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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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He never gives real advice anymore. He argues with people for awhile, writes on his whiteboard and then sends them off with some recovery center. Once again I didn't like anyone in this family. The loser living big in the car was the worst, but I also hate the judgy, sanctimonious family. The sister had no right to be going into her sister's personal accounts. 

  • Love 1

Maddy would have had the shock of a lifetime if she went to Argentina. She is looking for an experience that would take her away from her boring, isolated life. Maddy and her boyfriend did not seem like they were attracted to each other. They are just bored people.

I would have called her bluff if I were her parents. Okay, Maddy. Go ahead. I am sure that you know how to get a passport, book your flight, speak a foreign language and work with foreign currency. Good luck, sweetheart. Hope his parents like you and nothing goes wrong in Argentina.

Didn't need Dr. Phil for this one. 

  • Love 3

I think the mom with the son transitioning to female isn't a bad person at all.  She seems truly bewildered and is genuinely searching for a way to reconcile what's happening with what she's known all her life.  

I can imagine things are tense as hell at home but I think the mom does love her child.  She didn't argue with Dr. Phil.  She was actively listening to what she was being told.  She doesn't seem to be happy that she can't understand and wants to change but hasn't found the way to accept this change without feeling she's compromised all she's ever known.  I really felt for her.

Somehow I think she'll get there because she wants to understand.  She wasn't sitting there arguing like a closed-minded dumb redneck, she seemed to really be searching for answers.  I truly hope it works out for this family.

  • Love 4
On 10/20/2016 at 8:24 PM, Sup wit dat said:

I think the mom with the son transitioning to female isn't a bad person at all.  She seems truly bewildered and is genuinely searching for a way to reconcile what's happening with what she's known all her life.  

I can imagine things are tense as hell at home but I think the mom does love her child.  She didn't argue with Dr. Phil.  She was actively listening to what she was being told.  She doesn't seem to be happy that she can't understand and wants to change but hasn't found the way to accept this change without feeling she's compromised all she's ever known.  I really felt for her.

Somehow I think she'll get there because she wants to understand.  She wasn't sitting there arguing like a closed-minded dumb redneck, she seemed to really be searching for answers.  I truly hope it works out for this family.

I have a slightly different take on the mom.  I think she came on this show thinking Dr Phil would support her position on transgender being a psychological condition that can be corrected.  She said her husband thought so but she did not.  I sensed was a 'cover my ass' statement as she saw how things were unfolding.  Her husband not being there told me she was going to have a very difficult time in her marriage.  

I believe she understood more about transgender than she was saying because it was a safer position.  There was a lot in the media before Bruce Jenner and certainly much more since then.  It shouldn't be that much of a mystery that this does happen.  

She is not a bad person, ignorant on how to parent though.   Horrifying emotional abuse is going on here.   

I honestly don't have a lot of hope things will get better soon.  I can see divorce in their future unless both can make the HUGE change in their thinking that is required.  

I think that trans may reach out to Arianna and give her support, having seen this show.  It is hard enough when you do have family support; this kid is entirely alone.  She does have the one friend we saw but that is not enough.  When the mom and daughter joined them onstage I had a hope that they would get together back stage.  

Edited by wings707

I disagree, I think she's a terrible person. Go kill yourself, x days until you move out, refuses to use the female pronoun, calls the kid all kinds of demeaning names. Who treats their own child like that? And flushing her hormone pills?? It's not Advil, you don't just run down to Rite-Aid and get another bottle for six bucks. She tried to use ignorance as an excuse (She was told by doctors ways she could support her kid and said Screw that) and when that didn't work she put the blame on her husband. I have a gay son, he came out as a teenager. If ANY member of my family  had EVER treated him with disrespect that would be the last time my son would have been be exposed to them. And that includes my husband. He is the husband but that's your child. Where is any maternal instinct to protect your offspring? Life is hard enough on these kids without you making it harder. She is an awful person and I hope that going on Dr Phil gives Arianna access to the friends and support she deserves so that she can leave her monster parents behind and never speak to them again. Sometimes you have to make your own family.

  • Love 3

This mom has fucked up big time and knows it. Believe me, I'm not defending her, but I still feel for her.   

I live in the San Francisco bay area so it seems ridiculous to me that people can't accept lgbt with open arms, yet there are those people who still don't.  But usually they're not even willing to listen to a different way of thinking.  They get defensive and start raising their voice and won't shut up even though they sound ridiculous in their hate and prejudice.  I think that's where this mom started but doesn't like being that way and she's listening and is trying to find answers to help her take that first step to change.

No doubt this family lives in a military town.  No doubt both parents have been military all their lives.  And no doubt this woman will most likely lose friends, might be ridiculed, maybe even socially outcast from her current peer group, and probably lose her marriage.  Should she go through it for her child?  Oh hell yeah!  But it's not an easy decision and will be extremely  painful to go through.  She will have to start her life all over again and that's why I feel for her. I hope she makes the right choice.

The world changes one person at a time and I think this one might have a shot at changing (unlike most people on this show).

Edited by Sup wit dat

This blonde woman who thinks she can sing and thinks Powerade is toxic is such a BIMBO. I don't mean that in the "slutty" sense, I mean she is just so profoundly DUMB. "Not Gatorade, POWERade!" as if the Power in the name indicates that it is so packed with vitamins (which no - has she read the label?) rather than simply a different brand. 

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, steff13 said:

I'm just now watching yesterday's episode.  I thought I was a terrible singer, but I have nothing on this woman.  Yikes.  Please tell me someone tells her she sucks. 

She wouldn't listen to that either.

My late mother was a church music director.  One of her choir members thought she was a very special singer like this one believed.  When the young lady TOLD my mother the solo she was going to sing on Easter, my mother shut it down.  The kid left shortly thereafter and gave her 'gift' to another congregation.  Point is, there are just some clueless folks out there and, for once, Phil was right: this kid is 10 years old, more or less, and will decide for herself in the not-too-distant future who has her best interests at heart.

It ain't Mama.

  • Love 2

Can "Dr. Phil" tapes be submitted in court to prove one's ex is truly Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?  That woman should not be the custodial parent.  Her very limited visitation should be heavily supervised.  I'm no expert, but that kind of delusional, egomaniac, attention seeking dimwit seems like the kind of person who could easily develop Munchhausen by Proxy, and try to make her kid sick for sympathy or "proof" that her ex husband is doing something to hurt her daughter (ergo, HER).

  • Love 7

BusyOctober, I couldn't agree more with your post. I also can't believe I watched her for two shows. I kept waiting for Phil to spring a talent agent on her to tell her she has absolutely no talent. She obviously has mental problems that need to be treated. Everything Phil said went right over her head so that was a waste of everyone's time. 

It's another case of a crazy mother and a jerk father. I don't know why Phil has these child custody people on his show; there is nothing he can do except show things on his big board and make threats. I think the mother is crazy, but I think the father and his smug wife are also doing everything they can to hurt this woman, child be damned. They admitted they called the mother and said the child had an egg sized lump on the head and they would not be taking her to the doctor. Why call the mother then? She can't do anything but worry. Then when the mother called the police, they said the child had no lump and was fine. Why did they say she had a lump then? 

I agree the mom needs help and has no talent. But this dad, didn't want his daughter to begin with and I believe the crazy mom that over the years he pretended at times that he wanted to get together with her and then pulled away. So many dysfunctional families out there. As always, Phil only berates the mother and says zip to the dad. 

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I didn't catch anything about a brother, but think I heard that her great aunt was June Allyson. 

Today's show, those were some angry daughters. I don't really blame them, Mom didn't do her job. I fell asleep after the letter from her mom was read, but I thought one of the promos said she had schizo-affective disorder with delusions and bi-polar type. That would explain a lot. And probably one big reason she didn't see anything happening to her daughters is that it happened to her when she was a child. Don't know that, didn't hear anything about that, just personal work and life experience.

  • Love 1

The no-talent mother seemed like she has paranoid personality disorder. I feel bad for her daughter. I can see her rejecting her daughter when she is a teenager if her daughter is not on her side 100%.

Her speaking voice was driving me crazy during part one. Dr. Phil had to repeatedly ask her what she said because she was speaking in a low, childlike voice. Fast forward to part two, and her voice got louder and changed as he was calling her on her shit. And the hair in her face, I  can't.

The step-mother is not helping matters by referring the child as "our daughter." No, she is his daughter and her mother's daughter. She is your step-daughter so shut up and step aside.

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What a gut-wrenching situation for this family.  The woman (Pamela) having her ex-husband (Pete) cheat on her, give her std's, leave her for a massage therapist and then have her son commit suicide...nothing can ever put this to rights.

That guy will never ever EVER admit any wrongdoing.  He's one sick mofo.  Pamela has every right to be fuming mad.  

But imo it's Pamela who needs to get help.  She's never gonna resolve her anger and resentment directing it at him.  She's will ruin her own life, and her son's, being consumed with all he did wrong to her.  She's been through hell and deserves to have a good life without that asshole.  He can seethe with jealousy as she walks away from him down her own path.  Let karma give him his payback.  I hope by the time he implodes in his self-righteous demented thinking, which he will, she won't even care.

  • Love 13
On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 9:23 PM, Sup wit dat said:

But imo it's Pamela who needs to get help.  She's never gonna resolve her anger and resentment directing it at him.  She's will ruin her own life, and her son's, being consumed with all he did wrong to her.  She's been through hell and deserves to have a good life without that asshole.  He can seethe with jealousy as she walks away from him down her own path.  Let karma give him his payback.  I hope by the time he implodes in his self-righteous demented thinking, which he will, she won't even care.

Couldn't agree more. 

Pamela needs to be quiet for 50 minutes of the show, plaster a smirk on her face then proclaim that she has finally realized that the best revenge is that his new wife is married to him - and will more likely than not - get the same treatment she did.  I'd also slam the car trunk by telling new wifey the name of the antibiotic she's took for her std - because she too will need to get a prescription.

Sounds good but I suspect Pamela will spend the rest of her life pining for that jerk.  And don't you know he just loves that she's still grieving for him.

On October 26, 2016 at 7:09 PM, Gam2 said:

She said several times that she was "affected" by the attention paid to her because her brother was famous. I didn't catch his name-he was a baseball player/football player or something. I thought that was a weird statement but then most of her statements were off the wall.

She said her brother's name is Keith Osik. My baseball knowledge is limited, but his wiki page says he was a catcher in the Major Leagues from 96-05.

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I cannot believe what a sick MFer the "Dad" is in this situation, not even counting the affair and the abandonment of his family.   The things he says to his son are disgusting, including encouraging and validating the suspicion that his mother loved the deceased son more than him.  He stated to his son, "it's the TRUTH!" after HE brought up the subject in an attempt to smear his ex.  Who would want their child to believe that about their parent?  A loving parent would REFUTE that in order to spare the feelings of their child, but this asshole brought it up and stated it as fact.   What a vile human being.   

That man is absolutely a narcissist, as well as a sociopath.  It is unimaginable to me that he is any kind of "counselor".   How insanely dangerous...

  • Love 7

Sup wit dat, I was so confused with your post, but they ran that show today where I live so now I get it. Friday's show was with former Senator Gary Condit about the Shondra Levy murder. I have a lot of sympathy for him, the press did a major hatchet job. He could probably have handled things better at the time, but couldn't we all. I have family that has been the target of a press hatchet job, so I am biased. 

But that former priest today was a piece of work. The  ex wife really could use a lot of help to get through her anger and grief. The surviving son is going to have a long hard road ahead of him, but if his mother can get some help and he gets some help, maybe they can lean on each other to get healthier. Many parents prefer one child over another, I know, my mother preferred my brother and my dad preferred my sister. I am the oldest and the least screwed up. One time my sister and I were talking about it and she said maybe it was because they (our parents) knew my brother and sister needed the help more. I said it didn't really help, because I still wanted some of the love and attention and I did everything I could to get it. I made the good grades, I was the well behaved one, I went to college. But as messed up as my family is and was, it was never thrown in my face that "mom always liked you best", that's a terrible, hurtful thing to do. Glad that man left the priesthood, he has no business guiding and counseling others in spiritual matters.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, straightshooter said:

I cannot believe what a sick MFer the "Dad" is in this situation, not even counting the affair and the abandonment of his family.   The things he says to his son are disgusting, including encouraging and validating the suspicion that his mother loved the deceased son more than him.  He stated to his son, "it's the TRUTH!" after HE brought up the subject in an attempt to smear his ex.  Who would want their child to believe that about their parent?  A loving parent would REFUTE that in order to spare the feelings of their child, but this asshole brought it up and stated it as fact.   What a vile human being.   

That man is absolutely a narcissist, as well as a sociopath.  It is unimaginable to me that he is any kind of "counselor".   How insanely dangerous...

Isn't it hard to believe there are people with that much ego walking around that they think they're some great gift to the world?  Mind = blown.  That guy is so consumed with himself that he is probably unteachable.  I just can't believe the vile stuff he was spitting out, especially to his son, and being very satisfied with himself for saying it.  Being right is everything to him and I bet he destroys a lot of people to get there.  Yeah, and he's a counselor?  Omg beyond scary.

And his sister...I didn't buy her "message of love."  She's also got that whole self-righteous jam going on but she's learned to mask it with prettier words and a calmer facade than her brother.

Anyway, I'm so glad Pamela is getting help but like @PsychoKlown said, she will probably spend the rest of her days pining for him.

I'm also really glad the son is getting help.  His parents are using him as a pawn and I hope he finds a way out of the line of fire.  He deserves to be able to make his own life and get out of their dirty war.

Edited by Sup wit dat

Oh man. Another old lady catfish episode. Remember how Maury Povich started out as a serious journalist and his talk show was somewhat normal in the beginning? Now it's devolved into solely paternity tests and lie detector tests for the derelicts of America? That's how I feel about Phillip. I feel like he's going to be on tv for the next 20 years showing old ladies the difference between British and American English on his movie screen tablet.

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You know, I don't mean to be shallow, but if I were being pursued online by a (supposed) guy who is way younger and way better-looking than me, I'd realize something was up. It would be fishy BEFORE money even got involved. These old desperate broads don't seem to realize that is weird in and of itself.

  • Love 8

How many "cat fishing" shows do we need to see on Dr. Phil, Dateline, Snapped, etc before these older women wise up? I feel sorry for them in a sense but the logical part of my brain shouts "How stupid can you be?!". I don't care how lonely you are-that doesn't mean you have to take leave of your brains. I can just imagine how frustrated all of their children must be with these parents (mothers and dads). Good grief.

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Ah, why do I love these catfishing stories.  No matter what, I can't rustle up much sympathy for 99% of the folks who got scammed.  The thing that fascinates me is that the scammed people just strap blinders on and won't listen to family or friends.  The daughter brought up a good point - if she went to her mother and said I'm sending my life savings to a man I fell in love with and never met, you'd think I'd lost my mind.  But mom thinks it's perfectly acceptable cause she's "in love".  

The scammers make me sick with all of the "sweetie" "honey" "my love" talk.  That would raise a red flag to me, but I guess the older chicks eat that up with a spoon.

I got a little skeeved by the daughter of the catfished woman.  She seemed a tad bitter that this mystery man got mom's money instead of her.  First, the daughter mentioned that her husband died and intimated that she had needed some help with things (funeral), but mom was broke cause she sent her savings to David.  Then she said that the mom promised her son her house and the daughter an inheritance but that was all in the toilet due to mom's bankruptcy.  

I think the woman had a bit of an ego too - she threw shade at Phil's past catfishee, saying that she was better looking than that previous victim.  Oh snap!

Edited by patty1h
had another thought
  • Love 5
1 minute ago, patty1h said:

The scammers make me sick with all of the "sweetie" "honey" "my love" talk.  That would raise a red flag to me, but I guess the older chicks eat that up with a spoon.

Yeah, it's so ridiculously corny. Same with the lady today who was so impressed that he wrote her a "romantic poem," basically something like "I want to be with you. That is why I love you. We are in love." Only more ungrammatical.

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, patty1h said:

I got a little skeeved by the daughter of the catfished woman.  She seemed a tad bitter that this mystery man got mom's money instead of her.  First, the daughter mentioned that her husband died and intimated that she had needed some help with things (funeral), but mom was broke cause she sent her savings to David.  Then she said that the mom promised her son her house and the daughter an inheritance but that was all in the toilet due to mom's bankruptcy.  

I guess I'm just a venal person, but this would piss me off too.

  • Love 5

I'm fascinated by the people who fall for these scammers.  It's so bizarre!

I was trained in my current job by a guy who got email scammed.  It was something about someone in Nigeria inheriting millions of dollars but there were taxes that had to be paid before they could collect it.  My co-worker paid $3k to cover the taxes and was promised he would be paid a huge sum once the Nigerian received the inheritance.  Needless to say he never got a dime.

But then you won't believe this....a few months later he received another email about a lottery he won.  He called the number and was told he could collect his winnings or pay a monthly broker fee to re-invest it in a high-yield lucrative overseas fund.  Yep, he paid to re-invest.  They even sent him monthly statements!  Once his "investment" got to $2 million he called them to say he wanted to collect his cash and retire.  They hung up on him and the number was disconnected. He had paid them almost $40k in broker fees.

To fall for a scam once is really dumb but twice in the same year????  I couldn't even feel sorry for him.

Edited by Sup wit dat
  • Love 8

I don't think that was the end of it.  He was training me because he was moving out of state because he found a great deal on a bed and breakfast...that he hadn't seen yet.

If I hadn't met this guy personally I would never believe people like him exist.  But they do.


Edited by Sup wit dat
  • Love 5

In some of the previous catfishing shows, Dr. Phil did find the real person whose picture was used in the scam and even had them on the show, either in person or via Skype. Maybe his team just couldn't locate the one from yesterday's show.

I still can't believe how stupid these old ladies are. Are they actually so vain that they think a good looking younger man wants them? And ignoring the obvious use of endearments such as sweetie and honey (so the scammer doesn't even have to bother to personalize their slimy messages) and the bad grammar/misspellings? Those two things alone are such red flags! Smh!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

In some of the previous catfishing shows, Dr. Phil did find the real person whose picture was used in the scam and even had them on the show, either in person or via Skype. Maybe his team just couldn't locate the one from yesterday's show.

I still can't believe how stupid these old ladies are. Are they actually so vain that they think a good looking younger man wants them? And ignoring the obvious use of endearments such as sweetie and honey (so the scammer doesn't even have to bother to personalize their slimy messages) and the bad grammar/misspellings? Those two things alone are such red flags! Smh!

I noticed that the guy's photo used in the catfish scam on the lady who called in, was blurred out. I wonder why. I watched that episode, and Phillip was able to track the guy down. The guy called in and was very nice to the lady who was catfished. He was actually pretty funny too. 

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Forcereals said:

Dr Phil can send people to NJ and Nigeria, but he can't do a search and figure out who the guy is in the picture like they do on Catfish?

Maybe he did and the guy did not want to be on TV or mentioned.  As it turned out it wasn't necessary.  We see an edited version so he may have been cut, as well.  She understood much faster than others and it gave them time to show an update a previous catfish story.  

What surprised me the most is this woman wrote to Dr Phil herself and knew he found people!  She was smart; has she missed the other stories?  No, she hasn't, she referred to them.  Puzzling.  

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Is it normal for people to admit that they have paranoid schizophrenia and see things/hear voices, yet adamantly insist that some of their delusions must be real? It seems like she would have to admit that, if some of her issues are delusions, others could be too. But yeah, she is nuttier than a squirrel turd.

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I was actually imagining today's audience trying their very best not to snicker and laugh listening to that deeply mentally ill woman saying that she's pregnant with Jesus.  I can't tell if this woman is really crazy or she's pretending to be crazy.  I felt like throwing something at her.

I gotta stop watching Dr. Phil so often.  The Show is starting to make me hate people.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, morriss said:

That girl who thinks she is pregnant with Jesus is crazier than a shithouse rat.....lol

I'm pretty sure that's a variation of what some people said 2,016 (or so) years ago about a virgin named Mary.  But then, there wasn't already a Jesus.  Sorry modern lady - that slot has already been filled.  I hope you get some help.

ETA:  I live in Arizona - we have lots of people named Jesus here - but they were named after the original.  Their mamas didn't think they were giving birth to "the" Jesus.

Edited by AZChristian
  • Love 3

Holy Shit, this girl today has lost every bit of her damn mind. I would never again show my face in public anywhere. Eminem is her dad as she's pregnant with Jesus. Give me a fucking break! This has to be a joke right?  The preview for tomorrow with her telling that Doctors guy that he can't "lie to Jesus." I swear they would have had to kick me out of that audience because I would have been laughing like a fool the entire time. 

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