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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Next week: another week of of three new episodes followed by two repeats.


4/1: I Believe Global Terrorists Are Poisoning Me

Cheryl says she must wear surgical masks at home because a global terror network is experimenting on her with lethal chemicals; her daughter is concerned for her mental health; Dr. Phil reveals the results of extensive testing in Cheryl's home.

4/2: Let Me Live My Life!

Sarah's dad says she is destroying her life by walking away from a full-ride college scholarship to chase what he calls a "silly daydream" of becoming a professional dancer; sisters say mom Laura is a reckless dater who has been married 10 times.

4/3: Jonestown: Stories of Strength and Survival

On Nov. 18, 1978, more than 900 followers of Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple were killed, many by drinking cyanide-laced fruit punch; Dr. Phil speaks with survivors Rep. Jackie Speier and former Peoples Temple members Vernon Gosney and John Cobb.

4/4: Mother Knows Best: A Story of Munchausen by Proxy and Murder (originally scheduled to air as a repeat on 3/14)

4/5: Gypsy Rose: From Wheelchair Bound to Behind Bars for Murder (originally scheduled to air as a repeat on 3/15)

Phil just doesn't know when to bow out gracefully with a somewhat good reputation. It's time for him to end this "way too long" run.

But I'm sure the money that trickles down to the rest of the family via book publishing, beauty products and whatever crap this family is tied into, keeps all 3 generations of Shill's rich and comfortable.

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Watching the irritating “ dance prodigy” who plans to give up going to Harvard Law School to pursue her dream, I call bullshit.  She hardly seems bright enough to even finish community college,let alone law school.  I say, let the scholarship go to someone who would appreciate it. She appears to be a pretty good dancer but anyone who has seen “Chorus Line” knows what a difficult life a dancer can have. She seems to think she will be the next Jennifer Lopez but perhaps auditioning for some real life jobs will bring her back to reality.  Anyway, I wouldn’t want her to be my lawyer.

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3 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Damn. Phil is really scraping the bottom of the shitter for his latest topics/guests. 

I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he's deciding to start doing shows with either topics that can involve his family's products/projects into them or shorter ones can end early so the last 15-20 minutes can be spent on Philmercials (which is happening already with his podcast).

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Darn, that dance girl really bothered me.  She is so out of touch with reality that it's just weird.  But if we've known any high school students we know how challenging it is to be at the top of your class, to get the recommendations you would need, and actually get that incredible full-ride scholarship.  It would take an unusually focused kid to get any really good scholarship, let alone that one.  So what in the world happened to her brain ??   The interviews with her TV station (when her hair was still dark) were so different with the way she is speaking now.  I expected Dr P. to pull out some traumatic event in the last year or two that had turned her from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde.  

I don't know if hip hop dancing resembles every other kind of dance I'm familiar with, but does it have specific steps that a choreographer would call out and you need to know what it is -- terminology for the moves &c, which (not having taken any lessons) she could hardly know ??  (You can only do so much on YouTube, I'd think.)

This was just beyond odd.  But he had to fit in two other stories, so I guess never mind.  Still I'm worrying about that girl's brain.

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9 hours ago, Chippings said:

Darn, that dance girl really bothered me. 

I saw her and her sister as typical of today's "You Tube Media Influencer" generation.  They've never grown out of the "I'm the center of the universe" mindset.  (Other examples:  Jeremy and Audrey Roloff, Mariah Brown.)

As she was flailing around on the stage, hubby and I had the same thought at almost the same time:  She needs to try out for "So You Think You Can Dance."  She wouldn't get the golden ticket to Hollywood, and at some point having even MORE professional dancers/choreographers tell her that she is NOT as good as she thinks she is will sink in.

Mostly, I was just offended that someone with a full-ride scholarship would walk away from it for what seems to be such a shallow reason.  My heart went out to the person who came in second in line for that scholarship.

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9 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he's deciding to start doing shows with either topics that can involve his family's products/projects into them or shorter ones can end early so the last 15-20 minutes can be spent on Philmercials (which is happening already with his podcast).

I wonder if Phil will start his own Philmaceutical Drug Co. 

Philmercials. Face Phillers. Philmaceutical drugs. I'm surprised he hasn't cashed in on the word "PHILosophy".

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22 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Watching the irritating “ dance prodigy” who plans to give up going to Harvard Law School to pursue her dream, I call bullshit.  She hardly seems bright enough to even finish community college,let alone law school.  I say, let the scholarship go to someone who would appreciate it. She appears to be a pretty good dancer but anyone who has seen “Chorus Line” knows what a difficult life a dancer can have. She seems to think she will be the next Jennifer Lopez but perhaps auditioning for some real life jobs will bring her back to reality.  Anyway, I wouldn’t want her to be my lawyer.

I'm inclined to say that also.   I don't think she could make it through the rigors of law school since it's all about her.   I wish I hadn't deleted it or I would review it again to be sure she actually applied and received the scholarship.  I'd like to see the letter.   And get an update for sure.

What I was more perplexed about was the sudden ending of her story with no resolution.  I was thinking Dr. Phil was going to ask her what she was afraid of by going to Harvard--failure?  disappointing her dad?  He didn't work too hard to get to the bottom of it.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

What I was more perplexed about was the sudden ending of her story with no resolution.  I was thinking Dr. Phil was going to ask her what she was afraid of by going to Harvard--failure?  disappointing her dad?  He didn't work too hard to get to the bottom of it.

He probably would of if he was able to work his family's products into it or his podcast into it.

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7 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

What I was more perplexed about was the sudden ending of her story with no resolution.  I was thinking Dr. Phil was going to ask her what she was afraid of by going to Harvard--failure?  disappointing her dad?  He didn't work too hard to get to the bottom of it.

I think the scholarship was to wherever she wanted to go, including Harvard .. "Full ride, anywhere.."  It didn't appear that she has actually applied anywhere.   But I think he didn't ask her what she was afraid of because her answer was clearly going to be "I don't want to go to any college, I am going to thrill the world with my dancing."

She purely didn't hear what the choreographer told her, but it seemed as if her "plan" is not to start out just as somebody's chorus dancer, but as the soloist doing "my own twists on the thing.."   

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44 minutes ago, camom said:

With the wanna-be dancer, did they ever mention the mother?  Where was she in all of this?

I was wondering this as well.  Also, why did this girl never have a dance class?  Most little girls who want to dance have their parents enroll them.  Nothing wrong with going to school AND dance class.  Yep, another set of famewhores here.  What a waste of my time. 

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Next week:


4/8: Blinded by Love

Amanda is madly in love with her son's father, a severe epileptic who refuses to take his medication and has seizures almost every day; her mother wants her to move on.

4/9: I Want My Vindictive Millionaire Mother Out of My Life

Patty says she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars giving her son everything he wanted, and now, she says, he wants her dead; a first look at Dr. Phil's interview with Oprah Winfrey (book "The Path Made Clear").

4/10: An Unfit Mother or an Alienating Grandma? Family's Decade-Long Drama

Jessica, who makes poor decisions, drinks alcohol daily and has a violent relationship with her live-in boyfriend, says her mother is brainwashing her 10- and 13-year-old children against her.

4/11: Our 6-Year-Old Son Was Murdered by His Grandmother

Mason's grandmother stabbed him to death two days before his 7th birthday, causing his father to start using drugs again and acting erratically.

4/12: Cutting Ties: My Mother Is Too Toxic to Tolerate

Claudia's adult daughters feel she has cast them aside too often, and she doesn't deserve to be called their mother; the three meet face-to-face for the first time in years; Dr. Phil takes coach Mike Bayer's "Best Self" challenge.

7 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I was watching an old rerun this morning, and Dr. Phil said something to the people on stage with him, "I just don't do business with family members."

And I laughed, and I laughed, and I laughed.

I saw that. In the very same episode he talked about his book published by his son Jay's publishing company.  Dr Phil doesn't even listen to himself talk!

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The show has gotten more and more boring.  I really used to enjoy it when he'd have on guests who actually seemed like they could be your neighbor and needed some of the common sense help that Dr. Phil was originally known for.  I just can't imagine where the show's going to end up by the time his current contract ends.

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51 minutes ago, readheaded said:

The show has gotten more and more boring.  I really used to enjoy it when he'd have on guests who actually seemed like they could be your neighbor and needed some of the common sense help that Dr. Phil was originally known for.  I just can't imagine where the show's going to end up by the time his current contract ends.

Agreed! I don't watch it anymore unless it's a catfish episode. If his show was discontinued I wouldn't care at all. He and his family are just clowns to occasionally give me a laugh!

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LOL-it was at the end of the show today. I had the tv on and was in another room so i wasn't really paying attention-I think it was one of those skin cream segments that he does. (Possibly shilling Robin's quackery-not sure) Anyway-I heard him say something like he bets that Botox is painful -like his Botoxed hot dog head doesn't know.

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46 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I think it was one of those skin cream segments that he does. (Possibly shilling Robin's quackery-not sure) Anyway-I heard him say something like he bets that Botox is painful -like his Botoxed hot dog head doesn't know.

Nope not Robin's  something from Target.   Wonder what Robin was thinking though.   But the lady got a 2 year supply and maybe Robin wasn't willing to be that generous.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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11 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Nope not Robin's  something from Target.   Wonder what Robin was thinking though.   But the lady got a 2 year supply and maybe Robin wasn't willing to be that generous.

Thanks, Parrotfeathers. I really didn't think it was Robin's because I didn't hear her lispy trying to talk with Giant veneers in her mouth voice coming from the other room.  It has seemed odd in the past when they hawk other skin creams. I wonder what that is about. The most maddening thing about it all is Dr. Hotdog and his rapidly vanishing wife are so Botoxed up and have both clearly had something odd done to their eyes-how can they sit there and act like a skin cream is going to do what Botox does. I guess it fits since everything else in the world seems absolutely upside down these days.            On another note-how cringeworthy are those little segments with the audience where he asks people if they are subscribed to his podcast? He is shameless. There is barely time for a show because of all the crap he is trying to sell.    And frankly-ever since I saw the episode of Kathy Bates being interviewed by Shill, I have totally lost respect for her. She was kissing his ass. See also Kristin Bell and Dax Shepherd.

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Next week: Manchild Moochers and Another Dr. Phil Ass-Kisser.


4/15: The Aftermath of Murder: A Mother & Her Surviving Sons

Carina is haunted by the gruesome murders of her two eldest sons and four other people on a camping trip three years ago; her surviving sons admit to not confronting her about her behavior because they do not want to trigger her rage.

4/16: I Look in the Mirror & See a Monster

Molly obsesses over her appearance so much it has prevented her from leaving her home; her sister admits she has struggled for years with worrying intensely about her weight, and their mom survived anorexia; Sophie Turner ("Game of Thrones") (aka Dr. Phil's #1 Fan).

4/17: My 45-Year-Old Brother Is a Loser Who Lives in His Childhood Bedroom!

Monica's 45-year-old brother, Jeff, moved back into his childhood bedroom in his mother's home and has never left; their mother admits she has given Jeff well over $100,000, raises his children, and pays all his bills; he faces his fed-up family.

4/18: The Fire Is Out, but the Scars Still Burn

Ten years ago, an electrical fire destroyed Reina's home and nearly 80 percent of her body had 3rd-degree burns; now 20 years old, she's irresponsible and reckless -- partying, dropping out of college, blowing through her money and sleeping all day.

4/19: I Would Rather Live With My Pet Pigs Than Marry My Noisy-Eating Fiance

Ann Marie says her pet pigs are nothing compared to the slurping, munching, crunching, chewing, jaw-cracking noises her soon-to-be husband, Jimmy, makes when he is eating; Jimmy calls off their engagement, saying Ann Marie is a "lunatic." [There's no way this episode will take up the entire show, so be prepared for a possible Philmercial.]

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Now he’s promoting some kind of song thing that “his son, Jordan” is doing on his show or podcast or something. This guy is really unbelievable. As is his plastic wife and his grafting sons. Geez, Phil. You’ve become everything you hated in other people on your show. 

Lol! Yes! I posted a comment about MySonJordon in the "phil family members thread".  It just never ends. And let's not forget....there's another generation of the Phil family who are still little kids. The McGraws will live on after we posters here are long gone! 😁

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8 minutes ago, Llama4 said:

Oh.My.God. I thought I was the ONLY one that disliked ROBIN MCGRAW until I saw this thread! Ugghhh!!! She is SO FAKE. I'd like to add my voice to several comments posted here and can't figure out how to DO THIS...HELP!!!

You've come to the right forum for all things we dislike about Robin (and everyone else in the Phil phamily!)

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16 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Now he’s promoting some kind of song thing that “his son, Jordan” is doing on his show or podcast or something. This guy is really unbelievable. As is his plastic wife and his grafting sons. Geez, Phil. You’ve become everything you hated in other people on your show. 

Was just watching the show about the woman whose ex-husband and two sons were murdered, and she is now an alcoholic who is emotionally devastating her two remaining sons.  

"And now let me tell you about my son Justin's blog . . . where he and his friends talk about modern music and interview musical guests."

Inappropriate much, Phil?

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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Was just watching the show about the woman whose ex-husband and two sons were murdered, and she is now an alcoholic who is emotionally devastating her two remaining sons.  

"And now let me tell you about my son Justin's blog . . . where he and his friends talk about modern music and interview musical guests."

Inappropriate much, Phil?

I want to scream!!! 😲 please go away Shill!! I'm begging you!

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54 minutes ago, Monie said:

Watching the "Lazy 45 yr old" - here we go once again with creepy Coach Mike!! Does anyone know this idiots credentials are?

I'm halfway through this episode and it's commercial break with Magic Mike taking the helm to straighten out the 45 yr old lazy pot smoker. Good luck Magic Mike! I've never known pot to be a motivational drug. I have lots of friends and acquaintances who smoke weed ALOT and they are all lazy and unmotivated. IMO

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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

I'm halfway through this episode and it's commercial break with Magic Mike taking the helm to straighten out the 45 yr old lazy pot smoker. Good luck Magic Mike! I've never known pot to be a motivational drug. I have lots of friends and acquaintances who smoke weed ALOT and they are all lazy and unmotivated. IMO

And it is awesome that he has a realistic career goal; Running a weed dispensary in Missouri.  . Just as soon as they change the law in Missouri,

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22 hours ago, Monie said:

here we go once again with creepy Coach Mike!! Does anyone know this idiots credentials are?

And again today!  This dude is such a ZERO!  No charisma, no insight, just spouts a bunch of 1980's psychobabble catchphrases in that dumb monotone voice.

"Coach Mike" reminds me of the elementary and junior high "coaches" back in the day ...dumber than a mud fence.   Working in education because that's the "degree" they got when their college athletic careers petered out.

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