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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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2 hours ago, morriss said:

As soon as they mentioned Valentine's Day and the lady in the dating slump- I knew exactly what she needed. -  She needed some of Robin's face "shit".......lol

If you forced yourself to watch AFTER Robin's face "shit" $hilling, they showed what happened after the show. Both Danielle and her 'mother' got into a fight on their flight back (with another passenger.) All 3 were kicked off the flight. 

TMZ had a video of the fight.


From TMZ: One last thing -- we're told Spirit Airlines banned Danielle, her mom and the other woman for life. HowBow dah?

Edited by ChiCricket
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Was "how bout dah's" mother wearing a real fur coat in those opening segments?  Their home didn't look like anything special from the clips but mom must be getting some extra  bucks from somewhere to afford manicures,weaves,wigs and gold chains for the kid. Unless the kid is turning tricks and mom doesn't know. 

I have no more words to express my disdain for Robin and her fake bullshit. I would love to have Robin become "how bout dah's" mentor! And thanks ChiCricket for that awesome Danielle moniker.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ChiCricket said:

If you forced yourself to watch AFTER Robin's face "shit" $hilling, they showed what happened after the show. Both Danielle and her 'mother' got into a fight on their flight back (with another passenger.) All 3 were kicked off the flight. 

TMZ had a video of the fight.


From TMZ: One last thing -- we're told Spirit Airlines banned Danielle, her mom and the other woman for life. HowBow dah?

I didn't hang around, so thanks for that.

i yelled at the TV during the show when Mom said she wouldn't take the kid's phone away because the kid was home all day.  Yeah, SHE SHOULD BE IN SCHOOL, YOU NINNY!!!!!!

  • Love 5

b2H, you are still right.  I used to respect $hill years ago, but he has been phoning it in for years. Really good article in a Florida newspaper about Danielle's dad. Seems like he's a straight-up guy who is been paying child support from the get-go. He has wanted visits but two tone haired mom has blocked him and lied about him in every court proceeding. The the good doctor should have ripped mom a new one. The Dr. Phil show is now on par with Jerry Springer.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, jacksgirl said:

Danielle's dad. Seems like he's a straight-up guy who is been paying child support from the get-go. He has wanted visits but two tone haired mom has blocked him and lied about him in every court proceeding.

Normally I'd mention that there's enough TV footage (Dr. Phil/TMZ, etc) the father could take to court to get custody...but why would I wish that on "a straight-up guy"?   The mother would interfere and cause way too many problems and run up a "UUUGE" bill.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

b2H, you are still right.  I used to respect $hill years ago, but he has been phoning it in for years. Really good article in a Florida newspaper about Danielle's dad. Seems like he's a straight-up guy who is been paying child support from the get-go. He has wanted visits but two tone haired mom has blocked him and lied about him in every court proceeding. The the good doctor should have ripped mom a new one. The Dr. Phil show is now on par with Jerry Springer.

You nailed it, Jacksgirl.  Dr. Phil has become Jerry Springer 2.0.  For all of his psychology degrees, years of experience in court, etc., you'd think he'd be embarrassed to have sunk the show to the level it's at now, but obviously not.  Guess it's all about the money for him, and reputation be damned.

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On February 9, 2017 at 11:17 PM, hoosiermom said:

I don't get why she looked so much worse at the end. Usually they do that nod off and sleepy eyes right after shooting up. How could she have done more heroin during the taping?

They took an off-camera break, and she went to the loo and shot up.  There's no other explanation.  She was in much better shape when the show started compared to the end, when she was on the verge of nodding off and having slurred speech.  The cops should have been waiting for her the minute she walked out of the toilet.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Danielle was a dumb and insolent teen but she totally takes after her mom.  In a way, the mom is raising her own clone... and she can't stand her clone. 

Is this all part of A Big Plan to get Danielle in showbiz* so her mother can be a Momager?  The kid is THIRTEEN!!!

*Next step down is "escort."  

  • Love 11
On 2/10/2017 at 3:08 PM, Gam2 said:

Why in the world would Phil have this kid back on his show after $250,000 worth of therapy has gone down the drain and she's back where she started? Is he proud of how much he helped her and her nutso mother?! I really failed to see the purpose of that follow up except to make him seem even more inept than he usually does. If you watch his earlier shows on OWN and his current show, the decline, physically and mentally, is striking.

I was glad to see him show a failure. Props for that. He could have just showed her success at the ranch and be done.  He clearly wants to see this through and no audience was brilliant, 

  • Love 3
On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 3:44 PM, Toaster Strudel said:

I can help!

Today's heroin addict was borderline nodding off the whole hour.  She was soooooooo high I swear I watched every single episode of Intervention and that's the most high I've ever seen anyone, including some passed out showing only the white of their eyes.  She was having a grand old time sitting on that chair, feeling the heroin coursing through her veins bringing her chemical happiness and trying to avoid getting distracted by a pesky Dr $hill and her annoying family members, mumbling "uh... whaaaaa.... whatevah... mmmm this heroin feels so good what are these words you're saying? uh right I don't caaaaaaaaaare"

I suspect the quarter million rehab will fail.  Remember you heard it here first!

I thought it was funny that Dr Phil tried to threaten her by claiming that the LAPD would "shadow" her and arrest her when she made her next drug buy. I'm not so sure the police have the time to follow his guests around town all day on the chance they might do drugs.

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On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:50 PM, Gam2 said:
On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:21 PM, jpc1 said:

You'd think that, while $hill was spending 10 minutes berating TrashyMom for being so demanding to the producer, he might have at least mentioned that it's probably not a good idea to let SkankDanielle NOT FREAKING GO TO SCHOOL!!  Maybe if she'd get her faux-"street" a$$ into school she'd learn the difference between a host and an audience.

Also, I wonder, if I had been present at TrashyMom's moment of screaming glory, she would instead have screamed at me, "Jew!  You belong in Jew!  You're a Jew!"

The whole show was a total time-kill in order to get to the last 15 minutes so RobinBot could have some face time.

I also wondered why this child wasn't in school and why Phil just skipped right over that bit of information. I think she's been expelled and the school won't let her come back. Who would want this demon in their classroom? And mom certainly isn't going to homeschool her.

I wonder if Danielle not being in school had something to do with the length of the ranch program. At the beginning Phil said that usually it's a two month stay, but Danielle was there four months.

I also thought that while the mom had issues of her own,  Phil and his producer were being disingenuous pretending that they'd never had to deal with difficult guests before or that her supposed "demands" were things they'd never heard before.

  • Love 2

I purposely skipped Danielle's update because I found her and her mother awful the first time, but find the fact he didn't do the show in front of a live audience hilarious. Have to give an ups to Dr. Phil for that one.

I personally know three women who went into early labor as a result of food poisoning and just can't see how the drug users don't miscarry or go into early labor when using or in withdrawal. It's a shame when a woman gets pregnant while using and other clean and sober women cannot, but how do the babies survive such toxic situations? My show cut off when it said, "After the Show" so I don't know what happened. Did she bail on rehab?

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

The girl who is ready for marriage.   It was an interesting episode at least not drug related.  I don't watch the episodes with the druggies.

I get one new episode a day on CBS.  Was this a re run on OWN?  I don't watch the addiction episodes either. I missed this one. 

13 hours ago, Christina said:

I purposely skipped Danielle's update because I found her and her mother awful the first time, but find the fact he didn't do the show in front of a live audience hilarious. Have to give an ups to Dr. Phil for that one.

I personally know three women who went into early labor as a result of food poisoning and just can't see how the drug users don't miscarry or go into early labor when using or in withdrawal. It's a shame when a woman gets pregnant while using and other clean and sober women cannot, but how do the babies survive such toxic situations? My show cut off when it said, "After the Show" so I don't know what happened. Did she bail on rehab?

No. She just gave attitude to the rehab people about trying to get another cigarette in before they left for the rehab facility.

15 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I get one new episode a day on CBS.  Was this a re run on OWN?  I don't watch the addiction episodes either. I missed this one. 

Pretty sure that was OWN. I didn't have it taped, either, and I'm selective about the ones I record on OWN (based on the title and description, if the title is interesting enough).

  • Love 1

Our local CBS affiliate shows yesterday's "new" Dr. Phil episodes at 10 on the next morning . . . so while I was at the gym this morning, there was Danielle and Mom's update.

Dear Producers of Dr. Phil:  I did watch the first 10 minutes, and then switched to a different channel on my headphones.  When I left the gym at 10:20, I went home and DID NOT WATCH the end of today's Dr. Phil show.

Come on, people.  You are better than this.  This spoiled and self-centered girl behaves badly to get attention, you put her on national TV (even without a studio audience), and you think THAT will straighten her out.

Edited by AZChristian
  • Love 3

I think Danielle did have a good time on the ranch and benefited, too.  She is carrying on her act because she likes the SM attention and trying to make some money at it.  She has to keep the attitude to do that.   

Her mother is an out of control bitch, there is no helping her, ever.  They are back to their routine, but that doesn't necessarily mean Danielle did not get some tools at the ranch she can use when she chooses.  It won't show up with her mother.   

I liked that he asked her back.  Her part of the show was short and no audience took the wind out of her sails.  I think it was a good idea. 

I would much rather a show like this than addiction.  That topic has been beaten to death and boring. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

I stopped watching after he interviewed her mother. I was dealing with the disposal flooding the kitchen and could not get to the remote fast enough is why I stayed with this horrible story that long!  LOL!

She was not being genuine, not at all.  Of course her mind touched on the possibility her daughter had been murdered!  How could it not?  She decided this was the story she would tell to anyone who asked.  She was the devoted mother who knew her daughter was going to be okay.  A saint, stalwart. 

I am not putting all southerners in the category, believe me.  I hate that.  But this person does exist.  I knew someone just like her and any story she told she was always neatly tied.  She presented herself as the well put together, emotions checked and perfect southern lady.  She said what she thought, people needed to hear to see her correctly.  It was in her family culture to do that.  She was a phony to the core. Her voice, accent and inflection was exactly the same as this mother.  

Edited by wings707
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Oh wow! Thanks for posting the Demon DanYELL videos. I think mother and child are horrid. My daughter took on that street talk when she was 14. It lasted about a week. I stopped that shit cold. I wouldn't let her out until she realized how dumb she looked and sounded. Had to let her hate my ass for a minute.  

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, MrSmith said:

Pretty sure that was OWN. I didn't have it taped, either, and I'm selective about the ones I record on OWN (based on the title and description, if the title is interesting enough)

I learned you CAN find past shows on OWN.  I rarely watch this "psychologist," but was caught up in the mental illness+stupidity+greed of that couple who kept in touch because she (the fake twin) luuuuuvvvved the stranger from the Internet and he (a semi-gigilo) wanted "his inherited" Audi and diamond/sapphire ring.   I saw the first episode on our CBS affiliate and missed the second.  Luckily (I use that in the comedic sense) I saw that the onscreen guide showed it was repeated on OWN early-early the next morning.       (P.S.  Where are they discussed here?)

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Former Nun said:

I learned you CAN find past shows on OWN.  I rarely watch this "psychologist," but was caught up in the mental illness+stupidity+greed of that couple who kept in touch because she (the fake twin) luuuuuvvvved the stranger from the Internet and he (a semi-gigilo) wanted "his inherited" Audi and diamond/sapphire ring.   I saw the first episode on our CBS affiliate and missed the second.  Luckily (I use that in the comedic sense) I saw that the onscreen guide showed it was repeated on OWN early-early the next morning.       (P.S.  Where are they discussed here?)

It's all inter-mingled into the current nonsense.  So few watch the older episodes that it probably isn't worth starting another thread.  What I find particularly telling is watching these early shows and comparing them to the current nonsense and the quality has so deteriorated over the last five years or so.

I maintain that Danielle and her mother scammed this show big time, as I stated above.  I have to wonder if he's getting exhausted from all of this and really can't do the better work he did in earlier shows.  I noticed, I think it was on this Danielle series, that he was hitting the water glass alot.  I know he's diabetic, but that is a behavior I have rarely seen in him.  It may be time to pack it in, sir.

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Shill was on the view last week promoting the Danielle show and much was made over her you tube hits and shill giggling all the way.  Danielle was in L A that week being interviewed a couple of times by T  m Z about a fight on the plane trying to leave and clips of her spread legs on top of a car for a music video.  Shill is always about ratings .

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Today was another part 2, which always makes you feel stupid for wastingan hour on part 1, where he asks for details on how her kidnapper raped and chained her, exactly where and when they chains were placed, how often she was raped, asking her to describe and remember what it feels like to think you're going to die... this is straight up violence porn. But he's sorry for your loss. Not sticking around to see if robin gives her a makeover.

And Danielle was on T M Z again. 

Edited by QuelleC
Also asking numerous times why she didn't escape. seriously.
  • Love 6
54 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Why the hell is he doing these types of shows? What is the "learning moment" in this?! This is positively sickening and demented!

There isn't a learning moment in this show.  They all don't have to contain one.  Some are just entertaining.  I find it fascinating to get a glimpse into other people's lives.  I like his show and I like him.  Granted I don't watch all of them.  I pick and choose and I have been known to stop watching in the middle of an episode, too.  :^)  

He does this to make money, all TV shows exist to make money for the cast, production crew and network. Plus they entertain or inform in the process.  

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I didn't find any of this entertaining. He always says "This is a changing day in your life",  "I do these shows because I know there are other people/families out there going through the same thing",  "This is a teaching moment", etc. I know, of course, that he does this to make money but holy cow. How much more does he need? And what was informative about this poor girl? How many other families are going through the same thing? He's turned into Jerry Springer times 10 in my opinion. 

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On February 13, 2017 at 4:21 PM, wings707 said:

I stopped watching after he interviewed her mother. I was dealing with the disposal flooding the kitchen and could not get to the remote fast enough is why I stayed with this horrible story that long!  LOL!

She was not being genuine, not at all.  Of course her mind touched on the possibility her daughter had been murdered!  How could it not?  She decided this was the story she would tell to anyone who asked.  She was the devoted mother who knew her daughter was going to be okay.  A saint, stalwart. 

I am not putting all southerners in the category, believe me.  I hate that.  But this person does exist.  I knew someone just like her and any story she told she was always neatly tied.  She presented herself as the well put together, emotions checked and perfect southern lady.  She said what she thought, people needed to hear to see her correctly.  It was in her family culture to do that.  She was a phony to the core. Her voice, accent and inflection was exactly the same as this mother.  

I watched via DVR the kidnapped girl episodes. Today I fell asleep while watching the second half. I backed it up several times trying to learn how he was caught and she was found. Only think I heard was they had a warrant for his property.  Did they figure out from Facebook where she had last worked?  The interview manner of Dr. Phil was so annoying no wonder I fell asleep I think I was hypnotized. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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5 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

I watched via DVR the kidnapped girl episodes. Today I fell asleep while watching the second half. I backed it up several times trying to learn how he was caught and she was found. Only think I heard was they had a warrant for his property.  Did they figure out from Facebook where she had last worked?  The interview manner of Dr. Phil was so annoying no wonder I fell asleep I think I was hypnotized. 

I stopped watching early on. It was when he talked to the mother first thing.   I could not bear watching a minute more as I said in the post of mine you quoted.  LOL!  

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