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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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19 hours ago, MarciNJ said:

Monica should give the house to someone else in the family (Ned? BrookLynn? one of the children?  Yuri?  anyone but Drew or Michael/Willow/either of their spawn) so that line can be updated accordingly and be more relevant.

I would love if she gave it to Yuri.

I don’t mind the annual ruined thanksgiving dinner.  Yes it’s been going on for way too long but I still like it for nostalgic purposes.  Especially since there are so few Q’s left.

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1 hour ago, sunnyface said:

So Michael was never punished for his involvement in the insider-trading?  No suspension/warning letter/audit?

Never punished and Sonny still doesn't know that Dex was a plant in his organization, placed there by Michael. You know, the golden spawn who tried to take his father down because his feelings were hurt.

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10 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

What I wouldn't give to have seen Stephen Nichols, Tyler Christopher, and Nicholas Chavez share the screen as three generations of Cassadines.

That would have been amazing to see.  Speaking of NAC, when he is doing his whole classy, polite schtick he’s so darn charming.  Yeah, the thanksgiving epis where shmoopy but that’s kind of the point of them so for me it’s ok.

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Ten bucks says all we'll get a is a conversation between Liz and Portia about how someone went to Austin's house to see why he hadn't shown up for work and found him.  I'm guessing the last day that we saw Austin was the last day we're going to see Austin.  He was so far removed from the Qs that there won't even be a memorial for him.  

So, a week ago I said this and I'm only 5 minutes into today's episode and lo and behold the opening scene is Portia asking Liz if she's heard from Austin because he's late for work.  I guess I'm PSychic!!

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Wait, when did Olivia find out about Nina/the SEC?

Last week when Ned remembered.  She told him that Sonny was happy now and to keep the peace and not say anything.  Which was about as out of character as one can get.  

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10 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Wait, when did Olivia find out about Nina/the SEC?

Last week when Ned remembered.  She told him that Sonny was happy now and to keep the peace and not say anything.  Which was about as out of character as one can get. 

Wow, I totally missed that. I hope Carly finds out Olivia—her supposed best friend—knew and said nothing.

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Why would Austin have food delivered to his Port Charles apartment when he was going to Pautuck? At least the Pautuk police seem to be smarter than PCPD. Austin tell Dante to that if he gives him information on who is behind everything, he'll end up dead, and then he ends up dead and Dante still can't figure it out.

Why isn't the hospital's lawyer taking notes as she talks to Finn? Even if she's recording the conversation, there are things that she should be noting as he speaks.

The nursing textbooks on Finn's shelf,a famous infectious disease specialist, don't make sense. Get some medical books, props department. Speaking of which, what is all the "Dr. Robinson" "Dr. Finn" stuff? These people have been working at an equal level foryears; they should be on first name basis. Certainly Portia should be saying "Finn" to make him feel better.

Wasn't Austin and ER doc? Those aren't his patients, they're patients who came into the hospital to be treated by whoever is there.

Dad-of-the-decade Drew wants to move Scout into a private school and doesn't notice that A. Scout hates the idea and B. it's a bad time in a kid's life to change schools.  And yeah, Kristina went there and look how well she turned out. Not.

2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Never punished and Sonny still doesn't know that Dex was a plant in his organization, placed there by Michael. You know, the golden spawn who tried to take his father down because his feelings were hurt.

I think that Michael didn't actually involve himself in the insider trading; that was all Carly and both Michael and Drew told her not to do it. However the genius businessman didn't realize that what his mother was doing was insider trading.

And he'll never face any consequences for trying to get the man who raised him into federal penitenary. Because it's Michael, Carly's spawn.

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Weird that Laura is explaining Spencer's feelings about Ace to Alexis, but I guess it's to remind the audience. Sometimes I think the writers forget that Laura and Alexis have not only known each other for years, but they both are very familiar with the Cassadines.

Finn acting like a petulant 6-year-old isn't going to make the hoops he has to jump through go away. I wish Portia had told him to shape up or he'd be on administrative leave.

Finn, don't talk to the GH lawyer without yours present! And if you're going to, tape the conversation. It's like he wants to be found guilt of malpractice.

So many questions about how Dante found out Austin was dead. Why would a cop from Pautuck answer Austin's phone? Was that Austin's phone he answered? If so, why wouldn't he answer Elizabeth's calls from GH? If not, whose phone was it? And why would that number be on Austin's business card?

Drew was gross about that fancy private school, but no surprise given he's a crappy father to begin with. Sam sucks for not telling Drew they need to talk about it in private before making any final decisions. She saw that Scout just wanted to make Drew happy by saying yes, yet didn't say anything.

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59 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I hope Carly finds out Olivia—her supposed best friend—knew and said nothing

For me, the bigger sin is Michael knowing and not telling Carly so he can blackmail Nina into doing his bidding.  


13 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Why would Austin have food delivered to his Port Charles apartment when he was going to Pautuck?

I'll fanwank it that the trip to Pautauk was a last minute thing.  He orders the food, gets sidetracked by Dante, who pushes for evidence, so he figures he'll go to Pautauk to get it before heading home to his food.  Only he gets killed while in Pautauk.  



16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Dad-of-the-decade Drew wants to move Scout into a private school and doesn't notice that A. Scout hates the idea

The actress who plays Scoutt did a fantastic job because just with her facial epressions you could see before she even left the restaurant that she didn't want to do it but that she only agreed to please her father.  She's a little sweetheart.  

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1 minute ago, perkie1968 said:
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I hope Carly finds out Olivia—her supposed best friend—knew and said nothing

For me, the bigger sin is Michael knowing and not telling Carly so he can blackmail Nina into doing his bidding.  

That's worse, definitely, but I want Carly to know how many people have been keeping the info from her.

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9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

So many questions about how Dante found out Austin was dead. Why would a cop from Pautuck answer Austin's phone?

I'll fanwank this that the police found Austin's body and phone between Liz's calls, which went unanswered and Dante's call.  Or Austin has a landline at his PC apartment which is where Liz was calling, therefore no one answered, while Dante was calling Austin's cell phone which was on his person, where the other cop was.  

I'm doing a lot of fanwanking today!!

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Austin lived and worked in PC, and he was interviewed for a PCPD investigation. It makes sense to share information, at the very least.

the part about interviewing for a PCPD investigation makes sense, but according to my extensive Dick Wolf law education, where  he lived and worked shouldn't matter since the crime didn't occur there.  I'm sure I'm thinking about it way more than the writers....

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10 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

the part about interviewing for a PCPD investigation makes sense, but according to my extensive Dick Wolf law education, where  he lived and worked shouldn't matter since the crime didn't occur there.

Dante called Austin's phone and the Pautauk cop answered and told him Austin had been found dead.  Dante told Sonny that he would run the PC part of the investigation since Austin worked and lived in PC.  When he got back to the station the Pautauk cop was waiting for him, so they could "share the information".  Maybe Pautauk figures the suspect has more to do with where Austin lived/worked rather than where he died.  

Edited by perkie1968
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Guess Austin didn’t save Dante’s number in his contacts. 🤔 Then again, if D. needed to look up his card before dialling, it would make sense.

I’m thinking we didn’t see the shooter because they want us to be ambivalent about Cyrus’ redemption. 

I would love it if Cyrus was for real and Martin had suddenly become the organization’s leader after using all of C’s money for himself. It’s not as if he has any integrity after we saw him just hand over Nina’s name. He could also go back and give Michael some grief which I would love to see.

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16 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Dante called Austin's phone and the Pautauk cop answered and told him Austin had been found dead.  Dante told Sonny that he would run the PC part of the investigation since Austin worked and lived in PC.  When he got back to the station the Pautauk cop was waiting for him, so they could "share the information".  Maybe Pautauk figures the suspect has more to do with where Austin lived/worked rather than where he died.  

Thanks - I haven't seen any of that yet; I usually watch M-F on the weekend; takes about 2 hours.

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35 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Maybe Pautauk figures the suspect has more to do with where Austin lived/worked rather than where he died.  

He would be right. Austin told Dante that he would bring him the proof of Mr. Big's identity which is presumably what he went to Pautuck to get. So the Pautck detective is right, the solution will be in Port Charles.

Ironic that Austin has more story in death than in life.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Why would Austin have food delivered to his Port Charles apartment when he was going to Pautuck? At least the Pautuk police seem to be smarter than PCPD. Austin tell Dante to that if he gives him information on who is behind everything, he'll end up dead, and then he ends up dead and Dante still can't figure it out.

Sounds like he had ordered the standard Sad Single Man's Thanksgiving meal for himself ahead of time, and expected to be back in Port Charles for the holiday.

I don't know if we knew why he was in Pawtucket. To be honest, even though I saw the scene where he was shot and remembered that's where Nicolas had been recovering, I didn't realize it wasn't his PC residence. 

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10 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Of course father of the year wants to send Scout to another school without realizing she doesn't want to.  Sam needs to start calling Drew out. 

I think Drew doesn’t care if Scout wants to go… The school is about him. 

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6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Drew was gross about that fancy private school, but no surprise given he's a crappy father to begin with. Sam sucks for not telling Drew they need to talk about it in private before making any final decisions. She saw that Scout just wanted to make Drew happy by saying yes, yet didn't say anything.

Drew acted like a pretentious, nouveau riche asshole with that.  Like, what?  He wants to brag at the country club he doesn't belong to about how his daughter's going to Contrivance Academy for Girls?  And, yes, that was a conversation to first be had with Sam.  Drew sucks.

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4 hours ago, Artsda said:

Of course father of the year wants to send Scout to another school without realizing she doesn't want to.  Sam needs to start calling Drew out. 

Sam tends to downplay how crappy her kid’s fathers are for whatever reason. She did it with Jason when he was alive and with Drew now. It annoys me because I think it’s part of the reason those kids idolize their fathers they way they did/do and do whatever they can to please them. 

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20 hours ago, statsgirl said:


17 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Sounds like he had ordered the standard Sad Single Man's Thanksgiving meal for himself ahead of time, and expected to be back in Port Charles for the holiday.

Chances are the Standard Sad Single Man's Thanksgiving Dinner came from IHOP. Has anyone ever seen a picture of those things? The company doesn't even try to make them look appealing.

Poor Austin. The showrunners cared so little for the character that a series regular didn't even discover his corpse. Wonder if RoHo is really done here? He wouldn't be a good fit on B&B or Y&R.

Elsewhere, I'm kind of "meh" on Lois' mother. I've seen the actress in a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies lately (she's great in Haul Out the Holly). But this Brooklyn-born-and-bred boy was appalled by her inability to correctly pronounce "Nostrand Avenue" the other day when talking about the Church where she plays Bingo. I guess no one else on the set knew how to pronounce it properly either, and she just said it weirdly and quickly. Only a NYC native would have caught it anyway, and even that's not guaranteed.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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Did Frank have to get Dick Wolf's permission to use the name Briscoe for the Pautuck detective? I hope he does his namesake proud and solves the case quickly :)

@Winston Wolfe I wasn't paying close enough attention except to be surprised they used a real street in Brooklyln. Although why Gloria would travel all the way from Bensonhurst to East New York (or even Sheepshead Bay) to play bingo is beyond me. Since Bensonhurst supposedly hasn't changed at all 🙄, there should still be a bingo hall on Kings Highway and W. 7th st.

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Sonny has a way with words: "If I'm going to arrange for Austin to be... dead, then..." The same way other people might arrange for car maintenance or house cleaning. 

Edited by KittyQ
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Good for Sam for at least suggesting that she and Scout look at Westwood Academy before Scout gets enrolled. Drew made this decision without doing any due diligence, like finding out whether Scout wants to leave her current school or what her custodial parent wants to do. He's way more cavalier about changing his daughter's education than TJ is about even having an interview with a possible surrogate. Each one could use a little of the other one's attitude. 

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15 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Drew acted like a pretentious, nouveau riche asshole with that.

He's so far removed from OG Drew that it's ridiculous  The charcter of Carly went through some change when she went from TB to LW but I don't think that was as much of a 180 as the character of Drew.  

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I’ve been on the Barge, and I was hoping the tag for Tyler would have been his last line to Lucky with the Russian accent-yes even though he wasn’t playing current Nik. That would have shown me that this was in “loving memory” but then I remember who’s running this show. And how Stuart Damon was treated and the pathetic memoriam he was given.

Heading back to the Barge.

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1 hour ago, KittyQ said:

He's way more cavalier about changing his daughter's education than TJ is about even having an interview with a possible surrogate.

If anyone was cavalier about the interview, it was Molly, blithely assuming that because she was ready to go again, so was TJ. I'm a bit surprised the surrogacy agency agreed to try to match them so soon after the miscarriage. Maybe today we'll hear they won't, and that's how Kristina gets the nod (as we all knew would happen eventually).

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

If anyone was cavalier about the interview, it was Molly, blithely assuming that because she was ready to go again, so was TJ.

True. It seemed that no one yesterday took their partners' feelings or opinions into account when making decisions. You'd think Molly and TJ would at least have talked about whether they wanted to pursue further surrogate opportunities at some point, even if it wasn't going to be immediately. I thought it was also odd that their conversation ended without Molly either agreeing to delay the interview or saying that she wanted to at least talk to the surrogate. Of course, that's the kind of thing that makes soap opera drama. 

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37 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I’ve been on the Barge, and I was hoping the tag for Tyler would have been his last line to Lucky with the Russian accent-yes even though he wasn’t playing current Nik.

@GHScorpiosRule - Wondered where you've been. You've been missed. I love that scene so much I bookmarked on YT..."and who says I haven't been using an accent the whole time?" The one, true Nicholas (YT Link)


Edited by Winston Wolfe
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Who is "Ziti," the Cerullo family pet? What is going on with this idiotic story? If Gloria knows the bratva is so dangerous, why is she antagonizing the person who can resolve it? I hate this story. Stupidity from beginning to end, though I like how BLQ fixed things. 

Don't church bingo games also act as fundraisers for the specific churches? So why would Gloria want to give her money to another church? She's supposed to be such a pillar of her Bensonhurst community. Whatever. Gloria is gone, thank Jasus.

For someone who kept saying he understands why he needs his own lawyer, Finn sure was a dummy for too long. At least he finally has representation. 

The show is trying its hardest to give us a lot of suspects, but I really can't see Ava going to the trouble of killing Austin, either by doing it in PC and schlepping him up to Pautuck(et) or vice versa. I don't see her hiring someone, either. These days Ava is more of an accidental killer, if she's even that.

Mixed messages, as usual, with Maxie's financial problems.

Oh, great, tomorrow Michael berates Nina AGAIN.

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58 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Mixed messages, as usual, with Maxie's financial problems.


It's too bad that Felicia didn't tell Maxie that she once maxed out all of her credit cards at the same time and that someone eventually helped bail her out. Maxie, then, might have understood why her mom was willing to help. 

But I'll bet that the writers don't know (or don't remember) that. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Mixed messages, as usual, with Maxie's financial problems.

I think the bigger problem there was that Felicia pulled a check book out of her purse like we're in 1995.  I guess no one told the Jones women that you can do etransfers in the 21st century.  ( I mean seriously,  I still have a check book but it's at home in a drawer )

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I'm 2 days behind, so will just say 2 things. 

Nina should tell Sonny that she deleted the footage of Charlotte.  He would do the exact same thing for one of his kids.  

And, she should tell Ned that Michael knows.  People are always saying that Ned should tell Michael and Drew, but this would be equally satisfying.

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4 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

@GHScorpiosRule - Wondered where you've been. You've been missed. I love that scene so much I bookmarked on YT..."and who says I haven't been using an accent the whole time?" The one, true Nicholas (YT Link)


Thanks for that clip. Just seeing it again shows how much gravitas and nuance Tyler’s Nik had. None of the recasts since have come anywhere close. But then again, that dialogue was written by both Tyler and Jonathan.

Still. Tyler will ALWAYS be Nik for me as Jonathan will always be Lucky.

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3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

I think the bigger problem there was that Felicia pulled a check book out of her purse like we're in 1995.  I guess no one told the Jones women that you can do etransfers in the 21st century.  ( I mean seriously,  I still have a check book but it's at home in a drawer )

you can.

but i still use cheques sometimes. lol

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1 hour ago, ComeWhatMay said:

I use checks for small stores I patronize. Credit card fees are rough on them. 

Today felt like time killer filler, but I do like Yuri and Maura West elevates the heck out of her scene partners. 

Small businesses in my town prefer checks to credit cards. 

Yuri puts the sexy in adorable.

Maura West makes everything better. She did the same on ATWT.

I did not think it was possible for Drew to be more obnoxious but this latest move with Scout's school proved me wrong. Is there any way to send him back to Pentonville ?

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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Just seeing it again shows how much gravitas and nuance Tyler’s Nik had. None of the recasts since have come anywhere close.

Tyler Christopher and Billy Miller were special talents. Asking anyone to fill their shoes is setting them up for failure. 

From what I read the show did Miller dirty and themselves too in the end by bringing Burton back. Mathison and Easton may be brass darlings, but the characters are duds.

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6 hours ago, katenm said:

Maura West makes everything better. She did the same on ATWT.

While typically soaring multiple atmospheric levels above the rest of the actors in her scenes, Maura has not been so smooth (relatively)  in a couple of recent scenes although probably due to the idiotic script. For example, in her last scene with Sonny, I had no idea which expression/emotion the actress was going for.  During yesterday's episode, Sonny tells Ava about Austin's death and asked if she had anything to do with it cause he's a family man and prefers that his kids are not separated from their mothers who commit felonies. {great messaging abc/disney}.  The final scene or two consisted of Sonny warning Ava that she would be a murder suspect.  So what?  They both committed murders in the past.

Maura and her bro should have come on as doctors (or a biz wiz pitted against Tracy).  Instead, they mobbed Ava up, poisoned her with a sperm from sonny, and then saddled her with penguin-loving Morgan.  Despite the detritus strewn in her path, Maura has made Port Charles a more enjoyable place to tune into M-F for 36 minutes.  Not only does she elevate her scene partners, she almost always leaves me thinking that she is holding back from going for the jugular.  IMO, she is on another level than most of the daytime actors.  One of the very few transplanted cast members that has made a consistently positive contribution to the show week in and week out.

I was a fan of the actress playing the first nuMolly who might not have gelled or looked like her siblings, but she had amazing chemistry with both Jordan and TJ.  This current Molly seems to fit in better with Alexis, Kristina and Sam.

Detective Briscoe and Dante's scenes seemed as smooth as watching a prime-time police drama.  

Why is this lollipop-sucking slime ball still on my screen? 

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10 hours ago, katenm said:

I did not think it was possible for Drew to be more obnoxious but this latest move with Scout's school proved me wrong. Is there any way to send him back to Pentonville ?

or Cassadine Island?

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14 minutes ago, Desperado said:

Yep. I thought he was gone for good weeks ago. I hope the show is not walking it back.

It's especially galling when you consider the treatment RoHo (an FV darling) is getting. His dead body was lying on the floor (off screen) for an entire week and no one missed him. Was he supposed to be off the whole week? I know Portia asked about him but didn't catch if this was supposed to be his first day back.

Mind you, I'm not advocating for seeing a dead, bloated body on my screen. Just that for someone who is so popular with the brass that he was brought back TWICE and is a fan favorite, he deserved better.

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10 hours ago, ComeWhatMay said:

Mathison and Easton may be brass darlings, but the characters are duds.

If I hadn't seen Michael Easton in other things, I would think he is terrible.  I've  never see Cameron Mathison in anything else, so I'll have to take your word that he normally doesn't suck.  I did watch AMC back in the day, but before his time.  And I never watch anything on the  Hallmark channel.

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