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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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I saw a rerun today on CBS that aired sometime at the beginning of the year. Like the episode @MelissaMinion posted above, he told the mother of a three-year-old who was accusing her ex-boyfriend of molestation and the maternal grandmother of the baby that they were full of it, it didn't happen, and was really firm about it. It was refreshing to see. It's probably only the third or fourth episode I've watched this year because it has become tabloidish.

He started off annoying me with his comments, but in the end, he held firm with them and they needed to hear it. He didn't outright say that the mother of the child was an abuse victim herself, but alluded to her seeing things where they didn't exist while offering her help that she hadn't received, and he did it without a folksy comment like, "To a hammer everything looks like a nail," so I didn't want to throat punch him.

Well, that's not true, I definitely wanted to throat punch him when he kept repeating the phrase, "mandated reporter" and demanding to know why the mom let the girl go on visitation with him after she tried to explain about the Court Order and having to turn her over. Until CPS provides an Order, with a judge's signature, changing the Parenting Plan and/or Custody Orders not turning her over would result in her going to jail as the daughter is handed over to him by the police who are arresting her. He blames the parents every time and it's really easy to say you would run away with the child before turning him or her over to an abuser, but it's much harder for average citizens without money to pull off, and they then lose their rights during the pendening investigation. It's an awful position for the parent and something he likes to belittle them for doing, when even that CPS guy he's always having on (Sophy?) has said to the parent to obey the visitation plans.

The best part was that Robyn wasn't there. At least, I didn't see her. Hmmmm, I don't know that I would actually recognize her any longer since she's become plastic alien looking, so maybe she was there, but he didn't end the show early to advertise her snake oil, causing universal whiplash in the viewers.

ETA: After rereading what I wrote, I want to clarify about my second to last paragraph for the people who didn't watch the episode. There was a pediatrician appointment made and the doctor wrote in the records that there was no concern that warranted calling CPS. Most of the time there are medical records and doctors involved when he's belittling them for turning the kids over to the parent they are blaming for abuse. A doctor's call to CPS would initiate the paperwork necessary to refuse to transfer the children.

In the case today, there was no abuse and he was using the fact that she allowed her daughter to go with him during his scheduled time as a reason to berate her, like he typical does, when many times those parents are already beating themselves up for not acting sooner. In the alternative, people like the mom and grandma on today's episode had plenty of things to point out as failures and using something they can defend to themselves just keeps them in the belief that they were not wrong to accuse someone of such a crime. The grandma kept saying it was the mom's responsibility to report it and not hers, all the while insisting that the child said all the things the mom was claiming. 

It's my opinion that berating them on that point allows them to keep defending their actions and non-actions or tormenting themselves over something they had no control over before CPS acted. 

Edited by Christina
Added paragraph
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I've seen that episode @Christina.  It's one of those, if I remember correctly, that seems to be an endless loop on the OWN broadcasts - shows up about once every 4 - 6 weeks.

I got similarly annoyed with that one.  They had all their ducks in a row with no clear evidence of abuse and he still pounded on them.  It's one of those times where I think he had to make the best of a situation that wasn't conducive to him being the hero.

I am watching a re-run of “My mother lied about my real father & hid th e truth in a letter inside her Bible” (whew). We all know the Mother lied but forty or more years ago it was not as easy to explain an illegitimate daughter, particularly if she was in another relationship, and I wish they hadn’t brow beaten her so much. Her daughter was a total bitch & needs to get over the past, and if she wants a relationship then pursue it but leave Mom alone. 

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Once again, a rerun from 2014 has made me sad, because I can see how GOOD he is at connecting with teenagers, and showing them some truth and a hope they can set their own lives on a better path. Or, how good he WAS at it. What has changed? When he was on, he was impressive. Now, he’s just coasting. (17 yr old addicted girl with feuding parents who couldn’t find their own butts with a roadmap)

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Reruns here too. Kayleigh thinks she is too ugly to leave the house. However, she obviously doesn't think she's too ugly to take numerous pics of herself for social media and other random photos available to the world to see. I smell an attention whore.

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 8
On 6/15/2018 at 5:22 PM, chenoa333 said:

Reruns here too. Kayleigh thinks she is too ugly to leave the house. However, she obviously doesn't think she's too ugly to take numerous pics of herself for social media and other random photos available to the world to see. I smell an attention whore.


I thought the same thing! Those were some model level shots. And notice she didn't use her disguise on the plane and she didn't seem to have any problem showing off her chest and body in those photos, no baggy clothing.

Edited by OrigamiNightmare
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, OrigamiNightmare said:

I thought the same thing! Those were some model level shots. And notice she didn't use her disguise on the plane and she didn't seem to have any problem showing off her chest and body in those photos, no baggy clothing.

And she claims she won't look in a mirror. How does she apply her false eyelashes, brow pencil, lipstick and foundation without a mirror? She probably thought being on Dr. Phil would get her some exposure for the glamorous world of Hollywood. 

6 minutes ago, Jaded said:

What the F is happening to the inhabitants of this planet? That video made me want to puke! 

  • Love 6
On 6/16/2018 at 8:53 PM, chenoa333 said:

And she claims she won't look in a mirror. How does she apply her false eyelashes, brow pencil, lipstick and foundation without a mirror? She probably thought being on Dr. Phil would get her some exposure for the glamorous world of Hollywood. 

What the F is happening to the inhabitants of this planet? That video made me want to puke! 

What the hell!! She is nothing unique! She sounds like every other female rapper..... Mamma must be so proud!!! Bhad Bhabie, good grief!!

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Monie said:

What the hell!! She is nothing unique! She sounds like every other female rapper..... Mamma must be so proud!!! Bhad Bhabie, good grief!!

I think bhad bhabie's bhad momma is totally on board with her daughter being a skanky wanna-be rapper. The article stated Bhad Bhabie had a (sold out??) venue of 500. That's not a lot of people and I'm sure tickets were cheaper than a pair of Spandex leggings at Walmart on black Friday!

  • Love 5

Ugh, the family with little boy "possessed by demons". Those types of religious people just creep me out. And once I know they're like that I can never take anything they say seriously ever again. And his new wife that was like "I support my husband because I believe that's what wives should do" ... ick. 

  • Love 7

Watched today’s episode involving the Love & Hip Hop family & their son 28 year old DJ . While i don’t doubt the man has some mental illness from his drug use , it’s easy to see he’s got some issues regarding not living up to his Family members success. His sister Monique(?) looked totally over his long rants.  The fact that he physically attacked his father is horrible . I don’t doubt it’s hard to be around him longer than 10 minutes with all that nonsense he spews , it seems to be a mix of being an entitled brat and illness ? I’m no expert but DJ was Exhausting.  I’m sure if mom & dad took away his credit card he might behave better but maybe he is sick . I was confused by him. 

Edited by DNR
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1 hour ago, Monie said:

Watching this idiot now!!

Haha! "The Murder Rapper" rerun. What a f'n tool this guy is! He tells Phil he NEVER knew the most influential person in a childs life is the same sex parent! DUH! If someone (who is an adult) wants to live their life behaving like a child, then DON'T HAVE KIDS! This guy is seriously creepy, but nevertheless, entertaining. I hope his kid turns out ok and only has to deal with having a very embarrassing male for a dad and doesnt' need years of therapy. Poor Crimson. 

And..GOD NOOOOOO!! Stop with Robin McGraw skin "care" shit!! I think I might dislike her more than the Murder Rapper! LoL

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Haha! "The Murder Rapper" rerun. What a f'n tool this guy is! He tells Phil he NEVER knew the most influential person in a childs life is the same sex parent! DUH! If someone (who is an adult) wants to live their life behaving like a child, then DON'T HAVE KIDS! This guy is seriously creepy, but nevertheless, entertaining. I hope his kid turns out ok and only has to deal with having a very embarrassing male for a dad and doesnt' need years of therapy. Poor Crimson. 

And..GOD NOOOOOO!! Stop with Robin McGraw skin "care" shit!! I think I might dislike her more than the Murder Rapper! LoL

I chuckled to myself when Shil said he was a fan of the Insane Clown Posse!! He is so cool!!! ...Not!!


Robin makes me want to jump off a cliff! So sick of Plastica!! 

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, Monie said:

I chuckled to myself when Shil said he was a fan of the Insane Clown Posse!! He is so cool!!! ...Not!!


Robin makes me want to jump off a cliff! So sick of Plastica!! 

I'm a lot cooler than Phil the Shil but I have no idea what the "Insane Clown Posse" has recorded/produced. And why not appear on the Dr. Phil show without the clown make up? It would make their opinion/advice so much more credible when they look like a human being and not a clown.

And I'm pretty sure the Insane Clown Posse is SO 1990's! Not even relevant anymore. But good try Phil. 

  • Love 3
On 7/4/2018 at 10:12 PM, chenoa333 said:

I'm a lot cooler than Phil the Shil but I have no idea what the "Insane Clown Posse" has recorded/produced. And why not appear on the Dr. Phil show without the clown make up? It would make their opinion/advice so much more credible when they look like a human being and not a clown.

And I'm pretty sure the Insane Clown Posse is SO 1990's! Not even relevant anymore. But good try Phil. 

I laughed thru the entire Insane Clown Posse critique segment ???

And what is with Robins speech? I hear a total mush mouth, like her gigantic chiclet choppers get in the way of her speaking - is it just me ? Could not understand anything she was trying to hawk . Plus Robin looks anorexic

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 2
On 6/18/2018 at 9:29 AM, chenoa333 said:

I think bhad bhabie's bhad momma is totally on board with her daughter being a skanky wanna-be rapper. The article stated Bhad Bhabie had a (sold out??) venue of 500. That's not a lot of people and I'm sure tickets were cheaper than a pair of Spandex leggings at Walmart on black Friday!

And she was probably the opening act for another bad performer who was more well known locally. 

  • Love 1

No Dr. P here in So. Cali due to brush fire news coverage in L.A. Just some snippets through out the hour about some delusional a-hole who thinks he's a messiah.  I don't know what 's sadder: a fire in So. California or another D-bag claiming he's here to save the world.

Hey Messiah man....put the damn fires out here if you're so "Messiah" like. 

  • Love 1
On 7/6/2018 at 5:25 PM, DNR said:

I laughed thru the entire Insane Clown Posse critique segment ???

And what is with Robins speech? I hear a total mush mouth, like her gigantic chiclet choppers get in the way of her speaking - is it just me ? Could not understand anything she was trying to hawk . Plus Robin looks anorexic

That's an awesome description of Robin's  teeth! Lol and hell to the yes DNR!

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On 7/16/2018 at 2:02 PM, Lava VaVoom said:

I like catfish episodes, too; but it's summer and shows are in repeat.  Today's show was Truthfully Trisha and she's still at it on YouTube, live when I looked a minute ago and braying that she can keep you entertained for hours.  As if.

Looks like she didn't take the "Good ole Boy's" advice. I just went on her live stream... good grief!!

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I watched the two parter with this nut job yesterday and today. I felt sorry for her husband In a way although he’s supported her and encouraged her in his own way. I’m not the least bit surprised that she didn’t quit her live stream as Shill recommended. She thrives off of the attention, good and bad. I hope her husband has left her and taken their child with him. The “collapsing” on the walkway as she stormed off of the stage was hilarious. I laughed out loud when I saw her do that. What a tool. 

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On 7/21/2018 at 5:19 PM, Spenser said:

Ok.  Can anyone explain to me why he keeps saying "I'm a mandated reporter"?  He hasn't been a licensed psychologist since 2006, so why is he mandated?

If I got 1/2 a cent for every time he said he's a Friggin mandated reporter, I'd could retire!!

On 7/19/2018 at 2:13 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

If you missed the Tyler Perry catfish episode, it'll be on next Wednesday and Thursday.

He's so proud he is a personal friend of Tyler Perry! Who gives a frick!!

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11 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I hope he's going to change up the format of his show for the new season.  Somehow people with horrendous issues are made to be boring and it's all so predictable. 

Yes.  I record but only watch a small percentage.  I am sick to death of adicts.  Their story in the same and the treatment is always one of his favorite "best in the world" rehabs.   A very small percentage recover from AA based treatment.  He is old school and a Christian so that won't change so I don't watch those.  I also skip child molestation episodes.   

I don't know what direction he should take but there has to be a change to keep me watching.  I watch about 30% as it is.  

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I think it’s time to pull the plug on this show. Phil is obviously in ill health, Robin is a plastic version of the woman Phil married and loved, the kids have plenty of money and the shows have become repetitive and boring. Stick a fork in it. There’s nothing worse than a TV show that hangs on too long. It becomes an embarrassment to everyone involved. 

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Holy hell! The Tyler Perry woman! There's no way she stopped contact and sending that scammer money. I can understand being lonely and liking the attention and feeling special or not wanting to admit you've been scammed and maybe doubling down, but after all that evidence presented c'mon! And when she said she did have common sense. No, no lady you don't, logic is apparently your enemy. And every time she was confronted with something she didn't want to hear she started bleating about how she had faith. "I walk in faith" bitch I hope you trip! and how she was a "woman of God". What does that have to do with anything! I hate when people do that. When they're confronted with something they don't want to hear or are criticized or confronted with facts they start talking about how they're good Christians or have faith or whatever. Or how only God can judge them. Nope, believe me, I can judge you too. And as proud as Dr. Phil was of his friendship with Tyler I kept wondering why he just didn't have Tyler send this woman a video message telling her that no they weren't married and her eggs hadn't been taken and implanted in a surrogate (seriously!? wow), and no he had never asked her for money etc. 

I hope this board picks up when new shows start. I feel like there's such good fodder for snark and discussion.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, OrigamiNightmare said:

Holy hell! The Tyler Perry woman! There's no way she stopped contact and sending that scammer money. I can understand being lonely and liking the attention and feeling special or not wanting to admit you've been scammed and maybe doubling down, but after all that evidence presented c'mon! And when she said she did have common sense. No, no lady you don't, logic is apparently your enemy. And every time she was confronted with something she didn't want to hear she started bleating about how she had faith. "I walk in faith" bitch I hope you trip! and how she was a "woman of God". What does that have to do with anything! I hate when people do that. When they're confronted with something they don't want to hear or are criticized or confronted with facts they start talking about how they're good Christians or have faith or whatever. Or how only God can judge them. Nope, believe me, I can judge you too. And as proud as Dr. Phil was of his friendship with Tyler I kept wondering why he just didn't have Tyler send this woman a video message telling her that no they weren't married and her eggs hadn't been taken and implanted in a surrogate (seriously!? wow), and no he had never asked her for money etc. 

I hope this board picks up when new shows start. I feel like there's such good fodder for snark and discussion.

ALL of this!  She was driving me nuts!  "I walk in faith".  Seriously, this woman needs to be informed FIRMLY of the truth, and given a good long time in in-patient care with lots of medicine.  I feel sorry for her, but she shouldn't be humored any more!

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2 hours ago, Brattinella said:

"I walk in faith"

I can't tell you how many times we heard this in an attempt to end discussions during the 50+ years we attended a variety of churches.  I sometimes felt I was looked down upon because I used logic in my thought process.  But for those who cannot think logically, "I walk in faith" or "the Lord will provide" is always a fallback option.

Don't get me wrong . . . I'm still a Christian.  We just don't hang out with illogical people any more.

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On 7/27/2018 at 8:33 PM, AZChristian said:

I can't tell you how many times we heard this in an attempt to end discussions during the 50+ years we attended a variety of churches.  I sometimes felt I was looked down upon because I used logic in my thought process.  But for those who cannot think logically, "I walk in faith" or "the Lord will provide" is always a fallback option.

Don't get me wrong . . . I'm still a Christian.  We just don't hang out with illogical people any more.

And these people cannot grasp the thought that God gave them a brain to use!!

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