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S06.E02: A Flash of the Lightning

Message added by Lady Calypso

So, there has been a lot of discussion about some Flash-related content that happened recently on Arrow. That type of discussion does not belong in the episode threads. If you would like to discuss these non-spoiler events that still relate to The Flash, please take it over to The Flash and Other Superheroes thread. Thanks!

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This was a strong episode. It should have been the season premiere. Grant and Candice gave outstanding performances. I hope Barry doesn't cry every episode until the crisis though.

I don't care what Barry saw, I still don't think that he will die. It could have been a time remnant or a possible future that will change.

Nice to see Iris' budding media empire. It is about damn time.

It is always great seeing Jay and now his wife, "Nora." I hope we see the actress again.

Joe is so wonderful. I wish we got him partnered with Barry again, not Cecile. I still can't abide Cecile being a meta and the invisible baby that she should have never had.

I know this is Hollywood and women have to be thin, but Candice looks like she has lost 20 lbs. She might be thinner than she was in the first season. I thought I saw her breast bone in that v neck dress.

I can't believe that Killer Frost actually made me laugh at her snarky comment to Kamilla that not all of them were winners. That was a first. However, I don't like Ralph and Cisco being her sidekicks. I hope that ends soon.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 7

This had S1 feels to me. 

I loved it - minus a few parts which I will get to.  But loved #WestAllen - that first conversation with Barry just resigned to his fate and Iris refusing to give up and getting angry that he seemed to be - so realistic.  And then later on when they both meet each other halfway.

I LOVE Iris getting TeamCitizen up and running... she's adding staff!  And she and her team investigated the main plot - I think Cecile becoming a defense attorney for metas and Iris' CCC team will really tie together well.  This feels really organic and I love how it's coming together.  I think having Ralph helping out makes sense too.  Well done.  Can't wait to see how the new intern and Camille work out.  Love this.

All the scenes with Barry and then Barry and Iris with Jay and Joan - awwww loved that.

Barry seeing all versions of the future - shades of Dr. Strange in Infinity War but I know that's a common Flash trope anyway, so I say that's just the writers reclaiming what is part and parcel of The Flash. That was so emotional though - Barry's reaction when Iris "died" was gutwrenching.

Barry fighting the villain alone!  Yes!!

Barry creating Gideon communication device!  YES!!!

And finally - Barry remembering Joe's words as he fought the villain at the end was PEAK S1.  I loved that so much.

This is the first Flash episode in a long while where I wanted to rewatch afterwards.

My only criticism is that the KF stuff is pointless. All of her stuff lifts right out and the show would be completely unaffected.  The character (both of them) have run their course.

Jury's out on bloodwork - but at least I'm curious to see how he becomes the villain.  Right now he's just throwing the same vibes he threw in Beauty & the Beast so I'm unsure where this is going.  He looks like his victim might take him out.

  • Love 12

Visions of antimatter walls. Dang, Arrowverse folks are pulling out all the geeky stops.

Well, Barry gets put through the emotional wringer, and it's only the second episode of the new season. No apparent hope for his future, and his father's double managed to find a lady on Earth-3 who is the double of Barry's mom. Anyone else figure Barry still needs therapy?

B-plot? The "Frost learns how to live" storyline might wear out its welcome. The new girl seems interesting, and her powerset makes me think of a DC C-list hero. But she doesn't look as dorky. I'm still puzzled about the point of Cecile having powers, other than just for the sake of advancing a story.

1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

Grant is one hell of a crier.   And I totally bought into it. 

My sister thinks Oliver will sacrifice his life for Barry to live.  That's an interesting idea except didn't he already do that last season?

Is it like watching Dean and Sam taking turns dying for each other on Supernatural? Also, I'm thinking those two will have to fight at the end of COIE to see who makes the ultimate sacrifice, while Red Skull stands back and munches on popcorn.

  • Love 4

I loved this episode except for some thing.

Grant and Candice were amazing tonight.

Poor Iris. She's in denial. I'm glad they came together in the end and accepted fate.

I lved the Joe/Barry scene

It was so great to see Jay and Joan. I wished we got a scene of all of them hanging out together having dinner. I wanted something similar to Young Justice

I loved the Barry we got in this episode. He INVENTED that mobile Gideon. Barry did that himself WITHOUT any help. He also stopped the meta all on his own. I wanted THIS Barry for the longest. Keep it up.

The sequence of Barry seeing all those timelines death was great. The last one with him disappearing was the best. Straight out the comics.

Sometimes, I wasn't feeling the meta of the week plot and sometimes I did. I don't care about Cecile becoming a defense attorney. She wasn't a good DA anyway.

Killer Frost was annoying this episode. She acted like a child. No, she was a bitch this episode. She was inconsiderate and insulting people's work in front of them. She didn't even apologize to Kamilla. Ralph was badly burned and asked for the doctor to come out. She said no and walked away. Wtf?

Yay Iris team is building. She has a reporter intern.

  • Love 10

As someone who's always liked Cecile.. This was a great episode.. Enjoyed the focus and integration of some of the side characters in the main plot.. Minus the flash.. While still being relevant to the flash.. Sure the VOTW was kinda lame.. But her being used by some secret group is interesting for maybe after crisis... I enjoyed KF and her dig to Kamilla... West-Allen is rock solid as usual... I agree with a poster upthread.. Has CP gotten thinner... She still looks amazing.. But I feel like she had more heft before 

  • Love 1

Not feeling the Killer Frost Artist plot at all. And the Big Bad's plot seemed unusually tacked on and out of place, even for this show. 

But I do like Iris expanding her little media universe - that's great - and hiring an intern, also great. And Iris continually acting as the voice of sanity - this is the Iris I like, Flash. Keep her around. And I like the set up for Crisis - especially since Arrow is doing something similar, so we get to see the same threat from two different viewpoints.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

 I agree with a poster upthread.. Has CP gotten thinner... She still looks amazing.. But I feel like she had more heft before 

I didn't notice but base on how hard some fans/haters were going at her regarding her weight on social media, especially on twitter/Tumblr , some even claimed she was pregnant, I wouldn't be surprise if this is the result.

So is Bloodwork creating zombies?   Introducing a secret organization at this point is a little odd.   I'm assuming it's a setup for post-Crisis.  It sounds like Suicide Squad or Cadmus, but didn't they already do that on Arrow in one of Oliver's flashbacks?

 I know it's one of things you just have to accept, but I was annoyed Barry didn't just side step Ultraviolet's blast.  He didn't have to outrun, he just had to get out of the way.She didn't move at the speed of light; he could have just zipped around behind her and knocked her out.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Maverick said:

So is Bloodwork creating zombies?   Introducing a secret organization at this point is a little odd.   I'm assuming it's a setup for post-Crisis.  It sounds like Suicide Squad or Cadmus, but didn't they already do that on Arrow in one of Oliver's flashbacks?

 I know it's one of things you just have to accept, but I was annoyed Barry didn't just side step Ultraviolet's blast.  He didn't have to outrun, he just had to get out of the way.She didn't move at the speed of light; he could have just zipped around behind her and knocked her out.

I think it's because he was suppose to be recovering. Jay said it would take 2 days. I feel like that had something to do with it.

12 minutes ago, SevenStars said:

I didn't notice but base on how hard some fans/haters were going at her regarding her weight on social media, especially on twitter/Tumblr , some even claimed she was pregnant, I wouldn't be surprise if this is the result.

Do y'all mean thicker?

I like how they handled the Barry/Iris stuff. I think the only way it could work is if both are on board. Both Grant and Candice did a great job with their scenes (and yes, I do note that they're more touchy-feely these past two episodes than they've been in a single season at times). They actually get to kiss each other goodbye instead of some awkward side hug!

I felt so bad for Barry when he was revealing what happened. Grant Gustin is an abnormally good crier. I felt bad when he had to meet his mother's doppelganger. 

Cecile had an excellent episode. I like Cecile so I'm always glad to see her get more.

Joe is so going to regret his speech to Barry once he's clued in on the actual sacrifice that Barry has to make, because he definitely didn't seem to get that sacrifice=Barry's death.

Not that Barry's dying, but wouldn't it be a twist if he did? 

Killer Frost gets to...draw, I guess? Ok? I mean, Danielle gets to play a more fun character, but I also feel like Frost is already being toned down to be more human. Her snark was there, but it was subdued snark.

Stilllllll don't care about Kamilla. Sorry, show. 

Iris gets to start building up her team by adding new meta to the mix. Cool!

Overall, a much better episode than the premiere for me. 

  • Love 4

In Barry's vision of team Flash dying, Cisco was in the Vibe costume. I'm thinking he gets his powers back.

Also, why weren't Barry's clothes on fire at Mach 2 when he first tried to run to the future in plain clothes? I thought the Flash suit was to prevent friction fire?

1 hour ago, BeautifulFlower said:

She didn't even apologize to Kamilla.

Apologizing isn't Cait or KF's MO. Now, we're seeing that neither really feel guilt or accepts responsibility. Perhaps that will change. And we see that KF refused to let Caity out to treat Ralph. Giving her control is risky.

Edited by adora721
  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

 Overall, a much better episode than the premiere for me. 

I thought so, too. I liked the premiere just fine and I think it set up the tone for the this season nicely, but I didn't think it was spectacular or anything (amazing use of Flash by Queen aside). I thought this episode really put everything in motion, though.

Barry's barely whispered, "Mom?" when he saw Nora's doppelganger just about broke me. 

For a CW show, the cast (with Grant Gustin and Candice Patton being the standouts) really put in a lot of work in making the material feel grounded. 

1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

Is it like watching Dean and Sam taking turns dying for each other on Supernatural? Also, I'm thinking those two will have to fight at the end of COIE to see who makes the ultimate sacrifice, while Red Skull stands back and munches on popcorn.

Oh, I just got the worst Supernatural flashback of those Winchester boys sacrificing their souls each season and then coming back with so much overwrought angst and man pain and then lather, rinse, repeat and OH MY GOD, if they just keep making Barry sacrifice himself to the Speed Force and to the Monitor (because I'm pretty sure Barry is gonna bite in the Crisis and Wally's coming back for a funeral and then to play Flash for a bit) and whatever else, only to bring him back over and over, I just can't. I cannot. 

...My apologies. That show ruined me for hero sacrifices and any sort of emotional impact that they may have. 


Other things I enjoyed about this episode? Iris and her gang with the VOTW storyline. I always get a kick out of the cheesy rogues gallery episodes, because they're a fun nod to the comics. Like, of course King Shark is ridiculous, but it's entertaining!

Also, are we actually getting closer to it being even halfway believable that OUR Barry Allen makes Gideon? Um. YAY. I love science Barry!

I still don't see the point of the whole Caitlin/Frost personal growth thing. Unless they're gonna merge them? Like, why are we wasting time on this? Are there Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost fans? I'm honestly not trying to be rude, but Caitlin has literally had 2 storylines the entire time she's been on the show: 1) My fiancé is dead and that makes me sad; and 2) A frost demon lives inside of me. 

2 hours ago, phoenics said:

I forgot all about him!

Legit didn't notice he hasn't made an appearance until I read this thread. Amazing. 

  • LOL 1
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I haven't even gotten past the teaser, and I'm already rolling my eyes.

Barry and Iris are having this whole angst fest over the Monitor's declaration that the Flash will die on December 10.

Didn't we already have an entire season of The Flash that dealt with the team deciding that they could try to change the future and succeeding at it?!?!?!?!?

ETA: All this talk about anti-matter had me hoping we'd see the Crime Syndicate of Amerika, or at least Johnny Quick. :'{

Edited by Cthulhudrew

I too forgot Harry existed. I actually don't mind the character I just think he's often poorly used. I think a lot of that had to do with the old showrunner though. Everyone is being used equally and properly this season.

Except for Caitlin. Why are they insisting on this Killer Frost nonsense? What is the point? Does anyone care if she exists? Or if she has a life? It just feels like time better used elsewhere.

Same with the new big bad. I feel like he's in a totally different episode when they cut to him. 

Loved Barry and Iris being a team. Joe giving Barry a much needed pep talk. I too wish that he had seemed a bit more interested in Barry's actual problem though. 

I love Joe as Captain but I miss Captain Singh. 

I too peeped that Cisco was back to being Vibe in Barry's vision. Im hoping that maybe the cure doesn't work as well as they hoped. Kamilla's fine I guess. I still feel like we just met her and all of a sudden she's everywhere. I don't see anything special about her or her relationship with Cisco. Not like I did when he was with Gypsy.

  • Love 6

I liked the villain, very sexy in her tight black leather outfit. Let's choreograph a great fight scene. O.K. turn out the lights and "Action!" "Did we get the scene?" "What do you mean it was too dark to tell if you got it?" "If you can't tell if you got it, that means the people at home won't know if we got." "That's a wrap in one take people, let's call it a day!"

Glad to see Jay Garrick again, even though part of me thinks that his involvement is going to all lead to him being the "Flash" that the Monitor claims has to die to save the world.  Of course, I definitely think the Crisis is all going to end with Oliver sacrificing himself for everyone else's sake, because that's his thing.

Damn, Barry got Doctor Strange-ed, and saw billions of futures and none of them apparently were good!  Grant Gustin nailed all of that.  At least he got a nice pep-talk from Joe and came back around.  Say what you will about the show diving into that well (and some of the writing quality as well), but Jesse L. Martin sure knows how to deliver an inspirational monologue.

Meta of the week was fun, and it cool seeing Cecile take lead.  And it looks like Allegra is going to be sticking around, by working for Iris' newspaper.  Curious to see what in in store for her.

The stuff with Caitlin/Killer Frost continues to be a waste, unless it involves Ralph and Cisco's hilarious reactions.

Nice going, Mohinder!  Now we have zombies to deal with!

Now it's time for Team Flash to get ready for the Crisis!  Although, with respect, Iris, don't refer to your help as "Kara, Oliver, and everyone."  Give them the respect they deserve: it's Kara, Oliver, and... the LEGENDS!

  • LOL 1
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More thoughts later; but I thought this was a good one -- except for the Frost subplot. I guess we need comedy relief subplots now? I will never get why they spend so much energy and screentime for this character.

Barry & Iris (Grant and Candice) were the strength of this episode. Great to see Garrick and Joan.

Still think it's dumb that Cecile has powers, but her career change makes sense.

Yay! Iris has another employee! I don't know if she will be using her powers much, or at all, but I've wanted another female metahuman on the team.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

I haven't even gotten past the teaser, and I'm already rolling my eyes.

Barry and Iris are having this whole angst fest over the Monitor's declaration that the Flash will die on December 10.

Didn't we already have an entire season of The Flash that dealt with the team deciding that they could try to change the future and succeeding at it?!?!?!?!?

ETA: All this talk about anti-matter had me hoping we'd see the Crime Syndicate of Amerika, or at least Johnny Quick. :'{

They tried to change the future because somebody was trying to kill Iris. Yes, they succeeded, but that paper never changed. The monitor just told them that it is set in stone. He said they couldn't change it.

3 hours ago, Trini said:

Still think it's dumb that Cecile has powers, but her career change makes sense.

A career change that can only bring doom for the metas she has to represent in court given her incompetence when she was defending Barry. Let's hope Team Citizen finds evidence to convince the DA to drop the charges against the metas before they have to step foot in a courtroom with Cecile as their lawyer. 

  • LOL 3
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10 hours ago, SevenStars said:

I didn't notice but base on how hard some fans/haters were going at her regarding her weight on social media, especially on twitter/Tumblr , some even claimed she was pregnant, I wouldn't be surprise if this is the result.

I really hope that Candice ignores those hateful people. However, I wouldn't be surprised if someone around her said something about her weight. Hollywood is evil when it comes to women's physical appearances.  And those hateful fans really do need to get a life.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Why did Cecile say that she would only help Meta-Humans, you would think she would want to use her powers for anybody that was wrongfully accused of a crime.

That's a valid point, she could help a lot of people with her abilities.  And I'm sure there are a lot more normal people being accused wrongly than meta-humans.  I guess she feels she has a unique perspective when it comes to meta-humans, who might not get much sympathy from regular humans.

When she first said that, my first thought was to wonder how many meta-humans in the city are out there getting falsely accused of crimes?  How common can that be?  I hope they don't go in an X-Men type direction, and use meta-powers as a metaphor for prejudice and discrimination.   That's been done already.

Edited by rmontro
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Why did Cecile say that she would only help Meta-Humans, you would think she would want to use her powers for anybody that was wrongfully accused of a crime.

I think her point was that metahumans needed a specialist defense attorney - more or less the same way that some defense attorneys specialize in comparatively minor crimes, while others specialize in getting defendants off death row.

I like it. Up until this point, Team Flash has very much been on the side of the prosecution - what with two members of Team Flash also working for the Central City police department, not to mention Barry frequently throwing metahumans into his own private jail. So it's nice to see someone thinking about the other side - the defense and the civil rights of metahumans. And more interesting than the Killer Frost Learns About Art subplot.

  • Love 8
Just now, quarks said:

I think her point was that metahumans needed a specialist defense attorney

The way I was seeing it, what if the Flash only saved meta-humans and during a tidal wave, the Flash would run around grabbing all the meta-humans and taking them to safety while letting everybody else drown. I don't think that version of the show would be as popular as if the Flash saved everybody in trouble. The American Justice System is already thought of as bias, Elitist, and Pay To Win, so not helping to change that image would be less popular than helping everybody and fighting to change it.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

The way I was seeing it, what if the Flash only saved meta-humans and during a tidal wave, the Flash would run around grabbing all the meta-humans and taking them to safety while letting everybody else drown. I don't think that version of the show would be as popular as if the Flash saved everybody in trouble. The American Justice System is already thought of as bias, Elitist, and Pay To Win, so not helping to change that image would be less popular than helping everybody and fighting to change it.

Well, yes, but in this particular scenario, the point seems to be that the metahumans are the ones drowning in the justice system and not getting assistance. Which is borne out by the show - aside from Barry's trial, we really haven't gotten to see any metahumans getting legal assistance. They all just end up thrown in jail/Star Labs/ARGUS unless Barry thinks they are innocent.  Which makes Barry the judge and jury of metahumans - and pretty much only metahumans. 

This isn't happening to the humans.

That's a problem that a number of people have been pointing out for five seasons now, so I'm glad to see Flash sorta addressing it. Not overly well, but this is Flash. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I really hope that Candice ignores those hateful people. However, I wouldn't be surprised if someone around her said something about her weight. Hollywood is evil when it comes to women's physical appearances.  And those hateful fans really do need to get a life.

I think maybe it was just that outfit (though I saw no bone). 

She doesn’t seem too skinny here a month and change from filming this ep. 

Just a few thoughts for now, I thought it was another good episode.

The Barry and Iris scenes were excellent, though I'm curious to see how their resolve will hold as the december date gets closer and closer.

I thought all plotlines (A,B and C) were good, but I do think it's maybe better to keep it to two per episode. Since two of them were so heavy I get why they wanted the third one to bring some levity, but I think they could have worked Frost and Cisco into Cecile's case and maybe give that one some more humor in finding things out. Plus I think balance wise I would have wished more time was spent with Barry's plot, though to be fair the A and B plot did end up coming together at the police station so that was good. I didn't like it last season when they had plots that were had the characters in those plots not interacting with characters that were not part of those plots.

I don't like getting in the middle of these types of discussions, but I'll say


I do thinks it’s so weird that they maybe (who knows they might be alive, as long as it hasn't been confirmed they can pop up) killed off characters that have been so important on the Flash offscreen on a different show in a way that might not even be acknowledged by the flash. It does feel wrong.

But the flash writers/showrunner were asked and they signed off on it so I don’t put that on arrow writers or arrow, If the flash didn’t want it to affect their characters they should have said no. (that of course goes both ways, any changes for instance flashpoint caused on Arrow, that is on the arrow writers/showrunners).

While maybe some changes came from being in a larger universe, I think each show has its merits and I truly think every single show in the arrowverse has also benefited from the others’ existence and being in a larger universe has brought them more attention, press and maybe even longevity than each show might have had alone. But this is going waaaay off topic.

  • Love 5

I thought this episode had a good balance of all the characters - even though I thought a few characters should have had less screentime. Barry and Iris had good scenes together and apart.

Was glad to see so much of Joe, but on the other hand, some of the things he did I thought didn't fit with his new position as police captain. But it's not the first (or last) time characters do stuff like that.

Really loved the scenes with Barry, Joan, and Jay. Grant plays off of them well. It was heartbreaking his reactions to Joan. And I know they're not really her in-laws, but it was sweet that Iris got to meet Joan and Jay.

I think the little peck we got was the first time we've seen Cisco and Kamilla kiss?

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, quarks said:

I think her point was that metahumans needed a specialist defense attorney - more or less the same way that some defense attorneys specialize in comparatively minor crimes, while others specialize in getting defendants off death row.

I hear what you're saying.  It's just that her powers give her a unique opportunity to know which defendants are guilty or innocent, and that means she could be potentially be helping all the innocent people accused, instead of focusing solely on the meta-humans.

I hope that Barry and Iris deciding to "make every moment count" doesn't mean they'll prepare the team for the Crisis but won't have time for themselves. They aren't just responsible for the team. They are a married couple in love and these could be their last months together. I need the show to give them moments that are just about them. The scenes they've had in this episode were beautifully done. It's a start.

The Crisis plot with Barry, Jay and Joan was really good. Jay makes every episode better for me. He's probably the only recurring character I am always excited to see. 

The B plot introduced an interesting concept and potential storyline about an organization that recruits metas for shady reasons. My only problem is that I hate Cecile's powers and I can take or leave Cecile as a character. I also don't get how they went from "this aspiring reporter girl is not a murderer" to " this aspiring reporter girl totally deserves to get an internship". But it's not the worst thing the show has done. I can live with that.

Frost isn't as cute and endearing as the show wants me to believe.

I find it strange that Joe gave Barry a whole speech about heroism without knowing anything about the sacrifice he was supposed to make. It's odd that he wasn't curious to find out more about it.


I don't care that Earth-2 got destroyed an Arrow. Oliver possibly sacrificing himself to save Barry? That's something that would make me very upset.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

I loved the Barry we got in this episode. He INVENTED that mobile Gideon. Barry did that himself WITHOUT any help. 

20 hours ago, Brinny said:

Also, are we actually getting closer to it being even halfway believable that OUR Barry Allen makes Gideon? Um. YAY. I love science Barry!

I loved this, because up until now the writing for Barry has been a let down in terms of making him seem smart enough to invent Gideon, let along a mobile version. I still want to see more though, cause that throwaway line about "Oh I invented this with leftovers from the lab"... like WHAT? That should have been a way bigger deal!

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So, there's a little bit of controversy about Barry mouthing Cisco's name when he was telling Iris who he saw die. However, the sound was muted so that it seemed like Barry said, "You,...Caitlin".  At first, I didn't notice it, but after rewatching the scene, his mouth does form Cisco's name.  I wonder why editing made this decision in post-production to remove the sound of him saying Cisco's name, especially since we saw Cisco die in his vision. It's at minute 1:16 that he mouths Cisco's name.

Edited by adora721
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I thought this was a really good episode, I am really enjoying this season so far, I am getting real season one vibes but with more WestAllen! I love that Iris was super annoyed by The Monitor, like same Iris same! he just shows up out of nowhere, says that Barry has to die, and then just fucks off to, I dont know, tell Oliver the same thing? Could you give a us a few more details dude?! "Oh, so just after I had to watch my daughter disintegrate, your telling me my husband is about to die too?! NOPE!"

Love that Barry and Iris are actually spending time together just the two of them, and dealing with things like an actual couple! So often the last few seasons Iris and Barry were always stuck with everyone else and were hardly allowed to actually act like a couple, so its great seeing them dealing with this together. Iris isnt giving up while Barry seemed to be resigned to his fate, and then they decided to meet the crisis head on, knowing that this might end badly, but still trying to change his supposed fate if they can. Barry having to see the countless timelines where everyone died, even Iris, was so heartbreaking. I guess they're in the end game, huh Doctor Strange? They even gave Barry seemingly the same fate as his comic book counterpart in that flashforward, literally running so hard that he disintegrated to nothing but shoes. 

Always nice to see Jay, and his wife who happens to look just like Nora. Also loved the call back to the pilot, and Barry in his coma listening to Lady Gaga! Grant is a great crier, if he and Stephen ever have a cry off, I will just need to call in for work, my heart cant take it. Iris even got to kind of meet her in-laws after her marriage!

Iris and her media empire is starting to expand! I am excited by a lot of stuff that is happening, with Iris and Kamilla and the new meta on the newspaper, Cecile defending meta humans in the legal system, with Ralph doing is PI thing, there is a lot of promising things happening here! It was short, but I liked the Ralph and Iris team up, and his PI skills continuing to be an asset. 

Lots of great Dad Joe content, with a classic Joe West pep talk to Barry, and when he caught the wayward meta girl, he came armed with a meta cuff gun AND his most powerful weapon: His disappointed dad face! I do wonder if/when Iris and Barry will tell everyone what The Montior told them. I mean, you would think Joe would want some follow ups at his son saying how he is convinced that he is about to die!

I gotta give the Arrowverse some credit, they really are giving the Crisis the big build up and are making it a major epic event. I just hope it can live up to the hype!

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3 hours ago, adora721 said:

So, there's a little bit of controversy about Barry mouthing Cisco's name when he was telling Iris who he saw die. However, the sound was muted so that it seemed like Barry said, "You,...Caitlin".  At first, I didn't notice it, but after rewatching the scene, his mouth does form Cisco's name.  I wonder why editing made this decision in post-production to remove the sound of him saying Cisco's name, especially since we saw Cisco die in his vision. It's at minute 1:16 that he mouths Cisco's name.

I don't see him mouth Cisco. Honestly, I think the only reason people are "debating" this is because the SnowBarry fans are gloating about him mentioning only Caitlin beside Iris, and using it to claim Snowbarry is "coming" which I find hilarious, lmao. There is having hope and then there is delusion. 

After watching how much, how deeply, desperately, unconditionally and totally Barry loves Iris, I can't imagine loving a character, not name Iris, and wanting them to be with Barry on the show. In fanfiction, sure, but on the show ? Never. 

  • Love 5
Message added by Lady Calypso

So, there has been a lot of discussion about some Flash-related content that happened recently on Arrow. That type of discussion does not belong in the episode threads. If you would like to discuss these non-spoiler events that still relate to The Flash, please take it over to The Flash and Other Superheroes thread. Thanks!

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