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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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There was once that a Dr. Phil episode was about a girl who had been used in child porn by her parents, and a few minutes into it I realized what it was and let them know to change it. It comes on after the local noon news so I don't think anyone thought much about it. I know that they did change channels when I told them about the other show, though. 

After you mentioned it, I realized that it is usually on HGTV or sometimes a game show channel that I don't get at home. 

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On 4/14/2017 at 6:47 PM, Gam2 said:

I'm perplexed that any doctor's/dentist's/ any kind of waiting room would have Dr. Phil on their TVs during business hours. You never know what he's going to be talking about and in recent years, it's all just horrible stuff.

It comes on after the news so I'm guessing someone asked to watch the local news at noon and they just didn't change channels right away. 

On 4/14/2017 at 3:47 PM, Gam2 said:

I'm perplexed that any doctor's/dentist's/ any kind of waiting room would have Dr. Phil on their TVs during business hours. You never know what he's going to be talking about and in recent years, it's all just horrible stuff.

I was once at an ophthamologist's office.  After they put drops in my eyes, they sent me to a waiting room for about 20 minutes.  There was one other gentleman, about my age, in the room as well.  This was back in the days when TLC had a VERY graphic show called "A Baby Story" on.  So here are two unrelated people with dilated eyes (so we couldn't see the TV buttons) in a remote waiting room, watching - and listening to - a total stranger go through a very difficult labor and delivery.  When it was over, I looked at him, and said, "My husband didn't even get to experience this in the same room with me when our kids were born.  The times sure have changed."  We laughed and went on our separate ways when we were called in for our eye exams.

Nowadays, I'd be unplugging the set in that same circumstance.  I've learned that lesson the hard way!!!

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Rachel Dolezal, you guys. What a nutjob. I will say this, I am a huge ally of the transgender community, and I understand that you can be born in one body but identify as something else. The difference is that transgender people don't just decide to switch genders because they took a women's studies class one day and heard that gender "is a social construct." Rachel Dolezal went to college, took some sociology class or something, and clung desperately to the "social construct" excuse to paint herself as disenfranchised. When she said in the Dr Phil interview today "I understand pain! My parents made me eat oatmeal!" I almost shat myself. She understands the pain of slavery because she had to eat OATMEAL, you guys. I cannot even.

  • Love 17

Rachel Dolazel, you are a nut job. You talked all around the questions Phillip asked you and never actually answered one of them. I do wonder about your 3 sons and how well adjusted they are in their lives. I do hope their father has had custody of them and raised them away from you. I have to give props to Phillip for his respectful conversation with you when I know he just wanted to laugh in your delusional face. Good luck in your future endeavors, Rachel. 

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With Rachel Dolezal, I wondered if anyone ever called her out as a white woman with tanned skin (except for that one reporter) because she looks biracial to me.  I've known transsexuals and people have called them out as being biologically male and they're still convinced no one has a clue about them and they're totally passable as a female. 

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My issue isn't that she says she is black. Hey if you think race is a social construct, and we are all one race, then go for it. What she did was something that politicians do, they lie then cover up and the cover up becomes worse then the lie. So if she had said from the beginning I'm white but I identify as black, then people can either accept of reject that. But what she did was to spin lies about having a black parent, and then denying her parents were even her parents. Plus I find it interesting that she decided to appropriate everything stereotypically black, from her hair to her spray tan to wearing dashikis. So I guess it's only possible to identify as another race if you dress up as that race in the most stereotypical fashion? She is so full of BS. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I find it interesting that she decided to appropriate everything stereotypically black, from her air to her spray tan to wearing dashiki s. So I guess it's only possible to identify as another race if you dress up as that race in the most stereotypical fashion?

That's what I was thinking also, but you put it together much better than what I was trying to write. It would be like someone dressing up in Eskimo garb if they identified with native Alaskans. And trying to lie about her family was the most despicable thing, ever. I'd never dream of lying about my parents or the family I am part of. I'm part Cherokee but I don't go around wearing fringed dresses and headbands.

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

And trying to lie about her family was the most despicable thing, ever. I'd never dream of lying about my parents or the family I am part of.

Personally, I'd love to lie about my family, but it is what it is. As my dad says "You can pick your friends. You can pick your enemies. But you can't pick your family." I'm stuck with them, whether I like it or not. LOL

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, arejay said:

Is race REALLY not biological?  I am asking because I am apparently a gold-star dummy.

Sure. Race is biological. Ethnicity is biological, too. I make a distinction between race and ethnicity because all humans are the same race; we just have different ethnicities. I've found that distinction makes it easier to get through to people who say things like "Of course!" or "What else do you expect?" when something happens that they think is typical of a given ethnicity. When you make that distinction and make the point that we're all just people and we all want the same things at the most basic level, that helps dispel latent racism (or ethnophobia, which I prefer).

Edited by MrSmith
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I believe this twit's brother when he says she cooked up this scheme in 2011. I don't believe a minute of her "I've always felt black" bs. I don't find her blackface act the least bit flattering nor cute. Race sure wasn't a social construct when she decided to sue Howard. 

And miss me with the "cultural" knowledge you thought you were dropping, trying to explain why you lied and said that man was your father. I don't know what paperback cliff notes you read on being black, but no the hell we don't go around calling random men "Daddy" (Idris notwithstanding).

I don't think Trans-Rachel has any actual love for black people at all, particularly black women.  I recall an account by one of her former students who said that she was downright nasty to her black female students and told one student that she "didn't look Hispanic enough." All the interviews I've seen on this con artist have been conducted by men. Have any actual black women interviewed her? I would love to see them, because I think she's intimidated.

  • Love 8
36 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

I don't think Trans-Rachel has any actual love for black people at all . . . 

I think her whole act was extremely demeaning to black people.  Does anyone else get the vibe of "If I want a management-level job, I should work for a company that is primarily made up of black people.  I'm not as smart as most white people, but I'm smarter than 'them'"?  

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, arejay said:

Is race REALLY not biological?  I am asking because I am apparently a gold-star dummy.

My anthropology degree proved fairly useless in my career, but it did teach me that race is on a spectrum, but it is not totally "made up" by society. There are physical differences between the various races of human (broadly classified scientifically as caucasoid, mongoloid, and negroid), but globalization and interracial copulation has made those differences even more on a spectrum (and therefore less socially relevant) than ever. Being Black is an expression not just of your cultural background but generally of a lineage that dates back to places where Black skin is commonplace, most notably Africa. Notice that Rachel Dolezal is careful to avoid referring to herself in interviews as identifying as "African-American," because that WOULD be a demonstrable, bald-faced lie. She instead has appropriated a skin tone that is not natural for her, and has altered her hair's texture to resemble that of someone with African blood. There is deception and delusion all throughout her presentation.

I found myself impressed by the fact that she seems to have no real empathy for the Black experience (judging by her "I had to eat OATMEAL" example), yet she managed to make it to high levels within the NAACP. How exactly was she an activist? What exactly did she say that was inspirational to the Black community? It would have been more meaningful if she just been a Black equality activist as a white person, saying that she connects and empathizes with the Black community instead of trying to be IN that community. Epic fail, Dolezal.

  • Love 9

Pregnant diabetic teenager can't possibly deal with caudal regression syndrome.  Stork said he wouldn't "sugar-coat it" but he did.  It looked to me as if the pelvic bone was missing, or grossly incomplete, which happens with this syndrome.  The twisted, stunted legs tend to be a hindrance to locomotion and are often amputated.  Such patients walk on their hands while swinging their truncated torso.  They of course have problems with elimination, and reproduction.  Fortunately there is no associated mental impairment.

I cannot imagine drunk grandma that works full time,  and uneducated, babyish mom with her older boyfriend being able to handle this huge challenge.  With the right parents, this child does have a chance at a happy life.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 4

Today's show with the diabetic teenaged "mother" and her mother just breaks my heart for this innocent child. What the hell are these teens/women thinking becoming indiscriminately pregnant with men they're not married to, have established secure, financially stable homes with before they bring these helpless babies into the picture? We hear and read about this every single day. I DO NOT GET IT.

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Gam2, I'm with you.  But where was Dad?  No mention of a Dad from Mom or her awful daughter.  My guess is that Mom did the exact same thing when she was younger.....got pregnant by one night stand and decided to keep the baby and raise her alone.  

Same thing with daughters one night stand.  Unfortunately for him, he is legally financially responsible for the care of this child.  There may be some loving souls who will adopt this child, and care for him/her for life, but I'm guessing they are few and far between. 

This is tragic beyond comprehension.  And I really doubt that the daughter, whose name I don't remember because I don't care, will have any pangs of guilt.  

Despicable people.  

  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, Aw my lahgs said:

How hard is it to pop a prenatal every day? Heck, they come in candy like gummies!

This requires giving a shit about someone other than yourself. While I haven't seen the episode yet (nephew and mother-in-law are visiting; we are woefully behind on all our shows), it sounds like this girl cared about as little as humanly possible about her child.

  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

This requires giving a shit about someone other than yourself. While I haven't seen the episode yet (nephew and mother-in-law are visiting; we are woefully behind on all our shows), it sounds like this girl cared about as little as humanly possible about her child.

I really don't understand how these women (or more accurately, "girls") who can't be arsed to take prenatals or get checkups don't get an abortion. Or make an adoption plan. They're like "I can't care enough to take a vitamin, but it's MY BAY-BAAAAY and I'm KEEPING IT!" WTF. Do they think a baby is easier to take care of outside their uterus than inside? 

  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I really don't understand how these women (or more accurately, "girls") who can't be arsed to take prenatals or get checkups don't get an abortion. Or make an adoption plan. They're like "I can't care enough to take a vitamin, but it's MY BAY-BAAAAY and I'm KEEPING IT!" WTF. Do they think a baby is easier to take care of outside their uterus than inside? 

And you know that while she insisted on keeping the fetus, she won't keep the actual baby.  Once the baby is born, she'll pass the buck to someone else, and quickly, too.  She'll never look back.

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I really don't understand how these women (or more accurately, "girls") who can't be arsed to take prenatals or get checkups don't get an abortion. Or make an adoption plan. They're like "I can't care enough to take a vitamin, but it's MY BAY-BAAAAY and I'm KEEPING IT!" WTF. Do they think a baby is easier to take care of outside their uterus than inside? 

Uhhh, yes. Of course they do. They can have their mom watch/feed/clothe/etc the infant. Or their grandmother. Or friends, extended family (aunts, uncles, etc). So for them it's a lot easier because they're not actually doing it. They consider themselves to be taking care of their baby because it's theirs and they have proxies doing all/most of the work. Plus, she probably thinks having the baby is going to make the boyfriend stay with her or become more attentive, more caring, and/or more whatever. Of course, reality never works out that way.

  • Love 7

The baby, if he* survives, will be placed in someone else's care, as Dr Phil said, neither of you are capable of caring for this child.  He will be seriously deformed, that is a given.  Google caudal regression syndrome and check images if you are in doubt.  

It doesn't sound like it is a given that the mother will survive the birth given her advanced condition with diabetes, either.  Grisly story.  


* I don't think we heard the sex of the child so I chose one.  Saying 'it' seemed very cold.  

Edited by wings707
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Dr Phil always sides with the parent no matter how unreasonable.  Stephanie and her overbearing, co-dependent Jewish mother settled when Phil asked the mother what she requires of the daughter (a minimal list, I bet in reality it's way longer), got the daughter to agree to it, but never asked the daughter what she needed from the mother.

If I were Stephanie's boyfriend I'd run!  Stephanie can remain a nun and placate her mommy until one of them dies.

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And yet again, we're treated to the plastic woman touting her multi-level skin regimen at the end of the show. Who the hell has time for all of these steps besides Mrs. Shill? Despite how many times they've both denied that she's had any "plastic surgery" done, that woman is so full of Botox that she can't even move her face anymore. I won't even speak about her oversized fake dentures. If he's so real about being real, why doesn't he just lock her in the crypt? 

  • Love 10

Is it just me or does anyone else find Phil looking off these days?  He is reminding me a lot of Bill Clinton in how feeble looking he is getting.  When he looks into the camera he looks dazed and his speech seems slurred at times.  He just seems very frail.  Maybe he is using Robin's wonderful creams too, because look how healthy she looks.  What is in that stuff???

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, marionette said:

Is it just me or does anyone else find Phil looking off these days?  He is reminding me a lot of Bill Clinton in how feeble looking he is getting.  When he looks into the camera he looks dazed and his speech seems slurred at times.  He just seems very frail.  Maybe he is using Robin's wonderful creams too, because look how healthy she looks.  What is in that stuff???

The one thing I notice is that he doesn't turn his head - he moves his whole body if he wants to look at something on either side.  And he is stooped.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

The one thing I notice is that he doesn't turn his head - he moves his whole body if he wants to look at something on either side.  And he is stooped.

His neck may be a bit stiff but turning to face someone when you talk is important so there is that, too.  He is heavy, though it looks like he has lost a little weight.  When someone is heavy I have noticed they turn more of their body to look at something.  I think the extra poundage hampers this movement.  He looks healthy to me. 

I really think he has had neck fusion surgery. I remembered him saying something about it to someone on the show a while back, and the last time we had the discussion about him not turning his neck just turning his entire body, I tried to find an article that said but could only find where he said he had been having trouble with his neck and knee, I think, that was several years ago.

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I was noticing how Phil looked a little off.  I don't know how to describe it, but the area around his eyes looks different to me, and it looks like his eyes are uneven somehow.  I don't think he looked good.

Those parents yesterday were both nasty pieces of work.  Was anything accomplished, other than the father deciding that terminating his parental rights probably wasn't worth the trouble? 

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