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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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11 hours ago, Steph J said:

Valentine was particularly awful today with his reaction to Eileen's death. Like, Victor is obviously the big bad, but are we really supposed to believe that someone's one of the good guys when he helps get someone killed and feels absolutely no remorse about it whatsoever?

Both Valentin and Anna have been way too cavalier about Eileen's death, though at least Anna finally showed some remorse. And as obnoxious as Lucy has been, she doesn't deserve the annoyance they've shown her. Anna put that train on the tracks, too. Both Eileen and Lucy went rogue because they wanted out of their situations. It's ridiculous that Anna didn't anticipate any of it. Ugh.

I don't want Spencer to marry Esmé because doesn't the giant cute baby then become not only his half-brother but his stepson? Ew.

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't want Spencer to marry Esmé because doesn't the giant cute baby then become not only his half-brother but his stepson? Ew.

Ew, indeed. It wouldn't surprise me, though, if the writers did some fancy dancing, and had the baby turn out to be Spencer's after all. It's still inconceivable to me that no one has thought to do a DNA test on this kid. I mean, when has Esme's word ever been enough for any of these people?

I've said it once, I've said it twice, I'll say it thrice: Still holding out hope it's the Canadian fisherman's.

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I'll settle for a Canadian lumberjack. In the past I'd have said a Mountie, but I learned a few years ago that they don't automatically get a horse of their own so that's a check mark against them.

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"Nicholas came to Spring Ridge, all smiles and sweet words..."  Poetic, props to the writer.

"Esme can still take my brother with her to prison." "Only for the first 18 months." What makes everyone think that Esme will be sentenced for longer than 18 months? It's her first offence, she has amnesia  (a person may not stand trial if their amnesia prevents a proper defence. At the least, her lawyer can argue for a reduced charge). The DA can't prove that she drugged Oz since he's dead now.

Carly is such an awful person. She rejected Sonny, she's got Drew now, but she is determined to ruin Nina's relationship with Sonny.

13 hours ago, Peppermint Patty said:

Spencer truly became so awful and bratty in his scenes with Victor that I’m now rooting for Esme.
A 20-year-old man would have a hard time mustering up interest in a full-blooded sibling from happily married parents. But this obsession with his gf’s child with his father is ridiculous. A more realistic reaction would be that he is so disgusted and angry that he wants nothing to do with any of them - including Ace.

To me, the obsession feels like anger at his father and only secondarily that Esme is not good enough to raise his brother.  And then there is the "A Cassadine is above everyone else" fureled by Great Uncle Victor which causes the resentment to burn even brighter.

I think it's an interesting plotting choice, to first make Esme the town pariah and then have Victor become so awful onscreen (for those of us who don't believe that Luke is really dead), that Spencer supporting Victor taints him too.

1 hour ago, Mirabelle said:

In the past I'd have said a Mountie, but I learned a few years ago that they don't automatically get a horse of their own so that's a check mark against them.

They got cars, not nearly as romantic. My mother-in-law's father was a North West Mounted Policeman (before they became RCMP) and she would tell stories about what it was like growing up in a fort in the North West Territories when every Mountie was actually mounted.  (Leslie Nielsen grew up nearby in Fort Norman.).

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On 3/31/2023 at 10:24 AM, Artsda said:

Everyone in town seems to know the 3 are alive and where the safe house is. 

What's the point of Lucy missing the ball?

Definitely not the safest of safe houses!  I had to laugh when Drew arrived and Anna and Valentin had to draw guns - no cameras or even a peephole?

I’m guessing they’re leading to a surprise entrance at the NB for Lucy (likely in her underwear) but yeah the frantic “planning” schtick is over the top…again.

23 hours ago, Desperado said:

Still in the shallow pool, I appreciate the way stylists are dressing the Felicia and Lucy characters in casual, yet attractive looking clothing.

This is definitely refreshing, and they both look great.  It’s a little eye-rolling when characters are in business or semi-formal clothes (complete with heels or dress shoes) around the house.

14 hours ago, Peppermint Patty said:

Spencer truly became so awful and bratty in his scenes with Victor that I’m now rooting for Esme.

I’m with you!  I get that’s the direction the writers wanted to take, but it seems like they had him shift over the course of just a couple of episodes.

I absolutely hated the Nina/Carly bitch fest (v24.0) but fortunately it appeared to be a plot point for their burying the hatchet temporarily for Saint Willow’s sake.

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37 minutes ago, mbluecpa said:

I absolutely hated the Nina/Carly bitch fest (v24.0) but fortunately it appeared to be a plot point for their burying the hatchet temporarily for Saint Willow’s sake.

We've seen this before. I felt like this scene was solely to meet LW's minimums. It was pointless.

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I, too, was irritated when Maxie referred to Mac as her stepfather. Technically, she's correct, but Mac has behaved more like a father to her and her sister than, oh, what's his name again, oh, yeah, Frisco.

I still remember Mac holding Georgie's dead body and saying over and over again, "it's Ok, Georgie, Daddy's here." It made me cry then. The memory is making me cry now. 

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2 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

I remember another time Felicia thanking Mac for always being there for her girls and Mac immediately saying, "They're my girls too."

Mac is the best. That's why it's aggravating that they saddled him with the horse whisperer.

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Is it just that Anna sucks as a spy when she's in luv? She and Val have spent more time schmooping and smooching than dealing with Victor. 

I totally forgot they called the male dancers "Magic Wands". That is kind of 🤮 and socially insensitive to Victor and others with non-performing penis problems. 

Edited by TVbitch
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On 3/30/2023 at 11:48 AM, StaceyNotStacie said:

I forgot that Violet was a cousin to Liz’s kids. Speaking of which, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen all three boys together, and the casting is excellent. The two younger ones definitely look like they’re related to the actors who played Jason and Lucky. 

Nice to see Austin again, although I wish he would have kicked Spencer out of the exam room when he was there with Esme and Ace. 

Amd they all have that same haircut.  Is that the regulation hairstyle for young TV actors now?

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On 3/30/2023 at 3:26 PM, StaceyNotStacie said:

Isn’t this still BH’s anniversary year?  Maybe the story of Cam leaving is more about her than him. Even though he will be back, it’s still a big deal for a mom when her kid leaves for college the first time, especially when he’s on the other side of the country. 

When I left home, my mother ecstatically bought me luggage as a going away gift. 

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On 3/30/2023 at 8:10 PM, ciarra said:

Jordan doesn't smell a rat when she sees Eileen's body on the docks, and Sonny is completely dry.  Did he use a fishing net to get her out?  And then Dex is suddenly dry and at the rehearsal, after his dip in the (gross) harbor.

And Drew and Sonny have to show up in person at the Cabin o' Boredom?  Everyone has Anna's burner phone number.   Victor should be able to find the cabin just by checking the number of cars headed that way on the traffic cam.

Given how dangerous Victor is it’s shocking to me that they just haven’t straight up assassinated him.  I would have put an end to him long ago.  It’s not like he hasn’t been out in the open.  So many opportunities for a sniper (not Shawn), a car bomb, poison that is actually lethal, etc..

Hell, I remember when Sonny was going to have Todd Manning taken out and killed just for being an asshole to him. But he can’t assassinated Victor?

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On 3/31/2023 at 10:34 AM, Pristine said:

I know I'm late to comment, but did anyone else think they might have a fireworks malfunction, killing Liesl, and preventing Willow from getting her transplant?

Half of that sounds awesome.

On 3/31/2023 at 3:19 PM, Daisy said:

Carly is just worried that maybe she cant be matron of honour anymore.

(in all seriousness what happened w/Carly & Nina/Willow)

But… but….. SHE LOVES WITH HER WHO,E HEART!!!!! Which must be code for being a total bitch at every opportunity.

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On 3/31/2023 at 12:12 PM, PatsyandEddie said:

I bet the substitute wand is Drew 

Ugh…. this is all sounding disturbingly close to gay porn.

On 3/31/2023 at 4:36 PM, Katy M said:

Then I hope they just fully pre-empt.  The nurse's ball comes but once a year.

Breaking regular programming for news like this is so anachronistic.  With cable news and the internet it’s become entirely redundant and unnecessary.

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22 hours ago, Peppermint Patty said:

Spencer truly became so awful and bratty in his scenes with Victor that I’m now rooting for Esme.

A 20-year-old man would have a hard time mustering up interest in a full-blooded sibling from happily married parents. But this obsession with his gf’s child with his father is ridiculous. A more realistic reaction would be that he is so disgusted and angry that he wants nothing to do with any of them - including Ace. 

I’ve come to really enjoy hearing different characters react to the name Ace. It says something about their personalities. I didn’t quite hear what Ava said when Esme told her his name was Ace. I thought she said, “He looks like a scholar(?) like his father.” Did anyone hear what she said? Also, Austin’s treatment of Esme was sweet. 

Please, no more Carlys. I also am sick of the NB prep. Maxie and Lucy are too much loud, obnoxious energy to have in one scene.


Of the many things Show’s writers have no idea how to script, we can add dialogue and plotting for teens/young adults.  All of them are completely unrealistic.

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On 3/31/2023 at 12:55 PM, statsgirl said:

I got an email asking me to sign a petition to end the Willow Project and I was all "Yes!". To my dismay, it's not about the show but a developmental project.

I got my hopes up so high just reading the 1st part of this! 😂😭😭

On 3/31/2023 at 2:07 PM, CeChase said:
On 3/31/2023 at 1:14 PM, jsbt said:

Because they know what a large portion of audience response will be.

Furthermore, Trina and to a lesser extent the young adult Spencer were initially crafted to play the subordinate 'non-white friends' to Joss and [White Guy X]. This is the same model Frank had for the teen scene at OLTL, which he religiously believed in and kept those characters to B-story at best as the handmaidens or comfort characters of their frontburner white friends. This has changed for Chavez's Spencer, obviously (I think if Chavez hadn't hit as big as he had we'd see more of it despite the stalker storyline) but Trina is still often kept in that frame where Joss' primacy on the show is concerned: The eternally supportive, often Joss-focused Best Friend. This was the case for both the major popular actors in that role; it is not a new development with the recast.

We'll see if that changes as advertised during the anniversary and sweeps and if Spencer and Trina's story isn't all about someone else's baby. I'm keeping my cards to my chest.


OH I agree, they won't dare show Trina telling Joss what's what because the facebook frannies would EXPLODE

That's a good point, I was thinking Trina could gently but sternly correct Joss & it be mostly be okay but that's just a pipe dream. To some viewers, nothing would be good enough. 

Didn't Spencer already ask Sonny instead of Victor for help? Why didn't the writers stick with that? Is Sonny helping Anna & Val's dumb master plan that important? Spencer is playing with fire in more ways than he knows and only now are Val & Sonny talking about getting him out of Victor's orbit. 

I would honestly probably be more on board with poor Esme if she stopped saying crap like "If the allegations are true." Umm, If Esme? No. Didn't Cam just tell her a week ago that just because she doesn't remember her shit stinking doesn't meant eveyone else forgot? In one ear & out the other I see. Tbh I felt sorrier for her when Nikolas held her captive and still obviously her hellraising self. 

It was great to see Ava catch her slipping a little and put her on notice. Not that I think Esme is faking, but amnesia!Esme is quite emotionally manipulative at the very least. 

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On 3/31/2023 at 11:55 PM, Peppermint Patty said:

A 20-year-old man would have a hard time mustering up interest in a full-blooded sibling from happily married parents. But this obsession with his gf’s child with his father is ridiculous. A more realistic reaction would be that he is so disgusted and angry that he wants nothing to do with any of them - including Ace. 

This is actually the primary reason I can hardly take Spencer's characterization too seriously here. Aside from obvious Esme propping & Sprina roadblocking. Spencer's obsession with his newborn brother is just so...unsoapy on top of being unrealistic. 

Like if they wanted him to to go the loving, altruistic route & not resent Ace's existence(cos he'd probably get dragged for that too), but still retain anger at Esme/Nikolas for their betrayal. That's okay, but if the writing hadn't passed that line before, it certainly has now.

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4 hours ago, Skarzero said:

I would honestly probably be more on board with poor Esme if she stopped saying crap like "If the allegations are true." Umm, If Esme? No. Didn't Cam just tell her a week ago that just because she doesn't remember her shit stinking doesn't meant eveyone else forgot? In one ear & out the other I see. 

Wouldn't there be legal repercussions if Esmé admitted that she'd done those things? She's trying to stay out of jail, not get put into it.

18 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:
18 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

I remember another time Felicia thanking Mac for always being there for her girls and Mac immediately saying, "They're my girls too."

Mac is the best. That's why it's aggravating that they saddled him with the horse whisperer.

It's also super aggravating that the show is basically saying that bio kids will always be the preferred kids. And that said preferred kids are even more preferred when they're male.

There's nothing wrong with wanting bio kids, and it's natural that Mac would have some regrets. But he's never once indicated that he felt he was "settling" by raising Robin, Maxie, and Georgie. So this newfound yearning is gross to me.

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20 hours ago, katenm said:

I, too, was irritated when Maxie referred to Mac as her stepfather. Technically, she's correct, but Mac has behaved more like a father to her and her sister than, oh, what's his name again, oh, yeah, Frisco.

I may be projecting but I could swear that until Frank and RC arrived, Maxie and Georgie openly called Mac Dad for years. I was infuriated when that stepdad shit started and I blamed it on Ron's lust for '80s nostalgia and hopes to bring back Frisco. This thankfully stalled when Jack Wagner's 2013 return became a nightmare on and offscreen. But she still should not fucking call him their stepdad.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Wouldn't there be legal repercussions if Esmé admitted that she'd done those things? She's trying to stay out of jail, not get put into it.

It's also super aggravating that the show is basically saying that bio kids will always be the preferred kids. And that said preferred kids are even more preferred when they're male.

There's nothing wrong with wanting bio kids, and it's natural that Mac would have some regrets. But he's never once indicated that he felt he was "settling" by raising Robin, Maxie, and Georgie. So this newfound yearning is gross to me.

Sometimes it seems as some men get older, that they can regret not having bio children. My father-in-law was such a man. He met a woman 15 years younger than himself and she got pregnant at the age of 45. My FIL actually said out loud to my husband, BIL and SIL who were all adopted that he had always wanted children of his own. You can just imagine how they felt as they were all in their thirties and had been raised by him and my late MIL since infancy. The new baby was fine but my FIL died two years later. His former wife is now on hubby # 5. Seems she really likes wealthy older men. Anyways TMI and all that but he’s a prime example. 

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I can buy Mac having a few "what-if" moments about a son or a bio-kid, but I don't buy that he feels any great lack. He raised three girls*. I don't think he would feel much was missing. You can't tell me that Mac wouldn't take Georgie back alive over this fool.

*No disrespect to Robert, but Mac was as much a father to Robin as he was. I'm still so irritated about Robin's son's name, you guys. In my head, that kid is named Malcolm.

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13 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

I'm still so irritated about Robin's son's name, you guys.

Rick Springfield in his first stint at GH was the warm-up to Jack Wagner/Frisco.  Just looked up his second trip to Port Charles and I can see where that irritation comes from.

Matt and Steven - Doctors still in jail while the FV/TPTB try to make us root for criminals (and their ilk/supporters).  This viewer would rather watch doctors/nurses trying to save others than mob thugs destroy/maim - especially with no repercussions - even to their reputations.   

It works now because the actors playing the 'good' (Scorpios, Dante, Laura) side of the law enforcement are competent actors to rise above the writing.  But the writing/directing/editing has gone downhill of late so it is more interesting to watch on another meta-level.


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On 3/31/2023 at 6:43 PM, jsbt said:

Will someone please buy a stroller for Ace? This is just stupid.

Someone posted on here a while ago that children get carried so often because of blocking and getting better camera angles.  That’s why Violet was carried for so long even though she was way past the age where anyone would need to pick her up.

On 4/1/2023 at 8:56 AM, CeChase said:

Burton could return now that the mandates are up, he left on good terms.  Ingo?  Not a chance in hell.  He burned all his bridges at GH and with Disney. 

Yep.  Just from what I’ve seen linked on here, Ingo did not leave on good terms, not with management nor with many of his coworkers.  Steve was a completely different exit, he praised his coworkers and didn’t burn any bridges.  I hope he doesn’t return because there doesn’t seem to be a place for him anymore, but I think if he wanted to they would hire him back.

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On 3/31/2023 at 6:59 PM, JMO said:

All we know, at this point, is that it looks like Spencer has decided it is better for the baby to be raised in the Cassadine circle of evil, versus the Chamberlain circle of evil, and the only person who could say that to his face has just left town.

as someone who grew up without a mother, I am surprised Spencer would want that for his brother, even if the mother is Esme.  And for all her many faults, she does seem to love Ace.

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6 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

as someone who grew up without a mother, I am surprised Spencer would want that for his brother, even if the mother is Esme.  And for all her many faults, she does seem to love Ace.

Storylines like this require a lack of self-awareness. Maybe Ace grows up hating him for taking his mother away from him too. 

This dumb story is not all that different from the whole Wylie saga, with the Carlys trying to erase Nelle completely from his life. Of course, Nelle did not have the benefit of amnesia and the Carlys must always win no matter what.

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Spencer: I am so deprived and sad because I didn't have a mother growing up.

Also Spencer: Esme cannot be allowed to raise My LittleBrother.  I must take him away.

Another reason for Esme holding the baby instead of having him in a stroller is that it is a visual reminder that she loves him in contrast to Spencer, (Nik) and Victor who treat him like a possession. It helps that the babies are so comfortable with Avery that they often fall asleep on her.

Speaking about missing Nik, it's ridiculous that we don't know why Mason and his mysterious boss is spending tons of money to keep him alive. There are cheaper ways to blackmail Austin and Ava.

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22 hours ago, jsbt said:

 This thankfully stalled when Jack Wagner's 2013 return became a nightmare on and offscreen

Ooo, can you say more about this? What happened? I wasn't watching then and have searched YouTube for scenes of Maxie reading Frisco for filth for abandoning her and Georgie as she did to Felicia MANY time, but cannot find them. I'm SURE she didn't just let Frisco off the hook right? RIGHT???

(happy to take this to another thread if appropriate)

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Can someone please refresh my memory. Ace was what pre-"amnesiac" Esme called her baby in utero. How did she come to actually name the gigantic adorable baby Ace? Has anyone questioned how the "amnesiac" can remember that name? I must have totally blocked all of this out. 

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Esme said the name just came to her, which could mean a leak for the audience to be aware her memory could be starting to come back.  None of the characters knew of that name, I think.  

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Storylines like this require a lack of self-awareness. Maybe Ace grows up hating him for taking his mother away from him too. 

This dumb story is not all that different from the whole Wylie saga, with the Carlys trying to erase Nelle completely from his life. Of course, Nelle did not have the benefit of amnesia and the Carlys must always win no matter what.

Also, Esme never gave her baby to anybody else and told people that he was dead.  Big difference there, IMO.

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I like the NB dresses individually but all together, it’s way too many sequined dresses. I don’t remember the outfits looking so coordinated in previous years. The interviews are cringey though along with the looks Carly is throwing Sonny. This pivot is coming out of nowhere 

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The Nurses' Ball:

What is it with all the glitter and sequins? They look like they should be on a Christmas tree or at least at a New Year's party. Is it time to did up my 80s wardrobe?  I know that may of the women wore glittery dresses but Bobbie, Carly and Joss all standing together made me wonder if mother/daughter/grandmother matchy dresses is a thing now.

I wanted to reach into the TV and yank up Joss' dress.  She looks like one of the soiled doves in an episode of Walker Independence.

I like Sydney,. Chandra Wilson was having a ball hamming it up.

Did Sonny's minions always wear tuxes to the ball and be interviewed or is Dex special?

Sam and Dante's PDA on the red carpet was 🤢. You have a room, use it.

Okay, now that Victor knows that Lucy is alive, can she break into the NB already?


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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

What is it with all the glitter and sequins?


Everyone got sparkles except for Trina, which made Trina's dress look way too plain.  In the close ups, with her equally not sparkly jewelry, Trina looked like she was dressed for the beach. 

11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I like Sydney,. Chandra Wilson was having a ball hamming it up.


ugh I found it annoying as Hell. I would rather watch cringy performances. Judging by the backstage it looks more like a circus than a talent show. I wonder if what talent the llama has.

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Lol is Dante and Sam the only actual couple at the Nurses Ball? Carly and Joss have “secret” relationships, Curtis is angry at Portia, Sonny and Nina are taking a break and Michael/Willow stayed home. I’m not sure why Spencer/Trina didn’t come together but they seem to still be dragging them out from being official 

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19 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

I can buy Mac having a few "what-if" moments about a son or a bio-kid, but I don't buy that he feels any great lack. He raised three girls*. I don't think he would feel much was missing. You can't tell me that Mac wouldn't take Georgie back alive over this fool.


yeah like he loved Robin, Maxie and Georgie sooo much. those are his girls. (and I also hate that they didn't name Baby Noah after freaking Mac, like come on, Robin). 

but i also don't think it's insulting etc, to want or even have a yearn to have a biological child of your own it doesn't mean adopting is settling (there are a lot of people who have their bio child and then adopt a crap tonne), and then vice versa.  So i can get Mac's ...thinking what if and wouldn't it be nice and all, (or maybe even a yearn or too), but for me personally, I wouldn't take that as an insult to the girls because he adores them.

honestly if he has to be stuck with bearded wonder, I am actually glad that it's a boy because A: He sucks, and we can just ignore them and B: it doesn't take away anything from Mac's girls that we had for kingdom come. I think i would have been more irritated had Mac had a secret daughter and he had his own "girl" if that makes sense.  


On 4/2/2023 at 2:45 PM, jsbt said:

I may be projecting but I could swear that until Frank and RC arrived, Maxie and Georgie openly called Mac Dad for years.

i remember both of them alternating between Mac/Dad but i never remembered them saying "stepdad". it was just Dad. 

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I will give credit to EMc. While I’ve never been a big fan of her acting, she does do a good job of playing Joss as head over heels in love with Dex. However that guy does not match her energy even a little bit so it comes off one sided. He gives more in his scenes with MB and CD. His acting along with the shallow writing is holding them back as a couple  

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Was it a buy 1 get 2 for free sale for the dresses. Sequins and mid-thigh slit. But they all looked good. 

I'm sniffing a triangle with the prize of the year, Curtis, Portia and Jordan. And it stinks bad if we're headed there. They deserve better than Curtis.

Carly's snark at Nina over Sonny and his lifestyle and the looks she keeps throwing his way have me wondering if they're about to pivot away from Drew/Carly. 

So the Ball going on without Lucy really has nothing to do with Lucy being worried that Maxie and Bobbie will fuck up. It's about her not being the center of attention. Also, she's in a safehouse, where did that dress come from? Are they throwing black tie dinners or something.

I didn't mind the red carpet. It's the lull before the cringe of the performances.

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57 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

This pivot is coming out of nowhere 

Carly has always been territorial toward Sonny, whether or not they're together. She's the only one who could handle the mob lifestyle, you know.

Lucy's comments were not funny at all.

I did not like Curtis's giant red tie. Linc's tie looked like a clip-on, LOL. If it was, kudos to Wardrobe for that accurate touch.

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Carly has always been territorial toward Sonny, whether or not they're together. She's the only one who could handle the mob lifestyle, you know.


honestly, i do find it interesting that now that there is DANGER - she's throwing Sonny yearning loook. she is very much attracted to the danger (hence why she wanted to be La Mafia Queen when he "died). and honestly i'd feel bad for Drewfus, but I don't, so i will only laugh at him when she ditches him

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Carly has always been territorial toward Sonny, whether or not they're together. She's the only one who could handle the mob lifestyle, you know.

Definitely but she keeps loudly claiming that she’s so over him and her kids and biggest enablers are pretending like they’ve always hated the mob so it comes out of left field for me. However, I doubt Michael is going to be anti-Sonny forever and Joss won’t hold out the moments her bf switches sides so maybe they’ll all shift at the same time. 

Wouldn’t be surprised if they are moving away from Carly/Drew. They got the biggest hard sell for a new pairing that I’ve seen in years and at best, have sibling chemistry. I can’t remember the last location shoot the show has done and it wasted on that couple. 

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8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

You're a good person. I'm just looking forward to his ass getting dumped. Serves him right. 

I'm as petty as RC.

LOL i did say but I don't. )
i will totally serve up some carrot cake with thick cream cheese icing and some shirley temples when that happens. 


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