make Scout feel less than?

I'm sure Scout is old enough to get that forcing Drew out of the family and forbidding him to use the Q name puts her in the middle, at best. Why wouldn't she assume she is part of that rejection? 

I don't understand how they can force this. He is Alan's son, he's not misrepresenting himself in any way. 

Edited by tessaray
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21 minutes ago, tveyeonyou said:

Any chance Maxie had cameras installed in skevy Drew's house

I'm sure there are time stamped cameras at the cemetary which would show him coming and going to Sam's grave  .  I'm sure there are time stamped street cameras that show him coming and going to Drew's house . i'm sure there are time stamped street cameras and on the property cameras that would show what time he got back to the mansion and Tracy could corroborate what time she spoke with him.  Sasha was there as well.  I'm sure his GPS would show that he went to the grave, Drew's and then home with no side trip to cabin in the woods. 

That's the problem with soaps in the 21st century, there is enough technology to refute these stories but they have to pretend they don't exist to make the story work.  


17 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I'm sure Scout is old enough to get that forcing Drew out of the family and forbidding him to use the Q name puts her in the middle, at best. Why wouldn't she assume she is part of that rejection? 

But it's no different than a divorce.  The Qs have divorced themselves of Drew, so now Scout gets two Christmases, two Thanksgivings, two birthdays.  One with the Qs and one with Drew and his new insta family with Willow.  

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Am I remembering this wrong?  I thought Scout's last name changed when Drew's did, which would mean she hasn't been a Quartermaine for all that long.  Going from a nice short, alphabetically front of the line name like Cain to Quartermaine might have been a more traumatic change for her to handle than reverting back would be.

When Joss was telling Trina that she would spend Valentine's night catching up on her studies, the book on the top of the pile was for nursing.  Not anything pre-med, and not environmental studies.  I remember wondering why.  And I still wonder.

I am very much over every aspect of the Brooklyn story, and the character.  I groan to think that we might be expected to endure even a short dalliance with Dante, once the revelation takes place.  Ugh.

Poor Danny will probably feel guilty about having gone to confront Cyrus, since it brought Jason out to make a public threat.  And then maybe Rocco will feel guilty about having told Danny in the first place.  I just hope we get to see it play out on screen.


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1 hour ago, ciarra said:

is Carly supposed to remain celibate?

I don't see the Drew relationship any different than the one with Brennan.  Other than they're both weasels. 

Carly wants to know what's what before she sleeps with Brennan. Donna is a handy way to get that conversation going.

Drew is a weasel now, but when he and Carly were together, he was still the next best thing to Jason and a big hero.

3 minutes ago, JMO said:

Poor Danny will probably feel guilty about having gone to confront Cyrus, since it brought Jason out to make a public threat.  And then maybe Rocco will feel guilty about having told Danny in the first place.  I just hope we get to see it play out on screen.

You want a meaty, emotionally complex, interesting scene? Unless Awesome Writer escapes the chains, we'll get either the usual trite crap or nothing at all.

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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

. I think Drew is going to end up dead and that might be the best thing to happen to poor Scout. At least she'll be back with her brothers and a father who really cares about her.

But also with Lulu as a stepmother since the writing on the wall is clear. Realistically i think that it would be very hard for Scout -- Rocco has both his parents, Danny has his father Jason, Charlotte (when she comes back) will presumably have both her parents but Scout will be the child left out, the double orphan.

3 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

Maybe this is an overly-complicated scheme to get Jason over a barrel? I don't know. I think that's the direction I would go in if I were told to write the rest of this story and could do what I wanted.

To some extent, recruiting Jason is better than recruiting Joss: he has killer skills completely ruthless and a face of granite. But how useful is tricking or forcing someone to join who doesn't want to work for you?  Plus, as Diane said today, his priorities have shifted so that he's putting Danny ahead of everything. He won't want to leave him to go be a spy that he doesn't even want to be.

It's so stupid.

1 hour ago, JMO said:

When Joss was telling Trina that she would spend Valentine's night catching up on her studies, the book on the top of the pile was for nursing.  Not anything pre-med, and not environmental studies.  I remember wondering why.  And I still wonder.

I noticed that too. The books behind Finn on his bookshelf were also predominantly nursing books, and some on Portia's shelf too earlier. I figure there was a book sale at the local nursing college and the props intern picked them up by the box full.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

It's so stupid.

The GH writers' mantra.

Man, Drew sinks lower and lower every day.  And Willow grows more and more stupid.  If she thought about it for a millisecond she'd question why Jason, of all people, would say Drew, of ALL PEOPLE, was his alibi if it wasn't true.  But instead the idiot doubles down on her googly-eyed infatuation and tells the asshole she'll move in with him.  Here's hoping Wiley actually serves a purpose and is an absolute monster about it.

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Willow really is stupid. Jason could have chose anyone to be his alibi but chose Drew to lie to him?

I know Jason is innocent but Anna pushing so hard to save the hitman is a joke. She needs to be fired. 

Lois needs to shut up and have no opinion. She's not a Quartermaine and been lying more than anyone, but acts like she's holier than thou while always defending a mobster. 

Drew is just vile lying right to Willow face. You'd think a congressman would have security video. 

Edited by Artsda
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I'm sure Spinelli can find traffic cam footage of Jason outside Drew's house.  

Case closed. 

If only Willow could convince Drew to tell the truth, freeing Jason, allowing him to return home to Danny, and maybe Sasha and Jason could have a little crisis of conscience about hiding the paternity of Sasha's baby in order to keep Willow away from her children.

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I saw on twitter today that Chris McKenna said these were his first scenes and he just met Eden McCoy right before doing them. Hence him not having a full goatee. It was shot out of order. This show and their crazy taping schedule is awful. To me it was obvious they had just me because McKenna was just saying his lines to frankly just say them. I think he had to tape a lot of material to catch up. Again, I think he’s a great actor but he is totally miscast in this role following The unique Charles Mesure. They really should have waited a few weeks to at least cast a guy with an accent. LOL!!! Also, it’s kind of creepy that Brennan said that one of Joss’s strong qualities for the job was that she was beautiful. Um, HR anyone? 

Okay! Drew is beyond super creepy now. I’m still waiting for the epic super couple of Drew & Willow that Cameron Matheson said they’d have or would have. Please! Drew is creepy and Willow is getting more stupid by the minute. If anyone should have been killed off it should have been Drew Cain Quartermain. Good grief!

Rant over.

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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