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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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I think they are aware of their impulsivity and are trying to come across as adults. Evan talking about working remotely. Doing what, Evan? On the drive to NYC Evan said the girls were working on the backseat. They were scrolling on their phones. So you admit you live off your wife, Leisure Boy?

Now they are stuck because they drove and Katie wants Carlin present during the birth. Travis doesn’t even pretend he’s working, he’s just waiting for Hailey to pop out and start his paternity leave. 

This morning Evan couldn’t find Zade’s outfit because “we have been living out of suitcases.” You have been there a week, what are you doing with your time? We stayed at a hotel two nights and the first think I did was unpack our suitcases so everyone could get to their belongings. 

C&E also seem the type to want others to entertain them. I did feel a bit bad for Carlin being blown away by Dave and Buster’s and the ticket in exchange for trinkets. Evan was incredulous that she had never been to a Chuck E Cheese in her life. He even said you didn’t have a birthday party unless it was at CEC. Travis agreed and said they have great pizza. I don’t think anyone goes to that mouse house for the pizza.

These fundie kids are devoid of normal childhood experiences. Because there are too many of them to take anywhere. I hope Katie takes a good look at the contrast between her childhood and Travis’s and decides to limit the number of children they have. 

Zach cooked a really nice a Valentine’s meal for Whitney because she wasn’t sure she’d have the energy to go out to eat. I bet she’s loving all the help Carlin and Evan offer remotely. That parents of a toddler and an infant can leave their home for what may turn out to be a month or more is baffling. Good for them, I guess.

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2 hours ago, Chicklet said:

Just what "baby" needs, snacks. These people should never have pets or children. 

I think she’s advertising those snacks to sell on instagram

1 hour ago, SMama said:

These fundie kids are devoid of normal childhood experiences. Because there are too many of them to take anywhere. I hope Katie takes a good look at the contrast between her childhood and Travis’s and decides to limit the number of children they have. 

I think Katie said her & Travis agreed on 3 or 4 kids because “that’s all she could handle” I hope that stays the case, I suppose we’ll see after she had Hailey.

Zach cooked a really nice a Valentine’s meal for Whitney because she wasn’t sure she’d have the energy to go out to eat. I bet she’s loving all the help Carlin and Evan offer remotely. That parents of a toddler and an infant can leave their home for what may turn out to be a month or more is baffling. Good for them, I guess.

I do wonder if Carlin and Evan working remotely annoys them or if they enjoy them not being around. 


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4 hours ago, FizzyPuff said:

I think she’s advertising those snacks to sell on instagram


Absolutely. With the labels all facing out (including the Lansinoh), everything neatly arranged and posed, and the baby's gut covered for a change. "Angling for cash or endorsement" was my very first thought. 

Katie doesn't come across as any smarter or more introspective than any other fundie dingbat. I doubt she'll ever stop to think that one reason Travis had a better childhood than hers was because he was one of only three. (Gil and Kelly being lazy cult-sheep is a related but distinct matter.) 

Edited by Heathen
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Is there trouble in paradise for C&E or merely a desperation to hold onto content for YT? I mean they have seemed pissy at each other since Christmas, not that it matters since 90% of their time since then has involved family so it’s not like they have to be alone in that house they had to have. But now Valentine’s Day comes and goes and Carlin doesn’t post anything re the haul she got from Evan? Even though Ms. Competitive is living in Katie’s house - who gushed about Trav making sure that she woke up to Sbux, CFA, roses, and chocolates covered berries this morning. Now maybe Trav just had all this delivered surprising Evan bc otherwise did Evan not jump in the Tesla w Trav this morning to go get stuff for his wife?

Meanwhile Carlin just half heartedly asked Layla what daddy got her as she pointed out 2-3 toys + backpack + chocolates + a smoothie as Carlin was like daddy must love you a lot. And Carlin’s IG posts were all about the kids, barely acknowledging Evan and Evan posts an “I’m blessed” IG pic at like 2 am on Feb 15?? Uh we all know this isn’t a case of - I worked such a long day I didn’t even realize today was valentines.

These 2 seem a bit sick of each other - shocking given that they’ve been together 24-7 for like 9 mos.

As for Katie - while she’s a dumbass, pretty sure she’s in a marriage that’ll go how Trav wants it to go. Trav has already said he wants 3 so I think that’ll be it for them; I’m sure she’ll whine and cry and get baby fever so maybe there will be a 4th but after that it’s done. Trav’s daddy is prob paying him like 150-200k - just a guess based on lifestyle in their area - but I think Trav gets that 200k for a family of 5-6 is different than 200k for a family of 8+ or 12+ or whatever.

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I too noticed looks and poses that made me think too much togetherness for Evan and Carlin. 
Him snapping every second of everybody’s life has to get tiring!

 I wonder if Evan and his camera is interfering with Travis making a buck with his camera?

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Travis may increase the number of kids he wants if the first three are all girls. So far his brother and SIL don’t seem to be on the baby train and Trav’s sister is having a boy, but I think Daddy Clark will want a grandson from his son too. 

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So I noticed that Evan got Layla something for Valentine's Day, and nothing for Zade.  I realize he is only 11 months old and has no awareness, but I hope when he gets older they don't exclude him just because he is a boy.  Also, Layla was a bit mixed up. She already had those Minnie Mouse dolls and the backpack.  Evan just got her the chocolate and smoothie (which is fine).

Kelton also got flowers and chocolate for Willow and Hazel. Not sure an almost 2 year old appreciates flowers but it was a nice gesture.

Funny how Katie was excited that she could "deliver at any time" on February 2nd and here we are on the 15th and she is still waiting.  Not a bad thing for the baby- being born at 37 weeks vs 35, but two extra weeks of entertaining and feeding Carlin & company has to be wearing on Travis if not Katie.



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2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I too noticed looks and poses that made me think too much togetherness for Evan and Carlin. 
Him snapping every second of everybody’s life has to get tiring!

 I wonder if Evan and his camera is interfering with Travis making a buck with his camera?

I would tune in for dueling fundie wanna be influencers if they showed all the real behind the scenes stuff and not just Evan turning to the camera every minute and a half with that emasculating giggle 

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1 hour ago, writerwoman said:

I would tune in for dueling fundie wanna be influencers if they showed all the real behind the scenes stuff and not just Evan turning to the camera every minute and a half with that emasculating giggle 

Not to mention his ridiculous hair 🤣.

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5 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

So I noticed that Evan got Layla something for Valentine's Day, and nothing for Zade.  I realize he is only 11 months old and has no awareness, but I hope when he gets older they don't exclude him just because he is a boy.  Also, Layla was a bit mixed up. She already had those Minnie Mouse dolls and the backpack.  Evan just got her the chocolate and smoothie (which is fine).

Kelton also got flowers and chocolate for Willow and Hazel. Not sure an almost 2 year old appreciates flowers but it was a nice gesture.

Funny how Katie was excited that she could "deliver at any time" on February 2nd and here we are on the 15th and she is still waiting.  Not a bad thing for the baby- being born at 37 weeks vs 35, but two extra weeks of entertaining and feeding Carlin & company has to be wearing on Travis if not Katie.



I thought Zade got the treats since the pics were together. 
I always get my kids the litttle heart boxes of candy (like 4 pieces).  

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23 hours ago, SMama said:

I think they are aware of their impulsivity and are trying to come across as adults. Evan talking about working remotely. Doing what, Evan? On the drive to NYC Evan said the girls were working on the backseat. They were scrolling on their phones. So you admit you live off your wife, Leisure Boy?

Do you think E&C are a tad bit annoyed with Katie? I know they don't like being home, but they rushed up to NJ because Katie told them the baby could come any second, and now they're just spinning their wheels. If they drive seventeen hours back to TN, they're going to have to turn around and do it all over again when Katie actually does go into labor. E&C have been going overboard with the "See! We work!" posts, which makes me wonder if even their fans are starting to get a tad bit judgy. 

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6 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Do you think E&C are a tad bit annoyed with Katie? I know they don't like being home, but they rushed up to NJ because Katie told them the baby could come any second, and now they're just spinning their wheels. If they drive seventeen hours back to TN, they're going to have to turn around and do it all over again when Katie actually does go into labor. E&C have been going overboard with the "See! We work!" posts, which makes me wonder if even their fans are starting to get a tad bit judgy. 

Whitney said she was headed to the shop today for a photo shoot and you know Carlin’s gotta be mad she’s missing out on the one part she likes best.

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When they’re bored, they may want to update the “About Us” section of their website.



Whitney graduated from Tennessee College of Applied Technology with a certificate of medical billing and coding. Whitney married the love of her life, Zach Bates, over six years ago. They now have three beautiful children: Bradley Gilvin, Kaci Lynn, and Khloé Eileen. Whitney stays busy being a full time mom, spending as much time outdoors as possible. She also does real estate on the side. Whitney is very involved in her church and loves encouraging other wives and mothers through her social media. Whitney is known for her tender heart and love for others.



Carlin always has a smile on her face, and if you've ever met her in person, you know she is bursting with personality. She loves children and has been involved in the children's program at her church for years. Carlin completed her bachelor degree in interdisciplinary studies from Liberty University. She married Evan Stewart in 2019 and Layla Rae was born in 2020. Carlin loves spending time with her family and plays a key role in fashioning and styling clothing for the boutique.



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8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Do you think E&C are a tad bit annoyed with Katie? I know they don't like being home, but they rushed up to NJ because Katie told them the baby could come any second, and now they're just spinning their wheels. If they drive seventeen hours back to TN, they're going to have to turn around and do it all over again when Katie actually does go into labor. E&C have been going overboard with the "See! We work!" posts, which makes me wonder if even their fans are starting to get a tad bit judgy. 

What starts in chaos ends in chaos and that should be the C&E story. They are unable to delay gratification because any get together is a PARTY! 

The thing is that Carlin is on her second child. I don’t expect Evan to know, heck he didn’t even know girl and boy pull ups are padded a bit different. Carlin should have known false alarms are normal. They just wanted an excuse to look like martyrs by going from lounging and not contributing in one home to do the same in another home. They are bored out of their minds because they have never read a book, or become interested in genealogical research, or any hobby other than taking selfies, filming themselves, and have grandiose illusions about their importance in the SM ecosystem.

They are meaningless blobs, who produced two adorable blobs, but there’s no true meaning to their existence. They are probably hoping Katie pops soon. Someone needs to work on Evan’s giggle and chuckle. A good hit to the head should do the trick. I’m pissy because I’m not allowed to be watch their videos without headphones. Both SBaba and SGirl can’t stand Evan’s chuckle and giggle. 😂They may be concerned about my mental stability by what I a waste time doing. 

14 minutes ago, writerwoman said:

Whitney said she was headed to the shop today for a photo shoot and you know Carlin’s gotta be mad she’s missing out on the one part she likes best.

Not an obstacle for such a hard working woman in the fashion world. She’ll have Whitney overnight some clothes, Evan will do a photo shoot, upload the pictures, and they’ll have contributed remotely for the rest of the month. 

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3 hours ago, SMama said:

What starts in chaos ends in chaos and that should be the C&E story. They are unable to delay gratification because any get together is a PARTY! 

The thing is that Carlin is on her second child. I don’t expect Evan to know, heck he didn’t even know girl and boy pull ups are padded a bit different. Carlin should have known false alarms are normal. They just wanted an excuse to look like martyrs by going from lounging and not contributing in one home to do the same in another home. They are bored out of their minds because they have never read a book, or become interested in genealogical research, or any hobby other than taking selfies, filming themselves, and have grandiose illusions about their importance in the SM ecosystem.

They are meaningless blobs, who produced two adorable blobs, but there’s no true meaning to their existence. They are probably hoping Katie pops soon. Someone needs to work on Evan’s giggle and chuckle. A good hit to the head should do the trick. I’m pissy because I’m not allowed to be watch their videos without headphones. Both SBaba and SGirl can’t stand Evan’s chuckle and giggle. 😂They may be concerned about my mental stability by what I a waste time doing. 

Not an obstacle for such a hard working woman in the fashion world. She’ll have Whitney overnight some clothes, Evan will do a photo shoot, upload the pictures, and they’ll have contributed remotely for the rest of the month. 

I’m so glad I’m not the only one bothered by the chuckle. It literally makes me want to do bad things with bad people.

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I think Evan is annoying everybody!  It's gone on to long.  Dumb content.  How many photos can you produce of the same four people.

How many events can they attend and video people that are plugging their own SM?

They need to find full time jobs as Electrician and mother and homemaker.

It's time!

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I don't think Katie should require her sister, Carlin, who has health "issues", two children, a house, a husband and a boutique to run to require her to be there when she gives birth. Now, Kelly Jo has nothing to do, so she can be on stand-by. Katie just wants the attention as she is "exiled in NJ" and away from the family drama. It's not feasible for Carlin and Evan to be parked there for whenever this baby is born. I think Katie will be late in delivering. Evan should and needs to get to work as an electrician. Carlin needs to start taking care of her children and household. Grow up you two!

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2 hours ago, SMama said:

Please share when you do and don’t forget his chuckle. 

I must not have watched long enough for his chuckle. I watched about three minutes of the "OMG we're in New York City!" video, long enough to wonder how these dolts can possibly be so immature. That's about all I could stand. 

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Hahahaha Kelly flew home at some point in the last 2 wks and just got back to NJ last night. I’m sorry but that makes Carlin/Evan look like even bigger losers with no lives of their own. They got to NJ Feb 1 bc Katie was told contractions/any day now. Feb 7 Katie has another drs appt and she’s told contractions were caused by an infection, they’ve stopped. Foursome heads to NYC that night. I’m thinking Kelly headed home prob by Feb 8 as she prob saw the writing on the wall that these 4 would run all over town leaving her to babysit for the next few weeks so she was out.

If Carlin/E were normal or had any desire to be home or alone as a family, they could’ve left Feb 8 also with promises to return when contractions start for real?? Hell it would make for great “drama” to have to drive back 17 hrs 10 days later or heaven forbid, Evan watches his own kids (or runs to mommy) and Carlin flies back alone for 2-3 days?? 

Money seems tight for these people. Spirit/some low cost carrier runs a flight from Phila to Knox. But if they were to drive home and then fly back, 3 last min tickets on Spirit would be $100-150 or $300-450 total, plus they’d have to rent a car for a few days as Trav would need his Tesla to go back and forth to the hospital so there’s another $200-300. Does Evan not want to cough up another $750 for a second trip so it’s a better bargain to mooch off Trav’s food, electricity, water etc?

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I still predict a 2/22/2023 birthdate.

My guess is Katie is scared to death of labor and she really needs Carlin and her mom there. Katie is probably craving chaos the way some folks crave comfort food during unsettling times. Just other ways the Bates kids are immature and codependent.

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2 hours ago, cereality said:

Hahahaha Kelly flew home at some point in the last 2 wks and just got back to NJ last night. I’m sorry but that makes Carlin/Evan look like even bigger losers with no lives of their own. They got to NJ Feb 1 bc Katie was told contractions/any day now. Feb 7 Katie has another drs appt and she’s told contractions were caused by an infection, they’ve stopped. Foursome heads to NYC that night. I’m thinking Kelly headed home prob by Feb 8 as she prob saw the writing on the wall that these 4 would run all over town leaving her to babysit for the next few weeks so she was out.

If Carlin/E were normal or had any desire to be home or alone as a family, they could’ve left Feb 8 also with promises to return when contractions start for real?? Hell it would make for great “drama” to have to drive back 17 hrs 10 days later or heaven forbid, Evan watches his own kids (or runs to mommy) and Carlin flies back alone for 2-3 days?? 

Money seems tight for these people. Spirit/some low cost carrier runs a flight from Phila to Knox. But if they were to drive home and then fly back, 3 last min tickets on Spirit would be $100-150 or $300-450 total, plus they’d have to rent a car for a few days as Trav would need his Tesla to go back and forth to the hospital so there’s another $200-300. Does Evan not want to cough up another $750 for a second trip so it’s a better bargain to mooch off Trav’s food, electricity, water etc?

So Kelly was in New Jersey, went home to Tennessee, and is now back in New Jersey, all in the space of less than three weeks? 

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Yeah something is off. Evan is on C’s IG hawking their budget app (prob bc her IG has more followers) and says when budgeting he noticed Carlin had been shopping lately. Carlin jumped in saying it was a stress relief shopping trip for her and Katie as Evan says “for the girl that’s not pregnant, it’s a stress reliever . . . .” Damn. Just a touch mean as they don’t know when Carlin will next have the family’s attention on her by popping out spawn 3.

Evan did make his way to a golf course this morning bc he’s cooped up on baby watch. I have a sense they came expecting Katie would have the baby ASAP and they’d be sitting at the house for 2 weeks OR until Katie didn’t have the baby PARTY PARTY. And thus far in 2 weeks Katie/Trav have taken them to NYC for a few hrs + Dave and Busters. I think that’s MORE than you can expect from people expecting their first kid. But for this PARTY PARTY crowd I have a feeling they expected to be running to Philly every night for cheesesteaks, ice cream and pizza runs at 10 pm, sightseeing in Philly, multiple beach trips, outlet shopping daily etc so my sense is they’re a bit pissy due to lack of YT material.

I wonder if Trav was very clear with Katie upfront that this is how it’d be - and they wouldn’t be running place to place until the baby was crowning. On an earlier trip - maybe Katie’s baby shower or maybe when they finished the house - they ran ragged from the moment C/E landed until the morning then left — cheesesteaks in Phila the minute they landed, multiple beach days but driving home the 1 hr each night, constant outlet malls, restaurants, aimless driving in the Tesla etc. Trav even said after they left that having family in town is fun but SO TIRING. My sense is Trav’s family is fine staying home, watching a basketball/football game on tv, reading etc so maybe he was like nope I’m not up for being the tour guide here with my 9 mo pregnant wife.

Though C/E have their car, if they’re sooo bored, take your damn kids and go out for 4-6 hrs and give K/T some breathing room. But reality is it’s more PARTY PARTY with other people + they don’t want to deal with their kids so they’d rather have K/T along to help. There’s a great public library right in that town like 10 min away - yet these people don’t read, nor can their feral kids stay quiet for that sort of thing having never been exposed to it. All the historic sites in Phila are like 30 min away, there’s a great botanical garden 1 hr away but eh too much work unless Trav is driving, parking, paying.



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1 minute ago, cereality said:

Yeah something is off. Evan is on C’s IG hawking their budget app (prob bc her IG has more followers) and says when budgeting he noticed Carlin had been shopping lately. Carlin jumped in saying it was a stress relief shopping trip for her and Katie as Evan says “for the girl that’s not pregnant, it’s a stress reliever . . . .” Damn. Just a touch mean as they don’t know when Carlin will next have the family’s attention on her by popping out spawn 3.

Evan did make his way to a golf course this morning bc he’s cooped up on baby watch. I have a sense they came expecting Katie would have the baby ASAP and they’d be sitting at the house for 2 weeks OR until Katie didn’t have the baby PARTY PARTY. And thus far in 2 weeks Katie/Trav have taken them to NYC for a few hrs + Dave and Busters. I think that’s MORE than you can expect from people expecting their first kid. But for this PARTY PARTY crowd I have a feeling they expected to be running to Philly every night for cheesesteaks, ice cream and pizza runs at 10 pm, sightseeing in Philly, multiple beach trips, outlet shopping daily etc so my sense is they’re a bit pissy due to lack of YT material.

I wonder if Trav was very clear with Katie upfront that this is how it’d be - and they wouldn’t be running place to place until the baby was crowning. On an earlier trip - maybe Katie’s baby shower or maybe when they finished the house - they ran ragged from the moment C/E landed until the morning then left — cheesesteaks in Phila the minute they landed, multiple beach days but driving home the 1 hr each night, constant outlet malls, restaurants, aimless driving in the Tesla etc. Trav even said after they left that having family in town is fun but SO TIRING. My sense is Trav’s family is fine staying home, watching a basketball/football game on tv, reading etc so maybe he was like nope I’m not up for being the tour guide here with my 9 mo pregnant wife.

Though C/E have their car, if they’re sooo bored, take your damn kids and go out for 4-6 hrs and give K/T some breathing room. But reality is it’s more PARTY PARTY with other people + they don’t want to deal with their kids so they’d rather have K/T along to help. There’s a great public library right in that town like 10 min away - yet these people don’t read, nor can their feral kids stay quiet for that sort of thing having never been exposed to it. All the historic sites in Phila are like 30 min away, there’s a great botanical garden 1 hr away but eh too much work unless Trav is driving, parking, paying.



Well, then Katie and/or Travis need to use their words and say "we need some quiet time as a family so we will call you when birth is imminent."

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5 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Well, then Katie and/or Travis need to use their words and say "we need some quiet time as a family so we will call you when birth is imminent."

Pretty sure you can’t do that when you’re the one who played the OMG you need to get here ASAP card without risking that (i) they don’t come back bc they aren’t paying for flights or gas again - esp if you aren’t offering to pay; or (ii) in this family - they never speak to you again bc they feel slighted.

Not sure that Trav would care if Carlin wasn’t there for the birth but I think Katie is terrified and would care. And Trav has shown that he does try to make Katie comfortable whether it’s with homesickness or whatever else.

And I think both Katie/Trav would care if telling C/E to go home chilled their relationship. I think Trav does like the bro time with Evan.

I mean at this point all you can hope is that these two moochers realize this is taking forever and go home and then return. But if they didn’t do that when Kelly left, they won’t now as it’s closer to the birth. So maybe hope that they entertain themselves out of the home daily for a few hrs. I actually don’t get why they aren’t doing that - like they can’t take L/Z to the playground daily for an hr or two and then a neighborhood walk for 30 min daily esp given that the weather has been in the 50-60s?? Maybe that’s too kid centric?!

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Katie wants Carlin there even if takes another 2-3 weeks fot the baby to come. Travis does what makes Katie happy. Katie said in a Q&A that when she was so homesick he offered to move to Tennessee. 

I hope that after the baby comes and all the hoopla dies down and she is there in NJ with just Travis and an infant she doesn't suffer too much with the baby blues. But no matter how much you love your newborn the sleepless nights and the crying can reak havoc on one's emotional health. 

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2 hours ago, cereality said:

Yeah something is off. Evan is on C’s IG hawking their budget app (prob bc her IG has more followers) and says when budgeting he noticed Carlin had been shopping lately. Carlin jumped in saying it was a stress relief shopping trip for her and Katie as Evan says “for the girl that’s not pregnant, it’s a stress reliever . . . .” Damn. Just a touch mean as they don’t know when Carlin will next have the family’s attention on her by popping out spawn 3.

Evan did make his way to a golf course this morning bc he’s cooped up on baby watch. I have a sense they came expecting Katie would have the baby ASAP and they’d be sitting at the house for 2 weeks OR until Katie didn’t have the baby PARTY PARTY. And thus far in 2 weeks Katie/Trav have taken them to NYC for a few hrs + Dave and Busters. I think that’s MORE than you can expect from people expecting their first kid. But for this PARTY PARTY crowd I have a feeling they expected to be running to Philly every night for cheesesteaks, ice cream and pizza runs at 10 pm, sightseeing in Philly, multiple beach trips, outlet shopping daily etc so my sense is they’re a bit pissy due to lack of YT material.

I wonder if Trav was very clear with Katie upfront that this is how it’d be - and they wouldn’t be running place to place until the baby was crowning. On an earlier trip - maybe Katie’s baby shower or maybe when they finished the house - they ran ragged from the moment C/E landed until the morning then left — cheesesteaks in Phila the minute they landed, multiple beach days but driving home the 1 hr each night, constant outlet malls, restaurants, aimless driving in the Tesla etc. Trav even said after they left that having family in town is fun but SO TIRING. My sense is Trav’s family is fine staying home, watching a basketball/football game on tv, reading etc so maybe he was like nope I’m not up for being the tour guide here with my 9 mo pregnant wife.

Though C/E have their car, if they’re sooo bored, take your damn kids and go out for 4-6 hrs and give K/T some breathing room. But reality is it’s more PARTY PARTY with other people + they don’t want to deal with their kids so they’d rather have K/T along to help. There’s a great public library right in that town like 10 min away - yet these people don’t read, nor can their feral kids stay quiet for that sort of thing having never been exposed to it. All the historic sites in Phila are like 30 min away, there’s a great botanical garden 1 hr away but eh too much work unless Trav is driving, parking, paying.



Lots of stuff to do. The weather hasn’t been to bad so they could do a zoo—Philly or Cape May. Please Touch Museum in Philly is pretty neat. Or since Layla is always walking around with a bag of chips, they could go to the Herrs Potato Chip Factory in SE PA. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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2 hours ago, cereality said:

says when budgeting he noticed Carlin had been shopping lately.

Lately? Doesn’t she shop multiple times a week? 🤦‍♀️

59 minutes ago, ginger90 said:



Truly pathetic. 

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Those cups are $45ish, I just got one but I got a nice discount because I am a superior shopper lol.

They can't afford any of their lifestyle and they will crash and burn and it will be interesting to see laughing boy go get a real job.

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4 hours ago, Chicklet said:

Those cups are $45ish, I just got one but I got a nice discount because I am a superior shopper lol.

They can't afford any of their lifestyle and they will crash and burn and it will be interesting to see laughing boy go get a real job.

Then we’ll be the ones laughing!

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13 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

Starting around 1:40 John says "if you don't have a set bedtime for your kids you should create one. Ours is around 7:30, 8 o'clock and it is the rock that holds our marriage together." 

Carlin and Evan, are you watching?


This and Katie’s use of the big word, “consistency” with Carlin  should wake her up.

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One question was "Do all the sisters get along?" She said in any family there are going to be people who don't get along, and yes, there are sisters who don't get along. 

She stopped doing Instagram because she was getting wrapped up in it and not doing things with the kids as much as she should

John and his brothers are owners of the AC company. The way he worded it It wasn't 100% clear (to me, anyway) if his father is still one of the owners. [18:58]


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15 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Every piece of clothing he wears is hanging on for dear life.

He better start exercising, or better yet, go back to work, while he still has any clothes that fit. Someone should also tell him that the vest isn't concealing anything. 

Neither one of them looks like they actually give a shit about the new baby. Those fake half-smiles are meant for Instagram only. 

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Nice to see they had no problem dumping their own kids on a stranger to go sit at the hospital. I get why Carlin was there but really Evan - couldn’t miss out huh and stay home with your own kids?? No doubt it was some sweet friend from the Clarks’ church watching the kids and I realize that mom and dad do leave kid 1 with someone to go birth kid 2 but to me it’s different here - unknown babysitter, strange house, and oh yeah this is only your SIL’s kid not yours so you don’t need to be there. Fear not they prob threw a bag of chips at Layla as they ran out cameras in hand.

Could they look any less interested in that kid?? They are looking at the baby like you look at a distant coworkers baby out of politeness. Yet contrast Trav’s brother and SIL and sister and BIL - those are some very real smiles. Really hope the Bates won’t be godparents though I’m betting it’ll be Carlin + Trav’s brother.

And why is Carlin so goddam stupid. In the waiting room “this is the support team, like are you kidding me”  - as the camera pans to Trav’s parents, sister, brother and SIL, G&K, and her husband of course talking about food. No Carlin we aren’t kidding - that’s a pretty normal crew to come wait for a baby. What - you and your family can have 87,000 siblings at every birth but a family welcoming grandkid #1 can’t have 5 ppl in the waiting room?

And someone mentioned certain sisters not getting along - what on earth went down btwn Katie and Erin that when just married in 2013 Erin listed Katie as her favorite/wanted to adopt and take Katie/Katie always hung out at the cottage to now where she didn’t congratulate Katie on her wedding or post a single pic w her and now is ignoring the birth of her first kid?? Katie posted re the baby 6 hrs ago and Erin has been on IG bc she posted Bible stuff 3-4 hrs ago. Though interestingly Erin only follows 2 accts related to Paine construction and none of her siblings?!



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