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Josie and Kelton: They Have Employable Skills

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22 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I can't tell anything about the size of her bump in the third photo due to her extreme bodily contortions.  That can't be comfortable.  I doubt she's going from having six pound babies to a twelve pound baby, but it gives us something to talk about.

Yea, I think the last pic is disguised as a bump pic, when its really a, look how sexy I am, picture.

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5 hours ago, floridamom said:

I wonder what Gil and Kelly really think about some of their daughters' "modesty"? That 3rd photo is anything but a modest one. Josie, in my opinion, has little modesty to her these days. I am shocked, really at her photos lately. It goes to show me that these daughters just followed their fathers' rules out of necessity and could not wait to leave them and his household.

Kelly did a Q & A video awhile with Alyssa..and she basically said once you're an adult and in your own household...you have to decide what is right and wrong.

Doesn't mean she approves...but I do think once an adult, you decide for yourself.  And Josie and Kelton are self sufficient with their own businesses so the scope of influence Gil/Kelly have is limited.

I have heard babies do tend to weigh a bit more with each pregnancy but it isn't always so.

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5 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Kelton was probably kind of geeky growing up and never thought he could get someone like Josie.. so the fact that she actually was willing to court with him is a major win in his book

Josie was pretty mousy when Kelton first noticed her around age 14. She didn't really blossom until she was out from under her parents' authoritarian rule. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
Autofill strikes again!
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Why would he be pissed about it? He and Josie are very happily married. They both own very successful companies and they have 2 beautiful girls and another child on the way. If anything they should all be happy that things worked out for the best.  At this point Kelton and Josie do not have to answer to Gil or follow his rules. They make their own rules.  I really don't see them spending too much effort or time thinking about this.

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8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Why would he be pissed about it? He and Josie are very happily married. They both own very successful companies and they have 2 beautiful girls and another child on the way. If anything they should all be happy that things worked out for the best.  At this point Kelton and Josie do not have to answer to Gil or follow his rules. They make their own rules.  I really don't see them spending too much effort or time thinking about this.

Kelton said when he finally go to date Josie again that he was still mad at being told he couldn't date her earlier. 

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So, Gil doesn't follow the "Jim Bob Duggar" method of indenturing his adult married children to himself? Is this parent-obedience until death a Duggar specialty or is it an IBLP/Gothard rule? If a Duggar specialty, boy, is Jim Bob a selfish, unchristian individual. I would love to hear from Gil, himself, as to what "his" rules are for his grown married children.

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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Gil and especially Kelly seem to be happy to not be responsible for them after they leave home. Kelly shifts to BFF mode. 

The Bateses are Duggars-lite. They may not tie the adult kids to them with businesses and property (because Gil and Kelly have neither businesses nor properties to spare), but they certainly pressure the kids to stay in the cult, continue the baby-making, and follow their "modesty" rules (at least the girls). 

The Bateses are nothing more than Duggars with less money and in more aesthetic packaging. 

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5 hours ago, Absolom said:

Most of their married daughters don't seem to care about parental modesty standards any more after leaving home.  They seem to set their own standards on a lot of things after marriage.

I agree and that's the way it should be. They do not need to conform to Gil and Kelly's modesty standards once they are adults and out of the parent's home.

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It goes to show you that Gil and Kelly's household did NOT include all of the kids' agreement on modesty standards. They tolerated them until they left the home and married. If they all agreed with these standards they all would still be following them like Michaela and Erin seem to be doing. This show was as fake as the Duggar's TV show. 

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Moving this from the Carlin thread.

I definitely wonder about the Josie & Kelton marriage and part of me thinks Josie regrets giving Kelton god like status day 1 to the point where he runs her life and she secretly needs to see her mom while he’s at work.

I mean I think he’s a rigid person. Like he sat down at age 18 and mapped out his life plan re school, business, marriage, 5 kids and whoever he plugged into the wife role had to be a blonde haired blue eyed chick who would live how he demanded. Cue the 14 yr old desperate the get out of her parents’ home who decided Kelton was worldly and wise bc he was older and his fam had $. My sense is that first yr or so of marriage he was filling her head with ideas that HIS family was better, more successful, and that’s who they had to follow, her dad was an idiot for almost stopping them from marrying, and being that she was just glad to be away from the loud house w 19 other ppl and not enough money + eager to please her man, she agreed with him, bashed her fam, and he was shrewd enough to run with.

I mean that first year of marriage before she pushed out the kid, she and Kelton would go on coffee dates every Sat morning and often she’d say Kelton was training her re how he wanted the house to run?! Who does that?! But I think Kelton laid down the rules immediately re cooking, cleaning, her family could only come if invited, yet his dad can stop by anytime to visit his kids, he’ll only go to her family for a Christmas party and ILY Day etc. While Kelton gets sooo much credit for cooking, he’s only been doing it for 1-2 yrs and says he cooks “to help Josie out” and whenever the house is messy/piles of laundry, Josie always acts sooo guilty - as if the people generating the mess aren’t HIS kids too.

I think while he doesn’t say she can’t see her parents/siblings, he strikes me as the type who stomps his feet re seeing them/is clear that he prefers his kids spend time with HIS family, and all that has led to her only seeing her mom when he isn’t around + other siblings knowing they need an engraved invitation to come around.

I mean I get not wanting her 18 siblings bunking at your house. But Katie visits from NJ and some visits it seems like she can come over for a few hrs when Kelton isn’t there, otherwise they just catch up at church?? Alyssa was in town when Josie’s 2nd kid was born and left without visiting Josie or the kid - and Alyssa and Josie used to be roommates?! Law for all his faults is a good uncle who seems like he’ll stop by for 30 min 2-3 times/yr just to see whichever nieces/nephews. We have seen him go to Zach, Carlin, Trace, Erin, even Alyssa who he isn’t super close with - yet never Josie?!

While I get not everyone is close with everyone, we’ve seen some relationships between siblings and some really make an effort for siblings even if they aren’t super close - like when Nathan and Jackson separately drove down to see newlywed homesick Katie bc they were “only” a few hundred miles away. Yet Josie appears to take the - eh we’re good, see you at the next required ILY Day or wedding - and I sense that’s to keep Lord Kelton happy.

Edited by cereality
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I can see Evan getting on some of the guys' nerves.  Perhaps he gets on everyone's nerves.  He is a guy who lets his sister pay for his and Carlin's Starbucks.  He quit a good job to stay home do nothing.  We know Balka is a hard worker.  While the Balka way of sharing the household chores may not be what I like or do, the culture that Josie comes from tells her the man runs the household. I don't think she's turned off by it.  I am by no means a Kelton fan, but in many ways, if made to choose, I'd gladly choose Kelton.  He may be the lesser of the two evils, and sheltered Josie never knew any better.  

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1 hour ago, zenme said:

I can see Evan getting on some of the guys' nerves.  Perhaps he gets on everyone's nerves.  He is a guy who lets his sister pay for his and Carlin's Starbucks.  He quit a good job to stay home do nothing.  We know Balka is a hard worker.  While the Balka way of sharing the household chores may not be what I like or do, the culture that Josie comes from tells her the man runs the household. I don't think she's turned off by it.  I am by no means a Kelton fan, but in many ways, if made to choose, I'd gladly choose Kelton.  He may be the lesser of the two evils, and sheltered Josie never knew any better.  

I agree.  If it were between a husband who quit his job with insurance and benefits to work with his wife and sisters at a boutique (Zach) or a husband who went to school to become an electrician but never worked in the job and decided he could make more money selling his children in videos (Evan), I'll take the guy who seems like he could be a controlling jerk, but at least he is making money for the family and Josie has her business, so it's not like he is telling her she can't do anything.  I'm not a Kelton fan either, but in comparison, he's not the worst of the bunch (and that's not really a compliment).  

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I think Kelton and Josie have a very healthy marriage that operates pretty normally.  (And I know that everyone's normal is different.)  Now that the show is over, the married siblings have started living their own lives, as they should.  Obviously, there was a feud of some sorts that but a barrier in some of the sister's relationships, especially with Erin vs. Carlin/Whitney and now with Katie vs. Josie and that is sad.  I do respect the way the girls have all handled whatever happened.  No rants/gossip etc., at least in the public eye. We can all speculate, but no one really knows except them.    Kelton seems to like his in-laws.  He's very busy with owning & working his own growing business and has a family of his own.  He cooks a lot of his family dinners.  That doesn't leave a lot of time for entertaining all the Bates family.  Many weekends, he is home with the girls so Josie can work her business.  I really don't think that Gil and Kelly have a lot of family time each week that includes all the married couples.  I believe it was Carlin who just admitted that she hadn't seem much of her family since TG and then saw them 3 times during the Christmas season.  The Christmas party Kelly put together is new.  The Bates use to say they didn't do much at Christmas but focused more on "I Love You Day".  I think Kelly wants to see all the grands, so she is wanting to do Christmas now, since ILYD is focused more on the married kids.  Gil seems to let his kids come to him and he doesn't go out of his way to see them.  Kelly does go see her kids, but it is for short visits and never to be of help.   

I am sad that Josie and Katie don't seem to get along anymore.  Mostly because I think Josie would be a better influence on Katie than Carlin is.  

I also find it curious why Katie and Travis always stay with Carlin and not with her mom and dad.  That seems very strange to me.  Especially if Katie is so homesick for family.  But I guess I'm in the wrong thread for that.  

I live in a small, rural town in nowhere USA and I go to the same small church as my brother-in-law and his family, but we rarely sit by them in worship and sometimes don't even talk when we are there.  The non-church activity with Carlin/Evan and Josie/Kelton doesn't bother me much.  It seems Carlin and Evan are more involved in groups at their church.  I think Josie and Kelton go to church on Sunday and Wednesday but do not seem to be associated with groups that watch football games together at the church or even have participated in Vacation Bible School.  

What I came to say was that I don't think Kelton is abusive or limiting what Josie can do.  She owns a business that she works, she regularly hosts or goes out for GNO, they do a lot with their girls etc.  They are in a busy time of their lives with growing businesses and family, and I think they make decisions on how to best spend their time according to that.  If there are issues with Josie's parents/family, I think they handle them pretty well.  

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As much as I'm not wild about Kelton - I will say it's fairly obvious that they avoid C&E for the same reason that K&T and Evan's own parents sent them home after 4 days when they were jonesing for a 15 day visit and Z&W only have them over when there is a special reason like Katie is visiting and they want to have her over.

I mean they've shown over and over that they are loud, bored grifters who if given an inch will take a mile. For all of Kelton's faults, it does seem like he and Josie have a friend circle that's their own age group. IDK if these are friends from church - they could be people from his or Josie's work that they like who also happen to go to the same church too, but in any event it goes beyond the barber and his wife who every Bates claims as their besties. While J&K aren't all loud "party party" about it, Josie does say every few months that they are having friends over to dinner or are going out for an evening with friends.

I'm sure C&E would join this friend group with bells on if J&K so much as interacted with them at church. But can you imagine. They'd be thrilled to show up at J&K's and chow down on steak tacos this month while not letting anyone else get a word in edge wise, and then next quarter they're stuffing their faces at someone else's lasagna party. Then a few months later when their turn rolls around, Evan is all giggling gee we don't cook so we don't even have condiments, can one of y'all go to the store and grab ketchup and mustard; Kelton here's the ground beef, do you know how to make burgers; and can one of the guys go to Home Depot and grab a propane tank and replace it on my grill bc ooopsie it's empty . . . .

While J&K have managed to find their own friend group, C&E are very much like those 9th graders who are so awkward that their best friend at school is their homeroom teacher bc she can't exactly tell them to buzz off. I mean they have GLOMMED ON to their 40+ yr old pastor and his wife - even going on a cruise with them and running to NYC on a girl's weekend with the pastor's wife and attending church basement football watching parties for New Years. As the pastor, I imagine they have to be inclusive so they can't tell C&E to get a life but it's obvious that people their own age have zero interest in hanging with them. Doesn't help that Carlin had the one church friend (Kristin?) over at her house watching Layla and scrubbing her tub + before Z&W drew some lines, Carlin was following them home after work as they tried to renovate their house, stepping in paint, ruining their floors, and not even noticing they were annoyed and wanted her to leave.

I do agree with drawing lines on family like that. I don't agree with how Kelton is doing it otherwise though. Sure they didn't want a 2nd bedroom in their first apartment bc Josie knew Kelly would take that as license to send over her kids to be raised - I get it. But really at 5 years married w 2 toddlers, are they having sexy time 24-7 to the point that Katie or Alyssa or Law can't drop by for 30 min when in town? Those I think are Kelton's lines that he got Josie to buy into on day 1 when she was younger and looking to impress him and because it is HIS HOUSE, I don't get the sense Josie can go around him now without causing a fight -- hence no one visits if Lord Kelton is at the manor.

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3 hours ago, cereality said:

But really at 5 years married w 2 toddlers, are they having sexy time 24-7 to the point that Katie or Alyssa or Law can't drop by for 30 min when in town? Those I think are Kelton's lines that he got Josie to buy into on day 1 when she was younger and looking to impress him and because it is HIS HOUSE, I don't get the sense Josie can go around him now without causing a fight -- hence no one visits if Lord Kelton is at the manor.

I don't know about this. I don't know these people and I have no way of knowing what goes on in the Balka home. This includes whether or not Josie's siblings visit or not. But from what is posted on Instagram Josie runs her own business and has girlfriends. Kelton is shown babysitting while Josie is busy with work and friends and he cooks dinner for the family.   For all we know they may be having family over and just not posting about this. They don't have a Youtube channel. Josie may have decided early on that she prefers a different life style that how she was raised. She has that now with Kelton and her girls. Nothing wrong with this. 

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Kelton is off-putting to me as well. He is a hard worker and seems to be a good dad, but still there is something about him that just feels not quite right. 
I do think that all the siblings know better than to encourage Carlin and Evan to hang out too much because once that door is open there are no limits. Katie has distance on her side. But I also think that while Carlin is far from being very close to Josie they do see each other occasionally. I have seen photos of Layla with Willow and Hazel.

It’s possible that everyone appears to keep their distance so as not to dilute their social media presence. They all do depend on that to have the nice things they enjoy. 

Edited by 3 is enough
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10 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

Me too.

Same. He has some positive qualities, but I’ll never get past the fact that he was an adult man who thought it was ok to pursue a middle school aged girl 🤮. Disgusting predator. 

10 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Kelton is off-putting to me as well. He is a hard worker and seems to be a good dad, but still there is something about him that just feels not quite right. 
I do think that all the siblings know better than to encourage Carlin and Evan to hang out too much because once that door is open there are no limits. Katie has distance on her side. But I also think that while Carlin is far from being very close to Josie they do see each other occasionally. I have seen photos of Layla with Willow and Hazel.

It’s possible that everyone appears to keep their distance so as not to dilute their social media presence. They all do depend on that to have the nice things they enjoy. 

Josie has a husband who brings in a good income. She shouldn’t be dependent on social media. 

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I think Kelton spends enough time with the Bates to not be rude, but it's pretty obvious he prefers his own family. Case in point, when he cooks for his side it's steaks and prime rib while the Bates get chicken and Russet potatoes. Nothing wrong with the latter, but he clearly doesn't go all out. 

I can't get a good enough read on him to say whether he discourages Josie from having family over or spending time with them, but it was incredibly strange when Alyssa didn't visit after Josie had Hazel, and Katie doesn't go to her house ever when she's in town. Maybe they've just all grown apart and gone their separate ways, but it's sad for sisters who were once so close.

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3 hours ago, AstridM said:

Same. He has some positive qualities, but I’ll never get past the fact that he was an adult man who thought it was ok to pursue a middle school aged girl 🤮. Disgusting predator. 

Josie has a husband who brings in a good income. She shouldn’t be dependent on social media. 

Between pursuing a 14 yr old when he was headed off to college at age 18 + grabbing Josie's butt at the wedding in clear view of her parents and grandparents + posting a birthday message re 2 year old Willow that mentioned the child's virginity and her being pure for her husband - yeah dude's got issues.

I mean sure maybe one can "overlook" that a 12th grader was pursuing an 8th grader because it was soooo long ago and he was a child himself blah blah. I don't overlook it but maybe one can. But the wedding was ONLY 5 years ago. He was a grown enough man then to know what he was doing. Grabbing her butt the way he did was very much a show to G&K that she was now HIS and ain't nothing Gil could do. For those who haven't seen it, it wasn't like a cute in the corner thing between husband and wife with a little "can't wait for tonight" whisper that no one was meant to see. It was more like they are walking into the reception, family lining both sides, stop and hug her and grab her butt right there for all to see with G&K and Bill/Jane standing feet away.

The entire affair was one of bitterness as the rehearsal dinner best man speech included references to how G&K wouldn't allow them to be together years ago etc. I'm sorry your best friend only goes there in a speech in front of 100s of people only if YOU have made SUCH a big deal of it over the years that he remembers. Guys hardly remember the details of their own relationships, let alone their friends. You know he was crowing in Bobby's ear at engagement and beyond re haha I GOT HER, Gil can't stop me now.

And Willow's virginity - uh he was a grown man and a father. What parent can think of their baby that way!?

On top of all this being generally "I'm better than everyone" and "training" Josie on how his home should run - yeah IDK why he gets soooooo much credit.  Just bc he's a plumber and makes some $ and cooks and pays for a vacation? That's a pretty low bar though I guess the bar is on the floor with fundies.

Edited by cereality
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3 hours ago, AstridM said:

Josie has a husband who brings in a good income. She shouldn’t be dependent on social media. 

This is true but I also think he is fine with her doing her influencer thing if it means bringing in extra $$$ or expensive products they otherwise couldn’t afford. She shills less than Carlin or Whitney and these days she is mostly promoting her own shop goods.

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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:


I can't get a good enough read on him to say whether he discourages Josie from having family over or spending time with them, but it was incredibly strange when Alyssa didn't visit after Josie had Hazel, and Katie doesn't go to her house ever when she's in town. Maybe they've just all grown apart and gone their separate ways, but it's sad for sisters who were once so close.

This is the couple who got a one bedroom apartment specifically so no one could sleep over. And when they bought their house the third bedroom went from being a storage room for her shop to a playroom for the girls. They obviously have no desire for a guest room because they do not want overnight guests. Not even the sisters Josie was so close to when she was growing up.

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I kind of understand not wanting overnight guests at some level. Some people don't want that -  it's a lot of work. With G&K, a guest room means - hey take Jeb/Jud for a week or take Addie/Ellie/Callie etc. (Though I don't think Brandon & Michael have a guest room and they pretty much are raising Jeb/Jud.) Plus Kelton wasn't going to be in a position of having house guests - with a dad, siblings, grandparents that are all local.

What is weird to me is that no sibling - even the ones that were close to her - ever even VISIT!? Like no one stops by for an evening or a few hours when in town? We have seen Alyssa go and spend a half day with Carlin (even though they were never besties), with Erin when she lived in town, and with Michael. Meanwhile Josie had popped out baby #2 and Alyssa was in town and didn't even stop by and visit before leaving. Law comes to town and seems to spend like 1-2 hrs at his siblings' homes, not bunking there; we've seen him at Carlin, Erin, Zach, and Trace's homes but never Josie. And Katie who was the supposed absolute bestie - she doesn't come spend time with Josie at her house!? Last time they seemed to catch up at church and then the day Katie was leaving, Josie stopped by Carlin's to get more time with her. IDK what they did for this visit - though Katie said she was leaving today and as of yet we've seen zero pics with Josie.

To me that screams, your family is NOT coming over, while I am here. And while he's hard working, dude is a plumber not a top surgeon - he isn't exactly at work 100 hrs/wk. 

And I don't buy the - oh they all visit but it doesn't get on social media. Please Josie is on social media plenty. I agree it isn't like her sisters where she doesn't moment for moment document her life. But she ABSOLUTELY takes 1-2 pics of whatever they are doing - like if gathering with friends or making dinner or whatever - and puts that on social media before going on with her evening. The only person who is 100% not on social media is Tori and even still a random pic of Tori's kid with cousins will posted so you'll know she was in attendance someplace.

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Why assume that it is Kelton who doesn't want Josie's family visiting? Maybe it is Josie who doesn't want visitors.  Neither Kelton nor Josie have posted pictures of Kelton's family spending time at their home. Usually if they are spending time with Kelton's family it is at his family's house or camping.   

I would be surprised if anyone posting here has knowledge of who visits Josie and Kelton and who doesn't visit. Maybe no one visits them but unless there are posters here who travel in their circles how would anyone be able to state that Kelton has put his foot down on who is allowed to visit? 

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3 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Why assume that it is Kelton who doesn't want Josie's family visiting? Maybe it is Josie who doesn't want visitors.  Neither Kelton nor Josie have posted pictures of Kelton's family spending time at their home. Usually if they are spending time with Kelton's family it is at his family's house or camping.   

I would be surprised if anyone posting here has knowledge of who visits Josie and Kelton and who doesn't visit. Maybe no one visits them but unless there are posters here who travel in their circles how would anyone be able to state that Kelton has put his foot down on who is allowed to visit? 

Maybe they both agree most of the Bates are feral and are too much trouble to have visit.  I can see why Kelton wouldn't want to buy prime rib for the Bates.  If they are anything like my cousins who had a HUGE family, food is inhaled and barely tasted.  

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