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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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I feel like the episode being staged as an interview with Rick Alan Ross, who seems to still have the ability to be highly empathetic about the whole situation, kept Dr Phil under a little more control in this episode about the ‘Love has won’ disaster, but of course he couldn’t resist asking about ‘Mother god’ missing her eyes. Dude, this is a group of people who believe that Marilyn Monroe was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and Spiderwoman. There won’t be any rational reason for this behavior.

Don’t ask why they did it, ask the cult expert for information about how normal, intelligent people (because believe it or not, studies have shown that those are the people who join cults. Previously rational, intelligent, ordinary people) can be manipulated by a charismatic leader into total delusional destructiveness. That’s the issue here which would be most useful for the audience to know about. Educate your audience about how they or those they love could be on the edge of one of these groups right now and not even realize it. I feel like Ross did a decent job and probably at least tried to make some more detailed and interesting points, but they were probably cut for time so Phil could get his gore in.

Did nobody ever tell him that it’s tasteless for a presenter to give in to the audience’s most base curiosities? Because someone should. 

Edited by Lebanna
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Lebanna said:

a presenter to give in to the audience’s most base curiosities

Isn't that the actual draw of shows like this? For the record, I watched a couple of episodes before dropping it, but still follow the discussion here which is (in my mind) more entertaining than the show, plus I don't feel like I need a shower after reading the posts here.

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Nice how Ross just completely ignored Dr. Phil's question about her eyes. Responded as if he'd been asked a totally different question about the welfare of the cult members left behind.

That's mad media skillz there. When asked something you don't want to address, in this case because it was gross and stupid, just respond with what you do want to discuss.

  • Love 4

The (likely) last set of episodes of Season 19:


5/24: Running on Empty: A Broken Family, Part 1

Arielle says she has struggled with over a decade-long addiction to heroin. Her mother, Donna, and father, Ivy, say they’ve done all they can to keep Arielle safe – but is Donna helping or hurting the fragile situation? And, hear what their teen children, Arielle’s younger siblings, say about how Arielle’s addiction has affected them. Dr. Phil takes the first steps in addressing this family’s situation in part 1 of a three-part Dr. Phil.

5/25: Running on Empty: A Broken Family, Part 2

Donna, Ivy, Arielle, Elle and Michael are back for day two with Dr. Phil. Arielle says she used heroin for over a decade and left her family broken -- and the family says they all have so much anger built up from the years of chaos in the house. Plus, Arielle says there is a secret regarding her true identity. Find out what it is.

5/26: Secrets, Addictions And Lies: Can This Family Heal?

Donna, her husband Ivy, and their children, Arielle, Elle and Michael, say that, as a family, they have been struggling to cope with Arielle’s drug addiction for 10 years. Arielle says her past heroin addiction has caused the family to fall apart and that they all have issues with one another. Donna and Ivy say Arielle’s drug addiction has also caused a lot of tension in their marriage. Can this family find a way to come together and rebuild their relationships?

5/27: “My Perfect Husband’s Secret Life Exposed”

Dr. Phil speaks with the woman behind a viral social media video that has been viewed nearly 3 million times. Brittanie says her perfect marriage fell apart the day U.S. Marshals came to her home, held her at gunpoint, and arrested her loving husband of 10 years. After his arrest, Brittanie says she learned her husband, and father of her two children, had been hiding a deep, dark secret -- he was eventually convicted of multiple sexual crimes. Brittanie claims from the moment her husband was arrested, she uncovered even more troubling details of her husband’s life, including a secret affair with a teenage girl. Find out what Brittanie says this teenage girl told her about her husband, and what Brittanie claims her husband has written to her from behind bars. Plus, Dr. Phil speaks with Kristin, who appeared on Dr. Phil last season, worried her 15-year-old son, Robbie, was a pedophile. Find out what’s happened since the appearance and how Kristin has used her experience to help others.

5/28: Classic “Dr. Phil”: People Who Can’t Mind Their Business

They go through your wallet, they trace your phone calls, they even get in their car to follow your every move. They’re meddlesome, nosy people who love to snoop! Dr. Phil's guests say they are fed up with loved ones who can't seem to stay out of their business. Carla, 31, says she's tired of her mother, Pamela, tracking her every move day and night. Pamela says having a house right behind her daughter makes keeping an eye on her easy. Does this backyard buttinsky know best, or does she need to stay on her side of the fence? Then, Christie is so obsessed with snooping on her husband, Shannon, that she reads his emails, checks his phone messages, and even smells his clothes just to make sure he's not cheating on her. Shannon says he has no privacy and is contemplating leaving his wife. What's behind Christie's constant snooping and interrogations? Plus, a mom who says as long as her children live under her roof, she has the right to eavesdrop on their phone calls, read their diaries, and even search through their clothes while they're sleeping! Is she crossing the line?


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On 5/20/2021 at 6:20 AM, suzeecat said:

That, and I couldn't figure out if she had the longest, thickest neck or just a really tiny head.  Her proportions were all off. 

RIP THAT WIG OFF HER HAID!   Where does the family money come from that she can spend $4k on a handbag and all her other "couture" crap? 

  • Useful 2
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Running on Empty: A Broken Family, really should have been called Running on Empty: The Brokedown Dr. Phil Show.  As a POC, it is my opinion Dr. Phil could not confront these people because he was afraid he might say something that might be considered politically Incorrect or offensive. He got nowhere with any of them. He trotted Robin out for some of her usual psychobabble as well.  Then he followed the trend of referring them to Doctor on Demand which is worthless as any sort of psychiatric resource IMO. When will he not understand the people need to be seen in person, so that the doctor can observe all of the patients' body language, grooming etc. This trend of referring people to tablet or cellphone therapy is one that needs to end. 

Edited by Julyolo
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Julyolo said:

Running on Empty: A Broken Family, really should have been called Running on Empty: The Brokedown Dr. Phil Show.  As a POC, it is my opinion Dr. Phil could not confront these people because he was afraid he might say something that might be considered politically Incorrect or offensive. He got nowhere with any of them. He trotted Robin out for some of her usual psychobabble as well.  then he followed the trend of referring them to Doctor on Demand which is worthless as any sort of psychiatric resource IMO. When will he not understand the people need to be seen in person, so that the doctor can observe all of the patients' body language, grooming etc. This trend of referring people to tablet or cellphone therapy is one that needs to end. 

Could not have said it better.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Julyolo said:

Running on Empty: A Broken Family, really should have been called Running on Empty: The Brokedown Dr. Phil Show.  As a POC, it is my opinion Dr. Phil could not confront these people because he was afraid he might say something that might be considered politically Incorrect or offensive. He got nowhere with any of them. He trotted Robin out for some of her usual psychobabble as well.  then he followed the trend of referring them to Doctor on Demand which is worthless as any sort of psychiatric resource IMO. When will he not understand the people need to be seen in person, so that the doctor can observe all of the patients' body language, grooming etc. This trend of referring people to tablet or cellphone therapy is one that needs to end. 

Yep.  I agree so much.

But then again, I have a dog in this fight.

On 4/10/2021 at 5:14 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

Tuesday: A hoarder who gets help from Robin for some reason.

Wednesday: A woman whose phobia will probably be blamed on her mother.

Thursday: Surprise! Another angry, violent son (whose behavior will probably be blamed on his mother).

Your summaries had me laughing aloud

On 5/27/2021 at 11:56 AM, Julyolo said:

Running on Empty: A Broken Family, really should have been called Running on Empty: The Brokedown Dr. Phil Show.  As a POC, it is my opinion Dr. Phil could not confront these people because he was afraid he might say something that might be considered politically Incorrect or offensive. He got nowhere with any of them. He trotted Robin out for some of her usual psychobabble as well.  Then he followed the trend of referring them to Doctor on Demand which is worthless as any sort of psychiatric resource IMO. When will he not understand the people need to be seen in person, so that the doctor can observe all of the patients' body language, grooming etc. This trend of referring people to tablet or cellphone therapy is one that needs to end. 

All of your observations are excellent and I too, am tired of his Dr. on Demand daily infomercial.... 

I doubt this family will change because they appear to thrive on dysfunction and use it to garner attention. Having a family member as the scapegoat allows the family to appear united in their effort to get help. They can pretend all the bad events are solely the scapegoats fault. They remain functional so long as they have someone to focus on. If you get rid of the scapegoat, who are they going to turn against so they can remain a united front? Dad is clearly unwilling to examine his own behaviour/ reactions 

  • Love 1
On 5/20/2021 at 1:53 PM, Lebanna said:

Did nobody ever tell him that it’s tasteless for a presenter to give in to the audience’s most base curiosities? Because someone should. 

Ross was a good guest and he helped explain the cult. It amazes me that people like this can actually gain followers. She was such a vile and unbelievable sociopath, and nobody picked up on this? Those poor lost kids, even though they were adults. As for the eyes, who cares, Phil? Out of this entire mess, the only thing he could focus on were her missing eyes? There was so much more he could have asked about...

  • Love 2
On 5/17/2021 at 4:40 PM, Tango64 said:

I thought that was a very powerful message for him to take away from all of this instead of just a woe is me attitude. But Dr. Phil came at him hard and chastised him for focusing on all the suicide messages. That’s terrible. 

I agree. I felt Dr. Phil was being too hard on him, however, how this guy was able to say everything EXCEPT... I messed up.

"I had planned a great event but I screwed up when it came to the numbers. I apologize to everyone." It was as if he would say I'm sorry you feel that way... or, I'm sorry, but I did... etc. Why couldn't he have delivered a simple apology, that would have solved everything, a day or two after the event?

  • Love 1
On 5/6/2021 at 12:15 PM, PsychoKlown said:

Maybe I’m just a pessimist but I think that ship has sailed.  And sailed far, far away.

I felt she looked better prior to the surgeries during the last decade. I cannot imagine being in an industry that values youthfulness above all, and judges women harshly for aging naturally, while criticizing men for getting cosmetic procedures.

  • Love 2
On 3/17/2021 at 11:03 AM, Devvie said:

I've been done with Dr. Phil for a long time.  There have been so many shows where people had real problems and left with no real help.  He's actually doing a disservice to people.  However, I digress... I came on here to ask a question:

The one show that still haunts me is A Husband Obsessed; A Wife Accused.  This was a two part episode.  It aired November 8, 2013.  Does anyone know what happened to that poor woman?  Did her husband receive help?  There was never any follow up (of which I am aware).  I lost all respect for Dr. Phil that he didn't help her more.  I would have moved that woman into my house if I could have . . .  

Your post reminds me of what I dislike about Dr Phil's show. There's no flow as in beginning, middle, and end. We have the beginning, and sometimes the middle, but we never know the outcome of these situations, unless years later we get an update. That drives me nuts.

  • Love 1

I missed the first part of today’s  episode.  Why is this man on life support?  Apparently, he attempted suicide.....

I found this on his website.  


My cousin was in a semi vegetative state due to dementia.  It was so sad and painful to watch. Her wishes were to not be put on life support, so I I honored her request.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1
On 6/21/2021 at 12:57 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

My cousin was in a semi vegetative state due to dementia.  It was so sad and painful to watch. Her wishes were to not be put on life support, so I I honored her request.  

That is so sad SunnyBebe. One can only hope that a person's spirit/soul is gone long before the body shuts down.

Robins's face is looking tighter than a rubberband. 

I think today's show was a rerun about a youngish woman who met a Turkish man on line and wants to get him to the USA. Boring. 


  • Love 3
On 6/26/2021 at 6:06 AM, parrotfeathers said:

reality show that is way past its prime

I agree, even though I have only watched it occasionally. Today's show (with 14 year old Janelle) is probably the end of my watching. While I am sure that some of these kids have serious neurological and/or psychological problems, most of the slew of violent and tantrum throwing teenagers that the show keeps finding come across as terribly spoiled brats who keep throwing tantrums because it gets them attention, drama and in the end, they get their way. Many of the kids on the show have the whole tantrum script down pat and launch into it whenever they feel the need for attention or drama. Also today, the serial daubing at invisible tears (yes I have HD and looked closely) by just about every female shown bugged me because I think most of that was just for dramatic effect, although some of them may have actually had tears that didn't show. Also, what ethical therapist PROMISES on TV that he will change the dysfunctional relationships by teaching them not to use certain words? Anyway, this show has stopped having any new and interesting participants.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Primetimer awards are out.   Dr. P didn't win reality show past its prime (that went to Kardashians) but it did win Worst Reality Show.  And Bull won worst writing and some other worst award.

I would rather watch Dr. Phil than Drew Barrymore. Dr. Phil falls in the Devil You Know category. What awful replacement would they come up with? 

12 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

I would rather watch Dr. Phil than Drew Barrymore. Dr. Phil falls in the Devil You Know category. What awful replacement would they come up with? 

I'll have to agree with you on that.  I forgot she actually had a show.  I'm fine as long as there is a catfish every now and then.  I skip all the angry child and drug addict episodes.

  • Love 2

WHERE will I find comments about "today's" show...the husband/father who fell 70ft from a crane and is now paralyzed below his knees?  He can't do anything for himself; his wife must handle her job, their son, all household chores, all family business, taking care of the immobile/angry patient, drive everyone everywhere, etc.

Dr. Phil "gave" the man a $15,000 electric off-road three-wheel bike (commercial included).  ALSO, a $20,000 "hoist" (with commercial) that he can use to lie flat to work under cars, hoist himself up to the dinner table, STAND, and much much more.   THE WIFE WAS GIVEN NOTHING!  Oh...the husband, wife, and 13yr-old son were given 10 on-your-own-computer appointments together with MySonJay's Magical Therapy Cures.

  • Love 1
On 5/24/2016 at 6:12 PM, NoirDetective said:

You're totally right, Madding crowd, this woman shouldn't be allowed access to a goldfish, and Dr. Phil doesn't do jack shit but push that fucking Dr. On Demand. I hope the show resource guy has a good lawyer's number.

I’m so sick of Doctor On Demand!

On 7/7/2021 at 4:32 PM, Back Atcha said:

WHERE will I find comments about "today's" show...the husband/father who fell 70ft from a crane and is now paralyzed below his knees?  He can't do anything for himself; his wife must handle her job, their son, all household chores, all family business, taking care of the immobile/angry patient, drive everyone everywhere, etc.

Dr. Phil "gave" the man a $15,000 electric off-road three-wheel bike (commercial included).  ALSO, a $20,000 "hoist" (with commercial) that he can use to lie flat to work under cars, hoist himself up to the dinner table, STAND, and much much more.   THE WIFE WAS GIVEN NOTHING!  Oh...the husband, wife, and 13yr-old son were given 10 on-your-own-computer appointments together with MySonJay's Magical Therapy Cures.

Paralyzed below his knees? 

On 6/7/2021 at 11:48 PM, maggiemae said:

Exactly - never ever some guests that followed his advice and became successful in their lives, or at least turned them around.

Been that way for all too many years.

Whether chewing their food with their mouths open or druggy kids having babies.

I think they don’t do updates because for the vast majority of them, nothing changed after the show and whatever help Phil offered.

  • Love 4

They had a hysterical rerun on OWN, with a catfish.     This woman refused to believe the boyfriend was fake, and believed that he couldn't come back to the U.S., because he was in the military, and was in for life, not just an enlistment.   

I was laughing when the woman went wedding gown shopping, and the person called her, and she mentioned Dr. Phil, and the man hung up on her.    

They actually had a 20+ year Air Force vet who went down the list, and said that everything the man said to the guest was a lie, and she still didn't believe it.     I suspect that even though this is years old, that the woman never stopped sending money, and thinking the man loved her.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 3
On 8/19/2021 at 6:00 PM, javajeanelaine said:

Did anyone else watch the warringcouple that was on yesterday and today?

YES!  I tape the show but rarely watched.  Got sucked in yesterday...and, of course, had to watch today.  Unfortunately, in the Phoenix market "Breaking News" from POTUS took over the last 10-15min of the show.  I HOPE Dr. Phil told them to get a divorce and move to different sides of the U.S.

They're BOTH ridiculous ... but SHE is the bigger mental case.  She has been on Adderall for too many years.  I hope she notices all her twitches, jerks, and inability to sit still.  SHE needs in-treatment rehab AND a divorce.  He'll be fine...but it sounds like he must go from woman to woman.  

Do you think she met at work when she was one of the hot sales people?  She has plenty-o-time to play:

  • Aggrieved Wife
  • Jealous Stepmother
  • Investigative Reporter
  • Judge
  • Jury
  • Executioner
Edited by Back Atcha
A "merge" was just wrong: it follows.

I saved the first show of "the warring couple" for my son to watch--my middle-aged son, who won't appreciate it.  I hope ROBIN McGRAW does the same thing.  Her facial expressions, coupled with her cosmetic surger...OH! She didn't have cosmetic surgeries (plural)?  EXCUUUUUUSE ME!   Well, then, just her facial expressions.  Entertaining or horrifying?  I can't determine.

  • Love 1
On 8/22/2021 at 7:06 PM, Gam2 said:

I think Robin used to be a very attractive woman. Her looks now? Yikes. Those eyebrows and those lips that are flat on the bottom? How do your looks change that much without some kind of “intervention”? 

PlutoTV just started the Dr. Phil channel not sure if it's 24 hours or 12 hours.  There is a stark difference in Robin's "face" when watching anything before 2019.

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