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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Part of me wonders if Carlin goes so ridiculous with the outfits because Layla isn't one of the more photogenic grandkids. It seems like she's overcompensating.

Oh, that could be! Layla still hasn't grown out of the potato baby phase. 

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Just now, RebeccatheWriter said:

It was like Michaela had a seizure and the sewing machine exploded. (No, Michaela didn't sew that thing - she has better abilities than that.)

Bahahahahaha and bahahaha.  

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They went to Dollywood today with Kelly and some of the younger kids. Evan was working.  
Anyhow, for once in her short life the child was dressed appropriately.  She had black leggings and a little flowered windbreaker.  And she looked so much cuter than she does in those beige monstrosities. 
Still had the ridiculous stick up pigtails.  She doesn’t have much hair yet and that style probably damages it.  I’m not a fan of the bows but they would probably be better for her hair.

Edited by 3 is enough
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She just posted pics of her in Layla's crib (with Layla). She was wearing jeans and was as skinny as ever. 

I think they manufactured a bump to get people talking. 

Edited by emmawoodhouse
Rogue comma!
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5 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Carlin is wearing a maternity dress on the Bates Sisters Boutique website. She looks pregnant, although that could be a pillow of some kind. I have no idea if she's pregnant, but she looks pregnant modeling a maternity dress. 

Here's a link so you can see it.

There's a disclaimer


*Model is wearing a pregnancy bump to reflect the most accurate fit of the dress.

Not that the disclaimer is true...

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1 minute ago, christine falls said:

There's a disclaimer

Not that the disclaimer is true...

Thank you for pointing that out! I think she probably needs the bump to look that pregnant, but she might be early pregnant.

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I don’t know.  She was wearing skintight jeans the other day.  No evidence of a bump. 
She and Evan are ditzy as hell but I honestly don’t think they are ready for another, financially or mentally.

So of course they will announce next week.🤪

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IDK if they can handle kid #2. Can they even handle kid #1? Do they ever feed that kid real meals, ever?? Carlin just posted an IG video -- about 1 pm -- so lunch time and she's feeding her kid popcorn, peanut butter crackers, Capri Sun and ice cream. WTH!? I get it she's in that annoying age where she's not eating baby food but you also can't just grab her a sandwich or slice of pizza off of whatever hoagie tray or pizza delivery that may have appeared at Evan's parents' house for lunch time with the adults. So you have to make her something. But they seriously can't make her a grilled cheese or PBJ or heat up small amounts of dinner leftovers or some other real food like that? 

They're at Evan's parents' house for the weekend as usual. While the adults are chilling by the pool, I'm fairly sure C&E have full run of the house as they visit every weekend. I'm pretty sure Evan's mom -- Layla's grandmother -- wouldn't be like noooo you can't make my granddaughter whatever she needs to eat. I'm not suggesting the grandmom needs to be making food and cleaning up the kitchen, but that IS Carlin/Evan's responsibility.

Between snack foods for meals + the fact that she constantly has a cake pop in her hand, what are they feeding this ONE year old!? I mean this isn't even a 3 year old who is whining for junk, they are literally just offering it to her daily!?

Edited by cereality
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I see that Carlin and Evan’s YouTube subscribers is now over 100,000. This is apparently a big milestone on YouTube, so I guess good for them. People must like their goofy content so I don’t see things changing. But they act like teenagers most of the time so hopefully they won’t have another baby for awhile.

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FFS Carlin.  She had a story about Layla getting a bigger car seat yesterday.  The poor child was dressed in a too tight t-shirt that rode up over her belly and was bunched up under her chest.  No effort made to fix it.  It looked so uncomfortable, and while I know babies are chubby Layla has quite a distended belly. Every time I see a photo or video of her she is holding some sort of junk food. Dress her in clothing that fits, Mom, and maybe give her fruit or veggies instead of cake pops, cheese puffs, crackers and fries!

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1 hour ago, 3 is enough said:

FFS Carlin.  She had a story about Layla getting a bigger car seat yesterday.  The poor child was dressed in a too tight t-shirt that rode up over her belly and was bunched up under her chest.  No effort made to fix it.  It looked so uncomfortable, and while I know babies are chubby Layla has quite a distended belly. Every time I see a photo or video of her she is holding some sort of junk food. Dress her in clothing that fits, Mom, and maybe give her fruit or veggies instead of cake pops, cheese puffs, crackers and fries!

I've never seen that kid eat anything healthy. It's all sugar and junk. 

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So per their latest video these idiots are trying to get pregnant again - with Carlin getting all teary and crying that she wasn't pregnant this month. So give it until next month - August pregnancy, baby next April-May. And Evan isn't even mincing words about he'll be happy with whatever the Lord gives them, he's all about a boy and about how he wants a boy while he's in the prime of his life to be able to play basketball with his son etc. So many more babies in the future for these two. If the next one is a girl, they def will keep going for a boy. If the next one is a boy, well then that boy needs a brother + Layla needs a sister.

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Yeah, the pregnancy test bit was a tad dramatic. 🙄

At least Evan divulged that he's in a Union. Good pay and benefits. That's better than most of the other men who married into the Bates family, John excepted. Kelton and Bobby are getting there, but they'll never have a benefit package like Evan.

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When I saw the tears over the negative pregnancy test I immediately thought of Michael. Wonder how watching that video would make her feel?   

Seriously, Layla is 16 months old. Just enjoy it! 

Evan being honest about wanting a son did not bother me.  It doesn't mean he wouldn't love another girl, but I can respect his honesty more than spouting "it's God's plan" platitudes. I was annoyed that he didn't think he could play basketball with daughters though.  

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I mean yeah they've been doing something - BC, pull out, NFP. Because Layla is 1.5 yrs old and E&C are young healthy 26 and 23 yr olds who conceived Layla on their honeymoon. If they've been having sex since a month or two after she was born, they would have conceived by now.

Common sense isn't too common with these morons but I hope the plan is for Evan to finish his last year of school/apprenticeship and STAY in the electricians union and get a union type job thru them. Those kinds of jobs will have him employed with one of the bigger electricians in Knox (or Nashville as they teased they COULD go there after he's done school but I doubt it, I don't see Carlin leaving the boutique and having her bestie sisters down the road). With those types of electricians, their jobs are - doing all the electrical for a new subdivision of homes; some developer buys a downtown warehouse and wants to turn it into the hotel so putting in all the electrical there and making it up to code for a residential building etc. Those types of employers pay well. Looks like the avg union electrician salary is about 56k in Knox - with a salary range of about 50-60k. That's not bad money in small town USA. Plus he'd keep his good health insurance (important with pregnancy after pregnancy and Layla prob still has some cardiology follow ups even though they say her health is good now) + some retirement/pension.

Hopefully these fools aren't looking at the - oh but you HAVE  to work for yourself - options esp since Z, Kelton/Bobby, Chad all do that. Yeah you can open your own business and get calls from random homeowners who would like the garage door opener switch on the other side of the garage; who think it'd be nice to have a light switch just above the bed so they don't have to roll out of bed to turn of the lights; who are trying to hang a TV and don't want those unsightly wires dangling below. All fine and good but that sort of thing doesn't pay 60k with great health insurance.

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Yeah they are not moving to Nashville. Carlin is too immersed in her family on a day to day basis. Plus they seem to treat going to Evan’s parents house as a vacation on the weekends. 

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45 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

Yeah they are not moving to Nashville. Carlin is too immersed in her family on a day to day basis. Plus they seem to treat going to Evan’s parents house as a vacation on the weekends. 

Exactly. Nashville provides a vacation for them 2 weekends/month at least. While the Bates family is good for day to day socializing, dropping by the house for a few hours, an occasional meal, they really can't leave Layla there for 2 straight days and pretend to be normal 23 and 26 yr olds. Kelly Jo ain't chasing a toddler - she didn't even chase her own; the majority of the sisters are now married off except Addie, Ellie, Callie and I have a feeling those 3 are doing all the cooking and cleaning and watching Jeb/Jud and can't add a toddler to the mix.

With Evan's family though, they show up in Nashville on Friday afternoon, dump Layla on his mom and whatever sisters are hanging at the house (seems like his sisters all live near his parents); they dote on her, feed her dinner, put her to bed etc. which frees up E&C to go hang out with his brother, his friends etc. They are always go to Top Golf, out to eat etc. with no cares re - oh we need to get home to our kid. Hell they even dumped her on his parents to go to Arkansas to buy a car and visit Joy Duggar. And that 2nd anniversary trip they couldn't make happen bc it was too pricey -- they were looking at a child free trip to a place like Hawaii (while lying and straight up saying - oh but we've NEVER been away from Layla - uh Arkansas? how about the time you left her in Nashville for a week DURING A PANDEMIC and people in Evan's house got covid and Carlin got covid and you didn't know whether to go get her or not??).

Yeah they ain't getting that kind of dump your child and live your life service if they are in Nashville - they'll be locals and the grandparents won't want to do this every weekend nor feel so #blessed for time with their granddaughter.

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On 7/2/2021 at 4:54 PM, 3 is enough said:

FFS Carlin.  She had a story about Layla getting a bigger car seat yesterday.  The poor child was dressed in a too tight t-shirt that rode up over her belly and was bunched up under her chest.  No effort made to fix it.  It looked so uncomfortable, and while I know babies are chubby Layla has quite a distended belly. Every time I see a photo or video of her she is holding some sort of junk food. Dress her in clothing that fits, Mom, and maybe give her fruit or veggies instead of cake pops, cheese puffs, crackers and fries!

Given how much Evan talks about budgeting, money being tight, Carlin spends too much -- they clearly are getting some hand me downs for Layla. IDK where they're coming from though some seem to be from Josie bc they've posted pics of L in ironic bell bottoms which is Josie's style. But regardless whether she's getting them from Josie, Whit, or Erin -- all of those nieces are on the skinny side and Layla isn't. None of them were especially chunky babies.

Layla OTOH has the fat rolls and belly that Carlin seems SOOO proud of. I've never understood it though I know people like chubby babies. But it's one thing if a baby is chubby bc they just are - bc they haven't grown tall yet. It's another if they're chunky bc they CONSTANTLY have a cake pop in their hand; or they scream in the car and you're shown handing them McDonalds french fries; or they get a hair cut so your treat is a giant ice cream sandwich instead of say a non food item!? 

I get it E&C are 26 and 23 and it's like teens having a baby. They want to live their regular life and not be grocery shopping and cooking etc. For most 23 and 26 yr olds who'd be in grad school or first jobs they DOES mean lots of eating out/fast food etc. so that's what they do. But they seem to have forgotten that they have a ONE YEAR OLD to think about. She isn't 23 or 26 - she needs good calories right now as she develops!? I get it cooking is a pain but honestly is it SOOOO hard to make her a half a grilled cheese and throw a few slices of tomato in there; or PBJ and slice up some fruit on the side? Or is it SOOO hard to roast some veggies in the oven and keep them in the fridge and heat them up for her?

Even though Evan went on in the last video about how Carlin is super mom and has really been cooking - doesn't look like it . . . . We only ever see them feeding her a full meal as in a meat/veggie at an occasional meal at G&K's house or at Mama Jane's this weekend. As much as I think Alyssa is probably underfeeding her kids with those muffin cups full of pretzels, cheese, fruit for meals- esp since a 6, 4, AND 3 yr old is supposed to share that amount of food - I will say every one of those ALWAYS includes a good amount of grapes or berries and cheese and her kids seem to always grab the fruit moreso than the crackers or pretzels.

And just today we got a shot of Kelly giving Layla a taste of sweet tea. Yep for a kid who already eats a lot of junk, let's get them on the southern sweet tea habit ASAP!?

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Sweet tea is NOT a good beverage for a baby to consume. It's loaded with caffeine and sugar. Kelly should know better. I certainly hope Carlin improves her daughter's diet. She is a HOUSEWIFE, a stay at home wife and mother...can't she cook decent meals for her family? She certainly has the time...oh, yes, she's too busy posting her activities on social media to actually take care of her husband, baby and household. This, I will never understand about these families. They are sooooo traditional, training their daughters to be at  home full time, yet they marry with no skills or interest in them. Grow up first, then marry.

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Kelly didn't prep any of her girls to be good fundie wives and mothers. G&K don't care if they're good wives and mothers or not -- all they care is that they snag a fundie/evangelical man ASAP ideally before age 22 so they get a decent looking one + push out some babies so that the photograph is complete + talk the talk about how awful women are who don't marry/don't have kids by choice/work/send their kids to daycare or school.

Funny that the only 2 Bates girl who cook regularly are Erin and Michaela. For as whipped as Chad has been since day 1, I have a feeling that his ONE fundie husband requirement was you WILL have dinner on the stove at 6 pm nightly. I have a feeling Chad was like - fine we'll live near your parents; I'll be your parents' handyman; I'll be your handyman building you all kinds of crap in this cottage; you can paint the bedroom pink; when I have a business I'll employ as many of your brothers as I can, but YOU WILL COOK like a good little fundie wife. And then I think reality happened any way. I think they are a couple who is financially stretched - just looking at their living situation. There is NO way they can be going out to dinner - even fast food - 3 nights a week as a family of 6. IDK what she's doing now as I know she was sick for a while but Erin was routinely making full meals AND snacks - she'd show herself baking granola or fruit muffins or whatever bc the reality is a box of 6 muffins at the grocery store can go for $4-5, she can feed her kids cheaper snacks if she makes them.

Michaela - I think it wasn't even Brandon's expectations of cooking, it was her own expectations of what a fundie wife is, as I think she's is truly fundie herself. Plus having cooked her whole life for 19 people, I imagine cooking for 2 is a snap that takes her like 30 min.

Josie - I think she's trying esp in the last yr or 2 since Kelton started his business, making me think he's probably not taking any more salary than he needs so going out to eat multiple times/wk isn't happening. She often shows her crockpot cooking, her 30 min meals etc. and it seems like decent home cooking; and often she'll have Kelton do some grilling and he's said oh I'm grilling up extra chicken that we'll use thru the week in other recipes. While I don't love Kelton overall, I have to imagine that he isn't averse to helping with the cooking - even if it's just grilling - having grown up with a dad who cooked for his family; so he's less likely to pull the men don't do kitchen work card.

Carlin & Alyssa - I think they don't even try. They feed their kids whatever. Alyssa sometimes shows herself cooking those prepared meal kits and often she's feeding her kids an array of fruits/cheese/crackers for lunch. And then often it looks like John goes out and picks up McDonalds or orders pizza after they put the kids to bed. Reality is a 6ft tall man with a manual labor type job probably just isn't getting enough food eating a portion of a meal kit.

It's interesting how much John and Evan both talk about the budget, yet they both eat out a ton. Even in the latest video, Carlin was like - Evan is the one who likes to eat out all the time. Uh I think it's bc he's probably not getting enough food at home and when he gets home and sees no dinner, instead of doing something himself - he's like ok Sonic or Cracker Barrel or whatever, let's go. We've seen Evan occasionally browning ground beef for tacos or making spaghetti, but reality is I think he grew up in a very traditional home where mom had dinner on the table at 6 pm; I assume that's what he and John expected of their wives esp since they work 40+ hrs/wk and it didn't happen. And I think the wives have ZERO clue about how much food guys need in their mid 20s/early 30s. Like a little meal kit or cheese and crackers ain't going to cut it - you'd think you'd know that having 37 brothers!?

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Carlin's baby may be chubby but she herself is getting way too thin in my opinion. When in the recent flashback episode they showed her graduation she was a bit heavier and she looked much better. Her legs now look like arms.

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2 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

Carlin's baby may be chubby but she herself is getting way too thin in my opinion. When in the recent flashback episode they showed her graduation she was a bit heavier and she looked much better. Her legs now look like arms.

I may be wrong but I think Carlin has been losing weight since Evan's been on the scene. You go back to the start of her IG in 2016 and she looks like a different person; even at Joy Duggar's wedding at 2017 she looked different than her own wedding in 2019. I agree she looked better with her face a bit fuller - rather than the super prominent neck and clavicle at her own wedding and now.

I imagine it started as - I need to look good for MY MAN. The usual dieting before the courtship ask, pre engagement, pre wedding etc to get the perfect pics. And now I imagine it's continued because she's likely not eating regular meals; IDK what the meals were at G&K's house but they did have meals so she was eating regularly when she lived there. Now it seems like she (and Alyssa) kind of load up on coffee and snacks all day long and have some kind of takeout/fast food type dinner. Having done it myself at times where I was working + studying and just didn't have times to think about meals and thought oh fast food is calorie heavy, I'll get what I need from that - you really don't, at least women don't bc they tend not to get a Big Mac with large fries and a large shake. If you're just getting a chick fila sandwich and passing on the fries bc you already feel like you eat to much fast food etc., you're getting like 600 calories which doesn't compensate for the other 2 meals you skipped. 

Edited by cereality
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1 hour ago, cereality said:
1 hour ago, cereality said:

. If you're just getting a chick fila sandwich and passing on the fries bc you already feel like you eat to much fast food etc., you're getting like 600 calories which doesn't compensate for the other 2 meals you skipped. 


I'm guessing they use a BOGO meal coupon. He eats 1 1/2 and she eats 1/2.

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16 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:


I'm guessing they use a BOGO meal coupon. He eats 1 1/2 and she eats 1/2.

Plus someone has to feed Layla something out of their portion of the meal . . . I don't think they're buying her a separate meal yet.

These girls grew up on the cheap. They have the knowledge on how to do this if they were so inclined. I get it - C doesn't want to be a dowdy housewife cooking all day, but damn throw together a casserole or lasagna on Monday morning and stick it in the oven, it'll feed you dinner Monday; Tues; Wed. and then your dining out dollars stretch that much further from Thurs thru the weekend.

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So...I was watching the latest Stewart video about their trip to the farm and a commercial popped up---For very sexy lingerie.  The model:  "I feel like the baddest bitch on the block."  LOL!!!!

ETA:  So while Gil is offering up a prayer before lunch, Kelly is...recording it, of course!



Edited by riverblue22
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Carlin has posted about how wonderful it is that Layla is going to Vacation Bible School. How important it is and what an impact it will have on her life.🙄

She’s 18 months old! She may be having fun but she won’t remember any of it. 
Not saying she won’t remember going as she gets older, but certainly not this time. 

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8 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Carlin has posted about how wonderful it is that Layla is going to Vacation Bible School. How important it is and what an impact it will have on her life.🙄

She’s 18 months old! She may be having fun but she won’t remember any of it. 
Not saying she won’t remember going as she gets older, but certainly not this time. 

Probably by the end of the week she will realize she is a sinner and needs to accept Jesus into her life  🙄

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On 7/22/2021 at 10:48 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

Layla had on a different/new pair of bell bottoms. Carlin has definitely embraced the hippie baby look.

Direct competition with the red-headed Roloff wife.

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2 hours ago, Patricia07 said:

I'm so glad Carlin and Evan didn't name her "Charlee Jo", as Carlin talked about in one of her videos. 

She's trying to get pregnant again, so I'm sure that name is coming. Ugh, I hate it when people take a normal name and give it a cutesy alternate spelling.

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10 minutes ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

She's trying to get pregnant again, so I'm sure that name is coming. Ugh, I hate it when people take a normal name and give it a cutesy alternate spelling.

Ok, I don't get that. They don't use any form of birth control, so technically aren't they always 'trying' to get pregnant (?). And how is she trying to get pregnant, thinking about it really hard? Praying about it? Or jumping hubby's bones any chance she can? Do they confuse the word with hoping? They are 'hoping' to get pregnant (?). I wonder if those choice words bug Michaela, someone who has really tried to get pregnant. 

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1 hour ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

I take "trying to get pregnant" to mean they are emphasizing her most fertile times of the month instead of, well, not emphasizing them. 

Is it wrong of me to hope she has trouble catching a baby? They've already failed the dog and aren't doing so great with the potato toddler. 

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1 minute ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Is it wrong of me to hope she has trouble catching a baby? They've already failed the dog and aren't doing so great with the potato toddler. 

Yeah, they're both immature idiots who shouldn't have a goldfish let alone a dog or a kid. They remind me of teens who get pregnant thinking parenting is all about dress-up and taking cute pictures. The dog got shipped off pretty quickly over minor behavioral issues, so if they don't have the patience to deal with that, they certainly don't need to add a newborn to the mix. 

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7 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Yeah, they're both immature idiots who shouldn't have a goldfish let alone a dog or a kid. They remind me of teens who get pregnant thinking parenting is all about dress-up and taking cute pictures. The dog got shipped off pretty quickly over minor behavioral issues, so if they don't have the patience to deal with that, they certainly don't need to add a newborn to the mix. 

Where is the dog? I refuse to watch an entire video on it. Is the dog shipped off permanently bc she made it seem on IG like some kind of obedience school. I'm unclear on why they even go a dog except to complete the perfect IG pic of a perfect family with 2 kids (and then #2 didn't come quick enough) + dog. Yet they can barely handle the 1 kid they got including fitting her in size appropriate clothes and feeding her real food. And they head off to his mommy and daddy's 3 weekends a month for home cooking and babysitting - did they need a dog when they can barely take care of themselves??

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

Where is the dog? I refuse to watch an entire video on it. Is the dog shipped off permanently bc she made it seem on IG like some kind of obedience school. 

Izzy is boarding at a training facility for six weeks. Carlin's getting a ton of flack because the only issues Izzy has are jumping up on people and chewing. Both completely normal puppy behaviors and something that could've been corrected within the home. I think the dog is on its' way to being phased out. 

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6 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Izzy is boarding at a training facility for six weeks. Carlin's getting a ton of flack because the only issues Izzy has are jumping up on people and chewing. Both completely normal puppy behaviors and something that could've been corrected within the home. I think the dog is on its' way to being phased out. 

I think the dog was an impulse and they love the dog but don’t have the skills or patience to work with her themselves. So off to what’s essentially blanket training for dogs.

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Carlin just posted a bunch of shots of Evan taking care of Layla in her stories.  I think it was meant to be comical- the soundtrack was Reba McEntire singing " I'm a Survivor".  

But- one of the shots showed him giving Layla a sippy cup full of root beer.  I really hope that was just for effect and they don't actually let her drink sippy cups full of soda.

I'm hardly the sugar police- my kids were allowed treats in moderation, but I sure as heck did not give them soda in a sippy cup when they were only 18 months old.

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