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S16.E06: Whistlin' Past the Graveyard

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44 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

This Koracik love is baffling... This Koracik should be with Meredith even moreso... How has he behaved any more maturely than Deluca?  Deluca almost got beat to death by Saint Alex and kept on trucking... He took the wrap for Meredith because she has kids.. He's a stand up dude... Koracik sleeps with emotionally vulnerable women he's unbelievably arrogant... He flirts with women in front of their significant others.. Teddy made her choice and he's still telling her every chance he gets how wrong she was.. Not to mention the bogus and punitive restraining order he's got on owen... Deluca is playing stepdaddy while Meredith is in jail.. And Amelia is busy meeting her future in laws... Saint Alex has his own hospital to run and he got married... Webber us at the other hospital and bailey was working... As someone with a loving and attentive stepdaddy.. I applaud Deluca... Maybe he didn't know Derrick ( who was a whole mess if you ask me)  but he's a famous doctor and Meredith must have at least explained a little about him.. He hasn't tried to replace or push himself where he's not needed.. And that's tough when the kids are older and Meredith is being Meredith.. But y'all gonna hate him no matter what.. Smh

No one asked him to play stepdad, and stepdad he is not, he is doing it to boost his own ego and to get pats on the back. He is doing it to make Mer feel guilty so she would feel indebted to like/love him. 

"Hey Mer look how good I was to your kids when you were away, aren't I so good, you have to like me now" 

The man basically harassed her into going out with him. 

Edited by catspjs
  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, catspjs said:

No one asked him to play stepdad, and stepdad he is not, he is doing it to boost his own ego and to get pats on the back. He is doing it to make Mer feel guilty so she would feel indebted to like/love him. 

"Hey Mer look got good I was to your kids when you were away, aren't I so good, you have to like me now" 

The man basically harassed her into going out with him. 

Well it seems we have differing views on thus whole situation.. I saw a guy stepping up.. With a kid he genuinely cares for.. Who's mother he genuinely cares for

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, funnygirl said:

Deloser can talk to Zola about anything, yes. But since it was about Zola feeling sad about her dad, someone who actually KNEW Derek should be telling her stories about him. Aunt Maggie. Aunt Amelia. Miranda Bailey. Alex, Richard. Her mother, for goodness sakes! 

I hope they do. But Zola was grieving her father there and then. That's when she needed comfort. DeLuca was with her; he'd been asked to be responsible for her; she was hurting and she'd already shown Dr. You're-Not-My-Father what was hurting her. Meanwhile, as DeLuca also knew, Zola's mother was not available because she was in jail. And like Meredith, every other character who'd ever known Derek had something better to do -- half of them somewhere else, across town. 

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Deloser can talk to Zola about anything, yes. But since it was about Zola feeling sad about her dad, someone who actually KNEW Derek should be telling her stories about him. Aunt Maggie. Aunt Amelia. Miranda Bailey. Alex, Richard. Her mother, for goodness sakes! 

And any of them are free to do so whenever they wish. The point is that Maggie dumped Zola off on DeLuca. Not Amelia, not Bailey, not Alex, not Richard. DeLuca. DeLuca asked Zola what was wrong, and she expressed worry she would forget her dad. So DeLuca told her a nice story he'd heard about her dad. Big deal. Jeepers you'd think he'd kidnapped her and tied her to a chair or something.


The frustration comes from krista taking what would be a great moment if it was literally any one of the dozen characters on the show who did know Derek and making it a genuine emotional moment for the characters and the audience and instead choosing this moment to try and push merluca. 

Seems to me the frustration comes from fans who simply don't want Meredith and DeLuca together so they complain if DeLuca so much as blinks wrong. 

  • Love 16

I think DeLuca is going above and beyond with Meredith's kids.  Zola didn't want to go to daycare because it's for little kids?  Tough shit.  Take it up with your mother, Zola, later when she gets home from jail.  Doctors have work to do and patients to care about, and don't have time to babysit you at the hospital.  And it's not safe for her to be dragged around on rounds even if only due to all the bacteria flying around the sick people, much less her wandering off by herself.   Maggie should have played grown up and taken Zola to the daycare regardless of Zola's whining; DeLuca should have when Maggie didn't.

I reserve most of my ire in this scenario for Meredith.  SHE was the one who should have been responsible enough not to defy her court-ordered community service so she wouldn't end up in jail.  SHE was the one who pawned off all three of her children on her roommates and boyfriend because she was irresponsible and went to jail.  SHE should be the one talking with her kids about their dad.  SHE should have spent more than 30 seconds with them when she came home, and her first priority should have been to be with the kids and ask how they were while she was in jail. 

Linc and Amelia, once again, were an awesome pair.  I loved how matter of fact Amelia was about Linc's family dysfunction, and am glad she was able to help him through it.  They are a good couple who seem to be very good for each other.  No doubt show will ruin that soon.

Jo's costume was great, and it did make me laugh every time people at Alex's hospital freaked out. 

I do not buy Bailey's hormonal meltdowns.  I just don't.  But then I don't buy this version of Bailey and haven't for years now.  I am furious at the show for making women seem like out of control, unprofessional nutjobs when they are pregnant (except for Amelia so far).  It's a terrible, stereotype and damages women to perpetuate it.  Women have a hard enough time with employers when they are pregnant without shows like this adding to a stereotype that fuels discrimination.

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, izabella said:

I reserve most of my ire in this scenario for Meredith.  SHE was the one who should have been responsible enough not to defy her court-ordered community service so she wouldn't end up in jail.  SHE was the one who pawned off all three of her children on her roommates and boyfriend because she was irresponsible and went to jail.  SHE should be the one talking with her kids about their dad.  SHE should have spent more than 30 seconds with them when she came home, and her first priority should have been to be with the kids and ask how they were while she was in jail.

For that matter (and maybe they covered it in the beginning of the episode -- I missed the first half of it), but does Meredith have some sort of legal paperwork granting custody of her kids to Amelia and/or Maggie for such an instance? 

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Meredith is so clueless about real world-implications, i can't imagine she made arrangements.

2 hours ago, catspjs said:

No one asked him to play stepdad, and stepdad he is not

Maggie asked him to drive the kids to school. And to take care of Zola while she's in surgery. That's what he was doing.

Deluca knows the hospital stories about him and that's what Zola needed in that moment, to have someone tell her stories about her dad and how special her dad was. Amelia was off with Linc, Maggie went into a surgery and she didn't really know Derek that well anyway.  Zola's mother was in jail.

Where do you draw the line? There are stories that I tell my child about my deceased father that I didn't experience myself but learned from my aunt and grandmother.  Should I tell only stories that I was there for?  Or is it okay to pass things on second hand since I knew him in person?

3 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Eh, I get it. Owen's always wanted children, so it's not surprising that he finally got what he wanted. Amelia said she didn't want kids, now she's having one with someone else. It's the equivalent of being in a relationship for years, you want to get married, your partner said that they don't want to, you break up, and then they're engaged to someone else. The issue wasn't that they didn't want to get married, they just didn't want to marry you. That's going to hit the ego hard.

Setting aside the whole tumor thing, Amelia was traumatized by what happened to Christopher, If Owen doesn't understand that, she's better off without him.

4 hours ago, snarky snarkerson said:

Many large state and private schools have multiple ceremonies (one for each college within the university), which are often more meaningful to students than the large commencement ceremony in the football stadium or a large nearby arena. 

So depending on where someone went to school, totally possible. Especially if someone got, say, a BS in science and BA in English.

I did some research.  Turns out it's a US thing (which explains why I had never heard of it). Other places you can do a double major but you only get one degree.

There are different rules for different schools. In some you have to do extra courses to get a second degree. In others you can get two degrees while only doing the amount of courses as will only get you one degree at another school, which feels really unfair to me.

  • Love 2

So, here's my opinion on the whole Deluca/Zola stuff: I kind of fall in the middle. I think that it felt awkward to have Deluca talk about Derek to Zola since these are only stories that he HEARD. 

However, he made it clear to Zola that he never experienced the story for himself, and that he only heard about it from others. He also was there to comfort Zola when she needed it. He recognized what she needed; she needed to hear someone talk about her dad and tell her something about him that she didn't know. So Deluca did what he had to do in that moment.

I still think he feels more like a babysitter than a potential father figure to Zola, but that's ok with me. He wasn't trying to parent her; he was trying to help her feel better and any adult would do that for a child. If we replaced Deluca with anyone else, it would be the same story. It's more awkward since Deluca never met Derek, but he never pretended to know Derek so I think that's what makes it ok. 

And I think, if Deluca wasn't dating Meredith, he might have done the exact same thing and I feel like he wouldn't have reacted any different. Let's say that Deluca was still dating Maggie and she pawned Zola off on him. I believe the exact same scenario would have played out and that's what makes it fine for me with Deluca talking about stories he heard about Derek to Derek's daughter. 

And I say this as someone who hates Meredith/Deluca and has been bothered by Deluca since last season.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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54 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Honestly, I don't know why the female characters on this show behave like immature little girls half the time. It's downright bizarre.

Not to mention, all of them talk like they're preteens and can't speak in complete, coherent sentences.   Really, I can't think of one of them who sounds like an adult.   I think the writers think it's cute.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, izabella said:

I reserve most of my ire in this scenario for Meredith.  SHE was the one who should have been responsible enough not to defy her court-ordered community service so she wouldn't end up in jail.  SHE was the one who pawned off all three of her children on her roommates and boyfriend because she was irresponsible and went to jail.  SHE should be the one talking with her kids about their dad.  SHE should have spent more than 30 seconds with them when she came home, and her first priority should have been to be with the kids and ask how they were while she was in jail. 

THIS!!! So much this!!! There is such a lack of self awareness and accountability with Meredith right now. 

I don’t really care to see any of the kids on this show. It’s not that kind of show. But what gets my goat is when this show writes these character like they don’t have kids. Like that ridiculous time Meredith took a sledgehammer to her house, and now this. 

4 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Not to mention, all of them talk like they're preteens and can't speak in complete, coherent sentences.   Really, I can't think of one of them who sounds like an adult.   I think the writers think it's cute.

Kelly came out with a small interview recently that surprised me. She said that part of what keeps the show fresh is they get new writers every season. I don’t keep track of the writers anymore on this show but of this is true, I don’t think it keeps it fresh, I think it keeps the show inconsistent in tone and voice. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I've never been a huge fan of Owen.. Tho I don't dislike him as much as others on the board... Him and Amelia shoulda never got together.. But they did and while we can blame it all on the tumor if we want... She put him thru it as well.. And for a guy who was so gung ho about having kids.. And for her to be so gung ho against it.  To then fall pregnant so soon after.. If it were me.. Even if I'm totally happy in my current situation.. I'd feel a way about it... Looks like he goes his usual way overboard from the previews... 

I can see Owen being upset/hurt that Amelia is pregnant after not wanting kids with him. But having a right to be upset doesn't mean he has a right to scream at Amelia for it. Especially since he now has two kids of his own.

If he had no kids, I can see him thinking how he felt like he missed his chance because of Amelia. But clearly he did not.

9 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I don't know in today's hover culture that I buy he has nobody hanging around, but it isn't like glasses was helping him find a costume for an entire 12 hour shift.  Having no parents there for the 2 hours or so that it probably took to find and make a costume seems more plausible than he has no adult stopping by at all.  

I actually was worried they were going to have the kids parents show up at the end all pissed off that glasses let their son dress like a sunflower.

6 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I dunno.  He was just the jail clerk.  He wouldn't have anything to do with bail.  That would be the courts.

I thought she was asking him for the woman's full name or other identifying information in order to contact the court about it. Hopefully, Meredith's lawyer confirmed the woman's story before actually posted that bail. I don't think she was conning Meredith though, I think she was there to show Meredith her arrogance.

4 hours ago, catspjs said:

No one asked him to play stepdad, and stepdad he is not, he is doing it to boost his own ego and to get pats on the back. He is doing it to make Mer feel guilty so she would feel indebted to like/love him. 

"Hey Mer look how good I was to your kids when you were away, aren't I so good, you have to like me now" 

The man basically harassed her into going out with him. 

So, Deluca should be an asshole to Meredith's kids so she doesn't "feel guilty" about eventually dumping him? I don't really understand what he was supposed to have done here.

I kind of think he was just being nice to Zola because he is a decent person. A little girl (that he was asked to baby-sit) was upset about forgetting her dead father, so he told her a story he had heard to make her feel better. He acknowledged he had only heard the story second hand.

Obviously, he wants to do things he thinks will make Meredith like him, but that isn't the same as trying to make her feel guilty. But isn't that what anyone does with the person they are dating? You do things to make them happy.

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I thought the DeLuca/Zola conversation was fine, maybe because I can see myself handling it in exactly the same way.  Zola is old enough to understand that everybody didn't know her dad and DeLuca made it clear Derek hadn't been forgotten.

Ah, Meredith, thank you for being consistently self-absorbed, entitled, and full of yourself.  You are nothing if not dependable. Actions have consequences and you seemed surprised and even a little hurt that you had to accept the penalty for what you did or, actually, didn't do.   

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, catspjs said:

He is really trying to insist himself where he should't. Bailey, Richard, Alex, Jo- those I would understand telling her stories about her dad.

Wait, DeLuca can't talk to Zola about Derek, but Jo can?  Derek and Jo had exactly no relationship whatsoever; frankly, Derek and Alex had basically no relationship either.  This just reeks of irrationally justifying incomprehensible hatred of a character who just isn't worth such vitriol.  Zola was randomly shitty to him, he learned that this was rooted in her missing her father, and he did something to make her feel better.  I mean, how fucking dare he!!  Seriously, what he did was...normal human behavior.  Jesus.

6 hours ago, catspjs said:

No one asked him to play stepdad, and stepdad he is not, he is doing it to boost his own ego and to get pats on the back. He is doing it to make Mer feel guilty so she would feel indebted to like/love him. 

"Hey Mer look how good I was to your kids when you were away, aren't I so good, you have to like me now" 

The man basically harassed her into going out with him. 


That's completely ridiculous.  I mean, honestly.

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2 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Wait, DeLuca can't talk to Zola about Derek, but Jo can?  Derek and Jo had exactly no relationship whatsoever; frankly, Derek and Alex had basically no relationship either.  This just reeks of irrationally justifying incomprehensible hatred of a character who just isn't worth such vitriol.  Zola was randomly shitty to him, he learned that this was rooted in her missing her father, and he did something to make her feel better.  I mean, how fucking dare he!!  Seriously, what he did was...normal human behavior.  Jesus.


That's completely ridiculous.  I mean, honestly.

Well Zola is a child with a dead father and a mother who is in prison, if there is a child who is allowed to be randomly shitty to people is Zola. And Alex was there from the beginning of her parents story, him and Derek were roommates for a long time so yes he definitely has more right to tell Zola those stories. You can't say the two had no relationship, Derek gave Alex hid wedding for god's sake. Have you forgotten all those season 1 to 10 , that made the show even be able to survive today. And Jo was there for a while too, since season 9, so they all interacted together and hung out and all that. 

I think what Deluca did for Zola was nice. However, I would still like to see Amelia talking to Zola about Derek. It seems to me that she was the most suitable person for this. Amelia lost her father at a similar age to Zola. When we met her in Season 7, she shouted to Derek that she couldn't talk about her dad because she barely remembered him, and nobody in the family had ever wanted to talk to her about him. Not only that she knew Derek herself and, as she admitted herself, she missed him every day, she also perfectly understands how Zola feels.

  • Love 17

I don't get the DeLuca hate that so many seem to have. I'm no fan, but I don't dislike him or find anything particularly dislike-worthy about him. He's kind of just bland and indifferent and I'm more or less just "eh, whatever" about his and Meredith's relationship. Yes, he's too young for her and too far below her level of life experience and understanding -- are they longterm potential? I'm not even trying to think that far ahead. I'm really just "whatever" about it.

That said, I kind of liked his moment with Zola. And yeah, it would have been nicer if someone who actually knew and was close to Derek had been the one to relay a Derek story to Zola, but that wasn't the point. DeLuca is Zola's mom's boyfriend. He's around all the time, playing house with her and helping out with her kids. Any kid whose divorced or widowed parent started dating again can relate -- this new person is trying to replace my mom/dad. DeLuca is not trying to replace Derek (ha, like he could try!) but it can feel that way to a kid Zola's age, particularly when he unknowingly does little things that her dad specifically did like fixing her Halloween costume the way he did. It feels like he's taking her dad's place. So, yeah, it would be nice if Amelia or Bailey or whoever told Zola a "your dad was a hero" story because at least they actually knew him, but Amelia and Bailey are not, in Zola's mind, threatening to replace Derek as Zola's dad and erode her memory of him. So it made more sense for DeLuca, the one Zola sees as the threat to Derek's memory, to tell Zola a story about her dad to keep his memory alive for her and help her understand that, yes, he's with her mom now but her dad is still her dad and always will be and mom's new friend understands that and is perfectly happy to talk about him with her.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Random thoughts:

I agree that Link’s hair is too short in the back and on the sides. Was his barber distracted?

I liked Tom yet again in this episode. His reason for hating Halloween actually made sense! Of course, his moment had to be usurped by Bailey. I found that extremely irritating although I did laugh at Tom’s “take it, take it, take it...”

I am with whoever said that they kept relaying the zombie babies moment. That was fucking hilarious.

I actually really enjoyed Jo and Alex in this episode. The reactions to her costume were funny, and her telling Alex she was pregnant had me. Okay, show, I did laugh. 

I want Meredith’s storyline to end because it’s boring and bad. I want to see her doing surgery. This storyline is also making her unlikable, and I actually like Meredith. 

All I’m gonna say about Zola and DeLuca is that I didn’t mind that moment. I don’t think there’s anyone who have just sat there while a child is sad about their dead father and just not say anything to comfort that child. That seems to go against the nature of a normal, caring person. 

  • Love 5
On 11/1/2019 at 10:09 PM, catspjs said:

Well Zola is a child with a dead father and a mother who is in prison, if there is a child who is allowed to be randomly shitty to people is Zola. And Alex was there from the beginning of her parents story, him and Derek were roommates for a long time so yes he definitely has more right to tell Zola those stories. You can't say the two had no relationship, Derek gave Alex hid wedding for god's sake. Have you forgotten all those season 1 to 10 , that made the show even be able to survive today. And Jo was there for a while too, since season 9, so they all interacted together and hung out and all that. 

Thank you for asking, I do remember all seasons of this show, and I also remember that Derek and Alex had no real friendship and that Derek and Jo had exactly no meaningful interactions in the two season the two characters overlapped.  If you want to try to spin those two into important people in Derek's life, that's fine, but that isn't what the show actually showed.  In fact, here's a ranking of 51 friendships from the show.  You know what friendships are nowhere to be found?  Derek/Alex and Derek/Jo (I do love that the DeLuca/Jo friendship is dead last, though).  Whatever justifies the DeLuca hatred, though, I guess.

Edited by NUguy514
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Well, I certainly didn't expect like half the comments here to be about DeLuca's conversation with Zola, as that one barely registered with me. But, while we're at it, even though I think it sure was contrived like hell and just another attempt to make MerLuca happen, I really can't find much wrong with what DeLuca (as a character on the show) did in that particular situation. A little girl was sad because she was missing her dad and he told her a nice story about him so she would feel better. Would it be better if the story had been told by someone who knew her father and had a meaningful relationship with him? Sure, but none of those people were there at the moment, (or even noticed she was hurting) so I don't see what the big deal is. 

It's so obvious that they're going to make that farcically hopeless excuse of a hospital Alex and Richard work at now into the Best Medical Facility EVER!!! and that the Catherine Fox Foundation (God, this one will never not sound cringy) will eventually buy it. I'm yawning already.

These days, I'm always more glad about the things that didn't happen on the show. Like, it's really great that Jo isn't really pregnant. Or that she didn't have to perform an emergency surgery while dressed in her Halloween costume, because I totally thought it would happen. And for that, I'm grateful. Also, Amelia didn't talk her usual weirdly accented cutesy gibberish! She sounded like a normal person! See, show/Scorsone? YOU CAN DO IT! Now do it all the time!

The Sunflower Kid was adorable and Teddy's costumes were awesome. Perhaps for all the wrong reasons, but still awesome. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 7

Well, next week it seems we have Owen yelling at Amelia in the stairwell, offended that she had the audacity to get pregnant by and be happy with another man when she didn't want kids with him.

I've never been a huge fan of Owen.. Tho I don't dislike him as much as others on the board... Him and Amelia shoulda never got together.. But they did and while we can blame it all on the tumor if we want... She put him thru it as well.. And for a guy who was so gung ho about having kids.. And for her to be so gung ho against it.  To then fall pregnant so soon after.. If it were me.. Even if I'm totally happy in my current situation.. I'd feel a way about it... Looks like he goes his usual way overboard from the previews... 

I get the shock/surprise but considering he supposedly moved on with his life what Amelia does with her life/body is her business and not Owen's. This is why I could never see those two together. It was too toxic. Granted pre-tumour Amelia was an emotional rollercoaster but Owen was also filled with drama. He's super judgemental of others when he's just as flawed and he has a temper to the  point of cruel. When he confronted Amelia's issue over children was he in the dark with her miscarriage history just as he was oblivious of Kurasik's history? Because he loves to shoot his mouth off when he has no idea what he's talking about. He pushed and pushed and pushed Amelia on that issue but did he ever LISTEN to her? That scene when Amelia confessed to Linc of her anxieties of children/her miscarriage, he didn't judge her and he didn't interrupt her or push. He just listened and let her process her thoughts. I don't think Owen would have had the patience to sit still (and shut up) and let her  reveal her most raw and vulnerable without judging her. I mean last season he made a disparaging comment about Betty and the flightiness of addicts (and in a way Amelia) and yelled at her when she told Leo's grandparents and then acted like nothing happened (ex. the yelling/saying cruel things) when he finally got his way. If I were Amelia I wouldn't trust myself with Owen. He told her she wasn't capable of love and held things against her, why would she want to have kids with a person like that?


I can see Owen being upset/hurt that Amelia is pregnant after not wanting kids with him. But having a right to be upset doesn't mean he has a right to scream at Amelia for it. Especially since he now has two kids of his own.

If he had no kids, I can see him thinking how he felt like he missed his chance because of Amelia. But clearly he did not.

True. But I don't think Owen ever really loved Amelia. There was fascination but I think he was done with her drama just before her brain tumour surgery and I think the only reason they got back together was he needed help co-parenting Leo and she was there to help because when things got hard (Betty/Betty's parents taking Leo) he turned on Amelia real quick instead of leaning on each other as partners

Edited by redfish
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So is the end game that Meredith is going to be a savior to everyone who is less fortunate and start a free clinic with top notch, state of the art care? 

Everyone who breaks the law on this show (except maybe Paul and people with money) is always just a victim of circumstance and/or misunderstood. There are no bad poor people, only bad wealthy people (unless you’re one of the docs)

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I didn’t have an issue with Deluca’s interaction/discussion with Zola. He knew she was upset and he took Jackson’s advice to find out what she was upset about. When she said it was related to Derek, he was trying to help her feel better by telling her how great her dad was.

Just because he wasn’t there when it happened doesn’t mean it’s off limits for him to tell her that story. What was he supposed to do instead? Tell her, “Uh, hold on a minute so I can call Aunt Cristina and wake her up in the middle of the night so she can tell you a story about your dad”? Or just pat her on the head and walk away?

He was trying to comfort a little girl who misses her dead dad and people are acting like he was being a total dick. 

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Maybe I'm too naive but I took it as the show doing their consciousness raising thing like the article about problems in hospitals. 

The "single parent has to work and has no one to look after the kids" is an sad reality for many. She did the best she could.

That and "people stuck in jail for months over relatively minor charges because they can't afford bail" (almost certainly costing the state even more than the bail amount in a lot of cases).

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On 11/1/2019 at 1:17 AM, chocolatine said:

I don't think the cell mate is a con artist, but I'm sure one of her kids will develop a rare/mysterious medical condition and she'll seek out Meredith for help. Or maybe I'm just biased because the actress (Isadora Goreshter) played a shady character on Shameless for many years, so I don't want to see her in the same role on this show.

Svletana! I thought she looked familiar! Whatever happens I am down with it. Good bad or ugly. I honestly have no clue where the writers are going with this story, Will Mere lose her medical licence? Will Svetlana murder her in her sleep? Stay tuned and find out!

I thought Deluca and the little girl .. what's her name -- were cute. Derek died - what? 3 - 4 years ago? That child doesn't look very old now so she was even younger then. Her memories of Derek are slipping away...it was nice of someone to take the time and find out what was the matter and talk to her about it. In other words I guess I don't hate the character like some seem to do?

I thought when Koracick was telling Bailey about his dead son -- that it sounded insincere somehow and he was going to end the story by saying -- "Psych bitch! Happy Halloween!" or something like that.

Amelia still has diarrhea of the mouth -- she just spews forth information like a fountain. That is always borderline annoying to me.

There is no way Bailey is making it through this pregnancy without major problems.

Edited by taanja
  • Love 2
On 11/2/2019 at 11:17 AM, Chicken Wing said:

Yes, he's too young for her and too far below her level of life experience and understanding -

I guess I'm one of the few who doesn't hate the Mer/Deluca pairing.  And forgive me but I missed a couple of seasons and haven't caught up yet, so I don't know how they initially got together.   But had the age difference ever been mentioned or brought up as a concern of theirs?  Twenty years is a LOT.  (Yes, I am aware that there are many happy couples out there who are decades apart in age.)

Speaking of age, how is it that these 49 and 50 year old women are getting pregnant so easily?  I wish I was in on the secret when I was trying to get pregnant in my early 40s!

  • Love 1

For me, it wasn't that DeLuca told Zola a story about her Dad.  It was that he told her that story.  That was one that Meredith should have told her, showing her the drawing on the wall.  It would have been a very meaningful moment - maybe pass the tumor drawing on to her to remember her Dad every time she looked at it?  But it was thrown away to be a bonding moment between DeLuca and Zola.  I don't have issue with DeLuca per se, but this pairing just doesn't feel right to me.  I wish it had just been a fling.  

Baby Zombies were awesome, and Teddy should be in charge of Halloween every year.

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